Dream of Italy: Truffle Hunting in Piedmont

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I visit the home of truffle hunters and brothers Natali and Giorgio romagnolo unfortunately the brothers don't want me to see where they find their truffles so they leave with their dogs and I wait behind the white truffle or tuber magnatum is a mushroom that grows completely underground mainly along the roots of wild oak trees despite the efforts of many people it has never been cultivated because truffles have no visible elements dogs are used to sniff them out alright but I want a water yeah video video video hi Brianna Brianna okay oh if I could if I wonderful wonderful darlin your back Luke oh my god they're beautiful yes we have been lucky today was a good day a really good day UK - this man is made of truffle they said that is the sort of a Laura Adam this is one is one this is small and finally the biggest 55 you have to have good ly good one very very important good company now with this something that they really space a lot this visa we have raw meat and like at our talent then you put field or a bit of oil then you call all with okay this is the to listen to save and travel is called mondo line the bandoneon oh yes you can say that rifle that you can solve it also Lenny is typically talking yeah titli like this and you say not enough for more good people yeah you do it let's try the truffle yes wait a moment it's basic for you Wow oh my god look at how much this is like $300 of truffles right yeah it'll be that I know yeah
Channel: Dream of Italy
Views: 115,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Truffle (Food), Piedmont (Italian Region), Italy (Country), dream of italy
Id: eQA9WqZsfww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2015
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