Dream Wedding: Planning Your Wedding On A Budget! (Photos and video clips)

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hey y'all welcome back to my channel today we will be talking about tips you can use to plan the wedding of your dreams on a budget yes as possible I did it and soaking you so first I would like to congratulate those of you who are engaged congratulations to you enjoy every moment of this time this is probably the most exciting time in your life and the biggest decision you will have to make in life so make sure you decided on the right one now I mean pray about it see God about it I mean seek his face while he may be found hallelujah oh yes I think I mean seek his face about it because he's a keeper so those who want to became now that's the key you got now you got to want to be kicked I just want you also remember to enjoy this time and hopefully there's something that I could say to help you through your planning process and allow it to go that much smoother for you let me be a little more clear about how I want to present this video so I'm just going to be sharing tips with you that I use to plan my own wedding I am NOT a wedding planner I'm not a professional but I did plan my wedding on a budget the budget that I am going off of is a ten thousand dollar budget now that you are engaged decide on a date decide what time of year you want your wedding you want it in the summer spring winter or fall next decide on the month and then decide on the day remember that your day can change simply because depending on the venue you choose that date may already be booked up your date for your wedding will set the pace for every deadline that you have to meet so remember that when you're looking for your dress or you're looking for your cake or your flowers or anything that requires a deadline remember to stick with your deadline the next thing you need to do is decide on a budget budgeting is probably the most important thing when planning a wedding because so many people go into debt behind their wedding and you don't have to let's say your budget is $2,000 that means when you go dress shopping don't look at the dresses that are $5,000 or $6,000 $7,000 because your blood is 10 so that would be half of your budget stare realistic when you're looking for different things for your wedding whether it be decor the venue obviously you don't want to go out looking for venues that cost $8,000 when your budget is $10,000 so keep those things in mind when shopping around for things for the wedding also as far as versioning is concerned plan for miscellaneous things trust me there will be things that come up that you did not plan for in the end so set aside a certain amount of money for miscellaneous things that may come up now that you have decided on a date and a budget it may be good for you to look for someone to help you coordinate your wedding coordinators are and wedding planners are very expensive for my coordinator I used my sister she's not a professional either but she did also plan her own wedding so she was able to assist me and help me with my planning process it's good to have someone there to help you because there's things you may not remember there things you may simply not know someone you can save money with I definitely did not send money to have my sister help me coordinate for somebody who can help you that's free the next thing you want to do is start looking at venues think about how do you want your wedding to look do you want a traditional wedding in a church do you want a more modern wedding do you want a backyard wedding an indoor wedding an outdoor wedding a wedding in a venue somewhere utilize websites such as Pinterest in Google and different websites to give you ideas on how you want your wedding to look set appointments tour facilities this is definitely going to help you envision your day I remember walking into the facility that we chose and as soon as we drove up to the property I was just like oh my god this is it I want this place venues can be expensive and venues can be cheap if you do it at the right time of the year so I would just say that there is a wedding season April to September is what they consider wedding season so is going to be more expensive to host your wedding at a particular venue during those months if you do it on the off month anywhere from October tomorrow then you're more likely to get a cheaper rate there's also a cheaper price depending on the day you choose and the time you choose so obviously if you choose your wedding on a Saturday that's the most popular day for weddings so it's going to be the most expensive if you choose a weekday it's going to be a lot more cheaper for instance we had our wedding on a Friday night if say that's a ton of money we were originally going to have it on a Saturday evening but we bumped it up to the part of the day prior and we save thousands of dollars doing that something use will increase or have packages for you to look at and an all-inclusive package pretty much means you don't have to do anything but show up the day of your wedding just be budget conscious when picking your venue and looking at packages if you choose to go that route navigate have chosen a venue let's start looking into catering reception is going to be the bulk of your cost simply because food is expensive most caterers charge anywhere from sixty to a hundred dollars per plate all depending on what you want on your menu remember that sit-down dinners are going to cost more than if you do an hors d'oeuvre style reception or if you do enough of a staff start looking into other caterers do food testing taste testing that you can everybody won't offer them but most people will take advantage of those because you really want to know what you're paying for and you want to make sure that you and your gifts are getting the best the way you can save costs are in your reception and your wedding as a whole and stay within your budget if you like I did make your reception and adult-only reception indicate that on your invitations and people will be fine with that those who want to be there will be there don't feel bad about it because at the end of the day this is your money and it's your wedding and it's your day I wasn't comfortable spending 60 to 100 dollars for a six year olds come eat in my wedding especially if they might not even eat the food specially react humming classics and kids and then they only give you a quick biology I'm finding our wedding etiquette people wedding etiquette wedding etiquette says that the smallest amount of the gift that you should bring is what's your plate cost so if your play costs $85 I should at least be getting eighty five dollars back in my gift the wedding cake typically will go based off of five dollars per slice that's the average cost of a wedding cake so if you have a hundred guests coming to your wedding I mean your wedding cake would typically cost five hundred dollars also remember that the design of your cake and how many tiers you want in your cake that's all going to take play a part in the price for the cake most places I don't know any place that doesn't but most places will offer a taste testing I'll take advantage of this and taste as many cakes in as many flavors as you can alcohol do you want your reception to have alcohol included if you have alcohol the venue obviously has to have a license for that the budget will definitely take a hit when it comes to alcohol alcohol is very very very expensive we actually didn't have alcohol at our wedding because it was just so expensive I think we had the option of having like an open bar or a cash bar and I think we probably did do the cash bar and pretty much what that is is instead of us purchasing it or including that in our cost your guests are welcome to go and purchase their own drink at the cash bar some people don't like that but at the end of the day if you want to drink you can night hundred so that's an option think about cash bars or if you want liquor at all so besides the venue and catering another major part of your budget will go towards photography wedding photographers just aren't cheap anything really with the title wedding connected to it the prices are hyped up you can save a lot of costs on this if you know somebody who does photography actually take full advantage of that it will save you a ton of money in the long run however please be sure that their quality and their work is top-of-the-line because at the end of the day the last thing you have to remember your wedding is your photos and a video if you choose to have a videographer oftentimes photographers will include wedding packages in their car so you'll get an engagement session if you haven't had one already you get the wedding session and then you might get an album or you might get some photos thrown in there for free or lists for those type of things but again if you know somebody I say go that route we definitely saved money that way the next thing you want to start thinking about is your guest list decide how big you want your wedding do you want a small intimate wedding or do you want a large wedding where you can invite everybody remember that the amount of people you invite will determine your budget also keep in mind that everyone you invite will not show up things happen people get sick people can't take off work people can travel unfortunately people die so everyone you invite will not show up they say to typically expect for 25% of your list to not show that's just average number that wedding coordinators give the next thing you need to think about is your colors and your decor also if there's a theme that you want for your wedding are you picking up being you that requires a lot of decor or is the venue you're choosing already kind of immaculate so that you don't have to do much to it our wedding was outside our reception was inside but it was like in a backyard type of garden we didn't have to do much decore at all because it was so beautiful already looks for somewhere that you don't have to fix up a lot because that will save you money decorations add up and then if you can't do a lot of DIY for my reception centerpieces I did DIY one of the things that I really wanted at my wedding was flowers I wanted flowers the laurel inside with everywhere when it's ours I'm still on the tables on the fenders on the wild and I wanted a lot of salad but fresh flowers are very very very very expensive don't be so stuck in having certain things have an open mind throughout this process still flowers are deaf mentally an option if you can't afford flesh fresh flowers I was able to afford fresh flowers because I ended up going through someone outside and I ordered my flowers wholesale also another thing you can do order your flowers wholesale and if you know somebody who does arrangements have them put them together that will save you a ton of me I ended up spending a hundred dollars on all the bouquets there were seven bouquets including mine it was eight and eight boutonnieres so $100 for eight bouquets and eight boutonnieres where they doing it they knocked the next thing I want to talk about is bridesmaids and groomsmen who do you want to be a part of your big day sometimes your bridesmaids or your groupings may not be able to be a part or they may back out because maybe they can't afford it maybe they can't come whatever the case might be it happens so be prepared for that similarly for your bridesmaid dresses you want to pick something that's going to be flattering for all body types you have someone in your wedding who's a size zero and someone who's a size 18 pick a dress that's going to look good on both of them it's going to make everything else look good throughout the ceremony it will be cheaper for you to find a dress off the rack first attacking to order something or having something custom-made that will cost a lot more you're somebody who is particularly hairstyle you want the girls to wear the shoes surgery all that sense it can't get pricey for some people so keep that in mind when picking you know the design of how you want them to learn I did not care the style of shoe or the shoe that my girls wore I did give them like an idea I told them I wanted it to be open-toe and I wanted it to be gold so they are award different shoes that I didn't want them to be required to buy a $60 shoe if they couldn't afford it so same with the hairstyle they kind of got to do whatever they want with their hair I wasn't very particular about that and then I purchased their jewelry for them so that they didn't have to worry about buying their jewelry so those are ways to help your bridesmaids and groomsmen out and that was my gift to them thanking them for being a part the next thing I want to talk about which is probably one of the most exciting things is your dress your bridal gown this is probably going to be the most fun you will have throughout this process I say try on as many different styles as you can you may have a particular style in your mind and that's fine but give yourself the chance to actually try on different steps to see how your body lives in them you might actually fall in love with a style that you never thought you would have liked so try to stay away from dresses that are not in your budget if there's a particular style that you're looking for or a particular dress that shows before that's not in your area it may be close by the other option is looking online I actually purchased my dress online it was the absolute most scariest thing I've ever done I was paranoid I was worried but it was everything I imagined it would be and more I will link the website that I bought my dress from in the description box however before purchasing the dress online I did try on the style of that dress many times at different bridal shops and I did do research from the wedding website that I purchased it from and I did have a lot of conversation with the seller I got a really really really good deal doing it that way because had I bought it directly out of the store it would have cost me $2,800 something like that ended up getting it for Yaya lace it is yeah yeah I am NOT saying how much I avoid Italian I ended up spending $600 on my dress and it was originally $2,800 but long story short the web site I went through is a pre-owned wedding dress site and the girl who purchased it caught off her wedding unfortunately so the dress was brand new she didn't it was branding tags and everything it was still at the shop she never went and picked it up after she purchased it and she spent $200 on it but they caught off their wedding and she wanted to get rid of it she I want to bring it home so she never went picked it up so when she sold it to me for $600 I would say with an app like that because anybody spending $3,000 on a dress and just giving it away at the hundred Island I mean they must really wanna get rid of it so I was happy I was ecstatic I was so happy she sold it to me and she shifted to me all the way from Philadelphia Pennsylvania something and I lived in Colorado at the time got the dress it was amazing again like I said I had tried on that style of dress comes a ton of times before I actually purchased it I didn't actually find that particular dress in any of the stores that I went to but the style of that dress is very popular very common so I knew that the style will look good on me so I took a chance and I purchased it online and I got it and it was amazing when it comes to makeup I say look for somebody who will offer you a good discount and somebody who you know and whose work you can trust I used one of my good friends she did my makeup and all the girls makeup as well as the mother's makeup so she did my mother and I think she did my husband's mother I can't remember but she did all of our makeup and she offered us a great discount so she was able to achieve the look that I wanted and honestly I think I kind of just let her do her thing because I trusted her that much moving on to music start thinking about what music you want play during your ceremony and what music you want played during your reception start creating playlists for whether you're going to have CDs playing where they're going to have a live band during like ceremony we had an acoustic guitar player and he was amazing he played throughout the entire ceremony so he did pre live music for the wedding started for like 30 minutes and then he did I gave him all the songs to learn for the ceremony and he learned each one she actually sang I think he sang for me when I walked down the aisle yeah he did he played anything for me when I went down the aisle and it was just amazing for our reception we had a DJ and a live band because I really wanted a live band my husband really one is a DJ so we ended up getting both now considering our budget no we come afford for both Alive banana DJ and we pay for the life and his cousin BJ's so he gifted us that for a wedding if he DJ for us at the last Weyden we didn't even know and if you know somebody who DJ's or if you know somebody who plays an instrument or has a band connect with that maybe they'll give you a discount the next thing you want to start thinking about is invitations and save the date cards typically your save the date cards will go out six months before your wedding invitations will typically go out three months prior to your wedding or two months prior to your wedding you can also save money if you wanted to save the dates by doing the e-blast instead when purchasing invitations you can get them from a lot of different places you can order them online from websites like vistaprint.com Shutterfly comm those websites allow you to be a lot more personal with your invitations or you can buy them on the rack like i did i purchased my invitations from michaels arts and crafts store in this box here let's get into the parties and dinners that take place during a wedding so you have your rehearsal dinner you can do this at a restaurant you can do this at someone's house you can do it however you want to do it typically you can pay for this for everyone attending so it will be all persons that are a part of the wedding so your entire wedding party and then sometimes you can include you're out of town gifts who have travelled to come to your wedding next your bridal shower so for your bridal shower typically your maid or matron of honor will put this together or your entire bridal party can assist in this and you can do this at someone's house you can do this at a club house a venue a restaurant you can do this pretty much anywhere now for your bachelorette party again this is also thrown by your maid or matron of honor so my maid of honor did my bachelorette party and I actually had two bachelorette parties I have one in Las Vegas and one back home one because everybody couldn't come and couldn't afford to come so they pay for everything for me all I had to do was get on the plane and go I'd wait for a weekend then we did another bachelorette party the weekend before the wedding for this one back home we did a wine and painting party and it was fun and if you're not having your wedding at our hotel don't forget to book a hotel for you and your spouse the night of your wedding we actually booked a hotel for three days in the following weekend we went on our honeymoon the getaway car so when you guys are doing your farewell or your exit you want to have a car there to either drive off in or a driver there to drive you off to your hotel or whatever your next destination is going to be that is all I have for you today hopefully I said something that can help you and assist you in your planning process again congratulations to you all who are planning a wedding and God bless and y'all don't forget what I thought to be in another video for you I'll get deep into this plan in handy before you walk that you make sure you check and make sure you got the right one to be the keeper so those who want to be kicked [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FourCme
Views: 38,920
Rating: 4.9156628 out of 5
Keywords: Planning your wedding on a budget, planning your dream wedding, Wedding planning, how to plan a wedding, wedding on a budget, wedding dress shopping, online dress shopping, online wedding dress, wedding diy, wedding center piece diy, bridesmaid dresses, Wedding Decor, Garden wedding, planning a reception, Wedding reception diy, affordable wedding bouquets, silk flower wedding bouquets, buying flowers wholesale, wedding photography, catering
Id: 0qi-I2BDTeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2017
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