Drew's Quest Takes Him Inside Britain's FINEST Homes! 😍 | Salvage Hunters | House to Home

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[Music] there are well over a thousand stately homes and country seats in britain and if he had his way drew would visit all of them not as a sightseer but as a salvage hunter country houses their outbuildings their stuff is of superb quality and i absolutely cannot wait to get there really come on in come on with his trusty sidekick julian drew heads out on a country house marathon first is a five hour drive to devon to a grand country home long owned by the family of francis fulford my name is francis fulford and this is behind me is my house called the same name as me great fulford and we've lived here for more than 800 years today is going to be an interesting one we're going to see francis fulford his family have owned this house since got 11 something oh christ yeah fulford not only has a great home he might just be drew's favorite kind of aristocrat and he's skinned generally yeah and loads of these lords and ladies are broken they've got no cash because they've got these fabulous houses and nobody realizes it costs a hundred thousand pounds a year just to keep the things stood up my gut reaction is he's already flogged everything because he's skinned the stuff that's been in the family for the last two or three hundred years he's not going to want to sell it so it could be a total burst today here we are i think oh yeah oh yeah where'd you see this place check that out not bad eh hello often with big country houses drew is only given access to the sheds and outbuildings whilst these are usually good hunting ground it's inside the house where he really wants to be today pretty damn impressive yeah hi francis hi drew how you doing we spoke on the phone that's right i want you uh hard hat i'm gonna hurt help yes yeah you do the heavy lifting right come on in [Music] what do you want to see uh everything to be honest with you anything you've got for sale particularly things in the house but after a tempting glimpse of the inside francis has other ideas and takes drew straight outside we'll go and duck and dive up into some old buildings i've got roundabout which are full of bits and pieces which come out of the house fingers crossed we might find something you want okay so where are we going up here yep yep straight across we've accumulated a lot of clutter and junk and some of that junk and clutter is scattered around the buildings and the yards which are joined the house lead on if through raise portals and mouse around don't worry if an old bird disturbs you these carvings are nice aren't they these are good francis where did these come from they came out of a ballroom about 1690 i suppose when you inherit a house like this people often say what are you trying to do it is inevitable but every now and again you want to clear some of it out and sometimes it does clear out but sometimes things just go on sticking that one down i'll put them back these aren't for sale i don't think they're for sale now one day i have my ambitions i'll use them again yeah oh they're good i like these underneath the table there was a pair of cloches and what i like about them is they're a pear and the color is good he's painted over the top and it's old paint as well which i like so these have come off the estate have they yeah they've been here all the time it's basically a portable greenhouse isn't it it is cloches french for bell are used to extend the life of plants by keeping the frost away drew could easily sell these victorian examples as interior decorative features for around 300 pounds they're in really nice order mostly original glass as well i think we've only got one break there is this something that would you'd consider letting go i would consider i'd be consider accepting an offer for that how much would you like for them what do you reckon i was expecting you to make me an opera and and start from there okay all right i thought france is going to be really tricky and i thought i'll go in with a an okay price but you know a little bit cheap 150 for the pair yes i think about before bit of luck fantastic he's happy i'm happy i thought you're gonna put up a fight no i won't put up a fight if it's a fair offer great okay and i'm really happy with those that's fab okay so wants to tell me the really good stuff in the house you see that's what i'm after but francis still isn't ready to let drew loose on the inside of the manor instead he wants to show him another piece of the house's past a man trap my god look at this jules that is to trap a man and take his leg off or at least make sure he doesn't run away it's illegal to set a man trap but they can be bought and sold and they're growing in popularity an example like this can sell for anything up to a thousand pounds have you ever had this working oh yeah yeah i'd take two of you to set it take your leg off i will take your leg off just press that that drops down watch yourself yeah that's not actually all right that's that's it that's it yeah i know what it is my fingers in there as well when i got burgled at the shop i'd love to have a couple of these lying around [Laughter] just vicious what a thing oh oh god imagine and you couldn't get out of it either could you because you couldn't push both sides down much calls for them up in chester do you think yeah north wales very popular yeah everybody wants one of these i didn't understand why he didn't want to make me a generous offer we'll leave it thanks for the offer okay so where i really would like to see is inside the house where quite a lot of stuff is stored and has become a a repository if you like for um defunct bits of kit okay so we'll go and have a look in there yeah and we'll see if you anything takes you fancy we'll go through the great hall finally drew is into the inner sanctum but he needs to keep his fingers crossed not only for a good find but also for the approval of mrs fulford who francis must consult on most buys everybody's got a wife who says oh don't throw that away it might come in useful sometime so put it up in the loft and i'll get round to mending it one day you dream about getting into places like this and um being allowed to buy things and it's privileged you know you don't get into these places all the time there's different ages of paneling all over the place oh there's different we are they what we think happened is they probably um picked up a paneling from around the house in about 1690 when they were having a sort of a rush of blood to the head and spending money these are lovely yeah they're gorgeous love those really beautiful like this would this be would this be something that you'd consider selling i do i'd have to consult with my wife on that matter okay there's another one over here as well would this be something you'd consider getting rid of yeah i would yeah period furniture is very popular with designers and decorators and even in this state drew can sell them for around 300 pounds each it's well made it's got great proportions and it's just beaten up enough that you just got to fall in love with it really must be something i'd be interested in for sure do you want to give me a clue what you'd like for us well i was thinking about sort of 150 for that yeah i was thinking about exactly the same figure well we're early no i'm happy with that no i'll take that francis is going to find a far better home with drew and with who he sells it to we don't think if it have stayed here another beautiful day oh we could do with rain just as he's leaving drew finds a rare 19th century granite trough nice big trough popular with garden designers depending on age and size they can sell for between 300 and 500 pounds the method of making a trough like that have probably not changed since the iron age is this something you'd sell as well francis it would be something at the right price they are yeah they know they fetch a price now they do have we got anything that would lift it up have you got a tractor no i've got a forklift now i suspect if you tip the farmer up the road a few quid he's probably got a forklift and he'd come down and move it for you it's generally in good that's generally in good order sometimes they're broken or they've been drilled for holes there should be a water hole here somewhere there you go so it's been drilled to let the water out there what would you want for it if we were able to move it i'll be looking at i know 220 something like that well i'd take it for that if we could pick it up while drew waits for a farmer and a forklift he and julian prepare the trough for transfer meanwhile francis goes to consult with the misses sorry when francis comes back he's clearly got something on his mind drew and i had done a deal but unfortunately as in most things was the third party to be involved in this um who came raging down like the syrian descendants like a wolf on the fold and um that third party is my wife she's convinced she doesn't want to sell it although strangely it sat over there completely neglected for the last 20 years without envy wanting it okay but now because you want it she wants it okay as a result i'm going to ask you to release me from the deal that was all slightly very embarrassing i'm not going to come to amanda's wife so fair enough okay i understand [Music] you're sorry it happens don't worry about it i'm sorry don't worry don't worry you can't ever anticipate it no the female of a species well although we are so i'm presuming that the uh the sofas are off as well i'm really sorry mate she actually has an emotional attraction to that safer which i'm not aware of she nursed our twins on that safe oh and it's not just the sofa and the trough it's also a no deal when it comes to the clashes i have to respect his wishes and if that's what they want we'll happily let them keep it drew and julian load up their one remaining purchase and leave before francis gets into any more trouble that's exactly what i wanted piece of uh an english country house the look the feel and even that see how beating up it is with the secondary cover over the top and everything even that for me is just charming okay we're done we're all packed up all packed francis been a pleasure really has all the best thank you and to you thank you so much great fun and you never know if i'm ever up in bloody chester i might come and knock on your door come and see us come on buy something and you'll buy something yeah see you thanks francis bye-bye thank you [Music] i like that it's like hell it's a classic country house armchair so i think i've been you know i'm always looking for those but i talk about disappointing on that trough yeah doesn't get any closer and then no prizes seriously i've gone there to buy something and i've lost money so the only winner is the farmer for getting 35 quid for moving it yeah and go to the pub tonight [Music] back at base in north wales drew's wife rebecca restorer gavin and online sales manager mark are expecting a van full of marvellous manor house booty um no francis fulford yeah so i managed to buy this off him which is proper proper 19th century armchair i'm just trying to think what his house would look like if he had that on it you know we've got people clamoring for this stuff it's period drew's business depends on the fast turnover of lots of items and one armchair just won't do he needs to get back on the road and fast however we've got plenty of restoration work to be getting on with there's no need for drew to be here at all i'm going to crack the whip and he's going to go off to see a manor house called grey's court dating back to 1080 and i'm sure full of wonderful items it's off to york to one of the oldest continuously occupied buildings in the country it's currently being turned into a hotel by owner helen and coordinator penelope my name is helen herity i own grey's court my name is penelope ward and i'm the events coordinator i'm just dying for some quality i could just do with you know something really period a really good period table or lovely period bench or painting or mirror or something this is expensive area high victorian lots of money what's the corner what's that corner look at that wow that's gorgeous [Music] hello hi you must be drew yeah hello and helen drew good to meet you thank you i'm penelope nice to meet you uh well jules and i have come up today i believe you've got some things for sale possibly yes we've got quite a few interesting things this time he's dealing with the ladies of the manor face to face but will they be any easier to win over well the house itself dates back to 1080 it was commissioned by the first norman archbishop uh who built york minster i bought this house six years ago we've been developing it as a hotel ever since wow so is this you have this open to the public as well all the gardens are open and people can have tea and scones in the garden this is one of the only buildings in york that has an access from the medieval walls so you can walk around these are the medieval walls of the castle that's right and then drop into the garden it's amazing seeing the minster so close behind i know staggering okay so these are the sheds yeah it's this room here this room here some of the furniture from the house what i'm hoping for is to find some you know period chimney pieces some nice mirrors a good run of chairs a great big table some cabinets something interesting and a period and of real quality say there's a lot of stuff that we've just sort of accumulated over the years and not known quite what to do with that's the old four poster bed we've all slept in that one yes but not together that's quite uh i've got a nice early piece of carving isn't it it's supposed to be part of it a very early 17th century bed but we're not sure of the provenance on that we've got two sides this is the end the side of here at the side here actually you have another panel like this no afraid just that one just the head okay i don't know whether he'd be interested in stuff we've got here it's a chance for us to sort of get rid of some furniture that will otherwise sit there for the next 20 years where did these come from they were made for the house when it was part of the st john's university in the long gallery they had three of these tables in a huge bow down the middle they looked like 1900 1910 somewhere around there drew knows that large tables such as these with cast iron providence will command big money he could easily get around 3 500 pounds for each of these once restored it's exactly the thing i wanted to find nice big plank tops great color with complete known history and they were made behind me at york minster are these for sale uh yes yes there would be this is drew's chance to bring home that one big item that rebecca and the team are so eagerly expecting but penelope is armed and ready to do battle with this hunter what would you like for them who do i talk money with penny does the negotiations no i don't i don't do money very well at all and i've heard about drew's reputation i think he would um yeah i think helen would probably give it away wouldn't you helen they find a whole concept of haggling and just really really embarrassing i can't do it i don't know i think um in order for us to replace them it would be about sort of two two thousand pounds two and a half thousand probably each to a place each yeah to a place yes it would be no that's too much i i'd like to pay we're in a bit of the same area we're in thousands anyway not hundreds i'd happily pay a thousand each wow that's quite it's quite a difference isn't it what do you think helen i think two thousand pounds good price for one yeah no i just can't get there they are good we're not you know i'm not trying to fool you and say these aren't good tables these are great tables and as a matched pair they're so much more valuable to me as well so can we get to 2500 for the pair as they are and i'll take them away um well if we said 1500 for one yeah i'd like to pay a bit less than that we can do sort of 12.50 and i'll take whichever one i can they're both in similar condition but 1250 because one's nowhere near as attractive as taking a pair i can see that but yeah be a stranger 1500 come on drew penny's clearly enjoying having a bit of a laugh and a deal with us so i think penny wants to do that i think she has she wants to uh to do a deal that's leaving a very very small bit of profit in there for me and i've got work to do so come on 1250 is is where i need to be i thought i was ready for him but uh not as ready as i thought no he's very good 14 final offer final offer that's it and i can pick the best one you can choose the best one and you'll put it on the van for me yeah you no you do you don't no you have to take it you're sure yeah all right it's not delivered drew was very good i mean he did get it for a lot cheaper than we would have originally let it go thank you very much great there you go jules pick the best one check it out okay all right on my shoulder i can't bear partying with anything but uh but i'm glad it's going to a good home and um no no i'm i'm quite happy with the day it's been it's been fun [Music] i found this book and in it see there they are in the gallery set up for lectures so there's three of those tables i think helen that we should sell him it how much how much would you give us for she's already given it to me [Music] wow okay well what we'll do is when we sell the table this will be given to the people pinned up underneath so they can they can know where it's come from yeah brilliant thank you very much well it's been a pleasure i've really enjoyed the house it's beautiful brilliant thank you thank you okay should we get off yeah thank you okay we'll see you again bye that was nice wasn't it pleasant afternoon pretty pleasant all of the tables we get like that they'll sell pretty quickly i reckon you know it's going to be a good few hundred quid to sort that out it's a great piece but once again it's a disappointing hall from a location that promised so much i liked it i tell you what we're going to get grief when we get back to the shop rebecca's going to kill you oh [Applause] let's have a look oh oh my good yard that's it a table it's nice isn't it it's um stunning so it needs some work so i have to get alex to sort it out for us but it's such a good size french polisher alex is just up the road from the shop drew has been using him for 10 years drew's dropped the 12-foot refractory table off with me and solid oak and it's a bit dark and grubby and drew like some light silvery with a bit of a golden tinge to them so in order to get that color we're going to strip off all the old varnish you can see it's getting a sort of silvery sheen to it just from giving it a very fine wire walling now we've got this lovely silvery clean look to it nice and light but still keeping some of that original character and if you compare that to how it looked before you can see it looks a bit grubby little bit tatty really the tabletop's got a big gap in this has been caused by shrinkage of the planks over the last hundred years really it's opened up a gap about quarter of an inch about about eight millimeters so we're going to have to cut the ends of the table bring the center section back in and put the ends back on not something that drew would like to watch but when it goes back to him we'll be happy while alex continues restoring the table drew and julian hit the road once again this time it's a three and a half hour drive to chavenage house in the cotswolds today we're going to go and see a lady called caroline who owns a spectacular cotswold manor house i'm caroline leslie williams a member of the lazy williams family who've lived at javenage house since 1891. primarily we keep the house as a family home but obviously if we can open up to the public for events and weddings etcetera we will they're saying there's possibly things for sale so the opportunity as usual is massive if there's anything of notes here who knows oh that look at this place what a pad hi caroline yes drew oh drew hi hey nice to see you thank you this is julian julie hello julian come on in wow this is the great hall we believe the middle core of the house was built in about 1385. so we've got a medieval core and then a lot of additions this is the family this is the family yeah my great great grandfather who i can thank for being here because he made the money that is quite a spectacular chimney piece isn't it no it's lovely i mean it's late from the rest of the room about 1680. these windows are interesting because they're a medley window so they're fragments of lots of different windows obviously put together over time in addition to salvage hunting drew has been restoring stained glass windows for over 20 years and spots a particularly rare example you've got a beautifully rare piece of stained glass that you don't see very often and it's the sundial in stained glass oh right there's a whole society dedicated to finding and researching them for a man who carries his cap in his back pocket um he certainly appears knowledgeable well i should imagine i'm guessing but is there nothing in the house for sale we've been very much the family who haven't sold to survive yeah and everything in the house i think is no go area okay but i'm very happy to show you some sheds and things outside where we've yes please so the house is a no-go and once again it's off to the sheds but drew's optimistic he'll find something round to the back to find things tradesman's entrance outside there's certain bits which they've been stored for 30-40 years nobody really wants them the more space you've got the more rubbish you've got and a lot of it is rubbish well there's a bit of good stonework under here but i don't know oh yeah it's got a face in there what the i thought they were off a gable but they're not they are staircase supports really yeah you've got a uh lion on that one beautiful isn't he very simple medieval type face on it it's not medieval it's late in that but it's still beautiful yeah okay sorry i'll stop messing about in your garden and then the cannon is just anti-fest anyway coming to stable yard come on dogs this is what we call the workshop but there are some quite interesting bits they're interesting these pieces behind here i think that is a big big wardrobe i seem to remember my grandfather's house keeping glasses and you know he's in the sort of dining room cupboard as it were just trying to look at these see if any of these carvings are original they look quite original i'd say that piece is much older than everything surrounding it and you can see on the back where there where they've made them up see how much thicker they are they've got these pieces here that is not as old as that right and that's much newer than that these clearly are english english linen fold panels in a gothic manner that's probably been a piece of wall paneling that's interesting because when i walked around the front of the house there was english gothic architecture of the same age as that paneling i like identical so i'm thinking uh as soon as i start i thought that's from the house it's got to be 18th century panels like these are popular for restoration or just as decorative pieces and could easily fetch upwards of 500 pounds each interesting another one as well just the other side there so there's more of it so these are worth a bit too yes they're definitely something i'd be interested in buying and this is the stuff that really gets me excited finding elements of old buildings like this is just lovely especially when they've been tucked away for so long one of the problems with drew's job is that when he identifies something of interest the owner often decides to keep it even when they previously had no idea what it was i could see your face change as soon as you saw those yes i knew the doors were like this but i had no idea that was there yeah so now seeing it afresh is this still something you'd be interested in selling to be honest i have no idea what it's worth i mean i would have to consult with with the family oh dear it seems drew may be dealing with another unseen matron of the manner obviously i'd like to buy it all but we'll see it would be rather sad to sell it out of the house when it has been our so ethos to try to keep as much in the highest as possible should we continue through continue and then we'll have a chat about it we'll have a chat about this and discuss because it is something i want to purchase yeah but i'll think about it this lamp down here there's one straight down where my parents use and understand one well i'll tell you what you're thinking about the paneling i'll have to think about this because it's just it's a project and we've got an awful lot i don't think you'll find much in there to be honest though drew suspects he won't be able to buy the carved panels he suddenly finds something caroline might be able to sell without consulting the family yeah that's rather nice it's a english art deco ceiling light really good one good quality finding an art deco lamp in this house was a style that sort of threw me are thinking well you must have found this somewhere else because there's no deco influences anywhere in the house to me i thought it when he first showed it was a jelly mold so what date would you say that was so 20s yes spot on period lighting from any era sells well and this piece of 1920s glamour could easily bring over 250 pounds a shame about the damage can you open it up i just want to open it up again and just see if that damage is visible through the frame uh where was where was that where did you pass me that piece it fell out so you broke it oh that'll be it you pass it to me and i broke it that'll be the way it works again is it oh you can just see it people love or hate it yeah so you know but i think it's lovely yes it's not my style to be honest exactly but yeah i'm slightly more used to the oat paneling is this is this for sale well i mean yes potentially potentially i mean that's much more likely are we able to discuss money or is that do you need to go and um what sort of value is it um as it stands there i think we'd pay um about 75 pounds for that would have been more but there's a chip to the glass there it's just about visible um we've got it we can stick it back on to be absolutely honest i have no idea even there no the house isn't set up in the 1920s and when he actually offered 75 quid for it um i thought that wasn't bad i could pay for a few bottles of gin which we probably need is this a sale am i allowed to buy this one do you think yeah okay wonderful there's well spotted it's my job although she doesn't have the authority to sell everything drew clearly has a fan in caroline you can't take drew past any pile without him climbing up and started funneling around he was interested in all sorts of things i mean whether it was your dog or your ferret or whether it was your panini picture you must get everybody searching around um it's a fascination i've had my whole life to be honest with you you need somebody like drew to really kindle your interest and there is a value in what we call our rubbish and just fascinating to go around with somebody who could see it things in another shed one of drew's favorite things a battered old armchair he usually sells on chairs like these without reupholstering and an example like this could fetch around 300 pounds okay there's another one underneath it isn't that can i see that one as well i don't want a lot do you just uh seeing if it's got a good enough look about it i think it has it has got a good i think it has yeah so would you cover this in leather no i won't i i sell these on as they are right so i'm looking i'm looking at the frame and the proportions and does it sit well is it good looking uh are all the bits that you can't and you can see through this hideous screen yeah yeah for sure if you imagine that in a beautiful sort of calico yeah color all over and then the frame polished back it's a very good looking chair there you go there's the original fabric on it there oh wow it looks rather nicer isn't it yeah it's lovely that's beautiful should we take it down anyway jules yep see that one to me it's not quite as good looking as the other one when are they called nursing chairs it could be a nursing chair but usually they've got no arms in case you've got twins [Laughter] we're not talking a great deal of money here but because they need a hell of a lot of work so what sort of price um i think you'd be surprised i'll give you 150 pounds for that wrecked armchair golly yeah that is a surprise the one behind yeah 20 quid right i mean that does surprise me i mean i i'm surprised how much i've just offered you for it but i think no i think it's worth it do you want to go and discuss or do you need i will i'm just going to get my mother and just look at the chairs i'm not happy with the light okay so far drew has made only one small buy and the jury is still out on the chairs and the car panels that he really wants but he'll have to wait while caroline consults with their parents i've just spoken to my father um he thinks they're intrinsically valuable to the house as drew thought now he has drawn attention to the value of the panels they're off limits it's an occupational hazard i'm sorry but just feel especially the bit you showed me here yeah i can understand i can understand why that one for sure yeah i just think is we wrong to sell something which come out of the house no fair enough i do agree i'm not upset at all not at all it stays here where it should be what about the chairs then what do they show at the chair cheers chairs happy to go i'm sure [Music] sorry there wasn't a huge amount for you to find don't worry it's not a problem good thanks caroline thank you very much i'm good i enjoyed it anyway and the house is stunning well we we feel very bold into it really but it is wonderful it's been a great privilege to grow up here what a pad very nice i'll send my man around in the morning we'll do the paperwork i'll take it [Laughter] though two chairs and a light are less than drew anticipated he's hoping the last country house on the list will bring greater riches in the morning it's a short stop from gloucestershire to leinster drew really needs to fill up with this next venue to make this two-day trip worthwhile we're going to see edward simpson at burton court today he's got loads of stuff to sell this is burton court lived here all my life my father bought the house 50 years ago and i do a whole range of functions to keep the house afloat they're using it as a wedding venue a hotel and they're doing a lot of work on the place and they're looking to clear out some furniture and it looks like a pleasant place if it's a hotel they might have you know have a nice lunch country house hotel lunch that'd be lovely here we are welcome to burton court thank you very much wow amazing place oh thank you i just wouldn't want to cut your lawn there it takes a day so i wonder if i could see what you've got yeah of course that'd be all right yeah of course yeah front door edward leads drew straight into the house promising start assuming there are no hidden wives or parents discover his plans to buy wow oh my god it is that's really something isn't it it states back to 14th century it's a very brownial room we used to have a lot of animal heads in here and we do a lot of weddings here uh a lot of brides were getting off put by it really so yeah there's the feedback i get so i thought oh it's tough decision but we took down a lot of the animal heads okay is that part of the stuff you're selling yeah possibly yeah who might be interested in selling some of that the bride's reluctance to be watched over by dead animals could mean a jackpot for drew taxidermy antlers and all things hunting are extremely fashionable for interior designers and photographers along this way but just as drew thought he was firmly installed in the main house he finds himself once again in decidedly more humble quarters yeah being um in museum we have lots of curios in the house so which uh because we're doing more the weddings these days so it's keen to might be interested in selling some okay what's what's for sale here um not the penny file i'm afraid oh no at least friends uh so we can't sell that but that was something i'd really want airaid siren they make a hell of a noise does it work oh it's very loud [Music] it can be a lot of fully open and give it a really good going yeah yeah it's it's fun twice and then it's a pain in the neck nothing there so hey it happens but there's an awful lot more to see so fingers crossed but the animal heads are in here in here oh god here oh wow oh look at this one that's really odd when you look into a little tiny space that's completely black and then you look in put the torch on and while all these sort of heads are looking at you it's uh yeah quite an experience like whoa it does hit you you know drew has potentially hit gold but he's learned not to get too excited when it comes to country house swag he needs to establish just who is the decision maker when it comes to sales it's a lioness i think old lion half grown german south africa so all everything in here is for sale um we try we're quite keen on keeping some of the big ones because they're quite okay rare i'm no shield with that one straw yeah yeah he's been leaking dandruff for a bit oh god yes in the right state isn't he decent damage but that would do some damage luckily they're facing backwards no neither are those for me okay what about this one well what's uh of interest with this one i mean it's very big horns i think it's the scale and i like the skull more than anything not too sure on this one maybe maybe maybe okay that'd be something i'd be interested in for sure okay there's one here i've seen that i quite like the look of okay oh a little badger yeah poor little fella okay do we see is he for sale yeah well badges are not very popular with my farming friends around here so um yeah the badges for sale okay all right how much would badger cost me today well for you maybe let's go for say 40 pounds the shield's quite good for it yeah okay that's just coming home with us fair enough there you go bonnie friend yeah got a friend yeah yeah everyone's allowed to have one no that's not that's okay so um is this something that's for sale um yeah potentially i'll have to just check with senior management okay parents oh dear once again there's an unseen chain of command that could stand between this hunter and his prey okay so we got another room here these are the chairs you were mentioning that's quite good nice shape looks like the original upholstery as well doesn't it it's the classic sort of country house 19th century armchairs side chairs nursing chairs anything upholstered really that i like edward's mother has given him permission to sell the chairs and if nothing else drew can fill his van with them he knows that they can each bring over 150 pounds on restored what would you want for this thing edward well um i don't think it would be particularly worth much maybe an often i'll uh think um that condition there where'd it go with that try start at 80 pounds 80 pounds sold sure wonderful i mean these couple of chairs i thought might uh okay see that one there no this is the one you mentioned yeah that one it seems nice i mean the color's gone but uh but the shape's still good yeah isn't it hmm see it's got the wrong casters here the modern ones and then the right ones on the front yeah so this is one your mum wants rid of um price wise what do you reckon i mean um you know i could save maybe 200. um [Music] we're not too far away i think if i'd normally try and buy this for somewhere around 120 quid so um you've been really fair so fast if i said um 150 we're getting closer 160 160 i'm not going to argue with the over tenner yeah no we'll have that drew is definitely on a roll he's determined to take as many chairs home as he can with him today i like this i mean it's it's battered to hell but uh great big patch over the arm there the leather is okay is it uh no the leather's uh big big chunk there that's been glued on which i don't want to pull this off because it's going to take see how somebody's pulled it there and it's pulled the surface of the leather off there yeah club chair armchair price wise what if we said um [Music] 100 not enough perhaps a that's a bit mean that's a bit mean it is a bit mean we'll just concern what's underneath that it's going to be a great big mark uh 120 and i i'll be i'll be a very happy boy at 120. all right yeah 120. wonderful deal yeah bride's not going to want that on a wedding no is she no yeah not very romantic is it dirty old bloke's chair though he's got three chairs and a badger it's the stuffed animal heads that will really make this visit worthwhile that's the one that's the one i really want antlers are very fashionable with interior designers at the moment who could easily pay up to 200 pounds each for genuine country house examples like these and these big boys god knows what that's off edward's been to ask his mother and it's the moment of truth she's willing to sell um she wants to keep hold of the lion and uh the huge nepalese bison there's the two bits i really want yeah they're the two prize pieces for me stymied again by a manor house matriarch but drew's thinking of the team back at base and is determined to bring home as much as possible we can strike a deal on the uh on the other heads let's start with the gems buck that's really nice what do you want for that one i think really that should be for you know for a good shoe like that as well maybe 150. can we meet around like to pay 120 120 120. all right okay yeah all right so yeah we can do that all right okay we'll do that sold sold sold haven't it um now these two here the the two uh sort of near-matching antlers on the on the back plates and the shields on the back what do you think perhaps i would go 150 as well on those really which are each each yeah yeah okay nearly they're so close but this one how much is sun birth well perhaps if we go 150 as well for that one so you're gonna want 450 for the three tell you what 400 quid we got a deal genuine piece of history of burton court you're taking away with you 400 quid is a great price all right we'll do that cheers thanks [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] ed thank you yeah what a pleasure yeah it's been great nice to meet you very much thank you yeah wonderful place well it helps keep the uh council tax going for a bit longer yeah okay good luck with the business yeah well it's going all right so far excellent i'll put as much business your way as we can okay tough all right take care then bye-bye [Music] after a slow few days the salvage hunter has redeemed himself and returned with a full van loads of stuff full van yes the team is clearly impressed and relieved to see so much new stock and restoration projects low leather armchair it's got quite a lot wrong with it rips tears cushioned missing it's had a big piece of wood nailed to the base to hold all the springs in and a piece of carpet yeah yeah but i like it because look that is how low it's meant to be as well do you like it great shape yeah i do i like the feet yeah got this as well same house nursing chair good condition it's good isn't it yeah got this one which is lovely looking you don't get any of these for ages and you seem to get loaded in a good run sort of i know it's weird isn't it isn't that lovely lovely we get that recovered or stripped or leave as is or leave as is just we'll sell that one as it is that's the quality piece actually it is it's a really good quality chair underneath that i think this is just great looking wow the size of that that's really impressive skull makes it it's it's great isn't it these are a really there's an almost matched pair that's like a moose or something yeah it could be they had them displayed in the house but the house is now a really top class wedding venue and these were um off-putting to the brides they didn't like them really really so that's why they took them all down drew's riding high and takes the opportunity to share one of his famous puns it was their stag night hey he's here all week unfortunately stick to your day job oh well it was great while it lasted hello hi yeah i want to keep badger do you yeah that voice was do you not putting in the house do you that was the voice wasn't it not in the house please drink i'll go in my man room oh in your man room okay to wash the bunch of hair or no just center party the team gets the items he's brought prepped and ready for sale immediately we sell antlers quite often but to have such a collection all at once is it's very impressive especially the little badgers head i was rather taken with that reminded me of riding me of enzo bizarrely what's fascinating about the chairs is to a lot of people's eyes they just look like a load of old sofas but underneath all that the frames are beautiful again drew's eye he spotted those chairs they really are very very special wow that's 12 foot and the table from gray's court has arrived back from french polisher alex drew puts it up for sale at 3 600 pounds it's always difficult dealing with third parties but what we have managed to do was get into some wonderful old countries estates we've managed to save some historically important pieces from historically important houses and in some small way those pieces are now going to help pay for the massive running costs that these houses have so they're going to benefit and so will i [Music] foreign
Channel: House to Home
Views: 33,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House to Home, antique collectors, antique hunting, antique restoration, architectural backwaters, architectural salvage, architectural salvage yard, derelict gems, forgotten relics, hidden treasures, interior decoration, interior inspiration, interior makeover, interior styling, rare antiques, reclaimed materials, restoration projects, salvage treasures, unique home decor, vintage interiors, vintage treasures
Id: -NiTX9Ks0AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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