Drawing Pokémon Based on Their Back Sprites

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[Music] what do you mean you and the boys aren't coming i promised them a room nope i can't do it with one one vampire does not make a whole room now what am i supposed to do see here [Music] can't trust any people lose melania welcome to drawfee where we take dumb ideas and make even dumber drawings i'm nathan i'm jacob i'm karina and i'm julia pokemon what pokemon they're just like us they're just like us no they're not they're decisively not just like us who needs they're kind of like dogs every day i wake up i get out of my ball and i go battle someone your ball yeah the ball that i live in nathan you're lying you're lying to us and you're lying to the viewers are you trying to get dropy cancelled nathan i'm scared nathan i'm gonna need you to take that back because today's episode is about the pokemon back sprites [Music] yeah we got there the red and blue and green versions of pokemon the sprites were a little bit charmingly jank and ugly and especially the reverse sprites when they were on your team the sprites of their backs so i thought it'd be funny to give you three some funny back sprites and have you draw the pokemon turned around a new pokemon yeah yeah based on that sprite i love that nathan you're up first do you want to go ahead and reveal your sprite i will reveal hello oh it's our boy scyther canonically very cool as a back spray is that a hand coming through his head it looks like he's just reaching through like a ghost hand so i'm i'm trying to design a a scyther based on this based on this if this turned around and looked at you and was a pokemon okay what would we have on our hands what is he holding he's got a little banana in his hand he's all a little banana oh julia's gonna be so good at this i love this this is my new favorite pokemon banana hacker banana holder oh it's like so much in the same vein as julia's marmalade wanter yeah oh he's holding dole he's holding dole a lot of drafty lore coming out in this episode i just love like scyther's so angry and vicious and look at his little smile in this picture like it's like so far it's like and then he's got little eyes yeah he's just having a nice time showing off his new nanner this looks like a chocobo so far yeah i love it it's like there's a little green chocolate sort of looks like he's got like a little ear here oh yeah that's what i saw is the thumb sticking out of the hand going through his head i like nathan's oh i see what you're saying now oh that's profound julia i don't like that yeah it's actually really disturbing once you start looking at it that way literally the first thing that i saw was like a hand sticking through his head your mind i want to give it more of a three-quarters view i am that song where is your mind it's right here it's somewhere it's nearby my brain has been my mind has been replaced by a ghost hand oh yeah this is actually a picture of the back of julia's head yeah it sticks out sometimes and we just don't mention it nathan's drawing a first draft of bart no it's like bart mixed with a goat yeah this is from the version of the simpsons where bart was like a puppy and they were like what if we made him the sun instead what we don't like it when homer chokes the dog so let's make it a human boy yeah looks like he's got some sort of shell yeah he is he has to have a little shell there yeah he's got a shell of course oh my goodness bart yoshi yeah it's like a yoshi show butt shell he's got two peas on there he is holding a banana like this he's a little grocery mess guys holding the banana he's just like hey you want some [Laughter] then take it i dare you fight me for it it's for me [Laughter] no take only fight he told him banana he's got a little peapod on his back this is a friend in a way that scyther could never be yeah sorry scyther this is scyther's younger more accessible little brother banana banana banana banana banana he just wants to hang out be friends he does need to hold your hand if you're out in public though because he will get lost yeah you don't want that he has two hands but one is for bananer yeah one's for banana only i think it's holding the banana with both hands oh both are for bananas he's gonna get lost but it's okay cause he has banana with them [Laughter] maybe bananas like a side pokemon like a team a team-up pokemon what does that mean so like he's got you know how they have the ice cream pokemon oh now we got we have a banana pokemon up there up front he's got a little buddy with them so is this the trick buddy is the banana a different pokemon is that what you're suggesting it could be [Laughter] no the banana is part of this pokemon oh it is not a sentient being but it is a body part yeah it's flesh it's like it's like how far-fetched is holding a leak a leak's not a body part it's not no that's part of it though it's like part of the design it always is holding a banana if you try to take the banana from its hand you'll see that it's actually grafted to the skin oh he can never put banana down but that's okay yeah he doesn't want he liked nano yeah he liked nano too much does it go full yoshi with these legs that's kind of where it's leaning yeah in a yoga the other option is just like slug body oh yeah that is always an option isn't it like you could do a centaur centaur body that's true that's horrible i don't like that you don't like the slug i like both i don't like the idea of a centaur body why i did like slug oh no i'm not wrong is this the centaur body yeah so now he looks kind of like a little caterpillar yeah i'm into that yeah he's a bug type i think that's why he has a banana he's gotta eat his plants yeah he's hungry this does give him more little hands with which to do things yeah it's good yeah since the nano ones are spoken for those two are always on a nanner but it's okay he has six hands in the gigantimex version he's holding a banana smoothie so that has protein powder in it he's just like jacked yeah slamming muscle milk a jacked bart jacked bart turtle barton this is adorable i like it i think nintendo could learn a thing or two from this we are not wrong we are not wrong we are always good at pokemon yeah this is uh bananer this is bananer and uh he he wants to be your friend oh i love him banana's the only pokemon i will use now i will not play any pokemon games until banana is added and then packed into all the old versions single one this was a good challenge jacob i'm very pleased with it so far nathan i love this friend yeah thank you for this gift you're welcome karina are you ready to draw from yes you guys saw the hand right after yeah yeah yeah yeah it's really upsetting yes very upsetting it was a lot but you're right thank you karina reveal your man so it's pulpix right that's vulpix why'd they do it like that yeah why'd she look like that why does she look like that i just thought i got karina vibes from this one it's cute it's got like a top ponytail it does look like a little volcano erupting yeah it looks like it's gonna be shopping yeah when you're made of volcano but you still gotta look cute this vulpix put in the effort today yeah style picks got way more volume than any vulpix yeah but it kind of looks like it doesn't look like a fox anymore no kind of looks like a dog it looks like a shiva it does look just like a sheep it looks exactly like a shiva it's like a shiva with troll doll hair yeah finally the perfect animal the crossover we needed what's really funny about this to me is that vulpix's defining feature is the tails right and they just didn't get any of those in there for this not even a hint i forgot that this was the back sprite and i thought we were looking at it straight on because i thought the little plus sign on the left was one of the eyes oh my god like the eye was closed i had a big scar on it and then the other one's a little lie i want i want julia to draw her version of all of the ones yeah why are we doing anything i want head hand scyther and like battle hard and vulpix yeah julia you your idea has insinuated that your pokemon in the game boy game has turned completely around to stare directly at you the player yeah which is not this is not the first time you've dipped into that horrifying well yeah this is what you want me to do is this is this really is this really why you called me out here you never call me out just to hang out you see my eye you see you see what it's done to me so far this constant god oh my god this is a sonic oc cool tails oh that's garfield [Laughter] sonic that's what sonic looks like right yeah pretty much sort of a door amon yeah yeah what does storm on look like i should know like get that like garfield mixed with sonic pretty much yeah yeah yeah perfect i love it that was it that was the design oh no now i have to do the thing where i remember what dogs are shaped like i never remember what dogs are shaped like and i love dogs they're shaped like dogs yeah they're dog-shaped they're dog-shaped four legs little floofy body that's a dog their head's like a orb with a tube attached to it yeah these eyes i think that's what it looks so far apart yeah i love it am i wrong no if there's one thing we've established this episode it's that we're never wrong none of us i've never been wrong in my life about anything why would we start now yeah i'm always right nobody correct me this is adorable this would make a really nice plush toy it doesn't look like a dog i guess it doesn't matter i think it does look like it looks like a wombat it does look like i was gonna say wombat yeah it looks exactly like a wombat and you would have been right to say that nathan i get shiba vibes i think because of the little eyebrow circles yeah it's the eyebrow that's all you really need yeah yeah the nose is wombat shaped though yeah i should probably make that smaller there we go that looks like a little happy smile yay it looks like happy that it's about to beat your ass this is revenge i kill for fun you made me like this i feel like the hair needs to be more kind of got like well i drew it looking like yugi hair so he does look like he's going through like a a really glamorous punk phase yeah yeah i support it yeah i should feel like it needs to be bigger i feel like there needs to be more i feel like this is the defining feature it has nothing otherwise it's just a regular dog this pokemon is not a pokemon but a dog with hair yes it's a hair type pokemon yeah they got tired of designing pokemon so they just gave a dog hair and put it in the game it's got a plus on the front too yeah it's um it's a hole that goes straight through no it's not don't say that it kind of gives the dog a medical feel yeah it's a helper dog there's not healers in pokemon that would be a weird thing to say yeah chancey's kinda got that vibe yeah there there are healing moves like wish and heal bell and and rest photos there's probably a pokemon based off of a blue healer yeah they're cool dogs yeah good joke julia thanks jacob thanks this is good thank you i don't know pokemon but i know dogs we're getting there i feel like it's back it's doing more of this yeah it's kind of doing like a sit yeah it's relaxed yeah it really doesn't want to fight anyone yeah i drew that looks like it's loafing yeah looping like a cat maybe it's not a dog it's a pokemon yeah like i said before dogs are like pokemon but but not yeah this is different you can do whatever you want to it she's different she have a tail tail not showing maybe the tail's laying on the floor oh that's a weird tail this is just a dog i just drew a dog i mean that's what pokemon were at the beginning i miss nanner we always have bananer this is bananar's friend [Laughter] i don't know what it's named yet though i don't either like it seems like so i really get sort of like spunky girl vibes yeah spunky girl hero vibes yeah she's got gumption vulplus that's pretty good i was kind of getting at maybe she's named like ashley actually or like janice or something i really want a pokemon that just has a real human name here's steve spunky girl name um sam i'm i'm going for something like like crystal yeah crystal's a spunky girl name let's go crystal but i do like ashley ashley's pretty good it's very close to ash which is yeah this is ash's new pokemon ashley ashley everyone calls it ash for sure ash calls it ash for short and it's very confusing i mean also ash is fire related yeah yeah and i guess this is still a fire it's a fire healer yeah it has a new move that's a fire based healing move because cauterize yeah nathan is there a fire-based healing move you would but i know of if nathan doesn't know it it doesn't exist that's a fun like yeah it would heal you but it would lower your max hp it heals you it heals you hp but it inflicts the burned status yeah which can like be useful it because it'll it'll replace whatever status condition you have with burned yeah to like wake up a sleeping pokemon nathan's already building the meta for ashley for ashley good for her good for her new meta bringing it to the game we love you actually i feel like i feel like this is it yeah this is ashley i love this she's a dog we got banana and ashley they're good friends surely whatever julia draws will fit in right perfectly with this friend group i'll definitely draw a friend yeah you combine them you get a banana flambe yay are these going to be the starters for our game oh okay julia so this is kind of i almost didn't pick this one because it's in a similar vein to the last one but when i saw its face i thought of you immediately from the side when you when you reveal it you'll see go ahead and bring it up [Music] yeah that's that's the face julia draws yeah the face cracked me up it looks so much like a sad muppet it's receding into its own neck yeah this is growlithe obviously but i don't know why it looks so depressed it's like depression commercial growlithe yeah what did you see buddy also it's i i think of growlithe as having like spikier hair than than vulpix but its hair is just like a a little candy corn going back this is also just a dog yes but this dog is sad yes yeah the two types of dog hair and sad yeah pokemon's been too afraid to release a sad dog pokemon up to this point yeah the sword and shield dogs are too happy yeah cowards yeah i think the weak chin [Laughter] everything about it is just like the most disgusted energy yeah it's the way the hair is blowing directly back yeah it's like a a comedy like after spit take reaction just like someone someone just threw up on this dog and it's just like okay it really is that exact energy that face when someone throw up on you it looks like it's wearing a bicycle helmet yeah one of them racing helmets yeah i will request julia that we get a full body of this what pokemon because we got full bodies of the first two it's important so i want to see what like his whole because there's a lot of unex unexplained territory below the neck that's true okay this disgusted dog he does look like he's sitting in a really weird little egg seat maybe what see this is the stuff this is the reason i needed you to do the body so you could make these sorts of interpretations egg seed egg he's sitting in seed egg seat if you're sitting in an egg seat row [Laughter] make this face [Laughter] it's a very good snout well let's just go straight back thank you okay because it's got like sort of the chest fur thing too going on unless that's part of the eggs unless it's part of the egg scene it does look like he's sitting in like a little like egg chair julia i don't understand you know one of those eggs please please place him in an egg chair i would love nothing more i need to see this fully realized because i don't understand this disgusted dog in an egg chair what's an egg chair no one of them egg chairs like that's seen in uh in men in black i've never seen men in black what what a part of i don't consume media do people not get and you call yourself a drafty host i thought that was what i brought to the team not seeing men in black yeah am i wrong you and julia both bring uh varying levels of anti-expertise yeah to the show but then you know about stuff that i don't know about yeah totally it balances out yeah i don't know anything about digimon yeah i don't think i know anything i don't think i know anything you know how to use blender yeah i know egg cup chairs i still don't understand what an egg chair is this looks like it's not this yeah it's not this is this this is something looks like a lotus yeah he's hitting it like a little lotus chair it's kind of a pistachio yeah this is something new reminds me of julia's shuckle i just like my pokemon sitting in an edge often gets overshadowed by spiel but the second pokemon julia ever drew for drafty shuckle baseball player coming out of a pistachio you know pokemon i was gonna say that julia this doesn't look like an egg but then i remembered that it's you yeah yeah so earlier today i told jacob that i wanted to cook an egg and what i actually meant was a veggie burger julia she sang a little jingle about how she was gonna start cooking an egg as she was carrying a veggie burger to a frying pan you're not even close so i think it's real i think the egg blindness is real you know not a bit we're all just trying our best recognize eggs do you suffer from egg blindness [Laughter] you suffer from terminal egg blindness it will kill you one day a fatal egg mistake you're going to think you're holding an egg but it's going to be something dangerous a snake poisonous julia that's not an egg it's a snake there we go the dog's getting more and more upset i think that's a more accurate representation of what's going on i don't know what this dog's name is gonna be egg egg egg egg dog no just egg this is just egg yeah yeah it's just another peer into julia's mind of what she thinks an egg is oh man um this is egg this is egg the dog who sit in an egg and it's also called egg yeah yeah don't get it confused it only has one move and that move is egg yeah it's egg type um here's egg it feels like the dog was filling out its like pokemon paperwork and got nervous and just wrote egg in every field [Laughter] yeah this is egg it's a egg and i love them like okay what's your pokemon name uh egg okay what are your moves my name is egg egg okay i mean we've got we've got one that's just a pokeball with eyes so i guess that's fine we got ashley so i guess you can be egg we can have egg along with ashley and banana [Laughter] these are very fun excellent work everyone involved interpreting these wonderful sprites yay hey i'm proud of you all egg egg egg egg we've got a patreon if you want to support us with your money yeah that's true please do keep getting quality content like egg yeah we've got a store as well if you want to spend your money there can we buy eggs oh my god drawfee branded eggs we'll look into that for sure eggs and bananas and if you don't want to spend your money but you still want to support us you go ahead and like this video leave a comment subscribe hit the bell even even share it with your friends maybe whoa one like click equal one youtube algorithm that likes us better yeah it's basically like giving us a banana so that more people can see egg i want more people to see egg more people see egg more people see egg we're sorry we're eggs [Music] sorry
Channel: Drawfee Show
Views: 600,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drawfee, Drawing, Drawfee Channel, How to Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Illustration, funny, comedy, sketches, Caldwell Tanner, Nathan Yaffe, collegehumor, dorkly, live drawing, videogame drawing, videogame characters, anime drawing, anime characters, Julia Lepetit, Jacob Andrews, Karina Farek
Id: LxeNSiYjpwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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