Dreamweaver Templates

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[Music] okay in this video we have uh created our page and now we want to create other pages for this particular company website and what we would do is instead of copying and pasting code from one page to the next what you can do is you can create what's called the dream lever template so in dreamweaver i'm going to click somewhere in the code view here you have to make sure that you're in the code view and not up here in the live view and then you can go to file save as template and we're going to give it a name i'm going to call this bento template and i'm going to click save and update links yes that's fine so now what this does is i did i'm going to close this down and click ok and then i'm going to open it back up okay all right so that's much better so if you take a look at the file structure and let me go to my finder you'll see that in that folder with our site you have a new folder called templates and we have the new template here so what we can do with this template is we can define you'll notice that there's added extra code template begin editable name equals doc title so you can edit the doc title template end editable so whatever is not within an editable region can't be edited so person that's working on this that doesn't have access to the files they wouldn't be able to edit these regions so right now the page is kind of useful useless to us because we can't edit anything within the certain sections so looking at this like this first section maybe that's constant maybe we want that to stay the same for the entire site so i wouldn't want to make that an editable region but then this footer section we also don't want to make that an editable region either so the way that you can do this um the full width hero should be able to change so i'm going to select this and then i want to make that into an editable region so i'm going to insert template editable region the keyboard shortcut there is command option v and i'm just going to call this hero and click ok and notice that it adds this code to that section and then this section for products connected all the time we'll do the same thing so insert template and editable region we'll call this uh products okay again it adds the extra code for that and then services insert template editable region just call this services click ok the footer is not going to be editable right and then main so we've created all the editable regions now just need to save that and then i'm going to close the template so if i want to create a new page that's based on that template now so when i go to file new and you'll see in the new document dialog box you'll see site templates and then you'll see in my site that i'm working on right now here's the bento template update page when template changes so if any changes are made in the template this will change as well so if i go ahead and click create it'll create a new page that's based on that now so let's see if i go up here and i try to select that section you notice that i can't do anything i can't make any changes to this because it's not in an editable region but if i were to select this section i should be able to make changes to it since it is in it no that's not an editable region i didn't add that so the hero space is i should be able to make a change to that this section is so you can see i can select this text this is a new section so we can change that you can update this as well we can update that we can update these images we can change all this text so that's the advantage here of this so let's say this is a new page file save as and it's going to save it into our site folder and i'll just call this a new page and click save okay so now let's see what happens if i go file open recent and i open up my template file and if i were to make a change here let's say in the template file if the company name changes right and i save that change you'll see that the change gets reflected in the page that we made from the template so that's dreamweaver templates a really quick easy way to create and build multiple pages from a single source [Music]
Channel: Al Lemieux
Views: 515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jI4nLGt2JPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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