Draining By Digging New Drainage Ditch

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hey everyone today we're on the stretch of trail and you can see it's very muddy we're going to solve this problem today by digging out a small drainage ditch as you can see the land is already shaped like a ditch you can clearly see where the water is there so i'm going to dig a drainage ditch probably 50 feet or so and then there's a big drop off and on this other side you don't even need a drainage ditch here you just need like a good trough to catch the water and then send it under the trail so my plan is i'm going to take the dirt that i dig up here fill this hole in and right here we're going to put a temporary bridge for the winter because right now when you have a muddy trail it causes people to walk around it and it creates unwanted trails and eventually even more mud it just creates more problems so here we're going to dig a channel probably a foot deep is all it needs to be and the dirt taken from that's going to fill this and then i'm going to put a piece of wood with asphalt on it you know so no one slips and also it doesn't make the wood the mud worse because it's going to be pretty muddy when i fill that in the board is just there until the ground stabilizes which won't be until the spring it's going to stay completely wet until we have a dry stretch of weather but once i get the channel here this water table is going to drop like a foot i'm going to put like a temporary bridge here made out of plywood and asphalt shingles over the top and in the spring when this is surveyed again we're probably going to put a 10 foot culvert pipe under the trail here and just put dirt over it or it might just stay a wooden bridge we don't know yet and just going to rip this tree out make a ditch you could see how the plants are like jumbled together in these little clumps that means there was a good flow of water here which means you can't just use a four inch pvc pipe it's going to need probably at least a 10 inch pipe underneath there or a small bridge and you go off here and about this point the opening spreads really wide so there's no more rapids it's just like seeping it actually looks like right here used to be a road like if you can see how the ground is shaped it's starting to snow a lot surprisingly it's not cold it's like 40 so the snow is not going to stick right here this tree i'm not gonna cut up i'll go under it if i get the drain ditch to about that point right there there's a significant drop off and that'll solve the problem and a drainage ditch like this won't need much maintenance because the water isn't really moving fast as we know of so let's get to work oh yuck foreign so all right so this entire thing was supposed to be a 30 minute job but it took an hour just to make this one channel because i i have to cut through roots that are two inches in diameter with the shovel and it's as best as we're gonna do it now until spring in spring if if i'm the one doing this i'll do it differently can't bring anything like a trench digger it's too far into the woods even a portable one can't lug it out this far so i'm gonna open the wall of water let this through you could even see there's some current in there right now that's all groundwater ground is incredibly wet here let's open this thing up so [Music] so so [Music] all right i spent the past two hours making this as good as possible removing the roots i still have it dammed up right there i'll break that in a minute if there's any roots left behind like this one right here i'm about to cut with a machete you see uh sediment starts building up like a little dam and that'll eventually cause a problem i made a drink ditch here going good 50 feet it goes down there and a little around the corner and it stops it's going downhill it's never gonna back up this far and you can see it's not even getting around the corner it's just sinking into the ground because the ground over here is dry but it's really wet here by theory that puddle there should go away once this behind it's gone i have a few concrete blocks out here because after 100 people walk on this trail that'll turn to mud even though it's stable now i'm going to put together a few quick bridges here and yeah that'll be it for the day it's starting to get dark out yeah you see how much sediment there is i'm sinking really deep into the mud hopefully that'll erode that's all i needed to do there this is a cheap harbor freight machete it is so sharp i've used it on so many jobs it only costs four bucks doesn't matter if i wreck it all right let's open up the damn there we go broke the dam and it's flowing freely now we have a nice little trickling stream this stream is only going to work on rainy days that's all it is it's not a permanent stream but on a rainy day it'll flow consistently let's get together a few bridges now i'm just using some old lumber for this bridge and this is roofing tiles on a piece of wood so it doesn't become slippery get that as flush as possible see it's still a little bit wobbly get a whole bunch of really [Applause] rigid construction screws crank them into the ground oops wood is a little bit rotten you want to hear the crank on the end see you're not hearing the noise like you heard on the first one that's the noise you want to hear that means they're in really good there we go that'll stabilize it over time the bridge will get more secure [Applause] that one went in really good really good again got a whole bunch of them make it really secure two more gotta do it that one was crooked out of the box brand new and it came out of the factory crooked there we go that's a lot stronger that bridge is only temporary it only has to last through the winter and it's going to be replaced with something a lot better nice solid timbers going across let's continue we're going to get rid of that puddle i decided not to fill it in i'm just gonna put another temporary bridge for now just for the winter you know what it's going to get dark by the time i get more timber that's not staying by the time i go back to the truck and get more wood it's going to be dark that i'm not putting out there a heavy person is going to go right through that and break it it holds me but barely if i jumped it would snap i i gotta get something i'm gonna get with the screws i'm just gonna put a few two by fours underneath it that'll strengthen it okay i got one more piece of concrete going here don't know why i brought this piece of wood out maybe i can strengthen it with that here just a piece of concrete right on the trail a lot better all right that's got to be reinforced this bridge here is decent enough got a nice little stream here before i started the trail was flooded out now this right here is pretty strong i'm still gonna probably reinforce it with something all right this is what i was able to do with the products available to me ideally these bridges should be made out of eight foot 4x6 timbers that's what you usually use on a trail but that wasn't available to me so i had to build this nonsense this one right here it's strong but it looks stupid it's made out of pressure-treated plywood which will last a few years outside its integrity will probably be gone by the end of winter but it holds weight with those side panels on it this one right here is actually strong this one will last a while i put some plywood supports underneath it and it's all plywood but pretty strong i'd say that can hold probably a good 300 pounds as long as you don't jump on it and now the little stream has cleared up it's no longer murky it's starting to go down to regular sand and the trickle is getting smaller this is only expected to be used during drainage and during wet weather i walked up there aways there is a pretty big swamp but this supposedly has never been here before it's just run off alright so i will be back putting timbers in here in the spring if the property owner wants that hope this video was interesting thanks for watching you
Channel: post 10
Views: 285,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ih3HWVXO-vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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