Dress Up, Kissing, and Girly Flash Games

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flash games we all know them we all love them and we're all strangely endear to our own personal favorites spawning Papa Louie fanfiction and fire boy and WaterGirl feature films okay that's not confirmed or anything but I think we all know what really inspired it but what if you don't want to play Shark Boy and Lava Girl or whatever or you do want to make pizzas but not boring boy pizzas with dumb boy ingredients and a boy man as the main character but cute feminine pizzas in a kitchen that's pink with little puppies dancing on screen and a random shiny Millennial woman in an awful outfit as the main character you know all the regular girly things well then you would of course turn to not just any regular old Flash game but girly flash games girly flash games are pretty self-explanatory all the fun of a regular flash game but now in a cute girly package except there they're not quite that simple girly flash games are a delicate balance of the color pink Whimsy and questionable quality and with this formula they've created an entire online Legacy and genre of their own think cooking games gardening games and of course the Glorious dress up games the only real requirements to fit the genre are feature a typically feminine activity or theme have something like butterflies or flowers thrown into the mix or even just a girl and suddenly that typical boring Flash game is transformed into something magical or at least that's how it felt when I was younger and you know what else is magical learning a new language and this video sponsor Babble helps you do just that like a lot of Americans I learned Spanish in high school but since moving to Australia I've had less chances to practice and I've lost a lot of what I knew but Babble is one of the top language learning apps in the world and it has been perfect for brushing up on my Spanish and getting back into the swing of things Babel lessons are designed by real language teachers and actually teach real world uses so you can have practical conversations instead of just asking where the library is why is that the one thing we've all retained from school I've learned useful phrases like taking and asking for directions which is so helpful for getting around when traveling nice and babble has a few different subscriptions to choose from including a lifetime subscription so I can choose whatever works best for how I use the app if you're looking for an all-in-one tool for language learning click the link in the description to get 60% off of your Babel subscription start having real conversations in a new language thanks to babble for sponsoring this video and now back to Girly Gaming in the early 2000s I spent a lot of time on Commercial Classics like barbie.com pollypocket.com and my scene.com basically everything under the everythinggirl.com umbrella the combined Mattel property Powerhouse that ruled a large portion of my childhood the games on these sites and others like them were definitely the blueprints for the girly games in later years they had simple Concepts pretty colors and themes of friendship fashion or something overly cute like babies and animals as much as I could not get enough of watching poly pocket grow shrooms in her backyard or helping Barbie Care for Animals Sushi Train style at the vet these games did kind of run their course for me after a while in retrospect I think the main threat to the longevity of these branded games for me is that they were commercialized and selling a product even though I did love poly pocket and of course chewing on her clothes there's only so much I could get out of a few lack luster games where she was the main mascot featuring characters from the brands and new toy sets with a not so subtle trademark symbol front and center was sure to bring in more traction to the website and sales overall but it didn't always do much for actually making the game engaging I think that the lack of variety is what eventually drove me to the less commercial and more free form option the girly Flash game sites where toy brands and IP based websites that happen to have a few licensed games on them were typically made to promote a product girly game sites existed only to invite in more players for that sweet sweet website traffic and AdSense and if you couldn't tell by the name girl game sites clearly had something different to offer from the other typical Flash game hosting sites like addicting games or mini clip if you run a search for boy Flash game site or something similar you'll just get a bunch of popular or generic sites that aren't really made specifically for boys they they might even have some girly games in the mix and they're more gender neutral if anything but girls Flash game site will show you tons of results of these sites that cater specifically to a demographic that once games with more of a feminine touch or more accurately just a bunch of random games that look like they might have something to do with fashion fairies or Vigo mortensson you know classic girly stuff no one cared who I was till I put on the m one two three pppe game girly dress up who girl games Club put the word girl in the title or some other feminine sounding word or phrase and you've got yourself a domain that's the perfect place to host everything relatively girly poop and SLE as the kids say these sites were flashy Lawless pink and purple Havens full of games of any genre any unlicensed media and any premise that might have a chance of reigning in kids with unsupervised computer Time online where traditional video games tended to be full of licensed characters and more arcade like gameplay girly flash games tended to be the exact opposite more simple concepts with random characters and less of a purpose or end goal so that they could be replayed endlessly boy Centric or gender neutral sites just couldn't handle the sheer power that came with hosting ads of 2000's pop culture girlies in the sidebar and sensual Edward Cullen dressup experiences I guess he doesn't look that sensual but I feel like Edward as a character is always one step away from sliding into someone's metaphorical DMs I couldn't tell you an exact date of when girl game sites first started appearing but two of the most prominent of these sites appeared as far as the Wayback machine can tell me in 2007 further proving my point that 2007 was a cultural legend for all that it offered these two websites created classic girly Flash game standards genres and strange pink colored memories that would last for years to come and they were girls go games and games to girls when it comes to flash gaming it's generally true that it doesn't usually matter which website you prefer you'll probably at least find all of the same popular titles between each site and everything else in between is good enough anyway this was also true for girl game sites so no matter which was your favorite you were sure to get a very similar experience every time despite how similar they all were though I still for some reason Harbor some loyalty to my personal girly site of choice as a kid games two girls it even claims to be the first online girl game site and does show up a few months before Girls Go Games on the Wayback machine though I don't know that I would call either of those very valid sources I know that Girls Go Games was apparently way more popular and frankly more polished overall though as a kid I for some reason had some madeup beef with it and decided that the opposite was true they even both had very similar layouts for a while during their Peak as did a lot of the other sites but to me Games 2 Girls The Unofficial first online girl game site maybe was Superior and this was where I did almost all of my flash gaming for a large chunk of my girlhood so just a disclaimer if I don't mention one of your favorite flash games that you can't believe I forgot or never heard of it was probably hosted on Girls Go Games and I probably just didn't play them because I was doing real gaming on the super Superior girly website okay I mean just look at that font that color scheme and of course the games I never really understood what games 2 girls as a title meant though is it Games 2 girls like four girls games two girls like these games are very too much girls and that's why they're on the site is it Games 2 the sequel expressed directly to and for the girls I never really got it but it doesn't have to be a thing that you get because Games 2 girls is a thing that you play on and as much as it is pretty to look at it's got Games 2 girls you might notice right away that there are what looks to be localization or just general translation issues with some of the titles leading to games with just vague one-word descriptors like career September and hamburger though sometimes these were just the actual titles of the game either way I didn't really care as an 8-year-old just looking for something to fill my computer time with while taking a break from Webkins even though hamburger does sound like a great time and cooking and food based games were definitely popular dress up games were undeniably the core Essentials of Games 2 Girls and all the other sites like it the premise is usually just to dress up your doll in whatever way you think is best there's sometimes extra features like adding makeup and hair design or some kind of goal or time limit but it's typically just mixing and matching cute outfits until you exhaust all of your options and get bored and it makes sense why they were so popular aside from Fashion being well-liked among a feminine demographic in general dress up games are arguably some of the easiest games to make and because of that have a wide range of themes and levels of quality true dress up game lovers know all too well that feeling of disappointment when you click on an interesting game only for there to be like 10 clothing options total that don't even snap into place poor quality dress up games were also comment because making a game could be so simple just take some kind of theme or character create a doll and some assets give it a name that will get some clicks and that's basically it see it's so easy that even I made one this is totally Real by the way uh you can play it right now if you want the Link's in the description feel free to send me all of your dressed up dream jellies on Twitter and actually the name for a dress up game wasn't even all that important it didn't have to be overly descriptive dog male insert random girl name here which made clicking around on different games on a girly flash site always a tossup of if the game would be a dress up or not you think which in the city is going to be some magical RPG type Adventure game no it's dress up oh you thought ice skater would let you play as an ice skater and do sick tricks it's actually still dress up Sleep Time dress up Animal Mania dress up free dress up tree dress up cooking show Banana Pancakes actually that one is exactly what it sounds like but the point still stands and any of these either very vaguely named or weirdly specific titles could vary wildly between each other depending on their overall theme there were the anime and East Asian inspired games that tend to have pretty detailed designs and features with clothes that are trendy and frilly and dress up subjects that are cutesy overly shiny and have huge foreheads I know that's a pretty common feature of this sort of anime art style but it still weirds me out one of my favorites in this category was a Games 2 girls original series called star Stylin that had pretty generic looking anime girls that I assume are supposed to be like pop stars or something similar though playing these back now I'm not entirely sure why I liked them so much I think it had a bit to do with the variety of choices overall and probably the options of Epic Punk and emo themed clothing that undoubtedly planted the seeds of my own eventual emo phase I'd have later on I mean just look at that fit aine who speaking of emo following a specific fashion or theme is another definitive category of dressup game though it is very broad really any reason to wear clothes place to wear them or type of fashion was fair game for a theme there was certainly no shortage of emo and scene dress ups which while they might seem a bit Ted now were very relevant in the years they were released and I thought they were unironically really cool and they're not cringe at all okay I don't think pop culture relevance is a good enough excuse for creating emo baby though any other variation of the setting the doll is placed in or dressing for like Christmas with friends or Sunday brunch I love the blatant My Scene ripoff here the theme of the clothing like panda costumes or short boots some kind of occupation like policewoman dress up or weather news or any other generic descriptor like my bags or he is so cute are all commonplace among the wide range of dress up games I feel like fantasy dress ups could fit in this category too but they also have so many variations that I personally separate them into their own group mermaids elves centaurs witches vampires fairies the list goes on I was definitely partial to the fairy ones when I was younger and I always had a habit of making the most most like edgy and evil looking fairies I could think of I don't know just to look into my dark and twisted reality one of the strangest yet most infamous types of dress up games though has to be those that are themed around celebrities these functioned the same as any other dress ups but instead of some generic girl or shiny anime cutie you were dressing up a celebrity maybe I'm the only one that finds these strange but thinking back on it now I can only think of how weird it must feel to to be someone like Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus and see tons of games where you're standing half naked in an awkward pose for young children to dress up on their family computer and all just be wearing that outfit don't get me wrong though I definitely played a bunch of these myself as a kid so I recognize that I perpetuated their existence but it still just feels a bit weird in retrospect at least the cartoon and animated celebrities if you could call them that I guess weren't modeled after real people though I do still feel a little uncomfortable seeing Ernie from Sesame Street in his underwear the fact that some variations of different dolls tend to look either very uncanny and off-putting or just completely unlike their intended celebrity also does not really help make them any less strange like this one can you even tell who this is supposed to be here I'll give you a hint and while many young kids May tend to want to just dress up their favorite singer or movie star because they're a big fan and like their style things also dip into the weird side When taking into account how many of these could be used as an almost voyerism maybe because I feel a little guilty that I spent a little too much time on Joe Jonas dress up at the club Edition when I was younger speaking of Joe Jonas there are way more male celebrities that appear in their own themed games compared to other dress ups that tend to usually only feature boys in a couple's package or Boyfriend Maker obviously because dressing up boys is boring but dressing up your favorite hottie Superstar crush is fun I do feel like this further proves my theory that some of these games were partly intended to give the targeted young girl demographic something to augle at aside from their questionable uses I find celebrity dress ups very interesting just as little pieces of 2000's history because depending on the person that's featured and of course what they're wearing these games just blatantly date themselves celebrities like Ashley Simpson Ashton Kutcher Pete Wentz Hillary Duff and Snookie have all generally fallen from relevancy since the release of their dress up games yet they remain forever famous on Girly Gaming sites and I think that's beautiful but dress up games are not the only kind of girly game that exists because girls obviously ly care about more than just their favorite celebrities and fashion they also love cooking too I say that as a joke but I do think that cooking games are probably the second most popular genre of girl games whatever the secret ingredient is that also flavors games like Cooking Mama and Papa Lou's own masterpieces seems to apply to pretty much any game that has to do with cooking and serving food to always make it a good time even if the games themselves are not always that great flash games as a general rule because they're free and often independently created can really have such a wide range in quality and like with the dress up games not all cooking games are created equal sometimes you'll be the manager of a whole restaurant and filling orders with some pretty detailed gameplay like one of my childhood favorites pinkies pancakes a lot of times though you'll be limited to making just one specific type of food which isn't always a bad thing when you get some Hands-On cooking mamaes steps to follow follow a recipe but sometimes a game will just play canned animations in place of anything involved or frankly exciting so that it's barely a game at all and I don't know why it's funny to me to think of someone logging onto the family computer after a long day of school heading to games2 girls.com and playing their very favorite game mixed bean soup it just sounds silly even though I'm guilty of the exact same thing where are all my other soup heads tonight this guy sticks okay but even when the game is a little lackluster or only about cooking soup I'd say the general consensus is that cooking virtual food is always going to be fun overall and I played the hell out of these two cooking is only one type of simulation game that exists though there are plenty of others that usually simulate some type of girly job like gardening laundry waitressing hairdressing and caring for babies or whatever cre creature you'd call this thing and of course who could forget the iconic online pet care games that walked so nintendog could run these job simulators usually tend to be some type of Diner Dash style management game where you have to fill orders and keep customers or babies happy which I personally tend to always have fun playing even without the girly title I always loved to play Cafe waitress and one that was simply called haircut which I doubt was the fully translated name but it got the point across anyway both of these are actually not all that exciting when playing them now but they somehow entertained me for hours when I was younger because job Sims just scratch a certain itch in my brain I wish real jobs were this fun designing games were also pretty popular on girly sites because like dress up UPS they were free form and generally let you be creative in whatever way that you want basically anything else beauty related like makeup nails and hair which sometimes featured even more celebrities fashion designing coloring room decorators and plenty of scene creators fall into this category I loved playing something related to designing a super cool bedroom or house and imagine myself living in it which went in tandem with my childhood habit of drawing crazy elaborate Maps of my dream mansion with my friend at school so that we could just have the blueprints ready to go for when we're 16 or whenever you buy a house and ask the builders to please paint the pool pink and staff my in-house McDonald's with Zack Efron on the cash register I'm going to retroactively blame my scene room decorator for that one aside from tons of very feminine games that clearly leaning to stereotypes and glamorous bean soup recipes there were of course other games on girly flash s sites that were more like your run-of the- mail flash games like escapes and Platformers leaning towards an arcade likee style these were sometimes girl ified to make them more appealing like charger Escape that's about transforming a cute horse into a Magical Pegasus sorry spoilers cats in love that's about well cats that are in love or just this God awful unlicensed Bratz kids move objects game that's barely even a game I could feel my brain melting while playing this also why is it so hard but compared to something like dressing up a tween Justin Bieber most of the arcade type games or really anything that wasn't about cooking or dress up tended to not lean as girly or strange nope nothing weird going on here at all I'm just I'm just helping the horsey Escape only normal girl stuff happening nothing to see here yeah okay we'll talk about the kissing games while kissing and romance games are not featured exclusively on girly flashlights I would argue that the long-standing Trope of romance and female oriented media makes games in this category fit right in the goal of these games is usually to hypnotize as many lovers as you can with some weird zapping magic or kiss someone as much as possible in some secretive setting without getting caught I honestly wouldn't have so quickly ruled these games as girly games if I hadn't seen and of course played them so much myself on various girl game sites I'm living proof that young kids will not only see their appeal but also nervously play them hoping no one will come in while you're listening to dubious kissing sounds on the speakers that are turned all the way down to low there are so many variations of these even including one about a squirrel romance but the basic premise is almost always the same I'd recommend this great video by Lee beaks that I Linked In the description if you want want hear more about this weird genre she has a great analysis and Dives a little deeper into the flirty Rabbit Hole as a clear girly Flash game enjoyer I can personally say that for the most part these games usually did whatever they were trying to accomplish whether it was promoting toy brands interesting kids in cooking winning over new celebrity fans teaching young girls about squirrel love they all did their jobs well and got their point across but a lot of the games and genres I've gone over are actually pretty dated now and not only because of their age or studded belts and seen hair but also because there are new standards and Trends among girly flash games and they're unfortunately just bizarre and I'm not sure at all what they're trying to accomplish you'll of course still find dress ups and cooking games on Modern sites but you'll also find tons of games centered around tasks like treating patients as a doctor giving facials at a spa and of course taking care of babies and sure that sounds on par with all the other games we've covered so far except these are not really that innocent doctor games include open heart surgery Spa Sims feature cleaning facial wounds and games where you care for babies are now more often about birthing babies you know normal girly things this weird trend of games that include gross disturbing or other shock value content are a pretty recent phenomenon on and they've all but taken over every new and existing girly Flash game site I really can't begin to understand the appeal of these very strange types of games from a child's perspective I get being drawn to things that might be taboo or that you want to learn more about but these seem to be taking it a step in a weird Direction I totally had a strange curiosity for medical procedures phase from watching gra Anatomy behind the couch when my mom wasn't looking but playing something like an edheads virtual hip replace replacement surgery that's educational and non-graphic definitely seems a little bit different than Hello Kitty tonsil surgery that's full of growths and a rainbow of unidentified bodily fluids why are they always so disturbing and gross is it oddly satisfying does it add to the realism is this the next evolved level of toilet humor and why does it have to be Hello Kitty that has tonsilitis I don't even think she has tonsils Hello Kitty is only one of the characters that you'll see involved in these unusual games as featuring some sort of popular licensed character is an overwhelmingly common element seemingly to Garner as many clicks as possible kid favorites like Disney Princesses Monster High ghouls SpongeBob MLP ponies and Peppa Pig are all stars of their very own scuffed online flash games ranging to anything from lice control to lipo suction also a lot of the time they're also pregnant they're strange ailments and injuries are healed with a range of treatments from silly stuff like insecticide and magic wands to weirdly accurate and graphic surgeries and procedures and guess what you even get to dress them up still at the end of their treatment I love a two for one special real life celebrities are featured too though it's less dress up Ashley Tisdale and more pop Zan Malex pimples there are fan favorite characters that appear way more than the rest though which have to be minions and of course and Elsa from Frozen or rather copyright free Ice Queen and Ice Princess unfortunately unrelated to the 205 Disney movie the Frozen Obsession among kids is yet another weird Trend that I just cannot wrap my head around especially when it escalates from just having a favorite Disney character to delivering their virtual babies or even zombie babies as much as I feel a little weird about having played celebrity dress up games when I was younger I have to wonder how the kids online today will feel about having played injured Elsa pregnant with twins when they're older it almost feels weirdly toopan in a way it's not like flash games were ever recognized as a reputable source of kids entertainment before or that they never contained anything graphic or inappropriate but where a handful of games like squirrel love and dress up Adam Lambert were a little goofy among hundreds of other more normal games Dora sunburn care and Peppa Pig bathroom cleaning are now the new norm and are just a few examples out of hundreds that are just like them it's all very indicative of the current state of online culture and the information age where it's not uncommon for children to just be handed the family Wi-Fi password as soon as they're able to tap around on their own personal iPads ultimately leading to just an overload of exposure and information that desensitizes them and leads them to playing minion pregnancy games between watching skibbidy toilet videos again and I'm not going to act like I had the most innocent online experience as a kid and never consumed media that probably wasn't the best for my still developing brain the main difference now just seems to be that these games are intentionally exploiting the online free reign of modern kids in a way like never before and it's really unfortunate all that being said the idea of kids having less than ideal experiences online is a pretty nuanced topic that spans far beyond weird Frozen games so I won't get too deep into it and I guess at the end of the day playing Elsa gets Inked and giving her an Olaf tattoo isn't the worst thing for kids to be spending their time on all things considered I will say though that this new wave of girly and children oriented games online has definitely given me A New Perspective when thinking about my own internet gaming habits from when I was younger it all makes me feel even more nostalgic for the flash gaming of old dress up games gave me more of a love for fashion and self self expression the job Sims and management games prepared me for the real world um kind of and the cooking games made me realize that mixed bean soup actually sounds kind of good where would I be without you girly flash games and if you're feeling nostalgic too it's actually pretty easy to visit your favorite old flash hosting site using the Wayback machine and play some of your favorite games with the help of a flash emulator squirrel love for all or you know dress up games and stuff that's fine I hope you all have tons of fun playing games too girls see what I did there hi welcome to jelly TV where I shout out a video that I think deserves some love keeping on theme with Girly Gaming I recommend watching the life and death of gendered video games by Melody no surname Melody does a great job getting deep into the analysis of how gendered gaming has evolved over time and explains what it really means to Girls Go Games she includes a lot of super interesting details about the video game industry its marketing and Niche points in its history and the editing style is so polished involved and funny and her PNG tuber is so cute all of which make it a really fun and engaging watch a huge thank you to Daniel E from ABQ Kevin Evans Brett Morgan bunzo ficano and Iris Hayden Campbell Johan a lily puff Lou Lucy lik Tean and Sarah Louisa Mark Kent MW Oliver e paper Sam Pharma mags pixel puppy shapel starbit illustrations stey Dan Rather Theodore nicolaas Vivien Valencia and the rest of my patrons for supporting me I've created each of you your very own girly Flash game on the brand new site dream 2 Jelly it's definitely a real website and these are all real games and not just madeup thumbnails please believe me and do not look it up
Channel: Dream Jelly
Views: 95,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girls go games, girlsgogames, games2girls, games 2 girls, games to girls, dress up games, girl gamer, girly games, girly game, flash games, girls flash games, dress up, play dress up games, makeover, makeover games, devilish hairdresser, everythinggirl, everything girl, everythinggirl.com, everything girl games, everythinggirl pippa, everything girl pippa, barbie games, myscene games, polly pocket games, 2000s flash games, 2000s girl games, 2000s online games, girl games
Id: tg3J5d8lpu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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