Dragonsteel 2022 Spoiler Q&A

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no lost metal spoilers please don't ask secret project spoilers even though I put up the first few chapters of each of those some people are trying to remain completely spoiler free until there's a ride in the mail or in the inbox um so that said everything else in print is on the table so that means citonic side diverse stories that questions that means Alcatraz now the Alcatraz series is done um you know and of course any published cosmere work you are welcome to ask spoilerific questions about all right for those who don't know what a raffle is let me tell you a little story and then we'll get to your question um so my story here is uh Robert Jordan used to give out this thing he would call it a raffle when people ask him a question and he didn't really want to answer it for whatever reason sometimes it was he was a spoiler he didn't want to get in the wild sometimes he just wanted people to keep theorizing sometimes he hadn't made up his mind yet sometimes uh Harriet admitted to me he had no idea what the person was talking about and wanted to look mysterious um and so he would say read and find out which got shortened to rapho uh when I went to see Robert Jordan's Widow Harriet um in 2009 was it when was it 2000 no uh 2007 2007 um been a while uh when I first flew out to meet her after she had asked me to finish the series she handed me something and it was a little um bracelet that said rafo and um in little uh little beads that a fan had made from Robert Jordan she gave it to me and she said I am giving you the rapho the raffle is now yours um which I've always remembered and appreciated so I had little cards printed off which so if I don't want to answer your question for any reason I'll say rapho and then you get one of the cards so I I wanted to give those out because I always felt bad someone thinks of this great question they wait to ask me and then I'm like nope um so all right so you are Brent go ahead no no it's backwards Michael you are michael michael hit us with your question okay so first of all I just want to say thank you to the team they say that they do this for us and it's felt so I want to say thank you all right so my question is Whimsy the most dangerous shard is he essentially like a shark cat um Whimsy is the most dangerous Shard to your sense of decorum and self-worth all right hey how's it going I'm Brent uh okay would night blood consider investiture to be evil would night blood consider investiture to be evil no night blood would not no okay good question thank you just uh I hope that this one isn't lost metal uh have we been introduced to any chromium fairings um Rafa first rap oh Where's Becky Becky ran away Becky where are you Becky come rafo over here so you'll get your raffle card um so coming slowly um so all right go ahead so my name is Kenneth and uh I wrote down my question so I didn't forget it excellent so after finishing mistborn era one I was left with terribly sad but satisfied feelings how are we to brace ourselves as we prepare for the ending of not just Wax and Wane in the Lost metal but also the end of era one of Stormlight hmm how should you brace yourself um I would say uh raffo [Applause] um it I I should prepare prepare yourself for a similar set of feelings to other things I have ended how about that similar feelings to other things I have ended up hey Brandon I'm Andrew uh if people started viewing their worlds as donut shaped would the cognitive realm change as well yes the cognitive realm would shape to that if the general group on the planet all reviewing anything but particularly something like that it would influence how the cognitive realm manifests so follow-up question yes like as technology develops and people start seeing the world as spheres will will that change change um it will have an effect interesting thank you that's uh an excellent question there uh pattern how you doing very nice I'm good thank you I wanted to ask if Wayne the lopen and Basha were all in the same room who would Basha punch first oh okay lopen Wayne and vasher who does vasher punch first lopid no filter right right see the difference between Wayne and lopean is Wayne can read a room right lopen's not so good at that uh here's for your costume uh-huh hi Brandon hi my name is Jackson can a Shard hold on to the cognitive identity of a person like cognitive shadow of a person for later use yes that can indeed happen without him without it being like fully invested uh you don't have to fully invest it no they would have to do some sort of investing Shenanigans um but this is what you're asking is uh quite possible very possible so for instance let me give you a corner case you might be asking could endowment send somebody back later then immediately after they have passed away and the answer would be yes okay yeah thank you good question [Music] so I'm Tim I'm going to tell you I have no immediate plans to do that but it is possible within the framework of the cosmere so I'm Tim um Don cherns yeah more of an intent or like a command uh more of a command and are they tied to the four grippings of 16 or uh that is a raffle that's a I'm gonna give you oh wait she's got I'll give you one because I was pulling it up you can get a card and you can also have a coin do you guys enjoying this coin game that my team came up with the big question that they've all they've had is I think they have ways you can trade your coins in and stuff and they didn't know if anyone would ever do that or if they would just keep the coins so yeah hi Brandon I'm Leanne hi hi um we were um uh kelsier was very clear in secret history that his ties to the Physical Realm had been severed are we then to assume that the current thedacar slash Lord of scars is him teamed up with spook or have they used their knowledge of him allergy to find different human hosts or what's going on there uh excellent question this is partially Arapahoe um but you should assume that things have happened to allow for what's going on there are answers coming very soon [Applause] warn you not a lot of answers but some answers are coming very soon maybe maybe very very soon hi Brandon hi as an avid chicken Watcher in my real life I've really enjoyed the occlusion of AVR and the cosmere yes and I was curious if an upcoming Series where we see the inclusion of more World Hoppers utilizing AVR for Trans investiture purposes yes you will the thing about the AVR is uh getting that like the The Secret of what's going on there is known by very very few people um and there is certainly some work going on in in that regard um like trying to figure basically people off world trying to figure out what is going on with AVR and how they work because they are not what people expect them to be because of the way that the uh the investiture is being invested shall we say um but uh you should see that being relevant to Future era cosmere awesome thank you yeah thanks I'm Josh and uh I actually put my name on the list just so that I could tell you that my firstborn son's name is Adeline wow oh a baby Adeline well maybe maybe not I'm used to them being babies but the book has now been out for 12 years so um he's two he's two okay so still a baby Evelyn you know we meet a lot of baby caledons and not very many baby etlands so yeah well don't mess him up now okay uh no promises we'll do our best no promises I'm pretty prepared for a raffle here but okay um so my question is is there or has there ever been a dawn Shard hidden in a book uh is there a has there I will raffle that good question you you got your raffle card well done I suppose I have to call you dalinar so well done dalinar all right yeah you know hi Brandon hi Brandon hey good name are the glyphs on scadriel which happen to look like bands spikes and Beads a breadcrumb from the Lord ruler to in case his plans failed uh no they are more that we decided um like if you go look at the old ones and things like this that modern people were interpreting them differently this is not an active thing done by the Lord ruler Isaac uh contradict me on this because he designed them but um my uh understanding is that it's like a natural outgrowth of people said that looks like a spike and so they started doing it more spike-like and it just kind of became a thing for them as they were standardizing and his typography started to exist and things like that not necessarily meant to be a clue from the Lord ruler okay thank you good question hmm so over the course of Rhythm Of War we see cohesion being applied in three different ways as applied by you know different tones and I can see an internal external and pushing pulling contradictions in those is that a pattern that will be accurate for all of the surges yes but a loose pattern okay so accurate under the very loosest definition of the world word you will find connections there as you are looking for them and most of them will be intentional but it will be hard to fit every search into exactly that framework thank you hi Brandon good job hi Brandon I was going to ask with all the bad things that we've seen the ghostbloods do so far like imprisoning lift is kelsier no longer a good or mostly good person uh calcio would say he's a good person would would you say he's a good person would I say calcium I would say that calcium is a complicated individual whose moral compass does not align to my same moral compass uh but he never was um he would say that he hasn't changed I would say that he has changed slightly over the centuries I'm taking that as mostly good um would kelser be able to return to the Physical Realm in the same way that Basher did uh no well which time all right um all right so so let me let me parse this question could A Shard with a great deal of investiture take his cognitive Shadow and staple it to a body or indeed recreate which is usually what happens an entirely new body for him is that what you're asking yeah uh yes that could happen it would need it would need really the will of A Shard and the desire to do so but that could happen he couldn't do it himself though if that makes sense because you could also have been asking return to Physical Realm pop through because vasher popped through a a perpendicularity to get onto roshar which is another way he went from the return to the Physical Realm I didn't think that's what you're asking but sometimes once in a while you're asking multiple things at once to be Trixie so thank you yep hi Brandon I have a sort of delicate question yes if a bendeloy fairing managed filled a unsealed mind and then gave it to someone else who tapped it which one would go to the bathroom I've been waiting to ask this for years very surprised no one else has oh man uh what what the answer was Adeline um all right uh I'm going to let's say okay so bendeloy misting Taps okay go through it one more time go through one more time uh bed deloy fairings fairings scores energy your liquid yeah uh eats a meal stores it into a metal mine hands it to another fairing who Taps it yeah I don't know I think this is working the way you think it's working the fairing who who is creating it is going to be the one who goes to the bathroom that's not yeah thank you I I'm answering that one is a serious question I don't know if it was but years just to learn about roshar stories or is there something more going on with them boy never joined the world singers good question there's something going on there something going on there um can one join a group that one created is the question there so yes okay well I I was gonna ask if he founded them but since you've basically answered that yeah would uh sorry is Tara caledon's flame uh still or currently in year of siru because there's a chapter where it kind of seems like she's there uh so I will answer that in book five so I'm gonna raffle you all right yeah that is at least my plan one of the um one of the interludes should be from her viewpoint so that is my plan right now so spoilers all around I can spoil book five you can't I can't so when assured splinters does it have any effect on the cosmere that we aren't seeing yet and what would be the effect of all the shards splintered um so it does have but see you there's there are they're splintering and they're splintering right traumatic splintering is a different event Than A Shard splintering themselves or things like this there's there's a whole Continuum going on there right uh all the shards being splendored would of course have an effect right um like um but it could have all kinds of different effects based on how and why and what's going on and what happened to the different pieces of investiture is it like so you can have like a full splintering where The Shard is just completely blasted into pieces or you can have a Shard taking off pieces of their souls in Soul and splintering it out and sending it off uh to be self-aware and things like that like these are two different things also there's a whole bunch of nuance in that question but the answer is it will inevitably have an effect and there are effects that have happened on the cosmere that you don't recognize yet as being in the effects of splintering and things like that thank you um all right oh gancho hey um my question got asked when I got called up so I had to reset okay so in book one teravanian or totium or evangian what do you recall them but before that he's talking to zath when Seth confronts him and and whatnot right at the end at the end it talks about the life brother but we haven't heard any of the references since then you have not that's a Raffa [Music] all right thank you very much uh-huh where's the where's the is there more Yep they're the right there's a raffle card so thank you sir um I've assigned to see question and then like a small follow-up question from what I asked you from MTG Summit okay uh sciency question um what would happen if a pure tone or anti-tone interacted with Shard metal um so uh different things could happen but generally if it's the right Shard metal you're going to get a resonance or a destructive resonance right uh to that tone the follow-up question from MTG Summit was um when I asked about the set and cards um would the names of some of the set members like suits be a name a code name or would it be like a hierarchy name it's a hierarchy name good question yes yeah good question hi I'm Jackie hi Jackie hi and my question is at the end of Rhythm Of War we see Shard induced time dilation you bring a lot of investiture into the place it slows down time it can also speed it up but yes go ahead uh um so how much investiture would it take to jump forward or to dilate an area so that one area moves forward about 15 years into the future while everything else remains like they have 10 minutes everyone else goes 15 years right okay so this is there's there's a couple variables here number one is the length of the area and how fast that 15 years passes right um right so for instance uh you're like you we want us to jump forward 15 years in how much time 15 years in one compared to one year 15 years compared to one minute 15 years compared to one second these are all different things and of course the more you're compressing and the larger the area the more investiture you're acquiring good to 15 years 15 years is going to be stretch for what they can get a hold of but it depends right like uh Unchained bondsmith Unchained two for instance a deity that there is no longer a vessel controlling that power in the way that needs to have the limits on it is going to be able to access more than one where there was some vessel there saying no right uh so that's that's one factor in it uh bondsmith can access a lot of power right as evidenced by the migration right so the migration from um from from Ashen to rochar happened with a bondsmith powering um some else calling right uh and that allowed for you know some pretty crazy things getting an entire population moved through a portal across that much space is a lot of work and a lot of energy so what you're asking I think that's stretching depends again on how long 15 years 15 to 1 not so hard right uh 15 years in a second is really hard and probably beyond what they have capacity to do thank you thank you [Applause] I see what you're doing there you saw me talk around it okay I am disorganized I'm trying to find my question totally all right uh what's your name my name is Shane Shane nice to meet you nice to meet you um so we have some idea that autonomy is fiddling around in roshar and scadrail um and other places and among other places yes um considering her involvement with the ghost Bloods this is kind of a two-parter one has she directly interacted with yep if she whether she has or not what is her opinion of kelsier oh yes yes um so you're asking directly autonomy not one of her avatars right exactly um directly autonomy likes kelsier it respects kelsier uh autonomy is a fan shall we say um so yeah thank you [Applause] hi my name is Kelsey and I have a question about the singers okay one of them were to reach the third heightening would they then be able to sing the pure tones of scadriel yes they definitely could uh whether they might be able to before they each reached that heightening as well um thank you uh-huh hi I'm Ryan hi um so I'm a big fan of The Stormlight Archive my whole family is too and this is something we've been kind of debating amongst ourselves excellent and of Rhythm Of War I like to settle debates we'll see if I can do it here if I have to raffle you that's what I'm afraid of so I'm trying to phrase it as possible yes The Stormlight Archive deals with mental health significantly are you telling a story of overcoming mental health and its difficulties or are you telling a story of like ongoing okay good question so that is a good question so I am telling a story about characters that I want to be as real to my lived experience as possible so the story of the um Stormlight Archive like if you say what is what is it about it is a not about mental health it is about people but a disproportionate number of them do struggle with kind of dynamic mental health issues um whether you uh like mental health is one of these things that there is no one right answer or no you know there's always individual answers to some people um like if we we talk about my wife Emily there is no cure for depression even medication is about managing depression for her the right answer is cognitive behavioral therapy and learning what uh it is to live with depression and then countering that um kind of proactively in her mind at least for her that is the answer that she has found that works very well for her um other people might be able to like I I have had a family member who had depressive episodes that lasted a number of years and they through therapy were able to get to where they are no longer would be considered having depression because for them it was a different sort of thing right and these are two uh explorations of what we would lump is the same sort of mental health issue but is it even everyone is so individual right um for the vast majority of people struggling with mental health issues it is more like Emily than it is like this family member that it was about overcoming it I don't consider mental health I I consider it to the individual the story I'm telling about it I will use the example of the difference between um for not mental health but physical handicaps risen and lopen right for lopen the story is I'm just gonna you know I'm there's going to be a cure and I have been cured right for listen there is no cure and it's about instead living with the disability overcoming the disability yes but it always being part of who she is and those are two life experiences that we can find people you know in this room who have probably some are continuing to live with a handicap and others um have found that there is some way to just completely get over it and that's an individual thing and I'm not trying to say in The Stormlight Archive this is the right path uh except for the right path being getting help is okay working on it's okay and Society should maybe do a better job without understanding that foreign yeah go ahead I'm Caleb um so I was reading mistborn rereading it in preparation for this okay and I just noticed that sometimes Vin and kelsier seem to notice people burning metal when there was a copper Cloud around so I was wondering if copper clouds can change depending on how much the the smoker or mistborn wants to um it's going to depend on a lot of factors how strong is the copper Cloud right um how strong is the person piercing it how invested is the individual right um and these sorts of things so there are deliberate points where Vin pierces the copper cloud and 10 that I intend to be moments that you're supposed to pay attention to uh in this story um and this is this is done intentionally um this is not a um this is not like a binary on off okay okay yeah thank you hello uh I'm Eric um and my question has to do with magical healing okay so we know that magical healing has a lot to do with identity like with lopen and risen yep so suppose someone was tapping identity from an unkeyed metal mind and then you tried to heal them with any kind of magical healing what would happen so most likely that person's perspective of themselves is going to filter that un uh that uh that unkeyed metal mind and so it's what's going to happen is what would normally happen to that person in most instances there are ways to get around that but the vast majority that's what you're going to see okay and if they were storing identity instead and today we're storing identity instead see the thing about it is then you're going to go back to their cognitive picture of themselves which is going to be what's filtering this right how they see themselves so at that point you're like all right am I if you knock them unconscious they can't see themselves you're you're storing it you're blanking them identity and things like that they still basically will have it's going to be really hard to get that all separated like the mental picture themselves still exists on the spiritual realm right like remember real Maddox is based on Plato's theory is the forms but your perspective is what's uh what's shaping that so there's still gonna be like on the spiritual realm there's going to be some version of yourself that is deeply influenced by how you view yourself that is going to be what that investiture is trying to match trying to bring your body into alignment with that okay thank you so you got to replace that thing if you wanted to do something different which you can do with heme allergy right right yeah okay thank you um hi I'm sarit hi that's a pretty name thank you this is a question of the utmost importance to the fan artist community of which I am a member okay okay does he have two different colored eyebrows oh dear oh dear oh dear I have never pictured him with two different colored eyebrows but this is really Isaac gets to canonize this because he does the concept art or oversees the concept art so really you should pull Isaac aside and say hey is there some blonde in one of the eyebrows or not because we've seen them both I've seen them both I have not imagined him with different colored eyebrows uh-huh hello my name's simran and my question has to do with like uh in the future eras will um like breaths seem like a very easily uh transmitted form of investiture so will that become like kind of a like a inter uh Galactic currency right right so breath breath is handy in a couple of ways because it is easy to transfer right and you can take it off world without an issue but there's a problem in that yes it's a renewable resource but the renewable resource comes from human beings um so as long as breath doesn't get lost and is consistently given up then what we're going to see is there will be pools of it but it's always going to be a fairly rare resource um which really hampers its ability to become an Intergalactic commodity on the level that people would like it to um yeah so like Stormlight would kind of Stormlight is a much better in most people's Viewpoint and opinion of what they're trying to do with breath um right now because but they can't get it off the planet yet they haven't figured out how to make that happen but that's one of the reasons why a lot of people are really interested in roshar is because of that now there is one that's really uh really portable but very difficult to get and that is that is uh that I'll leave how about that I'll leave that to you there's another one there's another one go ahead and theorize uh you hadn't theorized um do it fast because you there might be a note to it in Lost metal so you'll get your answer soon but there is another one but let's just say it's fraught with danger to obtain all right thank you hi I'm Sienna and this is song hey um and my question is can we get any pronouns for aona and Skye uh Anna and Skye yeah uh so Iona is definitely a she her okay um I had um uh I'm gonna go she her with both of them so you can talk about them accurately that is how I picture them currently in my head I have not written those books yet so it's subject to change but I'm uh but I have uh she her for both of them okay thank you [Applause] hey Matt um I'm gonna try and sneak in a two-parter as well so my favorite God sazid Harmony yes um and my recent reread I got a little bit angry at him because um he didn't let condra be able to reproduce but he let the coloss be able to do it and I'm wondering if that was if there's a way that he could have allowed that but he chose not to and also if there's a way that they could happen in the future so that two of my favorite people could have a baby yes [Applause] all right so there were a couple things that uh that he was facing and let me walk you through his philosophy on this which you are allowed to disagree with I like when my characters I want every character to write there to be things that they do that you disagree with right because otherwise I'm writing all characters to be the same person uh if that makes sense but so um the the chondra have uh immortality and are able to perpetuate their culture by being Immortal for as long as the individuals live the coloss don't have that meaning that if he didn't make kolos able to breed true the entire people vanish in one generation and all culture associated with them and so because of that he took the extra effort to change the coloss to allow for this sort of thing but he did it in such a way that they would not have to have hemolergic spikes because the idea of making new hemologic spikes is extremely distasteful to Harmony reusing old ones is a is a a thing he was willing to allow but new ones he didn't and so could he have changed the condra to be similar um well the answer is kind of an a fairly um yes but they would no longer have been the con they've been rolled back to being what they were before the Lord ruler and so they basically would stop being what they are that makes them unique as a culture uh and he decided not to do that you could disagree with that and I think there are some pretty valued valid arguments against what the choice he made but that is the choice he made is there a way going forward yes this is theoretically possible hi I'm Patrick um I have an Aon door question okay okay it's kind of a two-parter could you use a indoor to manipulate Big C connection and if so would a real and or smarty be able to do something similar to a bondsmith okay so the answer the short answer your question says yes let me give some explanations so when even when you're seeing some things happen in a launcher itself you are seeing the manipulate connection right uh it is it is mostly reinforcing connection but it is uh it is in a way manipulation rewriting connection rewriting identity are both things that they can do and so with enough power um with enough uh smartiness um what a bondsmith can do can be done in fact you know we have seen Short uh short range else calling done by uh by then obviously else Colleen's not a bondsmith thing but you know that a bondsmith powered a big else calling uh like one of the big things you've seen at bondsman do is as I said get people between planets and you have seen um people use and or to else call uh you've seen them lightweave you've seen them do a lot of these things uh they also could do some of this same stuff uh basically rule of thumb is almost anything in the cosmere that is possible can be replicated with and or with the right program but you may need an injection investiture in certain ways okay thank you yep beautiful hi hi Justin um I just got my wife into reading mistborn because obviously yeah so we were we were discussing hem allergy as as couples do as couples do yes yes yeah and we've seen several groups throughout the cosmere that are they have the express purpose of collecting investiture from the various systems I I have a fear that there is a group that is going to either now or sometime in the future be going around collecting investigators specifically through heme allergy which is theoretically possible and kind of horrifying to consider horrifying yes um so my question along those lines was what happens when you use a hemologic spike on an AVR uh hemillergic Spike on an AVR ah uh you are a very mean person who does them not you but the person who does it um and so basically the avr's got a mini Bond so it's going to work in this similar way to what you would what would happen if you were trying to do it to a night radiant which I've talked about in the past which means that it is a less effective way to try to steal something with hemolergia because once you've got two individuals involved in it um and uh you know the AVR obviously isn't exactly the same uh but it's it's going to work but it may not last I guess is what the answer I would give you on that one and then quick follow-up to that if that AVR is already bonded to a person yes how does that spiking affect the person they are bonded to so that Bond will last but how long who knows okay so basically you're going to fool the system into thinking you're the AVR right if you're if you have done that uh and so the system is going to assume that that's what you are they're going to see you as the bird if you put the spike into yourself right um but because there are multiple individuals and things like this and you've got the whole thing with the AVR and their symbiosis um and things like that it is it is not going to work as nearly as well as stealing something from say a ferrochemist or an Elementor all right thank you um how much what time is it Becky 644 okay so let's just keep going I think we'll stop uh so we'll plan to stop around for the reading 6 15 and see how that goes uh so um I think what we'll do is let's cap the line for right now see where we are when we get to it so let's stop adding names and we'll try to get through these and then see where we are okay awesome thanks hey um my name is Jacob I'm not really smart enough for all these deep cosmere questions so I'm sorry I've got more of a writing question I'm not really either so oh perfect um having a little bit of experience in trying to translate from English to other languages I'm really curious with your translators when they're translating your books how much leeway do they have in getting it to work in that target language you know especially jokes those are things that don't really or that are very English specific and translating that way um I give them lots of leeway um and the reason for this being sorry uh the reason for this being is that I don't speak most of these languages right um and I just have to trust that the translator knows their job um and basically my only way to do any quality control in this is for the fans to write in and tell me what they think and obviously it's much harder for instance the puns often are going to work very similarly when you're translating to Spanish or French you'll have to change some of them but a lot of the the loan words and the construction of this of the sentence and things are the same but when you're translating to Chinese you know uh it's a whole different picture a whole different different story and so uh when when they're doing that they're taking a lot more leeway uh and so basically this is for all of you if you have issues with one of our translations Peter likes to hear about those and why particularly with examples of other translations you've thought or better that's what we rely upon awesome thank you I do like to give the translators a Long Leash how about that that makes sense do you ever read your books in Korean knowing that you speak that too the only book that I have in Korean is Emperor's Soul um and uh I have I have read some of it my reading fluency in Korean is really bad in my even these days my speaking is really bad but it is still kind of fun awesome thank you hey Brandon how you doing great so memory is tied to some level or portion of spiritual identity yes for rectimus would not be able to store it yes so Hoyt lost memories at the end of rhythm of Warren is exchanged with odium right yep would that mean part of his soul was stolen and then absorbed into odium and if so what is stopping odium from doing that with all of his enemies um okay so basically what odium split off is uh is from hoyd is stuff he that Hoyt is storing an excess investiture basically it was breaths in hoyt's case um right and this sort of thing where this extra memory like one of the reasons that hoyd is able to function better than perhaps some other very long-lived individuals is he has found out how to keep some of this identity in uh shall we say SD cards made of investiture right imagine that sort of thing so what Odin was stealing from hoyd was straight out of an SD card right um which means that um it's not nearly as deeply ripping into someone's Soul um and it is also um not nearly as noticeable but the other thing is hoyd is directly in violation of certain agreements that have been made which therefore exposes him to he is lacking protections as you'll notice the end of I think book three is like I need to be careful because I'm in violation right um and so there's a couple things going on here number one much more easy to access those memories number two Hoisin direct violation and under no protections of any sorts of agreements and things like this thank you hi Brandon hi so with investors you're being as like how do I word this your entire system almost right can Lyft eat metal and somehow produce Stormlight uh raffo good question can lift eat metal and get Stormlight uh that's an excellent question go ahead hey Brendan I'm Lewis hey I was wondering if teft dalinar and zael were to play a game of Mario Kart how would they place okay teft dalinar and zile yes okay zile cheats okay all right uh and zala wins right um Taft La let's down on our win because a good Sergeant knows when the the officer needs an ego boost uh and so that's our ranking thank you yeah hello I'm Andrew uh so my question was the AVR hem allergy question so these two questions I'm stealing directly from my friend okay all right the first part is other than the Lord ruler and people that are using the bands of morning will we ever see a full twin born again uh uh I think that you will okay and then this is a second partner if a full twin board regardless of natural or holding the bands of mourning had access to unlimited investiture could they become the Sun by infinitely increasing their gravity and heat and while healing through it all right all right infinite amounts of investiture you're thinking right Eleanor's next to him just Dale and I was not gonna be able to provide enough okay um but in a in a thought experiment sort of uh sort of uh outside balance of time and space uh you're providing infinite investiture you're impressing an infinite amount of healing uh and you're having them create what heat what are they doing eating away so you know sun is just right right but the problem is you're going to need a whole lot of Mass to turn into the sun uh right and so if you're gonna you're gonna I mean there's a way you can do this but you're gonna have to provide either the investor is going to have to become mass or you're going to have to have them do it uh in a proximity of a whole bunch of Mass to start causing that sort of uh that that fusion reaction where the different layers are collapsing in toward the the center dense layers and things like this in the realm of complete hypothesis then yes right but of course you could do that here with Infinite Energy and infinite Mass if you needed to also uh using mechanical means yes I guess the weird part of that question is the person could retain Consciousness through infinite healing and that is the weird part and that is possible yeah hi Brandon hey hey um okay having read uh Shadows for silence in the forests of hell yeah um yeah that that world has got an awful lot of problems and I just have to ask you get to the end of it what hope is there for those poor people oh man um there are a whole lot of problems on that uh on that planet what hope is there well you know uh despite everything that's going on they still manage to survive that's pretty impressive right um and um uh I would say that there there is a way out for them a way toward more stability because the danger is a spiral of lowering population numbers because of things that are happening you know uh when you're dying and becoming Undead that is uh that is a there's a there's certain probably not probably certain uh certain curves of logarithmic curves no it's multiplicative multiplicative curve that is very dangerous to population numbers um that happens whenever you're dealing with some sort of Undead uh thing like that but there there are ways out okay because also they depend on Silver which is a limited resource yeah it is indeed and they can but uh do know that uh in the cosmere so it's like when you're burning Metals there are injection points of new Metals uh into uh into things that are possible to figure out um but yes they're they're in danger uh they're they are definitely the uh what's uh what's that census mean I'm in trouble or what is it what does he say I'm in danger um but that that is Trinity as a whole uh and maybe someday when I'll be able to write a book there and we'll dig into some of these issues mm-hmm [Applause] hi so uh my question was how do pharynx know how much of an attribute is in their metal mines uh they have a natural sense for it when they're touching it uh it's an excellent question is just like um it's not like they have a number pop into their head uh but it is kind of a similar feeling to you knowing how much energy you have left how tired you are and things like that they can feel in their metal mind thank you so it's really heavily implied in the first uh oathbringer letter that the the shards made a pact not to settle near each other given that six a full half of the shards ended up doing that yep what is the cost for them breaking that oath because like you you implied earlier that there's always a cost for hoyt forsaking his protections so the wording of those things allows them to agree together but it also gives them a little bit of power over one another and you've seen these side effects of that on the planets where it's happened it has not gone well for any of them if you kind of run the numbers on that but the wording of it allows two later on to say okay we both agree if one said no and one said yes then they were in trouble this should imply to you that odium did get permission as well so thank you uh hello Mr Sanderson hey how you doing I'm doing well thank you um will we ever see the origin of storms be explored I raffo but it's a wrapper with a I intend to but whether I'll get to it or not is a question but so you can have your card uh but I do intend to we will see um so uh ask me this question again in a couple years okay and um would it be possible for the fourth bridge to do the exploring if uh wind Runners and maybe dalinar used adhesion and uh dollars bondsmith powers to hold the ship together to Brave the high storms yeah that's real dangerous uh real dangerous way smarter to just use uh to use uh windrunner pressure manipulation to go up over the high storms right okay that makes more sense yeah yeah um but but yeah would be a better way to use the fourth bridge to accomplish that yeah so hoyd is you know collecting investiture abilities like Pokemon cards so he's got his binder yeah now yeah so I was wondering if he could and maybe not necessarily him but if somebody could collect all forms of investiture and be able to use all of them uh well he certainly would like to try what will happen he's not even sure but he would like to try is it possible it is theoretically possible we'll see if he is able to accomplish it so perfect [Applause] okay so my question is um will wax ever meet a full mistborn that we don't already know about Rafa Rafa good question all right all right there was the uh the raffle Olympics
Channel: Brandon Sanderson
Views: 40,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Sanderson, Dragonsteel, 2022 Panel, Convention, Q&A, 2022, RAFO
Id: NrpCDV6_sTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 24sec (3144 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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