Dragon Warrior Randomizer - Summer Tournament 2023 Group Stage - ryguy3745 vs ratlifTheRat

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[Music] foreign [Music] randomizer fans we're here today to watch a race between right guy 3745 and the rest lifts the rat from the summer standard 2023 summer tournament I'm minaro and I'm joined by archfield the Monk how are you doing today I'm doing pretty well a little bit shocked that I managed to get this one started and going on time because we just finished up over on dwanimizer but welcome in everybody I've got uh another erase that's actually from the pulse line group here uh Rye guy and Ratliff ragazz four and one coming in Ratliff one and one and it looks like we're about to get underway yeah pretty decent starting stats we've got a lot of HP and none of the stats are terribly low nothing too interesting in the throne room but oh they start with hurt more and healed [Music] well this could get very interesting depending on what they managed to find nearby yeah this kind of a start is kind of fascinating they have the one hurt more already with that starting 8mp looks like radio guy is going to get a scorpion imagine Drake for Ratliff both of them will get level 2 which is four one four one just a nice little bump to make it easier to actually fight any of the remaining monsters now that they're out of MP until they get to the next level foreign [Music] yeah what you really want here is a lot of MP really fast right guy got the next level he did get two mp on that level so he at least has two casts of hurt more now and there's a cave just north of the castle here that looks like it's swamp North that's always interesting when they have the any of the swamp entrances either directly below the castle are very near the castle because depending on the outline of the map it could mean that you can either transition to another continent or just another side of the map very easily yeah or for all we know that might just be a tunnel that takes you back underneath tangel I could be could be just about anything at this point so we'll see if they decide to go through there sooner rather than later as Ratliff also picks up level three [Music] yeah with a hard more start regardless of what you manage to find the start is going to get off the ground very quickly I mean even if you can only use a few hurt Morse it still means that you're guaranteed to be able to kill something and you don't really have to be picky about what you fight they got 18 agility though on that's level four that's a big bump to there well ease of exploration if nothing else yeah exactly yeah that's that's pretty nice to see here you want the MP to pick up of course but right guy is gonna take the quick refill in this swamp as he has spotted uh the trade-in cave the rainbow drop cave just there to the south of the castle as well so two castles spotted already and Ratliff looks intent upon keeping that starting gold there you did see level four with along without agility also picked up the Spells of hurt outside and repel yeah especially repel well not so relevant right now it's going to be very useful especially once they get a bit more defense maybe found a shop or two to actually bump up the defense even further and want to actually start exploring a bit and hurt can be useful for being a little bit more conservative on your MP if you run into something that you can't really swing down but will die in like maybe one or two Hertz yeah exactly I think a good play is when you have especially MP that is this low they have that spare hurt so they could always maybe hurt more a werewolf if it doesn't die in the first shot and they live through uh the attack they can follow up with that hurt spell and probably take it out anyway so that can be handy to have uh when the MP starts off low like this yeah there's like a handful of monsters like that there's also the ax Knight is probably a pretty safe bet to use to just sell for a hurt if they don't die to the hurt more I think you draw the line at like armored Knights right because they're very unlikely to go down to just the hurt more and the regular yeah they're too much too much in terms of hit points it's things like uh you know your your werewolves your star wyverns your ax Knights your green dragons those are the things you might have a chance against yeah and with both the our first Red Dragon [Music] and uh I didn't see exactly where it was but it didn't seem like it was that far from the castle so ouch yeah a little bit to the southeast I think there of the rainbow drop cave which is to the south of Canada not very far away and looks like he's gonna head back to the north here both of our Racers have hit level six the stats are a little bit laggardly but a bunch of mp on that level six we saw ragai actually jump from four to six on an ax Knight but uh got that incrementally so we were able to see the stats broken down a little bit more [Music] yeah and I mean well we're not getting much right now of one specific thing apart from maybe MP the stats for level six aren't really that bad oh for sure for level six they they're actually pretty okay like 38 agility here nothing wrong with that and draga actually gets an opening attack on this armor knight is able to take it out so he's going to jump to level seven oh 14 hit points that's a nice post yeah neither strength nor agility on that level seven but a good hit points boost which is really nice for surviving some back attacks and and what have you and now up to six total hurt more casts with 30 MP so starting to shape up a little bit yeah and that return is just mostly a convenience at times especially if you're like finding a dead end in your exploration or something or other similar situations where you would rather want to keep your gold rather than death warping but it's not as relevant as pretty much any of the other spells yeah it'll be nice to have late we do know they're gonna have to return pretty close to start to get the rainbow drop late in the seed so having that in the back pocket already means that that's gonna solve some potential routing issues for you later on but yeah for right now probably not a big deal much later on that will help out a lot yeah it's mostly a thing yeah when you're either you want to save your money because you're looking to buy something or if you're just unlikely to be able to get a death warp in a timely fashion because your stats are too high or the enemies anywhere nearby are simply too weak precisely here we've got Ratliff taking out this werewolf he only needed a handful of experience to the next level and will also get to level seven we see a town on rag ice cream I don't believe we've seen this town yet just to a little bit to the south then east of start and then further to the east we've got cantlan around this little mountain range here and he has not much in the way of money and no keys so just actually decides to give it a quick exit yeah but that's the useful location to know of especially if you we find out that we might be able to get a gold grind inside the castle at some point seeing that it's not too far from the castle yeah Catelyn close really bodes well if there's a potential gold grind glitch available later in the seed because you've got three shops there in Catlin so high chance that you've got at least some of the things you'd be looking for that are those big ticket items maybe a flame sword magic armor Silver Shield those types of things but even if it doesn't have those chances are you can have some get access to some fallback equipment there as well so that is very nice to see clothes to start yeah you're not guaranteed to be able to find the best in each category of equipment but at the very least you should be able to within all three shops combined be able to expect to get at least a second best or best in each category more or less yeah exactly it I think we've seen Ratliff he's gonna make use of that return spell for the first time because he explored a little bit to the east of that swamp north entrance there through some swamp and just found the dead end so there is nothing else to the north of start other than that swamp cave entrance yes and while finding a dead end can feel a bit bad it's also a good find because you know you don't need to go further in that direction when you're doing an exploration yeah exactly oh Rogue scorpions with that dl2 breath I currently only 54 hit points in level seven so that is lethal 100 of the time right now yeah fortunately they're like in the enemy that's you normally I mean they can't really fight them properly right now with the attack power they have so they will still need to like either hurt or hurt more of them but it's still a bit bad yes on 38 agility still somewhat likely to get back attacked by those and that's sort of the beginning uh Ratliff did have uh has managed to hold on to a good bit of money here and has picked up a copper sword that's good for 10 attack power the top shop there in Caitlin [Music] yeah that's a nice little boost to take you up to a level where you're able to actually get some decent damage numbers on some of the day enemies but what you said about scorpions especially scorpions since they are like the low HP high defense enemies they are among generally apart from the high end and miss some of the most likely enemies to Ambush you so seeing those with anything dangerous is a generally especially bad I at 100 yeah you've got to watch out for those High agility enemies for that reason why guy has picked up level eight there was a 24 strength boost there so he actually just went ahead and he landed a hurt more on that green dragon just now and went ahead and swung afterward because he's already in range to potentially take those out with a melee attack after so a big strength boost there on level eight a little bit of agility there six agility also 12 more hit points and one more magic point so a pretty good level eight yeah that's strength boost as you said since it was able to swing he essentially saves a bit of additional MP in some cases where he's uh just a baby breath where he's able to just swing and Miss down instead of needing to rely on using his precious MP yeah exactly I saw that drone or a drone variation that had yeah he had hurt more yes that drawl had hurt more so hopefully something that our Racers are already able to repel I believe on 21 defense maybe not quite actually I think about it but they'll be able to repel those in the late game so won't be too much of a concern that draw Magi or pardon me not draw Magi but that Drew and Lord did have weak breath but that again is another enemy that will die 100 of the time to a hurt more so hopefully that won't come into play either yeah well the weak breath stinks right now it's not that bad if you run into it oh and Restless gets his Taste of the Rogue scorpion ambush yeah there's that Ambush into the dl2 right away a little bit unfortunate for both Racers honestly the dl2 percentage maxes out at 50 so that's a coin flip whether the Rogue scorpion will even use that move on its turn but both of our Racers have I gotten bitten by that one already and with that night Rye guys can hit Level 9. foreign [Music] Force agility eight hit points and eight Magic a nice General boost yeah pretty good boost across the board I think pretty importantly there now 74 hit points that means our Runners if uh well right guy for the moment if he stays topped off at 74 he is insulated against being one shot by that dragon lord two breath so that's a good total to have right now [Music] yeah the only thing that's a bit iffy about the certain enemies having these dangerous ability like you mentioned the trouble earlier because the droll is one of those enemies that at their roughly around their current attack power they'd be fine just swinging away at them because they'd like take them down into at most three swings but because he saw a red leaf saw it having the Earth more kind of takes that out of the picture so it's like one less enemy that you could potentially just farm for some experience exactly so fewer options on the table when they have those kinds of abilities raigai has spotted a cave here this is on the south coast of the map just past Charlotte he is out of resources but has managed to walk to the top three of grave here pulls out a pair of wings and Herb and the Fighter's ring plus to attack power you also have a raid from Reina ruins thank you Raiders welcome in got a race in the 2023 Dragon Warrior randomizer summer tournament we're just under 14 minutes into this one very fast start both of our Racers started with hurt more so ragai at level nine Ratliff at level eight Tower Off to the Races here with already a fair few locations found but still on the hunt for keys and all of our Quest items as well as our erdrix gear yeah the other thing about finding canceling even if it doesn't have like it does have the chord on us later on when you feel that you want to actually pay the resource tax of getting through those barrier tiles more than anything it's essentially like finding multiple towns just in terms of your shopping opportunities [Music] sorry about that right guy there I just want to point out real quick um has fought several ax nights already but that ax Knight showed that it had sleeves first time I think we've seen that ability [Music] ouch that hopefully that means it has a low percentage um hopefully we might not see it that often but that makes it kind of I mean they do have a stop spell so with that knowledge he might decide to use a stop spell but that also means that it might potentially cost more resources to fight them yeah and right now just 39 mp on level 9 for ragai so you might take it there's a couple different ways to play that ax Knight fight if you hurt more you're about 60 to take it out in one shot so you can always go for that maneuver and because we haven't seen the sleep yet also possible that it may be has it at just 25 percent or so and so you can just take your chances there with her friend hope you take it out uh Ratliff here up to level nine now so both of our Runners on the same level but right now ragai has about a 300 experience point over Ratliff and ragai has gone through swamp cave so he's on second continent now assuming that there are two separate continents here I think he'd explored much of first continent I'm not 100 sure that he'd seen everything kind of further to the east but we have seen the west coast and the South Coast fairly extensively and there was just two tiles from the west coast to tangel so the potential is there for perhaps a reverse count later in the seat if it comes up yeah I'd say it's hard to say right now who has the potential exploratory lead but I'd say generally speaking say ryga is probably in the general lead also in both exploration and experience the I mean the potential difference you could give is that to Ratliff has a bit of shopping Edge on rygai but that's mostly down to with the actual things he has picked up down to just actually making a trip to Kentland as some really staggering levels here both in terms of the distribution and the amount uh level 10 for ragai five uh pardon me four strength zero agility uh 31 hit points and three magic points so we've had um some pretty big swings here in terms of the statistics so far already 105 hit points on level 10. yeah that already puts us in a good range to or at least our HP fight dragon lord and depending on as long as our HP growth doesn't just crawl down to a halt completely it also opens up a good potential for uh death necklace seed yes exactly so by the time our Runners are go it seems pretty likely that their hit points will be in that Range Death necklace might come into play but in the meantime hawksness and I believe tablet cave on rygai screen he saw both and had to opt out because he was out of resources and then got the express trip home via red dragon as Ratliff gathers level 10. yeah I'm able to also see that giantic HP game yeah with the limited amount of MP we have right now there's only so much exploration you can realistically get done anywhere with any decently dangerous enemies especially since you'll also won't actually get the experience along the way and not just be wasting a precious Time by not taking out easily Hurt Marble and miss and such yeah one thing that you want to try to avoid whenever possible in a seed like this is when you run out of resources just try to get them back as quickly as possible at a town for a refill great but any exploration you do when you don't have that hurt more handy that just means you're potentially passing on experience against easily or Monsters alright guy actually is swung at that Golem there I don't know if that was intentional or not but he's certainly not got the attack power to try to take that on right now so back he did try to run from it and considering he hasn't just recently left the castle I'm pretty sure that was slightly a Mis menu and it just then got unfortunately stopped on his run attempt and got sent home early Ratliff back into Catlin I see a large Shield full plate magic armor there in the top shop he is going to have enough money to grab that large Shield he's done a good job of staying alive and keeping his gold and he's seen their shop already so he knew it was waiting around there for him that large Shield would be good for plus 10 defense yeah that's especially given our current stats that's a pretty significant pump to your defenses which depending on what tier of enemies you're fighting that could make between like a small bump in your survivability or make a massive bump in how much damage you're actually taking like something like this Stone man will still hit pretty hard but it's still a significant decrease in how much damage you're taking while something like the more around our tier of enemies like wolves and such will essentially be neutered by the the defense boost ragai made a B-Line straight back for hawksness that Spike tile could have had a hurt morable enemy on it but instead we see a Golem there today that cannot be taken down right now it doesn't have near enough to do that didn't check for the fairy flute but our erasers are mostly empty on items so far so he's gonna have to skip hawksness for the moment and come back to that later yeah we've been seeing golems in a bunch of different uh encounter films as well as that the spike tile so I think they probably want to re have any regrets about finding the ferry float at this point yeah lots of Golems we've seen them in multiple zones now and we've also seen that Golem on the hawksness spike so that flute could come in handy if we come across it somewhere else of course that Golem itself could be guarding the fairy flute in hawksness one of seven items could be there one of our three Quest items the silver harp stones of sunlight or erdrick's token uh the fairy flute uh the death necklace or erdrich's sword or erdrick's armor I'll be on that spot or any of the other two search spots throughout the game yeah especially in a seat like this where you're running into so many golems in the wild it would be especially painful if the float is hidden beneath another Golem poetic irony quite so all right regardless yes regardless Raga is in tablet cave so there's one free chest down here he's often to walk this in the dark art one of the Spells our Runners do not have yet radiant and this is a gold chest but he'll be able to outside immediately hopefully continue his exploration although this Westerly direction is where he was stopped by a red dragon last time I suppose not stopped so much as that was a welcome death warp at the time but Ratliff has actually settled into a grind here and has been hunting Green dragons and has picked up level 11. so that's two five five and what was wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] so I'm gonna tell you I have I have some vision problems and when I saw that I was pretty sure I was wrong but that was 70 magic points yep I was also doubting my eyes there for a second I don't think I've ever seen a game that I'm Bonkers I have never seen I think the highest hit points gain I've ever seen was in the 90s but that is by some distance the highest magic points gain I've ever seen so all of a sudden Ratliff has all of the resources he could possibly want but it looks like he's content to continue grinding here for the moment at least maybe run out this MP pool and then I'll have and then I'll have considerably more hurt more as it is disposal once he tops off in Caitlin was also maybe looking for the money for some more equipment too but wow huge MP gate bigger than any I've ever seen yeah that I mean it's not uncommon that you see like it's death gain in the seeds hitting like their taste or 40s but anything above that is extremely rare yes substantial outlier there and Raga is going to get the good news here after hurt Mooring this night and Ratliff did save up enough money to buy that half plate so he's boosted his defense now into that range where if he wants to use repel he's going to be getting rid of a lot of that kind of lower to Mid game stuff that you can skip that's exactly what he's gonna do and he's gonna go explore he's well situated to do it right now yeah I mean with the HP and MPA has right now he's not and combined with the level is that he's not really interested in any of the lower tier enemies anyway even if like even if he had Elric sword and could swing at them he wouldn't really be interested in those small potatoes at this point yeah exactly so this is it looks like a good plan paying off here for Ratliff he's got some defense he's gonna keep going and we see ragai is gonna uh take a peek here to the east he hasn't been this direction yet we know Ratliff is dead dead ended this peninsula uh but needs to check that off his list before he continues going back through swamp cave looks like Ratliff meanwhile has headed Northeast of cantland and I don't know that we've really seen much of the map in this direction yet lots of desert though [Music] yeah a whole like the equivalent of the Sahara Desert or something here yes only uh swap tiles and water surrounding them on screen there but does make his way around and we do have a cave here I'm sure I've seen this one so far I'm pretty sure we haven't in fact no so no actually you know what that's that is swamped South so he this is a single continent seed and he has wrapped around to this exit of Swamp cake so the rest of the territory that rygai has already seen going through swamp is actually to ratliff's East right now well that's a good start if you are actually going to attempt to fight the red dragon to actually start off with a critical hit much better to have that crit on the first swing than the one that's guaranteed to kill it anyway and with that 350 XP Ratliff will actually jump straight up to level 12. 4 power 11 speed one hit point two magic points yeah at this point compared to our HP and MP our strength and Agility still needs to go a bit higher before we can actually be in go mode but just looking at our level those numbers aren't really that bad it's just that our HP and MP is just so high compared to where it would would normally be at this point yes those big HP and MP totals make the strength and Agility look somewhat poor by comparison but remember we're just 26 minutes into this one and Ratliff already level 12. so this one is this one has been very fast our red drag or pardon me our Runners are already in position where they can fight Red Dragons if they want to especially Ratliff with that weapon but rygai finds breckinary so maybe he'll get a weapon of his own here uh not much actually there in the breckinary shop he's gonna get half plate but oh yes everybody get your ggs out in chat Rye guy has just won the race and I'm kidding but he did buy a bamboo Pole and that's good enough isn't it I think everybody or anyone unaware there's a sort of uh Loosely known inside joke that the bamboo pole gives just a smaller bump to your attack power of two but it increases your critical hit rate which is entirely unfounded and there's no statistical proof for it but it's uh it's fun to imagine uh true uh rygai finds out these Green dragons have hurt uh so they're nerfed a little bit in this seed that's the first time we've seen that out of them uh but Ratliff with that copper sword has found hawksness this is his first trip in and he's in good position to take out this Golem on the first trip even though not doing a ton of damage but he has plenty of HP film Wars to tank this fight yeah it's a slow grind but it's definitely doable it's gonna eat up a lot of resources but it's depending on what you find on the search title it's could definitely be worth it [Music] and meanwhile rygi has found access to keys there we go remulder that'll be a pretty big deal first key get of the seed here in the 28th minute 29th minute [Music] that will open up a lot of potential and we have the sword on the search tile wow so two big finds here for both of our Racers Ratliff plows through that Golem picks up erdrick's sword that's plus 40 attack power so 30 better than the copper sword he had been using best sword in the game all right guy checks that Rim chest and we'll get a pair of wings dude those green dragons if we manage to find one like in the swamp first bike title that would make them an amazing grind if they with the hurt spell they have it's like if depending on the rate they use hurt it's especially once you find elric's armor it's like barely gonna scratch you comparable to the regular attack yeah exactly so that's uh really there are a lot of potential things on the swamp Spike right now that could be pretty good that Golem itself is pretty good but seems to be kind of far away from healing so we'll see what our Runners decide to do if there's much of an end game here but Ratliff on level 13. does pick up 15 more hit points so our Runners are fast approaching goal level already in this race and I believe that should be roughly enough to put two or two into definitely this usage territory yeah we're right on The Fringe so this is the expectation would be they'll pick up enough hit points to be in death necklace range we have not seen that death necklace yet in fact we've seen precious little of our questor key items yet I haven't really seen uh you've seen top three of grave but we've not seen Mountain cave we haven't seen garenham yet worse Ratliff has yet to access keys so still quite a bit of exploration to do here yeah there's uh I mean there's going to be in some of in one of these locations are almost guaranteed to have at least two of those items given how spread out they are depending on how many of the search Bots are actually going to be active but it's like finding those keys depending on what he finds for example just in the treasury once the warps back might be a huge deal since the treasury could also have multiple of the items we need at this point yeah in addition to that basement cave I do want to point out really quickly I was mistaken a moment ago Artorias has corrected me in chat Ratliff did check that swamp Spike earlier and that was also a Golem so we've got two Golem spikes in the seat if you want an in-game grind it's actually pretty good um these statistics particularly so that will be available to our Racers should they need it in the home stretch on this one yeah I mean after taking down the first Golem here in Hawks Nest and getting the sword the Golems go from like being a big resource grind taking down to being actually decent grindable Target yeah right guy with that bamboo pole is chipping away at it a little bit more slowly than Ratliff had but once he gets his sword uh it'll be a better position to start really fighting anything he wants to fight oh yeah unless they have anything nasty at that point you should be able to fight mostly everything but the Dragon Lord with these stats [Music] ragai does get through his Golem he's just short of level 12 but he is gonna get erdrick's sword some might say that's not actually an improvement over the bamboo Pole but in this case it's at least plus 38 attack power Android guy since he got those keys he doubled back to hawksness and then just decided you know what I'm gonna head back I've got this location to open with Tana Joel in the cave beneath it might not even need to track down anything else but this treasury so far looks like a gold miscellaneous equipment and a fairy flute that is probably unnecessary and now with the sword you don't really want to waste that time sleeping again when you could just swing away although I must say I love EMP any amount of money's comment in the chat using a poll is all you can do sometimes Bravo [Music] growlif has got two damage down on this metal slime and it's sticking around [Music] yeah you're always a bit like on the edge when you're fighting metal slimes once you're beyond the like 20 strength mark because if you do take it down it's gonna feel nice but you know that every single swing is a potential to run away from that slime but he manages to take it down and gets his 255 experience yeah not bad that one took a little while you almost you almost ordinarily really want to see metal slimes at this stage so you have got the attack power and resources that you do but as it turns out ratliff's out of MP anyway so probably best thing to do there is just swing away your chances of running from metal slime aren't great because they have Max agility so you know maybe this will take it yeah that's the thing about Metal slimes in the seeds depending on well especially if they have anything nasty on them but in general is that metal slimes can be both a blessing on the curve simply because well if you do want to find them it's great but if you don't want to see them you're pretty much your only best choice is to just try to swing at them regardless because trying to actually run away from them is just generally a few Thai leopard [Music] got another two damage on this metal slime here this relative let me get a coordinates check from rygai [Music] so interesting the way this is playing out so far right guy with these keys he is actually about just under 2 000 experience points short of Ratliff at the moment but with these Keys has managed to make Headway exploring look at these coordinates 71 North 98 to the east [Music] that's I mean given how our continent looks it might be countable but do you really want to especially with swamp cave sitting so close to home and a a not a a pretty simple Guardian now that we've already seen and then swap game I think right guys hit it straight there actually so yeah we know this is a single continent uh it is countable in some fashion but yeah would you really want to most Runners I think say it's gonna we're gonna grab the GPS and be down here's level 12 for raigai [Music] our Ratliff here is in grave he's gonna grab top three we've already seen this on rye guy's side just the Fighter's ring not totally inconsequential but certainly nothing of much Point here however this is gonna try to make his way out I think does have the outside spell maybe he's out of resources [Music] yeah he still hasn't actually gotten his death warp yet so ratliff's been exploring on no resources for quite some time now and I think actually walked around to grave a long way on this single comment yeah depending at this point it's really gonna make a big difference depending on how long it takes him to actually find the this way to the Keys yeah the key is going to be a big deal there's only one potential spot left where there might be a free key and even that um might itself be under garenham which is key locked because we've seen the rest of the caves now except for Mountain cave and I think we are still missing one of the trade-in caves maybe the staff of Reigns so I think there's a 50 50 shot that one of those is underneath garenham and if Mountain cave is underneath garenham that means the only place to get keys will be remote yeah have we seen the bonus cave uh that was actually under tanijal so that was the cave that rygai checked out once he got his key to my back start I'm wrestling taking the death board by adjusting the position of his fighter string ah yes and schmeich pointing out as well the odds of a a loose key somewhere in Mountain cave are reduced because there was one intangible treasury so uh yeah it seems likely that Rim will be required a seat so it all comes down to how long it'll actually take Ratliff to find but it also depends on how quickly raigai manages to find the actual locations that require the case in the first place so like depending on how long it takes him to get back to to Deep dive grave or to actually find the towns where he actually needs keys to access things it's like if he takes a lot of time actually finding those locations it also doesn't really matter if Ratliff takes a long time to find rimler exactly because that's that's and that's a good summary of our exploration to this point so right guys got those keys but he still needs to find garenham we're still missing uh armor and all three Quest items fry guy has the coordinates and now has princess in arms was able to actually gather cut into that experience leader alif has by about a thousand I took some Golems while he's down there on that Spike tile uh so the experience lead has shortened up a bit [Music] all right guy now house has his GPS in hand and will probably well he goes back to exploring he probably won't look it'll probably first check where he comes out at the under end of the swamp cave to see roughly where his position is at and then make his way roughly towards the location and see if if it is around the new area he'll also make that this exploration Target otherwise he'll probably go check what's on the coordinates and then get back to actually exploring yeah I think as ragai hits level 13 here I think there's actually a decent chance that the coordinates will end up leading toward maybe some of these locations we haven't seen yet I think that North East quadrant of the map is the one that's been least explored to this point and of course Rye guy doesn't know that this is a a unified continent yet yeah I don't think he's seen the other end of swamp cave yet I could be wrong uh from that Northerly Direction but his GPS will probably lead him further to the northeast of here yeah I don't know if he's managed to run across a like Meetup point between the two locations but he definitely hasn't walked actually between the two locations yet now Ratliff had not quite cleared to the east of grave here yet he comes across a wizard this encounter will give him the level that wizard has hurt more but not a big deal right at the moment level 14 incoming for Ratliff at six power two speed five hit points and three magic points you were talking earlier oh there are remaining two spells as well sleeping great but as you you'd mentioned earlier our HP was probably going to catch up to that death necklace spot and right now if Ratliff had the death necklace he would theoretically be go uh because he's got 14 heal Wars there so he'd be in pretty good shape on one yeah if you had all of the stuff he needed even if his agility is a bit on the low end it wouldn't really matter because he would have enough attack power with the death necklace and enough heal Morse to make up for the difference yes exactly now here we see that accident also has weak breath behind that sleep we saw earlier but actually a little bit convenient there for Ratliff he had finished exploring that Peninsula to the east of grave so he is gonna get his resources back at start and get to set off exploring another Direction well right guy I think did head to the north and east here takes out that red dragon so another XP jump for him yeah that weak breath on those nights will be a bit of a blessing in case they don't manage to sleep you since it increases your odds of actually surviving the encounter especially once you have elric's armor but uh as we also mentioned those Wizards while them having heard more hurts a bit especially before you have the armor with the attack power we have we can reliably kill them in like two swings so we don't really care yeah not not too bad overall you much prefer to see that something else that's going to be interesting it's like a sleep spell or even dragon breath yeah especially the Sleep spell because more than anything even if it's not going to put in danger it will always waste time a little bit of our high five for our Runners here both in the same neighborhood there's this dead end inside the Mountain Gap here that guy's headed to the West around the spotty water [Music] [Music] finds the West Coast again so I'm guessing this is somewhere north of Tango that it's actually my pretty close to start there pretty soft peninsula this area really wraps around in all kinds of directions and it's really curvy and with a lot of dead ends yeah right guy just discovering that entire uh section of land across the bridge here is a dead end ratliff's headed the same direction so he's gonna get that news also in just a few moments [Music] but it looks like there is territory to the east here to explore [Music] wants to finish this Northwest section first and has reached the North Coast so there's nothing up here in the Northwest Quadrant it looks like rygai will have to have head the direction of those coordinates in order to find the rest of the things he's looking for we have a large desert and a very large river so I guess this is the Nile of this world yeah that looks just about right but yeah at the moment both Runners are more or less exploring the same area and will likely find the same things the difference is that redlip doesn't have any keys yet so if he manages to find any of the locations where he does need keys is going to have to actually wrap back around here again later once he has picked up the case while right guy can take care of his business right away yeah I think that will be the interesting dynamic as the second half of this seed plays out because right now Ratliff does have an experience lead but with the stats our Runners have they're theoretically go at level 14. we might see either Runner attempt this but here is Mountain cave so this is a pretty big deal because I think Ratliff is just to the south of here right now it's possibly missed it on his way through but all right guy in that first chest picks up gold if there is a loose key in here that might help Bale Ratliff out and find Mountain cave but right at the moment it looks like ratliff's actually headed further south chest just off the stairs Mountain cave isn't yes you mentioned there could be a loose K loose key in here and that would definitely be very useful for restless but we do find elric's token and the key well there we go so that makes things a little more interesting here so Ratliff can end up skipping rim and possibly find a key he has spotted now Mount cave on his map so as long as he has enough resources to clear it which seems like a reasonable bet and he'll be able to get out of here cursed belt in chest five for ragai so it gets out of there with the token one of the three Quest items required to enter the final dungeon and I think that narrows it down to the point now that we know that garenham has to have rainbow drop cave so statistic [Music] [Music] or yes did we see actually you know what rainbow drop cave was close to start um I guess staff Kate would get hurt one of the trading caves yeah one of the trading caves yeah rainbow drop cave we actually saw within the first couple of minutes it was just to the southeast of start so all right there we go [Music] now the thing is what else can you find the after he has finished exploring Mountain cave before he goes back because if he does manage to find like something like garenham it puts him in this weird spot where like he doesn't really want to use his only key but he will also probably not want to have to walk all the way back over here again so it's like do I use this key now or do I not I mean depending on he might even do something like just doing a re-dive to pick up a second K from these chests depending on what happens he probably won't do it right away but if he does find the garenham I mean I would at least consider doing something like that if it's close nearby it is something to think about I think the optimal thing to do I think if I were playing the scene does not say I think I would probably just outside in return right away because what is what what you pointed out that scenario is exactly what I don't want to happen I don't want to show up at Garen Hammond have to choose do I burn this key now um because that that's a really bad feeling yeah as you said if it just outsides and returns he can just go and pick up additional keys and then go and walk back here and avoid all of those gnars [Music] all right another GPS ping from rygai he's at 51 South 98 to the west and he has to be closing in not only on the coordinates but pretty soon here we're gonna start running out of map and I'll be closing in on garenham too but this Rogue scorpion has run blocked him twice and he gets dl2 breath not only short of just short of level 14 but also short of finding those coordinates ugh that's a painful one yeah unlike wrestle if once he did find the mountain cave he had only like 16 MP left and while he didn't really have to burn anything on the mountain dive exploring the rest of the area around it did get pretty tight so right guy will have to set off again in search of those coordinates we've got those three chests in the back of garenham in between those three chests oh and Ratliff also gets sent back this isn't the worst thing in the world for him he's Gotta Buy keys anyway but what is the worst though those Rogue scorpions also have sleep oh goodness I missed that part so the the whole Wambo combo Rogue squirt so we had not seen that sleep at that point I don't think not bad that was that's a real bad one at uh 25 50 deal too that about squares with what we've observed so far yep I was just about to guess it level 14 for Rye guy so he too is now essentially in go mode should he want to be our Runners of course only have 66 agility not a great total uh but with the amount of MP that our Runners have in excess of what they would need to fight the dragon lord II I think this is a doable go level we still need the death necklace of course and we know that like as I was uh saying before Ratliff took that death we've only got the coordinates and uh Cole and garenham left so there's not too many our harp and stones have to be in basically two of five locations and that leaves only three for the armor and the death necklace and empty so uh the rest of our stuff could squirreled away in Sherlock as well yeah because I don't think we've seen enough cursed belts yet to even guarantee the cold spot so one of those spots could even straight out be empty yeah absolutely we know the coordinates have to have something we did pick up erdrick's sword on that hawksness Spike but for all we know the coal search spot uh might be empty so wait to see as this exploration concludes rygai has a pretty good bead on the direction he needs to go right now it's gonna ghost checks he walks but I really trying to make a concerted effort to get into the neighborhood of these coordinates yeah he took the actual walk over this time not through swamp but just walk in the continent so that made the connection for him right now he knows where he needs to be and was able to pick up some Explorer on the way we'll get some revenge on this Rogue scorpion for good measure yeah I mean because they like they don't have an astronomically High agility with the point we're at but because they do have a decent amount you would the best bet because you know they're that dangerous is to not risk anything and just hurt more than don't take any chances just to wipe them off the face of their planet exactly right up there on the North Coast erdrick's armor on that search spot so rygai has both erdrick's things and now a nose and that I got coal here so that's one of our two remaining Quest items the stones of sunlight and that third the silver harp has got to be in well either garenham or the bottom two of great yeah and I think both of our Runners so when they do catch up in knowledge to each other both of them will want to not see it at the bottom of grave yes especially at this point you feel like oh man I'm already go I still have so much stuff to find ratliff's actually just about to hit level 15 which could put him in even better position before the eventual charlat dive uh so as a racer in this race I think I'd be feeling uh you almost have to feel behind even if you think you've done pretty well to this point just because of the the way the stats have gone and see yeah I mean it's essentially like if you haven't been extremely lucky with your exploration you're almost guaranteed to wind up in this situation because of how early the stats spiked so it's gonna feel bad because you know your stats are this good but realistically unless you're extremely lucky you're not going to get enough exploration done in time to actually get all of the stuff in time for level 14. but uh right guy has managed to find garenham our Ratliff did pick up level 15 there that was one more strength uh nine more agility uh 11 more hit points and three magic points yeah I mean at this point unless you got extremely unlucky with a dive it's like yes free yes and yet yeah this is about as free a dive as you're gonna see for Ratliff particularly but even in rygai's case he's in pretty good shape too but that extra nine agility is always always nice right guy in the back of garenham here cursed belts a dragon scale naturally he just bought one and equipped it [Music] the fairy water so what's what hello this is gonna be I think guaranteed staff of rain cave in the basement and I think I'm engraved which means deep diving grave so and that also means your routing is going to take you back here anyways you've got to come back to garenham after you dig out grave which was way over on the south coast uh so still quite a bit of walking for both of our Racers here to do as Ratliff Returns the princess get his guilin's love so he can count these coordinates as well it looks like rygai has a little bit of a leg up on the exploration oh definitely yeah I've seen every location so far it just needs to do a lot of walking and as you said I mean the exploration of the seed was already bad but as you mentioned this need to actually go there first unless someone just locked out by Deep diving grave early you need to do this massive walk to actually just both get there to find out you need to die Deep dive grave Deep dive grave and then get your ass back over there yeah exactly and I think you know it's interesting too because I think Ratliff is a racer who is sometimes inclined to Deep dive grave but he didn't have the keys to do it he was in grave the first time so even if he'd wanted to he wouldn't have been able to do it but right guy into grave now yeah that's uh the difference there it's just not that you won't you don't just need to want to Deep dive grave you also need the actual resources to make the dive happen in the first place foreign [Music] I mean at this point with the stats you have it's like a you might almost be inclined in radcliff's case especially to just avoid fights altogether at this point yeah he's he's really in the spot I think if I were in his shoes is metal slime shoes right now I would be uh ducking every fight I please don't tell me that NPC is going to make the ultra jerk move oh no it did oh you hate to see it we had a one of three directions he could go that would be really bad don't you know it on the other hand what ryga is really happy to see is silver harp and Grave chest four but he's gonna keep diving here because on level 14 he would need the death necklace yeah he needs that death necklace so he's going to keep on going he's seen every other chest in the Overworld so since he's down here I think this is the right call go ahead and do this now you don't know if level 15 will be anything even if you do have to get there so on this agility yeah I think I definitely check this chest out you don't want to miss this and then show up in Charlotte only to find that the death necklace was sitting at grade five yeah even if it could be in Sherlock and it's more likely to be in Sherlock it would feel real bad if it was in here but it's not it's just a torch but that uneasiness at the back of your mind is never going to go away until you actually check it exactly so now rygai returns once again fished his harp out of grade four he has to walk all the way back to the east of the Northeast Coast in garenham to trade this harp in and come all the way back to start to get his rainbow drop so oh well we've still got a little bits to go here before we see our first charlock entry but Ratliff has checked off that Rim chest and he's continuing to hurt more stuff though if he's exploring it looks like he's just gonna continue a cumulating experience interestingly enough yeah I think it's mostly in the case of X nights it's like probably counting the amount of ram fails you could potentially get it's probably a roughly as fast to just heard more it than trying to run away and he won't mind getting another level even if he doesn't need it it's more the cases of enemies that don't give a lot of experience or are at least easy to run away from more repellable it's not going to be interested in all right Ratliff gets to breckinary for the first time does not need to top off and so bolts immediately this will dead end and he's gonna have to wrap around continue his exploration here yeah I mean he should roughly know where he needs to go right now but he's still definitely behind there right guy on exploration even if it's kind of decently far ahead on experience because like he's going to need to do the same walk that the right guy has been making so ryga is essentially the whole walk back and forth plus actually exploring the locations themselves ahead in terms of exploration and pure movement [Music] yeah that's a it's a great way to put it it's really just that entire Loop that has to be closed for Ratliff now has to get the rest of the stuff and then do all of the things rag I just did have to end up going back to grave and then we'll have to double back here in him so right now looks like rag guy has a pretty strong lead in this race and given where the statistics are I'd say he's definitely the favorite right now to win this race yeah I mean it would be a different story if you had like way lower stats and you would need more than level 15 so then the experience difference could actually end up mattering but at this point ryga is going to pick up level 15 within not too long and or barring any potential extreme unfortunate circumstances could be capable of beating diving and beating the Dragon Lord in just one go at level 15. yeah level 15 as you pointed out earlier is very free so right guy with full knowledge now he can grab that death necklace in Sherlock wherever it happens to be will be at 133 attack power on level 15 I'll have a hundred and I'll have 15 healmers so he'll be in plenty of spare hit points so he'll be in great shape on his dive and he gets there now the question is we could essentially do a pyramid game and [Music] um interesting decision decision making comes into play here because even a 15 well you could probably win that 124 attack power without using the death necklace with the extra doubles and whatnot I think almost everyone would prefer having the additional 10 attack power and since he will want it does he check the judges table first or does he go to the treasury first and risk doubling back to the table that's a really good question and I think in this situation with as much resources as you have I guess it kind of depends the odds play of course is you've got the six chess and the treasury but if you're really intent on not going back then uh you might not have to worry about it he uh right guy has opted to get the level level 15 on this Golem Spike tile and he's just gonna take a death work to get his resources back still needs to go trade for the drop after this but then he'll be on his way to Charlotte but just to your point I yeah I think it's interesting I think you could definitely this is a case you could definitely make for you can go to judge's table first the charlock dive is non-threatening got plenty of resources and you know the time saved going to that single vanilla sword chest first if the death necklace happens to be there it could be a problem but I guess a lot of that might hinge on how our Runners feel this is one of those super fast seeds and generally speaking uh you'll see runners go for that volume play instead in the treasury so right guys got his rainbow drop and we're gonna find out pretty soon what his decision is as Ratliff clears the chest in the back of garenham yeah the big difference in this case in this seed especially would be the just huge amount of resources you would have on the dive because a lot of time you would also feel uncomfortable in prolonging your dive in case it's not on the table like you're throwing an additional distance but with this much resources and essentially none of the enemies we've seen that you will find in Sherlock apart from that ax Knight really has anything that you really need to worry about so the dive itself isn't threatening and you have a lot of spare resources so you can afford to make the additional trip in case it's not there so it's like you're not afraid of losing out on resources and needing to reduy which would often be another concern in checking all of the locations yeah great point so we do get a first encounter armored night here they are one of the two most difficult enemies to run from in Charlotte but right guy with the extreme amount of resources he has can just afford to run from literally everything Charlotte there's no need to do it fighting here uh unfortunately he is not quite breaking anything here yet so can't repel those wizards but first zone so far looks pretty tame we haven't seen any of those dangerous abilities that cause problems uh Charlie monsters not really either with the exception of that ax night with sleep but even that you're not super worried about because of the weak breath behind it and the high hit points yeah you would mostly be like not so much worried but it would have a higher risk of just wasting resources and realistically the only thing that could potentially end your dive if you get really unlucky a Ratliff is in the Northeast he's gonna find Cole so he'll pick up his Stones first he does have the GPS and is in the neighborhood of the coordinates as well so he'll have the rest of the information he needs momentarily but rygai meanwhile and now into second zone of Charlie I believe yeah and once he has checked the chord and let's say we'll have the information he needs to know that he will need to edit diagram and once he's actually picked up his armor well he just needs to find his way back to Gray and then back to yarn [Music] not sure if he's is has Ratliff yeah Ratliff is still taking swamp damage so he doesn't have that armor yet and he has not named his GPS lately I think he might have a roughest myth of where he is relative to where he needs to be is now double checking now Raga gets run blocked a lot there are both armor knights and red dragons in zone two still not a huge concern at this point but something to keep an eye on for both lives it could potentially cost you some resources or slow you down but nothing I mean since we said none of them have anything more dangerous than usual so you're not really worried as much as just you don't want to have it to burn any resources you don't have yeah and this also might knowing that both of those enemies are in zone two if rygai had been thinking about going to vanilla sword first that might dissuade him because it keeps you in zone two much longer to have to dig out that uh vanilla sword chest so he's just gonna power through is in the U floor already and almost the final basement of Charlie where there are six chests death necklace could be in one of those and if it is this will be even Freer for rygai you could of course just take the fight on these stats if you wanted to but uh certainly a better fight the deathless situation yep so get your guesses in and chat if you want to play on The Pyramid game we're about to start checking [Music] Ratliff has obtained the armor has seen all of the other Overworld checks it's on his way back to great gold gold Ferry Water cursed belt 50 50. that's necklace I don't know which of the chests that actually a monster in The Pyramid game because I'm not American As I understood it it's a reference to an American show but uh yes it is a reference to the old game show the twenty thousand dollar pyramid uh and in this case I think that is the 50 chest although yeah so we'll believe chat but with that death necklace uh of course in vanilla the death necklace is just good for selling but in randomizer there's a flag that is on in most cases that equipping the death necklace curses you but it gives you plus 10 attack power at the expense of 25 of your total hit points so in this case getting from 124 to 134 will be a huge Improvement in Fry guys fight speed and just his odds in general so this will be a much cleaner fight with that death necklace equipped and level 16 had a sliver of games as well even more hit points and the small booster or attack power and Agility uh bradleeve actually picking up that level 16 by one shopping a red dragon with an excellent hit if you're gonna do it do it with style level 16. it's one of the biggest goal levels I have seen on time but of course ragai has just cleared the Spike very trivial fight uh there against that armor knight and has arrived at the dragonlord so ragai will be our first racer into the dragonlord fight and is this is a very free fight assuming it's according to plan yep and the Restless now starting his walk back to get to the trading cave beneath the garenham but yeah I mean in most seeds you won't see ghosts that's quite this extreme as this level 16 but in most cases even in seats where you get similar stats on similar low levels most of the times you don't see the higher level simply because you're ready to just dive and win before you actually see them but in this case you got the stats early but there was still a lot of exploration left to do yeah it was like you said earlier you're talking when you were talking about the exploration it's just uh a matter of the seed almost insisted that you take this many levels because of all the exploration you had to do and walking back and forth [Music] yeah I mean the only way you would avoid especially in reflex case but just in general hitting further levels at this point would be to just outright completely ignore everything you encounter [Music] but yeah as you mentioned the death necklace flag is generally on in almost every race you would see which makes me wonder it's become such a staple at this point I wonder if there was ever like something like the King of the Hill and somebody turns off the death necklace flag I'm sure there would be some Runners that would forget that the death necklace flag is actually off and would end up using the death necklace if it's a situation that will warrant it despite it not having an effect and only realizing after the effect it does happen from time to time the thing of it is when you turn that flag off uh the game reverts to its vanilla Behavior which means the death necklace is not guaranteed to be found it's still it's just a one in 32 chance to grab it from that chest but if you get unlucky and get the death necklace uh you can you can sell it but if it's tri-stated you might not know whether it's on or off yeah and that could trick you into equipping and it's happened in at least one occasion before [Music] I'm sorry about the right guy's fighting winding down here he's down to three heal Morse but is in pretty good shape yeah I can't really imagine but it doesn't have enough but yeah I'm not too familiar with the more vanilla mechanics so I wasn't even aware of the death necklace well I think I've heard at some point but it's been such a rare topic that it's just been filtered out at some point yeah it doesn't come up very often but uh so I'm glad we got to talk about it in some detail but ryguy here please everybody get your Gigi's out in chat Rye guy 3745 not only bought a bamboo Pole today but also comes in first place in this race in the pulse line group yep yes he is improves his record to five and one sets him up self up in great position in this group uh Well Done Right guy Raiders [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and while we haven't had the official toggle or button clicked for it it would seem that wrestling forfeited once you saw that GG and we should have both of them in here in just a little bit [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I can't hear anyone again oh can you hear us can you hear us now okay now I hear you guys oh excellent welcome in GG Ratliff I just want to remind you real quick if you haven't hit the uh forfeit button on the race room yet oh yeah [Music] welcome Rye guy say hello GG's ratlas GG that that was a bit uh messy for me uh yeah so I'm not surprised you you finished when you did I guess well I don't think you can blame yourself too hard because that the exploration of that seed was just painful no matter how we look at it unless you were like really lucky in just routing your path throughout the land you would most likely find grave without any keys so regardless of you may be intending to Deep dive it when you find it you wouldn't be able to at the first time so it's a lot of almost required walking back and forth even if you do route it efficiently so it's very difficult to actually route that seed in a way that doesn't feel bad so to speak rygai did have to make a walk all the way well essentially the same walk you had to do to grave and back and forth and back and forth okay yeah I I don't know was right guy kind of ahead of me the whole time or what was it like in the start I I wasn't too excited about my start either so well he was roughly ahead of you in Exploration for most of the seed not by too much in the early game it was mostly around the time when like you were around level 13 14 somewhere around there that he managed to take out more of the necessary exploration at that point he also found the rimildar for the keys earlier but it essentially came down to you having a bit of an experience lead on him and him having more of an exploration laid on you yeah that started especially was weird it felt like one of those like oh you have heard more go go go and I wandered out didn't find anything to hurt more for a while so it felt kind of slow even though we had hurt more yeah that's what I was looking at I was like 15 minutes in and I didn't really have that much experience so uh yeah I mean the stats uh like it started off somewhat slow but not too bad but then once they started jumping they really started jumping and as you said there weren't a lot of early heart marble and Miss until you got to the other zones but it's still like and without a lot of MP you only had one cast to begin with it's like you could really make much of a stretch early so early exploration was kind of difficult since we also it was kind of difficult to get any decent amount of gold to maybe pick up some equipment to make exploring easier it was like as you said it was a hurt more start but a weird one where it's like you should be off to an early start but it was kind of hard getting off the ground in a way that you might expect yeah I guess it could have gone well like if somebody uh could have gone to cancel him to start out loop around the rim holder maybe Huck's Nest you know get get keys early that that would have helped a lot but neither of us did that I think so yeah I mean because of the way the stats panned out it's almost guaranteed that you're like going to hit ghost that's our almost ghost that's before you finish your exploration so it's like this seed almost entirely comes down to how you route and how you explore Because unless you're like really either unlucky or just how your encounters pan out you're almost guaranteed to hit at least level 14 but likely level 15 before you're even finished with all of your necessary training and exploration and with the stats as they were that's like you could probably dive at 14 15 should be free and 16 is super free yeah I forget which level it was whichever one gave us the 70 MP was pretty hilarious but I think that was like 12 or something we might have almost been in go mode then as soon as we got that MP it was kind of silly I know it took me a second to realize like I have enough to just attack this Golem with my bamboo pole and just heal more over and over and over again and kill this Golem in hawksness it was kind of silly how much MP we had once we got that 70. yeah I mean we couldn't believe our eyes first when we saw that 70s since like first of all it vanished from the screen almost instantly since you were just pressing away but we were pretty much baffled at the amount but you still needed a few more levels at that point because I think at that point you had like 120 attack power and you weren't really really in a comfortable uh death necklace range yet so you essentially just needed a small additional bump at that point but yeah that 70 was insane yeah I think the biggest problem was uh I mean that agility of 66 wasn't super thrilled about that I kind of cleaned up level 15 just because I didn't want to try diving on 66 agility it turned out there were armors on zones one and two and three I think and uh Reds at least the middle zone so it wasn't something I was super excited to do on 66 agility so yeah at least only the ax Knights had anything really nasty so there wasn't anything super dangerous it was just basically the standard run checks so and I don't think did you even see a single ax Knight in your diet oh I can't remember I uh saw a few armored Knights for sure I don't remember if I had any Excellence though they at least had baby breath after they put you to sleep I remember yeah we we essentially came to the conclusion that the X Knights would mostly be a resource hog if you did run into them since they're very unlikely with the combination of that baby breath that they're actually going to actually take you down unless you got really unlucky both in your timings between walks and how long you're actually slept for that they would actually cause you to fail a dive at most they might force you to lose a deal more or hurt more worth of MP sorry go ahead oh I was just gonna say just to let you know I didn't uh get into Sherlock I was heading to Sherlock like as you want so that's where I finished yeah it was just uh pretty much had just finished everything he needed to do to actually go to Charlotte at the time when you hit well essentially when you reach the dragonlord it was just finishing up this stuff yeah so it wasn't that close and I wasn't really surprised about that I guess I'd say it's a tough seed to know where you are in that one especially the exploration because I don't think there's any way for that explanation to feel good um and that top part of the map that was when I first realized how messy the map was it seemed fine at first I saw a little desert Loop like guys whatever and then um got the coordinates I got the princess I think I could hear Brian screaming at me to reverse count at you coward but I didn't um but uh I thought it was up by breckinary I was like oh cool reckon where are we it's like uh 17 North uh this thing goes 80 steps okay oh boy there's a lot up there in there yeah I mean as has been mentioned already I mean regardless of how we route that seed I don't think there's almost any Runner that is going to really feel good about like where they are relative to where they expect their opponent to be it's one of those seats where it's going to be very difficult to accurately like feel out where your opponent is probably because in a high exploration seat like this you're always going to feel very uncertain about where you are relative to your opponent well then plus that that Northern area of the map was so far away any death you took up there felt horrible you just lost so much time anytime you died exploring up there so anytime he died up there it's like ah I lost I lost again I lost again so all those deaths were rough up there yeah I mean a lot of people would I mean as you said a death at that stage is like such a Time loss that you might even start thinking things like that death might have been what caused me to race and things like that because it's such a huge time loss then when you need to well essentially just run across the entire map and say like this [Music] but yeah JJ's and good luck to you in your coming races now I think you're at five one and Ratliff is at one two at this point yep that's right thank you yep that sounds right all right thank you and be sure to give our Runners a follow and I want to give a shout out to centroid for doing tracking in this trade a race as well as archfield the monk for both the restreaming and joining me for commentary in this race and thanks to everyone in chat for watching this race be sure to check out and follow everyone involved and also check out the schedule available on the Discord and probably in chat right now where you can see all of the other upcoming races and what times they will be held at as well as right now on stream but yeah we do have there are go ahead real life oh I was just gonna say GG and thanks everyone for uh doing all the work that you guys do absolutely ggt both thanks for the race today I do want to point out we are going to head to the DW randomizer Channel immediately after this one we do have a quad going on over there and then as you see there on the schedule there are so many races tonight actually Four uh six total at nine o'clock two of which will be right back here on RPG limit break and there are four others that are not on restream but if you check out the DWI Discord those might get picked up somewhere else so keep an eye out for that uh but any thoughts anybody else before I send us over to dwr no thanks everyone for watching and everyone for helping out and good luck with your future races I've been Monaro joined by archfield Monk and as mentioned centroid on tracking we'll see you around [Music]
Channel: RPG Limit Break
Views: 2,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: xXW4WK0TsZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 19sec (5299 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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