Dragon of Icespire Peak - Session 1: Gnomengarde

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what's up everyone we're swindler's den and we're coming to you with a brand new campaign the dragon of ice spire pete uh if you're watching this on youtube make sure you hit that subscribe button and hit the bell to be notified when new episodes come out uh definitely check out immorris which streams here on twitch tomorrow is that correct there grizz it is tomorrow right correct my friend every monday every monday uh keep a lookout for the return of mythic odysseys of theros it will be coming back this month uh baca you said that was the 20th yes the 20th of january we will return with their hosts all right all right so i'm tommy taco i will be your dungeon master for this adventure joined here with me is grizzlock hey how's it going uh we've got mayor a new player two swindlers then mayor tell us where we can find you hey all right happy to be here um but yeah uh right now just the twitch.tv slash me or it's like e or but with an m instead of an e m e y o r e and uh yeah that's it uh here with me as well is bacca zombie hello everybody i'm here again uh if you want to see me at twitter or twitter at zombie vodka i'll tell you if i'm doing anything and we have dido with us um yeah here monday nights i'm a slave at the den so just slaving away with the characters yep all right so this is also going to take place in fandolin which is where the last uh when we did the starter kit where it left off it takes place a few months after that so if everyone's ready we can go ahead and just dive off into it let's do it all righty excited all right here we go uh fandolin a sleepy mining town nestled in the rocky foothills of the snow-capped sword mountains and just to the south of the neverwinter wood it's home to quiet hard-working folk who come from distant cities to eke out a life amid the harsh wilderness they are farmers stone cutters blacksmiths prospectors and children however reports are growing that fandolin has seen some troubles as of late with the coming of the first winter wind a white dragon has moved into the area and with it has thrown the local ecosystem into disarray recent sightings of creatures and animals that normally wouldn't come this close to the town have the locals worried as well as the unusual high orc activity in the surrounding areas finland's new town master sildal sildar halwinter has requested the aid of both neverwinter to the north and water deep to the south looking for soldiers and adventurers alike in an effort to better fortify the town in case misfortune were to turn its eyes towards them a newly constructed palisade can be seen wrapping around the town as soldiers patrolled the area in the streets the local inhabitants carry looks of worry while helping in any way that they can to fortify their homes as the children frolic without care at the town center stands a small stone monument with a lit brazier at its base standing before it is a man with graying hair clad and metal armor it is here in the town of fandolin where we begin our tale so two of you uh which would be mayweather and dido you are currently on a cart you're coming into town and you can see these guards as they're kind of patrolling the area uh it's slowly making its way to the center and i will throw the town map up here for everyone to be able to see let me know if that loaded in familiar to den members oh the trusty town offense vandalin so just here in the center of the town as the cart comes in from the north uh you see this little stone monument with the brazier lit in front of it the the cart has now stopped off to the side and you see dwarves and humans alike begin to unload this cart that youtube came in on and you see this man standing before it uh you both know him as sildah sildar hall winter you kind of brushed shoulders with him at uh in your times and never winter whenever he went up there to seek aid for the town so right now you're both standing by the cart uh what do you want to do uh well i'd go say see how my buddy sildar is doing i guess well what's he doing here all right so you're gonna walk up to him and hey what's up pretty much yeah yeah yeah all right so he he kind of stands there he's got his back to you for a second he kind of turns and he's like oh hello there adventure fevering was it oh come on you you've heard of me twinkle foot you know the adventure is with your unique names um yeah so i see that you've made it into town and uh what are you doing right now dido are you with him are you still by the card no i'm going to come up behind him um zelda it's been a long time look look what i've been working on and i'm going to hold out this like humanoid-ish looking foot that now has like ankle and part of a calf attached to it oh wow donna bella what are you working on well i'm not sure yet but i'll figure it out when it happened well they they told me and never winter you'd like to tinker with things and i think we could probably use that in this town if you need fortifying i'll figure it out speaking of which um you both know why you're here we've had some troubles there's been a lot of work activity in the area i could really use the help any help that we can get uh the town's kind of on edge so uh any smiles that you can bring will do the town some good uh speaking of which uh fevron you're you're good at uh locating things correct oh you know i have a knack for finding things and borrowing them you know yeah i i got your back sylvan good that's good um well as far as fortifying the town we've got that covered but i've been posting jobs on the local board over there by the right in front of the town masters hall and he kind of turns any points over to this uh brown roof building with a chimney in the back um i uh mostly need jobs done that are outside of town we i can only spare so many men to go and help out with the locals beyond our walls and was hoping that i could get a few adventurers to go out there and maybe you could make a name for yourselves and help out the town in the process oh no you know helping people is great but uh how much we talking we we gotta what's the compensation look like for this this risk that we're taking well well there's always compensation for jobs such as this uh written on each of the notes that are posted and you'll see the reward and to collect the reward just go inside the the hall there and speak with my secretary and she'll be able to get you squared away i'll be quite busy in the days to come so you might not always be able to get in contact with me right away all right uh speaking of which i uh i have a little friend that i would like to take with you on these little adventures of yours he's been kind of depressed and maybe this will help liven his spirits up um i have to warn you is a little unorthodox for who the companions you might be used to but uh where is it is he a book uh rum shoe where are you rum shoe uh yes little goblin from this way you've been a big help to the town um you think you want to go with these fine fellows and on a little adventure i don't know what's the point they're all just gonna die or go away oh i'm sorry and he's gonna kind of turn towards uh donna bella here and just be like oh his last few friends kind of skipped town so to speak kind of had him down in the dumps here lately but we're trying to live in his spirits if you can kind of get him to tag along with you and try and help him a little bit so what other guys do like do whenever you have cool powers i know if you do like magic stuff still i never never really caught on to that magic i just uh i take things and i can uh sneak around i know someone like that they're dead now oh all right well hopefully i'm a little better from shoe oh my god is your favorite smell like a lot of soup out of her um i'm you be good favorite smell nothing but it's a good uh shoe full of rum i'm gonna reach is [ __ ] is rumsham wearing shoes yeah i'm gonna um i'm gonna reach down and i'm gonna take out my uh tinker's tools and i'm just gonna tap a little bit around his shoe and it will smell like rum oh that brings back memories okay i lied to her well the rum shoe try to be on your best behavior and show them around town they're new here and they could always use a good scout and it kind of winks winks at you you know yes sir well if there's anything else uh the the board's over there by the by the hall i've gotta get with some of these soldiers and see about finishing up this palisade and getting the defenses in and one last somewhat word of warning the the town is on edge as i've stated but they're not used to this many soldiers around so tensions are high between the two so if you can try not to uh try not to spark anything and with that he is going to turn towards this uh little stone monument that's sitting in the town he's going to put his hand on it he's going to look down real quick for a second and then look at all of you kind of nod and kind of walk off towards this group of guards that are hanging out uh over here by this shrine as he starts issuing orders well looks to be for me i uh you ever heard of this place called echo cave by chance is it nearby maybe no no damn all right well can you show us where i don't know local wind is maybe or i guess we could also uh i'm gonna i'm gonna check out that bounty board actually yeah that's what soldier wants us to do okay they're coming turtle ladder sure i mean i'm best suited for a library but you know i guess i'll bring them over to the the board all right so as you're all walking towards this board you notice there's someone that's already standing next to it kind of look looking it over uh he's a really really big fella he's like seven foot uh he's got like this do you have a you got a do you have a beard yeah like a chin strap beard yeah like a little chin strap he's a big guy uh as you kind of approach the bounty board that's a fine beard there steal it off a dwarf oh no i grew it myself actually uh hey you guys you guys looking uh to help the town here i'm supposed to be looking to help people son you look like a group that needs helping what's the special powers come on i i don't know how special they are but um i could i can help commune with nature and the wild mother helps me to grow okay gotta stop you there uh have you ever interacted with another uh forces in your head fire or anything like that no i'm not one for fire really i mean i've got my my pal here and he turns around and like in a in like a like a baby bjorn but on the back there's a a larva squiggling in there is kind of purplish in color he doesn't really talk much but i i try to keep him as safe as i can you know he had a hard hard birth what was that well from what i can tell it's it's a it's a larva of a purple worm here so the rest of his clutch got taken and he's all that survived so i've been keeping care of him until he can take care of himself there okay it's honestly not going to turn into a dragon i'm okay with it sorry no as far as i know they only turn into bigger worms not in the dragons what's their name well uh you know i never was really given a name but uh people have been calling me tar velar i don't know they came up with it and i took accustomed to it how about yourself little man tarvalar i'm uh i'm veteran you may have heard of me twinkle foot uh you know quiet i've heard of you know damn paint singers enough oh wait can i take a real quick sec so like we're all here right so can i like see what people are without necessarily asking them because i'm like just trying to visualize everybody right now yeah do we want to describe the characters yeah as your characters are introduced go ahead and describe them and stuff okay well i'm just a pretty standard human uh you know white skin brown hair six foot you know not not not too you know just a medium build you know just a regular regular guy regular regular old fool of themselves exactly right perilously so [Laughter] all right mr trevor oh tarvala he's about seven foot five seven foot six uh he's got bluish skin that's covered in brown fur um with like cow like ears bovine like ears uh with the red nose he has a fur bulge um and he wears like furs and leathers like a vest and pants and then of course he has the purple worm strapped to his back the wormling if you will uh donabella is a six and a half foot turtle uh light green with a with a brown underbelly she wears um a pink uh face mask around her eyes um and she has a pair of uh pink and purple goggles on her head um she carries a just a plain wooden shield and she has a quarter staff with a blue crystal at the end her whole ensemble is pink purple and black all right and she is go ahead she is a ninja turtle if you will yes uh rum shoes a uh he's a i don't know he's a goblin so goblin height whatever that is uh green skin uh black um black coarse hair that kind of comes into like a small bun ponytail thing um pretty greasy looking he's got a bow and arrow strapped to his back as well as a beaver pelt over his shoulders and um he's wearing some like leather armor and his he's got two shoes that are you know to stand out compared to the rest of his outfit i guess so care that's bad oh i forgot that yeah i got two little short swords and just uh some regular ass gray blackish leather that's that's all i got nice regular old clothes and what would the first session be without some mistakes right from the get-go um just clarify fevron is a human oh he's a human yes i did elf what did we say elf oops i have no idea but he just hit me up and reminded me of that our apologies no worries uh anyway so as you're all introducing one another um see i would say tarvel are you were there first you were kind of looking over the bounty board that was there and you noticed that there were two pieces of paper hanging on both one of them and i don't know why i just closed out of the damn thing but i did did i no there it is okay so you see two pieces of paper uh written on one of them says dwarven excavation and the other one says nomengaard are you going to is anyone looking at both of them are you going to just select one well i don't know if you guys are ready to help now but uh these two things seem interesting any any picks out of these two well dwarves like caves don't they that sounds pretty good to me there's a way why are those certain pubs hey you know just uh like to rummage around in the darkness lots of stuff unturned you know might find something worth something uh there's not there's not really calves here in fandolin no usually you can make things that are worth something she has a point i've seen people turn lead into gold that's something so it sounds like we want to go to the cave am i gathering that from the group or oh what all right so the dwarven excavation says uh dwarf prospectors found ancient dwarven ruins in the mountains southwest of here and we're working an archaeological archaeological dig seeking treasure and relics they need to be warned that a white dragon has moved into the area take the warning to them then return it to town mass town masters hall to collect a reward of 50 gold pieces my question is does rum shoe know what cave this is specifically okay he does not he does not know yeah it just looks like we need to tell them about something not much more make sure they're safe dragon sounds serious i wonder if i could harness its dragon's breath and make it into something all right says a clan of reclusive rock gnomes reside in a small network of caves in the mountains to the south east the gnomes of norman guard are known for their magical inventions and they might have something with which to defeat the dragon get whatever you can from them if you bring back something useful and don't want to keep it for yourselves uh town master sildal sildar hall winter will pay you 50 gold pieces for it if you like fun toys it seems there's some there fun toys i like fun toys i can make fun toys even funner whoa did you see the rum shoe i don't care let's just get this over with all right i'll get that guy let's do it all right let's go see some gnomes all right we get this going so uh you're all is there anything else in town that any of you are probably looking to do stop by anywhere i would say right now it's about midday good day it's about midday say probably around uh 11. um um well if we're gonna head out on this big old fancy adventure do any of you all need to take care of anything first maybe we could split up for a minute and meet back in an hour or two whatever you guys need to do i've i'm ready whenever i'm good to go ready to go get new toys all right you know what it's all good let's go all right all right so as you all start to head out you do notice whenever you take the piece of paper for norman guard there on the back of it there is like a makeshift map drawn of where norman guard is located so i'm going to move what are the hotkeys for this i got to figure out these hotkeys so that i can switch what are you looking to do or really quick i've got it now but switch between the different layers actually it's so weird because like you're you win mayor's uh video quality went down all sudden yes because you know i don't know why but it did you know all right so the sword coast uh i have this token on here to represent everyone's uh where everyone's at as a group can y'all see that or no oh yeah the army the horse a little horsey do we need a horse no well well i mean you don't it's you're not going to get there any faster oh but uh i remember if you guys want to take a horse um i have this really cool like uh uh hot rod kind of like cart you take oh that does sound interesting i'd like to see it at least yeah so that's the island okay yeah it's just been sitting out back behind um that crazy guys uh wood workshops though what what crazy guy there was just this gnome um old old gnome with white hair i i don't know it works on stuff we had him my friend before you know he went [ __ ] crazy um he hired him to make this cart for the horses you had a friend that went crazy yeah it happens you know understandable oh this is awesome let's go see it the crazy friend or the card always well i assume the crazy friend isn't there is he i don't know if you're trying to we might have to ask for his cart no our micro is a friend to turn into a dragon floor well okay um as they do yes as they do so i guess we'll walk over to the wood worker place all right yeah let me get this map oh i was not expecting this it wasn't either dude it just popped into my mind when you had a horse token i was like oh [ __ ] our cart yeah yeah this is great so for anyone what was that is confused you don't have to watch lost mine i found found out where they you know follow this but my character was an npc in that so he has you know he remembers the stuff from that campaign yeah what are you definitely checking out what are you looking for on youtube today oh no this this crazy friend man i was not expecting to play this crazy gnome from the get-go here all right so you're gonna walk up to the uh i'm trying to remember what the hell we called this damn cart dude during that one shot something chariot the boat was uh fire chariot what was that champion all right so you're walking up to the woodworkers house here uh obviously you aren't on that map anymore but y'all walk up to the woodworkers house and you see there's this guy kind of this this older looking uh gnome that is just standing out by the door he's got like this little wooden pipe that he's kind of puffing on and as he sees y'all walking up so rumchu are you gonna ask for this car oh yeah we just came to get the car i know it's been like what three months four months but um yeah what okay you know what let's just go get it go around and go get it you weird goblin um by my friend and you guys yeah you see this very nice of them you see this wooden horse-drawn cart that's got uh it's shaped like a boat sort of and uh has flames painted on it oh god yeah this was a wild card man more improvements like what well you never know until you make them maybe one day it can fly oh so uh do we have the horses for this or are we just gonna sit in the cart in town here i was thinking you're kind of big beside your naturally right can you do one of those i had a my friend could turn into stuff gonna do that i can't quite do that yet the wild mother has not blessed me that far yet oh the wild mother oh god oh you know of her do you no um yeah so you could just pull the card and well on the uh the thing okay i mean i'll give it a try but i'm no horse i'll try to pull the car i don't believe in you terrible worst case scenario just bring it up over there to um at the end of town it's um barton's provisions it might give us some horses all right let's see if he's willing to help us i'll try pulling the card over to barthens all right so as you are pulling this uh tarvel or you're just like pulling this speed can you all hear me yeah yes okay yeah so tarvel are you like pulling this just gonna handle it up huh so as you're pulling around the axles and fuller around the woodworker house and kind of up towards martin's provisions you uh see this you see that gnome you kind of over here and was like it's about time someone came and got that don't you need don't you know you need horses that's that's the plan uh do do you have any force otherwise we'll keep moving he just keeps puffing on his pocket oh take that as a respectable no it's crazy just ignore him all right so as y'all make y'all's way to martha's provisions uh you see that there are a couple of horses kind of tied up to the outside um are y'all going to go in at all who's going in to speak with them i'll stay out here and talk to the horses and see how they feel if you want to go inside [Laughter] oh let's see i was ill prepared for this i don't know how much it costs to like buy or rent a horse i mean it's free run shoe i'm just gonna so did you keep in who who went in the marthans everybody or i got no i stayed outside with the horses i'll go in i'll go in and watch pretty boy talk oh i'm talking horses now now taco can i is when i get in here is there like anything here we go dude you know that just looks you know just attempting is all uh roller perception for me okay okay so with this i just click the perception on uh yeah you should just be able to click it and it will uh throw the uh okay throw your dice roll out oh wait where does it show it says it in the chat to chat so you got a 10. sweet okay what do you find wait so where does it cuz i see like two dice on the board but okay so it rolls twice uh you've got your standard roll and your advantage role so if i ever yeah the one on the left is standard or disadvantage or yeah whichever one's less is this whatever the one on the left is normal roll the one on the right is like a secondary roll so if i were to say roll with advantage you would use the higher of those two number disadvantages roll yeah with disadvantage just to lower the two numbers all right i keep interrupting what's wrong with me tonight oh you're you want to run man like i'm sorry i'll play rum shoe gotcha uh i found not really just normal general goods you know like animal feed you got backpacks bed mats stuff like that okay so not nothing too tantalizing nothing nothing's super shiny gotcha all right let's uh let's go talk to the provision this master right so when y'all walk in uh you see there's a man behind the counter he's just kind of wiping his table down you know writing down in his little booklet of inventories and he sees y'all come in he's like oh how y'all doing anything i can help y'all with well you see good sir we're actually uh headed to take care of some gnomes heard they've been a problem for you guys town uh we got a wagon out back but the problem is we need some horses and uh hoping you can help us out with that horses yes i got a two out front um just recently got returned from one of the one of the farms south of town from they've been pulling hoes all day uh i can rent them to you you looking around are you looking to buy oh well what do you uh what do you think um donabella you don't look like the buying kind well what she means by that is we might be looking to rent well i'll tell you if you want to rent one of them it's too gold for the uh for the week i'll say the week uh if you want to rent both of them it's gonna be double that all right well good sir since we are doing a service to your town is there any way that you can work with me on that price what do you mean what are you doing hey barton oh rum shoot how you doing good all right the cart the horses are actually for from the and them are doing oh well what they got you doing these days little guy i don't know i i thought we were going to talk to gnomes but apparently we're killing them you're going to kill gnomes i mean i don't i don't really want to be a part of something that's going to murder of all things can i see the pepper i thought we were just going to tell them about a drag dragon i think we're getting things mixed up short-term memory we're not killing gnomes i just i don't know what this guy was there he must be joking you're funny you're funny guy he's like looking at fever and like what the hell is going on in this man this man's cranium uh just to clarify for everyone you're going to see if the gnomes have any magical inventions that could help right defeat the dragon okay that's right thank you remichu wonderful guy yep no problem no i'll tell you what wrong [ __ ] has a reading problem and a commitment problem i'm starting to piece that together you know you came into my my shop you know kind of talking about murder and some some gnomes uh i'm glad rump she was here to clear that up otherwise we'd have a little situation and you see in the back wall he's got like this sword that he keeps for home defense uh well he looks over at room she was like well i'm sure you'll tell you what i can rent both of them out to you for two gold for the week but i really can't go any lower than that with you know the way everything's been going on you know i gotta i gotta make sure i keep everything close to home never know when something bad's gonna happen i can't really afford to spread out too much but if you're going to help out the town i can two gold and y'all can have them for the week that's fine okay i'll probably um i'll just uh wait wrong shoot the gentleman should should pay oh yeah right you know shopkeep you know so sorry about that confusion didn't have any plans on genocide gnomes just you know you read something you forget what happens five minutes later you know it happens so you know for all that confusion i'll i'll take care of i'll take care of the the gold all right well just so you know i've never read the the local paper and then suddenly thought that it meant that we were killing an entire species of humanoids but i think i understand what you're trying to say all right they oh and you know before i saw i i want to hand him the gold or whatever and uh as i'm handing it to him i just want to ask you know how if we if we end up having to run back here a little earlier than we thought how how late are you open anyways uh usually about a little after sundown that's when i you know tend to lock up if you're going if you're going yeah anywhere more than 10 miles south of town by the time you get back i'm probably gonna be closed up for the night all right good good to know good to know and uh that uh that sword up there got any meaning to you is it passed down anything like that no it's just standard sword why are you asking about my sword i just you know just you know if i ever need a sword just curious if you were selling oh well i mean if you want to buy weapons you can always go down to the uh line shield coster just south of town they've got all kinds of weapons in there if you're looking to armor up or arm up that'd be the place to go well you've been a man if you want anything made you could always go to the smithy right across the street smithy all right all right so how do i do i just like minus my gold by two here yeah you just subtract it from your character sheet okay cool all right there you go good stuff all right is there anything else uh i can interest y'all in y'all gotta y'all got everything y'all need y'all need some rations or questions i think oh i think you have enough for this trip but at least yeah we're sipping fine i got some extra options uh when he takes the gold do i see where he puts it did he just pocket it yeah he's just holding in his hand for now he kind of throws it in this tray that's next to him all right i mean you got a troublemaker with y'all man this guy's gonna be strung up in town uh all right so we are done at the marthans yes all right so y'all go outside you see that everyone's kind of doing their going on about their business however donabella you do see that people are kind of looking at you strangely they're not used to seeing a total around these parts a little smile how does a turtle look when they smile probably like yes i think oh my gosh a turtle with teeth it's gonna be wild it's like it's very toothy it's very toothy turtle all right so uh y'all are gonna tarvar's out there talking to the horses uh was there anything in particular you were wanting to talk to him about their carvillar just how they've been and uh if if they're being treated well uh what's going on so i can talk to them and they can understand me but i can't understand them oh okay okay so he's just yeah he kind of kicks the ground a little bit he kind of knocks his head back and forth you know uh these two are very good conversationalists i'll be glad to have them with us yeah plus the narrators don't have to you know throw the card yourself so that will be nice all right so um as i'm following um fevron out i want to look him over what kind of weapons does he have on him uh roll me a perception i'm not 20 okay first roll uh you see what he has only a 19. oh okay damn all right let me let me pull this up real quick i want to say all you're seeing from him is that you see that he has a dagger and two short swords no he's got two daggers and two short swords sorry and that's pretty much all you see with as far as weaponry so how attached are you to your weaponry you you oh uh i mean you know they're uh they're standard you know picked them up somewhere and you know they've been serving me well don't i don't have to use them if i don't you know i try not to if i don't need to they're just you know there if i need them looking for replacements uh i mean i'm not sure how much better i could do at the moment plus you know i just spent that money on those horses too not sure i could afford it kind of clap them on the shoulder you're cute you'll figure it out tara put his hand on your head yeah you are kind of cute i'm just feeling the love tilt my head sideways i don't slip that's all right rum shoe you're my favorite well maybe if you see him from this height and i'll pick rum shoe up to look him in yeah now you see it now uh sure i'm sitting back down i'm just kind of scary to the cart now who wants to drive this thing here oh this is my friend um [Music] not much further than just talking to him now no you could tell him to go faster couldn't you and they they understand you i mean they just worked all day from what i hear so maybe we just take them a normal pace give them a break a little bit but uh somebody tells me where to go i'll i'll take the reigns all right well that sounds a good a driver to me as any all right he'll get up in the cart take his take the sack with the purple worm off and sit next to him so it's just sitting there on the cart next to him wriggling around with its toothy maw all right give me that uh handle animal check there handle animal 10 10 okay all right guys let's just take her nice and easy there no hurry to get anywhere you see one of them the one on the right kind of bucks a little bit at first but now you roll a 10 they're used to this kind of work and everything so they're pretty broken in so after a few seconds of calming them down for a second they start heading off on their merry way dragging everybody with them uh so on the back of the piece of paper for the norman guard quest you see that there is a rough sketch of where this place is from what you can see is that it's about 15 miles to the southeast of fandolin uh you wager after getting the car getting the horses on and everything it's about 12 30 1 o'clock getting around that time period you should be getting there around uh around dusk the sun will just be going down by the time you get there well we've got plenty of time until we get there so make yourselves comfortable back there i'll just stay up here with the worm please god don't let this roll on what i wanted all right just don't let it roll back i'm gonna oh thanks [Laughter] i'm gonna reach for one of veteran's swords and at the last minute yank my hand away and pull out my puzzle box all right i want you to roll me a slight of hand check to see if he notices you try to do this oh he probably is i don't care if you'll see me that's a yeah he he noticed that you uh you need something there just everyone swelled did you just need a fix okay well uh hope you're all right then um wait real quick i'm so sorry i just got a one sec dying he fell off the cart i guess oh i think he went to get something to drink yeah he went so um rumshu tarvalar and donabella is there anything else while fevren just vanishes before your very eyes i'll just be every once in a while giving rations to the worm all right you're just breaking off like little pieces of like this jerky kind of thing sir you feel it kind of like squirm on your back a little bit as it gobbles up these little pieces that you're giving it oh it's such the appetite for such a small thing so they're uh donna bella was it where uh where did they come from uh originally or recently um really some uh the the libraries of neverwinter girl that that's super interesting i i like i like to take things apart and and put them back together and sometimes i make them better cool that could come in handy i think um a cartwheel broke once before so you think you could put one back together wood is not my strong suit but if if gand will let me i i'm sure i can figure figure something out where's gone the the god of inventions well y'all do this real quick i underestimated how much water i would need being sick so i'm gonna get some water real fast okay another uh big guy in the front oh is that me you're talking to yeah with the world well you know uh i come from further uh i believe it's north of here uh originally uh there's a kind of hurt there well it's not not a cave i did not come from no uh there's a castle well i that's where i live right now actually is in that castle i took it up as my home after leaving my tribe that's even further further away from here wow this little uh ride's a move there you know there was nobody there i need a place to stay while i help regrow the forest oh yeah so how did you meet the how did you meet the worm well as i was traveling here uh i was traveling through the mountains there and i i happened to cross its nest um all the other ones had been taken or or squished and he was the only thing left just barely clinging so i took them and i've been taking care of him till he can go off on his own he's still pretty small because he didn't get much food when he was that young but uh we're working on it we're working on it he'll be he'll be big soon enough now more importantly is he friendly well what do you consider friendly i suppose well i i mean you know does he does he like being pet or is he gonna hide i wouldn't do that okay noted noted you just see like his mouth is just full of serrated teeth all the way around it just squirming back and forth just being held by the hardness so is it like what it's like what ahsoka did with stinky sure oh that anime yeah it's star wars the clone wars oh sure she found a baby hut and she carried around in a backpack then he was a cute little slug yeah fever give me a uh inside check okay okay everyone including me yeah everyone everyone actually can do it except for tarvar um does this have to do with the landscape uh no it does not shoot i got a 21 21. all right so rumshu you see this worm on tarvel or how it's squirming and his teeth you get the notion that if you were to ever well as perception but whatever same thing um if you were to put your hand anywhere near this worm it would probably just bite it off it does not look like a friendliest thing how it has not attacked harvard is beyond your comprehension i'll make note of that it's just like any wild animal really you respect it it'll respect you until it gets hungry uh okay is or is there anything else y'all are wanting to do uh while you make your way to this uh little x on this map about how long is it gonna take to get there it's gonna take the better part of probably six hours maybe five hours five hours ooh can i anyone anyone know cards i got a set any all betting men or women i bet they're not that cool i guess i could describe the scenery to you as well as y'all are traveling over these hills uh you notice it is getting winter so you see like this light flurry of snow as it comes down the sky is mostly overcast you do see some sun breaking through the clouds every once in a while but for the most part it is very snowy as you travel along these hills and i know i have a picture for this yeah we'll do that one this one is perfect as you follow this little creek bed to the side of these mountains so basically if this cart moves at all to the left no man like it's just a picture i couldn't find a good this is the best one i could find okay that wouldn't get a big strike on the video hell so do your cards do uh anything special or they're just cards just regular old playing cards you know i've never played but uh well i'd love to teach you while you're driving though you know got it oh do i need to not be driving to play this or we can't just talk about it ah you know i've never played cards in this before i don't know what that entails exactly oh i thought you knew how to play uh well you know favren probably i like it how about go yeah go fish i was trying to think of something else well i can't watch fish from this card either [Laughter] [Music] we'll uh we'll we'll get you all taken care of tarpaulin okay thank you here you know i'm glad the wild mother sent me to town to find you i i'm glad you found us so far i'm liking this and oh i forgot what i was gonna say what's uh did you what was the what was the name of your worm again you know i my culture really doesn't give out names so i never gave him one and he's never told me one ah okay well whatever whatever it ends up calling itself i'm i'm determined we're going to be friends one day if he says what his name is okay what about the vowel r you know it has a ring to it uh we'll see if he catches on to it all right so you bust out the playing cards you'll start playing go fish they do i pull out what looks like a finger okay you have you have to read me where the cards are all right one second real quick uh dino what is what what's donna bella doing uh i'm so i'm pulling out of my pack my uh my tinker's tools and what looks like a finger like it looks like a mechanical finger all right and you're working on your little side project while they're playing cards yes [Music] all right so as uh you're working on your side project and they're all playing cards um suddenly y'all hear a really loud roar but it's muffled by the distance uh and off to the west side of this cart as you're traveling down you actually see this shadow in the distance kind of swoop down just for an instant and then it takes back off into the clouds like it grabbed something from the ground and took off dude as soon as i hear that i'm jumping into like a spot where i can see and try and see what it is yeah can i try to see what it is can i uh so as soon as you hear the roar and you see that you can't really see what it is it's so far away but you kind of like i would say rum shoe you have a feeling of sudden dread run down your spine and you know that that's more than likely the dragon that the town has been talking about in the last few weeks taco would it be a roar that i would understand or is it just a roar you wouldn't you would understand the roar as a dragon okay so i would understand the rules yeah you all know it's a dragon you all know it's the dragon uh but as soon as quick as it came it left [ __ ] dragons dude that's uh it's not a good sign for the area it's you think dragons are scary have you ever seen a dragon turtle well i didn't say they were scary i just messed with the environment around here not good for it trust me the dragons are scary i suppose in a sense it can be a big spiky lots of teeth me fleshy yeah pretty scary all right so just uh x-spot night this a little a few hours go by and you finally start making your way to this little uh it's kind of an opening opening at first uh before it starts getting very tunneled in uh let me go ahead and throw the map up here for everyone and i hope you can't see everything because i'm not sure how this is a first who is dynamic yeah for the dynamic lining so we're gonna see how this pans out it's working sure it's gonna be chaos do you have it set to update on placement or does it always update i don't think i have it set up to they don't play through it because it it will mess with bad computers if you don't update on placement oh well let me do this real quick then yeah you can just do in the settings really so i can uh so what's the the dynamic lighting is that like how some of this is blacked out right now yeah so it'll only show you what your token would be able to see if you were that person standing on the ground okay i think that's something i have to do in y'all's tokens because i just looked at that and it's not there so let me go here wait i have to do that in the well they might have updated because it's not messing with my computer too bad so it should be fine for now yeah we'll figure that out um so as you pull your card up to this concavity in the rock face here um you follow the stream uphill to a base of the mountain where waterfall erosion has carved out a natural concavity the roaring waterfall creates a cloud of mist as it plunges into a shallow pool of water within which rise two small islands covered with two foot tall red green and purple mushrooms several cave openings overlook the pool from rocky ledges 20 to 30 feet above the mountain blocks any sunlight from reaching inside of this place oh well hope we brought some torches so for the moon why do we need uh torches uh well so i don't think i actually did it for this map for y'all just because this is gonna be new for me i have to go through and update all of your tokens so we're going to do it this way just to start out but just so you know if it is dark and there's no torches lit in these caves if your character doesn't have dark vision you're probably going to make a lot of rolls on if you trip or not in the dark no i don't don't think i can't know and you can't divert i'm gonna pull out my staff i'm going to touch the tip of it and it is going to radiate light oh that's very light just uh just a the thing i've been working on you know making things better right oh okay that's a good way to live always making things better well we just want to follow the light bear now remember we're not here to kill gnomes because was that a question at all perfect diplomats yes our cats want to get that clear i didn't think that was an issue does anyone know how to speak to them well where should we start do we just want to yell for them i mean oh wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up time out you cast light correct donna bella yes on my staff okay i need you to roll a 1d20 oh [ __ ] okay six nothing happens okay cool wait look doesn't happen no the light happens okay but nothing else happens like you cast light perfectly normal okay so all in a day's work looking ahead of us is there like a distinct like entrance or like uh okay so yeah you should be able to see pretty far into this place even without light uh you see that over here to your left if you're looking into the cave uh there seems to be a natural ramp as it were leading up into one of the caves everywhere else you look you see like kind of like these cliff sides uh you do see entrances but they're about 20 to 30 foot uh in variable height to get to those spaces well uh should we make ourselves known before entering their homes or i don't know right i will say the waterfall is pretty loud ah it is kind of drowning out like you have to be pretty close to one another to actually understand one another when you're talking i would say in this area if y'all get more than 20 foot apart from one another you're gonna have to like yell in order to understand what each of you are saying reminds me of one of my old terms what how many homes have you had uh less amount of three okay that's a lot of homes to have do you have a nice pretty waterfall like this one yeah yep we lose that to um flush people out of our cove oh well that's one way to get out of the cave it's one way to make a waterfall useful so how deep does the water look tommy the water's about i would say probably it's very shallow uh maybe about a foot a foot up it's not a very deep um not a very deep pool of water but it is really freaking cold oh from where you're at you can feel that the water is kind of cold uh the further in if you want to try it out again it may feel different uh there is no snow whatsoever on the inside and everything seems like the mushrooms that are growing they're still growing very well it they don't seem to have any frost or anything on them so you can kind of feel heat a little bit of heat in the mist is coming out into the open air so uh it's probably across the the river um it's a little it's kind of cold so you know i don't know if we want to walk through or not because that's like i don't know that's like up to my thought so that's pretty can i try and hop over the river uh yeah you you could do that uh give me what is that is that an athletics check there chris athletics or would it be acrobatics kind of potato yeah you know what uh do whichever one you're proficient in if you're not just give one up one or the other it's up to you gotcha yeah you uh get kind of a running start and where are you landing it does have to be what 10 foot a 10 foot jump so it would have to be probably yeah it'd have to be like somewhere around in here probably if you'd like jumped just on this other side of torvalr okay yeah that's good just jump right across over there is there a way for me to do that ping thing you're doing uh yeah so if you have the mouse pointer and the select move slot uh you can just hold down your mouse button on that location okay cool yeah so i'll hop on over there also all right real quick tip if you ever need to measure out like your movement distance left click and hold your character and then right click and then move your token and it'll do this ruler thing to show you like how far the distance that is oh that's cool it even like changes okay awesome i started right there right okay um oh you know what i'm gonna pop these out and get them off this screen somebody wanna or uh let me see something here i want to move here so would this only be five this square only be five feet across to get across the river here or is it still longer yeah i would say yeah you could you could do that that would be good okay i'm going to use mold earth to push earth to make it a little land bridge to get across okay uh give me a 1d20 roll as you do right excuse that 18 18. um okay good thank god i don't have to make something up oh [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] up see so i need to get a 1d8 here okay three and let me get this little ruler out okay you teleport like one minute you're standing there and you see this little land bridge forming and then suddenly you're not where you were and your legs are wet and warm oh this water's oddly warm and uh well i made it across i guess it's our path to pills ourselves i don't have to lie about it you know i'm not quite sure i didn't have to go so i don't think i did but uh that water shouldn't be warm so beats me really is is it is the water turning colors sometimes it turns colors around you after you peed you know it looks like water to me keep an open mind i suppose but yeah y'all just see tarvalar just vanish and then reappear in the in the pool just south of you so can we do that tomorrow i need to get over can i teleport was is the land bridge still there because they last yeah you did cast you did cast the land bridge well you can you can just walk you don't need to teleport okay but the teleporting thing was pretty cool so i couldn't tell you how that happened uh i thought one of you did it oh my god wait i i can't even hear uh i thought one of you did it oh yeah yeah i guess you would have to be yelling pretty loudly i walked across the land bridge yes i was going to pick up rum shoe if the land bridge wasn't there but right so you're all going to uh gather around just that little ramp that's the ramp by the way rum shoe that you saw like the natural lamp going up okay i think we got to go up this road well let's go lead the way little one well i clearly have the most experience here so that's what i'm picking up on i want to stick together so all right so rum shoes you're walking up this ledge uh you notice you look down and it looks about 30 foot up uh but as you're looking into this tunnel you actually do see flickers of lights from all these different chandeliers and lanterns that are hanging throughout this cave system you can kind of make out to your left there looks like there's a branching off tunnel that goes that way and as you peer down the hall you see that it kind of makes this t uh one path going to the south and one path going up to the north all right well it doesn't really look like we need this right now i take my tinker's tools back out and i start like kind of like carving at the crystal at the tip of my staff and it goes out all right um i'm just gonna like i'll check the first room i'll kind of like go up and peek my head in and be like hurrah is on about there all right you don't get a response but you do notice when you walk into the room uh some tables some rather small tables for you they look about your size with little chairs scattered about uh you see dishes sitting on the tables some food that's been left out with a rug and a small like cabinet up against the eastern wall that has dishware in it you think that this might be kind of a a dining room of sorts but you don't do not get a response looks like this is uh this might be where the uh i'm gonna scoot up to them there's our like on the tables what's that are there is there any like food on the tables or yeah you see like carrots you know half eaten half eaten meals scattered about for the most part the plates are empty uh or picked clean but there is some food laying around some leftovers does it look fresh does it look like it's been here a while it looks like it's been there in the last few hours while um while they're looking at that can i just like yeah like is anyone here uh yeah go ahead and let me do something real quick uh you get no response oh man all you hear is the waterfall and i'm gonna go ahead and update this music real quick all right so if this is where the uh um which way do you think we go to find where they're with the live i guess or whatever there is another door over there i think not door but tunnel well you don't want to be too far from where you eat so can't be far from here i would uh assume because yeah what if we check out the path down this hallway over here you want to grow that really um yeah let's all let's split up just kidding let's not do that i'm joking oh you got me there i thought i was gonna go with your word okay um i think tarvalar's plan makes more sense it wants to my plan yeah you said that um you want to live near where there's a door patched to the kitchen here so that does sound like something i'd say yes let's check it out all right which direction are the other one oh wait is there is there enough room for me to move past the yeah you can move through allies yeah you can move yeah gotcha okay i like the rug all right rum shoe um let's see as you enter into that hallway you do see one branching off going towards the east and you still see one going dead ahead that looks like it ends but it kind of turns sharply like it's going into another room or another hallway got another option here you know what let's just let's just do it we'll just you know we don't know the talk about every turn let's just go come on hello uh still no response to you as well sir oh so when you enter this room you see uh skittering around on the floor uh it looks like weird barrel contraptions in the shape of crabs uh it looks as though someone had taken a barrel and put in these little wood appendages on them with different uh what like conveyor belt looking contraptions around to make elbows where it can move its arms back and forth uh you see them kind of picking up boxes and moving them across the room and setting them back down as they go back and forth and cut out into the barrel portion it looks like a little seat like someone could possibly sit inside of one now where's it at uh you've got one here and you've got one just in the south all right i'm gonna try and sit on it all right um okay you sit in it are you doing anything it is very tight for you i would say it does look like it's made for someone that is uh what you would think of like a child gotcha so i'm real squished in there i just yell onwards see if it does anything ah it doesn't do anything all right well that was a pointless little spider barrel you do see um there's a lot of levers and pedals oh as you sit down in it all right let me press one of the pedals all right um give me a handle animal check a wet a handle animal or animal handling yeah a six okay so you push down on this pedal and you immediately start going backwards at full speed into the wall behind you not that pet pedal oh yep i think wait should i hit this wall or uh this oh you hit this wall right here you just kind of crash into it crash look at toys before you play with them that's well you know how else you're going to learn a very good point i'm going to like look at the different like mechanisms and stuff and try and like see how they got the arms and stuff to move like they do all right give me would that be investigation i think so because i'm getting kind of hands-on yeah give me an investigation that is a plus one that is a plus five and i rolled at eight so uh you kind of looked this one over that feather and just crashed into the wall and you get the idea that the pedals make it go forward and backwards and the levers make it turn but that's about it you don't know which one does what okay you guys there's this is how to do it okay i'm gonna sit in the other one all right it's not hard okay you just you pull this thing you put your foot on that thing um all right um what do you want me to roll animal handling well yeah that's the best thing i can think of for it okay rum shoe 11 an 11 um yeah so when you pull it it immediately turns to the south and it just kind of takes off down the hall you go about like 40 foot before it kind of uh do you keep your foot on it the pedal uh no i'll stop because i can see there's an end to this cave yeah oh yeah you get really close to the side it kind of like rolling stop yeah and you stop just like before you were to hit the wall and you see into this other one so i'll just move you about right there now since i crashed into the wall am i stuck in this thing since it was child sized no you could still get out it'd be a tight squeeze but you you could get out it looks like it took a little damage but not much i'm gonna just move myself back here so like the audience can see oh yeah that was uh very impressive there um thank you thank you thank you [Music] maybe i should uh you know steal the horses yeah maybe that's that's i'll ask if they want you to and uh we'll see how it goes are we going back you can you talk to these things starvolor you know they seem kind of cold uh i don't really get a vibe from that i can try to um hey uh how spider thing how's how's it going today um you don't get anything from it yeah he might be tired out now so all right i guess i'll try and catch up to rimshoe i try and make this thing turn yeah go for it i want to keep [Music] trying to use this thing i want to try and ease up on the gas a little bit since i went so fast okay not that i know oh [ __ ] that's a matte one um so you go to ease up on it but your foot kind of gets stuck and when you go to yank your foot away you actually push all the way down on that pedal while turning one of the levers and you go flying across the room and slam it full speed into this wall and you take two points of damage as your face just hits the front of this uh barrel i'm sure are you you okay oh yeah i think this thing's malfunctioned yeah that's what it is yep oh all right as you all enter into this room um chasing after rum shoe uh you notice that there's a lot of barrels that seem to be stacked up in the in the room here uh you you're not sure what's in the barrels but this does look like a storage area can i try and poke one of the barrels without anyone noticing with my dagger on my like none of the party huh yeah yeah give me a slight hand on that nice 24 yeah you uh you jam your dagger into one of the little cracks in the barrel and kind of pro are you trying to pry a little bit or what yeah just trying to get it get a look of what's in there uh whenever you kind of pry one of the barrels a little bit and you pull your blade out you notice there's like some type of purplish liquid that's on it on your blade okay so uh i'll just be like uh hey donna bella this one over here is cracked open what's this stuff in here it's purple i got no idea i might i might be able to fix the hole can i tell what the purple stuff is yeah i don't i don't know what's in there i was wondering if you had an idea what is it just on your knife or is it now shooting out of the barrel oh that's a good point in my mind i was just cause they kind of look like they're on their side i would just kind of give it a quick stab so i guess it might be leaking now i'm a muted oh wait i lost taco sorry if you did it anywhere other than the very top of that barrel uh yeah you see that there's some of this liquid slightly pouring down okay it's not a big hole but it's large enough to where it is starting to kind of leak out of the barrel and kind of pull around it i'm going to take a look at the the i'm going to take a look at the the pool and see if i can tell what it is all right um hmm what would this be i would say give me a history check no i'm actually okay dude if this is boxing holy crap barrel this [ __ ] up for zorag well it would be barrels of wine right okay history 23. you know that gnomes in this area are known for making mushroom wine yep nice you can see how embarrassed he wants to see it i was like it is boxed wine i didn't make this up well well you you you see pretty boy um and then i start telling him what it is in nomish okay so i don't i don't know what you're saying right now so i'm just gonna take a quick sip of this i don't know just let some pull up in my hand give it a sniff oh you said to kill me okay well that's a funny way of saying that so did you drink this before after this was said she was drinking before yeah i i took a quick quick little slurp of my hand it tastes just like a strange flavored wine to you you can definitely tell that it's alcohol it's a mushroom wine oh all right well so at least our gnomes know how to have a good time here all right does it say wine yes i'm gonna call i'm gonna pull myself out of the the um sparrow wreckage kick it they're gonna kick the wooden contraption yeah okay all right i guess we'll go on foot i use my tinker's tools to try and fix the hole in the barrel uh yeah you can do that i would say it's easy enough uh i wouldn't even need a roll for it's a small little gash you probably how do you fix this hole um i'll take out like my tinker's tools and i'll look at it and you just you just see me like going through like this roll of like little tools and going nope nope nope oh this one nope oh this one and then i'll take out like a little like um like a little plate of like metal and like start screwing things into this hole to all right uh rum shoe when you jumped out of this wooden contraption which side of like where are you right now right there you're right there okay so when you kick that i need you to give me a perception check yes sir 13 13. okay yeah that should be easy enough um when you kick this you notice like some type of weird movement to your right i'll get kind of in like a like you know like a more defensive position kind of thing there's something in here with us like along the wall with the barrels on it it's behind the barrier can i like see if i can get a better look where's it at exactly he saw movement up along the north side where those barrels are next to one of the ones you stabbed yeah i would say it was actually like right to your right somewhere around in this area gotcha can i kind of just try to look over his head see if i get a better look at anything oh yeah i'm so sure you see right over me yeah he's a small boy uh yeah give me a perception check if you're unknown come out now we're here to help okay at 20. uh you're kind of looking are you trying to like veer behind this barrel like what angles are you going for here uh in my head idea i was kind of like maybe resting my hands on a rum shoe and just trying to lean over and look around the barrel but like the front side yeah all right as you're looking around you notice the barrel right in front of rum shoe looks different like you can't put your finger necessarily on it like it's slightly a different color but you do notice that this barrel in particular looks slightly off-colored to the other ones oh uh rum shoe that one that one's a little bit different right there might uh i don't know maybe want to take a step back or something or look investigate further i don't know but it's it's definitely standing out to me i'm gonna pull out my um from she's gonna pull out his short sword and he's gonna poke the barrel with it he's gonna poke the barrel yeah not stab but you know like poke poke out okay oh so when you poke this barrel let's see how to describe this oh if there's gnome in there better come out now when you poke this barrel it begins to shake violently as it begins to split as though it is a giant jaw as you see saliva and a large tongue start to whip out of it and these giant serrated teeth begin to form on the inside of it oh god now correct me if i'm wrong barrels aren't supposed to do that right let me get this started and i'll have everyone roll initiative oh definitely not supposed to do that that's all right well i'll note that for the future all right so i just click the initiative right put your token and then the initiative but my roles oh my gosh oh man yeah for real tommy you should be able to right click uh this token and add to initiative i think or add to yeah okay how do i do this or you can just roll right click it and then change it and then there's a drop down where you can add initial or add to turn order it should be right at the top i think hold on a second let me get through this real quick what in the hell what's going on crazy all right we can just um mayor yeah me or me or right yeah okay me or um click on your token okay and then click initiative again okay cool there you go and then tommy just okay to be a five all right change this to a five and okay which of you have the better decks hopefully ramshu mine's zero oh yeah i'm uh a ranger so it's my best stand i think so let me get this i was not expecting y'all to go to norman guard first luckily you haven't ran into anything other than this i ran into a wall yeah yeah other than walls okay how do i did this the other day but i can't remember how to do it now and that is to throw the initiative up of the enemies they can't be hiding on the dm layer he's out in the united states um there's no way to do this did you roll isn't it just it's really small at the top i think it's it should be like i think it's a picture oh initiative here it is super small yeah did it yeah it added it oh the mimic's going first i guess that makes sense surprised by it yeah so uh as you poke this thing and you see this creature begin to split and form in front of you he is just going to immediately come out and take a uh a bite at you here so let's go ahead and roll this oh that's a 22 to hit our suck you don't want to know the advantage roll that hit yeah no mimics or bastards all right that's uh oh oh no that can't be right oh okay no it did it did the freaking critical role on it so i don't know how to so it's eight just take the first roll remember oh man this is terrible so you take uh eight piercing damage and two acid damage okay rum shoes down sounds about right yeah yep oh i'm sure that is going to be waiting [Music] all right for now i will say that is the mimics turn so rum shoe is down oh we can't cast spells uh actually [Music] oh no okay you're good so it is torvaldar's turn all right well that that wasn't very kind of you i'm gonna sling at it for my action [Music] seven uh that is a miss unfortunately and then i'll say well uh i've got you this time little buddy he's gonna i'm gonna healing word on rumshu okay a healing word is that a spell it is give me a 1d20 oh she got a six for healing and a 16 on my d20 16. okay so as you do this your back feels really weird and then you notice that there's a large set of butterfly wings attached to you you now have a flying speed of 30 feet oh this this is new uh devour lar what do you think of these huh so the healing still goes through then yeah the healing still goes through oh god oh it's sliding in here all right um let's see donna bella you were up um i'm going to uh cast uh i'm gonna cast fire bolt at this thing all right a 12 you hit it let's go ahead and roll damage one one so you hit it and it's like i guess maybe some of the wine from like it's kind of a humid area so you see it hit it and it kind of sputters out really quickly uh you definitely did hit it but it is still still kicking oh my god it has that much hp yeah mimics her bastards that's what i was getting at about this adventure man i rolled the 17. 17 you also suddenly grow butterfly wings i'm so much closer to being a dragon turtle hey you got a pair too uh um how high up is this cavern uh it's seven foot no no sorry it's nine foot nine foot to the ceiling all right i'm going to uh yeah fly up in the air five feet and come over to buy where from she is up in the air all right i'm sorry man okay it is your is your turn um so like does it see me does it know i'm there for sure oh yeah it definitely can see you it is well aware of your presence we have lost lost the element of surprise okay uh i guess i just want to try and give it a whack with my two short swords all right so let's see that's not right all right go ahead and roll those okay wait so for now with the offhand attack you're probably going to need uh one of the others to explain that to you it's still new to me offhand you just don't add whatever your modifier is on top of it you want to add your proficiency right yeah that's what you don't know it'll just be straight damage no proficiency sue so with attacking on this thing so i rolled the d20 first right so then where where do i just roll uh roll that so let's open up your character sheet here so we can because the first one you should be just be able to click on short sword for your attack yeah okay do the oh yeah it'll do all the bad that is a hit then you can just click on the word short sword in the chat and it'll do the damage yeah okay uh nice five heck yeah so then with the off-tan one would i just click that again but we just take away the dice number you can just roll a d20 at that point oh so wait do i click uh i click the short sword on my character sheet again or um over in the side there's uh like on that little icon bar on the side there's a d20 at towards the bottom of it second to the last i'm going to show you how the dice unit roll and you want to roll a d20 then we can do the math from there gotcha sorry i'm just kidding oh no no this set is meant for new players so awesome even though they throw a mimic at you yeah yeah i think we're supposed to go the other ways but probably not poke them mimic with a sword there's a reason i was talking to people saying this is a weird campaign they throw some stuff at you early on so is the 15 okay then uh yes that is also a hit so you uh i think you just do the flat damage right from a just a dice you don't add anything yeah i think it's just the attack i think damage still does like everything still counts i believe everything counts the damage you don't add your whatever plus it would have been so you would just roll a d6 yeah yeah so roll me a d6 on that okay two two okay it's better nothing um would he get a sneak attack because rum shoes there you know what a sneak attack yes he would because he's within five foot and rum shoes not unconscious he was healed so he's he's awake so yeah you would get sneak attack damage so what is that a 1d6 i believe there's just a button for it on this character street yeah if you've got a sneak attack button go ahead and hit that okay you only get it for the first attack oh gotcha um might not have that enabled yeah for at least me i click sneak attack it just shows the description what does it say um what's returning and dealing extra 1d6 damage yeah just rolling on a d6 yeah so you roll an additional d6 on that and we'll add that in yeah we'll add all these shortcuts after the show so okay good y'all are uh you're y'all are definitely doing some damage on this thing as uh it bites down on rum shoe all these attacks start coming at it and it it's looking it's looking somewhat scared that you can get out of it the way that it's like kind of snapping back and forth and trying to get away um are you going to be moving at all beverly oh okay because i do have a little room right um oh wait well [Music] i can't let it bite me in the ass get an opportunity attack if you moved away because you used your voice action to attack stay there yeah so i'll just saw hang there i guess all right hang in there uh round two fight all right so let's see [Music] it is going to try after you have attacked it so much um it's going to turn to you feverin and it's going to try and grapple you oh oh no so let's see what is a grapple oppose it's your athletics versus their athletics or acrobatics they get to choose all right this guy doesn't have athletics on here so i gotta figure out how to roll this should just be their strength then all right let's just roll the strength all right you gotta beat a nine man just wait a nine okay so you definitely just shun this thing away uh side steps just side steps out of the way all right this thing is going to try and it's it's kind of scared so it's going to try and like slime its way up on top of this other barrel so if anyone's doing anything about that oh that's not the time to do it it's still in my range so donna would uh it's out of mind so i am going to uh i'm gonna whack him with my quarter staff that i have out all right give me that attack roll 13 13 that is a hit hey that's a much much better that's good that that's really good right there uh as you smack it on the back you just it just lets out this shriek as it's trying to climb up on top of this other barrel to get a better position against veteran here and that will be the mimic's turn it is you rum shoe okay um i'm gonna stab it with my uh short sword all right that was a matte one that is you completely whiff this as you try to stand up from being bitten down and you just barely miss it you're kind of disoriented right now kind of seeing double and stab the wrong one that's [ __ ] i throw my short sword down i'm gonna um nimble escape so i essentially doesn't let me disengage this action can i climb up on these uh barrels or now uh yes it's a very tight squeeze as they're stacked up like that but you okay you've got a good bit of breathing room up there if i yeah if i have some breathing i would say you have to be prone i would say you'd have to be either kind of like knelt down like you're kneeling or length i won't bother them what i'm gonna do is where was i come here i'm gonna i'm gonna head over here and that'll be my turn and i start like getting my bow and arrow out all right uh tarvalar i will fly with my butterfly wings here the torso and the purples they're flying and i'll sling another rock at it for 14. yep that's a hit for four damage i mean you are pecking away at this thing don't eat anybody else all right you say that is it kind of like you kind of hit it and what you think would probably be its eye and it just kind of like starts chomping in your direction uh is that all for you that was all for me all right donna bella you were up uh yeah i'm gonna kind of i'm gonna move up up above it and i'm gonna um i'm gonna like take the shard end of my quarter staff and i'm just gonna jab it into this thing's mouth all right go ahead and give me that roll that is definitely a hit for four that's a really bad roll again and that will be my turn all right oh let's see as you do this to this uh to this creature you you know like you knock a few of its teeth out it's starting to pant pretty hard uh you definitely can tell it's moon it's definitely wounded y'all have really laid into this thing and that will bring us to feathering all right um since donna bella's like right next to me in this thing i can sneak attack it again right okay cool so so for this would i click the short sword and then roll the d6 for the sneak yeah so go ahead and collect your short sword okay oh no [Music] all right um i guess so you could use your off hand still yeah i'll uh i'll go for that one so just do the 20 and then the six right yes okay if you if you hit i'll ask you to release it my god you missed so you kind of shrink swing as you know donna bella knocked some of his teeth out and you just completely missed on trying to be mr sneaky pants yeah are you gonna do anything else inside as i sit there and do nothing because i don't want to bite in my ass oh fair enough fair enough um right so next round the mimic it doesn't attack anything instead you see that it begins to change shape as it reverts back into a barrel sitting on top of this other barrel um and that is its turn oh rum shoe it is your move i'm gonna move over here to get a better angle on this thing okay what's a duran turned into a barrel again it's very lin should i kill it or no it seems to be want to be left alone i think we can leave it there it's learned its lesson there don't try and lose people on tomorrow yeah there's back i'm just going to be real upset if this thing attacks me as we're all leaving um i guess i will i will hold my action to let loose my arrow if it attacks somebody uh again if it goes to attack somebody all right that'll be my turn all right tarvalar you doing anything all right well let's see where these gnomes are over here down this tunnel i'm still kind of in the room but i'm just gonna hang out here all right uh donabella i'm going to shake my quarter staff at the barrel i hope you learned your lesson or you'll get the other end of the staff i'm gonna use my action to disengage i will go back away from him all right all right um gonna yell can't touch this as i disengage away from that i can get my sword [Laughter] okay buddy since you've been such a pal so far it's it's right here right here hold on yeah we just be it is laying on the ground you can do you can interact with an object and still be able to do your disengage you'll still be fine okay so yeah i'll grab the sword and then uh disengage how do you do the ruler thing again i'm sorry uh with your token you left click and hold and then right click and it'll pull up the ruler okay gotcha gotcha that's cool oh god i'm doing it all over the place all right cool yeah so i'll just uh we'll disengage over there with his sword i'm just probably all right uh if no one else is doing anything as you all move you'll see that this uh this creature is just staying up there that's a barrel it's not moving at all it you get the feeling it just wants to be left alone all right devour you watch make sure it doesn't follow right good good work we'll go ahead and get back to this i'll just take my short sword review and put it in my sheath go ahead and clear the turn order and right there we will go ahead and take our break for this evening whoo hence how how you feeling feeling like i just was half inside a mimic you're half dead inside a mimic yep hello everyone welcome back to swindler's den presents the dragon of iceberg peak i hope everyone enjoyed their break after that little encounter with the mimic we all know what it is so there's no point in hiding it um when we left off the party had just got here they decided to poke a barrel which turned into a monster and what's up oh yeah uh after a little scuffle with the creature it turned back into the barrel and the party is now currently shying away from it it is not moving closer to them leaving off at that what is the rest of the group doing well i ain't going near that barrel again i don't know about you guys do we are there are other ways out or around so i would say tarvar when you walked over to there you do see a path heading back north um but you know as you are in the room y'all did see another path um near the southern part around the uh southwest portion that seems to be heading west i mean there's a few different options here uh if you are walking there you do see that there is a hall that's going straight out you can see uh you can you can hear the waterfall from that direction but you do see a branching off tunnel heading southwards so you get the feeling that the one dead ahead of you kind of heads back out into the opening of the cavern but there is a hallway leading to the left that seems to have been carved out in this mountain there there's another way down down here one goes up um out and the other one goes i don't know where i can't see through walls not yet okay um yeah let's just keep going deeper in yep run into someone at some point i would say all right donna bella as you turn down that hallway you see two gnomes standing up on this uh i would say they're about ten foot up off the ground in a a higher portion of this cave kind of overlooking the room uh one of them in gnomish uh you do speak namash i do yeah you hear who goes there and then you hear another one go who goes there in common and they both look like they're ready to attack you at any given moment i will respond and nobish we we were sent by uh sildar to protections from dragon don't you sildar sildar who's sildar who's sildar and i notice that they keep repeating themselves they keep repeating each other he's from vandalin fandolin fandolin yes we know finland yes we know fandolin shape changer and you see one of them is like picking up this rock about to throw it at you like it's asking you shape changer no no just just a turtle how we know shape changers not turtle turtle can't change shape just turtle always uh okay let's see oh give me okay wait what's going on what are you doing february you can all hear this at this point the one the one speaks common right can i try and persuade him that we're no threat and let him know that there's a barrel that just tried to eat us uh how are you doing it um by you know peeking my head over the back of the turtle but keeping her like how are you wording this oh um like well hello gentlemen uh you know we're we're no no threat to you guys we just uh changed our prayers to help us in our fight against um you know any dangers that we might face we were sent here and you know we already had a little run-in with a barrel in the other room have you guys had any trouble with that king said we should kill shape oh changers we don't we don't have any shape changers here just a regular old human and a turtle uh give me a charisma check all right so i just click charisma yes all right cool you should be good at this should be oh it's a 19 yeah so they both kind of eye the turtle or the turtle not a turtle uh the turtle and they see you kind of behind her you know they're hearing your words and they kind of put their arms down they're still a little standoffish but they believe you and the one that speaks common uh the one off to the right here uh he's like i believe you and then the other one to the left like we believe you and nomish uh just back and forth and it's like uh come closer come closer okay after you uh donna bella [Music] sure you can use me as a human shield technically it'd be a turtle tube all right so as you two approaches like uh the one on the right is motioning towards you fevering it's like um you you you saw shape changer shape changer did you see it oh oh yes we did see it it tried to hurt us it ate my friend well tried to anyways it ate friend it ate one of our friends yes it ate one of our friends and you see that they're talking to one another it's like king's gone crazy king wants to kill shape changer oh well you know what what shape changer because it's been in your other room the whole time you haven't killed it yet in room which room barrel room barrel room shape changer ate a friend yes eight two friends king says that he'll be most happy if shape changer's dead yes king did say that well what if we all fought shape changer together we better have a we'd have a better chance with more you know people wouldn't wouldn't think the king like you better then yes king would be very very pleased king's gone crazy locked himself in room with other king yes yes two kings do kings have names uh yes kings have names uh corbas and narkil um well those are fine sounding names well do you want to help us fight shape changer because we could help king nargel and [Music] the other one hmm risk dying like friends yes king would be most pleased maybe get more mushroom wine oh that does sound very nice i bet he would give you more mushroom wine hmm yes yes and maybe give us toys toys yes we have lots of toys we create toys yes we create lots of toys i create toys and i pull out the fingers and the foot oh what toys are those what toys are those i'm hoping it'll be a shard one day shard what's that what's a shard it's like it's like a person but but it's mechanical oh mechanical person kind of like mechanical crab yes exactly like mechanical crab oh yes we will help yes we'll help we should probably get others though others indeed it hides very well it does well we have don't we we know where it is don't we pretty boy we know which one it is uh what tar velar i need to know are you looking down this tunnel have you been staring into this room i've just been standing there looking at rum shoe with the worm on my back i told the watch not i don't know if he is watching or not but i told him okay so um as that's doing its thing i suppose uh no one kept looking at this thing i told the worm to watch oh interesting are you asking this worm if it sees anything uh yeah i'll ask him hey uh davao or lara does it uh stay in there or what do you think very good i love it all right shoe are you doing anything right now now i'm just listening into the conversation all right so uh as you are asking them if they want to help out they both kind of hop down from this little spot well they kind of climb down it's ten foot uh so as they're climbing down they dust themselves off in front of you let me switch layers here they both kind of just shimmy on down and the one directly in front of you donna bella goes my name is pog and the other one goes oola down one's name is gonna be champagne nice to meet you paganoola i'm feverin and i'm donna bella fevron donabella vevren donavella they kinda just bow in front of you um should should we get more should we get more i i have two more do you have two more two more shape changers no no no shape changers no shape changers hmm pagan oola well we help we should get more did you see any others did you see any others i guess at this point when i hear them talking about having two friends they'll come around the corner uh huh pog is a little stored he goes shape changer small shape changer no no no no that was the friend that was just a sheep changer he was eaten by sleep changer yeah yeah rum shoe show your show your cuts where he bit you yeah i lift up my my furs and show like the fresh scars and healed up my magic friend looks bad yes friend does look bad indeed yeah we have healy things across the bridge yes across the bridge oh that's good wait which one speaks common was it pog or that one you get the feeling that they both understand common just one always speaks in gnomish and it's the one on the left oola okay gotcha um so real quick just uh it is anyone uh keeping an eye on that barrel in there or oh yeah don't laura's been watching so let me know whipped around in your little baby bjorn you got i didn't know if y'all could hear back there but uh sounds like these gnomes are having a problem with that so might be something in it for us if we can uh take him down we'll say in this room you definitely do hear the waterfall from the tunnel coming to your just down uh to the west so it is kind of loud in here you can all understand one another but you can definitely see where you probably couldn't hear much outside of this room so do we wanna have someone keep an eye while we get more help from the gnomes or do we i mean i'd i'm okay helping these guys especially if they can help us in our uh journey i think we are messed it up pretty good i don't know if we need more people or not well uh i'm good to do whatever the group wants uh i mean if you need somebody to watch i'll hang out here myself the king wants it dead so i mean maybe better favor from the kings gets fanned over what they need yeah all right um well donna bell you're the only one who speaks snow mish do you want to meet with the kings and the three of us can keep an eye on it all right i'll go with donna bella all right tarvel r you good just me you and devour hey it'll be a good time to get to know each other a little better all right guard duty it is all right a pog and we'll we'll come with you to get more to get rid of shape changer okay oola you stay here i'll stay here yes and you see paul kind of steps forward he's like come this way go his way and you can see that oola is a female gnome and pog is a male and he will stand in front of the hallway here and start motioning towards anyone who wants to follow him yeah i'll start following okay um can i motion for oola because to come oh oh you said they could understand pi so oola we we want to check the room make sure it hasn't left do you want to follow us well i'm like you know motioning towards me and traveler oola will follow okay who kind of walks up to you from she's gonna yell out before take before they leave don't die that and i wasn't planning on it all right so we'll get to here ulu will follow y'all and then oola will just kind of say we should wait for for help uh yes i agree um all right wait at the entrance okay while that's happening pog is going to start walking on this hallway and motioning towards donna bella and rumshu to follow we cross bridge how sturdy does the bridge look uh roman perception check dear god um it looks like a bridge i was thinking see the bridge no no so all you see is a cliff and you see a waterfall you don't like to you it's like real misty and you just see pog walking across air essentially like the mist is so it's so misty there's there's no there's no bridge there oh that's yeah just uh you know what you should just fly out i didn't realize you had willing sir yeah you still have wings oh then i'll just fly then you're a real turtle i needed to roll this yeah so yeah you you still got ready yeah i've heard that a lot of times i'll fly so walk across the bridge yeah this walker calls it right across the bridge i don't see when y'all get to about here this is where things get a little finicky um as you approach this room you see these two large well you can only see one at the time this big spinning blade in front of you and it's just whipping and you know if you walk out into that you're going to die uh so pog kind of holds his hand up he's like wait here wait here and you see he picks up this stone and he throws it across the room and you hear a click and then the blade it's still spinning and it starts winding down and winding down and winding down and then eventually it stops and he just goes follow me as he starts like ducking down below these blades to get underneath him i'll copy his exact movements i will can i fly above the blades yeah the blades are about three foot in height it's just like take out anything yeah you would be able to fly across that turtle syrup all right so y'all start walking down this hall he's just walking man you are gonna like [ __ ] this mimic up i swear to god uh so pog as you all enter into this room you let me get the actual description in this room for y'all cause it's a it's like a workshop of sorts um let's see so as you enter into this room you can overhear what sounds like an argument between a couple of gnomes and as you enter into the room you actually do see two gnomes that seem to be arguing with one another uh one is a male and one is a female the room is covered in tinkering tools and little contraptions with gear scattered throughout and these weird pulley systems from getting from one uh one part of the room to the next uh up on this uh balcony so to speak you see there is a platform with a book sitting on top of it and they're they just have a couple of they're just bantering back and forth with one another when pogs like fibble stibb dabble dab friends and they both kind of just stop arguing and they look at you at both of you and they immediately say shape changers and pogs like no no not shape changers friends here to kill shape changer for kings all right yes and as they're kind of they they're kind of whispering pog walks up they start whispering amongst themselves and paul turns around says uh stibb dabble dog they say no help but more more gnomes in chambers above they will help i'm distracted i'm i'm looking at everything all of the gears and the tinkering stuff all right um let's see here and how they do their pulley system okay so over here right next to dabble dab you can see that there's a pulley system from here up to the top platform by the book there's like a little seat that you sit in with a gear in front of it and you sit in and you turn the gear you get the idea that it will bring you up to the top of there and back down and you see another one that's kind of just hanging in the air as you see this strange chandelier that's got like these arms where it kind of looks like the pulley system is going up there to do work on it and on the table in front of you you see this little control mechanism um you're not sure what it does but it does have buttons and levers on it and no mesh i'm going to ask how does this work okay well fibble stid is going to kind of look at you like with a surprise look on his face and he's going to run up next the the button and he's going to just start pushing it real quick and he's like oh you press this button you turn this knob and you pull this lever and you see that the contraption above you starts kind of reaching down and picking stuff up and turning and setting it down in other places oh that's cool that's exactly what i was looking for hey taco while this stuff is happening can i try to sneak into that room and see if i can kind of get an eye on anything without it noticing see give me which room are you trying to sneak into just the barrel room yeah yeah uh yeah i mean go ahead and roll me a sneak so should i do stealth yeah stealth cool oh my god all right where are you moving i was gonna move right here by these oh whoops the the barrels was gonna try and peek over all right so you sneak on over there and you look over you're going to peek where it was last yeah because it was overwhelming you just see the one barrel that's sitting on the floor you don't see the other barrel oh no [Music] tarvalar we have a problem ah i don't see the barrel in here anymore that's weird uh devour lard didn't say that anything it just keeps squirming and wiggling around oh goodness oh wait also i i can't really see in here right it's still like yeah no there's there's uh there's torches and stuff in the room okay okay um yeah i guess i'd want to look around the room really quick all right track of it roll me would that just be a perception or would it be more of an let's investigation an investigation okay 20. you see lots of barrels okay i'm just gonna wait until more help arrives all right tarvel are you doing anything no just waiting here all right i ramp you i guess you can rip your token back across the world something everyone can see so uh as fibbles did man this is a weird name i'm gonna call it as fibble is speaking with you donna bella and showing you all these different things uh he kind of turns to pog and he's like uh cure for king's madness is number one and pog's like yes but it's shape changers he's like no proof of shape changer this is more important if you need help go north are they speaking in no miss or common sorry no mitch they're speaking an ole miss sorry so donna bella could understand so they're they're they're they're saying that they need to work on a cure for the king's madness and they won't help us because there's no proof from you lift up your furs again we'll see the shape changer tried to eat my friend uh give me a persuasion check yeah can i help because i'm yeah i would say that's an age you do that with an advantage because i mean he's got bite marks all over his body yeah 19 uh yeah real low and real high uh fibble stim looks overwhelmed she was like bite marks definitely something in caves shape changer i don't know but king is crazy he he speaks to no one locked other king in a room with him we do we're just tinkers we can't fight and looks at dabble dubs like uh and looks to you he turns and looks to you donna bella says more gnomes who can fight up further ahead just because you you tinker doesn't mean you you can't fight i i i tinker and and fight too i'm small you're big and you see that he does look a lot scrawnier than most gnomes how how do the the arms move like that oh you pull this lever any kind of motions to uh there's one lever that whenever you turn it it will cause the contraption to spin and the other lever bring like there's a three left it's got three arms there's three levers and then one on the far side of this like little box uh when you do the one on the right it will spin and you notice whenever he was spinning it around he would click it back to get it to stop and then each lever controls an arm where it just kind of comes down and then he presses a button to get like this little claw to grab a hold of something so it's like the claw game and yeah it's like a claw game does the book up top is does that have like building instructions uh no that that's that books that's magic book what what do you need magic for tinkering it helps with learning how to move stuff in case we can't pick it up it's a magic they have a magic book up there what uh what does the magic book do it has i don't know magic it he says it helps them if they can't pick things pick things up has lots of spells do do you want to go for a ride rum shoe that sounds fun and uh is it one of those barrel things again there aren't things crazy no you're here you sit in here oh and you go up sure right then like one of the police has like a sitting mechanism like a chair thing attached to it well i'm sorry what was that you said that the pulley system over here had like a chair yeah it's kind of like one of those uh you ever been to the park and you see like those uh those swings that are for like infants yeah it's like that it's like a little i don't know how to say that i'm gonna put i'm gonna put rum shoe in it and ask can you get him up up there i wanna i wanna see i wanna watch this this work uh it might help me hmm yes be careful it's new invention this is gonna be wild okay while i'm doing this um you said your your gnome king was like crazy talking to things that weren't there nom king says that shape he saw a shape-changer eat friend right okay like crazy locked himself in a room not the important part there the important part is who said he was talking to nothing no yes that's that's what the two said that he's talking to that he talked to nobody and locked other king in in wherever wherever he is oh yes king locked other king inside of a room that worked that's scared to come outside so you can't trust it when people start talking to nothing okay fibble is confused what what from you what happens when people start talking to nothing i'll lean into donna bella it's not real anybody it's particularly gnomes okay it's a normal problem have i heard of a gnome problem where they tend to talk to things that aren't there are you asking i'm asking you as a dm what i know no this seems unique to what rum shoe is telling you how does this airflow just burn him out of his misery okay he definitely heard that i don't like you're whispering across this guy too no i'm not sorry that's not where i am because i'm sitting in the swing i didn't move my tongue oh yeah you're saying this that's why i don't like the token stuff and donna bella well i mean technically you're still next to another one all right i'll i'll i'm gonna i'm not gonna do that i'm sorry hey y'all want to learn how to play east rift hold them i mean if you're if uh if we got uh devourer watching i guess we can learn a card game you know i think that'll work just fine we can use these pebbles hey oola you want to learn what are you playing uh card card game card game yes i'll learn a card game all right okay so i'm just gonna show them how to do that while crew is over there all doing donna beller i'm sure are you gonna try and send him out into the nether regions of this cave i i am all right go ahead and uh give me a straight 1d20 roll as you're sending him up seven a seven that sucks [Laughter] as you're being sent up you get about six foot up off the ground and kind of like right in front of here and then it just snaps and you fall [ __ ] two points okay no more of the stupid contraptions you fall and he's like oh right and he kind of rummages through like this little box that's sitting up here and fibble is like what are you doing pog and pog pulls out like this little vial and he hands it to you and it's got some red liquid in it he's like drink you feel better pop the cork and smell it all right so just go ahead and roll me for a uh potion of lesser yeah i think that's what it is do i stop my weight yeah you still have your wings for another hour before i'm gonna fly up here yo sorry i just want to play with all the toys oh thank you i feel much better all right so you fly up there to the pedestal yeah all right what are you doing out there i want to read the book all right this is gonna be interesting cause i'm not exactly sure how this [ __ ] works with what you are um as you're looking over the book you definitely see that it kind of looks like a wizard spell book and it's got yeah it is it's a spell book up here uh let's see the title of the book is magic of norman guard is what you see written on the cover magic of no men guard on the top you see that it's written in gnomish and below it's written again in common oh you could read this rum shoe they thought to put it in two two languages oh girl that's a goblin it's in common and nope nope yeah yeah no you should just read it and let me know what it says so question something new can you read these spells i don't know i don't know what spells they are it's weird because scrolls you have to be that class with books i don't think it is but i think you need to like do things actually learn them yeah in order to learn them and only like wizards can learn them or something or yeah well like you have to do roles or something but you can only learn it if it's a spell your class can learn anyways so okay well i'll still tell her what the titles are on each of these pages uh as you flip through the book real quick you can see that fibble stibb and dabble dab is kind of eyeballing you they're like they think this you can tell that they really like this book and as you're flipping through it you see a spell called burning hands detect magic identify mage armor magic missile shield and sleep in the table of contents you you know you you kind of have have the answer right right here to help your your k your king yes but king does not like spells cast on him and we we we cannot get the king why can't you get the king or why can't you get to the to the king king's locked himself ever um unlock a door before we're small it's locked from inside barricaded you you never picked a lock before just to see if you could no lock won't lock won't work bored behind door run shoe i think there's something wrong with this king yep he is locked and barricaded in a room with another person i'm scared i call it normal sickness i would really say but i would i would as this is going on thank you you see you see a couple of gnomes kind of walk out around this corner and one of them says what's going on in here um and they they look like they're probably more well suited for a task of combat oh perfect they're they're a little sturdier bunch we're putting together some forces to go to doubt the um the creature thing shape-changer yeah shape-changer i'm i don't know how to say this name uh the one that walks walked in front uh turns behind him it says kara shape changer and she turns and says chaby yes shape changer help with shape changer and like jab he's pointing towards you yes help with shape changer you see uh he pulls let me pull this out real quick he pulls out um a small dagger and he's like yes kill shape changer yeah and so jaby and kirk kara i can't i don't know how to say that full name um starts walking up to y'all and pog says jaby kara shape changer they know where it is yes we should we should go other friends are watching they could be eating right now with your friends all right so they kind of nod at one another with like that serious look on their eye like we're gonna go kill a [ __ ] shape-changer and uh they start kind of like walking towards the the entryway here and they're like pointing down like shape changer this way yes back in the wine room or wine and you see like this look on their face just gets their eyes get really wide they really love their wine and they just start hauling ass down the hall like with these little daggers and their hands running down give suit yeah oh i don't want to grab everybody here all right so we start making our way back this way uh at that once we get to this bridge here um what is the rest of the group doing what are y'all doing over there by the uh playing cards can i like slide a hand some of my extra cards to win this round i might just move up in there so that uh oh yeah go for it give me a slight of hand all right what'd you get there yeah um is it passive perception that that goes against it depends i i i would use passive for myself personally because i don't think i'd be looking for it because i don't know how to play cards i don't know that people i can definitely see that uh yeah you get away with it all right how much how much time has passed how long have we been sitting here it feels like oh you're probably missing there probably 20 minutes something like that um well i guess i'd just ask you know uh uh tavalar uh oola you know think anything's wrong it's been a while i gotta grab this other one over here well uh seeing as the the problem is still in this room could uh they be in any trouble over there oh well yeah that's right i guess we can hang tight a little longer i'll uh i'll get some more pebbles so we can play another round uh i think i'm getting the hang of it i'm glad you're taken to it all right a few minutes later after y'all start playing another hand you see these four gnomes or the three gnomes come up behind oola here and they start kind of gathering off into the room with the rest of the group well these fierce little guys here at this point we come back to then yeah everyone's back together now uh you see that all four of these gnomes have drawn their daggers and they're looking uh very menacingly at the barrels and they ought to start poking the barrels right here in front of you i was about to say it was like we're shape changers uh we need to check start poking barrels i'm going to start poking these barrels i would like is anybody else doing anything i am readying my bow and arrow so that like when uh something inevitably attacks the because like they're poking the barrel so i'm assuming it's going to try and [ __ ] munch somebody so i'm just going to shoot my arrow at it when it does all right if i haven't i'm gonna i'm gonna take a look around instead of just randomly poking barrels is the barrel that it originally was in the spot of is it like missing or is there a yeah it's not there anymore it's gone okay then i would look and see if there's a uh a barrel out of place in the room all right so you're are you just circling the room are you telling anyone to stop or wait no i'm not telling them to stop they can do them i'm probably not going to see anything nope yep you just see the barrels you notice that one is missing uh all right they're all gonna start like doing their thing roaming around and poking barrels uh what are you doing fevron uh i'm just poking these barrels down here all right go ahead and go through your motions uh what are you doing tarvel r uh because devour didn't yeah don't move anywhere no fevron stop where you're at real quick okay uh because devour alar didn't tell me that it moved anywhere i'm trying to percept if again the top barrels anything's different about him all right go ahead and roll me something oh draw me a prescription for snape nine nine okay it you notice that barrel is not there oh my god must have not been paid attention are you poking barrels yup just poking barrels all right go ahead and uh stop what you're doing okay as you poke this barrel and it immediately sticks to you oh uh can i try and dodd like get away from it wiggle out or something give me let's do this way here because uh it's kind of weird how to play this thing uh well it adheres to you oh uh you can give me escape to get away from it uh what is an escape on that what's the role for that there for mimics i think you're just stuck to him yeah but you can't try to escape from it but you have disadvantage on the escape i haven't looked at a mimic you know i mean usually with like grapples and stuff it's contested athletics but on a monster there's usually like a dc you have to be yeah i'm trying to figure out what the role it is isn't it acrobatics usually you just choose yeah usually you choose strength or acrobat uh okay give me a uh athletics or acrobatics with disadvantage all right wait so to do it with this advantage you'll just roll it once and then we'll choose the lesser of the two numbers yeah you go to this row so you roll the seven um it is sticking to you and it is at that point i will need everyone to roll initiative once can i loosen my arrow or no yeah you can do that i would say as soon as he tried to get away from it you see that it stuck to him go ahead and uh do your prepared action hey oh that's a that's a hit that is a hit there seven man you were messing this thing up let me go ahead and get everything back that's about layer here thanks from shoe let's move this to the token layer all right and you did seven yes seven sorry this thing is looking very rough as you see just like this weird looking blood running all over it uh after just pegging it right in the side as he tried like as fever tries to get away from it's just sticking to him and he's holding him in place let me get the turn order up here and if y'all want y'all can go ahead and start rolling y'all's initiative all right let me get these up here where in the hell are they oh okay i see what's going on here did it roll theirs okay good there's that three that three roll all right let me adjust all of this so it seems like it all except for rum shoe there's a reason put you down near the bottom well for some reason it just puts you near the bottom but everyone else's was like in place that's weird oh top the round fevering that is you all right so since this thing is like stuck to me like can i i guess i was holding a sword to poke can i still reach my swords and stuff or like i can only get like my daggers or something or what i mean if you like did you have both your weapons in your hands i mean you still draw like if you had one on you you could still draw an attack okay okay yeah all right so yeah um i'm gonna madly stab at this thing all right i'll try and do my short story so let me check one thing real quick okay uh yeah go ahead do your thing all right uh 21 that's a hit go ahead and roll your damage okay oh yeah the d6 right well you just click sharp sword oh whoops sorry yeah you can just click your short sword uh i'm confused by this roll i no that was my bad i clicked the d6 right as you said click short sword yeah you you just click short sword here you still have your modifiers for this there we go oh it did another is that that that was another attack that was another do you click short in the chat underneath yeah like in the chat where it says plus five okay gotcha it's been awhile okay okay okay um severan tell me how you get this thing off of you and in its life um well oh yeah so where where exactly is it stuck to me is it like you're like it's like sticking to your left arm like it's grabbing a hold of you like you see like these weird tendrils gonna come out of it and like latch around your arm oh god all right so with it kind of latched on my arm i just sort of jammed the sword as close to my arm trying to get in its mouth and just kind of try and push it off all right so with it attached to you with these tendrils you kind of hack down like into where its mouth is right as it's opening up like it's about to bite down on you and it just sits for a second it kind of wiggles and then just goes and limp and falls off your slides off of your arm and off of the short sword it is laying on the ground it bounced it was like i don't want anything to do with this i just want to give him one more good whack say uh and take that [Laughter] it is a dead boy all right oh yeah you see these uh i would say tarvalar and donna bella y'all actually see that these gnomes were about to book it like they saw this thing going to move around and they were like ah we want no part of this is it yeah see uh shape changers dead shape changer was real we should tell king king will reward you can i see if there's anything yes it's a value or is it just goop and blood and it's just gooping blood like you kind of look it over and it's just a creature you know i'm gonna break off a little board of the barrel it's a little piece put in my bag you're just gonna like cut a piece of this creature off you do know that it is like it changes but whenever you kill it you see it turn back into like this weird goop oh it's just goop oh okay it's like this weird tissues and everything i don't need like a little abomination in my pocket um can you bring my arrow over you're really good at that stuff all right let me see if i can find this thing and uh just yank his arrow out of it and bring it over there you go buddy thanks thanks for uh that shot i think that came in real handy uh as you bring that arrow over you see pog they all kind of look the same to you but [Music] you feel you feel like this tug on your your pant leg from behind you and as you turn around and look at this this gnome you see that he's like really excited and he's like thanking you like thank you thank you you killed creature that killed friend and then you hear oola say yes you killed the creature that killed friend king will be most pleased and they all say at the same time king will be most pleased sorry i gotta cough yeah we should probably go your king and uh make sure his you know passes the crew crew check and um bring him the bring him the mimic or the whatever this thing is um change or whatever you called it i don't know we'll go bring it over to uh the king to show him it's dead yes king will be most pleased uh traveler you want to grab that mess over there and bring it to the king well you don't want to bring your own trophy oh you know i i think it's it was a little bit attached to me and i didn't feel quite the same so you know if uh you can handle it you know with those big strong arms you know i think you might have they're pretty big but they're not very strong don't let me deceive you actually i have an idea mimick you'll go over there and heft it gotcha and you're picking it up and it's like dead weight in her arms uh okay so if y'all want we can go ahead and expedite it over across this uh bridge here if y'all blind yeah go ahead and move i'll say oola and pog will go with you to the door here while uh jaby or whatever the hell his name is where he was going um so you see that they're motioning let me move y'all actually i'll just go ahead and move y'all myself i'm gonna see move y'all into this room so pog and oola are motioning towards y'all to follow him down this hall and they're like shouting we shape changers dead shape changers dead as they run past fibble stib and dabble dab who just kind of look up from their work and just kind of look back at each other like and they kind of shrug their shoulders and go right back to what they were tankering on um and they start leading you down this hallway as pog takes lead he starts to bang on this door and you hear like as soon as he starts banging on this door you just hear like this crash of something in this wall or on the other side of this door and you hear who who's there who's there shape changer shape changer came to kill us and paul said no king shape changer's dead wait what's up am i in the right spot i got lost are you in the wall no i'm just kind of hanging out here in the oh you went okay i see where you went here i'll i'll get you right here there you go okay uh and that they kind of go back and forth and no mesh yelling at one another uh and eventually you hear like these it sounds like some boards are being taken off the wall and you see the knob turn i've got to get rid of this polygon line here oh that's not what i wanted to do at all there we go we'll just move this out of the way uh can y'all see another now well yeah you kind of can't because you're kind of yeah as you can see you'll be able to yeah yeah so he kind of backs up into the room and you see pog run in and oola's like right behind him and you hear them kind of muttering back and forth like heroes kill shape changers that's right and as y'all enter this room you see this gnome tied to a chair and you see this gnome standing there like looking still scared like he doesn't believe he's like who who where's shape changer where's shape changer i kind of shrugged my shoulders and my arms were interrupting something here uh you see that this this king walks up to you donna bella and starts like poking the dead shape danger in your hands it's like it's dead shape changer is dead yeah shape changer is dead killed at myself oh everyone thought i was crazy everyone thought king went crazy went mad you know you see that he starts untying this other king that's tied to this chair guern clicker i don't know how to say this name look they killed shape changer they they kept and as soon as he says that you just see this king as soon as he gets on trap just punch this other king right in the face just lays him out cold that was he looks over at donna bella's like thank you for killing shape changer other king was going crazy locked me in here wouldn't let me leave for safety oh you you you were tired tied to a chair i i don't you were not very safe no no corbon's core boss went crazy he'll sleep it off well are you two gonna be all right after all this yes we'll be fine we'll be fine this happened once before oh okay so there's a he has a habit of going crazy and tying you up into chairs and you let it happen again i thought it was for fun night turns out it was not okay so um hold on um i heard that he was talking to himself that's true yes kind of okay talking to curtains and rugs stabbing them okay uh i turned to the other king uh have you been talking to her and the fire he's like knocked out i was knocked out okay have you been talking to round the fire fire no okay is there anything um spiffy looking in here um is there now go ahead and roll me a uh enroll me a investigation okay or no just do a perception investigates like if you're trying to like figure something out about something okay uh perception then is right where'd you go there it is wow oh um it you just see some fancy rugs a nice little bed uh some wardrobes on the far side of the room nothing out of the ordinary for a bedroom it's a little fancier it's more of like for royalty but nothing too standing out okay okay paul pagan who listened that you would reward reward us with with toys for for killing the shape change changer and boxes fine uh yes you can have all the wine you want uh yes thank you for for killing shape changer and you see the one that was tied up that's standing right next to you uh he's like trying to shake your hand but sees that you're carrying a dead creature and so he kind of like goes to do like a handshake and then just kind of like hugs your leg very awkwardly before letting go and saying yes yes reward reward and you see that he runs over to the bed and he pulls out this chest that's underneath the bed and pulls out a little key from one of his pockets opens it up and pulls out this hat and goes to hand it like he's handing it out towards one of you to grab what's that i will i will take it uh looks like a wizard's hat okay what and after you grab the hat he reaches in one last time and pulls out a small wand and goes to hand it towards someone all right let me can um is it is it okay if i check these these out first before anybody just goes it's gonna take 10 minutes to identify each of these items all right let's see how i should be able to share this with you players magic items where is the okay so the first thing that you look over is the hat and i will go ahead and reveal this to y'all y'all see that did that pop up for y'all yes yes and for the wand you have this oh [Music] that's oh okay so so so this one i hold up the d hat i don't think any any of us can can use because you need to be a certain kind of magic and they don't any of us are that kind but this one i have to actually read what it does can we fly loud light loud light like a sparkler on the fourth of july i love the idea okay who uh who wants the stuff maybe we could sell the hat since uh you know can't use that how much well these things help us with the dragon that's what we're here for isn't it dragon i ain't going nowhere near that dragon yeah we were sent by a fandolin to come find items that would help defeat a dragon oh dragon's bad dragon's bad for rock domes yeah um kind of bad for a lot of come here that's why we got to take care of it oh that's bad news shape change your least of worries that's right um treasury maybe more stuff there well can you show us there show us the way uh yes this ner klee knurkley nerdkill will point towards uh pog and oola and whisper in gnomes like make sure corpuz is kept safe keep them from hurting others and they kind of nod and they kind of walk around in front of core boss and kind of help him up put him on the bed as uh merkley kind of motion or like moves past all of you it goes out into the hallway and starts like motioning towards you to follow can i just say i only now just realized that the gnome tokens are like a face and not like some little shrinky dink black creature thing oh yeah yeah really that's funny yeah that's all i saw this whole time there i'm like messaging chat thanks for the follow us tonight guys and the raid yes thank you you really appreciate it that was i looked over and i was like what the heck is going on he's like i gotta focus all right let me get rid of this uh you see as you all approach this big door at the end of this hall uh you see nerkley is fiddling with a key ring from his belt loop and puts the key in and turns and the doors open revealing a can't i grab that this is confusing i'm so sorry it's oh there it goes i'm just going to delete it we'll never come back here anyway uh [Music] nice place so we're just trying to stand in each other's way and just keep dancing into the same place as you enter this room uh amid the clutter oh nope that is not 101 or edl uh you look into the room and you see that it contains a jumble of non-functional gnomish gizmos as well as loose gears twisted bits of metal and other scraps that the gnomes probably use to cobble together new inventions uh you see as nerkley walks into one corner of the room and pulls out this chest opens it up and hands two items to tarvalar directly behind him uh what uh what are these now uh one is amulet the other one is pole pole gets bigger pull gets bigger amulet also gets bigger no amulet let me click on this real quick oh man i don't know how to explain this without let's see um it allows you to do things and not not fail oh that's simple things fun so uh won't let me fail at hitting the dragon do you guys uh to see if i can figure out more specific things about them i think uh your keen mind will be more suited to these no it's over to her i can try and figure out the staff if you want to look at the amulet okay okay all right awesome i really hope i hit myself in the face with this thing somehow all right so oh after a few minutes there um donna bella you see this did that pop up or no yeah it did sweet and where is this other thing yeah there it is and you uh feverin successfully figure out what the pole does [Laughter] you can use an action to speak [Music] yeah so so so this this thing um if if you're wearing it you can um most definitely always hit something if we were were to use arbitrary numbers you would always roll at least half but you can only use it once a day well that sounds pretty neat okay so uh who's taking what there i'm gonna divvy up that treasure oh wait how do i bring the stuff back up if i can you can go to the journal and it should be accessible to you okay so to explain what this does i just uh use an action to speak command word okay so when he gave it to us was it the small or the big version uh i would say the small compact one it was in a chest so so i just want to like stick it out in front of me and uh here it goes [Laughter] all right bingo bingo give me a big pull and uh extend it into a 10-footer as you do that uh is everyone where they're at right now yeah sure yeah carvalar and rumshu i need both of you to give me that serving throws four oh all right um there's gonna be no like actual damage on this but as he says that he's aiming this thing directly at your face when he says it and it just launches out just pegs you right in the forehead before you're able to even move and now you got like this little knot right there in the center of your forehead it just like slams into you oh watch uh where you appoint that thing in the future now take someone's eye out and that's not a good time for anybody i am just glad that devourer is safe my apologies starfall oh yeah he uh he would not have been very happy [Laughter] i was over here well uh revert uh pole i'm just uh back to a foot now and uh narcley's like this helps yes will this help we have magic book also oh where is this magic book magic book is next to football's dip and dabble dog oh yeah you saw it earlier yeah yeah yeah let's take maybe they'll be most displeased but you save our kingdom look all right online it is uh boxed wine let's that's that we give you barrel errol works but like what are the boxes um wine cities and barrels boxes no okay i i think i think you you need this it will keep you safe from pretty boy's pole clockwork ambulance i mean i think this pull of then beginning or excuse me pull of collapsing might uh might work with my set of skills you know help me get to higher places uh sneak around if we ever need to get in somewhere we might not supposed to be so i'll hang on to it if that's right with all of you guys and i promise not to watch where you're pointing yes uh all right so you see nerkley kind of walks out of the room walks back down this hall next to this uh pedestal out here and grabs the book and you see fibble stibb and dabble dog just stop what they're doing and they start shouting and gnomish and uh i gotta move you out of that way they're fevering uh nerkley just kind of starts shouting like raising a fist and telling them to shut up and walks up to man i'm i'm just grabbing a hold of you tonight ain't i [Laughter] uh walks up to donavella and hands the book to her oh this has spells this helps too yes spells spells usually help yes thank you so much thank you thank you all thank you all right now i have to deal with king donna donabella what's that book called can you can you read it matt magic magic of no no no my girl okay okay just just curious did you think she couldn't read or oh you know i forgot in the moment that you did speak know me but who knows these guys may have picked up anything uh just because i don't don't talk well doesn't mean i can't read i i believe you my my apologies donna bella it was a misstep on my part yeah that would be so lame if they couldn't rude well so how about those two barrels zula two barrels right that's what you said before wasn't it yes we'll give two barrels you save kingdom how many brothers are thinking of giving just just one barrel we we love wine okay yeah two you can have two you can have two all right so just to expedite this uh you know nercley kind of walks out into that area that you saw the two come from earlier uh rumshu and anabella grabs a couple of gnomes and you all start making y'all's way back over to the oh i i don't the shape changer just on the floor in the king's room oh okay that's perfectly fine uh so that he he gets a couple of the other gnomes together they start grabbing some of the barrels and start bringing them out into the entrance of the cave next door y'all's uh are did y'all tied those horses up i mean they were tied to the cart yeah yeah yeah yeah we tied them i mean rum shoe almost died i'm not i'm not going to screw you all too much first session uh so they they help y'all load them up in the cart and everything y'all got anything else y'all wanna say or do before y'all head on out um yeah i want to say to uh oola and pog i hope we can can share an inventions again someday this was this is fun yes gnomes love making stuff you like making stuff maybe we make stuff together i i have lots lots of tools and i pull out my jeweler's kit my thieves tools my smith's tools nice tools very nice tools we have nice tools too yes we have nice tools too very nice well i just want to kneel down next to ula give her a little pat on the head and say thank you this will help a lot in the journeys to come we wish you the best doula yes thank you all yes thank you all watch out for dragon dragon's very very very dangerous yes dragons are very dangerous stay safe and don't worry a devourer will be watching for him on my and if your king ever starts talking to fire you come down to mandolin and you can find us okay yes talking to fire is bad yes yeah [Music] oh all right and with that they kind of bow to you they shake your hands one last time and thanks and uh i guess y'all set back off towards the town of fandolin whew and that is where we are going to go ahead and end tonight's session feels like a good stopping point almost four hours but thank you all for watching it was great it's my first time being a dungeon master so hopefully i've amazed you awesome yeah thank y'all thank you all for watching thanks for the raid that was great thanks for the follows tonight uh make sure if you are watching this on youtube to hit that uh subscribe button and hit the bell for notifications on when new episodes go live and keep a lookout for imoris which streams tomorrow and mythic odysseys will return on the 20th
Channel: Swindler's Den
Views: 31,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon of Icespire Peak, running Dragon of Icespire Peak, running essentials kit, d&d essentials kit, dungeons and dragons essentials kit, swindler's den, 5e, dungeons and dragons show, gnomengarde, essentials kit walkthrough, starter set, phandelver, dragon of icespire peak dm guide, dragon of icespire peak playthrough, dungeons and dragons essentials kit how to play
Id: WKotdghOje4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 54sec (12054 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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