Drillhole survey in QGIS

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okay uh how to use qj is for downhill survey data display so we will display the downhill boreholes in qjs in this case the boreholes that are going to be displayed are for the first uh preliminary display when we just get data for the lithology and also for the elevation and the photo colors and the forward profiles we can use qjs to plot them so and also we can make some correlations and some sections so how to do the downhole drill survey in qgis this it's not a kind of the 3d in the other advanced and downhold three surveys but this is just the profile the section of all the drillhole colors and also the downfall surveys so in this case first we have to prepare the excel files that excel files must contain for the callers for example for the x column inverter y column or for the async and also nourishing and also the indo hall as well as the elevation datas and the uh assumed at the same time the survey also must contain the just the downhill uh data and depths from two and also for the depth form to all the depths and also uh the uh assumed for the lithology the lithology must contain the depth from two and also the uh in all we have to have the uh drill hall or the whole id and also we have to have um let's see and uh the x and y coordinates uh if possible if not we can have only tapes from two and also the lithology so uh we will see what the excel files uh look like before going to this qgis let's minimize this one and also let's go to the downhill service that i've prepared and these are the drill logs and in this three locks we have to go to high quality bojo so i prepared the cola the lithology and the survey what does a collar contain for example my collars contain contains like the whole ide depths from depth to nourishing easting the elevation azimuth deeper mount ending in the fall and also the lithology contains the whole id and the depth depth from depth to entity we can continue we can add also some other attributes like the um as a result if we have we have the as a result if we have the color variation or with the weathering the mineralization different types we can add for the time being i just did the little g tabs from m2 in this case when we just came to when we just came to survey uh the same is for survey also i prepared the whole id dates from two and also we have contained we include the synology easting elevation isometric amount and the end of all all the depths so in this case uh let's let's see have you prepared these excel files let's go to qjism this is our qjis and then we have to find to just start a new new gis new qjs web or new gis display uh or project so in this project what we have to do is the first less let's add the layers so in the add layer this excel files must be the comma delimited so if these are the comma delimited your excel files go to add text files and all the comma excel files the limited files then we go here and we go to class and then after going to call us just open and then you get this message the data source manager and then in this case this is must be csv comma delimited and this must be take like first circle has been field names and this ones and others can be open and this one we have to say first the colors the point coordinates we have selected easting and hosing and we have to select this one the geometry system as we use for our areas and then we have the display like this one so that's from to northing easting elevation and so on so we have to say at so again these are the uh points that are added again we have to add the lithology if we add the temperature also the same what we have to do is we have to have all this checked the point coordinate must be checked no geometry because it has no geometry so we have to say at and then we have to go to the survey data and the interview data is also we have to use node geometry in this case also we have to say add and then we just close and this ones are the data that we have and now what we have to do is we have to go and click in the callers and then we go to the drill hole survey this one and this one's when you go here one this is this is this are the holes and then when you go to the survey holes we have to check that this is your call us and then we have the whole id the end of hold we have select in this date from two we have to select end of all this one is easting this one is noticing and the elevation and as you move in deeper amount so in this survey part it automatically did is this whole id depth form and we can make this one's depth as well and this one is azimuth and this is deep amount and then we say okay and then it is processing and now we see for my holes yeah these holes are done in about 110 degrees towards this you know 100 degrees or this is a little bit southeast virgin so this one's east south east virgin and these ones are the drill horse or the collars and then again when we go to the caller surveys we have to go to the downhill data and then when you just see download data we have deleteology tapes to form and all id and we have to say okay and then we have the color down or ethology so in this case in the color down holitology uh we can go to the properties and also we can go to symbology and to make the lithological variations in this case we go to categorize it and then in the categorized section before going to this one we have to go here and then this is properties and then before going to this one this categorize section let's go in this and make it a little bit thicker the line is 0.16 and then let's make it a little bit thicker let's make it two okay two point two six and then let's go to categorize it and then when we want to categorize based on we need to categorize based on lithology we can categorize based on different things but you can categorize based on lithology and then we say apply and then okay it didn't come because i didn't classified them so make sure that we do have the classified so when we just select this one i have to say classify and then each every lithology has its own color and then we say apply and okay and these are the bow holes that we have and these are the bow holes and we can level them so to label them also right click properties and then we go to levels and here and then we say single level and the single level also based on what so we know we want to know the geology so let's say to little and then apply and okay so if we have the assay results also we can add in the lithology or in the assay data as as as as data and then we can level them using the assay results or categorize them using the assay results so these are the boreholes for my bow holes so we can label also the borehole number so we go to call us and then properties and then at the same time single level and then sorry single level and then we can level using the call id so use all id and apply and okay these are the all ids and these are the little edges so we need to see a section so if we want to see a section what we have to do is we go to the section manager so when you've got section manager we just click and then we have to say either ways from west to east and we have to give the coordinates notice it's also not we have to give the coordinates so we as we have to do is map on canvas and then we can make this one a little bit a little bit wider so we can use this hundred and then map canvas and then when we just use map converse and we give this and based on this icon we have to make a selection so i will click this one and drag it and go here and then okay so what i can see is okay and then say okay and you see my section my three four colors or my three four sections and these ones are this is the way how we can use the qjs of course the level for the bow holes is not coming here so yeah but we know what the bow holes are a so we just go here zoomed layer and these are the bow holes so we can level them also in here properties and level single level and level with all id apply okay so again i will do it map on canvas and then go okay yeah it takes time because the data is a little bit bigger it will take a little time so for the time being let's say this one zoom [Music] glue okay section okay yeah now you see it came with the vocal numbers yeah this is yeah then yeah these are the ways how to do for the using the tjs arigato gozaimasu thank you okay finally we can save our project so then project save us yeah i can use okay yes
Channel: Girmay Iyassu
Views: 1,503
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Id: hr_wC_evyZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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