Drew Finds An Art Nouveau Masterpiece! πŸ–ΌπŸ˜ | Salvage Hunters | House to Home

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[Music] architectural salvage expert drew pritchard is leaving his hard-working team behind to follow up a hot lead a traditional salvage yard that's been gathering curios in rare pieces for close to four decades so it's off on a five-hour drive to ferndown in dorset just eight miles inland from the coastal resort of bournemouth rainy day in bournemouth andrew a rainy day in bournemouth but that's okay we're off to meet a guy called peter ace reclamation i've been doing reclamation all my life my father used to do demolition and over time it's uh progressed into what we've got here today ace reclamation carries a wide range of building materials and architectural antiques from the victorian and edwardian areas bournemouth always had a lot of money down here particularly in the 19th century let's just see everyone says i'm fairly hard but i think i'm fair but with drew if there's a something that he's interested in i'll try and do a trade deal for him strange place to have a salvage yard isn't it yeah down a little tiny country lane in the wood and they would appear to have clouds the little country lane as well it's not the best is it i think this is definitely a private road there we go hi peter dude how you doing nice to meet you too hi t how are you doing how's it going good good well here we are man let's crack on yeah wonderful go and pass the land rover what brilliantly are you really tucked away down here yeah well you've always got a sort of search for treasure aren't you i suppose well yeah yeah true true so it's mostly but it's all just building materials yeah down the front of the yard it's mainly building materials and uh railway sleepers then we go into like the architectural bits okay troughs do you need a horse's head not right now but no one's in the wreck the yard's great it's uh a good old-fashioned british architectural salvage yard that's been here 30 odd years amazing um and it also has to be one of the tidiest i've ever been to incredible everything has got its place so it's mainly reproduction stuff what those lamps they're peer caps are they plastic uh i think so they might be cast aluminium the um the bases on them yeah yeah what about uh what about these here yeah that's the cell are they yeah there's a little bit of damage on the bottom of right the right hand side oh oh you mean the trestles the thresholds no drew i thought you meant in the castle no these no not for sale what about those two no i won't sell them we use them every day yeah for cutting timber d-nailing timber gutted sorry mate they're very youthful they've been here as long as me oh yeah that's a definitive no then you get some new ones for 100 quid that's a new one for 40 quid yeah yeah of course you can this is the bit of these yards that i like the graveyard well there you go what are those made out of the alloy i'd say they were yeah the other one's similar down there but hasn't got the glass um no we'll leave those okay yeah no two yeah feral anthems we've seen they're almost exactly right but they're not quite right and there's a couple of things i'm just looking at thinking no steer clear of those ones nothing wrong with them but the type of lights that i want and lanterns like that have to be absolutely authentic i've just also spotted this here what sort of money is that this late 19th century chimney insert was designed by thomas jeecle an architect and designer from the aesthetic movement whose innovative ironwork pieces are highly collectible it could be worth around 400 pounds [Music] how much is that 250. 250. is it a jekyll one or i don't know you tommy i don't know i'm not the expert well 150 bite i'll meet you in the middle 200 quid you just don't get them any more drew like that no no i'll have that thank you and yes it is a jekyll one yes well that's a good good starting point we've bought something it's a fireplace by one of the designers i absolutely love yeah all right yeah lovely and now we're going to go have a look around inside and see what's in there i've been there yet inside he quickly spots another chimney surround blimey beauty isn't it that's a bit special isn't it this chimney piece from the early 20th century with a classical beauty surrounded by a floral motif was made from freshly blackened cast iron a fine example of the art nouveau period it could fetch around 2 200 pounds and you know when something so good you're looking at it squaring the face and you're thinking that can't be right that can't be right can't be right i'm not going to see one of those too too much where are you going to find another one drew rebecca like you're buying naked ladies well they would have used symbolism like that but she's too modern a figure for this really yeah it's good though isn't it yeah it's beautiful i've been around the business long enough that i remember this reproduction stuff starting to come into the country in the early 1980s and it could be that but i'm looking on the back it's got lime render which is right for period because people would use cement now what do you want for it what you're asking i take 1500 quid for it i have asked a lot more for it to the public but i take 1500 from you [Music] i'm 99 convinced it's right because the amount of wear to the nuts and bolts on the back is consistent with use the degradation and rusting to the metal is consistent with use but i'm still a bit like that we'll see tricky one tricky one not totally convinced by it there's elements of it that are right yeah that feel right and there's other bits that aren't we're ground by it no really yeah architectural salvage expert drew pritchard is near bournemouth at a salvage yard with dealer peter randall blimey drew has made an offer on an art nouveau chimney piece but he's concerned about its authenticity and peter's holding out for a fair bid i'm taking a bit of a fly right that's all i know you'll be honest with you i know 12 nova deal 12 15 whatever 1250. it's right but even if it isn't we've brought it at the right money spectacular thing not really my style at all it's just so good anyway let's um let's go let's leave that now yeah with a second purchase made it's up the stairs where there's even more architectural salvage [Music] oh blimey you can hear the noise can't you right the rain yeah have you got that sinking feeling yet drew hey oh you're going to regret that hey we're all weak no no okay despite the massive amounts of stock there's nothing else to tempt drew i think we're done in here now should we um can we get loaded up yeah go for it well i need some yeah [Laughter] well today's been great um ace reclamation has been ace pete is a great guy to deal with the yards really well organized you can go around quite quickly but what i liked about it there was layers they've been here for so long there's sort of layers you know there's like five six feet of stuff and you've got to look through that and that's always interesting much appreciate it yeah nice to meet you and you've got your number and i'll contact you if i get anything you know the sort of thing i want absolutely not really those but no no i've got a good deal thank you nice one nice to meet you mate pleasure see you guys ace thank you guys see ya cheers all the best yeah it's been an interesting day drew's a great bloke uh learned a little bit along the way and we've had some good fun and uh earned a few quid at the same time so generally yeah i'm pleased yeah ace day as they say [Music] proper yard i ended up buying two things i don't very very rarely buy but what quality stock it's a long drive north to conway but drew is looking forward to seeing rebecca's reaction to his latest purchases looking down south down very far down south where we've been to a uh see a guy called peter ace reclamation oh yeah architectural salvage stealer and um we got pretty lucky i think just added to my collection of jekyll and jekyll-esque it's like jekyll light this one but uh it's still right oh well i've got three now so i can sell them to collections sell them as a collection fantastic good isn't it yeah but coming up look at this okay after just you're right with that see it's a bit sure yeah sure sure yeah i walked yeah wow i know it's a good one impressive it's real as well because it took me an hour staring at it and worrying about it is it real yes it is i mean look at it oh that wow that fish i love the grotesque fish it's not really drew's cup of tea um but he says he's 99.9 sure it's genuine i mean nice bit of profit possibly um so he's done all right a new day and while gavin gets to work on polishing the fireplace drew and tea are back on the road they're traveling about 130 miles north east to the village of orstwick on the edge of the yorkshire dales [Music] right t we are in the frankly stunning yorkshire dales and i've never been to this bit it's beautiful isn't it and we're off to meet a guy called michael pearson at ostrich hall they've got a small country hall hotel in a tiny little village called ostwick we've lived here for 14 years now and been running the place as a bnb for the last seven originally built in 1180 horstwick hall is notable for its 16th century fireplaces and the unique central staircase added by cattle dealer william king in the 19th century as with every hotel they have this wonderful thing in hotels that the furniture gets worn out and they throw it in sheds and you come and rescue it and then we come try and find it and that's what we're doing today it's mostly furniture and it's stored at the moment right up at the top of the house in the attics we've also got a coach house which we're using at the moment as a storeroom what you've got around here is big money in the day maybe a hall maybe something really good excellent just i mean yeah i'm looking forward to meeting drew and hope he can find some things of interest the perfect day would be for him to take the whole lot away oh very nice that's lovely nice balance to the place very good hi welcome drew nice to meet you cheers love the house yes really beautiful oh yeah gorgeous the big solid dales it is do come in oh that's nice isn't it this is the entrance hall that's lovely isn't it so i mean this was all this is all original well the house dates back to the late 16th century and it wasn't until the early 19th century that it was made much grander and these big columns were put in and all the big sash windows at the front of the house it's sort of like mini grandeur well the person who did it was a cattle dealer that's how he made his fortune and he was a local man so i think he was wanting to impress his fellow villagers look at that he'd finally made it yes and he had [Music] yeah sadly the sun went bankrupt so uh always happened it then moved out of their family it's lovely the chimney piece as well that's just yes isn't it the um fireplace dates from the late 16th century can we ever wander around yes let's go through into the drawing room oh it's lovely with again another of these late 16th century fireplaces they are fab and very very expensive to buy second hand great feeling you've got about the place yeah it's nice very comfortable and comfortable these are unusual aren't they more police yes these arches um we know they were put in in the 1870s but we don't know whether they served any function unnecessarily grand really well the house is pretty unnecessarily honest but it's great the pillars and i love what you've done with the outside another balance when you've got all that little topiary and then you've got all this glass it's great oscar hall is charming really really beautiful it's got a lovely soft look to it some of the original features in there are very very good the furniture is um mostly new there's the odd original piece in there but nothing's caught my eye as yet well we're here to see if you've got anything to sell i believe you've got maybe got some stuff in and out building or in there in the roof yes hopefully we can tempt you to uh yes please i'll be easily tempted very easily very very low threshold for temptation right i can resist everything but temptation as they say good good but yeah let's um let's have a look around [Music] michael takes drew to the coach house where much of the bmb's unused furniture is stored yes okay so this is what spare furniture and stuff in here it's the two wardrobes and the sofa they're a bit off steer these i think the back's been messed with this doesn't look right messed around with that um no no too much work involved in that one with the reupholstery too expensive yes okay i love wardrobe wardrobes no even though it's an almost pair but no not those not for me um no not quite not quite there i'm afraid not my sort of thing at the moment yes five years time who knows but right now that's okay that's okay no okay right so where's next then up to the up to the house and into the attics [Music] looks like being on stage just oh lovely right up at the top of the house yeah supposed to catch your breath yeah and uh we've got some furniture here shooting some old doors that were in the house when we moved in i wish these type of chairs were worth something they're everywhere i know so no go around you'll go around into the next section great room isn't it super room now the floor's a bit bit wonky that's okay [Music] what on earth are those speakers because there should be heaters but yeah yeah quad yeah we have the bits of hi-fi that go with it these look incredible don't they these premium speakers were designed by the british company quad electro acoustics in the late 1950s their excellent sound and simple elegant design make them highly collectible and give them a value of 400 pounds where did you get these from they were my fathers they must have cost a lot in the day yes i can't remember when he bought them it would have been probably in the 70s i really like them just as just their style yes really cool my father got rid of these a few years ago when he decided that he'd have a smaller hi-fi set because they're far too big for uh anything yes yes but stylistically they are really good looking a lot of people like the sort of retro amps and retro computer games now and all you know so i don't know whether these would these we've got some legs because they're just great looking great looking what would you sell them yes what would you want for them [Music] a couple of hundred [Music] they're all going totally stuck i have to be honest i looked i thought oh 100 quid right that's what i thought because i just don't know whether or not they are totally useless salvage supreme old drew pritchard is in yorkshire at holstwick hall a luxury bed and breakfast guest house owned by michael pearson in the attic he's bid on a pair of stylish british speakers designed in the 1950s but it's less than michael hoped for will he accept don't know do you want to meet in the middle 150 what do you say um yes yes yeah thank you there you go two that's nice and easy to load strange old day at oswit hall today um beautiful place and ended up buying a retro pair of speakers and stereo system never seen those before incredibly stylish very much of their time and that i like because they just they're sort of stuck in that time i should imagine in the day they were extremely expensive probably one of the best of their type that's always going to be worth something slightly disappointed that drew didn't take more of our rubbish but really pleased that he has decided to take the speakers the hi-fi set and who knows i'd like to think that both of us have come off well but uh i don't think either of us are too sure about that they are the strangest looking speakers i've ever seen they're super stylish aren't they yes yes they're of their time very much exactly they're very much of their time well thank you very much nice meeting really enjoyed it all the best wonderful hotel lovely lovely very nice okay thank you safe journey thank you very much [Music] isn't it stunning around here it is beautiful it's like a little time capsule the whole place isn't it very much like the speakers we've just bought like a time capsule like a time capsule 1970s you get 1970s grooves out of them if you turn that on you are not allowed to play any music after 1979 on those speakers is that because it affects them it's the law oh it just won't work well when did vaughn know his pre-79 he's all right yeah a bit i love a bit of arguing not a great day financially so on his way back to base drew is going to stop off at one of his regular stomping grounds to see if he can turn the trip around it's an 80 mile drive southwest to visit an antiques and brickaback shop in liverpool the largest coastal city in the north of england it's thought that liverpool once had 40 percent of the world's trade go through its ports in the 19th century today the city is perhaps best known as the birthplace of the beatles we're off to see some lads i know paul swainbank and uh been traders in liverpool and dealers since the 50s with his dad we'll buy anything as long as it's weird and wonderful and strange situated opposite edge hill railway station tunnel furniture was established in 1957 and carries everything from antique furniture and industrial items to curios and church furnishings i haven't got a clue what he's going to buy but i hope we've got something in here for him as long as they're offering money we'll take it so we're going to buy some beetles memorabilia today as well likely i was offered um beetles four brand new unused rolls of beetles wallpaper yesterday really oh i must have been out of thought what no would you want the fab floor looking down on you in your bedroom no definitely not definitely not oh actually where we are now oh yeah there it is it's quite a big building actually deceptive i think it's part of the old station that's what it was it used to be the stables for the station oh yeah hi tripp are you dude hi [Music] oh it's bigger than i thought actually isn't it first impressions of the place are good it looks like a really good sort of trade warehouse really um the lads over in liverpool here getting stuff through their hands on a regular basis so what's the good gear you've got in at the moment anything that you think i should be looking at uh the way the job's gone we wouldn't know what anyone's buying anymore you know i don't actually it's more just [Laughter] where'd you get those from you came out of an airport despite the huge array of items nothing seems to be grabbing drew's attention not very much luck today i usually i usually find something what is it with having no arms they've got no arms any of them as well no religious things well one day somebody's going to want them and i quite like him [Music] these guys know what they're they've got and they know what i'm looking for so i'm just waiting to find that one good piece and be perfectly honest with you what are they made out of i think the slate slate pillars must have come off a chimney piece or something maybe these late 19th century carved pillars are made of welsh slate and are attractive to both interior and garden designers because of their age and excellent condition they may be worth up to 200 pounds they're quite interested maybe 50 with the food 50 quid the pair i'd be mad not to buy those to be honest wouldn't i yeah okay 50 quid i love that thank you we came around the corner in the warehouse here and there's a pair of carved what i thought at the time were wooden um columns just a small architectural element look a bit closer and he says to me oh they're slate brilliant they're really well made as well which most of the stuff in the 19th century in liverpool was as good as you'd get anywhere i see you're on the skeleton staff now i've been around the whole place once and with places like this usually what i do is go around again the other way and then just wander through the guys here are really nice they're happy to let me do that you just never know because there's so much stuff i could miss something i don't usually but i could [Music] um tell us about that chair that's interesting a really good maker's mark and it's adjustable never seen one that just like that before no i'll get it down later if you can yeah can we have a look at it this ebonized rattan chair with height adjustable base was made by the firm north england school furnishings limited in the late 19th century it's a fine example of the aesthetic movements and it could be worth 350 pounds interesting darlington north of england something oh is this this um what's it outfitters church outfitters from darling to school filters now i've never seen that before i've never seen that model of chair before these twists then it goes up there yeah how strange it's a weird one isn't it i think that's quite interesting actually see what we can do shame about the seat 80s 80 quid 80 quid yes old i'll have that thank you very much what a strange thing the chair again just screamed at me as soon as i'm walking around there's thousands of items in it's got that never seen that before and that twin pillar arrangement for the support for the seat very unusual then to find it sprung not just adjustable it's sprung and steel and it's got a maker's mark and it's original it's got everything going for it god it's really uncomfortable yeah that's really it's like sitting on the pan you just bought a seat without sitting in it first no i know i know still that chair will go to somebody with a design orientated might because it will look extremely good by itself you know if you've got quite a nice plain room it could be completely modern put that in all of a sudden it's interesting you're interesting the room's interesting the chair is interesting it shows it off to its best effect good day to be honest with you very quick in out bought a couple of things kept my contact with the lads up here in liverpool because it's right on my doorstep and that's the key to what we do nip in yes that'll do out again and keep doing it it's gone well drew's bought a few pieces he bought everything that you wouldn't expect him to buy as usual and he's just had a good look around there's a quid to be made but not a not a lot but it's keeping that connection that's the important thing about today getting cold in it it's certainly a bit clean out there today well i've been studying wildlife films you've been studying wildlife films i now have layers of blubber that seems to be the way forward half my half seal it's a quick 50 mile trip back to the showroom [Music] hello hello very nice marble the pillar's out are they no they're not the slate i'm just gonna say welsh marble ladies man that's heavy and but i did get one interesting thing really interesting thing keeping it warm hold on to them guess what it is unveiling one rover camel oh weird chair yes aesthetic movement i love it ebonized oh crew it's gorgeous open pine the chair it's spectacular actually the design of it is so unusual i love that quite a bang yeah the next morning gavin begins restoring the ebonised rat and chair and scraping away a century's worth of dirt and debris takes some effort meanwhile drew and t are off to look for more stuff some of drew's favorite places to rummage through are schools and today he's lined up a visit to one of the country's most prestigious colleges it's over a 300 mile drive southeast to the small town of lansing near brighton so it's brighton today well yeah we're very very near brighton that's for sure um we're off to see lansing college which i've never been to heard of it but i've never been to it i'm jeremy tomlinson i've been working at lansing for most of my life as a teacher and house master and registrar for recruitment of pupils but most of that time i've also been involved with looking after the chapel and i'm continuing to do that founded in 1848 lansing college is an independent co-ed boarding school which places high emphasis on strong academic achievement and anglican christianity it's distinguished for having the largest school chapel in the world the chapel is in fact unfinished its building process over nearly 150 years has been an expensive and extremely complex one but a certain amount of money is still needed so any amount of money even very small would be very welcome it's got a good feeling about this one apparently pretty spectacular right and i've got a feeling it's always had a moneyed background that's it you can't go in there don't go in there wow my word look at that i think imposing would be a good wow try not to crash the van look at that it's a massive statement isn't it that is a huge stage this is our chapel it's massive it's stunning look how tall it is it's like a church on top of a church that is something else isn't it hi there hello drew welcome nice to see you hello okay thank you go ahead thank you [Music] all right here we are yes that's what it should do to you this man is designed to make you look up this is amazing who designed this somebody called well two father and son richard and herbert carpenter who were mid 19th century gothic revival church restorers and architects and i think it's not it perhaps as widely known as it should be no but i've never i just never heard of it i had no idea this was here it's it's an astonishing building yes that's like the rose the rose window yeah um it's amazing the west wall including the rose window and the organ case uh were not done until the 1970s and in fact the porch that should be on the west end is still not done so there's some this is amazing to do this is an incredible building yes it is it's just an incredible building isn't it so um are we looking at anything in here we are looking at some things in the crypt i mean i hope you would have a look at the because underneath the east end here there is a superb crypt really oh it's nice very beautiful yeah with some lovely windows can we go and have a look we can have a look at that and there is also the at the west end of the crypt there is some storage space whether it's who knows what which you can [Music] what an astonishing place the building is nothing short of jaw-dropping the position where it is is just incredible and it sets it off i had no idea this was here what an amazing place because the chapel is built into a hillside yeah at this end you haven't got a lot of space and then when you get to the end the crypt opens out into a chapel which was actually used as the school chapel before the upper building was completed oh look at that that's really beautiful isn't it very beautiful space and then you've got the apps at the east end with some really good clayton and bell windows clayton bell one of my favorites wonderful and they are very beautiful christ figure isn't it yes it is it's got a real sense of agony about it i'm incredibly positive about what we can find here today what this place has got and had is an awful lot of money thrown at it when it was first built this is money no object stuff what i need to find is something that relates in period to this build or the school itself that would be really interesting after enjoying the magnificence of the building as promised jeremy takes drew to the crypt where the school stores antiques from its long history oh you've got chapel chairs so there are chapel shares yeah there are yes there are quite a few i mean obviously some of these are very dilapidated which is why they're in here yeah but i'm more wary about selling chapel chairs because um because of the possibility that we might use them yeah have you got a torch on your teeth i have i've had a good look at the chapel chairs um they're mostly odd mostly broken and in not great condition and there's only a few of them there's only 10 maybe so we're going to leave those they're just not worth it i need runs of chairs sort of 20 plus that's what i'm after these in fact are school benches which have been used in the chapel but they really are from the dining hall which is another splendid victorian gothic building i like the look of that one [Music] that that one yes that that and the one underneath is quite a good can we do you want to turn it over yeah right okay okay yeah that i that's really quite lovely isn't it that's a nice very nice thing and quite attractively an awful lot earlier than the building earlier in this building yeah yes yes i mean i should assume early 19th century but of course you never know where they got their school furniture from this early 19th century bench is made of pine and would have been used by the pupils in the dining hall because of its simple design and attractive patina it could fetch around 400 pounds is there any of these left or is this the only one there are one or two others of these around but but i mean most of them were were disposed of at some stage because you can't keep everything i imagine these have been used in the chapel at some stage and then just stored in here you know so i reckon this is from the 1830s that well the school was founded in 1848 but it is more than likely that these were second-hand pieces of furniture that had probably been been in the school since since it started would these be something you'd want to dispose of i think it wouldn't be impossible for us to dispose of one of these yes um what would i pay for that 175 pounds for that one no let's say 200 pounds i'd pay for that one you would i would because it's just so nice it's perfect isn't it just it's really good i mean it's very i mean it sort of tells the story you've got to get the whole idea it's got problems i mean you've got brakes you're going to have to so the top of the tenon's all over here somehow replaced or yeah that's really easy you don't reckon you could do 250. i'm only saying that because we are thinking about the conservation and completion of the chapel you know i'm in full business mode now yeah well i'm in full conservation drew pritchard is at lansing college an impressive public school near brighton he spotted a 19th century dining bench but will chapel secretary jeremy tomlinson be prepared to sell you can't pay more than 200. if i i just think i'd be i'm just it's 200 is sort of a very strong bit look uh let's meet in the middle two to five yes i wondered about two to five i think two two five i've just bought a really beautiful little bench and i paid way too much money for it because it's special i'm always buying stuff and every now and again something just jumps out and those little tiny things make it a little bit better than the norm um beautiful peg construction um fabulous wear and patina so i'm happy to buy it and as a first purchase it's somewhere like this what it does is it opens the doors and it sort of does ease things you sort of i'm paying to be here now on to a second storage area the unused tables okay there we go so we'll see what there is in here this is yeah that's a possibility there's a bit of library table vernacular library table oak that is a monster and hasn't been in store for very long this large oak table from the mid-19th century once sat in the library of the college its solid construction and original design give it a value of up to 2 500 pounds it's a little low isn't it should there be an extra section below because i think it's looking up you know middle stretcher there see see where it's chipped so the left hand side was lighter it's almost as if they've cut it but it's nice it's very nice if they can get that out i'd love to buy it what sort of price do you have in mind what's where do we need to be today to purchase this yeah um it's a little wide but still it's it's a great table all in all 500 500 do you know what that's not enough i know it sounds nuts but that's not enough i can't be seen to buy this at 500 pounds um [Music] what i'll do is i'm going to pay you 800 pounds for it okay it's still a good price for me to be honest with you is it it is yes it is uh 500 pound i'd rather i'd rather just be straight with you and give you the right price for it but six guys to get it out uh otherwise we can come back we can come back but it's it's about seven hours in the van to get down here but we can come back for it it's not for me to say if we can get it out we'll do it but i suspect to kind of coming back for it would be more sensible okay all right well let's shake on that okay yeah yeah yeah well i'm happy with that that's more than i would yeah it's just that's that's really the only thing wrong with that table is it's massive apart from that there's nothing wrong with it at all it's an absolute gem the joined stretcher that goes all the way around the base is really lovely a great detail the wear on it's good we know exactly where it was made for you know it's got everything going for it and ended up that was going to be the bargain of the day even at 800 pounds it's a bargain and i couldn't really just pay the 500 it was just that would just be wrong of me well look i'm really pleased with that i'm going to send some guys in to get it we're not going to take that today um we'll take it out and put it there and they can back up that's fine leave it in here obviously until yeah and then and then they'll they'll come for it yes we'll be done without that purchase i don't have to carry it today i don't i don't want to get involved in that we'll get some only bought two items today um with somewhere like this what you want is to be called back again and that's what i hope will happen you know either next year or 10 years time you know it's uh this isn't a race so i'll be happy to come back and also i've been somewhere today which is quite astonishing it's been a very good day and it was good to meet drew who's a good character and uh and you know obviously knows a great deal about the business we'll be in touch with the table great thank you bye-bye financially today will work out well once the table's finished and sold when it's sold it'll turn a good profit but it's not going to be something that's going to sell tomorrow it's going to be a little bit of a slow burn that one it's going to take a while to find the right person what a place it's amazing isn't that huge in there and you don't know it's here no no idea it was here i've driven down this area so many times so many times oh sports today oh cold oh oh no the chapel gobsmacking you don't even know where to start you just go i think you run out of superlatives after astonishing jaw-dropping and lost for words i think the word there's actually quite a good description of it there you go that's a good description isn't it like a scooby-doo yeah scooby-doo in the chapel [Music] hi team hello how are you how you doing good good time we went down to sussex and um we knew we were going to lansing college yep and we got that oh primitive school bench isn't it lovely it's lovely isn't that gorgeous yeah long yeah really but you hit the nail on the head with primitive which it really it's it yeah it's well it's not a pure definition but it's not bad um but it's just got something a little bit extra about it hasn't it and the last i love it actually i love it like it's naive isn't it yeah very very good see you can do this for a living but what we did buy was i've got a photograph i've actually pop this inside we bought this table as well around the sheds and we bought this isn't the actual table but it's another one they had in in the building oak library table 1880 designed for lansing college library and you've bought that not that one i've bought one that's been outside for a while so it's that but tatty and you'll be able to get this tatty one up to this standard yes no problem great stuff well alex will yeah yeah but no we'll get that collected now go and organize get it collected now um with the burster down there and we're done okay yeah later where's the chair the chair that drew bought at tunnel antiques is ready for inspection nice lovely job just need to get that done now get it over to alex get it sent off i like the job though i like the color it's nice i like it lovely job [Music] foreign
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Views: 145,376
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Keywords: Antique Treasures, Architectural Backwaters, Bathing Beauty, Channel Subscription, DIY Home Decor, Derelict Gems, Dorset, Drew Pritchard, Eclectic Interiors, Hidden Treasures, Home Design Inspiration, House to Home, Interior Design, Interior Styling Tips, Period Pieces, Property Makeover, Restorers, Seasonal Specials, Vintage Collectibles, Vintage Market Finds, Yorkshire Dales
Id: ZUaeSjV31X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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