Dreams: What are dreams and what do they mean?

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sir Kazan welcome to Ellison domain and I am your host Oh Coco Morial today we're going to be talking about a very exciting topic which is I'm a poopoo datura dreams so what are dreams well dreams are in most cases directors dreams are what our subconscious minds gives us information on when we're sleeping the colonial awake our conscious minds want to rule govern lead direct and most of the time it chooses to be more rational than take instructions so what are genes dreams are tales and stories that you get to see you're in your sleep we're your guides and your angels and in most cases by the moba how come see you to speak to you about whatever it is that you need to be doing dreams are also very much a lag for lack of what's happening in your life currently so they get to speak to us in symbols and less in words and that's what genes in essence are your dream can tell you everything you need to know about your stance in your life currently you may be dreaming or falling falling down an endless pit you might have a lot of anxiety in your life you might be struggling with making a decision and ultimately you fall and you're falling in real life maybe you losing out an opportunity you're not doing as well as you thought you do and be chosen second instead of winning the actual prize that you were coming for falling could mean a number of reasons you know dreams are what the great khali on the psychologist says when he says that dreams are what our egos try to suppress during the day so what I gather from what he's saying is we are people who are very self-conscious and we always want to live by a batch buckling phenomenon you know we are always worried about what the next person is going to feel or regard of us or how they're in a place also where they're gonna place us hmm sometimes we even have our own image of how we're supposed to look like and well not everybody is going to be able now or not everybody is going to be a sensation such as Casper right so we have our own idea of how we're supposed to be versus the narrative that emerges which you have to actually put out in front of us that we don't necessarily want to be very accepting of so dreams in essence are what or rather are when the truth is revealed to us about ourselves you will never imagine yourself being a sangoma no one goes to pick and pay or to a store and says can I have 10 kgs of one gamma right and a side of prophecy and two bags of being able to levitate no one goes up to anything and asks for such if anything will ask for being enlightened we ask for for guidance we ask for for life to be made easier in terms of us to be able to navigate through it and not have so many hardships as we usually do but in your dreams you see yourself in sangoma cloths regalia you see yourself in beadwork you see yourself Okita you see yourself doing all these magical things you fly you you're being chased you're surrounded by snakes you're in water you're in church uniform I don't think half of that is in line with what you have imagined for yourself is it there are four key points to look out for in dreams one where are you are you familiar with the place are you at home in your church are you in a river and the water location is everything location location location still applies in this context where are you next thing who are you with that's plane number two who are you with are you with friends and family are you with strangers are you with your enemies are you with your friends the who and what what is your action what are you doing are you singing dancing chanting running flying what are you doing it's quite important for you to realize those things too and how do you feel at the end of your dream or during your dream how do you feel how are you left to feel are you scared are you anxious are you worried are you happy do you feel blissful how do you feel you realizing all the familiarity around you shows a lot more of comfort level shows of a you've been here before even if in a dream you don't recognize anything about it but there's a feeling of familiarity like actually I feel like I've been here before pretty much the feeling of deja vu because you know that man this feels very familiar so familiar it is also very big point another thing also to look out for is detail like how are you closed are you in church regalia I were in beadwork are you enclosed are you not dressed what are the details behind your dream I guarantee you if you can pick out all these four points that I've mentioned to you now you will be able to realize a lot of what your dream is letting you know all right because you can have a negative gene or something that's scary for instance someone wrote to me and told me that they had a dream where they were my helper for one right so florence tells me that she had a dream and she's freaking out when she's telling me the story oh my god Kaka you won't believe I had such a crazy dream I'm so glad to be alive how Florence so so much drama working in Florence precedes to say that she had a dream where she was underwater fish is swimming up a storm in the water she can breathe she can sing and dance underwater mmm nice that's what I say and she's like and then Coco there were like so many snakes they were literally everywhere and there was one sitting right in front of me and it was laughing ha ha ha ha ha I am like a Kevlar Strama so what does that gene mean to her it was scary that's hard feeling from it she got scared because snakes no one really wants to be seen all right rather once you see a snake let's slide up to them and engage them for whatever reason so naturally she'd be scared but the snakes never ever did anything to her so Florence really why you scared and I said to Florence come let's go into the tub right now let's fill it up to the brim and let's put you under there and let's see if you'll be able to sing dance and chant how you did in your dream she's like rock no ways I will never be able to do any other things that's where in my dream some like that's what it means Florence that's where you see that you are being able to be shown what's going on in your dream you are a gifted person because you're being shown with incredible ability that currently in your everyday life in your conscious life you will never be able to achieve half of the things that you did in that dream right that snake is laughing at you almost saying that the table are not I felt like I you know we'll see for how long you can try deviate or try ignore or run away but eventually you'll end up where we need you to be and to them but in Baha'i it's all a big laugh because like how much zero to along God like really as if you don't know that we exist another thing about dreams - points so what happens if we don't remember your dreams you can feel during the middle of the night that you are having a dream you can feel even when you wake up that you actually had a dream but you can't remember what the dream was about what's up with that you're not being able to remember your dream has got to do with one of two things it's either una is Plato which in essence means you'll always be losing all right and secondly your homestead or the environment in which you stay has got negative and dark energies that don't allow for your dreams to flow easily and to be remembered so your home would need a cleansing because why would your dreams not stay with you you had the dream at minimum you best remember it secondly the second point is what does it mean when you have a reoccurring dream reoccurring dreams in one word our emphasis if I'm gonna tell you something once you may catch on to it you may see the importance of it or not move on with your life be busy and forget all about it if I come back to you to remind you of it again I'm emphasizing them the importance of it I'm stressing why I want you to do it it's a director for you to do and if you missed it the first time I'm going to bring it again because you're maybe looking at it very lightly and you're not taking what you should from it so I'll come back and re present it to you so that's what reoccurring dreams in essence are for I'd also like to talk to you about lucid dreams and dreams where you find yourself in a paralysis state in a paralyzed state rather sleep paralysis also is very suggestive of anxiety that you're experiencing in your it's almost like you can't conclude on something you can't get to making a decision on something and it leaves you in a very anxious state where you feel trapped you feel like you in a pause you feel like you are pinned down by something in most cases if you really pay attention you will find that you only or you largely experience sleep paralysis when you're lying on your back another language is called jihad led so today I'm going to touch on a few of the very popular dreams that people experience they may not be the same they might have a lot of similarities but along my journey I've realized that I've had all if not most of these dreams number one being chased so you're in a half and a puff and you look over your shoulder and do these dogs and they've got these teeth and they're going to literally chow into you if they were ever to bite you or catch you or you've been chased by thugs and criminals and they're being relentless you keep running literally throughout your dream you're huffing and puffing and you wake up still no one ever catches you dogs never actually bite onto your skin and you survive you wake up in a cold sweat and you're like oh my gosh hmm so what does that dream mean it means that you are running away from something that is a part of who you are you are running away from something that's a very big symbol of who you are you're being directed one direction but you want to go the opposite direction so you keep running away from what you're called to do where that's nursing whether it's being a farmer whatever it is with it's broadcasting whatever it is you're running away from something that's innate in you a very natural talent and gift that you have and use dare to choose to go an opposite direction you tell my clients quite a lot is a thief will never break into a house with no valuables hence the chase there's something that's very powerful and very beautiful about you that you never quite realize or come to meet or come to know because you're always running away from it and if you gave yourself half the time to focus in on it you will realize that it's a lot easier gravitating towards it then all the other things that you have desired for yourself and wish for dream number two flying so there you are in the dream you may be running from something or doing something and the only thing that you can do or the only way you can get out of that situation is to fly half the time you don't even know that you can flower you have that ability but when you need it it's there and then you are you spread out your arms and all of us had in those wings that flow out of your arms and you flap and you're airborne and you're like hey I didn't know I could do this and you fly sometimes you can control the flying sometimes you can't and you literally have to wait for you to be brought back down to the earth to the ground for you to proceed in your dreams whatever you're doing so what does that mean the ability of flying again falls back to being gifted because right now I could put you on the roof of the house or on the building that's just died it's sitting in and say to you so go on fly almost like I'll be setting you up for failure because we can't fly we're humans but in your dreams you can fly because there's an ability that freedom that you have that's the one place where you can exercise your gifts and your abilities they are always there for you when you least expect them when you least think you have the capability and the ability but there you are you're airborne so use the talents and the gifts that you've been blessed with you need to make sure that you follow up on these genes and the most popular dream number three this is then about snakes and big bodies of water so you could literally be underwater and you have this amazing ability of being able to survive and live and you're blending in with the fishes literally you are housed and the water and your leg wax in the world is this oh you are sitting in your house or you're lying in your bed and you are surrounded by millions and many many many snakes and you're like oh my goodness this is overwhelming what it means is what it means is that that is a way it goes it comes to speak to us that is a representation of illuzzi eros he is shown as big bodies of water large and many amounts of snakes ability of being able to fly and all these three put together individually on different days however they present themselves to you a very suggestive of a presence yes Lucy so you need to make sure that you are mindful of these dreams and you aware that no you're not watching too much movies or too much TV but it was luck is trying to reach out to you to have a more intimate and interesting conversation outside of the stuff that you may fill your days with in terms of conversation with people this is the stuff it's going to be a life-changing move for you dream number four deaths so you may dream of your friend passing away a family member or even yourself don't be alarmed because it's not always that a dream will translate to an actual death and as a difference also to you being able to dream of a death that is suggestive of a trance state a transition in your life a change of state and you being able to have very prophetic dreams these dreams will show you that a family member will pass may even sure the cousin that's related to the person whose brothers and sisters with us person may show you someone that's really close to this person but not necessarily the person themselves and then a few days later or an hour later after the dream you get a phone call such and such a person has passed away there's a difference to being able to see a normal a death that's been shown to you in a dream and a dress that actually happens so this is a prophetic dream versus a dream that is very suggestive of a new state of mind and you change in your life that's going to occur right so a death does not mean the end of someone's life it's a very suggestive of a change that is going to come and in closing I would like to suggest or rather to advise every single person watching this video to get themselves a dream journal this is incredibly important because you can't rely on your mind to store all your dreams and put them in chronological order all the dates of events you know what I mean instead get a dream journal jot down the four important points that I've mentioned to you about your dream and in essence if you're going to read your book six months three months from now from the beginning to the end you'll realized that it's been talking towards something it's been showing you a bigger tale outside of what you may see of your life on a day-to-day basis so if you're able to jot down your dreams you will get more out of them because sometimes dreams don't go in isolation but their group so one dream will tell you from a a pencil to be another dream and another day a month or two later we'll pick up from the B all the way to an F and another dream will pick up from the F and bring it all the way to is it so don't look at genes in isolation they go on collaborating and elaborating on each other something I'd want to advise you on is tell people your dreams because the more you tell someone your dream you gain a different perspective why are you telling the dream and lastly for a person who's incredibly gifted with an endless any and you're going through this incredibly difficult process in your life and you're dreaming about career no alcohol or other trainee that you're training with and you're dreaming of them in a very very bad and negative way please for the sake of your own health and your own well-being do not share these dreams with these people because they still have authority and power to execute to the things that you saw about them and they'll see that you're goody two-shoes but clean a bag viola I'm not trying to scare you I'm trying to simply share the harsh truths of the world that we live in now so take heed and realize that the dreams that you're having are science assembles they are showing you what to look out for so be mindful of such things not everybody is going to be receptive of the dreams that you also tell them about about themselves that you saw so everything taped with a grain of salt be mindful let the person know where you're coming from and what it is that you saw and it's up to them it's their prerogative with a little action it or not but you passed on the message and gone with your day but don't be a creepy somebody and go to people ESMA popular and now becomes an everyday thing because it's going to be really really really disturbing to the other person and the eventually closed off and no no we no longer be receptive to the things that you're trying to tell them so please be mindful of your dreams and there's messages in everything for as long as you know where to look I hope this video will able we'll be able to help you in decipher in your own dreams and those of the people around you it's the most important thing that you can realize about the talents and the gifts that you're blessed with dreams are not just jeans and no you don't watch too much TV that's the end of today's video and I can't wait to present to you another topic next week same time same place on your favorite channel Coco Moyes speaks again don't forget to subscribe check us on and down
Channel: Gogo Moyo TV
Views: 206,087
Rating: 4.873836 out of 5
Keywords: dreams, interpretation, decode dreams, decipher dreams, ubungoma, ancestors, badimo, gogomoyospeaks, gogomoyo
Id: LlsdH_UY-YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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