Dragon Ball: Chaos Crossover Z: Special Three: Tree of Might

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last time on Dragon Ball chaos crossover Z the chaos Z Fighters faced their toughest challenge yet when the mighty Sans arrived on Earth Although our heroes put up an excellent fight and even Eggman arrived to help though the saans were too powerful and many lives were lost however Goku and Sonic returned from their training with King Kai and after witnessing a tragedy Sonic Unleashed a dark transformation defea Vegeta and ending the threat of the saans with Piccolo gone though Kami and the dragon balls are gone as well so the group makes preparations to Piccolo's Home Planet Namek to use their dragon balls and revive their friends before our remaining Heroes depart however they'll have to face another opponent who will they battle before they take off find out [Music] [Applause] now [Music] the world of Mobius was a beautiful planet due to King jules's Fantastic ruling keeping everything in the greatest of conditions however this time as king left him little for his three children scorge Sonia and Manic the three felt neglected as their parents would always excuse themselves from them for multitudes of reasons they have an important meeting to attend to they have to meet with the leader of the Akida tribe they have to renew the peace treaty yada yada they couldn't stand being the children of royalty since they're forced to go to all of these boring ceremonies and play the part of the perfect children it especially ate away at Scourge who hated his father the most out of his siblings one day he decided he wasn't going to live like this anymore he went up to his siblings and tore off their Royal Crest he threw the me should the ground and shattered all three he told them that was how he felt about this family and today is the day Everything Will Change they would overthrow him and rule the land the way that they wanted to Sonia and manic followed their brother's rules very carefully to form a team and take down their father they gained the trust of the mobus scientist rodor and the captain of the royal guard Antoine Antoine was able to convince the royal guard to stand with them well rodor was able to use his robotics genius to transform a simple mobian called bunny into bunny rabbot a powerful killing machine the coup was planned with scorge jumping his father during a ceremony and stabbing him to death on stage Sonia took her mother by surprise shooting her in the head with the Blaster that she herself gave her with Manic taking down the rest of the Senate around them the remaining soldiers were easily taken out by Antoine's Royal Guard while bunny rabbot rocked up the highest body count in modern mobian memory scorge rose up to the top and announced his rule phobius today is the day this great peie [ __ ] what a joke it's time for us to finally wake up be free of the suppression and finally make our own rules the remaining citizen having little or to no option instantly submitted to scorch's Will and the planet was put under the strict rule of him and his siblings who were able to easily kill anybody who got in their way however there was one particular group of rebels who were always in the way due to their mystical artifacts the soul emeralds the soul emeralds were thought to be a myth but scorge learned the hard way that they were not when the leader of the rebels Blaze the Cat utilize their powers to transform into burning blazes and with this power even Scourge couldn't defeat her she managed to wipe out the royal guard even the mighty bunny rabbot Scourge was fast enough to save himself and his siblings but not powerful enough to do any damage to burning blaze however as they battled they realized that the power of the Soul emeralds doesn't last forever and eventually Blaze reverted back to normal even though most of their troops were dead Scourge and his siblings were more than powerful enough to defeat Blaze on their own so bling a rebellion had no choice but to retreat Scourge and his siblings overtook control once again and realized the only way they would be able to truly rule is to get their hands on the soul emeralds but they can't head into the rebel Camp by themselves or else Blaze might use their powers once again and kill them all the three get continue to search for a power greater than the soul emeralds however are never able to find the Power by themselves until the planet got its first taste of alien life Alien Invaders arrived and a gigantic tree was planted which drained the planet of all of its life energy this didn't go unnoticed a Scourge in a squad who visited the Invaders at the base of the tree yo this is a sick ass look tree here where the hell did you guys get something like this greetings mobian my name is Turles and this is the Tree of Might why ain't that a [ __ ] name for a good tree foulmouthed Little Creatures here you mind if I take that off your hands there ape boy ruin I definitely need it more than you it seems you don't quite know your place in the Universe yet rodent who do you think you're talking to I conquered this whole damn Planet just who do you think Scourge is cut off from an attack by the freedom fighters who have arrived to investigate the treeve might as well oh God damn it these lamos again and who are these ones only one of their power levels is somewhat interesting the damn Freedom Fighters they're trying to take back the world or whatever a real pain in my ass Turles simply flicks his hand and unleashes a gigantic blast that eradicates the crew rushing towards them scourge's mouth drops in shock at how this crew was destroyed so fast the Troublesome Blaze appears out of the smoke to rush Turles but he simply tanks her punch to the face no wonder you you took over this planet so easily rat the competition is a joke Turles grabs Blaze's Fist and shoves his hand in her face a key blast is Unleashed head on into Blaze with her seemingly being eradicated uh what I meant to say was want to join my crew bet we can take over this dump real good together I think my tree has exhausted most of your planet's resources and yet there's still not a single fruit produced none of these planets have enough energy that right shut it rat I'd kill you you'd be a valuable asset to my Crusher core though under my rule of course appreciate the invite apan if it leads to killing more innocent peeps then I'm here Scourge inter turist then infiltrate the freedom fighter camp with Scourge finding the soul Emerald sealed away while searching they find some research that their deceased scientist Dr kintobor was working on he has harnessed powers from the soul emeralds themselves to create a prototype interdimensional Gateway what are these Soul emeralds in his notes oh these are nothing just some rocks pretty native to the planet actually good for a nothing only if you're real smart you can do something with scorge takes the emeralds and puts them in his father's old seal hoping that Turles won't try to use them for himself well according to these notes we can travel to other universes he hypothesized there were many out there maybe even up to 13 at a point though the closest he could get is the universe first we into our own he presses to combinations kabore put together and the portal opens revealing a planet opposite Mobius one teaming with all kinds of Life Turles and Scourge look at each other and smile then look back at the portal a new world is about to be put under their rule [Music] St [Music] n Merry [Music] Christmas Goku erupts into his aari form screaming out as he tries to combine the move with the Kaio can which is somewhat work but he can't use both of them together for very long until his body almost gives out ah darn I was really hoping that would work this time why are you so focused on that monkey power anyways I told you you should have focused in on that pseudo super form without the emeralds around we're going to need all the super we can get for the trip to Namek you know I've always hated having to use the emeralds anyways it's better training if I'm able to tap into the power myself that power I used against garlic Jr it it didn't feel like a super form it felt more like the power I have now my Cari form felt more like that maybe it's got something to do with you being a Saiyan and all maybe like a Super Saiyan that's a good one if you don't mind me asking what would you call that power you showed off to Vegeta I had a feeling you'd ask ask about it eventually of course I would I could sense chaos power in you but not the kind like when we were kids this was some kind of power working off of your emotions don't get me wrong this power was way higher than anything I could put out but it didn't feel anything like you Sonic just be careful with it is all I'm saying I wouldn't want to call your new power Dark Sonic I'm here I sense that large power what happened nothing here Gohan just doing some light training W don't scare me like that Gohan Powers down and slumps away ever since the battle with the saans Gohan's been very much on edge he feels like it's his fault that Piccolo Knuckles tails and all of the others died because he was too weak Goku and Sonic have been trying to help him feel better but he's still an edge a lot of the time that's why Goku suggested taking him out camping to try and get him to feel more relaxed he can't stay for very long since somebody's got to watch after Vegeta to make sure he doesn't try anything but Gohan should be fine with Sonic and the others as if on Q princess Sally Bulma and Krillin showed up ready to start their camping trip the last Harrah before the head off Dynamic hey there Gohan how are you greetings princess Sally it's nice to see you again no need to be so formal Gohan you know that Sally is just fine your uncle Sonic here told me that you wanted a dog no well I got you something even better from out behind Sally aista dragon flies towards Gohan licking his face oh my gosh thank you for the gifts Sally I love him with his new friend Gohan is able to relax and have fun with all of his friends thanks for the gift Sally I know it's going to make him feel a lot better anytime Goku no child his age should have seen the things he saw he deserves to feel like a kid before he goes out again Gohan goes flying through at the camp on Icarus laughing and enjoying his Pet's company as they're flying around though the two see a flash of light and a fire erupting in the woods oh no the force is on fire Gohan and Icarus fly back to the camp and as soon as they get back the others noticed a fire burning as well the animals we need to get them out of here stand back guys it's time for some Sonic Speed Sonic rushes right into the forest fire and uses his Sonic wind to put out as much of it as he can though as he's running around he gets blasted in theide of his head sonic tumbles into a nearby tree as he hears some girl yell out Scourge what the hell are you doing Sonic stands up and sees a female Hedgehog looking right at him with some weird kind of blaster in her hand I can ask the same thing of you lady and the name's Sonic are you the one who set the forest on fire technically I didn't my brother started it but I didn't stop him M pointing me in his Direction so I can kick his butt too you're just a SC a Scourge to guess some things stay the same no matter the universe universe what are you talking about Sonic senses another attack coming from behind and he jumps out of the way just in time he looks in the direction of who fired and sees another Hedgehog a green one this time with drumsticks jeez you really are as fast as him that's so cool how about we talk this out hedgehogs to Hedgehog now Burning Down the homes of thousands of woodl creatures sis you hearing this I never thought I'd hear compassion in his tone he was right you look just like him but you could be more different Sonia fires another blast at him with Sonic kicking it right back at her Sonia surprised jumps out of the way with Manic firing more blasphemous his drumsticks Sonic Dodges these easily as well and Nails manic right in the gut woo been waiting on an excuse to kick your ass did I do something to you he quickly Dodges another incoming blast and throws Sonia right into her brother the two stagger as Sonic quickly ties them both to a tree together and that's that with the Pyro psychos now to put out the rest of attention to the scrubs of this Zone the King has arrived respect what Sonic is hit across the face at lightning speed scorge revs for another with Sonic blocking and going to trade another blow with this Hedgehog this Hedgehog looks exactly like him scorge revs up a figure eight and Nails Sonic in a jaw staggering him back as he then runs off and unti his siblings I left you wimps alone for what a minute two three tops and you get your asses beat how pathetic are you two shove it Scourge where the hell did you go hit the goods I thought I could leave you corpse alone how'd you go and find him already dude he came to us that right scorge runs over to Sonic and looks him up and down the two then instantly begin to run around each other clashing at supersonic speed around the forest they match blow for blow and scorge just flaps they didn't expect anybody else to be able to keep up with me especially not somebody who looks like me for my high school days well ain't you a riot could say the same for you blue think you can keep up scorge blasts off with Sonic right behind him the two run all through the forest at top speeds neck and neck the forest is put out right away by the winds and shock waves the two hedgehogs produce and the two continue to race around this is so much fun but sorry to say I can't stick around blue got some evil plans your sister was right you really are that cocky you're going away for burning down this Forest Baker I haven't shown you an ounce of my real speed yet oh I had a feeling that but if you're anything like me then teleportation ain't really a thing scorge presses a button with Sonic hearing a beeping noise behind his head scorch's teleporter activates and Sonic teleports away Sally Krillin and Gohan rush in asking the three who they are sorry kitties would love to talk but I got a juice Scorch takes his siblings and runs away with Sonic running back to the camp a few minutes later since Gorge teleported him halfway across the planet that Hedgehog Scorch who is he all of the Z Fighters have been gathered at Goku's house putting together a plan on how to take down these head guy looked like you and had your speed yeah but he wasn't so tough if his siblings Wen in the way I'd be able to take care of them in no time so you want us to hold off the other two while you deal with your doppelgangers I don't think it's going to be that easy I said others with those three as well we're going to need to hold off a lot more than just those other two hedgehogs speaking of those other hedgehogs any idea why they look so much like you Sonic any siblings you're not telling us about the only family I remember is my uncle Chuck if I had any brothers or sisters I know he would have told me about them this Scourge seems like more than just a faker B we got to keep an eye on him do you think Eggman has anything to do with this I can have my father send him right now they can't be robots that could sense their energy those robot versions of dad and uncle Sonic don't have any key but these guys do then who could they be are you sure you guys want to know oh hey King Kai you know who these guys are I've look to them shortly after Sonic's battle and it seems the situation is worse than I thought these Warriors are from Another Universe Another Universe that's right there exist other universes outside of our own and when I'm not sure how many there are I know that these visitors must come from the one closest to our own our twin universe that's the reason why the scourge acts and looks just like Sonic it's is evil twin from Another Universe wait a sec King Kai if this guy is my twin from Another Universe then does that mean there are evil versions of All of Us in that Universe I'm not so sure all of them are evil but there may be other versions of everybody yes yeah does that mean there could be an evil me here as well let's hope there's not for all of our sakes I don't think my heart can take seeing an evil Goku that's not all these Intruders have brought in a dangerous kind of tree that is draining all life on this planet you all need to stop them before it's too late a LIF draining tree you mean the Tree of Might where the hell did these rodents get something like that you know what that tree is it's a weapon that a saans used to use in battle back when we lived on planet sadala we used it to drain other planets of their life force and to grow a fruit that could grant us unimaginable power the seeds all died out once we left to Planet Vegeta so how could these clowns have gotten one unless the evil Sonic is with a Sayan a doubleganger of you I'm not sure but since sitting around here thinking isn't going to solve anything chaotics you guys stay here and watch after Vegeta make sure he doesn't get into any trouble while we're away oh you don't trust me around a little tree Kakarot nah I just don't trust you in general let's go guys dad you think I can come too of course Gohan I'm sorry Chi-Chi but he's one of the strongest on the planet now him coming with us will help show him how to fight and prepare him for Namek trust me Chi-Chi eventually agrees and Gohan is allowed to go off to help Sally also pipes up telling Sonic that she's coming along to fight as well she's princess of this planet and will do her best to defend it now Sonic tells her it'll be suicide but Sally tells him that while the group were training for the saans her and Tails were working on a suit of armor for her but they weren't able to finish she finished it off herself and now she's ready she activates to suit on her watch and Sally is coated in a metallic armor becoming Mecca Sally Sonic is impressed and since they need a help they can get why not have Sally come he has to admit he is really impressed by this armor and finds himself blushing on how cool she looks Goku notices and punches him in the arm laughing the Z Fighters all arrive at the base of the Tree of Might and since they can all sense energy they can feel the essence of the earth Le they need to get rid of this thing now Goku Sonic Gohan and Krillin fire a Kamehameha at the tree with Sally firing a laser and Shu a toona all of these beams combine and hit the tree head on but it doesn't even put a dent in it they all then hear laughing as scorched a hedgehog comes into view did your losers think that would work man people in this universe really are dumb as bricks wow bro he brought a whole crew with them this time want to even the odds a little bit manic throws out a capsule and out blows two star goalposts the gold poost activate and a huge portal opens from behind them sadly yells out that this must be the way they got to this Dimension and she blasted the device to destroy it however her blast is deflected by what just stepped through it looks like huh Alicia a corn steps out of the portal and looks at her doppelganger saying man alternate her is really ugly the rest of the supression squad step out of the portal as well Boomer walrus patch dilette Fiona Fox and most surprisingly of all miles Prowler and Rosie the Rascal Sonic's heart drops this guy looks just like Tails and Amy can't believe the resemblance between her and Rosie it's like looking in a Mir seems like a battle of the Doppel gangers suppression Squad charge Goku and Sonic go after scorge and his siblings as the others go after the suppression Squad Gohan clashes fist with Miles swinging around him and engaging in hand to hand Gohan is throwing his punches as miles just reminds him too much of Tails miles uses this to his Advantage getting some extra blows in on the boy these don't actually hurt much on Gohan which gets miles annoyed he flies off and begins to fire multiple keyi blasts which catches Gohan off guard Gohan then realizes that this guy isn't really anything like Tails he uses key much more so than tails and doesn't even fly using his own twin Tails he just uses his key so Gohan can use that to his Advantage Gohan flies all around avoiding all of miles's key attacks and since the fox is using that key to fly he's beginning to run out of energy which tires him out enough where Gohan is able to knock him out in a single blow Gohan catches miles before he hits the ground and he lowers him down to the ground himself Gohan stares at miles for a moment and then flies off to go help his friends Krillin catches Boomer walrus's punch and can only hold it off for a bit before he has to fly off Boomer then raises his other arm and fires out a beam right at krillin's face Krillin is hit dead on and sent flying into a nearby cliff Boomer rushes back to him and begins to swing more at Krillin Krillin can block some of the hits but Boomer is a very heavy hitter which isn't helping Krillin much he flies back and launches a solar flare right in Boomer's face Krillin then launches a Destructo disc with Boomer somehow dodging out of the way and Blasting it with one of his cannons darli it I thought that would work this time how' you see a cake Boomer shows that only one of his eyes is his own while his other is mechanical Boomer then jumps up and slams Krillin to the ground knocking him out with another Sonic Cannon Sally holds off Alicia and Fiona doing her best to hold them off hand to hand thankfully she's got her suit to give her somewhat of an advantage but it's still tough against two opponents her and Alicia are evenly matched with Fiona being a little weaker but more feisty with her style being pretty predictable for Sally luckily for her though she has her own Jarvis in the suit you might say as she has her own robot guide Nicole in her ear helping her out the best she can Nicole is able to even pull a lla from spiderverse and just appear outside of Sally's suit as a hologram to distract Alicia and Thea for Sally with Nicole's help Sally is able to defeat her own doppelganger and even Fiona by herself by catching Alicia's Whip and nailing Fiona with it right in her Tempo patch stabs at Chu almost slashing him with his sword chozu uses telekinesis to hold him in place and then slam him into the ground patch snars at this and does his best to move but it's pretty hard chotu flies around battling patch and even uses a DeDona to hit him right in the face patch is being beaten around pretty badly until he's able to move just enough to prick chotu with a poison needle chotu begins to cough up blood as the poison spreads in his body with chu distracted patch is able to break free of the telekinesis and slash at Chu cutting a huge gash in the side of his body chotu falls to the ground about to die as Gohan appears in a rage at seeing Chu hurt Gohan fires a aeno dead on in his face killing him I'm sorry but I'm not going to let any more of my friends die Icarus comes over to Gohan and Gohan puts chotu on icarus's back telling him to go bring him to a hospital Icarus squawks in understanding and flies off as fast as he can to save chaosu Amy narrowly Dodges Rosie's Hammer swing as she deflects her neck with her own this Rosie is literally insane she's foaming at the mouse swinging her Hammer around and is truly aiming In For the Kill though since Amy is a master at the hammer she can deflect all day and tries her hardest to hit back but Rosie is unbelievably powerful such a cute little hedgehog to squish why are you doing this aren't we like sisters or something nuh-uh you're breathing which means I need to fix that for you Mimi is knocked around with Rosie laughing and mocking her the whole time Gohan then flies in and catches Rosie's Hammer before she can deal the final blow hey you ruined my big squish Gohan Powers up throwing the hammer right back at Rosie Gohan flies in punching her with him very disturbed by how Rosie is still laughing as he's laying into her Rosie fights back and is able to deal some damage to Gohan Amy is able to appear over her and land a devastating Hammer blow to the side of her head causing it to twist unnaturally and break Amy and Gohan looked down Disturbed to see that she's still smiling up at them the two then rejoin with Sally and watch Boomer take out Krillin the three head up the battle Boomer but he is leagues Above the Rest he's able to send him flying around with a Sonic Cannon and blows off huge chunks of Sally's armor okay Gohan now would be a really good time for you to get angry does it work that way on Amy Boomer rattles them all with Sally having Nicole hack into his cybernetics hoping to get them offline thankfully this works as Nicole is able to hack into his eye and his cannons disabling them completely with that the three able to land the final blow and take out Boer to three breathe a sigh of relief and then go to check on Goku and Sonic when a figure flies down in front of them Gohan is happy at first thinking that's his dad but this guy is not his father Goku and Sonic Clash against the three hedgehogs scorge battles with Sonic as Goku is stuck with Sonia and Manic Sonia and manic seem to rely on their musical instrument blasters which indeed are powerful but if that's the best that they can muster then Goku can handle them he yells out Kyle Canen and explodes in energy he flies around and slams manic right in the back launching him right into Sonia the two Slam against a Tree of Might as Goku launches a Kamehameha right at the two knocking them unconscious the mighty Saiyan Turles appears at Gohan and laughs so you're the hybrid I heard about you're pretty powerful for a we one perhaps once this planet dies you can come back to my universe and join my crew I would never join an Evil saying like you you're going to pay for Tails Gohan rushes Turles with Turles easily able to deflect all of his blows he knees Gohan in the chest and backhands him launching him into the ground Sally and Amy yell out with Sally flying right up to Turles and launching a blast Point [ __ ] in his face this doesn't affect him at all and he decks Sally across her face shattering her armor and knocking her right out Amy launches up and swings at Turles with her Hammer but Turles catches it and slams it two into the ground with Amy's own Hammer he swings it around and laughs that Hedgehog Squad fell to these weaklings maybe it was a mistake to have him come along we screw you too space Kong a little help over here Sonic is shocked how fast this guy took his friends out and he flies right over to him and kicks him in the chest he Nails Sonic with a powerful gut punch chucked at the power in that blow Goku rushes over to save him and flies back with Sonic are you okay I think so Scourge and Turles land next to each other with Turles handing Scourge a Strang looking fruit that must be the fruit from the Tree of Might Vegeta told them about Scourge takes a huge bite from the fruit and eats it down as fast as he can then he smirks as he begins to grow in power a green glow surrounds Scourge and as he Powers right up his entire body turning green talk about an upgrade new meaning to lean mean and green the fruit from the tree helps others grow in all sorts of ways now maybe you can actually be useful oh piss off you no good excuse of a monkey pirate turis goes to eat his own fruit with Goku firing a beam at him to stop it though Scourge rushes in front of Turles to deflect the blast and it flies right back into Goku Goku stumbles back in pain not expecting that Turles finishes his fruit and bulks up considerably exploding in energy so I think we can take him I think so they smile at each other and Goku and Turles fly into the air as Sonic glares down Scourge play time's over [Applause] pal what the heck is going on [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] woo damn blue where the hell did you let a form like that nah it ain't a form it's a technique I learned while training in other world other world what did you die or something wrong again I was granted access to train there that way I can deal with monsters like you bet you top dollar you feel high M calling me a monster don't you well a little birdie told me some somebody's got a little monstrous energy in them something of the dark ey wager Sonic flinches and increases his kaio-ken the time was before asking Scourge who the hell told him about that Scourge points over to Turles revealing that he's the reason why he knows so much about him problem is though these Powers were a lot stronger than they anticipated even with the amazing power from the fruit of the Tree of Might the two may not be able to win this as they are now but they planned for this he hid them away when he got to this universe and now it's time to show them off they're going to end this Scourge gives a signal to Turles and the two of them Blast Off well Goku lands next to Sonic confused okay let's do [Music] this [Music] what no [Music] way you [Music] fool do you really think you can stand up to [Music] me [Music] [Music] go [Music] you surprised me a little but not [Music] ni [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you die I'm in trouble let's get this over [Music] with now I'll show [Music] you [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] chaos BL [Music] n [Music] no what they watch as the tree of might disintegrates all around them as the soul Emerald's power was able to eat away at the tree and give the Earth back its Life Energy Blaze then introduces herself as Blaze the cat she fills a two in on who she is and that she was almost killed before arriving here but managed to use her connection with the soul emeralds to teleport her into this universe she tried to track down the emeralds but Scourge had hidden them away but with them out she was able to use them to to transfer their power away from that blasted King Scourge with him out of the picture now they can restore her Universe to what it once was she thanks them for all of their help and chants to Soul emeralds away from them she surrounds herself saying that she's indebted to them and that if they ever need her then they give her a call the soul emeralds un erupt in power teleporting Blaze back into her Dimension Goku and Sonic watch her fade away and smile wait should we have asked her to come with us to [Music] Namek [Music] I've managed to track His Life Source he's back on Mobius finally no wonder my brother sleeps all the time you Mortals are just so slow apologies it appears scour was the only one who made it back the others have either been imp prisoned or killed in Universe 7 they're still there if the Omni King discovers that you Mortals have messed with the universal law I'm finished this is all your fault ngga Lord Champa my apologies it it it can be fixed I'll make it my personal duty to retrieve the rodents that's what I like to hear I was worried that I have to head into Universe 7 myself s there's nothing of value for me there get in grab those who were sent there by your invention and bring them back to my Palace As You Wish sir and lead the scourge to me
Channel: Damon: What if?
Views: 20,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qtuql12fOYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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