Dressing a Post-Baby Mom Body! || Confidence Makeover Episode 2!

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- I'm Sierra Schultzzie, and I'm all about inspiring women of all sizes to be confident and rock their curves. I know that gaining confidence is a journey, and I want to help you kickstart the process, so in this new series, we're hitting the mall together. Girls of all different shapes and sizes, from different walks of life are joining the Curvy Crew and getting a confidence makeover. Instead of trying to change your outward appearance, this makeover focuses on working on body image struggles and finding clothes that flatter your figure to make you feel beautiful inside and out. I want to show that it's not about the size of the dress. It's about how the dress makes you feel. It's Sierra Schultzzie's Confidence Makeover. (pop music) - Hi, I'm Courtney. I am a mom of a very funny 16 month old little girl who keeps me busy all day. - Today is our second episode of the Confidence Makeover, and I decided that I really wanted to focus on a mom because a lot of you guys ask me about how to dress a body after pregnancy. And, I clearly don't know since I don't have any kids, but I really want to help Courtney today and help her to try and feel confident. And, I want today to be about her because as a mom your whole life revolves around this amazing little thing, but today, today's about Courtney. - I put myself on the back burner, as a lot of caregivers do, and I would go to my closet, and it was t-shirts and running shorts. I didn't want to get dressed every day because that's all I had, and as soon as I saw this, I did a video right away, and I sent it in to her. I'm like, "May the odds be ever in my favor." (laughs) Hi Sierra, my name is Courtney. I am 29. I am the mother of this really cute 14 month old baby, and since having her I've been having a hard time feeling like myself in my new body. - Meeting Courtney is so exciting. It's always an amazing thing to meet a viewer, but it's even better knowing that we're gonna get to hang out all day together and really break down those confidence issues and body struggles to make her feel beautiful and confident. So, what's it been like for you learning to dress your body as a mom? Did your body change a lot after pregnancy, or has that been the same? - Oh yeah. I grew up really skinny. I never thought anything about it. My parents never made an issue about it. It was always, "This is just how you are. "It's not a big deal, whatever." I was always a really active kid, and then I gained almost 60 pounds when I was pregnant with her, and I'm still trying to take some of it off. It's taken me a really long time. You wake up in the morning, and you're like, oh, those used to be higher. (both laugh) I actually used to have a belly button, and now it's just misshaped. The body struggles I have are my stomach area and my chest area. I thought I was gonna get away without having any stretch marks from my pregnancy, and as soon as I had my daughter, I saw the gridlock stretchmarks across my stomach, and I knew that they would be there forever. - Obviously I'm not a mom, but I want to be someday. I feel like one of the coolest things is knowing that your body looks different because it went through something amazing. - That's what I have to remind myself. It's like, you grew a human. You pushed it out of you. - You birthed a human! Body insecurities and struggles are so interesting because everyone has different things that they are insecure about in their own head because as an outsider I look at someone like Courtney, and I think, oh my gosh, she's beautiful, she has a great body. And, in her head she doesn't think that, but she's probably looking at me and thinking the same thing. - Typically, it's a t-shirt and my running shorts. That's what I wear every single day. - But, that's not the style you want, right? - No, it's not. I was telling my husband I'm just so frustrated 'cause I don't want to wear these things, but it's all I have, that's it. My style has always been sporty, I guess, and that's something I've always struggled with is just completing this sporty, minimalistic, casual look. To me, that is perfection. - So, what do you think has stopped you then? If you know this is what I'm dressing like, but this is what I want to dress like what's stopped you from making that change of going shopping and saying okay, I want to buy these styles that I feel great in? - I think just my day to day life. Why do I need to dress nice? Because it's just her and I, and I know it's just her and I, but then the other part of that I keep reminding myself, I'm a very logical person, when you were in the hospital with her for four days, you still put on your makeup 'cause you wanted to feel good about yourself. You just had a baby, so why don't you feel good about yourself now? - Courtney is an amazing person. She's a mom, she's a wife, but she's so much more than that, and I really see from Courtney that she wants to find a style that she feels like expresses who she is, not necessarily that she's a mom, not necessarily that she's in her late 20s, but expressing the style, and vibe, and the fun energy that she has through her clothes. So, I asked Courtney to send me some Pinterest inspiration pictures, so that we could put together a mood board for her. She's really into that simple, sporty chic vibe with lots of basics, blues, tans, blush pinks, and not very many patterns in there. When I looked at those photos what I really saw was put-together basics. - [Courtney] Yes. - So, your style isn't crazy out there. There's not a lot of colors, a lot of whites and blues. It's gonna be that same style that you were talking about where it's a t-shirt and shorts or a t-shirt and jeans, but more refined. - Yes, that's what I want. - So, I think if we can find some basics that really highlight the things you love about your body and give that more put-together look while still being comfortable and works for your everyday mom life, I think that's gonna be perfect for you. - Me too. (both laugh) - So, today I'm really hoping that we can embody that style that she's always wanted to go after in a way that's attainable and works for her everyday life as a mom. Okay, so for you I'm thinking we're gonna do the same thing that we did in the first episode if you saw that one. - Yes. - So, we're gonna start out with your uniform, that's gonna be your everyday look. Your uniform should be the outfit structure that you gravitate towards most, so on a day where you feel like nothing in your closet looks good, you can always go back to that outfit structure and know that it's gonna make you feel confident. A nice pair of jeans and t-shirt that you can tie, maybe a little baseball cap since I saw that in your inspiration board. - [Courtney] Yeah. (laughs) - What do you think about something like that? - I do like it. I have an absurdly long torso, though. It's a running joke in our family that we all have these really long backs, so I always try to tie my t-shirts, and because I have such a long torso, I can't 'cause there's not enough material. - And, then it becomes a crop top. - It becomes a crop top. - Maybe what we can do is find more oversized shirts that are meant to be worn with leggings or something, and that way you have extra fabric, so if you want to tie it and get that tied look, it's still long enough. So, we'll keep on a lookout for something like that. The second outfit that we're gonna look for for Courtney is gonna be her fashion fears outfit, so a style that she's always wanted to wear, but hasn't gone for because of her insecurities. - High waisted jeans with a crop top. When you do those I'm like, "How is she making that look so damn cute?" Can I say damn? - Thank you. Yeah, you can say whatever you want. Yeah, let's find it, crop top but not super cropped, something that hits right there with high waisted jeans. - Yeah, like yours, how they're longer, your Curvy Crew ones. - We can do that. Speaking of, we can hook you up with a Curvy Crew one later, but we'll find you another one at the stores too. - I'm really nervous about my fashion fear choice today, wearing something a little high waisted and crop top or a way to cinch a t-shirt at the waist just because that is such, in my mind, my problem area, and I don't want to bring attention to it, but I know with Sierra's help, it's gonna look good. - And then, last thing that I want to find for you is just a total wild card, just a hero piece that whatever it is when you put it on, you feel beautiful, it's gonna be a good day, because I feel like when you have those pieces on your wardrobe, and you're having a day where you don't feel beautiful, you can use that to bring out that confidence. All right, so I think we're ready to hit the mall. I'm really really excited. Literally then the camera was off we were both like, "I'm so excited, I'm gonna cry. "I'm just ready to do it." - Bring some tissues. - Let's do it, let's hit the mall. - Okay! (pop music) - Based on Courtney's mood board, style, and overall energy I chose three stores for us to hit up, Madewell, Old Navy, and American Eagle. - Shopping was so much fun. It really was just like my girlfriend and I getting coffee, walking around the mall together, picking out some really cute clothes, and having genuinely a good time. - All right, so we are back from the mall now. I think that went pretty well. We found some really cute stuff, and it was so easy. Honestly, everything looks good on you, so it went really quick. It was really easy. We found some great stuff that I think fits your inspiration pictures pretty on point. - Yes, yeah, exactly. That last one we did, it was just that moment of tears were coming. My whole life has been leading up to this moment in this dressing room with you. - Which is perfect because that last outfit is actually our first outfit, so for your uniform, we got three major items, all of which I think are gonna be great staples in your closet. - Yes. - So, the first thing that we really wanted to find for Courtney is a good pair of jean shorts because a lot of the outfit inspiration pictures you sent really revolved around a good pair of jeans shorts, but you had said that it was difficult for you to find ones that really fit you well. - Yes, yeah. I got the thick lady thighs. - Same, me too, girl. It's a universal struggle. And, we did find a great pair of high waisted jean shorts at Madewell that really rocked your curves and fit your body perfectly. We had to mess around with the sizing a little bit. Sometimes it can feel really overwhelming in the dressing room when something doesn't fit right on the first try, but give it a little bit of trial and error. Maybe you need a different size, maybe you need a different fit. There are a lot of options to explore. We also got this great plain white basic pocket tee from American Eagle, and again, a lot of your inspiration outfits were just simple basics, but finding those in flattering pieces that make you feel comfortable is difficult. - Yes. - And, I think we did it, so we have that. And, the inspiration picture that really inspired this outfit was a open pastel shirt, a pair of jean shorts, and a white tee, and we found that. We took our own little spin on it. This is a button up from Madewell, and I'm excited to see the whole outfit come together. - I know, it's so cute. - All right, go change, let's see it. (pop music) All right, come on out! - [Courtney] Okay. (laughs) - This looks so cute on you! - I know, it does! - I love that you know it too because that's how you know you have confidence. - Yes! I know, I know. - Look at yourself! When you try something on, and you're like, "I know I look good." And, it looks comfortable too. - Lord, it is. - You can hold Harper in this, you can go to the library for play dates. - I can! - You can wear it to Target! - When we were in that dressing room, and I saw myself in this, I started tearing up, and it's sad that it made me so happy. I put on the t-shirt, this overlay, I looked in the mirror, and I just started crying. It was years and years of not feeling like me, almost me but not getting it right, and when I turned and I saw myself looking back at me, it was almost better than my wedding day. It was just, here I am, this is Courtney. This gift that you've given me, words can't even express. - I'm crying now. - How happy that something as simple as simple jeans that are high waisted and a white t-shirt with a shirt over it makes me feel so happy. It's me. - This is your style. - I feel like me in this moment. - You look like you. - Yeah, I'm not a mom, I'm not married, I'm just Courtney. This is Courtney, and I finally reached it. - Courtney had confidence just radiating out of her in this outfit, and it just made me so happy to see that transformation, and hearing about her body struggles, and just seeing her really embrace herself for everything that she is and everything that her body is now. As much as I love this outfit and as amazing as you look, let's transition into your fashion fears. So, this whole outfit is from Old Navy which is the first store we went to, and I picked out this pair of blush pink high waisted jeans for Courtney. - Blush pink is life. - She loves blush pink, but she was not so sure about these pants, but as sure as she put 'em on we were like you look good. - It was the first pair, I'm like, "This is it." - This was the first thing we tried on which is so awesome that we got to start off the day on a good note. - Yes. - So we have these pink pants, and then Courtney was talking about how she doesn't really wear a lot of green, but she wants to, so we found this great, green, comfy, everyday basic tee, but you had a concern about your torso being too long, trying to get that tied look, and it ending up here. - Yes. It's 'cause they don't have the freakish long torso. (both laugh) - But, this shirt is long enough that it fits the torso properly. - It does! - So, we can tie this, so it gets that cropped, tied, high waisted look with the pants without showing too much of your tummy because you're not super comfortable with that, but still conquering that fear. Not saying, "I can't wear the cropped look, "I can't wear the tied t-shirt look." You can, and we found a way that just rocks your curves and highlights the things that you really love about your body. (pop music) Oh my gosh, see this is already cute, but without tying the shirt, it covers your hips a little bit. - Yeah. - So, we're gonna take the shirt. - She has to do this for me. - I'm gonna do it for her. We're gonna gather it right where the high waisted part goes, so that we don't show too much tummy. Gather it here, pull it together on the side. Courtney was definitely insecure at first about showing that part of her stomach with the high waisted pants, but it was amazing to see her confidence come out once she saw how amazing that she looked in it because let's be real, she looked amazing. - When we were talking about going into the dressing room in the very first store we went into, I didn't really want these jeans. You're like, "How about these ones? "I saw you had pink in your inspiration board" I was like, "Well, that was more of just the aesthetic." And then I'm like, "Okay, whatever, "they're not going to work." - Whatever, I'll try 'em. I'm not gonna like 'em. - I'll appease Sierra, and that was the very first time I was like, yeah, I'm not trying on anymore. This is it. - This is it. - And yes, they are. - They look so good on you. - They do! - And, the tied t-shirt really shows your hips. It really shows off your hips, and I know you're nervous about this. - Sorry, I'm looking at myself in the mirror. - You look great, though, and you don't have to be worried about this because everyone's bodies are different. You have your battle scars because you are a mom, and you gave birth, and that's amazing, and you can rock your body the way it is even after going through that, you know? - Yeah, it's taken a long time. You not only have to heal physically, you have to heal mentally from that. I was almost there, but with you today it was like, "Yeah, that's awesome." It is awesome. (both laugh) - So, for your hero piece we went outside of the box a little bit. - Yes. - So, on your inspiration board, you had talked about joggers. - Yeah. - How you wanted a pair of joggers. We didn't find joggers, but we did find a great pair-- - They're not in season. - Apparently they're out of fashion or out of season 'cause they weren't anywhere, but we found a great pair of high waisted flowy pants, and you talked about how sometimes it's hard to get past just being in your pajamas all day. These feel like pajamas, but they look like you are totally put together, you got it all going on. So, let's try on the hero piece. - Okay! (pop music) - Okay, you know you look good 'cause I see you over there, checking yourself out in the mirror, so just come show everyone how good you look. - So, I can check myself out in this mirror! - In this mirror! (both laugh) But, this looks amazing on you. My favorite thing about loose fitting pants like this is they look put together, but they feel so comfortable. On those days when you're like, "I honestly just want to go to the store "in my pajama pants," you can put these on and feel more put together, but still have that comfort. - I'm just really excited to have something that isn't running shorts or even just the jeans shorts, which I love. It's something versatile and accessible. So now it's like, "I've arrived, I've arrived." - You are here, but we have one more thing before you come full circle. You are now officially part of the Curvy Crew, so I have a Curvy Crew shirt for you and a pin. Let me grab it for you 'cause it was hiding as part of our set. - I didn't know that. - You are officially part of the Curvy Crew. Here's your shirt. You can rock it in all of your curvy glory. - I will! - And, I have Curvy Crew pin for you, so welcome to the Curvy Crew. - This experience was a true true blessing. I can't put into words how blessed and gifted I feel from today. - Welcome to the Curvy Crew. I am so excited that we got to do this video and just so excited that we get to see how confident you've become even just in the span of a day. It really is amazing. Spending time with Courtney today really just inspires me to keep going with my channel, with the Curvy Crew, with the clothing line, with the Confidence series because even just that transformation she had in the 12 hours we spent together today, I see the positive changes that are coming from that message of embracing your body and embracing the changes that it goes through as you go through motherhood, and different stages, and different seasons of life. Your body's gonna change, but if you can learn to love and accept yourself as you are, you're going to be confident no matter where your body goes and how it changes. - Today I'm walking away just feeling empowered and good about myself in just the way I feel and portray myself. I even noticed at the end of today, I was walking up straighter in my new clothes. Thank you, Sierra. - If you would like a confidence makeover and a shopping spree with me, send a short selfie video to TheCurvyCrew@gmail.com. You do have to be in proximity to Los Angeles where we film, so sorry about that for everyone who's not. I can't wait to hear from more of you and hit the mall with more of you. And, we're gonna be making one of these Confidence Makeover series every month, so you can look forward to those on the last Friday of each month. I'll see you guys next time. Bye! (pop music)
Channel: Sierra Schultzzie
Views: 94,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sierra schultzzie, sierra schultzzie curvy, curvy, after baby, baby weight, postpartum body, how to hide a belly, stretch marks, postpartum belly, post baby body, mom body, mom outfits, minimalist wardrobe, minimalist style, minimalist, clothing haul, try on, shopping, confidence, body positivity, confidence makeover, makeover, curvy body, curvy shopping, shopping spree, transformation, how to dress, how to style, curvy fashion, fashion, style, outfits, struggles, body struggles
Id: UdObYnbmxzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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