Dran-View 6 Power Management Software

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we are dreads drainage the standard for energy and power measurement is a leading manufacturer in the field of electrical measurement for more than 40 years granites has provided the market with innovative products that all focus on customer needs grandview our industry-leading power analysis software works alongside your Granite's instrument to provide professional reports and analysis of your data Rand view is easy to use user-friendly powerful grandview is a windows-based software package that enables power professionals to simply and quickly visualize and analyze power monitoring data it's easy to navigate delivers automated functionality and incorporates powerful analytical capabilities and customizable options to meet the needs of each individual user by supporting more than 12 languages grandview is used by thousands of customers around the world and has become the industry leading power management software tool grandview is available in two versions pro and enterprise so there's a version to meet everyone's needs drain view is compatible with most portable permanent instrument analyzers from dre nets including the power Explorer px5 power guide 4400 power visa energy platform ep one encore series and many legacy products from Granite's grandview enterprise is also compatible with other GMC I products and those from other manufacturers when using file formats such as PQ di F comtrade CSV and txt grandview Pro powerful in its own right grandview Pro is a great tool for any application large small simple or complex it's advanced yet simple to use feature set enables you to get the most out of your power survey features include trending of any recorded parameter in a stacked or overlaid format analysis of any wave shape or event recorded at any time harmonic analysis customizable displays and many other features grandview pro includes an advanced report writer and even a rescue kit to help you undo mistakes made during your study such as reverse CTS wrong time and more grandview pro the user interface grandview features an intuitive easy-to-use interface that enhances even the first time users experience shown in Figure 1 you'll see dran views to pain browser interface consider a pain a window into any portion of your power survey on the left side you'll see the time plot or historical view pane which enables you to trend any parameter over the entire recording period the time plot pain allows you to show trends in a stacked or overlaid format based upon the users preference on the right side you'll see the data pane that shows details of any recorded event that selected such as a wave shape or other recorded details tools viewing parameters there are several features available in the chart properties dialog box you can view individual currents voltages power power factor or any other data recorded during your survey would you like to know a certain value at a given time simply move the mouse pointer to that location and the value is automatically displayed zoom zooming is a fast and easy way to find the data of interest by using the mouse to draw a zoom window on any trend or wave shape you can magnify that part of the display to the full size of the display window zoom in as many times as necessary to show the data of interest zoom out one step at a time or go immediately back to the original display at your convenience Delta tool the Delta tool helps you measure between two points on a trend or wave shape simply click the Delta tool button in the toolbar click and hold the mouse at the point you want to measure from then drag the mouse to where you want to measure to harmonix grandview has some powerful capabilities for harmonic analysis being a data viewer dran view displays trends and details of any harmonic information recorded by the instrument such as THD symmetrical components k factor individual harmonics and more on the other hand grandview software is capable of snapshots that calculate harmonics and display them as a spectrum diagram and with just one click convenient features and benefits dran view is more than just a PC viewer for power monitoring surveys grandview has many features and benefits that differentiate it from any other power monitoring software such features make grandview simple and convenient to use yet provided advanced feature set for even the most demanding of professional applications let's explore some of these features and how they provide benefits to our users exporting data many applications require exporting data to other software packages a common example may be an energy application where electrical energy data collected during your power survey needs to be included in other software that combines data from other utility systems such as gas water steam and so on grandview saski exporting function enables you to easily export in txt files such as comma tab and space delimited formats you can also format the time in the saved file phasor diagram with the push of a button grandview generates a phaser vector diagram showing the phase relationship between voltage and current on any channel this image will help in both making sure the instrument was connected properly and also during your analysis rescue kit have you ever finished a power survey then realized you had a CT connected backwards the instrument sign was wrong or had another human error the drain views rescue kit can undo some common mistakes made during your survey not all errors can be fixed but the rescue kit can fix items such as inverted current probes improper scale factors and the wrong time report generator drain view has a built-in report writer that enables you to produce professional custom reports that can even include your company logo all reports are created in a dot RTF format that's compatible with most word processors such as Microsoft Word as a result you can easily edit the report to your liking the drain view report writer has two modes custom and automatic in automatic mode the user can select one of seven standard reports and render it with just one click in the custom report you can create your own reports by selecting parameters for your specific application in just three easy steps you can create a report for your clients or management grandview Enterprise grandview Enterprise includes all of the features found in pro but includes enhanced capabilities such as multiple sight capabilities mathematical channels to compute your own parameters floating annotations snapshots bookmarks additional file formats such as comtrade in PQ di f and much more harmonics time plot calculator in enterprise grandview can also compute rms power harmonic and other parameters from the wave shape information recorded by the instrument this is in addition to any parameters recorded directly by the instrument grandview enterprise can create trends of harmonics and other parameters using the journal wave shapes by using the calculate harmonic time plots tool this feature can compute many parameters including individual harmonics VT HD ith d v rms i rms frequency and others an example is generator testing where it's common to require cycle by cycle frequency trends during generators startup math channels in enterprise grandview has a quite powerful math channel feature that enables you to create your own computations from your measured data similar to functions found in an Excel spreadsheet dran views math feature provides computational functions such as mathematical trigonometric logical power rms DFT and more a common application is to compute ground leakage current in a three-phase y circuit in such cases the current in phases ABC and neutral are measured by the power monitor using grandview you can create a math channel to compute a leakage current by adding the current in phases ABC and neutral with the remaining current being leakage current multi-site in enterprise many power surveys include more than one power monitor so you need to analyze data from two or more instruments at the same time common applications maybe when measuring the input and output of a device in efficiency or a UPS application in such cases the objective of the survey is to directly compare input and output data a much more convenient method is found in the multi-site feature of Grandview enterprise with the multi-site feature of the drain view enterprise you can overlay data from multiple sites on one trender waveform display and even adjust the x-axis or time to make sure that they're synchronized annotations and pictures in enterprise a picture speaks a thousand words and helps greatly to see what you've monitored grandview enterprise enables you to add a diagram or photograph to any trend or wave shape window maybe add a photograph of the damage done by the PQ problem wiring diagram or other picture would help describe the event and once added is included in your dv6 file data annotations enable you to add your own comments at any point on at render waveform this can be like a mini report that can describe the wave shape or any other annotations you wish to include conclusion grandview is a powerful yet easy-to-use software tool that can complement the data recorded by your granites instrument this video touches on only a small number of the features and benefits of grandview please visit our website at ww.com for more information about grandview or to arrange a demonstration by your local granite sales representative or distributor
Channel: DranetzTech
Views: 5,189
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Dranetz, DranView, Dran View, Power Quality, Energy Management, PX5, PowerVisa, Gossen, Gossen Metrawatt
Id: BzbG-36g2r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2012
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