Dragon Ball Super Fusion World: Set 2 FB02 Yellow Reveals, Overview and Deck List!

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[Music] hey one egman here with a another video and today we're going to be looking at all the yellow cards revealed for the second set of the Dragon Ball super card game Fusion World which comes out in just a couple weeks which is really exciting and if you want to see any of the cards from set 2 all of them have been updated onto my website uh Eggman events uh so you can check out the deck builder there you can see all the cards here just the yellow ones that are for set two but all of set TW is there and you can do some deck building and just you know some Theory crafting and everything else so we're going to go over uh just kind of some cards I think are interesting from the set and then we're going to have an example deck build uh with Vegeta at the end as well but let's just jump on into it and I'm going to be honest uh Vegeta like I'm really uh I was really excited about what kind of things he could do uh the front side is pretty generic but the back side being able to untap two energy at the end of every turn is pretty strong uh we've seen this in Dragon Ball super Masters be a very strong leader effect as well and my only issue is that he it's just like a really generic leader uh otherwise right and every all the stuff that was printed for yellow at least for Vegeta is also very generic it's kind of difficult to build for him when uh it's it's just there's no like real clear path for it but doesn't mean it's not strong but I also think like we didn't get like you know when I saw this effect as why I'm like okay cool we're going to get a lot more of like these one cost events uh or extra cards rather that uh will let us do some cool things maybe even like a two cost uh event that lets us you know play like a three cost Saye or something something like that like I I had like some high expectations and we didn't really get those right we got uh two two good extra cards that can be played on on defense this this blue Power Awakening is pretty good uh being able to KO something you know rested with a cost of six or less is pretty great for removal and we also have this act battle Choose Your Leader or up to one of your battle cards gets plus 25k power for the battle so that's pretty good that's a meteor uh right to get out of an attack that we get for free because we get that two energy every turn so that's fine uh we also get time rewound as well activate battle uh once per turn uh choose one of your leaders or battle cards it gets plus 20K power for this battle then you can choose up to one of your battle cards and switch it to active which is great for uh you know protecting it for after so your opponent can attack into it or refreshing a blocker so this car is actually not too bad either um but there's just like nothing really cool to do I guess with the two energy so it's probably fine I was probably you know have my expectations a little bit too high the only other thing you can do is that we have this new whis card uh that is a blocker and then activate battle once per turn for one energy you can switch this card to active mode so you can do something like attack with it on your opponent's turn they're starting attack you and then you can pay one uh on the defense side to restand it you can't uh you'd have to miss out on the first attack so it'd have to be activate battle meaning You' restand it and then you can block every attack any afterwards but not the the first one because of it so you do lose out on something but being able to get like a free refresh from your leader is not too bad either so that's kind of the idea for that other everything else I think is just kind of more generic and I'll be honest I think Frieza is still going to be the stronger deck uh on just like some beginning Theory crafting and testing uh Frieza got a lot of good cards and I think that deck is going to be better uh but there could be some good I'm not going to write Vegeta off quite yet uh that's just been my my experience as is so anyways uh going through some additional cards we want to talk about uh we got another balma uh so on play look top five cars of your deck reveal one whis add it to your hand place the rest of your bottom of your deck this would be fine if there more cards named whis there are only two so uh and only one of is in the 10K and I don't really I don't think this whis is super good so end of your turn choose a 20 rest mode cards which active mode so that's maybe okay uh if you establish it I'm I'm not convinced on this card quite yet but um again like this with only 10 Target or sorry eight targets maximum for this wlma you just don't it's not worth it it's not worth running it it's just like there's not enough targets for it which is maybe it's going to be better down the line but right now I don't think it's great this bomb is still very good and we still have like the Vegeta combo uh from where you can play it you can take two cards from your life so you can awaken pretty quickly uh using these effects but I don't super like it yet we have this cooler which is really interesting so it's blocker one drop and then also activate main for three you can return this card to its owner's hand to play a cooler cost a four so if you're able to play it early and you're able to get it to stick it uh you get some really good Advantage from it you can also use this in like ginu specifically like if you're at three energy and uh or yeah four life and three energy you can play the cooler untap the energy and then use the effect to get out early uh I don't think that's going to happen but that's just something you could do uh we also get this two drop ginu uh activate main switches card arrest mode choose two of your battle cards ginu force in their special trait and then get plus 5K power for the turn so um it's another Frieza Army ginu Force card which is good it's named ginu which is a little bit weird in some scenarios but uh it's not terrible it's also a 10K counter which is really nice for you so I could see this like replace maybe burer uh in some builds too just because it's it's you are able to play it and get like the Boost of things so not too bad you do have to rest it and you have to get it on the board but it's whatever uh we also have Master roshi this was revealed pretty long ago I I really like this card I maybe I shouldn't but it's pretty much 25k during the times where it matters uh because has this permanent discards of rest mode it gets plus 20 plus 20K power so uh it's a if you're trying to set up as a blocker uh you know it's a 5k so against red you pretty much always want to attack with it but um the 25 K uh body for three that's also a 10K counter is not too terrible uh so I think it's really neat we also get this Android 18 in this one on player when attacking choose up to one of your opponent's battle cards and switch it to rest mode so uh that's pretty strong being able to rest two things on the same turn is pretty good for Value purposes too we do have this three cost Frieza which is a little bit expensive for for the deck um you know we don't but we don't really have like a really good turn three anyways except for wanting to awaken but Auto your turn once per turn when this card is switched to active mode by a scale choose up to of your opponent's rest mode battle cards with a cost of four less and it can't switch to active mode during your opponent's next turn so the idea is that your end of turn with your leader Frieza lets you restand this which means that you give uh you stun something as well and then you get this 10K counter if you need it to so not too bad of a card and I think that's very helpful for the deck too uh we have this metac cooler uh it's a three blocker but ended here and you can switch it active mode for free which isn't too bad for for cooler stuff too uh we get this sun Gohan adolescent so real quick we got this go which uh looked pretty nuts uh generically right uh being able to rest uh you stun a rest card on play and when attacking it's like a mini version of beerus well we even have like a mini mini version so just on play with the sun Gohan adolescence choose up to one of your opponent's rest mode battle cards can't switch to active mode during their opponent's next turn so we have just so many ways to stun this does not care about cost at all so this could be pretty good um I think the go Goku is just better um and it's not too expensive for being able to do it consistently but this is just like another card if you want to continue to just stun every card your opponent has we also do have uh some of like the four cost Frieza Clan stuff so we have like the king cold which you can play off the five cost Mecha Frieza from last set uh but one blocking once per return you can switch this card active so you get to do a double block with this one which isn't too bad uh and then we also have Mecha Frieza so uh when KO uh is also a blocker look at the top three cards of your deck reveal Frieza Clan and it special traits added to your hand then place the rest of your bottom uh of your deck in any order so these these two are are really good blockers and again which is why I think Frieza could take advantage of either of these um and even like five cross meca Frieza could see more play since there's more King cold targets to play off of it which I think is great so I think all that's very good uh lastly we have uh energy uh blast volley which acate main you can just rest everything which is uh sounds a little bit crazy but I also would say that in Dragon Ball most cards except for if you're playing against yellow specifically and the turn in in rest mode so uh like there's just you're just so uh benefited to attack with everything that I don't think this card is going to be very good um I think there's just not a lot of like defensive Decks that put up a lot of blockers except for maybe Frieza um so it could be good against like the mirror match if you're playing yellow but other than that I don't think it's going to see too much play and then we do have our secret rare for Golden Frieza as well which is still Frieza Clan Frieza Army so um the only only other kind of thing is that yellow doesn't really get a lot of card draw or cycle outside of the the One Drops that we had last set right so this is you know fin off zarbon since it is a card with Frieza in its name so that's pretty tempting for the deck um this being able to be you know opponent's bow cards with five or more you're played in rest mode and also on play you get to KO rest mode battle card this card is not too bad uh and I think that if there's a deck to take advantage of it it's probably Vegeta because you do you know still get your two energy open at the end which means you do have uh some defense capabilities uh for the deck as well being able to have like blue Power Awakening or time rewound or even like uh what golden free like death ball that kind of stuff we do have just more access to defense tools which is really really nice so anyways here is my example build for it and I I kind of had a bit of an issue with what do we build for Vegeta right we don't really have that many cards that are specific to him and the other thing with yellow right now is we don't have a lot of generic Searchers or consistency cards the only cards that we have that let us draw are the one drop Sor Bay and then also the one drop zarbon so this looks top five for anything that includes Frieza so that does mean that we do get like the new golden Frieza as well which is pretty good and the meca Frieza so I kind of felt like that was just the best way for more consistency because again Vegeta's really open-ended uh and I would say maybe too open-ended uh due to just kind of what the card pool looks like so uh yeah we're running a good amount of friezas we're having like the one drop Frieza uh the two drop Frieza which is really great for just early control and being able to get some self- Awakening which is great uh then we also have the three cost we can find play any of these One Drops too so uh I might be playing too many One Drops can take them out but because Vegeta can play a One Drop for free from our hand it is really tempting to do so uh we are playing the two drops Arbon just for more self- Awakening and we do have a couple genu copies as well which I might just put bump this up to four and then remove the zarbon or I might just remove this all together I'd have to do some more testing with it but uh honestly like again this this has always been strong where you're able to play you know a two cost 20K uh for free which is really good uh so I think it's still good for now um we do have like our our three drop and then going up to our for cost we have our our block and reca Frieza and honestly our Sun Goku which still seems like one of the strongest cards for this deck it's a 10K counter uh being able to stun two things on play and when attacking uh you know consistent like the turn you play it you play it stun something attack stun something else which is really great and then we have our our five drop golden Frieza and our our six drop golden Frieza as well so uh running a super combo time time round and also blue Power uh Awakening to uh just a 4-3 split just because uh you know we can't play we can play two timey round on one turn after Awakening but it's a little bit trickier to uh like this takes up all the energy that we're using as well so I was thinking about playing the for cost whis as well uh but we just had so many other for costs that I didn't find that as super worth it and I am a little bit worried that we are running a lot of 5Ks with not a lot of 10ks either so uh there could be a way that we just remove these two costs for something that's kind of better in the slot but uh yeah the deck the deck seems really interesting again I don't know I still just feel like Frieza from the stard deck is just like the better leader for all this stuff anyways like the defense properties are being able to use like time rewound or blue Power Awakening is tempting to to play for Vegeta but I just don't know if the consistency is there because we just we just draw cards right we don't we don't get any Searchers we don't find our pieces outside of using zarbon to find them and I feel like it's a little bit rough for uh any archetype that's just not a Frieza archetype right now so anyways that's going to be it for this one let me know what you guys think about this deck and what yours look like as well and uh we'll be looking at other Fusion World stuff in the next couple weeks so make sure you hit that like And subscribe if you haven't already and I'll make sure to catch you all next time Dam [Music]
Channel: TheEgman
Views: 940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon, Ball, Super, Card, Game, Bandai, Digimon, Digi, Mon, Digital, Monster, Monsters, eggman, Fusion, World, Fusion World, DBS, Master, Masters, FW, Starter, Starters, Cards, Leaks, Reveals, Demo, Online, Client, Broly, Green, ST03, Super Rare, Full, Deck, List, Yellow, Frieza, proxy, overview, Tutorial, How, To, Play, FS01, Leaders, Set 1, Gameplay, Match, learn, Vegeta, Blue, super, secret, Review, Beta, Mistakes, Goku Black, Trunks, Future, Pilaf, Loop, Combo, Tier, teir, Tournament, Results, Cooler, FB02, Set 2, Cell, tier, Of, Power, TOP, Universe
Id: 3s60C6mlUOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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