Drinks with a French Légionnaire

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one one high fly Ball Deep right field backing up eating and that one is out of here they crushed it and the Red Sox have taken the lead beat put some respect when you speak homie you speak on the game I'm just gonna take a sip guys welcome to smack talk today we have a great special legendary guest he is not only a DJ he's a former national champion and full contact kickboxing Vice champion in ITF Taekwondo International BJJ Champion with gee and Noki a decorated veteran with three Commando proves fighting battles from French Diana to the war in Serbia and a former operative for the 99 French Foreign Legion which is one of the greatest military units in the world the man the myth the legend welcome brother thank you thank you thank you for having me here hey man I I wanted to talk to you on camera for a while now uh so let's get it started what is the French Foreign Legion sorry let's look um like the Army like that everybody can go in actually like everybody can apply to to be where they they choosing people anyways like back in time you you don't have to they were picking up people from prisons and stuff and sending to Vietnam and uh algae or like whatever all around the world is so yeah so recruits weren't like obligated to present uh their papers to enlist right so like no questions asked so as quickly as it uh you know it became like a Melting Pot for you know ex-mercenaries and like you said like criminals and and also desperate colonists as well but uh how was your experience in the French Foreign Legion well you know I was like yeah I was I was from Mexico slavi after bombing you know NATO bombing and stuff like I go there and like they actually get me in and um yeah I have like good experience a lot a lot of fun a lot like missions and and like cool stuff like you see today I don't regret to be there but I will never go back of course for me it's done yeah so it's like for people who don't know it the French Foreign Legion is like um it's a striking force of French colonization okay it's so um they're like this badass military unit that represents um the French pretty much so um what is like what does the pin mean the pin that you have um at work like what does that mean the Legionnaire coat of Honor pretty much well this is like this is my uh my like just like my my unit like in French religion that was the pin I was wearing so like I still wear at my work and uh yeah so and how's the training like how was the training for the French like apparently it's it's it's notable it's designed to destroy each soldier's individual individuality and past life is that true it's true it's true yeah I I I have a good one good thing there like yeah I like never save money even today I never saved penny in my life and that's why they like more most because if they see you saving money or sending money home they know you're preparing to leave so they they hate you if you spend money you really you they like this yeah so that's the ball no that's all that's the first thing but the training training is actually you can be 20 years there and you won't always be on training there is always something to be trained about like you know all these different weapons different we were like in every like continent uh like every pretty much country in the world so uh sure like I'm gonna be two years say I was in French Guyana yeah but there is my friends being uh in Djibouti like one of the hottest country in the world you know yeah they like I think 60 is average there so you would going doing training there and then you go doing training in the jungle then you go do training like an otic uh like Commando training let's say in Aruba we used to do with with the Dutch Navy and uh so it's always something to train up you know about what's the most intense training you ever had my jungle is like yeah I know why not nothing nothing can be compared but to Jungle you know yeah I was like you know coming from Yugoslavia you know so [ __ ] but yeah they're tough yeah tough like yeah but you know like you have an idea about jungle he watches the Tarzan movies true you have no idea wait you got a mountain you know you always expect like I was so excited to get in the jungle you know because because the first thing you you expect is like uh it's like your bananas you know like trees and stuff and like you know fruits uh exotic animals of birds you know but my experience I just like I go through one Bush and I was in mud till my neck in the first moment that was my life there for two years you know oh my God just yeah all the time yeah it rains a lot too so a lot of humidity every day raining every day is like every day is raining that's like every there is no day without rain it's always 25 it's like 33 25 seconds all over the year and um yeah jungle is dirty he's not like you know like you can get a lot of infections and stuff right yeah mostly mostly is like you know you're getting like your skin like you know yeah like people lose their skin and like shoes like let's say the military boots like the new one like they can stand like probably 10 15 days in Jungle and they be kind of rotten and fell off yeah you know that's like how How It Ends this mud is like what it's like super in or something yeah so did you do a lot of um like parachute training something high like you know I was like I was scared about like you know yeah I always do you know and uh I didn't like this you know especially the the parachute in French language and they have a that's still cool you know the round one yeah and it's like six uh it's 11 meter in second one of the fastest parachute in the world and that's all paraso they still using and then there is no one who served in a parachute like the second rap yeah that the or something and I'm I'm like I'm like tall and heavy so that's the guarantee you and they they stationed on Calvi Corsica so that every every second jump third jump is a knight and he's only uh like torn bushes and and stone like any like you're following a night you don't know where you're falling you're falling in Stones one or all over or like you know so you break something for sure oh my God I wasn't I wasn't voluntary because in the initial training you do like four four months first training uh if you finish in first 10 I was seven uh you you like you can choose where you go okay and I choose French Guyana because I like I like the jungle to see jungle and everything and they already they asked me like why you don't want to do parachute like you know like and uh like I I didn't like it because parachute Seven Days Seven Days training you you become parasitist with the breve you know and if yeah if I push you you're gonna jump like like anybody else you know you don't have to train for this really but every every time you jump you risk actually it's true every time you jump you risk so yeah why do why do something like you know you don't need yeah that's true what does a prevent mean like what does that mean this means like you know what what that's like your um how you're saying you're right yeah you know like you know like what what is your specialty you know especially by breve you you see who is especially something sniper like what what are yours I'm like I'm a clutter jungle okay so I'm like instructor in combat and surviving in the jungle so okay that's what I did like after after my uh stars like that's what I did in French Foreign Legion in French Guyana I trained the people who come new you know young officers from the French army and stuff you know I always like scare them and like you know make him cry sometimes yeah that's how they learn most of the time most of the time all the time all the time you know so yeah they they come there they same they don't know what's what's going on yeah then after like you know when they get beaten by mosquitoes in face and stuff and get all bubbly and stuff they get scared you know there is no way back you know there is no mama you know especially especially you you train there like to be mean huh yeah it's not like this is not the Army like you know you're going to see a lot of videos where where the like Soldier doing something and officer slap him or punch him like you know even on YouTube videos you know yeah so you if you don't if you don't know something it's not Canada like they don't want to say like good try you can get it next time buddy they're gonna be like you [ __ ] do do one thing in your life how is it supposed to be yeah like one thing in your life because everything you did is wrong it's true yeah oh my God like let's say let's say you were to survive in the jungle like what are the the top things you need to survive in the jungle it's not like when you do in Army this is not like in real real time combat like you know surviving and stuff but like for training when you do an army like you don't you don't want to just lay down and wait like four or seven days to pass they're gonna give you they're gonna give you things to do like you know to make to make like a library how you say uh shelter like salt shelter fire provide the food you have to you have to like catch the animal you know like you have to you have to uh secure the the camp with the with the movie back like for people too like you know if somebody coming to you you have to like get on these straps because you don't have a weapons so they have to be killed before they actually come to you yeah you don't have weapons what do you mean be like super surviving uh uh training you don't like you don't obviously they don't give you give you weapons they just throw you in the jungle with rope like you know okay you you rattle from the helicopter in the jungle and you stay there and they give you after like you know where you're gonna be uh when they're gonna pick you up and that's it you know so and in French Guyana like what like what are the animals and stuff that are there like what did you have to uh there is like uh there's all animals you actually hear about other C or TV and but just like just imagine every animal like 10 times uglier and meaner and deadlier you know even they like they don't know like the wild hog you know there's like you know they they don't look like like one from TV they're all dirty little you know uh like you know it's like the actors they they pick the prettier ones they like skinny they like you know like very like sketchy starving ready to kill it's just almost like nature oh yeah so yeah all this and then um then you have a Jaguar let's let that's like they say every every fifth time you go in Jungle Jaguar is gonna follow you and then he can he gonna follow you for three five days and you're never gonna assume never gonna see him he's always gonna be there he's curious to see what you do and uh and if you alone yeah he's gonna attack you but like if it's many people yeah they don't do like people watch on TV like um you know this like uh uh people jumping on on alligators and in the water and stuff yeah you can do this because if he's a crew with cameras and and a lot of people allow the alligator he is trying to to run and you jump on him he's going to try to run but if you alone he's gonna try to eat you so like try then like you know yeah so Mike Anaconda still like you know they they like over over two meter they dangerous in the water they can kill you and over four meter on the ground yeah if you alone yeah like he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna yeah we catch many of them like you know many maybe five like something like this you eat it big one yeah is it good but I was like like from Anaconda is like allowed me though yeah yeah I guess on a smaller smaller smaller snakes is just you don't feel you just see it like lace it from sure like you know like you you read something when you pull this muscle yeah it's like a rabbit right you can't really survive on rabbits yeah I know like oh there are big rabbit is different like you know what what is allowed there is these alligators okay and they and they um yeah that's a small small uh yeah and then they're not afraid of nothing you know because they know nothing attacking no predators and uh and they so they don't run you can you can catch them you know you kill him and that's good food though so yeah and did you only do uh French Guiana other places you know I just did the French Guyana okay so and how was the war in Serbia how was that yeah how was that experience sorry like war in Syria I was kid I was kid and I was like in the middle of like military police and stuff but uh yeah mostly I stayed in uh but you're not from Serbia just for people to know you where are you from I'm from Montenegro yeah I'm from Montenegro but back in time the Army was one in Yugoslavia so I was still in in Yugoslavian Army when this happened so yeah it was just like a kid like you know like hmm how was it growing up in Montenegro man like how like how how was the uh well it must have been a wild uh upbringing I guess did you have some crazy stories when you were a kid [Laughter] kids running outside you know like playing with the like we were like I'm On the Border I'm on border of Albania and uh like by tradition in in Montenegro they every house they we have a we have like weapons like my grandfather you always like have a weapons and explosive and stuff every house we have this like that's a normal yeah so like as a as a kids we always like steal the bullets up and burn the the powder and stuff make the things you know yeah so yeah like sometimes still explosive put in plastic bag and stone and throwing in water and to kill the fish and like you know that was like the the that was like as a kid we were playing a lot of kids they lose their fingers you know like yeah or lose a brother or something every day is different you never know everything is different you know yeah oh man and like um like what's the most intense battle you've been in like the like you know I'm not aside from the the war in the Serbia like what is the like the the most intense situation like that you've been in but like most it's in that situation I think like uh we were doing patrols for for Ecuador okay in in uh in like on the border of Colombia so Narco Guerrilla and stuff so most intense for me situation was like the patrols that were we doing at night like we used to go like all night passing maybe 300 or 500 meter uh all night so you're moving you're moving inch like every 10 seconds or something you know and you and that's attention you know like you're always expecting something listening and stuff but we didn't have like straight straight open fire like situations and stuff but that that was like intense like you know just like being being focused to move like you know like you know you're going all night for like 300 meter and when the when the light coming up in morning you just go on the side no talking and you so you stay there sleep over there and continue at night you know so that's that's where where the people chewing the coca leaves and stuff you know yeah it's like um that you actually need this you know to get stay focused but it's a loud adrenaline so yeah especially on the cocoa Leaf you know so yeah yeah the adrenaline goes up man and um like uh you like what we talked about earlier you said that um like I thought you guys were paid uh once a year cash but how does how does it how does it work like for the the French the foreign they already have like uh they all already have a bank cards but view it was like post postcard like in Bank okay post uh uh French post we have and it was the by month paid but we go we go like mostly in the missions we go always different missions like you know through the jungle and stuff for like 15 30 days and then then when you come back like you know your money is already on your account yeah so and that permission you pay pay the extra for every training everything you do they pay you extra so like let's say uh depends of mission like you can like go like I think like sometime like 5 000 years okay five thousand Euros a month if it's if you go in the commission you paid extra you don't stay you don't sleep in bed you sleep in Jungle and stuff and doing this so that's like pretty good money though what's the thing in the Hat what's that thing again uh yeah no like I know I told you like back in time the the the just before me the French Foundation they were paying uh people in cash okay there is no cars it was cash so less of some of my friends they go like or on mission two years let's say oversea like I don't know uh it was born in golf or like you know where they were so the the like they get after they come back after two years they're getting all cash they present themselves in Paris in front of the officer say a name like you know everything and then then take a hat off and they put a cash in hat you take money with you cash in Hub so my own like friends like they were like kind of crazy guys you know yeah the French yeah what do you think about the French the crazy people huh you know like not really that's at least French people is in French Foundation you know they all like all over like mostly back when I was like it was mostly Eastern European you know like polish uh all like you know like Slovak Russians okay so there wasn't there wasn't many French people no man if not many French people we have a we have a one like uh one guy I remember one french guy in my in my in my section it was uh was a no block little guy well it's like you know always like you know like last kind of like broken like you know but they force the most you know always like you know of course of course the most you know he sticks out yeah so yeah like because they want to show like he's a friendship but but when I started uh they actually they were kind of always getting the officers from from the military school French military school but before uh before the before this like he was uh like some legendaries that they become officers that's so rare like you know but they that that was situation before you know so yeah wow and um like after all that you went to live in Brazil right yeah I was like Brazil like close to one year yeah how was that you know what like I that's like uh you know what it's about Jiu Jitsu there that was one one one one story because when I was in in France goanna I like I I trained before like you know I was I was doing the kickboxing I was doing all this stuff and I I like for my my passion was I trained Ninjutsu you know so that's allowed like allowed like different things weapons and stuff and uh in uh in French in French Guana I met one one Croatian guy and we were back home in a war okay you know and he was like uh he was like a sergeant okay so he wants maybe have like actually a situation before in first situation is like when I came so everybody told me oh like that your first chef is the Croatian guy you're gonna be in trouble you know you're Serbian and stuff yeah I'm like okay if I'm gonna be in trouble again I'm here I'm here whatever what I'm gonna do yeah so here's a he's like um call me he's like oh okay you Serbia and I okay I mean I'm Serbian it's like oh really okay he's like you're gonna care the extra extra weight like Through the Jungle you know this you know I'm like okay I'll do it no problem so once once we were getting ready for some sport because you in French Polynesian you run every day that's running every day eight to twenty kilometer eight to twenty kilometer every day running if you're not in Mission if you know Mission with weapons and stuff you don't do so yeah I'll be getting ready and he come to me and like in front of everybody he's just tell me something and he punched me like in the chest you know like like fist and chest so I stand I'm okay like you know so after after the running I wait him in a hallway and I'm like he's like looking at me he's like what do you want like you know he was trying to like you know yeah like get you yeah yeah I'm like you know what Chef next time you punch me like in front of everybody like I'll punch you back whatever it takes like you know like you know like that's you know and after this we become friends kinda you know yeah but you always want to do something with me so so once he's like yeah I'll come in like after training after like the the night evening come in the gym I want to like work out workouts with you yeah so he come he's like okay he's like let's wrestle I'm like okay let's wrestle [ __ ] I'm like double sides of him you know please no problem please let's go wrestling yeah yeah and I'm like I grab him like you know I can like crush him with my hands yes but like he he kind of managed to be falling down I throw him down and he's kind of choking me like you know I'm like [ __ ] I'll I'll I'm dying you know I'm like wow that's not possible but I'm like okay I was tired I was training all day and he was probably arresting I'm like let's go one more time boom boom boom again he's like again shocking me I'm like what the hell is going on here so yeah I tell him third time if you do this again I I like I give you my hand like you like I don't know what about how but you like better he's laughing he's like okay but he tell me I train a little bit Aikido you know yeah he's lying for me he's like like I'm trying to like keto you know it's nothing special yeah okay nothing crazy yeah yeah so I'm like okay so like third time he choked me again I excuse his hand he's laughing but he was sneaky little [ __ ] you know so so I go after this league in front in Brazil first time I I go like to see one girl though obviously of course it's Brazil yeah that's what we go to Brazil yeah I met her we were doing the the military the fla in Brazil and I met this beautiful girl and like and like she's like she was like young kid like you know so like yeah and I was too and she's like kind of like I think she didn't like me or like she just was with me because I have money or something but like then I call her once she's like oh please come I like I'm like okay I'm coming no problem no problem so I come there and I go up stay with her like you know her house and stuff and uh and like uh I go there like Brazilian jiu-jitsu I see this I go train with one guy guy was like one like four feet guy 100 kilo you cannot grab this guy he's like you're grabbing the barrel and the barrel is like killing you all the time so like his hand is like he's impossible he's like you know he cannot do nothing so I start training with this guy jiu jitsu the training or training training then I I I called the I see a newspaper my friend from friend from uh Serbia one girl she's fighting uh like uh UFC in Brazil in a Rio there's an area really yeah so I I called the gym and they tell me she's not there no more but you can come here and train with us anytime so from the from the north of Brazil I go in in Rio de Janeiro and I I start training then like I start like fighting competitions and stuff like white belt obviously so I I win the like uh like there is Alianza and the grace Jiu-Jitsu I've been the invite belt I've been uh in Greece in about Alliance Jiu-Jitsu like first place then I present the Alianza invite belt in Brazilian Championship that was like huge thing like 37 people and I was fifth so in this moment that's a white belt yeah that's right though Jesus and then I get the blue after this they gave me blue I guess so but but the thing is like I met the guy from the from the bellam north of Brazil I met one guy and I trained with him his brown belt I'm blue brown belt and I once I've been I've been him I was a lot stronger than him I've been like you know and he's like are you like Solomon ninja I'm like like where are you getting this he say my my student training your Chef in French by Anna in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu really the creation guy this [ __ ] he was training but he never told me he's like a training guys so look at this that's that's it he's never gonna know that's a trainer of his trainer the guy I I beat he's a he was brown belt I beat him he was best friend of mine after and stuff he hang around and stuff then I come back to French Guiana I find he trainer of the of the of the uh or Croatian guy I destroyed this [ __ ] like you know hey for one hour I like I was like I was destroying this guy and that was his trainer I moved to Paris after okay Croatian guy came came from some mission in Paris I call him and they come to my place in front of my building in Paris I pulled I pulled the the mats in front of the video on a parking I'm like I'm like come here brother so and I beat him on after so that was that was like yeah okay Griffin and the chicken yeah you know what I mean always a constant battle always wherever he was so yeah yeah you trained with Legends in Brazil huh yeah who uh who'd you train with and I like my trainer was like Ismail Souza and he was one of the first world champions like in in uh back in time where they were like they were like tournament competition like you have to beat like five people to become uh the first in one day yeah one day I trained with with Margarita he was like one world champion in a from allianza again in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu uh Terror like was like the same big guy the Fabio gurgel that's like one of the first first guys you know like I met met uh Mino Tower room at like all these guys there back in time because when I when I was after in Rio I fight like like pretty much every little competition around like I was I was with my club like my club was like like 200 people you know so yeah how was it living in Brazil is it really as dangerous as people say hi you know and like for me it wasn't dangerous like you were young yeah yeah I am dangerous not really this like I'm the I'm the guy who like whoever money and pay drinks for everybody so like you know people don't want to fight you they just like you know yeah you're a cool guy yeah yeah like you know and the thing is like everywhere everywhere I go is there is some somebody from my from my uh Jiu Jitsu uh like place you know there's 200 people yeah so every night I go somewhere tomorrow morning I go for training they're like oh Solomon Kasha Sarah you know like I'm drinking so they saw me somewhere you know so everywhere like you know like it was kind of good did you pick up Portuguese did yeah a little bit yeah a little bit I speak like pretty good yeah pretty good yeah you still have friends over there yeah friends yeah a lot of friends yes they tough people but they I know but they uh they like cry on everything brother they're emotional they're emotional like you're gonna see everybody everybody crying and they're like oh you like [ __ ] monster from Eastern Europe like you know I'm like come on don't cry man come on he's like like Champion fighting but he's gonna cry on TV if you see somebody like crying he's gonna cry yeah yeah they're sure they're very emotional they're very religious like I don't know they're very intense yeah but I want to tell you this about crying is like when I when I was leaving Brazil um and I was leaving Brazil they they like they all cry on the airport like you know I feel like very bad man like you know even my family didn't cry about me like like this never it's a different culture they're like man you wanna come back I'm like oh God yeah yeah those are just crying all the time that's geez my God man Brazil must be so crazy like for I don't know for me it seems like uh like I wouldn't go there alone you know because I don't know I just everything you hear like oh Brazil is dangerous Brazil is dangerous but like we're like you know is it really it is like it depends like what you do actually you know how you how you address to where you're going and stuff many times I go on nights like you know playing around and I wake up somewhere in the middle of Favela you know so it's like a hard way when the Sun is up to get out to get out like yeah no but I never have a problem actually no yeah no and I have a ad I have what I called I have like cash with me all the time I didn't bring the car though in Brazil you know so yeah and uh and like you know once the the owner of the motel I was living there he saw the money he's like so much somebody's gonna kill you let's put this in in in a like case safe safe the story story about my one of my friends in in Rio the fat Big Fat American guy okay he's like he's always lying that he's Captain whatever like talking to Bush and like [ __ ] like oh this American American [ __ ] of course always so and uh he said I'm in hotel once and I'm getting out in hotel and one is one guy call him he's like hey Gordo Hey fat guy come here he's like what and I then he's like I'm looking he's like why is calling me fat guy and then this guy is like with the gun he's telling him come here so the the they were like it was like robbery so they make him carrying the safe on his back to the car oh my God so he said like I have like back pain for like for a year after but they force him to kill yourself because that guy care the safe to the car they didn't know him it was just like no no no they seemed like big guy like fat guy like oh he's gonna care the safe for us yeah no choice I didn't have this experience but yeah that was fun my God man it's another world yeah I know it's another world and like people are poor yeah they're gonna do everything for money like you know even kids yeah yeah but big time like I grew up in country like this like this war there and crashes like and all like they you go through the park the kids they're gonna be with gun there and take your shoes off you know you used to have this Nike like shoes if you're having nice shoes they're going to take your shoes off like you know in part it doesn't surround you with guns what are you going to do like take your shoes off and walk through the park like nothing happened yeah exactly wow yeah yeah I know Monty negro with like uh like like growing up there like was it uh like was there were there a lot of situations like that too or I don't know like I I grew up in Bosnia actually I'm born in Montenegro but I grew up in Bosnia and it was like a back uh in like homonyms like you know everything was safe like you know it wasn't like this so after the war like in 90s 90s everything everything changed like that really so it was safer before all before it was safe it's like Cuba today you know people is like yeah like Cooper is not safe and stuff I'm like are you kidding me man like go in Mexico see what is not safe in Cuba you can sleep on the street nobody's gonna touch you you know yeah you like you look at it I like uber yeah like in people and like you know that's like but people don't know it's like common in store they're gonna eat you probably yeah you know yeah I know like yeah I like Cuba actually yeah I'm good what's your favorite country to travel to uh You've Been Everywhere yeah favorite country for now it's mine it's mine you know people like it like they don't never take a time to actually know their own country every country is beautiful that's true and like whenever they say like you know I have like a lot for Serbian friends here is like yeah bro there is no girls here you know like back home you know how beautiful they are or like how they girls say in Brazil you know if you feel good ever everybody is like beautiful girls like you know go on Market here in Ottawa yeah like summer time you'll see like oh yeah see you know like but they all like yeah you like they're looking for some somewhere else that's what I say for a country every country is beautiful you know just like you have to take a time to know you know I saw yeah and you took the time to know Brazil like pretty much all of Europe too you know I travel everywhere pretty much yeah yeah but my favorite place to to go is actually Hawaii really how about yeah how was that because like yeah it's beautiful like he's like there is Beach there is everything but if you want to go crazy in restaurants or like in like town like you know party and stuff everything is there like you know you have everything you know most expensive restaurant everything but like again you're on the beach yeah that's so back in your days man back when you were young Solly what was your like craziest party story man like like going around Europe like like what's the story that you remember the most the party yeah parties man because you're you're a legend when it comes to park yeah when you were younger when you were younger I like most most this uh the most is like crazy stories like everybody says like you it's like you wake up yeah like you know what something happened you don't remember you don't know but you know you know but you don't remember you know so like people used to party hard there it was the cloud like techno techno like uh scene like you know like scooter people don't know who is scooter here like yeah you know they call me Manana how much is the fish and no this guy never here not yeah no scooter okay check this guy like that was the parties back in time like a huge part is techno and people don't know you're you're a DJ too man like you've done a lot of events I did like before I like DJ allowed like last year I have a DJ in Montenegro yeah for one month on one Island and stuff like every day but like every day honestly one month that's too much like you just get tired yeah and like you when he's like tourist place you cannot just play whatever you want like you know it's like it's like mostly it has to be like mainstream yeah basic stuff yeah so it's not that fun but like you know if you drink it's always fun what do you like house yeah you like house like yeah sure yeah me too I like that too so but like yeah when you drink everything is fun any music you know once I remember like going uh in uh in Montreal and there is like this like this place they playing country I never listen country in my life but it was like crazy Nike you know like yeah you fell in love with country yeah venue when he was good friends and like you know so yeah fun yeah it's cool and why did you come to Canada after yeah I like I lived in Paris yeah okay like they're doing security there was pretty it's tough yeah yeah it's like a lot a lot like um a lot tougher obviously than Canada like Paris yeah sure like in tourists and stuff especially Americans yeah because they they come to you it's always [ __ ] Americans they're going to say like yeah like what the [ __ ] look you know you think like I'm I'm from Bronx yeah like I crashed your face then I broke his nose and he's like oh like you know like it's like guys just say you know I look like I don't say you don't want to do it exactly yeah and you're not in Bronx right you're not in the Bronx right now but uh guys working with me I kind of make a little a little French Foreign religion in in my in my in my security company people SWAT team yeah SWAT team from people know papers and stuff even police they never touch us they never never ask us for papers or something you know like they know we do their job and they don't care you know we beat million people there you know and they they never they never police comment they're just like okay done we wash the blood from the from the street with with like cans of water and stuff but like yeah it's the irrigation system but nobody have papers I have a skinny guy now he live in Arizona very skinny guy zhangada Wonder Brazilian guy very good boxer and everybody go on him but like every one punch done you know he's killed killed but this guy was so smart he was like he he he learned from the little book like German we speak with accents you know so so many speak like it is incredible so I have like a little little like jobs like the Arab people when they come from like whatever like you know they all Prince they all need security they all pay good so I was like always sending like couple guys or I work we make good money yeah so one time I said Hey brother like you know if you speak English I'll give you a job like you know like you know like like it's good paid and stuff he's like he's like when is your job he's like I'm like in in 10 days I can learn and we were laughing but probably he will do brother like you know you learn the full life which is 10 days no no he didn't do but okay but but he can do but he was funny he's like how much 10 days so like I can learn no problem but now you have a PhD live in Arizona he's a very smart guy though but a very good boxer you know [ __ ] so yeah there's a lot of yeah you must out of uh you must have a lot of crazy connections from all your uh well your experiences oh yeah for sure for sure I just I was just like last week I was in in Dominican and like I'll show you that I'll show you here uh like I'd like on on Airport I have a car waiting for Mr Black Silverman with two armed bodyguards and stuff you know my friend my friend just opened restaurant there is Drago Grill if somebody go to Punta Cana go to Drago Grill the guy down on night of the opening restaurant he fly the the ham from Spain by private plane yeah he came to that yeah by private plane just hum came from Spain wow you know so that's the guy I went to two restaurants that you recommended me in Barcelona they were amazing bro yeah no like yeah I know I love restaurant that's what I'm telling you in Hawaii if you want to go restaurant yeah go like amazing restaurants though so it's not like like a Dominican or like Mexico or something yeah yeah sure the food well Mexico the food is good it's just that you know other places too so yeah and uh like well you said Paris like do you get a um like a free citizenship no I like uh uh he like we do after three after three years no I'm like I'm I'm just Canadian okay because Montenegro my country they don't they don't accept dual citizenship so I don't have a papers in my country even I have a I have a house there and land and everything they don't give me like papers they're like oh you have to like scrub the Canadian papers we're gonna give you really yeah I'm like Ben not not for now yeah we'll see but no we'll see yeah so yeah so yeah I know so I left before before actually arranging this but after three years working in in France doesn't matter army or anywhere like you you can ask like for the papers obviously yeah like pretty much did you like how long did you live in France for uh all that all together about like six years I think yeah did you like it or yeah yeah I like it yeah yeah I like it yeah no no no no like Paris is like you know honestly my friends lay all kind of in same position uh today like all like little businesses all you make money but you spend like you know it's like they don't let you really buy the house like in Canada you know like buy house and pay the mortgage yeah what do you mean it's different in France it's different in France like you know you have like uh I think like it's a lot more difficult to buy the house more expensive like oh yeah of course it's expensively buyers yeah and when did you start your um uh tree services talk to people about that man you're rated [ __ ] five stars brother you have the best service in Ottawa no no I start like um Solomon tree services yeah so I start um like six seven years because I have a I owned two gyms here in Ottawa okay and I want I have like a Ninjutsu Club you know whatever back in time and uh I was training people like some they have a good clients and everything but I start cutting tree like one friend called me for his father to cut a tree and I bought a I remember electric chainsaw with cable so I was pulling the cable I climbed the tree and I was cooling the cable up and cutting tree and stuff and it was good money so I'm like okay I can do this you know like you know and I start like climbing because in French Foreign Legion in the jungle when we do like uh taking a GPS point you have to climb tall trees because if you're on the ground you don't see nothing there is no sky so you have to climb there like kind of without equipment you just put like a belt around feet and you climb Tall Tree to take a GPS point you give a you give a numbers to the guy on the ground so we kind of know where we are as as there is no maps in the jungle it's like like ocean you know you don't know how deep is in about places now awesome maybe they know but jungle they don't know it's like a water is like Hill is like you know where you're going once on the ground you there is no map that works so GPS point kinda can show you uh here on a map you find where you are you know yeah but in 73 1973 20 people from French polish they getting on Mission they never come came back they never find them why yeah because they just get in the jungle what we we do it's like it's like a like if you tell this to somebody people want to laugh we pull the little little rope behind us for like 20 kilometer we leave a rope behind us little rope to to find a way back yeah because even you cut everything and you pass through like in in five days jungle just close behind there is no way you can run and there's no there's no reference point right no no no no no no so you you go and you feel follow this rope even it's broken you can find them and you follow this rope other way like you're gonna bid even your expert in navigation it's going to be like difficult to to to go because how we do one guy is keeping the compass other guy is going 50 30 50 meter in front and and you like the guy who keep Compass he telling me left right so that's how kinda they keeping the direction we call this Azimuth brutal you know you just go straight or go straight through because even if it's water or something you go through you don't go around once you go around you're losing the direction you know you can go like for five days and come to the same place you know in Jungle when you get lost in a moment you get lost that you should just you just stay on on a place you don't go around because when you try to find the the way that's when you get packed you know just stay in the space in the place then you have a like different technique to actually call other people there is like these big trees huge trees like you know that they have a stabilizators like a rocket you know the streets like when they sending it they have like a on the side they have like this that's like like a like a kind of like stabilization okay so you hit this and this this noise can go like for kilometers far you know so this kind of stuff yeah so you use that so you use your your well the skills you acquired to like climb trees and stuff to for your business pretty much yeah yeah no no no it's [ __ ] easy no it's for you it's kind of easy but like you know again but what I do I cut in Middle downtown like three is like 80 feet tall and stuff like you know around like old buildings no much space to throw things down you know uh it's a like which dangerous job like he's paid yeah he's dangerous but he's like a loud responsibility too yeah even you insured and everything you don't wanna you don't wanna like uh throw up something uh like on a fence or something because you're on a car even even you fix after it doesn't look good you know once you do you know like when you do something good yeah like like with your girlfriend friend yeah you do all good good all life and once you do a little bad all what it what you do good doesn't matter it's forget it yes yes you do one little thing and it's done yeah yeah you're the one like this you're gonna have the coffee you were always like that you were always like that yeah oh [ __ ] man yeah that's the people too yeah sure once you do wrong everybody if you do one negative a negative review that's why the one of people gonna see and you don't have you don't have any negative reviews I don't five stars I don't because honestly sometimes good service good service but like uh sometimes people they go like very hard like you know they go on me they call me calling me back but every time they call me I go back if something is like going on to clean up or something something yeah some houses I go two three times to clean the dust to like everything they just call me back and I I go I don't care I don't tell him like okay like that it's done you know no I go back till they say like okay but these kind of people they're never gonna say okay they're gonna be like okay I'll uh I'll deal with this I deal with what I finish everything it's done you know yeah but they're Never Gonna Let You Go satisfied they want to be always like oh yeah yeah I have only on a yellow pages so somewhere I have a review and I remember this lady I go there I help her and like do everything like you know explain to her and she write this in review she's like Solomon came here helped me he was great guy and stuff uh four stars she put me four stars instead of five I said because some people think like you know nobody nobody nobody deserves five stars you cannot be perfect you know yeah yeah yeah so yeah whatever so then now you're going back and cleaning up dust like you know I don't want to say everything I can I have to do you know yeah yeah I'm joking oh my god um about the year let's go back to the BJJ man yeah like you haven't uh talked about it very much and I wanna I wanna go more in depth like what are the different uh like championships and stuff you run you won for BJJ yeah like you know what like First in Brazil when I started I train every day morning with the brother of the Israel Sosa the brother of my of my away trainer he was saying one of the champions of Rio De Janeiro Brazilian or something it's very skinny guy that I was three times his size and strength I never put him in a bad situation every morning I train with him technique every noon I believe the weights I like to leave weights and every night I was I was uh running uh the the rendering how you say like um the the sparring okay yeah every every night sparring be like tough guys and stuff even the girls like you know there was the girls because in in a place I was yeah you like people usually train five more years to become blue belt you don't become blue belt in a year yeah they gave me a black belt uh the blue belt because because I I like I feel like I was champion of allianza in a white belt and then after this competition uh they give they give me blue belt after the Brazilian Championship I was in white belt I was fifth so they gave me blue belt and I was against stranger like you know there and stuff so they gave me blue belt but usually you don't get the blue belt like you know like you have trained long and honestly like he was uh they teach you that it's a shame to lose a few blue belt to lose against the white belt that's like oh yeah of course but but uh yeah and I felt like pretty much every competition in white belt then after I I uh then after in blue belt uh in in Rio de Janeiro when I was there many many many many like I have medals at home and stuff like you know but uh it's it's like you know it stuff is loud people in categories in Brazilian Championship on Ilia de gubernador when I when I fight like he was like in lower categories like 80 people so you have to like be in 80 people like in Championship good like I was in my category I was like I don't know how heavy I was like about 90 kill or something 80 90 something I I was 15 37 people you know I I've been two two and a lost shirt match so I'll read the kimono of the guy like yeah how strong I was like you know I stay in my head and like you know you have a big [ __ ] hands man yeah yeah and same from the people I always say people like you know like for the hands are climbing rope we we climb always with the with the with the equipment with gun and boots and stuff by hand climbing rope up that's ultimate change for arms like there is nothing can build you strong arms as like climbing roads without using legs yeah chimpanzee arm wrestling yeah our wrestling that's like you know I like I lose once in my life that was that was the guy in in Montenegro the guy who climbed the the electric post like some like like Mountain guy who climbed electric post to change the tanks is electrician bigger than me bigger hands and stuff no way they I think this guy will be ball Champion if they fight you know so but after climbing Europe the arm wrestling is like you know it's ultimate stink you know I was doing uh one arm chin up with the 100 260 pounds I like you know so like yeah okay yeah in French language I was like 80 kilo you know I was like very skinny what did the training look like you said that you said that the you guys ran every day but like what else did you do with the strength training or like what was it like well like you know about just like like French Foundation like every Army most important thing is running yeah of course it's like you know it's not how much you lift because we're gonna put ourselves three four guys and lift something if we need you know but running you have to be fast and you okay you have to run because like that's the that's what you do like you know especially when they're chasing you I'm joking the training must be intense too like it must be like a very like um hard like mentally too you know they push you like it is like it is because you can there is no no fail failing there is no failing in France from originally you just they put this in your head there it was the seven chord legendary chord what is that what is the seven seven chords one one of the chord like I remember good it was like he's like you know you just no matter what no matter what like so yeah so you don't think about yourself so it's like if they tell you like the officer when they tell you go there you don't you don't ask is dangers or like can I or like should I or something the worst question you can do in French relation is like why they're gonna beat you right away if it's not situation that can they can shoot you yeah I guess so so yeah like you know you don't ask why because the officer always look like they say um you're not paid to think just do it you're paid to execute yeah just do it oh yeah so yeah like you know you cannot fail you have to do like you know you don't want to sleep in the beginning like you know if you don't you don't if you don't answer if they ask you something in French you don't answer you don't want to sleep till you don't you don't you have to answer your friends yeah yeah yeah oh yeah and I like I came to the to France like I know to say bonjour but I don't know it's night or day or morning you know that's everything and I was thinking that this language I never gonna learn but brother yeah you learn fast very fast yeah they give you they give you somebody who speak a little bit French and then everything you don't know this guy is going with you in [ __ ] like you know they're gonna put you to sleep in in a mud all night or minus 50 and you're gonna be outside all night you know until you learn so yeah I've learned there is no four months you have to speak I used to I used to uh sing like probably more than five songs from the beginning to end without knowing one word what I'm singing and the officers put himself in your face and looking in your eyes and you're singing full power you have to like sound good but uh you don't understand what you're singing but this sound like like if somebody listen from far is gonna hear the song is actually song but like you I like I don't know even even today sometimes I I like I remember the songs and I and I'm like okay that's what it is me like you know I was singing I didn't know like yeah no idea yeah yeah it's like it's like you know a french guy listened to uh like an English song yeah there's no idea what he's saying but it sounds good yeah now he's gonna be like no no but there is no word coming but it's gonna be a like sound same you know so did anybody die in training that was it ever like intense enough that like anybody died in training I think one guy did like a heart attack or whatever yeah and I don't know we we get this this vaccines for vaccines and then here we go we get these vaccines and they wake up wake up us like three in the morning they wake up us like you know and then put us in line and we were standing in line so in this moment I I feel something that I never feel in my life like you know I'm like I lose my like you know I was a kind of to foul and like one like I don't know like well something I feel something that I don't know what is you know but one guy felt actually and we never see him again so probably uh you go to like Hawaii yeah probably yeah probably a good chance yeah yeah so but yeah French like the the French Guiana is like you know like how he's like you know the they saw these guys they like work hard and stuff but they all drinking they all like you know it sometimes most of the time is more dangerous like people behind you than in front of you you know yeah and do you have like you said you were forced to learn um like songs and stuff from the Foreign Legion like were you forced to learn any history about the Foreign Legion too obviously yeah obviously like what obviously like what's the story of the guy with his arm cut off like there's like his arm uh yeah you know what I'm talking about yes like that's Captain danjon okay he's like he's um he's um he's the original yeah is it Mexico okay it was the Mexico like uh um they like they were like fighting like two thousand two thousand Mexicans against the 60 60 French Foundation guys for two three days and they they catch the captain the engine they and they cut his hand and kill him so this hand is like a museum in the museum in Alban that's one uh that's a that's a first Regiment of French one Legion is Albanian in France crawls close to Marseille and that's the this this day was the 30th 30th of April it's called Cameroon that's that's that a day when you can go in any french volition uh Cartier and like like visit as a guest and they they like um getting like you know like okay so there's neighborhoods for French Foreign legioners no no that's less like that I'm telling you that like absolutely what do you mean yeah the Cartier that's like military Cartier okay okay okay so you can go there like 30 April if you're in Paris you can go uh for the northern okay foreign that's like a Cartier old fortress there is French volition you can go inside and like have a drink with French Foreign Legion guys died in Vietnam they were selling them sending them like you know straight from like prisons and stuff that like you know just like to ask you like 20 years in prison you want to go fight in uh like war in Vietnam or you want to like die in prison like you know everybody wanna go like fight like they think they have a chance but in so it's like mercenaries yes uh colonists like come on like everybody everybody like but but this is the power of French population because nobody came there like like a baby you know I came like after the war in like with Serbia there and stuff I came like I already know and the guns I know like the things and I live in Street no food no drinks no water and stuff like so so people uh like like me they like already know like they're not like regular guys so everywhere we go we like we know the things you know every country we go there is somebody with us from this country you know who know exactly what's going on yeah so that's the power like of French Polynesian if you have a we have a captain from the nuclear submarine a Russian guy like you know like smartest guy ever you know you know and then you have a guy like some pickpocket in Marseille they catch police Ketchum it's like a prison or French Polynesian French Polynesian they please bring him to the Cartier put them in as like okay go there you go yeah also but like what do you mean there's no there's no quitting like well like what happens either you like once you sign like okay like I'm going into the French Foreign Legion it's like that's it yeah like you either you die or you stay like there's no quitting back in time yeah they you see the movie with the with um with like uh Jean-Claude Van Damme yeah yeah so so that back in time you don't quit yeah like you want to quit they're gonna shoot you so because that that's a deal they get you from prison out you're gonna die from French French Foreign it's uh like you know what one of the combat is like 200 French Foundation guys and Captain in front he'd come in front and tell him like we're going all on this place nobody's gonna come back we all gonna die but let's die like a like legendary yeah they go and they all die there nine nine thousand French Foreign guys die in Vietnam and today in world all together is like about six thousand there's like no more six thousand you know that's an absolute Massacre so yeah Massacre but that's like you signed for it honestly honestly like rotting in prisoner like die in combat like [ __ ] it like let's die in combat yeah I I totally agree I totally agree come on and same like you know they like you you yeah but like you know at least you're gonna get some drinks maybe at least at least at least at least in French Guiana like was there any like uh like what's the most like [ __ ] up thing you've ever seen like in in French Guiana I like fact I've seen like in French for you yeah I know you have a big film I don't know like what are you like what are you like looking for I'm looking for whatever you got brother like I'm not some things I cannot really talk about this before I like once I want to quit the Canada I'll give you the real real story yeah good okay I promise you this good bro it might be like in five ten years so before I leave Canada yeah I'll give up I think so I'm alone here like you know no family like you know girlfriend like you know so yeah so probably just like leave God yeah I'll leave a little like story but like you know I have a friend died like in French Malaysian too then in French Guyana so yeah it's okay so you're you're close you're close to it you're close to it yeah so well but like I'm trying to be a journalist too right so I'm trying I'm trying to get you man but you know hey but you promised yeah I know I met that I promise yeah like I met the people like the Francois old guy like he's he's banned by by miteria is banned from from France for life he was the mercenary in somewhere in Africa the abandoned from France they live in French Guiana I was hanging out with this guy he was like fun guy and stuff like and stories like you know yeah crazy stories but in in French Guiana you have a people who just like get out from the jungle and you know like shoot somebody or cut with machete and run back in Jungle they you know like they don't really find those people you know like you you talked about before like we talked about it before like the machete is so dangerous like a machete is quite the weapon huh like people like don't really look at it but it's much machete is like something like like uh if people do like martial arts they know what is what is sword the katana Japanese word there is no defense defense bar hands against this word no of course doesn't exist yeah so like every anything you have enhanced maybe you have a chance but if you don't have nothing against what you cannot like you cannot fight there is no way same thing is with machete you know if the machete is in the hand of the guy who who is like uh like blind or something maybe you have a chance apparently like if you don't die by the cut like you'll die by the infection right because they used to use machetes to cut uh the Forest right yeah that's true that's true that's true like same like you know like machete like you you like sharpening you I know you know you have to know what part of the of the blade you sharpen you don't sharpen all all blade you don't you don't sharpen point and stuff because you're getting tired like cutting cutting in Jungle with machete you're getting tired so when you get tired that's the accident happened always like when the people get tired like you know in construction in anything but yeah cutting like this this plants and stuff if you have these caterpillars in the jungle every everyone longer than three centimeter that's the kind of inch and longer probably it can kill you like if this they have a poison that they can kill you really so sometimes you cut this thing and you cut yourself yeah that's infection and you're like most likely and in Jungle you don't have a doctor you know we have like I used to I used to care the the uh the the the the chainsaw in Jungle two big chainsaw you know we like take off the the the bar and stuff but I used to care because because of this if somebody getting a like you know hurt or something once once one time happened the wind and the big big branches like I say Branch from the tree that's like a 30 inch thick branch falling from like 80 feet from up so we have a three or four guys like wounded like badly Broken Skull broken shoulders broken legs like your hands legs and stuff so that's when I cut like I cut like I find a place where I cut the big tree is the corner of the river or or if he's in Middle jungle I cut this very big tree that's in base probably 10 feet in base so when I throw him down uh the helicopter can can land the the rope in because you have you need the permit the perimeter 20 meter okay meter what is in feet 60 feet yeah probably 60 feet perimeter uh clean that helical helicopter can just drop the Rope down but 60 meter that's like a uh like a soccer study to to like to land the helicopter down so you have to cut down a soccer stadium worth of uh trees yeah yeah worth of trees but that's like a couple big trees that's gonna Crush everything you know and that's same when you when you cut these big trees that's special techniques you use and we use long ropes and I have a guy standing behind me very far and I am attached to the Rope so when I cut the tree uh when I when when the Rope get tight I look at the guy and I just run behind him because he see that what side tree is falling if you don't know you can run for like 10 minutes and still being under the tree through the bushes and stuff yeah so yeah and when the tree fell down they just opened the space the Sun come down bro I have like pictures and videos like yeah I can show you wow it's so dense right you don't like you don't really realize like it's so big it's 88 humidity all the time so the most people die in Jungle first first is Machete but by you right like I told you before yeah so but then axter is like a heat stroke okay heat shock the big guys like the guys who leaves the weights and stuff it's heat stroke because like you like his water he possibly water yeah he is humid and you like allow the equipment on you so there is like nobody and one thing we did back in time I hope they changed this now we were wearing the the Cotton shirts the the Cotton shirts that like dating from seven years you know the thing is that cotton is nice when it's dry but one is wet like you know the the skin doesn't breathe through no you know even now I mean I cut trees I wear always this plastic you know this like so it's like like yeah that's only thing like that's right because the the air are still going through and that's what you need you know you need to breathe breathable material yeah yeah but like yeah heat stroke it's Cotton shirts and 80s the Army like regular shirt but it's full cotton you know so and like you're sweating a lot too so like are you more prone to like infection and stuff like that you know what like the thing is like like you said like gangrene like you're not scared of that [ __ ] um you know what like the the when you got like especially when when the machete that's a that's a team going in front when you go with machete like you you you first you're cutting through let's say I'm I'm the like as a clutter jungle the the Stars I do I'm first with shotgun or last every Mission Through the Jungle have a two people like me one is in front one is in the back you know when we do the camp at night I'm going back and I put booby traps like a Rambo style and stuff background it's pretty cool very simple very simple how long does it take to make a movie trail palex depends wearing like you know but probably in like 20 minutes I'm gonna do the two three of them you know so yeah and like you know it's very but this movie traps is different you want to like when somebody get hit you have to be is dying on a spot okay but like has to be effective yeah effective but like it will be traps like regular booby traps you put in Jungle is like you want somebody to just get like sick you know like you're just gonna take him out but the the like the biggest thing they're using there it's a human [ __ ] actually really yeah why yeah you're just infection you just cut just to cut the bamboo stick on on in an angle it's very sharp the bamboo is like very strong very sharp and you put the the human [ __ ] on and uh and like you know somebody gets stabbed on this like is that gonna die like in 48 hours you don't need to you don't need bullet for this guy I heard stories about the cartel doing that yeah they would they would lace the bullets in in human [ __ ] yeah and then like if you don't die with by the bullet wound you're gonna die by the infection oh for sure but that's like it like what do you say because I'm Savage when you say cartels that's like a the place I was in Francisco de orleana in in Ecuador on Rio Napo that's like uh very far like doctors are far man like you know there's no doctors there in like like uh these serums and stuff so you know like you're gonna die I get bitten by by ants you know this big ants like conga so I get the the the uh like like body temperature like around 40 for two three days just buy this bit bite like you know and like yeah you're losing weight like fast you need to drink water when you like let's say we marching be marching 45 minutes 15 off like you stand with 15. you don't take your bag off your shoulders because your shoulders like already infected are like you know and if you if you take off you cannot pull them back you know by doing like cutting with machete and stuff your your shoulders by humidity and stuff there is no skin on our shoulders you know oh so that's hurts man raw oh yeah so raw skin holy [ __ ] stool like you know the feet that's like but you have to do shower every night I like even in dirty water if you don't do like you've done like in in five days you don't want to be able to move uh just infections and stuff yeah so so you have to shower strawberry even dirty water you know every night you shower and we use this Savon Marseille you know what is the subway you know this the square square piece of the big sub yeah that's that's like that's like we use this for everything everything yeah so so even though you they were really intense that you still got your your bar soap yeah yeah he's there he's like so fresh and he's on the Rope some of them are saying a bottle of wine yeah yeah oh yeah wine like you know like you know you cannot care a lot yeah you know but sometime in Mission we bring the like a couple bottles of champagne when we get on a point where we want to be we open the bottle and champagne and I have one picture the the officer opening the bottle of champagne you're gonna see on a picture everybody keeping him out like this because you're so thirsty when you see the champagne you're just keeping mouth very like tight like you know like you want to drink water yeah I don't think the picture is funny you see everybody's like everybody's everybody wants to drink so bad oh yeah yeah well they kept funny oh my God Sully it's already been an hour brother that's awesome really yeah really yeah hey we're gonna have you back okay we're gonna have you back in the world don't worry about that hey guys thank you for uh tuning in don't forget to like subscribe and share and guys um go support Solomon okay if you get if you need some trees if you need some trees to cut go get uh Solomon tree services okay number one services in Ottawa so guys tell a friend to tell a friend and I'll see you soon
Channel: Smack Talk TV
Views: 6,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EnlAimftfSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 44sec (4364 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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