Drop Shot Nymphing with Kelly Galloup

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today we're going to talk about drop shotting again the drop shot I'm not going to go on the specifics of drop shot I'm going to show kind of some of the setups and questions that the the basic drop shot nymph Nvidia we did generated more questions than anything I think we've ever done on this and a lot of them are the same questions just over and over and over and over again and a lot of more about setup but most of them were about specifics in the system but first and foremost I want to go through why I think drop-shotting is a far superior system to checking or any of the other euro styles and you need to understand there's a reason that the European styles are the way they are in competition fishing which they do a lot in Europe they cannot use lead and they can't use indicators but in the u.s. we can do both and I'm and this is basically I show this because this is the way most of us fish most of the time and I want you to see why I think this is a much superior system to check nipping or any of the other styles where you use what's called an anchor fly where your fly is super heavy and that was one of the biggest questions I got and I mean I got dozens and dozens and dozens of the same question but first and foremost I'm going to walk you through the system again I have to I'm set up here and I'm going to walk you through this system know if you can see that red tried it on yellow string so you might be able to see it better but I want you to understand a couple things about drop-shotting specifically right now today I walked out behind the shop it's it's April it's April 18th inning the beavers have just wiped out the trees out back which means there's a ton of trees and branches in the water right now it's high and it's dirty so I can't see them so I have not lost a fly in like a week of fishing because of this system and I want you to understand why this system does what it does and how it works so I've got this little fish here set up I put a couple rocks down I want you to see how the whole system starts so we start and I put an indicator on here because people that was the probably the fifth most positive question asked most often was what about with an indicator can you still do it it's actually better with an indicator like this so first of all because the ledge the heaviest thing leds at the very bottom of this system alright so it goes lead fly fly in the second place on a dropper because the and the currents obviously going this way because fish's heads going upstream so as this thing goes along there's you know the lead being the heaviest element it's going to go to the bottom and that's your indicator that's telling you that you've touched bottom when it is when this LED touches bottom it bounces you get to see it or feel it if you're just if you're doing in line you just tight line it so here comes the lead and it's bouncing that's the first thing that makes this system better than in the other systems for not losing flies with a regular system your leg goes to the bottom if your flies are out there 2 or 3 feet the lead hits around stuff and it gets stuck and it drags into it like this and it's stuck with a drop shot the flies are always downstream of the lead so here's my lead it's bouncing and if you've got an indicator on its downstream of it too and you see everything that happens but the key there is is the lead doesn't really get a chance to wrap around stuff so you hardly ever use ledee or lose lead either it just kind of bounces but the real key to this system is where it puts the fly fish sell them just like this fish is just sitting here they don't sit right on bottom they sit just off a bottom usually their heads are about six inches off the bottom and there's they're just scanning they're doing this so here's this fish and they very seldom eat below their head so here's this fish just sitting here so if I'm using a really heavy fly the fly's below the fish's face they don't tip down to pick up a fly very often so with a drop shot system it's coming along like this the leads on the very bottom telling you the fish is seeing the fly right in this mug it's coming right at him right in the face doesn't have to do anything it just comes right at him all he has to do is pick it up and you get an instant soon as he touches it you're going to see it or feel it alright so here it comes like this tick right in the fishes base almost never do you lose flies okay and so the upper fly and we go again you can go to some of the other videos to see why we do what we do the upper flies on a dropper the idea of running a to fly system is simply this you're running two different strategies of water and probably two different types of bugs you don't run the same bug on the system you're not doing it just to have two on there so obviously you're never going to run like this and a lot of people think you're going to go like this through the water you're not you're going to lead you're you're pulling against this so you feel it so your flies are really going to run about like that and as you can see between nose is less than a foot so if this fish is up six inches you're still in the strike zone they'll have a tendency to move about and six inch windows almost always up so what does that do it gives you two flies and again not going through why the Flies you can go to the other videos for that but this fly above is generally lighter and it's usually a different style so I got a stone fly down here and up above it I've actually got a princeton bin but pretend that was a emergent fly of some sort it could be a wet fly anything drowned it could be an emergent caddis anything but it's above your other fly on purpose so now I'm going to go to the questions so the first one shot verses bead or beach at or versus bead head or tungsten and that's kind of what I was just talking about when I showed the fly down here a lot of people said is it going to impede this lower flies ability to move okay that's a great point first and foremost I don't generally run in line excuse me they were asking about being in line when you do that like I have this one I'm going to show you another way in a second in line meaning I to I and one of the most common questions was does that impede its ability to move maybe a little bit all right but as opposed I'll get to that in just a second as opposed to having a heavy fly whereas by this mega prince I mean I routinely get people walk in and say do you have anything bigger than a double tungsten stone flood I really don't get it I don't I never fish weighted flies I fit I let the weight do it but if I was using this tungsten bead down here and suddenly instead of the split shot and I let it go to bottom now it's below the fish's head they don't eat below their head very often and really don't do it when it's dirty water so here's the fly down below the only time that fish is going to if it's truly hitting bottom and that's what you're asking the fly to do because your replacement with lead if it's truly hitting bottom it's below the fish the only time he sees it is this it's dropping or as you hang up and give it a jerk pop up it comes like this really inefficient it's not a good way to fish it's not efficient it surely loses a touch great for me as a fly ship owner you lose a hell of a lot of flies you Holly lose any with this so instead of having a weighted or an anchor fly down below that you're kind of guessing where it is this way my legs touching bottom I always know where that fly is it's always in that things mugs right in his face boob gotcha okay so the bottom fly is the bottom fly be an inline hamper the fly's ability to move it's a great question I'm going to show you the other system and how I do it but first of all when I do an inline system like this and I use two different styles I'm going to show you the other one I've got this one in line and I've got this one on a dropper loop with my lead here this is what I do most the time but in the spring and big plan there's an exception to this I mean if it's if it's a big fly say you know rubber leg a worm bigger larva like anything anything like a big crane fly larvae anything that's really not moving much stone flies they're basically right here that's pretty much when I go in line because there's more tangles with the other system but if it's a big fly like this I can go in line no problem matter I do it with supplies anything size 12 or bigger it's going to go in line because it's virtually tangle free but there's some drawbacks to them so if it's smaller than that I'm going to go like this I'm going to have the dropper it's going to have a dropper loop and I'm going to show you how to do that because that's really common question too but it's going to be on a dropper line like that it's still going to be up above you know up above the lead it's going to float back a little bit further up like this but that's one of the things one of the factors that makes me go to that as opposed to in line in line is virtually tangle-free with a dropper loop of course you're going to get more of them so all right that hampered by okay changing the bottom fly what's the next one I should have these memorize because I've got to ask so many times but changing the bottom fly and this is where it's going to kind of segue into the next one - does it hamper the flies ability to move was the first one in the segment is you know changing the bottom fly the reason I like to use double droppers when I use my upper flies always on a dropper and a lot of times the bottom was the reason I like to do that is because if I use this if this is in line and I want to change it everything gets changed I personally use a 16 inch drop or space between these almost always in a 4 inch dropper so I got 4 inches it's hanging down there and I'm running at about that angle is what you probably be running so they're really only less than a foot apart maybe even 8 10 inches but to the fourth question Luc's versus tie tying I told you I was going to segue but I'm going to kind of jump loose versus tying it in line and does it change your hamper so first of all if it's a big fly it will not hamper it it'll be fine but if you're going to run a double loop the next most common question was can you use the tag of your blood knot or your surgeon's nut and the answer is yeah you can but the reason I don't do that is because of this because I just told you I liked have a 16 inch gap between these two floods so if I use the tag end of my leader all right i--i a blood knot and a lot of people do that blood knot or a surgeon's knot and I use that tag end that's hanging out all right and I change to fly two or three times now that's only got this much to tie off of okay well I better redo it at that point I have to change everything because if I'm going to change this knot this distance is going to change I just assume use the loop and so I've got a loop here was a very common question is the loop and I like the loops for two or three reasons first and foremost it has a it doubles it up off the side I've got a blood knot right here all right that's what it bumps into goes down and hits you see how it's hanging off the side there it's doubled up so it holds up doesn't spin around that's another real kind of question how do you keep it from spinning first and foremost I never make my loops more than four inches long that keeps a lot of it and that doubled up part keeps it from getting down around the line somewhat so to do that you simply take this is a it's a little bit longer than this I do you know just tie these oh it's a perfection loop so if you if you don't like to tie them do a whole bunch of them at home just keep them with you it's a four-inch perfection loop I'm going to slide this up and that by the way is another reason I like to use these loops because I can move that up the line if I want to if I think the fish are above it so here's the blood knot I'll say I'm changing my fly and I've changed it two or three times now my loops a little bit short so I take this blood or this perfection loop you put it on the backside here later and it's as simple as pushing that through the hole and tighten it down around it dead now so there's a new one doesn't take but a second to do now you're lying your flies got the you can change it you don't change your whole system down here excuse me I have a cold that would kill Johnny so there's that loop so back to this there are other reasons I said just a second ago is it frequently if I think the bugs especially many valve Lana cans cat is start to move and their Pugh painting ready to going through the surface film and they're moving up fish are always looking above them sometimes if I'm not if I'm not getting the number each I think I should I just slide that up you don't need a knob just slide it up there give it a pulley and you'll know if you touch a fish up there you'll know that you got to move up higher in the water column you just slide them up put an apple or okay so what else did I miss here is enough to tag that was pretty much it so I'm going to go right back to this and just kind of go brief overview there's a tangle this is what happens when Johnny fishes so here you go I'm in line I've got two flies on we're going to have two flies for a reason we're going to have the upper fly it's going to be a different style of fly this fly on the bottom is going to be right in the fish's face if you're going to use smaller flies put a loop on the bottom by the way if you put a loop on the bottom lengthen this dropper to eight inches I usually use six inches on the bug it's in the other videos so ideally you've got an indicator on the water speed and the top and this is great for beginners by the way because a lot of people have trouble controlling their indicator when you do this the indicator is always downstream of your flies and with a different style style of rig that can be a problem with this style it doesn't matter because you're dragging the lead like this and the Flies are just free-floating like that and you always see it touching you always see or eats so in line bottom fly lead down here I like to go with a in line on fly size 12 or bigger I use a dropper loop on size 14s and smaller on the upper fly I'm going to run a four inch drop or have two of them on there just put that on there I put a four inch drop around that one slidable keep it at a 16 inch difference between the two bingo flies coming at you like this you'll feel or see everything and I think we got all those questions answered right there oh I almost forgot a lot of people are asking me lately about tippet rings and I personally don't use tippet rains have not-- i just find them harder to deal with and doing a blood net well the Tiferet ring is just a little oval or round stainless steel loop that your no ring that you put in place your blood nut so you tie off your your tip at this side this side off of it then you can put another one through it so you can have your right angle like I've got here personally I drop more of those things before I get them tied on then it's worth to me I find them no faster no stronger I don't see an advantage for me personally and I really still prefer even if you use a tippet ring I still prefer to have the dropper loop off for what we just talked about about having the line doubled up and the ability to change it up quickly and slide it up and down hope that helps you out
Channel: TheSlideinn
Views: 221,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fly Fishing, Nymph Fishing, Kelly Galloup
Id: 8P0lKoE1QIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2016
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