Dream Yoga: Lucid dreaming from the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet

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pleasure of directing the evening this evening it is a very great honor to see who agreed to us his gift of sharing in a manner that Western Minds would potentially respond to the teachings of Tibetan Buddhist tradition is an author and teacher they'll be giving a lecture as well as some guided meditation [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello yeah so I'm good evening everybody very happy to be here this evening mmm so I will the talk of the title of is a Tibetan dream yoga and also lucid dreaming so I will just trying to say a few words about it and so how many of you are familiar with there any sense of this dream of a practice of night or anything okay good that's fine so this is the little talk that I'm gonna do is the base on a book that I published it's called Tibetan yoga's of dream and sleep so Tibetan yoga's a dreamless sleep it's a base on very ancient tradition of Tibet a few books all books based on and then also a little bit my own experiences and understanding of the night breakfast so this practice is very much based on how to utilize our night as a way of personal development so in our lifetime probably anywhere from 25 to 30 years we sleep right so 25 to 30 years we sleep and and very often we don't know what's happening that time and very often where often is not seen as a very important not sacred not something that is very useful people go to sleep or just go to sleep right so for example or tonight everybody is going go to sleep how many of you are looking for to go to sleep okay good but how many of you are planning to do something stay late in a steady or do something or planning or something like there watch something okay so you see you very often we for us night is somehow we go to sleep but we don't look at really like something we look forward to something very special something very needed something is very good for your physical health mental health your well-being personal development spiritual development think that way we just just go to sleep we don't we just hopefully get good rest good deep sleep but not guaranteed but we go to sleep so in Tibetan tradition what is done is going to sleep its whole another understanding it's like it's a sacred journey is a spiritual journey is the journey where a lot of possibility to understand oneself once conditions once potentiality so for example every night when we go to sleep we have many times a lot of negative dreams sometimes we have positive dreams very often it's said that a positive dream turning into a more like a negative dream rather than negative dream turning into a positive dream it's like it goes the other way around more often we have nightmares then a better dreams or so it's like a very very often in the night we go through a lot of sleep deprivation problems of sleep deprivation nightmares so sleep interrupted sleeps not getting enough rest and when we have a dream we don't the dream influences us for example every night if whatever dream you have chances are these dream will be impacting your your your mental health or your mood or your are your restfulness in the morning you don't get good rest because you have this long nightmare dreams fearful dreams or something like this so so the dream yoga practice is very much about really like is this personal and spiritual development so it's like a whole discovering a whole another time to practice meditate they make sense so usually we don't think about you go to sleep in the morning you become a better person huh you go to sleep in the morning you better psychologically more healthier or physically you're more healthier in principle yes so any if you really look the sleep in a right postpositive way in the sleep is important it's a sacred utilizing how do we be conscious how to have a lucid dream how to change your nightmare into some at least protect from it or change into something positive so in the in the morning again you don't have to long bad bad experiences so that's the idea here the whole in Tibetan tradition this use as a way of spiritual development so it's not so much of psychological development it is a post psychological development but they don't look as more psychological a test is part of the spiritual development so people practice that every night when people try and go to sleep their practice so yeah so so what about lucid dream for example lucid dream is one of the very important part of this practice and lucid dream means being conscious of your dream as a dream while you're dreaming that makes sense so when your drink when you're sleeping you're dreaming you are aware that it's a dream so that's called lucid dreaming so and what does that do is when you're conscious it's a dream that means in dream you can do in dream you don't have to worry it's just a dream this is how we think it's a dream don't worry about it and or it's a dream and I can do anything I can change so I don't have to suffer continuously I don't have to be stuck in one place continuously I can change and transform and do many things so that's the idea but in order to do that you have to have first lucid dream I'll tell one story I stood in of my shared so she had a dream that I think in her life and generally she was feeling a little bit unsafe threat threatened unsafe not very secure in her life that was kind of general sense of her life but in dream she was doing some dream yoga practices and she had this dream where she was in the restaurant and and it was in the evening and she was a little bit worried and then she she was leaving the restaurant as she saw these some bunch of guy following her and she goes to the parking place they're following her she get in the car they're following her she drives on the highway they're following her and suddenly she realized this is a dream the moment she realizes this is a dream so the mantra is this is a dream and in dream I can do anything right you're free in dream you are free in reality you are not free that's the idea we have right so that the definition of definition of reality definition of seriousness is potential to have more problems right so so for her was this is a dream in dream I can do anything so she flew her car into the sky her car was flying and they all the the guys were stuck in a car and on the highway over there stuff so she looks down and she's feeling this deep sense of free liberation and of course you know for us we can talk about it but she the way she describes it it's a very unique experience and for us or for Tibetan and generally in these kind of experiences is that something deep something deep change habits in her so it's not not like I just just but some deep energetic psychological shift happens in her that she this sense of being free from what she's afraid of or free from those who are after her that sense of freedom that she was she felt and then so if in a way we think about when you if you're analyzing a dream you bring that dream back and it probably you analyze for a long a long time but maybe the effect of that transformation what happened in dream with the help of lucid dream I think it's a far more powerful than very analytical approach this is also very energetic physical also some sensation deep inside so that that's one example so idea of what is the how you have a lucid dream okay so how you have a lucid dream the practices of every lucid dream it's not so much what you do in the night right every night before you go to sleep it's kind of sleep just happens dream it's kind of dreamt rather than you dream it's just something happens to you but you don't really prepare how many of you feel that you have a choice that what kind of dreams you would not want to have tonight or if you have some kind of dream do you feel you have a choice to change your dreams in the night not very often right so so in dream yoga practice there's a few exercises that I would recommend just exercise you can experiment exercise number one in order to have a lucid dream we'll be looking at everything what you perceive as a dream okay so right now if you are listening to me and you have this kind of atmosphere in this hole and look at yourself a little bit how serious you are how relaxed you are how you're listening how you're responding you just kind of little bit stepping back coming down settling deep opening up and then you look look at things you listen you hear it's like what you're perceiving through your senses and through your mind looking them as a dream like a dream look it's like a little bit like a dream that make sense so you say it feels like a little bit like a dream and you say this these are like a dream it is a like a dream this is a dream you can go anywhere from this is like a dream this is a dream depends how brave you are alright so you said this is a dream this is a dream this is a dream this is RHIB so you exercise this from morning until the evening many times throughout throughout the day remembering that every time you get tense very serious and very dualistic very judgmental or you're running away you're contracting and at that very moment you just feel the stillness silence look at the things and you say this is like a dream so repeating that example is it's like a creating a file so every given moment in our day life we are creating a file like in computer it's like automatically files are created and every time each file is shut this down by itself it it says do you want to save the file and usually we say yes and you say what do you want to call it you say call it series personal deadline urgency I mean you most of the time that's what we call them so you how many of deadlines you have how many series files you have how many personal files you have this all a like way of reality it's too real to reel in a sense there are many of them are of your suffering in pain because you the way you see them so when you when you say save it then you say what you wanted to call it okay at that point look at the file look at that meeting look at that conversation and then you say it's a dream it's a dream if you are able to save that file as a dream serious dream where you felt threat challenged scared these files when you when you're able to build a different relationship than what usually you would build and say it is a dream then that file is saved as a dream so that means in the night when you go to sleep maybe same something linked with that the dream shows up and the moment the dream shows up what say is the name in their file name this is the dream so it's basically whole exercises and few exercises like that main thing is really like a you're trying to take a waking information bridging into the night consciously that's what you're trying to do I think in short that's what really you're trying to do that makes sense like for you most of the time that of course everyday experiences you don't know which one is going to show up in the night which will which one will produce a dream make a dream which one meant something more important to you which month is more your free off we don't know but those shows up in a dream that means something more to you on a personal level more deeper level it threatens you it challenges you you are not free from it so though are what is going to show show in dream and we know that those are the dream is going to come either emotion related thoughts related but we will not be conscious because we during daytime those when those event happens you are not conscious if you are not aware of in those moments your little less likely to be aware in your dream when those event shows up those emotion particularly emotional situation shows up that make sense so it's question about really like how you want it to make will come back okay so it's question about how you during the daytime every given moment being aware and knowing that this might show up in a dream and trying to make some bridge it's trying to make some bridge to the night so exercise number of exercise number two is not just what you perceive but something more what challenges you may be in Stanford you and I already here you see a lot of bikes but maybe one of you one day you see a big dog or something like that so scary dog or something a little lion or something just imagine something that usually you don't see very scary or something when you perceive something like that you're like it'll be shaken by it whatever something a little bit shaken by shaken by some situation which you are not used to usually in that very moment you sit maybe a few minutes five minutes don't let just that situation experience impact you and you just walk away it's kind of hurt you and you walk away but you process that emotion you process that thought and you you clear that some degree you're trying to clear that by slowing down being still being silence being open being relaxed and looking at again from more deeper place more calm place and then saying it was scary but it's a dream it was scary but it was a dream rather than it was scary and then you've carried that fear with you and do whatever you're doing continuous not like that this processing that so that's the second exercise you cancel so first with all the perceptions that you're trying to see everything as a dream second with something strong react strong something strong you react to to look at them as a dream second and the third one is before you go to sleep so before you go to sleep what do you usually do in before you go to sleep you know you're like half dead tired throw everything throw yourself on the bed go to sleep that's what we do right most of the time people that's what we people do what how did you went to sleep yesterday night that's probably typical good example of every other night that you go to sleep you don't prepare your agenda your schedule stops right moment you close your eyes in the bed you stop you don't say okay I'm going to calm down I'm going to breathe deep I'm gonna be conscious I'm going to look at my day I see few things they are what happened during the daytime they are not well processed I look at them again process them well clear them breathe deep and then go to sleep and not carry any of those things into your sleeve all because you are like a sacred wool it's like you're entering into the temple or something like that you don't do that we just take everything with us and then all of those shows up so we don't do so here the third exercise is very much taking at least maybe five minutes right can you think about that can you take five minutes before you go to sleep how do you do that you look back the day and refine the tape fast back look at all the things and then specific things that you can see where something is not processed some conversation some emails some towards some emotions you look back it's there maybe three of them there so you look at them you go deeper in your place like any more like a contemplative contemplate on them so usually most of the time we do like a very simple way like three things I say stillness in your body so the silence in your speech basically feeling the stillness in your body feeling and being aware of the silence that means mind is very quiet and calm and spaciousness in your heart in the mind means keeping heart and mind open this may be a few minutes breathing deep and then from that place you look at the your day and see some things which is our note process you look at them that was a really difficult meeting but it's okay feeling some sense of okay because you're looking feeling relating from different place more deeper place that was okay and maybe that meeting was not that bad maybe that meeting meant to happen it happened maybe now all over that or maybe what I've learned from that maybe what I can do best out of that meeting which was not good but what I can do best out so in some sense from deeper place bill processing it and building a positive relationship to it and then having saying goodbye some sense of best thing is to delete the file okay second best thing if you cannot delete the file rename it right then they understand right instead of saying was really horrible and that person is I knew is a horrible person now I know is a horrible it's confirmed and and it looks like this person will be horrible for rest of his life so not like getting confirming confirming confirming but in the end it's not going to destroy your knife or your per probably you in your life so but reversing that and processing it and then some sense of peace with that event emotions taught some sense or more peace inside and then go to sleep so that's the third exercise okay perception second reaction third before you go to sleep like processing the day and the last one is when you wake up in the morning when you wake up in the morning basically you look what happened was it a successful dream yoga practice what happened oh yes you know I was I was able to be lucid I flew and I was traveling where every places I wanted to travel I did what I wanted to do and there were some attacks and I change everything well the lion was there I made into a flower I don't know fantastic things you can all the possibility you can do so or maybe you know it's not so good oh maybe what so-called dream of sleep of ignorance that you went to sleep no clue until you wake up that's called sleep of ignorance oh yeah so so basically you look bad so the true thing if there's a success you it's like a celebration like a sense of joy some sense of connection with the joy to success and it was a large success reinforce your practice say it's not kind of feeling bad or something like that just do not happen I'm going to try and it will happen some sense of having some building some sense of trust to your ability to have a lucid dream so that these are the four simple exercises that you can do okay [Music] let's say once you have a lucid dream then what do you do once you have a lucid dream what do you do it's like this girl if she maybe he did not need to do anything she could have transformed all these people into beautiful god and goddesses angels but she did not do that that she was not able to do that but at least she was able to fly so there's certain degree of what you are able to and what you're not able to is it very much depends on how flexibility you are maybe you are on the fifth floor and then somebody's chasing you and then you wanted it's okay I can jump but it's a dream I can jump but I prefer not to jump so you see you know it's a dream you know it's okay to jump but at the same time you prefer not to jump that means confidence level is not completely there right you so this is the same thing happens in our life so let's say during the week in waking life any transition of your life when you have to make a decision how do you make a decision do you make a decision like you feel that you are you you're making decisions you have forced to make a decision you're making decision because you're afraid because of fear you're making decision because of you hopeful you're making this because what you see usually the best decisions are made when you are fully open of the situation open has a fully aware of the situation right so in a during-the-daytime what we say awareness in the night we say lucid dream is not nothing different you can have a nightmares during the daytime but if you are aware of it you can change them if you are not aware of them they affect you every situation during the daytime same thing can happen to ten different people half will respond it makes perfect they they get benefit from it they use it and half they get scared and half it destroys them the same situation right so what makes the differences is they are being conscious and aware of it so awareness of during the daytime helps awareness in the night time to have a lucid dream so our whole idea in a lucid dreaming is basically being free so it talks about like in a module in one of the text that talks about eleven different things you can do you can if you're feeling a stuck in terms of very slow you can change the speed if you are if it's about size then you can become bigger if yours if it's about speed you can go faster if it's about quality you can change the quality if you're about transformation like a changing if you're dreaming as a human you can become ego or something like that if you are if your tiger is coming and trying to attack you to change the tiger into your puppy or your dog or your loving cat or something like that so this every the ability to transform things exercising full possibility of transforming things that's what it's tried in a sleep yoga it's encouraged to try that I think it's not so much about some doing so many different things mainly is about ability to do it not feeling being stuck in something that you feel you move it stops your flow of your life your existence your potentiality your creativity by seeing something very serious so the lucid dream changes everything okay so yeah maybe then we can I would maybe I'll take few questions now and then we'll do a short practice then we will come back okay she's busy can you speak me louder why well question is why we are trying to see things as a dream because according to the Buddhism teaching it is like a dream so according teaching is like a everything what you see is real to real what do you say is real this is this is unreal as a dream dream as real as this this reality so there in some sense it's like a dream and in a in a waking dream we suffer a lot in the night dream if you are lucid we can suffer less if you are suffering less in night dream by being aware and conscious then you will also have impact that impacts your way you experience the day so that I mean basically like what is real what is real for you right or what is serious for you people people like they say something like they are very happy in relationship for many many years and then they say let's get serious what does that mean let's have a problem or at least potential to have a problem right that's basically serious that's what it does it doesn't change anything but it just brings more narrow downs limits things or I mean I just give the examples like you're renting a place for a long time you're enjoying enjoying the apartment or just pay the monthly rent and then you save money save money save money finally able to buy the apartment the moment you sign the sign you've owned it and you come back to the same apartment where you're living for last 15 years begin to see a problem in the wall problem in the roof problem this floral problem in the kitchen where is all these problem arises same apartment before it was not there you are seeing through a different eye now for the self-grasping i seriousness is there is the sense of forever its mind is there and that seriousness change news begin a sister everything different same apartment so idea here is to see everything as a dream in the waking State in here exercise is really trying to have a more lucid dream that's the main purpose in principle they really help the waking back exercise health night night realization helps the day so cycle day helping night night helping day they help in night night helping day or they influenced negatively the night all the bad experiences of thoughts emotional exhaustion distorted Ness it interferes your pattern of sleep don't sleep good many breaks nightmares and and you get up in the morning exhausted tired you're not functioning well you're not you're not mood is not good you are tired so all these things you're affecting your decision-making process of the day bad cycle not an on dreaming in non dreaming sleep yeah so in the tradition we don't call it lucid dream that's not a dream there was a non dreaming state right but there is a sense of lucidity it's called sleep sleep of clear light it's called sleep of clear-eyed so in our in different tradition and there's a which something in the West don't talk with in the West there's a lot of dream analysis you know Freud in Jung and many many different approaches the dream analysis but sleep it's not discussed so you know in a Buddhism this whole another chapter is the sleep because whole idea is non dreaming state they are there is a possibility to be a conscious there is a possibility to do be aware and that awareness is called sleep of clear light so basically I idea is practices of light in flip state and a whole idea of doing these exercises is to cause the preparation for the death because the moment you die same process is going to happen so you have a success in your dream or idea of Pardoe right part of the intermediate state of the death whole idea of Pardo if you have more chances of success in the Pardo if you have success in your sleep yoga and dreaming over yeah yeah yes so I question is about you know mindful letting go and here here's some sense of approach in these practices seeing some sense of control so what does the differences aurilla the different approaches of the practice you know like I saw for example idea of sleep yoga practice is you have to let go of control so idea of letting go of control is not easy the idea of let go it's not easy you know so some sense many there are many exercises even mindfulness I mean traditional mindful so not them so much spoken mindfulness the Western West now mindful becomes something different the traditional sense of mindfulness practice does have an initially control because people look at the image very sharp image they will focus like this very much deep focus or their focus on breath a sphere of light they will focus on something you focus on something long enough because mind goes so fast right so if you focus on something deep enough then some point the effortful focus loosen up then you find non effort over a non effort contemplation so what we call a concentration with the attribute or concentration without attribute is called it's like a driving learning a driving so can you just let go of did you when you learn learn you drive when you learn the driving did you let go off right from the beginning or you focused and now you can do your lipstick in here that's exam one of this so so question is when I say this is a dream this is a temporary or real yeah so basically when we do exercise here it's it's some sense of little it's like a little bit triggers the day how you store information when every experience is a store you are sending them as if I'm sending them envelope right letter inside then in the outside I write little note so I when I send the letter all the envelope was the oven but also the note goes there together I know you people receive all they look at the note so note they when we say this is a dream this is this is a little bit like a note or name of the file so it's it's a way to have a lucid dream main purpose is the way to have a lucid dream but in principle philosophical background of it it says it is like a dream this is like a dream I know we have problem with that idea I understand this is the dream yes please [Music] yeah so a question is about food taking care of the body in order to have a deeper contemplative experience or dream right sleep yeah so yes in a different tradition you you're not you don't need you to keep evening meal very light like a no alcohol or very little alcohol or some some cases some people were in disorder the inter parent they make a little alcohol so they put a little butter sugar mix it it's also like as a medicinal and so basically yes food is pay sort of attention and also there are physical exercises reported like a we called salons or you movement you use using these exercises to open different channels so and even the position when you how you go to sleep even how you've imagined visualization for example you're supposed to visualize a green goddess so green goddess so traditionally green goddess is somebody who's like a mother who puts you asleep so you have a go to sleep there's a green beautiful green goddess reading your story rightly so not reading story but she's there as a guard guard protecting you so at one time I was in a in Mexico and in television place so I asked me to come and talk about the dream but then then they were talking about way I don't know wherever the information comes from they said you're if you wear a green pajamas now you will sleep better make sense kind of you know so I exposure of colors you know which kind of room you sleep you in a red room or something you will impact differently so what kind of color you goes to what kind of how much food you have our position you to go to sleep how energetically clear you feel they're all there are so many different things matters [Music] joy yeah yeah so first joy is is it's a good right the question is clear so first like a joy opposite of joy is what is it sadness okay so if you if somebody is very frequently sad that it when you're frequently said it occupies a space said emotion sadness is occupying a particular space so when when you are conscious like a when you're lucid dreaming if it's in the night dream sad dream if you're conscious of that you are able to clear that if you're not sleeping if you're in a waking state right this very moment is some of us might be very sad but you're not our if your moment you are aware that you are sad relax it's like bringing the light we say bringing the light of awareness on the darkness of the sadness bringing the light of awareness to the darkness sadness the sadness clears that means new space is there in that new space if you familiar enough then joy spontaneously arise the word spontaneously arise is important because most of the time we make joy we read there's a reasoning behind joy but spontaneous Joy's are more joy kind of happens because this cause conditions are there once joy arises then you are get once again if you are like for example some of you might be very happy right now if you didn't you have to know or I am very happy I feel blessed and I'm feeling wonderful and then you are you recognize that emotion then you say I want to allow it I want to express through my physical movement I wanted to express that through my voice I want to express through my communication to somebody I want you to write through somebody take somebody expressing out allowing to express out those joy with awareness which is like a lucid dream again a word like like this girl she decided to fly you decided to send a text to somebody but that's the process but sending text is important is the expression of joy it's bring is like a brief if you could breathe if you don't breathe completely out it's not fun you go that's fun expressing joy out its breathing completely it's fun so exercise we say expressing it out through your body through your speech through your mind through 3-doors we call it it's important okay so let's all come back to some questions question okay last one that will do no meditation yeah okay so the question is when the morning when we have a dream should we analyze it or should we just let go right so both two approaches okay so one approach is of course dream like a meaning rewire you analyze because you think there is some meaning why there is some meaning because you have built you have build it the meaning we make the meanings different cultures make made different meaning about different symbolism ultimately there is no meaning no moment just right so it's just each culture each tradition means you've won one culture means something very positive or another culture means something very negative you impute those meaning you create those meaning once you have created those meanings they meaning has impact over you if you have a positive meaning you have a positive impact if you have negative meaning negative impact over you you are the creator of your dream and meaning and everything so be a good creator basically right so once you have created all those things rules and regulations and then you need to be you need to analyze well something like in the West people like analyze a lot and if we don't analyze that much I met one woman and she said she's she was very proud she said I've been she's doing a union work she said I've been analyzing this one single dream for 15 years but she's very proud and for us you know wow you're stuck in one dream for 15 years and you're very proud of it so it's it's a very much it's a very individual thing approach of like it talking about like her question about letting go or control so control is one way because we know how to control sometimes some some degree or having some control helpers but ultimately not controlling is not the solution but control for some people letting go is just an idea they cannot do it they're not possible to do it and so so some control it's called Nash it's called effortful awareness natural awareness ultimate awareness think about that effortful awareness means you have to go to mind you have is a some beeper and you have to have a beeper be aware okay be aware right you need a beeper to be aware and then and every time it's hard to be aware at some point you don't need a deeper and suddenly just show more where you're wearing your where you're where and then some point you don't know how not to be aware you are aware all the time so there's when that happens it's called there's no session of meditation there's no medication because everything is meditation the break is not there anymore so ultimate goal is that but in the beginning you need some some steps of guidance and focus attention some control necessary okay so talking about that we're going to do a little bit of effort but very little effort so just sit comfortably you can breathe in deep and hold like here in this area right heart heart chakra hole and we inhale again just usually we don't inhale completely so inhale and three inhale another short one fully then hold again hold as long as you can with a full attention and awareness there when you cannot hold slowly gently deep breathe out from your nostril all the way down fully acceleration repeat this five times so that you can rest deep and exhale all the stale bread energy that you're holding this moment in your body in breath and mind clear that five times one last time breathing deep inhale hole hold as long as you can and gently breathe it out completely and rest and breathe normal deep now the awareness of the body so be aware of your body so bring your mind completely in your body from the sole of the feet until to the crown like a scanning from all the way up slowly in any place you feel pain blockages some effort lack of flowing bring your full awareness there the light of your awareness there in clear the darkness of obscuration or the wind clearly by simply being aware being fully aware of conscious then move up slowly rest of your body like a scanning all the way up this wherever pain tension blockages you feel in your body breathe from that place bring the light of awareness at that place and allow that energy to clear to breath obscuration to clear through the wareness and rest deeper into the stillness continue as if you are preparing to go to sleep tonight now bring your attention to the throat through chatter ah and be aware of the silence silence around you within you awareness of silence feeling the silence resting deep in the silence and whatever the voices of pain challenges noises allow them to dissolve in this vas inner silence and rest continuously in that silence just continuously remember to breathe deep not hole and feel silence rest in the silence there is a differences between being quiet and being aware of the silence when you're aware of the silence it's a powerful it's like a possessing a chocolate or tasting a chocolate awareness of the silence not just quite being quite third and the last bring your attention to your heart feel imagine is like a crystal clear sky open awareness of spaciousness awareness of openness awareness of boundless sacred space of your heart there's also differences heart being open and how you are aware of that openness be different so be aware of that sacred space as you aware of the sacred space every wound pain conflict in your heart will dissolve because of power of that awareness of sacred space allow them to dissolve rest in that space as if you're for going to fall asleep following sleep in that unbounded sacred space with a full awareness light of full awareness and we say clear light sleep clear means that sacred space light means the awareness of that sacred space when you're experiencing some connection to it you allow yourself to fall asleep okay now you can open your eye how are you doing with the time to stim in ten minutes remaining okay so can you imagine going to sleep with these three the meditation we just did before you go to sleep right so basically your was your when you go to sleep you're taking your body with you write your speech all the voices in your head you're taking that with you and all your feelings and emotions and thoughts what you're feeling inside you're taking that with you so these either in all the emotions feelings in your body or in your heart or in your voices they're all you're taking in in your sleep so these are going to impact your sleep and impact your dream that make sense so if you don't want it to impact that that means you don't trying to force while you're sleeping you're trying to try to figure out in dream in a sleep itself harder but you prepare before you go to sleep so best thing is holding this some sense of stillness in your body in silence experiences presence of silence presence of openness in your heart throughout the day a little bit a little bit few minutes here and a few minutes there throughout the day if not possible at least before you go to sleep just what we just did so if you do that basically what is happening is you're not carrying all the stuff of the day it's like the processing before you go to sleep and you will sleep for sure better more chances have better dreams restful if you do have some difficult one possible you're able to transform them for the help of lucid dream okay so maybe just a few questions before we finish okay you're so fired so what about if you're really tired you just fall asleep so how you were able to go on your bed are you able to walk or how to get on your bed that you will not fell down outside the bedroom right so you do have some energy to go to the bad bathroom and everything so that means you have enough energy to practice and also in a way if you're following sleep very fast it's not a bad thing it's a good thing because it's not a question about how long is a question about be entering in you're entering through the right door right when you moment you fall asleep it's not how long you're coming from but just the last last moment before you sleep what thought you are carrying what emotion you are carrying what kind of energy you're carrying in your body those matters they say even they say somebody when somebody dies is the same thing the process of the death matters very much last moments of that death where they're looking they're looking at somewhere they're looking at the image where the child children's image is something like an attachment where they look or it matters a lot so last moment it was very peaceful calm quiet more warm people die smoothly so we have every single night we have experience to die properly someday one will die rehearsal yes okay about a remembering once you fill out yeah there's not much you can do that time it's like a if even your final test here what if you you know you have to prepare there before not like last minute it's hard to do things just so just yeah again so if you during the day time if you are aware if you lose awareness what you would do trying to be aware so if you're able to in during the day time many times like for example I'm feeling a little angry I'm trying to say something mean and then I'm conscious that I'm angry then I'm very aware that I'm going to say what I'm going to say then I recognize that's not the right thing to do and I change breathe it out a little bit more space better understanding see with something more positive feels more some empathy then I message is different maybe then I feel more say something but right something positive something more productive now because of I'm aware I'm able to change something so sometimes when you're really really aware and with the confidence you can change so much things sometimes it's hard they all depends on level of confidence on your awareness so the night is the same thing yeah yeah so the question is is it better to set up port position or lie down so upward position is recommended if you but I don't think she's gonna do that right okay so if you are not have our energy then lying down it's okay yes yeah well I think it depends on personally I write down and but I write down only when I feel is a significant dream sometime you know you go to sleep and you're traveling in India your mosquito bites and you have a nightmare and you want to write down the mosquito biting dreams you know I don't know you can but you know sometimes they are their dreams which go away samsaric you very discomfort but some some dreams that you can feel that they're really like something deep and then when I feel something like that yes I write now and but then also trying to understand understand a little bit question about meaning what it means to me if I'm if I'm really really very open and free from my conditions they don't mean anything but then if I'm condition and weak and I look for meanings in my life all the time and especially I'm afraid of bad meanings I'm having need some good meanings and I have to analyze whatever that means because it could mean something to me right like my my family my sisters they're all practice but they they don't really understand the principle of the dream yoga practice but they're always very curious about when they have something what does that mean does it really mean something dangerous what should I do you know that's not how we we do right okay I was wondering if you would like is there some you recommend for what we transform or you talked about is there some other yeah so question is basically what what kind of other things you can transform through the dream yoga practice so principle is very simple right sim principle is that what is believed in these teachings as a human we are like who we are is not what we really think who we are who we are are as we are like this unbounded space the infinite possibility and our capacity creativity it's infinite this is so who we are but we not we all feel like that we feel different limitations different some people feel a lot some people feel less but we feel limitations limitations to our being from who we are so the bottom line is the exercises of this dream Yoga is to to free from those limitations which in dream they appear like this girl's case she's been she's afraid of being maybe in real life maybe somebody is after maybe she's just she's creating situations like that many times we create situations like that like even you know her you Carl Jung said the Hitler before in his patients there was collective dreams there like almost like a producing Hitler right so collective unconscious Kri circumstances energy create the reality I know look at the political things everything is what's happening we create them right so we so dream is same thing we create them so idea here is to really whatever in your own full up in your own I say level of awareness whatever you feel that something is interfering Europe full potentiality and which could be many different things so it's step by step trying to be free from them being conscious during the daytime bring conscious to the lucid if it that appears in a dream work there if there are pains during the daytime work there and in a Buddhism they say there is 84,000 afflictions that means in the end you have to clear 84,000 evolutions we will not count them right so for us what do you do is whatever you see whatever you feel whatever you notice work on them clear them and just listen to them listen to your dreams you know people some people say they're they're having a reoccurring dream very often I said why have a reoccurring dream that you're a bad listener okay if you listen and take care of it they will not repeat again but at least you've thankful they're repeating again that you until you get it right so they are repeating just get it yeah that sooner not let it repeat too much because sometime reels like nightmares people you see like this girl we're seeing people chasing her sometime happens in a dream again and again and again and then some point it doesn't happens in a dream these people will move in next neighbor they'll find out your address they'll trying to meet you somewhere in some public places and trying to try to get to know interfere your life this is this is what is it believe what is deep and unconscious how we experience how we think how we feel how we project at some point we create a whole reality like that so before they become real delete them okay thank you you you
Channel: Stanford
Views: 63,079
Rating: 4.9465694 out of 5
Keywords: Contemplation, Meditation, Sleep, Self-care, Well-being, Lucid Dreams, Dream Yoga, Contemplation By Design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 23sec (4583 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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