Dream Theater - Nine Degrees of Backstage Tourbulence (Full, Remastered)

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[Music] guten morgen welcome to distil dog Germany and we are here at Phillips Halla Phillips Hall yes right and oh there you go right on cue and this is I think our favorite venue in Germany to play we played here in 95 with fates warning opening and we played here in 2000 with Spock's Beard opening do we play here any yeah no because up and then now here we are 2002 and evening with just us and this is always one of our favorite places in Germany to play grace 6000 people so I'll come on in I'll give you a tour of basically a day in the life of Dream Theater before the crowd comes great we're walking through this is catering this is Nigel our faithful sound man been with us for the whole tour he's battling a major cold right now or virus or flu or he's not doing good so he's helping himself to the fine selection of tea that is available here at catering yeah we're all scattered I think we're getting there [Music] this is our driver for this legian we'd like to call him Grover because he calls everybody groover so we call him Grover he's a fine then after he drops us off in a few days he goes to drive the Foo Fighters the Foo Fighters oh yes great hey [Music] rs.12 this is usually James's room and he gets his soul cavities water never chilled he has to have room temperature okay every day the tour not a big production manager has the setlists waiting on the walls which I've sent out to all the crew couple days in advance so this way we can everybody can wrap their head around what's on the setlist for that evening great closing for the night and then this is a shower sheet for the for the day lunch for the crew soundcheck when we stop dinner doors Showtime show like it's actually not three and a half at the end that a lot of just the bases no problems curfew okay good [Music] this is the Great Bridge folder who's been tormenting us since January the momenta so Ricketts will do a great job this is a tuning room this is where Tom Verducci will usually basically walks out his tactic thomas has to set up this whole world to warm up with the guitar and we have an evening list we don't have an opening bins or share a dressing rooms with so the production manager is not here this is where they do guest list and the technical [ __ ] and all the passes ready to do email get all the guest list for the show here take a look this is Rick stuff let's see what Rick's stuff from composes of local tree a wide variety of colored sharpies they stop watch - or was that a clock just tic tacs are very important you have to be very sociable yeah you go to a manager the gum also falls under that category main the main band dressing room [Music] number one we have two people that are ready to tackle each other the tickling guy though hi mr. James LaBrie make it on my own great how are you guys doing wait luck oh great some nice food and water dressing room while I show them dressing room to which is usually your room dressing room one is where that the chocolates which mainly Jordan eats fruits and chips this plant has been following us around on this whole tour for some reason they keep putting it in our dressing room you like it right nice and then we have no beer no alcohol I don't do that anymore and the other guys are very cooperative and keeping it away from me very good this is dressing room one well as you can see John is already underway with his my nutrition a breakfast of Tears okay so here's an important room this is the wardrobe room and this is where you can find everything from John Williams leather pants to Jordan's this is uh James and John Lyon and John Petrucci wardrobe case and me and Jordan share this one yeah this is the famous laundry bandage right well this is my personal laundry bag this is has yesterday stage clothes visible I think she was top drawer containing all the clothes shirts wristbands headbands shorts and then the bottom drawers just miscellaneous [ __ ] video camera my stage shoes would slip on and off because they get soaking wet so they're easy on and off water bottle headphones for my kids when they come on towards me little shampoo Oh miscellaneous [ __ ] games data cities yeah in case any special guests come around that we want to turn onto our music we always I always carry a couple great so let's go to the most important place of the Jersey to show which is a stage get ready for sound check actually we're late for second Church pretty usually we have to follow the song so this is something that says stage eight here we are already entering on stage left which means stage left is from my point of view the drum point of view stage left is actually what is the right to the audience but to us okay usually everything is finally marked so even Ozzy Osbourne can find fillings well let me give you a tour of the drum world then I'll pass you on to John and Jordan they can give you a quick tour Oh Jose Jose's not around to give you the proper tour whoo this is his his work box and this is where me and him hang out in between songs and he always has a water bottle for me and water and Gatorade and towels and candy and gum so all the times during the show this is where me him and I hang out and you look in his drawers okay batteries anything you could possibly need Jose has here frisbees extra symbols like last night for instance I broke a 9-inch splash Dorito so he oh this is the this is the splash from last night very good shot by the way enjoyable that's always a very good venue yeah you wrote we wrote most of over toward 1928 in that venue and really back on the ax falling into infinity tour and then yesterday at soundcheck we wrote a bit of [ __ ] as well so it seems to be a very productive venue for us to write music and take a step up you could walk up behind the kit either from the left side okay here's something very interesting Jose's girlfriend Kimber made me these these they soak basically their towels because you don't want to sweat up a chair in this way so they they cover up that main out of cloth like a towel and we have like six of these so they get thrown into the washing machine after a couple shows Paul and I also have a thumper here basically because we play with in-ear monitors there's really no drum sounds on the stage and all the years of having a big monitor behind me are used to feeling the kick drum but now at the inner ears you there's no thump on the stage so basically every time we hit the kick drum these are attached to the kick drum and they shake the seat so they make the seat feel like you can actually feel the vibrations of the kick and here's the famous Siamese monster basically built by Jose and myself and I have three of these this is the European one yeah but they're all identical finishes there's no way of telling which is which but I do have three of these I guess have you seen the tour I use this side for you know well like for instance tonight I use it follow yours misunderstood spirit carries on new millennium and then solitary show this side is a lot of fun a lot of interesting things a triple high which the pedal for is over here so on great debate I actually play this with the right foot when I'm on this kit any of you drum aficionados probably know the whole routine with this kit yeah I've been well documented elsewhere Syria documented on your website yeah so here it is in all its glory and nothing much more to show here the gun this being up here means that we're playing misunderstood tonight we miss very much so you're gonna bring your family out onto this leg or not on this like they just did almost the whole US tour with us there was me for now they're back in school but during the summertime they tour with us a lot never in Barcelona right yeah the first leg they were in Barcelona and Italy and yeah a summer in Barcelona so here's our inner ear monitors basically they're sitting up here waiting for us for sound check but uh each of us have a different mix and the pack is a wireless pack that you know each of us have different mixes of these are ears they're specially molded to our ears and that's basically it I wish Jose was here I could introduce you to him but he's not here so why don't I pass you on to John or Jordan what can go invade one Jordan is st. John first Jordan is busy programming ok come on let me introduce it to Jose it was also in charge of sitting this thing up for James but we'd knock this over once every five shows or so we'd like to kick it off any time we're pissed off and aggravated we take out all frustrations on this thing in ticket oh but except for John my own where he actually just takes it out on the singer himself I'll introduce you to John in a second you all know John but let me first introduce you to the the genius behind the look of the world tour villas 2002 tour this is Ben Richards or as they call him in his homeland Benoit Rashad and before he was with us he was with yes and Metallica but he's been with us he's the sixth creative member no spittoons as good as any of us everyday with a different set list he shuffle em around he's the first lighting guy that's never bitched about different lists he plays the show with us yeah the video games is terminology actually I've never been able to see you but I've heard reports that you're one of our shows and you're ever bored by what we're doing on stage just turn it on and watch been for a while I'm gonna pass you on to the capable hands of mr. John Petrucci okay thank you thank you Mike for that wonderful tour introduce mr. Thomas Nordic Thomas is my illustrious tech guitar land and one of the cool things actually I met promise on the g3 tour because he's deep eyes and then you would soon helping me out as well in that Torre Mexico shy boy for the love of God and all that Thomas what would you say was your most memorable experience [Music] I would have total and the last show of that total tortoise twisty booklet I was working for and the last show was at the University didn't LA it was a benefit for Jeff Porcaro who had died splat so the excitement Phillips was the drama group and at that benefit show SP who was not on this stage it was like wait a second I wasn't on the stage my friends was the uncle and the George Harrison was there very cool very nice man that's great so we saw you all the time you're really into into the music and dreams theater you're always going with the music on stage pretty good pretty cool yeah there's some interesting things that maybe people don't know about how I have things going but my cabinets are actually facing to the rear of the venue they're over here and they're facing the back and the reason is because we we play with their in-ear monitors so we don't have any sound coming off the stage which helps everybody with their mixes and it also helps the sound man so I guess the only bummer is for anybody who comes to the show to come to this side to hear guitar in your face you won't get it but my cabins are facing that's how my guitars travel they're in their own little comfortable bed which is kind of cool they don't yeah they're open did you ever break the guitar O'Toole well I never broke a guitar but when I first had my double neck made it actually it traveled in the case and the next day the headstock was kind of cracked but it was just has something to do with building it quickly and the tension on the neck but now it's perfect that's the only thing that ever happened okay what else this is the percussion thing that we always knock down at least once a week once a week yeah yeah stuff my good friend Mark Snyder put this all together basically gives me the versatility to do whatever I want get whatever sound I need see one of the things that is cool this that can basically well you probably won't hear this cuz my cabinets are facing the other way okay you might basically the way this is laid out it enables me to have presets along the bottom so that you know this button will turn on and off a whole bunch of things through this button will turn on and off a whole bunch of things they were all programmed you can see the lights changed on the pedalboard just sending it MIDI messages change different amplifiers and different channels and stuff like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] then get some more kind of crunchy sound Center [Music] [Music] we have the old volume pedal [Music] the cool thing about this is that not only does the bottom call our presets but you could make presets as you're going to say you you traveling along show and you playing something [Music] [Music] andele / mol said you want to add a phaser to it [Music] so it's kind of same as having like a whole bunch of petals all on the floor there and you can turn off either one that you want and then each song has a different Bank so you see that's number one so for example if I'm gonna play let's see if I was gonna play the great debate that would be Bank number seven and so like beginning of that song has this really cool thing on the Eventide it's called angel echos and I can do the whole [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] very impressive pretty invasive is cool there's even like during the middle there's like a tremolo part [Music] a little out of tune with that last one and have a tuner up here of course that's another one there's like fatal tragedy all the sounds are in bank three so the song started [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool harmonize your thing they go back and forth [Music] [Music] it's my world this is your world that's my world right normally have a talk box - but yeah doing that song tonight you don't know lights in the Sun tonight no lines in the same with these Ernie Ball guitars which rule I have the option of going to an acoustic sound just by flipping this up and it goes direct through the PA or I can combine the acoustic with the electric just do the electric myself and every night my set list is always over to my left so if you see me leaning down looking to my left we said we should have been show you around the lighted six-string okay anyway that's it thanks for your time pretty amazing [Music] all right well here we are at the command central for the lighting department sorry about the dirtiness on the console my fingers touch the screen all the time because they are touch sensitive um this is one of the most famous lighting consoles that's been around for about 7 years almost it's called the whole hog - and it's the most amazing console as far as combining the moving light control which is intelligent lights and also conventional lights which is more like incandescent Parkins or more theatrical lights so combining the two in this console is great and that's why I chose to use this console on this tour especially because it also has kind of what we call a sidecar which is an extension of the main desk and it gives you a lot of on-the-fly capabilities especially what Mike decides to do Metallica or Iron Maiden when I can go over on this console and just pretend that I've got it programmed over here I play live with them but as far as the dream theater show is concerned it's all programmed here and I run it in a very specific way especially working with the bands that might mention before when I was with metallic n yes I definitely had to cue the shows really really well because the music of course demands to cue it that way as well so with mr. with Dream Theater I just didn't have a choice especially when Mike told me that they were going to play anything from 36 songs and we're gonna switch the set lists every night so that's exactly what I did I basically programmed every song all the way down to I don't know if we can find one here this is for example new millennium so I've got guitar solo guitar + keyboard solo solo modulation a little band tag and bass riff and everything is cued basically and I play this game where I just constantly change the state of the stage level with the music at the same time right and then that way I can pretty much play this video game with them where I basically advance myself to a different stage level just as Jordan advances himself with the sounds with all his sounds are programmed in order my sounds are also my my sounds my looks are programmed in order and then this master button during the show just advances me but then my left hand takes care of all the action and if you look on stage right now most of what I control is the stage the audience yeah and also the strokes so that all comes from my left hands all at the same time during the show so while I'm playing the main looks I definitely play the stage looks and the strobes at the same time and that gives all the action and the intensity of the show at the same time I've got the communication a little headset just like sport cat you know like a baseball announcer or something and basically I talked to four spot operators there's two spots today on this side what I do is I talk to them during the show and I let them know what color to be in at all times and if they should be on or if they should be off and that creates more of a solo situation on the band members [Music] on the stage right now on the screen we've got the Dream Theater's majestic global we call those gobos they're basically glass images that have been etched with laser and if I can go find one in particular to show you how clear we could get these gobo is going to find out you can see the beautiful your exposure setting goes down you'll probably just get right over your exposures these images are about I swear I swear they're about this big if you want to just show my hand there they're about this big in there glass images that have been etched by laser and they can be full color as you can tell so that's pretty much how I do things here and maybe during the show if you want to just come over here and just check it out yeah be able to see the hands and the screen and the stage level in action okay great I'll be able to show you how we do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my keyboard world let me explain and show you some stuff right now we're loading a large file I don't know can you see the screen it's a hundred and eight megabytes the sound it's all different sample data and every day I load in different sets every day's another experience matter of fact I'll show you exhibit a ok these are all the sets we've done starting in Phoenix Arizona every day neatly categorized by my ace tech Jerry Fox you'll meet in a little while every day Beach is something different in the book goes through all the different legs and through Europe and America and Japan and up until actually let's see where we're up until until often buck yeah he's got some pages left for the rest of the tour so what happens is every day when I walk in I take a look at the set and I see what songs there are and I try to find something that's similar and then I go into my hard drive out of a keyboard and I say okay well I've got to build this set it's a little bit of a technical dance to make it happen but it's my little kiss my job and now this thing is loaded good stuff and what I do once everything is all set up I'll take the entire night of music and I'll start on light sound 200 so I punch in 200 and like it says pull top because ok so right now I'm on 200 and it says pull top ok when I walk onto the stage [Music] and for every sound I step on my pedal I have a bunch of pedals down here what they do is this pedal down here this is the one that changes through all the different sounds [Music] [Music] the whole keyboard completely changes every time I step on the pedal and I go through so many different sounds during the course of a night like for instance pull me under uses about before it's all done uses like 19 sounds and at the end you know the part the good [Music] a lot of times I'll split the keyboard so I'll have like strings up here so I can accomplish doing that thing because the strings which I don't think any other keyboard player actually did in the span [Music] the whole night I stepped like hundreds of patches for all the different sounds [Music] specific so that samples here like [Music] the cool thing about this is that when I hit it I've got it on the delay we can hit the bell after the Bell home is the sample will happen like wild stuff walk throughout the night and [Music] [Music] and of course not to forget my swivel in world here we move around guys this is this is a guy his name is Patrick he's from Holland and he built me this amazing stand he's a steel builder okay he loves Dream Theater you met him before no I just read it a little we'll meet him soon yeah he might be coming tonight but he's definitely coming to the yeah Patrick started to communicate with me through my forum actually I have this idea about how I wanted to move around a little bit more okay so one of his friends cone his name is wrote me a letter and said he has a friend who's a steel builder and he wants to build you a stands oh that sounds very nice I didn't really even leave it at that point next thing I know this guy is sending me like you know what are the dimensions how high do you want it how heavy is the keyboard where exactly do you want your pedals yeah so I started to take pictures of like where I wanted to step to help my pedals yes I like position my arms with the perfect height so I could you know get to the keyboard and I measured the distance and I'm snapped him all the stuff and he's he's writing me back with more details and specifications next thing I know we were preparing for the beginning of the tour and he sent me the stand in a big crate pretty and we set it up and he was perfect in the moment I said it up the stand was absolutely perfect I mean it's the greatest thing because it can go you know 360 degrees around ya the next this stand actually if I go too far will pull the cable it's too far yeah that's okay the way the cables work is that as it goes around he'll reach a point where you go okay that's enough okay but the next maybe not very next model which we're expecting soon but the one after that we're arranging so I can just throw the thing and not have to worry about it today spinning and spinning around okay it should be very cool so and while I'm standing right at the keyboard I should show you what I do with these this thing because a lot of people ask me about that wheels you usually use the pitch wheel this is just moving like [Music] Ribbon can do a lot of things one of the things that can do is do pitch as well so I can kind of whammy bends [Music] he's very kind of strange trills on it so I play a note [Music] so it's really very kind of slippery incredible butter factory sprays the things my hand gets relied very smoothly on the on the ribbon very cool and also I've got a bunch of sliders which I use to do crossfades and things like that but at the beginning of take the time I've got a slider which will sometimes I'll put in the name of the sound like slider H will do the will do the volume so it's a lot of little tricks going a lot of for a lot of pre-production in Dream Theater world ok my space and over here these are all my other toys I've got a bunch of kurzweil racks some of the stuff that you see your spare us like for instance this is a spare cursed wall right now and this is my mixer with inputs for all the instruments I use plus the spares this is the one that's being used tonight these are a couple of disk drives when we back up some of the Triton sample information the Triton down here the Korg Triton is actually playing some like the six o'clock samples and take the time samples and one of them is a spare and one of them I'm using and then I'm using this too so in total I'm using my keyboard I'm using two Kurzweil 2600 racks and I use one Triton rack and you had asked me before what I do with the with the Karma the Karma keyboard actually they don't make this in Iraq perfect so but when we just when we got this keyboard into the studio is like the inspiration for some of the 6° stuff there's some the big themes yeah so I decided we definitely needed it on the road so that's why it's sitting there doesn't need to be played physically but I talked to it via MIDI my controller okay so actually you're hearing it a lot like that really really gigantic orchestral things a lot of early I'm out of that okay so that's my that's my rig and then yes okay and then this the pet just talking about the petals for a second so this is my sustain pedal and this is my program change pedal this pedal over here will do like the kind of like wah-wah type of stuff in this pedal that's my Leslie simulation kinda like a rotary speaker on and off but then if I move the whole keyboard over here I have exactly the same the same I sustain and my patch change my wah and my rotary and if I'm lucky I won't trip and kill myself I kind of learned with my eyes shut [Music]
Channel: Vince Pazera
Views: 13,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dream Theater, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, Soundcheck, sound check, Nine Degrees of Backstage Tourbulence, 2002, behind the scenes
Id: I_QmJ-EEjps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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