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[Music] for you i for you i for you i would do anything [Music] for you anything gold whatever you need as long as your mind whatever you want for the rest of your life [Music] [Music] all right oh you're not going in the pink card today you're going in the lambo is that okay your uber's here are you ready it's one of those days daddy decides you know i'm gonna take l to school in the lambo i've always wanted to do that it's one of my dreams she's five now turning six in may you know things are changing around here oh good thing school is like a minute on away matter of fact for your backpack i have a trunk perfect so ella's obviously been in this car before she was here when she was a baby but she's never actually driven in this car there you go strapped in tight yep we're only going about 30 seconds away all right we're good all right you look like a big girl this is crazy this is really crazy i'm late for this moment it's not that loud okay question for you would you like to go to starbucks first to get a little mochaccino is that you see it what is it you know should we go get one of those first before we go to school and a little like lemon bread should we go we have time you want to go yeah she said yeah all right so i'm going to hold the camera and get your reaction [Music] all right you buckled in yeah let's do it are you shaking over there no doesn't this feel like the golf cart yeah kinda kinda so we have mommy back there escorting us what kind of car do you want when you get older um a range rover you want a range rover those cars are really nice okay what color range rover do you want uh black one with white on the sides oh damn you know what you want girl okay [Music] all righty we're pulling up to starbucks do you know what i like here no you don't the red drink strawberry yes [Music] and you want a mochaccino [Music] oh strawberry frappuccino all right let's go let me get some don't you touch that door girl i'm gonna open the door for you okay here you go princess would you like anything um can i just have a grande iced matcha green tea latte with oatmeal please wow that was a very long order can you remember that oh no and then what did mommy want uh do you guys have a matcha green tea latte with with oat milk with oat milk ice ice what are your friends gonna say when you pull up in a lambo at [Music] be school oh they're gonna be playing so i can be paying attention to you no they won't see the level [Music] oh okay smarty pants all right so let's play a game real quick while we wait for our drinks okay okay we're going to try and guess our favorite colors okay so you're going to guess my favorite color i'm going to guess your favorite color and see if we can get it right all right so if we get it right we'll move on to the next round okay okay whoever can go the longest wins okay okay so you start first what is my favorite color orange yes ding ding ding ding ding good job okay now i think that's your favorite color your favorite color is your favorite color is put your hands up here [Music] your favorite color is pink yes yes okay yes one point for daddy one point for daughter okay next question is what is your favorite food okay okay you have to guess my favorite food first or you want me to guess yours first i'll guess yes okay what is my favorite food my favorite place how about favorite favorite drive-thru okay uh taco bell it is good okay now to guess your favorite drive-through your favorite drive-through is mcdonald's now what that's not a drive-through oh i think our drinks are ready come on so hopefully that's the right one for mommy yeah okay here's a straw for you wait let me see what they put your name on there let me see they put your name ellie cheers oh my god your drink is amazing ace family you guys should try this yes you should oh we're about to be late to school we gotta hurry up let's go we're here enjoying starbucks all right we're pulling up looking oh look at the kids look at your friends oh my gosh what are you gonna tell them you should say you got dropped off in an uber [Music] you gonna say that i love you i got your back look at your friend over there your friend over there is looking at you is that your friend no that's not my friend you're in a different place she wants to say bye to you i love you yo mommy walk you up there okay mommy walk you up all right i love you hello i love you el let me kiss it love you all that was an eventful morning huh hey sam look at the kids do you guys like elle's car okay okay let's go all right family so we made it back home and now we're getting ready to take ace to the vet to get a checkup ace you ready to go buddy hey ac spacey come here buddy come here you're trying to hide so you can't go i thought you were missing brazil there he is ace buddy you ready to go bye-bye man you ready to go bye-bye let's go let's go bye-bye all right i thought you were hiding from me for a second i wonder if you have to get shots today hopefully you don't hopefully you have to get no shots today all right you wanna say hi today's family hi h family say hi h family say hi say hi age family guys look how big he got look at this look at this boy look at this boy this boy's big boy look at this boy you big boy look at this boy big boy tell him tell him still boy you big boy say big boy sit sit sit sit sit sit good boy what still still boy good job good job good boy good boy you wanna do paul for the ace family do paw oh you give him a hug too oh good job okay sit okay sit come sit sit good good do paw paw here sit sit sit sit sit paw paw good boy where's your tree where's your tree we're gonna get you a treat we're here we're here baby boy let's go hopefully doesn't cry he doesn't know where he's going he will soon he's smart huh all right let's do it good boy good boy so what i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead and steal him we're going to do our exam in another room and then the doctor's going to come talk to you okay so essentially we're going to give him a lot of kisses and hugs ac spacey just went away in another room and i'm so sad but they're gonna go check him they're gonna see if he's good um i was telling them that he's been biting himself like in the back so i think maybe he might have like some fleas so we're gonna see um if it is fleas and if it's not then we're just gonna get like a shampoo or like something that will work i saw in the comment section that you guys were saying that the shampoo that we used and the one video was no good so i actually got that from a friend of mine who just brought it over and i'm going to stop using it i'm going to find out what we can use and there's like kind of like in between these two which i think is good is that our dog is that a styles barking like that okay so literally everyone in the freaking veterinarian clinic went to go see ac spacey like they all went to his room so cute and then like i like he literally like peeped his head almost like looking at me like oh my god there's my mommy he's back and he's being such a good boy they clean his little eye boogies because mommy didn't really know how to do that but i just learned so i'm going to start doing it for you you're good man we treat you good good he's happy everyone's staring at him taking pictures of him everyone's saying how handsome you are and they're asking how big you're gonna get i told them you're gonna be like 80 pounds so you're just a little tiny baby right now but you're gonna be huge so we just got back to the house and we came back perfect timing because we just got delivery from street strider alright guys so this was supposed to be a surprise but it just didn't work out that way so i'm gonna go ahead and show catherine what i got her so check these out this is basically an elliptical on wheels and streetstrider was so kind enough to customly make these for us as you can see catherine's name is right there it says austin we're gonna be riding these together and our goal is to help us work out because this right here just looks like fun and we're gonna have fun together so let me call catherine over here and see what she thinks about these kathy kathy come here we even have the oh hello there remember i was showing you these how about i show you how to write these before you get on them because i don't think you're supposed to be riding them with sandals is it pretty easy to maneuver i mean you're athletic so you can just do anything you gotta use your arms and your legs that looks like so much fun yes [Music] can we take this to the beach with us hey i'm sure you could take it forever all right guys i'm gonna give this a go you get the hang of it okay y'all see you baby let's go move those legs with those legs katherine really trying to get work on it right now this is an opera it's an everything workout so ace family whoever wants to street stride with us to get their bodies ready for the summer well the winner then uh just click the link down the description to purchase your very own or just check out their instagram at streetstrider our days family so we're gonna go ahead and close out today's video right here because we're gonna give these bad boys a real serious ride before we close out today's video we do have to give our post some kitchen shout out to who baby to christina gray from houston texas so shout out to shout out to you christina we love you so make sure you all like comment share and subscribe and like me and my beautiful family always say we'll be back with more videos peace jesus pieces reese's we love you guys we love you guys we love you guys thank you for watching thank you for watching thank you for watching we'll be back with more videos say bye bye you
Channel: The ACE Family
Views: 1,327,651
Rating: 4.480382 out of 5
Keywords: dropping Elle off at school in a Lamborghini, the ace family dropping Elle off at school in a Lamborghini, ace family dropping Elle off at school in a Lamborghini, dropping my kid off at school in a Lamborghini, taking my kid to school in a Lamborghini, driving in a Lamborghini to school, driving Lamborghini to school, the ace family, ace family, ace family Lamborghini
Id: xyhEPeoPYpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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