DRAGONS ONLY MASTER BALL RUN?? *MONO DRAGON TEAM* | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet VGC Regulation F

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you are watching Tai 2K what is up everybody a fine howdy do to all the people out there my name is Tai 2K and today we're taking a dragon team on a master ball run today is the very first day of the new season I believe it's season 15 and I have been building this team for about a week I conceptualized it on Smogon and then realized oh my God a dragon team can work in regulation F so I said all right I'm doing it I'm going to build this team and when the next season starts I'm taking it to master ball or at least I'm going to do my absolute best to get it there I have to say in the testing phases this has been my absolute favorite team of all time so anyway I'm very excited to begin this master ball run I'm going to jump into a team breakdown explain kind of what's going on with this team and then we will get started first off in the upper leftand corner we've got laddio probably my all-time favorite legendary laddio is very much our Dragon killer and water herif Fu killer on laas were running protect Thunderbolt paired with an electric Terra Mist ball for the psychic stab and Ice Beam for the ice coverage naturally we have the levitate ability and for an item we've got the life orb to boost our attack output next up we've got our caladon this is our flutter Man Killer I knew flutter man was the biggest threat to this team because it is so dominant in The Meta I knew I needed a Pokemon that could kill flutter man every time I faced it and our caladon was the best suited to do that on our caladon we're running heavy slam for the steel stab as well as to use our weight as an advantage we've got rock slide for a little bit of rock coverage as well as to hopefully get some Paras we've got body press for fighting coverage as well as to take advantage of our high special defense stat and we've got snarl to make sure we can lower the special attack of our opponents I chose snarl specifically to deal with Sid spam teams particularly iron crown and Indi for a tera we're running the ghost Tera because that was definitely the best in terms of negating our weakness is for an ability I chose a little bit of an odd ability compared to what is standard in The Meta generally you see archelon running stamina but I chose to go with stalwart because I didn't want to have my heavy slams redirected so essentially uh what stalwart does is it doesn't allow any of your attacks to be redirected by Pokémon so follow me rage powder those won't redirect your attacks I wanted to make sure I could kill flutter man every single time I got our child on in front of it stalwart allows me to make sure that I always to hit those heavy slams next up we've got KOMO on KOMO we're running protect vacuum wave for some priority fighting damage oros spere for some fighting stab and clanging scales for the dragon stab as well as some spread damage we've got the fighting Tera to make sure we can do as much damage with our fighting attacks as possible I realize fighting Tera is still very weak to fairy but I wanted to make sure we could boost up that vacuum wave as much as possible and that's also why I gave this KOMO a black belt to make sure our fighting attacks did as much much damage as possible and then this Koma o has the Overcoat ability just to make sure we can't be put to sleep by any spores or sleep powders next up we've got Dragonite Dragonite is the goat what can I say this is the Dragonite that took me through my first playthrough of scarlet and violet this is the Dragonite that got me through my very first master ball run ever this is this is my boy well it's a female but this this is my beloved Dragonite I mean look at this look at this if you if you can't tell that I love Dragonite right here right here right here this is I got to I got a Dragonite sweater on I love Dragonite uh this Dragonite is definitely not pushing the mold in terms of setup we're running protect extreme speed for priority damage paired with a normal Terra to make sure that extreme speed does as much damage as possible we've got aerial Ace for the flying stab and earthquake for the ground coverage as well as some spread damage uh we've got the multiscale abilities so when Dragonite HP is at full health the first hit you receive is only 50% as much damage as it normally would be and then we've got the clear amul it on Dragonite just to make sure we can't have our stats lowered then we've got salamance this is another one of my all-time favorite Pokémon I'm very excited to use it and it pairs so nicely with Dragonite they have the same weaknesses cuz they are the same typings but they're really complimentary even though their move sets are almost exactly the same when I put them next to each other they're just really devastating on salamance we're running Iron Head for the steel coverage and we've got that paired with the Steel terot type we've got dual Wing beat for the flying stab and we also have earthquake on salamance for the ground coverage as well as the spread damage that paired with Dragonite earthquake can be incredibly devastating we've got the intimidate ability to lower the attack of our foes on switch in and then we've got the sharp beak to boost up our dual Wing beat and last but not least we've got hydreon this is actually my very first time using hydreon I've always kind of written it off but uh in testing it's been very good so I'm looking forward to see how it does on the actual ladder on hydreon we're running protect nasty plot to boost up our special attack Dark Pulse for the dark stab and earth power for some Earth coverage we've got the poison Tera as a defensive terara to negate our weaknesses the levitate ability naturally and covert cloak so if we get hit by any fake outs we will only take damage and we won't be flinched I'm super excited to jump into using this team on the ladder and testing it has been really fun a lot of flying types and levitate so earthquakes and earth powers and all kinds of stuff it's it's just got some crazy Synergy it's really fun to use all the details for the team will be down in the description uh and of course let me know in the comments what you think about the team and without further Ado let's jump into some battles been a hot minute since I've got a video out okay a week feels like a hot minute I have never um done a master ball run this early in the season so I'm kind of nervous about it like I think it's going to be a lot more competitive than the master ball runs I've done before I think the teams are going to be a lot better and my team is is um let's just say it's uh it's strong but it's also weak but I have faith I have faith to me the biggest threat is the the Paradox the new Paradox Pokémon I don't feel like this is a terrible lead uh we just don't have any way to deal with whimsicott and whimsicott is going to be important to kill I'm going to try that I mean this will be important for killing their AR chalad on for sure Dragonite or lattos I think I'm going to go lattos kind of risky this is a tough matchup this is a tough matchup it's got a lot of really dominant threats on it so yeah we'll see we'll see how this goes whimsicott ends up being pretty difficult for my team just because of the fairy typing um I obviously have ways to deal with it but yeah it's it's tough it's tough I'm going to go for the Dark Pulse earth power might be smarter but I'm going to just go for the Dark Pulse snarl doesn't really help me out here heavy slam probably doesn't I'm I mean rock slide rock slide seems like the right decision okay Thunder Wave that's you know I hate it but that's fine not ideal oh God no that's going to be oh my God I can't believe that didn't one shot oh and I needed that to one shot dude let oh oh that was I'm I'm going to hit protect and just try to uh yeah snarl snarl would be good there and I'm just going to pray a little bit that we don't get parad off to a sketchy start no doubt oh what a good call don't miss oh wait that was their snarl okay come on don't don't perah don't miss don't perah don't miss don't miss oh they missed no oh dude the one I absolutely needed to hit [ __ ] me yeah I think we just go for the same okay as long as we don't miss their iron Boulder goes down which we need really bad please don't are you dude are you [ __ ] with me right now that's so [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] bring in [Music] Ko God damn dude that was brutal I really needed to hit those I mean we could go for the clinging scales but I I really want to ensure this and I'm going to hit rock slide now Thunder Wave dude stop doing that just [ __ ] stop o I don't like to see that okay good good good good good thank God thank God [ __ ] that I pain o this is tough right now this is not looking good honestly oh okay interesting no doubt um clanging scales doesn't look bad here now it will have like an ice move on poly Toto most likely we just go for that I don't I don't know I don't know oh not good dude not good that's really bad actually I for God he had snarl oh man this is not looking good right now this is not looking good right now bro oh [ __ ] me oh that was nothing that was [ __ ] nothing yeah uh we lost this game I don't see any way that we come back and they got snarl so like well okay hold up here let's just see let's just see uh clanging scales seems like the best option again I'm going to go for the Thunder poly Toad's not a huge threat Ice Beam might actually be better there I I have to get rid of the snarl cuz that's seriously problematic I probably should have just protected uh KOMO I mean it would be dope if they like what's this going to be what's this going to be okay I'm actually very glad I didn't go for the poly toad oh no but the Terra if they go for lattos it's going to be super effective Thunder Wave doesn't affect that's pretty huge I guess I could okay okay good good good good good good good good good good good good good oh oh boy okay please don't perah thank god dude okay okay we're still in this on a sliver right now A Sliver this is good Lord oh my God bro okay we need to get rid of poly Toto I need to protect here pray we don't get parro poly toad get rid of poly Toad and then we can focus in on our caladon I think we can get rid of our caladon I think we can do it I think we can do it just we need to get this protect no dude no I don't know there's still a chance we'll see okay we got rid of poly to that's fantastic we need to be able to get the AOS spere off onto our chalon I think Dragon pulse damn it okay this is going to get really close right now this is going to get really close I don't have anything to really hit this man with okay three oh my God don't get too excited don't get too excited don't get too excited he could always thought oh my God bro oh my God the luck oh my God oh my God don't thaw don't thaw oh my God don't thaw oh my God what a what a first game what a first game oh my God what what a first game let's go GG [ __ ] this these are these are the hardest teams for me to beat no doubt damn you know I wish Koo had a dark move I need to look into that I don't think it learns any dark moves but that would really make it a frar killer that would really help me um I'm just thinking like I need to get rid of smear goal pretty quickly I do feel like that's yeah that's probably the better lead Dragonite feels pretty good and and probably probably salamance yeah oh man this this is going to be a really like this team really struggles against teams like that that is the hardest team for for my team to to fight no doubt like I've been testing this team extensively for over a week that's the hardest team trick room and uh URS Luna URS Sal Luna is the hardest Pokemon for me to kill okay so I don't hate the idea of just hitting snarl and just like oros spere oh my God I forgot about fake out bro uh but that's fine snarl is really good here I would even consider just hitting protect and hitting snarl again potentially cuz oh interesting I haven't seen that yet oh o [ __ ] that okay now I see what their game is [ __ ] me now I see what the game is I think my best bet is to Terra so we're not weak to fire potentially hit snarl again and I'm just going to protect this time I think that's really Our Only Hope oh man they could kill our chadon right here it could be yeah and oh God if they hit helping hand they're oh my God they're going to do it I know they're going to do it this is bad this is really bad about as bad as it could get honestly the only way I win is if they make like a misplay or somehow I survive this okay physical attacking not not what I expected uh and they [ __ ] up their own toal why would you do that oh my God that's why that's why you would do that oh my god dude what a [ __ ] up Tech I'm never letting that slip past me again yeah instant KO no chance I don't know how I possibly get out of this I'm going to keep trying but like no n no chance no chance yeah like my only hope here is like Dragonite can live one because of multiscale it's not looking good right now dude it's not looking good this is so [ __ ] I mean like good on them I should have seen all this coming but like this is I could never have predicted any of that helping hand yeah you [ __ ] you absolute [ __ ] this is such a dirty little [ __ ] team I hate this [ __ ] oh my God bro that's Insanity that's [ __ ] Insanity yeah there's no way I come back unless that crits okay well I mean that did a lot but still no way [ __ ] me bro that's insane yeah this the Heat [Music] Wave and I resist that's the craziest part I resist lived on a sliver bro still no chance I win still no chance I win but you know we did did get through it uh we did we did get through that but yeah no chance the part of the problem is I can't use extreme speed also and I can't use back do we just pray for a double protect right here or do we try to go for a move I think we try to go for a move and I hit protect I mean they're just going to hyper voice that's what I would do do what is this what's the idea [Music] here what are they doing [ __ ] me that's so [ __ ] that is so [ __ ] up bro I'm taking that URS saluna down with me no they'll just protect and then hit trick room again dude that was painful I should have tried I should have tried the double protect cuz I might have actually clutched it I'm still going to have fun with it yeah okay yeah I'm just kidding just kidding I'm not having fun now o big [ __ ] surprise they hit trick room again yeah this team struggles and the in the trick rooms yeah okay okay okay first game was really good second game was really [ __ ] painful that's okay that's okay that's okay all right let's see what we're going up against okay this is this is definitely more manageable I know this is going to be a tight game My Hope Is they lead with flutter man cuz I can [ __ ] crush a flutter man I'm going to regret saying that I always regret saying that [ __ ] or like you know any kind of thing like okay CH pal Dragonite the question is here how hard do I predict this I think ghost Terra yeah and then I'm just going to protect they're going to oh they didn't Terra I'm wondering what they're going to do with that Chi and poow though I was really expecting a Terra from one of them from one of their Pokemon interesting they really went hard into Koma o that's interesting now I got to make a read so we're definitely in Jeopardy of a sucker punch I don't know I I don't think a sucker punch kills us from full health I'm going to go for that and uh a little risky but I'm going to try and okay oo that did a lot but we got rid of Chen pow that's pretty huge that's pretty [ __ ] huge let's not miss this rock slide right now yeah ooh that's close almost got rid of Dragonite on that one oh God though they can hit us with a uh they can hit us with a Shadow Ball I actually haven't been in this situation yet I have not been in this situation yet yet cuz normally when I'm facing flutter man I'm still in my uh I I haven't terod or something you know [ __ ] me dude oh God that's probably going to KO that's probably going to KO no dude that that's so [ __ ] bad that's so [ __ ] bad we're [ __ ] we're [ __ ] I guess I shouldn't have tered I was just I felt like Chen pal was for sure going to go for me [ __ ] me [ __ ] me dude so bad so [ __ ] bad okay only hope here flutter man somehow doesn't KO we get the iron head off I mean um yeah it's it's it's not it's not looking good oh [ __ ] they're playing really good they're playing really good they're going to extreme speed KO oh take out whoa we lived it dude that's crazy I guess I should have clanging scaled I guess I should have clanging scaled uh man yeah they're going to they probably got like dragonclaw or something this is not looking good they played that really well dude oh my God I made such a stupid play there wow I should have kept [ __ ] me that's it I mean ultimately that's it and the attack fell yeah yeah yeah yeah they got me they fully got me I'm going to Forfeit yeah there's no way even yeah there's just no way there's no coming back from that one we're just Waring up we're just we're just warming up it's going to be fine I'm just warming up it's going to be fine they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine you're not really fine you just can't get into it's going to be fine pretty similar team oh I feel like that's ah KOMO does so good against CH and pow though I'm bringing it I don't know if that's a good idea but I'm going to bring it and um Dragonite Dragonite just does so well the thing is like people see an all Dragon team and they tend to just want to bring flutter man because they think they can demolish the team with flutter man the only time that flutter man really kills my team is one like you just saw with that ghost Tera that was a mistake on my part I I jumped the gun I shouldn't have ter it and then two sometimes people like whoa this is not a I did not expect this [ __ ] me dude I did not expect this not one bit we need to get him out of there get lattos in man I don't want to Terra right off the bat again I don't feel like I have a lot of choices though [ __ ] this is not this team was doing so good but but right now like people are bringing their best [ __ ] teams like I have not faced a lot of teams like what I'm facing right now even though I was I was testing this team on the previous ranked ladder I was not facing teams like this and I think people are like bringing their aame right now okay what are they going to do here flying on landras yep interesting oh God they're going to just they're going to kill Koma o in one shot how did I not see that that's a one shot that's a one shot oh any chance chance any chance uh we we kill uh let's see what happens o we did a lot of damage there I'm going to go in for Ice Beam or would Terra Thunderbolt do better ice beam and then I'm actually just going to vacuum wave and just hope that does the trick oh it doesn't doesn't do the trick are you serious oh my God bro I should have gone for cleaning scales again [ __ ] me dude [ __ ] me this is ooh Jesus Christ yeah he takes out both God damn it I I have not faced this uh this new in very often and the breaking swipe is seriously problematic for my team if you couldn't tell so now the burning bull work we have to play around that that's really troublesome cuz I can easily extreme speed it and it's not a big deal God if they have flutter man [ __ ] what are we going to CH and pow actually even worse just really depends like what they want to do there I'm going to try and body press the CH all right snarl would ah seems like ghost Tera wouldn't be terrible right here terrible um yeah I'm actually going to try that and I feel like I got to protect right here I feel like we could see a ghost Tera on their Chen poow wait did they already they already TR it that's very good okay it's really good that they already ter it because I don't have to worry about Chen po going for a ghost Tera or something that's yeah I thought you were going for that and I wasn't falling for that [ __ ] that okay that was a really good play yeah okay okay okay I'm just going to go for a body press and extreme speed I'm sure that the Paradox in moves before AR chadon probably oh ah this is going to be flutter man isn't it you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you you oh good lord good Lord help me and and of course I've got the ghost Tera so they're going to go for a Shadow Ball but that does leave me open to potentially oh man [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this is I could still I could still still get this with the right play cuz if they go for a shadow ball into our caladon I could potentially kill flutter man but uh Dragonite can no okay no heavy slam flutter man protect they're going to go for the Shadow Ball or Sucker Punch or double yeah ooh [ __ ] me dude yeah okay that's it well played that uh that ghost Terra has [ __ ] me up twice wow we are not doing good one win three losses that's not good that's not good that's not good okay we got some goofy stuff going on here for sure the thing I hate is this team almost always just like forces me to ter a Dragonite that one got down to the wire okay interesting our caladon wants to get the [ __ ] out of here that's for sure I think I'll go for rock slide cuz we could yeah I'm going to go for a rock slide and uh I'm just going to go straight for the earth power I don't know if that's a good move okay okay if we hit both these it's very good oh wow okay yeah I feel like I need to preserve our chadon just in case they bring out flutter man yeah let's do that and uh tempted to just like nasty plot right there but I think it better off protecting I don't know what to expect honestly I don't know what to expect if they have any dragon moves on uh roaring moon it's not not going to be good it's not going to be very good man if they go flying Terra on Roaring Moon okay good this is going to be grass oh we got an extreme speed here I'm kind of okay with that we'll see we'll see we'll see I would like them to go extreme speed into hydreon please that's fine I'm cool with that I'm chilling with that they know I'm very ooh this is this is going to hurt oh actually didn't do much um we're very vulnerable to extreme speed right now though yeah this hydreon really not looking good right there I'm going to nasty plot don't really know oh [ __ ] me dude okay well played they're playing very cautiously that's crazy how much damage that did for not very effective okay they're playing Super cautiously I'm going to play cautiously I feel like extreme speed for sure Ko's felt like that was coming go for Koo try to extreme speed KOMO please please please pleas no you [ __ ] a oh we lived it oh we lived it dude that was I was afraid right there let's just KO you're I mean clinging scales would probably KO both if we managed to get it off but I don't know if we're going to manage to get it off that might have been the right move that might have been the right move oh wait what did I hit I wanted vacuum wave actually yeah yeah yeah okay wow that didn't do [ __ ] that's fine felt like that was coming anyway yeah this is not good they'll probably just protect hydreon again I mean roaring Moon I'm actually just going to swap in our caladon right there oh that's actually huge that's actually huge I could have gone for the Terra extreme speed right there actually this might KO but I don't think it'll be enough yeah I didn't think so knock off oh wow dude why does that do so much damage that's that is way too much what's their next move I need to be let's wrap this up boys let's make this a quick game big [ __ ] surprise bro big [ __ ] surprise I mean I feel like they're just going to protect I got to just I got to go for it I feel like they're just going to protect oh they're going to protect they're going to do a double protect aren't they they'll little oh oh thank God thank God we might get this now des and gleam yeah that's that's that's the bait I wanted them to take that still does a lot of damage but yeah that'll take out flutter man we like to see that for sure but they are still a significant oh they are still a significant threat but if I can preserve Dragonite enough to get off the earthquake it'll be really good did they just double protect and then they've got knockoff too which is seriously problematic it didn't go so well they're going to be very incentivized to go for a knockoff right there I think they got a double protect on that which is [ __ ] terrifying if they didn't double protect we would have had that in the bag period but I think now they're going to go for hydreon and they're going to try to knock off our chalon man I have to pee so bad I'm about to stand up and do pee PE dance yeah I thought oh my god dude that did a crazy amount of damage they're going to go for drain punch my god dude oh my God I have to try to extreme speed here I don't I don't see I think I think they might have got me I'm going to hit body press and protect no but if they knock off I don't know I don't know I just got to call like I got to make the right read here oh my God this man is taking so long oh no oh no oh no are you [ __ ] with me right now oh oh you're [ __ ] with me you're joking I I can't get don't get too excited don't get too excited bro made some terrible plays oh my God okay we just body press and we earthquake oh but earthquake's going to [ __ ] us up I don't feel like I have any other choice I don't think extreme speed is going to do enough oh boy good Lord this is going to be close why would you not drain punch also drain punch definitely felt like the right choice there this is going to be so close like literally a sliver just take it yeah oh my God that was these games are hard these games are [ __ ] hard oh my God I got to pee I feel like in some ways I outplayed that person but at the same time I feel like I was just kind of like praying this is a team I think I can deal with I think yeah Koma probably okay this is a team I can beat it depends on the player uh depends how good the player is and I was also thinking this is totally off topic of this team and the last team but I need a way to sure like a Surefire way to kill figer that's my like the figer trick room teams are my biggest threats okay let's see let's see interesting they they might have like close combat yeah I'll go for ghost Tera ah but backx caliber could really [ __ ] me up though and I I guess just that I don't feel good about that H what's this going to be ersy Fu [ __ ] me dude yo if we hit I'm not going to say anything this could go very well basically whatever happens I need to preserve these two Pokemon yo that was fantastic no we missed Miss are you [ __ ] joking I I needed to hit that dude oh no I needed to hit that it was insanely important that I hit that I really need to get rid of U immediately I mean yeah body press is going to be our best bet there and uh vacuum wave man ice Shard really goes before vacuum wave [ __ ] me dude this is going to be this is going to be tight this is going to be tight that's going to KO oh wow it didn't okay we uh we won't get the KO here but I mean it's going to do a fair amount of damage oh that was [ __ ] baby damage amongus oh that's honestly not good either though I'm going for a rage powder uh not rage powder uh you saw what I went for and uh yeah I'll go for clinging scales there actually that's [Music] fine I mean that's you know that sucks for sure um but we will get a fair amount of damage now on U for sure oh that's close I mean this is not looking terrible right now not great certainly um I mean I do want to go for rock slide because it'll get rid of U it's just if we miss it's going to be really bad but yeah I I don't feel like okay this is where flutter man comes out huh oh God if he puts our chalad on to sleep it's going to be bad news [Music] dude oh he's going to put our child on to [Music] sleep yo oh my God that might have saved the whole [ __ ] game that one Flinch but they could still Shadow Ball and it could still end everything I just feel like they're incentivized to go for dazzling gleam right here but yeah o God that's going to KO I didn't didn't count oh my God oh my God [ __ ] God I can't believe my [ __ ] uh Rockside and aial Ace ooh that's going to do some damage for sure we're going to be left right on a sliver my only prayer is that we can just get rid of amongus on this turn oh my God please don't miss this rock slide yeah oh my God these games are killing me these games are slowly killing me I meal I got to pee again I'm drinking so much coffee okay I think I can beat this team I'm very familiar with these Pokemon we got the chin poow and the in pair we got flutter man doing flutter man things not too worried about ogre Pawn I doubt that will be brought here I I kind of think salaman does well yeah I just want to bring that extra iron head like the ideal thing is just to not use my Terra at any point until the very end and it just like really solidifies what I'm doing um but man that's hard it's hard like especially when you just like right at the beginning you're just like [ __ ] it this will help me you know mhm mhm I know this setup well they do have a flutter man on their team which makes me very afraid to lose my Arch archidon like a sacred sword that's okay let's just see what we can do with that and I'm going to hit protect let's see what we can do with that they're either going to go ghost on Chi and pow or Tera normal on in or they're not going to Terra at all which is actually also not a good sign oo that does a lot of damage ooh they wow [ __ ] they know what they're doing the reason I'm not bringing out salamance is because I want to preserve the iron head I don't know I don't know this is like a last ditch effort to save myself pretty much wow that does so much damage dude that was really nice but yeah we lose KO o or we don't [ __ ] Jesus Christ man yeah doesn't look good does not look good okay that's actually who I wanted them to extreme speed are you joking I [ __ ] hate this game I [ __ ] hate this game that's it for lattos that's it I bet it's flutter man I'm going down I'm going down I'm oh a crit that's why going down with dignity that's what I was trying to say earlier h H it does not bode well that's okay we keep going I want to just keep going oh that's painful though that's fine we'll be fine okay this is uh Wolf's team Dragonite or laddio that's the decision I'm trying to make right now I think I'm leaning towards Dragonite okay definitely a tricky tricky start here um they're going to go for close combat I'm going to try and bring in archaon there's really nothing good to do here there's really nothing good to do there I don't feel good about this start boys I don't feel good and girls if there's any girls watching my videos but I think there's only probably one okay that's cool actually I'm chilling with that U-turn I'm chilling with that I would like to see him go away so that's fine andanar that's fine I'm not really worried about that this actually could they I feel like that was a misplay on their part this could go well for me especially if they try to fake out hydreon yeah that's who I wanted them to fake out that's [ __ ] fantastic oh okay hold up this went really nicely for me oh it just barely missed it okay okay we're we're on a really good start right now U is still a serious threat though this is going to be her poo right yeah okay um I feel like we lose hydreon in this play probably water that's fine I'm not too worried about water it depends like do they close combat oh they're going to be uh locked in too so that's actually really nice I'm pretty much fine with that man we might live too wow we live on a sliver that's actually so nice oh my God Yoo they got one more in the back I shouldn't get too excited though but I do believe they're locked in into the surging strikes now if this is Wolf's team um I'm going to body press and uh I'm actually going to go ahead and bring out salamance oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I'm feeling good let's keep up that momentum let's keep up that momentum I want to get to master rank with my dragon team I can do it I feel good about it okay yeah I'm going to lead our chadon and that so we can deal with indei um do feel like that does well here although no I have to be careful about hurricanes and [ __ ] I'm actually going to double up on my fing dragon types the only thing I'm kind of concerned about is that AR chalad on I don't want to like leave my physical attackers in the back and then just boost the [ __ ] out of their stamina you know the best thing about my team is the element of surprise like that's that's the best thing I've got okay this is interesting so they can't this is not an extreme speed Dragonite for sure I'm just going to start by Rock sliding pretty tempting to to poison Tera and nasty plot I'm going to go go for it and uh just pray it's it's like sort of comforting to know I don't have to worry about extreme speed here I need to check if they had a flutter man cuz that's going to make a difference on like how I preserve AR chalon okay so hydreon is the fastest thing on the field steel that's fine that's actually quite good rock slide is relatively meaningless though um but yeah that's actually Ice Beam yeah still does a little more than I would like honestly and yeah that does virtually nothing but we can actually utilize body press and I'm going to go for the Earth or the Dark Pulse there this will be interesting this is a this is an uncommon Dragonite I feel pretty good about that play though that should yeah that Ko's and DD they do have light screen up but we're mostly physical attackers anyway so that should be Thunder Wave that's that's not good though I we don't like being pared not in this household I I forget I forgot to ooh that was good dude that did a lot of damage that did a nice chunk of damage who are we dealing with here AR chadon okay so I'm going to just double down on that body press and I'm going to earth power the AR chadon feel pretty good about that okay they're they're trying to preserve the Dragonite what's this going to be okay flutter man okay so assuming AR chalon doesn't kill my AR chalon we're looking really good here that's fine that's fine that's not ideal but we can work with It Go for heavy slam and earth power again I mean that's pretty that's a pretty solid uh can't really ask for much better I don't know what else I would do okay protect I don't know what metal sound does body press I mean yeah it does a fair chunk of damage it does a fair chunk of damage let's not be parid here come on let's hit this this could KO oh okay got a long way to go before we KO I'm going to go for another heavy slam they could switch out into Dragonite and that wouldn't be the end of the world okay this is going to get close no dude okay that's actually so bad that's actually so bad Dragonite feels pretty safe here I'm pretty concerned about this at this point flutter man is seriously a bad like a serious [ __ ] threat right now I'm going for Dark Pulse into flutter man they might protect I hope they don't protect okay good good good good very good but still like oh God I hope we don't get parid too o don't be parro come on hit this thank you okay that still did a lot of damage we'll see I feel like that's still a nice play I mean tasing gleam is going to hurt ooh that should take out both that should take out both yeah oh my God we're looking really good right now now earthquake earth power that's it that's fine yeah that's totally fine honestly um ice beam is pretty threatening going forward but we've got double earthquakes so okay the pressure is mounting the pressure is mounting the pressure is mounting feeling pretty good about that feeling pretty good about that this is tough this is tough okay I'm not going to lie this is a really hard team for me to beat I feel like our chodon does really good out front oh my God I'm running out of time that feels pretty good I'm going to try hydreon hydreon matches up really nicely nicely with incinerar this is going to take all my brain power and also some luck on the matchup man I wish they would have led with flutter man it would be so good for me if they just LED with FL man feel like snarl is definitely not a terrible idea here but I also feel like I have to preserve our chalon cuz it's my only yeah I'm going to ghost Terra snarl and vacuum wave yeah and just pray that they don't ghost Terra this is going to be this is like this game will be fully up to chance I feel like and I'm snarling to lower the output of the uh raging bolt okay protect that's this could be we'll see how this goes we'll see how that goes let's hit that snarl let's hit that snarl nice okay we got the snarl off that's really good for us Draco meteor I mean that is it's going to do a lot of damage I'm actually going to bring in Dragonite here and uh I'll go for clinging scales I know that might seem counterintuitive um we'll see I don't know I don't know what to expect I'm kind of feeling like they're going to want to go Sucker Punch into our chadon that's my hope this this is like uh this feels more like gambling than uh mentally outplaying each other like we just have really strong teams and it's just going to be like up in the air we're both just like I don't know I have no idea what to expect ah damn that's really unfortunate I should have gone for the vacuum wave that is quite unfortunate Thunderbolt that won't do much though so that's good I'm going to hit protect on Dragonite I mean very possible that they protect Chen pal um I'm going to hit protect and body press I mean Sucker Punch could seriously fck me up I need to be prepared for the Chen P or the uh flutter man I hope they don't protect okay good good good good that's very good okay that's fine that's fine ooh that wasn't fine though it was a crit there's a very good chance they swap in flutter man right there but I'm going to try and go for that switch oh they're going to ghost Tera they're going to ghost Tera CH and pow and live one more and then icicle crash Dragonite yeah that's so bad they're going to KO Dragonite in one shot [ __ ] okay it's not the end of the world snarl is definitely bad going into hydron it's not looking good though uh we're down to two but yeah I'll go snarl here snarl protect yeah that's the that's the best I can hope for I knew they had Sucker Punch I knew they were sitting on Sucker Punch yeah unfortunately it's over cuz if they yeah it's over it's over unfortunately I don't see any way out of this if they have flutter man I mean there's no way I can check that yeah okay oh that's unfortunate that's okay though still pretty confident we can make it to master ball we just got to win two more instead of one more that's painful I really need to win the next battle uh cuz going back down to the middle of ultra bow that's going to be a tough climb again this is my worst nightmare team KOMO hydreon laddio and uh yeah Dragonite pretty clear matchup um but yeah figer is such a problem man okay that's actually quite a nice matchup for me I think I mean we could see a tera right off the bat that would certainly be bad I don't know what to expect exactly here that other the ter the the other hydreon okay Tailwind okay I'm sort of fine with that Parting Shot okay it's a good thing we did a nasty plot then so who's coming out God I hope it is not for a GFF it is and most likely they're going for a ter far terot you get what I'm trying to say pretty sure they're going for the fairy Terra and dazzing gleam and that probably koos oh God here it comes I don't even want to [Music] look I should have gone for the poison Tarra uh [ __ ] so bad that's so bad oh [ __ ] okay hold up okay hold up I mean this is not going to do much yeah but it's not the end of the world now did we bring our chalad on I don't think we did certainly difficult from here on out that's for sure um I'm just going to go for a vacuum wave because I feel like that's the most I can hope for and I'm going to hit Earth power I don't know man don't feel like I have a lot of great options there oh wait vacuum wave doesn't work cuz of armor tail why did I do that I should have just hit protect and they're going to snarl very frustrating very frustrating oh such a stupid play dude oh my God such a stupid play this is quite bad that did a lot of damage though yeah um I'm going to try that again and try and get rid of the figer there just protect and go for the figer raff I mean they probably going to snarl again um but I think I think it'll still do the trick considering how much damage that did on the last one but man is that going to be close close oh you [ __ ] you actual [ __ ] sometimes I hate this game Tailwind petered out so it's a matter of is lattos faster they could just hit protect I don't know they're probably going to hit protect on um priff and just hit Tailwind oh man that's not good I was hoping we moved faster no that's just going to [Music] KO wow didn't KO that's pretty nice I'm pretty impressed with that but yeah like snarl is going to [ __ ] me up bad snarl will definitely take out laddio um yeah I don't see any coming back at this point no chance no shot yeah okay it's over wow that did a lot of damage that's kind of insane [ __ ] me dude [ __ ] me okay very difficult team right there lattos actually kind of feels good in the lead KOMO isn't terrible in the lead either do have to be careful about their lattos um hydreon is definitely good here and I feel like Dragonite probably doesn't feel like a terrible matchup uh but their Paradox in man that one is seriously scary for me I don't know how to deal with that Pokemon right now with my team cuz I didn't like practice with it you [ __ ] you absolute [ __ ] nightmare [ __ ] for me man how do I even deal with that I'm going to go for that and uh I'm just going to hit protect for now clanging scales would be really good though but yeah we'll see we'll see okay they're going for the terot right off the bat as well lattos felt like that was yeah steel interesting that's nice for uh for our Kom for sure but will it help us we'll see don't feel great about that um but this should be interesting steel was definitely a a terot type I considered for laddio Dragon sheer [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that's bad that's really bad that's super scary does it ko. it doesn't KO but um ice beam doesn't do [ __ ] obviously yeah baby damage I'm going to go that and um I feel like I have to do vacuum wave because there's just no chance that I'm going to get an oros spere off I mean maybe maybe but I doubt it okay that did a lot of damage Heat Crash oh man dude that's going to Yo than sheer luck right there for sure extreme speed does really good right there no doubt what except it won't be super effective okay let's think about this hydreon actually uh hydreon I'm going to go for nasty plot and another vacuum wave okay I'm pretty curious about this if they have a dragon move I Kom o is done okay yeah okay okay we lived it it's not terrible we can live another one that's another that's very good uh but yeah it's going to get tough out here yeah oh interesting I'm curious to see what we're about to do there earth power isn't going to feel good special attack is weakened oh dude you're [ __ ] kidding me that KO right we lived on a sliver we lived on a sliver that was baby damage though oh okay that's okay with me I don't know what to expect exactly here okay okay that's good that was good Jesus Christ man I don't ever make it easy do they uh I go for that and I'm I'm going to go for that I don't feel like I have a lot of other choices pray they don't have Focus hash but I'm sure they do they always got the focus hash yeah metal ko. that's fine I mean it's not great but it is what it [Music] is okay that did a fair amount of damage heavy slam is probably going to KO yeah do we have two oh wait we only have one left we only have Dragonite huh yeah that's uh that's not going to win us the match that's for sure they're just going to protect CH and pow but I have to do it just in case yeah I had to do it I couldn't not do it it ain't good it ain't good they're just going to hit me with ruination again oh throat chop that's fine too yeah goodbye Dragonite you you did a lot of work wow I'm surprised it's faster well I'm I'm going to stop for now and try again later cuz uh I don't have time to do this all day right now that's quite unfortunate we were one win away we were one win away and now I wasted my whole morning on this I got an hour I'm going to try again I'm going to give it one more shot for an hour and then I'm going to have to come back to it another day if I don't if I don't get there in the next hour so while I was taking a break uh I did a bunch of stuff and I had a little a little bit of free time to test the teams more so I tested it on casual battles I won like six games in a row but it's casual battles I face some random ass teams with like palia and uh Diga so they're obviously not like eved and and like full blown ready to go you know uh the one team I faced that felt like a normal like meta team it was like a chi andp in team they bodied me so yeah what see how we do with this it helps when we get teams that are a little bit odd and they have no idea what to do with our team oh God I hate this team oh God that feels kind of good I do feel like that does pretty well here I kind of feel like both of these boys in the back do really well just cuz of their typing oh we do have to be really careful about Burns though I think salamance does best when it's supporting Dragonite on its own it definitely struggles I feel like Dragonite and lidio might be better especially against wheezing it's tempting to lead lattos almost but I don't know man I don't know we we'll see how this goes we'll see how this first game goes this is a weird team and I respect what's going on with this team like even if we lose to this team I like what they're doing so I can't really blame them this is definitely a favorable lead for us yeah we just go for heavy slam and protect that's all we need to do on this first round dazzling gleam big surprise big surprise never seen that from a flutter man before o never never could have guessed Jesus Christ bro uh okay that's a nice way to start that's one way to do it can't really comp complain about that now Canya ilum is that how you say it I have no idea I'm going for the heavy slam there I'm going for the Terra I'm going for the nasty plot feels like an okay idea I don't know what that bug guy the bugman IL whatever however you say it I don't know what it does I know it does like prankster stuff Tailwind I mean if that's all it's there to do I'm not afraid of it but I think it has more stuff okay they're going for the Tera could it be fairy I would like it if it were poison that's fine too that's fine too I mean not so much for the heavy slam but charm okay that's not good but not terrible I guess Tailwind Tailwind from from the phend dipity okay that was rather pathetic I'll go for the rock slide and the earth power now I don't dude I don't know what does charm even really do I know it affects the opposite gender or something like that or that's what I thought it did dazzling gleam definitely not worried about that okay what does that do any any extra stuff no assuming we hit rock slide that'll do the trick there are you joking that's crazy that that didn't KO as inity that's truly Bonkers that's I'm not not really stressing about that right now that's nice we like to see that we got rid of illum illumis illumis illumis I don't [ __ ] know dude I don't know bro I don't know what Okie doy does so I'm just going to hit rock slide and protect like I kind of want to get AR chadon okay that'll do the trick I will take that that's all right with me onward and forward my Faithful Friends that's always a good start but yet again as I was describing just a moment ago the weird teams we have an advantage over because our team goes [ __ ] crazy and the weird teams do weird stuff not to say that the weird teams won't beat me because when they do weird stuff I don't know what to expect but more often than not I will say that I do well against odd teams with this team oh God this is a scary team though definitely want Arch chalad on there definitely want that I could see them doing like indei iron Crown iron Crown goes for ter water and then they bring in peler to boost with the rain I can definitely see that going on feel like lattos does pretty damn well there and Dragonite just to round things off I don't really see the other two doing that well well for killing our chadon we need uh we need myomo yeah I think that's it's tough the the psychic surge is tough for us because we rely so much with like Dragonite extreme speed and Koma o vacuum wave but alas we're going to we're going to get through this okay the goal here is to play carefully first thing I'm doing snarl second thing I'm doing Dark Pulse I don't know honestly I guess I should go for iron Crown I'm sort of just expecting iron Crown to go for water Tera or you know whatever Tera it has if it goes for psychic Tera that's terrifying now I'm thinking I probably should have dark pulsed oh [ __ ] yo hold up okay okay no complaints there I kind of wish I'd actually gone for like a eject pack eject button whatever kind of wish I'd gone for like um nasty plot honestly but we'll take we'll take the damage we can get probably iron Crown coming back out now right oh peler okay I felt like this was also an option I like the shiny peler I never noticed I don't know how many of those I've really seen they probably have like body press for now I'm going to rock slide I don't know what I want to do there I'm going to take the risk and nasty plot cuz if we survive nasty plot is going to do crazy crazy things for us I think Tailwind okay I'm cool with seeing that okay oh Jesus Christ why did I not think that we lived it which is actually kind of crazy um yeah actually kind of crazy right there I think I'll just go for another rock slide and now I'm going to earth power and prey uh they do have the Tailwind up which is definitely concerning I don't know if they'll go first now or what okay oh God what's it going to be here I probably should have played it safe and protected that's going to be really hard to break through for me oh thank [ __ ] Christ thank Christ dude that is so lucky okay roine really doesn't do much there oh yeah and we're just boosting the [ __ ] out of the their stamina which is not really good um I'm going to just hit protect and go for the snarl okay okay okay okay okay sweet I wish we could double protect and go for a double snarl we got rid of Indi that's huge quite humongous if I dare say do I want to risk a poison Terra to see if we can make maybe live the uh can't go for the poison Tera no uh snarl again where are they where were you looking okay their special attack is down four I'm going to take the risk and go for the earth power very tempting to go for iron Crown but oh no dude no no no dude that's so bad as long as the snarl hits we should be looking [Music] okay what just happened how did they do that how did they onot I I do not understand what just happened what the [ __ ] what did I miss are is there oh my God I boosted their [ __ ] stamina like a thousand times that's what I missed oh my god dude we have to we have to kill our chadon Draco meteor still is like really bad but okay okay definitely a lot of damage definitely a lot of damage oh please let that oh my god dude oh my God I can't believe they lived I mean Earth Quake might take them out it might just barely just barely take them out I mean yeah their stamina is so high [ __ ] me dude [ __ ] no oh my God oh my God I'm going for miss ball and protect Jesus crimey bro this is so close got him got him that archal Adon was crazy dangerous Jesus I see why you run stamina I still prefer stall work because it's come way in handy especially for people who try to like redirect from a flutter man that has been like one of the most clutch things ever it's it's super necessary considering my team uh they probably have ice beam I'm going to just double check that and um uh I feel like extreme speed is is probably still the safest bet just in case [Music] puts it in the red that's cool I'm chilling with that that's fine uh we should kill peler here I would be Beyond astonished if this doesn't kill peler uh yep that'll do it they don't have anything in the back right and Dei or chadon yeah God don't let the tachon cutter [ __ ] take me out if that kills me oh my God bro if that kills me oh thank God thank God I got really scared for a second I got really scared for a [Music] second oh my god dude just just barely got the W there that was crazy good God I'm going to keep going my God I hope we win the next game oh man we're seven 77 which means we're due for a loss no I don't want to manifest that we can win I am confident we can win I didn't feel like we were going to win that game and that's how it turned out so we can win this next game no matter what team it is because we're a good player we what am I saying I I am a good player and I can deal with whatever team I face oh God this is God a lot of Pokemon I've been struggling against sort of praying they lead with flutter man yeah I'm going to go for that I I feel like that's a pretty solid matchup I feel pretty good about that I just have to make sure I play it right and like God I hope they don't bring the Paradox an okay okay this is not a terrible start for me I'm going for heavy slam and I'm going for protect and I'm going to pray Porygon probably has Ice Beam taunt that's fine okay oh Focus [Music] Ash wow okay this is weird flutter man setup there's a good chance they're going to switch out that flutter man I feel like I think I'll just go for snarl pray we don't miss and uh I think I'll just Thunderbolt definitely got me nervous right now but I I do feel like in this whole matchup uh electric lattos does really nicely I don't feel like I'm taking a huge risk here because like I don't have a lot of weaknesses okay that that was actually a really nice play for me the special attack goes down though that sucks I I think I want to get laddio out of here as fast as possible after that wow that was pretty ooh the per though the par though snarl hits both that's so good that's so good uh they're probably going for Ice Beam into laddio yeah that's not going to be good at this point I might be in sacking range of laddio but I don't know I don't know I don't know I can't risk switching in on an ice beam that's the problem Oh but Porygon will be weak to uh ooh jeez man the question is do I get hit by that sanser storm I really don't even know I think I just got to risk the sack here okay hold up I don't think body slam Ko's though or yeah body or body press body press did a fair amount of damage let's just uh okay okay I'm just going to hit protect this time okay I'm feeling like poison Terra right that's what they commonly do water oh man if we can get Thunderbolt I'm guessing they're faster though I just like I wonder if we get hit by sanser storm I don't know if we get hit by that better or not that's going to do a lot or all or all that'll do all oh good God and and that's where we get the pera on Porygon of course yeah I'm going to come in with the vacuum wave now ah tempting to just go for the full AA um let's see what we're going to do here I'm going to just go for the whole the whole shebang they've got earth power and probably sanser storm and probably what's how much is that going to do wow W that did a lot that might have been the right play for us to win though oh man that's going to be close oh my god dude please move first okay thank God thank God thank God oh my God vacuum wave might be enough to kill Thundurus or landeras or well whatever landeras landeras landeras what's their last Pokémon going to be Metagross they probably have bullet punch which I believe moves first I'm going to pray I'm going to pray vacuum wave hits I really need vacuum wave to hit I would love it if they went bullet punch into lattos honestly I would prefer they just don't do bullet punch at all yes oh my God bro no shot don't get excited don't get too excited Thunderbolts going to hit it's not going to do that much but it'll be it'll be enough and I forgot this whole time lattos has been down one on special attack which is kind of crazy heavy slam on todio that's perfectly fine with me that's perfectly fine with [Music] me man what do we do here vacuum W vacuum wave earthquake I think I just try oros spere and protect I feel like they would have gone for bullet punch if they had it yeah I'm going to hit protect I don't know I don't know how fast Metagross is okay good good good good [ __ ] yes okay how much okay that koos but we got earthquake right now man this is a pretty crazy game that's got a KO right no shot bro did we just make it to master ball I think we did I think we [ __ ] did I I think we just did I think we just not going to celebrate till I know for sure I'm getting the Wiggles I'm I'm feeling ready God if there's another battle I will lose my mind I don't want to continue battling I want to be done come on [ __ ] yeah 1,820 bro that's the highest I've ever been W yes [ __ ] yes you can tell how old I am but me [ __ ] dabbing who's a good boy come me come here come here oh you're crazy you're crazy you're crazy there you have it folks master ball with a mono Dragon team what can I say what can I say I'm a Pokemon Master what can I say all right y'all that's going to be the end of our journey with this Dragon team I got to admit I'm pretty proud of myself for getting a dragon team into master ball tier on the first day of the new season in regulation F which is a pretty difficult regulation if I do say so myself very happy with this team genuinely this is the best team I've ever built I've never loved a team as much as I love this one and um I hope some of you try it out and rent it and please if you do rent it let me know what you thought about it down in the comments did you have as much fun playing with it as I did because I I'm in love I love this team this team has all my heart and soul put into it and um yeah like I said couldn't be more proud anyway thank you very much for watching if you made it all the way to the end lots more videos coming soon I've got a gigantic backlog of videos I just haven't had the time to put them together and edit them but they are coming we've even got some subscriber Team videos so I'm really looking forward to putting those out and seeing what you guys think that's going to be it for today I hope you all stay happy stay healthy peace
Channel: ty2k
Views: 2,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Pokemon VGC, VGC Regulation F, Reg F, Competitive Pokemon, Indigo Disk, Archaludon, Latias, Dragonite, Salamance, Kommo-o, Hydreigon, Dragon Team, Mono Dragon Team, Dragons, Dragon type, Dragon Type Pokemon
Id: l9lCTicJSeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 23sec (5363 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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