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uh [Music] [Music] so i'm not saying it's definitely going to go terribly but it's quite probable that it's going to go a little bit very bad shall we jump into some drawings from memory i think we shall katish theow has suggested napster blue now this should be a nice easy one to start on i'm no stranger to drawing sad themed ghosts huh saga is a sad ghost available at kickthepj.com so mr blue key where do we begin he's got a kind of like a body of a bean sort of and does he have bigger big old staring eyes he's got like a little simple sort of nose situation doesn't he no slash mouth wait is that a nose or a mouth it also has a top hat so let's give him the top hat does he always have the top hat i mean this is a very scrappy drawing that i've literally done in three seconds is this it this could be it i feel like this could be it he doesn't have arms he doesn't have friends i think that's it i think i've done it oh he has headphones please tell me he wears a top pad at some point in his life or well his afterlife because he's a ghost so it was a little bit of a little joke or a poltergeist themed joke oh we sort of half got it right so maybe for future drawings i spend a little bit longer than three seconds on it maz suggests burger pants who on god's green earth is burger pants that sounds like something i would make up burger pants burger pants i want to say he's like a bear who wears big glompy shorts with burgers on i feel like i think i think i know who this is burger pants right he's a cat or a bear like a big sort of cheshire cat grinning this is not correct we're going to commit though we're going to commit to our choices just realize there's a plant right here here we go there's a hand what's it touching burger pants what does he serve burgers does he work at the burger store i have a very strong suspicion that this is not what he looks like well we got the pants so let's maybe draw some little mini burgers devils in the details my dudes the devil i imagine they probably smell of burgers as well all right there are your burger pants here are your giant feet does he have maybe a little hat yeah i've got a sneaking suspicion this is wrong let's color it in there i'm enjoying it i'm having a good time isn't that all that really mattered i have a good time that you have oh you have a good time we'll just have a good old good time i mean we are fully committing to the oh i just realized he looks like garfield he looks like garfield the theme of today's episode of drawing characters from memory is commit in this case we're committing to the fact that we've subconsciously drawn garfield should we have a look and see what he actually looks like because this isn't it but whoa okay i was on the right kind of lines actually and you don't see his pants you don't see his pants so it's very possible he's not shirtless he does wear a shirt though he's like ready for the beach or for a shower i'm not the only one who showers in shorts right moving on next up snowy owl has asked for long dog now i firmly subscribe to the belief that there are no stupid questions so am i right in thinking that long dog is the long dog all right no there are stupid questions actually long dog let's do it let's start with the neck nice long neck for a long dog and that's just about everything i remember about this pooch that's a giraffe so let's make it more of a dog hello everybody and welcome back to balkan bark does he wear armor maybe go a little sword of some kind a little or maybe a bone thr you throw it casual phrase throw a dog a bone i'm just not gonna speak for the remainder of this video hand is backwards you know a few years ago when i resolved to learn how to draw hands didn't do it stabbing himself in the neck very upset if this is not what long dog looks like when in doubt just draw some little feet okay yeah that's a drawing should we see what long dog actually looks like show me what you got huh oh i see yeah the face is wrong it's more of a shiba type of dog isn't it and i've drawn more of a sort of a i'm sorry long don't know what to tell you i'm sorry moving onwards peej as in someone who is not me another pg has suggested oh no no i thought they suggested sans they've said onion sand who the hell is onion sand when i screenshotted the tweet i thought that said sans well we must harness our onion drawing powers i mean the expression looking back at me just sort of sums this up doesn't it i'm gonna start laying out my defense case now in my defense i've not played undertale for a long time pretty much my whole case god this is horrible this is so horrible i'm meant to be like an artist who makes things who crafts things with his hands this is not a representation of that maybe if we color it in it might get better all right i dug deep into my memory and this this is it this is what i got either take it or leave it should we see what he actually looks like oh oh onion sounds like a giant cute onion octopus it's not something i thought i'd be saying today we weren't close at all other than we drew an onion the clue was in the name to be fair the clue was in the name should we move on yeah best move oh mandy has suggested papyrus the best spaghetti loving skeleton in the underground mandy's words not mine he's a skeleton man with a big skeleton head he's just got like a giant skeletor kind of sort of uh vibe i think his forehead is bigger i think we need to extend the forehead more like a five head uh that's not funny because he's always like plotting devious schemes and whatnot though oh that's i'm gonna redo the mouth as well he needs to be like smiling he needs to be like sort of plotting a scheme all right you know what this is just what we've got this is what we can do right now and to top it all off he's got shoes i really hate the head a lot i'm so filled with determination to get this right do i even remember the color scheme hell yeah there's red he's red dr robotnik if he was from in sonic the hedgehog the movie has anyone seen that that was pretty okay shall we just put ourselves out of that misery yeah i can see what's gone wrong everything i've basically forgotten everything i'm really i'm really really embarrassed uh that this exists when you're not looking at a reference picture your mind does it plays some weird tricks on i don't like it guys i don't know i my eyeing is a ghost or something i don't know what it is but i'm scared and it wasn't me should we just move on because i'm losing it whatever it is if i had it i'm losing sexy was asked for muffet thank you muffet the little spider girl if you're not familiar with undertale is a little fight where you battle you go in you fight this little spider gush through the donuts little miss muffet oh i just realized this little miss muffet sat on her tuffet eating some eggs and whey curds and whey so what you need to know about muffit is that she is a spider and her battle theme song is badass looking a little bit like a powerpuff girl but we can work with that she's gonna have like a million eyes class is in session by the way i'm your teacher mr ligouri and i'm going to be teaching you everything about spiders spiders are basically gross and if you look at my drawing here you'll start to get a good idea of the anatomy of a spider there is something fundamentally missing from this and i think although she is half spider she has legs and like cups of tea and stuff just drinking tea or something am i genuinely trying to save this drawing yes i guess you could say my my spider sense is tingling but a feeling that it's more this now that the body is looking more correct i'm remembering she's got like proper fangs i think this is actually it oh my god all right [Music] oh my god okay yeah pretty far off still but actually i think i just saved the drawer because before i just went for like classic spider and then i remembered no spider girl i'm taking this as a win because i know what it could have been we all know what it could have been this is a victory guys this is a personal victory for me please let me have it next up comedia has asked for metterton x so metteton is the little robot computer right but medicine x is when it becomes all sexy like we're all thinking it okay we were all thinking i've been on deviantart i know what's happening over there okay he's like still kind of a robot right like a little robotic eye or something like that he's very like perpendicular is that the word i'm looking for there's like a leg he says something about he has legs i remember how the whole fight theme goes he's like boom boom boom boom boom boom boom dabbing for some reason all right you know what i think this is actually pretty good i've basically forgotten how the character looks i'm gonna be honest with you i'm not feeling filled with determination the last drawing i want to do today has been requested by so many people on twitter i'm going to do sans it's not going to go well because my track record proves that it's not going to go well it might sound like i'm putting on a sort of deflated persona right now but no i am genuinely feeling just bad this whole thing was like supposed to be fun it wasn't supposed to make me feel bad i mean he's like a little skeleton dude he's got those haunting eyes he's always got that big big old cheeky grin on him this isn't actually going too bad sans is the one character who i think i probably know the best just from looking at him the most he's got this sort of hands in pockets kind of stance come on i can do this i can do this come on this is the final battle pj you've got to get it right i mean his shorts are iconic who could forget his shorts i cosplayed as sans at the last comic con i've only just remembered suddenly i feel filled with determination i feel like i can do this come on draw his little pink fluffy slippers pj you know he has pink fluffy slippers when i'm sweating all right let's just spruce them up with a couple more details bigger nose bigger nose the joys the jaw the jaw's too big shrink the jaw pj i'm gonna color it into the best of my ability and see what we got yeah i think that's it i think that's it i genuinely think that is it the head is a little big sure but all right let's have a look sans go yes yes actually yes genuinely mostly yes guys i did it and there we go oh my god we did it generally wasn't expecting my vibe of this video to be [Music] but somehow it has been you know what i'm happy with that i hope you liked this video everybody i had a blast it may have seemed like i was a bit down and grumpy at some parts but that's all part of the experience that's part of the fun it's part of the journey that we go on together if you liked the video please give it a thumbs up and also subscribe if you would be so kind and maybe even hitting the notification bell so you know when i upload a video thank you very much for watching everybody i'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] foreign
Channel: KickThePj
Views: 98,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kickthepj, pjthekick, undertale, drawing, drawing from memory, undertale characters, sans, papyrus, muffet, onionsan, long dog, dog, napstablook, doodles, bad, wrong, oh no
Id: nmUwIg8pn50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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