DremSword .com 1095 Through Hardened Unokubi Zukuri Katana Special Review

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[Music] good evening blade enthusiasts and thank you for tuning in to another Studio gdt review tonight I'm really excited to talk to you because we have a new manufacturer to be able to display on the channel here and that manufacturer is dreamsword AKA dreamsword if you read it how it's written on the website um really stoked to be able to talk to you about it today because it was a another fantastic experience that was kind of unexpected um I found them by accident you know I was looking for a specific type of uh zukuri and I was looking at images and a couple of images started popping up and they were pretty attractive looking swords so I clicked them said hey this is another sword provider dream sword dream sword let's take a look at what this is all about and kind of dive a little bit further so um I hope that you if you haven't heard about this brand I hope that uh it's exciting to you if you have heard about this brand I hope it might reinforce some things that we talk about a little bit later clear up some rumors and some myths about a couple of uh items but um before I go any further there is one thing that I want to ask of you the viewers right now social media is a very difficult place to be if you're into uh if you're a manufacturer of edged items or uh Firearms or certain things like that it's just not a very friendly uh place in that um most of your reach is extremely restricted uh swords and martial arts are no exception to that um this manufacturer is relatively new on social media um more competition in the marketplace is always a good thing so we want everybody to be successful if everybody's successful in the there's more options out there so I'm going to ask something I don't normally ask but do me a favor if you like the product that's in this review follow them on Facebook follow them on Instagram follow them on YouTube uh because Unfortunately they can't really grow right now it's a restriction that's in place that uh we're at the mercy of the uh overlords for so that being said I'll go ahead and and get off my soap box and we'll go ahead and and get to the disclaim and then get to the review I am a novice Japanese swordsmanship practitioner I am a novice sword reviewer I do not pretend to be an expert on either of those things so please take everything I say with a grain of salt it is purely my opinions and my observations and hopefully that helps you out in some way this sample was partially paid for so it wasn't a full review sample it wasn't a full paid for sample if you think that would make my opinion sway one way or the other at least you know up front dream sword's website has a nice clean look to it with some pretty pleasing pictures that come up uh they've got custom sword options as well as pre-made options pretty much your standard offering from longan but they have a different aesthetic uh I think you'll see when you're browsing their site here they've got lots of different steel options you can get those through pull Downs or through filters uh they've got very good pictures which is something that I like uh you're going to have um options for fittings and subas and all other sorts of stuff that you can see on the pull down menu here but let's talk a little bit about the company in general dream sword's been around for about 15 years and is really just getting into the social media games that's why a lot of people don't uh know about them they are their own Factory they do not Outsource their production so they make all of their swords in house they also do a lot of um uh custom work according to what you would want um a lot of um hand painting on different types of Saia and things like that so you know it might not be for everybody but you can see that they do really take pride in their work in what they do immediately upon opening the box I was greeted with something I have yet to see from any of these other sword manufacturers and that was a typed letter including handwritten portions of it thinking me for my purchase it also told me how important I was to them as a customer how they wanted to know if there was anything wrong with the sword immediately that if I mentioned the letter in a future purchase that I would get another discount it was really just a nice touch continuing the experience is a sword bag that has their logo on it which I thought was a nice touch it's not the bottom level sword bag it's not a top level sword bag but it is function sword bag and I like the little monogram touch on it on top of this there was a sword bag inside the sword bag just to protect the SAA one step further they are obviously very serious about the representation of their product and how you feel when you receive it finishing up the trifect of personal touches was this nice hanging tag which gives you how to use the katana and how to care for it the entry level sword that we're looking at today is a 1095 through hardened unoy zukuri that means making the neck of a corant as we look at this from bottom to top you'll see it's anything but an entry-level sword by its feature set the tsuka is a hii shape that features real race skin panels it has a thin profile and uses synthetic silk EO you can see at first glance that the EO looks relatively well done there's maybe one or two diamonds that aren't in alignment with the rest and a little bunch of at the end but overall it looks good starting with the kasera I thought the fittings were really nice looking they had an antique look to me without looking overtly fake it fit well against the Tuukka itself and was relatively well Blended in fact really it was the EO that actually stuck out a little bit than the kosa which I'm okay with the minuki which was part of a Bonsai theme was crisp and detailed as was the fuchi if you look here looks like the fuchi might have a crack through it that's actually in the mold which is my only complaint uh it does come with the territory however initial impressions for this entry level dare I say budget Katana are pretty high just based on the tsuka fitment itself but let's look a little bit closer in a little bit more detail how well does it hold up I continue to be impressed by this sword because it has one of the tightest wraps that I've ever felt for a tsuka that does not have ishigami and does not have full sagawa wrap it is kind of crazy what I'm feeling at this price point this is a budget sword and this thing is locked up pretty damn tight internally the tsuka work was clean and there were no cracks to be seen since we have the tsuka off let's take a look at the Nago it has equal Hamachi in munachi and the May is on the correct side let's pop the top fittings off and have a closer look at what we've got the tuba on this is made of iron it's clean I love it the installation was also correct if you take a look at that that is something that is frequently done incorrectly so they got it right again at this price point we have copper Habachi which has some nice file marks on it there was care there's the internal shelf to make sure that that it meets up with the sword the alignment of the Habachi was good against the mimachi uh you can see the alignment is good here in this S profile angle um it's a little bit off at the ha but um you know you can't win them all the tsuka and blade alignment is perfect and I'm not making this up folks this is a sub $200 sword right now and look at the sword toah fitment on this it's crazy now here's a fun part the SAA is kind of this Paradox of the whole piece because it's obviously where they saved the most money however there's great care taken to how the sword fits within it there's ex minimal rattle in it um there's this feel that there's a nice tight Groove for the moonay to travel like it should and you can kind of see in this video how it it slows to a stop a little bit and then you get a nice gentle insertion on it and you're good to go we don't have any special t tapering here but the lacquer work is good and there's no indentations from the SEO being tightened before the lacquer had set the kuchi is of the plastic type to be expected the kuriata is wood the Shido are plastic they are not pressed in and the SEO is of the very very loose kind of shoelace type as we say and there is uh no real cuty again you know if you're looking at areas where was saved this is where money was saved however it fits well so who cares let's take a look at the best part the sharp end this is a 1095 steel through hardened blade featuring a mirror polish finish um you could probably tell me that this sword was Chrome plated and I might believe you for a second if I didn't have it in my hands and I could actually see the polishing marks this is probably one of the best mirror polish finishes that I have ever seen from the factory it is blingy um that might not be for everyone but if I have a through Harden sword that doesn't have a homone on it um I would like it to look pretty it has a nice shape here in the unokubi zukuri fashion there is some soy on it um I don't have that measurement handy so I apologize for that this sword is on the thinner side of having niku um but it should make it a very fast cutter the blade flats are clean and well defined uh as you can see in these images here it's hard to capture just how bright the Polish is in video even in Stills it is paper cutting sharp I will not cut paper in the videos anymore because I feel it's very arbitrary and inconsistent uh we will see how well it performs at a later date when it comes to cutting actual targets I also think it's pretty awesome to be able to get the unokubi style at this price point in these pictures and video you can see the transition that makes that corant neck that is its namesake uh you know you think budget sword you're limited to something that really doesn't have any character uh this is probably one of the kind of most interesting character swords that I've put my hands on and again it's well under $200 the sword Fields great in the hand and to swing and I look forward to being able to continue to demo this in future reviews uh that we have planned in our Channel road map so wow I don't know if you were as impressed as I was I think I was even more impressed when I saw what the final price point of this item was going to be and then you take that into consideration to what they have it on sale for uh as of the time of this this filming which is $189 and it's just kind of ridiculous you know you've got a 1095 through Harden blade in a unique geometry with quality fittings uh quality for the segment suco work right on that you've got a nice fitting s on it uh are there a couple of pieces here and there that are lacking a little bit sure but they're the small ancillary things SEO you know everybody would want to replace SEO on that right I mean other than that really you've got a fantastic deal so I hope that you liked this sword I hope it made you interested in going to check out this manufacturer that I think is kind of not very well known right now and we could change that a little bit again more competition is a good thing so I hope you liked it take a look at it on the website they've got a promotional price going on it right now and I think if you added it to your collection I I don't think you'd be disappointed so thank you to dream sword for um the sample and um more to come have a good night everybody [Music]
Channel: StudioGDT
Views: 2,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: katana, katana sword, katana forging, making katana, katana replica, katana slice test, kenjutsu, kenjutsu training, kenjitsu, kenjutsu (martial art), iaido, iaito, iaido kata, karate iaido, iaido (martial art), iaido demonstration, master the art of laido, iai, bushido, iaijutsu, budo, kendo, kobudo, shinai, samurai, battodo, martial art, martial arts, sword review, sword, review, swords, sword test, replica sword, battojutsu, shogun, custom katana, dreamsword, dreamsword.com, unokubi zukuri
Id: PmGmnfB1am8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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