Drought in Mexico reaches critical levels as lakes dry up

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on the outskirts of mexico's capital extreme drought conditions have forced locals to travel long distances in search of clean water here in catepek it's mostly donkeys who haul water up the steep hillsides we use it to wash dishes and to drink right now it's difficult to bring water up here what i brought right now is for the whole day tomorrow i'll take another trip it's the third year in a row that a long dry spell has caused water shortages in central mexico few places are escaping the impact even the ancient wetlands of sochimilco rich in culture history and biodiversity are under threat from the extreme drought which scientists say is affecting 85 percent of the country scientists say climate change is altering rain patterns in the region the federal government says that drought conditions in at least seven states are considered extreme a drier climate has also meant more forest fires mexico's national disaster management agency says the 2021 fire season has been the most destructive in recent years supplies strained authorities in mexico city are urging all residents to do more to conserve this fundamental call is to limit water consumption in the face of this drought that practically impacts the entire north-central part of the country take extra precautions against forest fires and as a drier hotter future looms experts predict natural water availability in the capital to fall by almost a fifth by 2050. manuel rapalo al jazeera mexico city
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 7,987
Rating: 4.6986303 out of 5
Keywords: al jazeera, al jazeera english, aljazeera, aljazeera english, aljazeera live, aljazeera news, americasnews, climate change, climate crisis, drought, environment, global warming, latin america, mexico, mexico city, mexico city mayor, mexico drought, mexico latest news, mexico national disaster management agency, mexico water shortages, mexico wildfires, proteccion civil
Id: AE35-PyhXJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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