Dragnet - The Big Hate * S02E14, Classic TV show, Full Episode

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ladies and gentlemen story you're about to see is true the names have been changed to protect the innocent [Music] [Music] this is the city [Applause] [Music] the people like things big and that's the way they build them super highways big parks supermarkets big buildings most of the people do big things few of them are pretty small they're my business I'm a cop there was Tuesday January 18th it was raining in Los Angeles we were working the Night Watch out a homicide detail my partner's Frank Smith my name's Friday we found a 25 year old unidentified man hiding in a freight car in his arms he held the body of a dead woman the victims identity was unknown the suspect refused to tell us anything we had to start at the beginning I checked with the R&I division to see if we could find a record on the man [Music] Joe the cop Isaiah nothing fine asking questions might as well been talking to myself I'd be in a state of shock no I don't think so did you get any awning tomorrow night no he's clean where you headed marred gonna pick up strong will the dead woman's Christ okay hope you have better luck man see ya after your driver's license Gordon better put it back in your wallet come on put it back in the wall now look son I don't think you're helping yourself much by keeping quiet there's a lot of explaining to be done here fraid you're the only one who can do it Gordon alright son it's just a matter of time you're gonna have to tell somebody sooner or later why won't you tell us now what do you say what son I want to tell you the truth I don't get the reasoning behind all this we know there's nothing wrong with you we know you can talk alright you talk to the officers in a radio car brought you in you know as well as I do you're gonna have to explain what's happened you're gonna have to explain that dead body how do you want to get it over with look Gordon if you didn't kill the woman you haven't anything to worry about if you did we're gonna find out anyway who was the woman Gordon will you tell me that much what's her name did you know her very long Gordon what was she to you do you want to tell me that plus she's a fairly middle-aged woman in her early fifties I'd say that about right wish she mothered Gordon older sister maybe any relation at all it's a matter son you feeling sick No how about a cigarette father your five smoke I hope you haven't got the idea that we're trying to trick you in anything Gordon here we've got a dead woman on our hands we gotta find out why she's dead now what do you say there's no use looking at the clock son we're stuck here till we find out about that woman that goes for both homicide Friday oh yeah Jack no no not right now I'll be back in about a half an hour right yeah I'll tell him to call you all right bye okay here's all we know about it one of our radio car is 184 answered a call from the night watchman down in the freight yards he told the officers he'd spotted a man wandering around down near the far end of the train yards near the West Gate watchman only saw him at a distance but he said he could make out the man had a woman with him he must have been either sick or she had too much to drink because the man appeared to be dragging her along with him now the two of them disappeared behind a line of boxcars on the siding when a watchman went to look for the two people he couldn't find him call the radio car and when the officers got there they started searching and finally found you hiding back in the corner of an empty boxcar we were holding the dead woman in your arms wasn't anything the officers could see that might have caused the woman's death of no marks in the body nothing visible anyway when they tried to question you all you tell him was your name and that you didn't want to live he didn't care what happened that's about the size of the court and I leave anything out one yeah maybe there is something else and what we could gather the dead woman had been doing some drinking before she died matter of fact looked like she was pretty heavy drinker another thing we know you and the woman got into the train yard down by the West Gate we know that you dragged your body across the freight darts that boxcar they found you hiding in the March from her shoes lead from a sidewalk through the dirt directly to the door of that boxcar we could see where you dragged your body from the door back to the corner of the car that's the whole story so far garden you want to fill in the rest who waits the dead woman all right how about these items we found in your pocket gortney this address book here is this the woman's name in here this handkerchief with a lipstick on it well you out with another girl tonight where you son if you work might help us if you tell us who she is you hear me son how about this lady's ring you had in your pocket named Elizabeth engraved on the inside is that tie in at all come on Gordon who's a blonde homicide Friday oh yeah Frank you got an ident on her eight Joe mm mm yeah two hands young guy he's one right after now okay take her down Olivia right yeah let me hear from him what no no not yet all right yeah but was my partner Gordon the officer was in here with you it took the dead woman's fingerprints they got her identified son Elizabeth Hoffman aged 52 years music teacher last known address 54 73 6th Avenue they're on their way out there now to check it on now relax Gordon that window doesn't leave anywhere all right you want to take another look at this ring we've got a fair idea that it means something Gordon they examined the dead woman's hands they know she was wearing a ring recently her name's Elizabeth Hoffman named Elizabeth engraved on the inside of this ring now look we're gonna get the answer sooner or later how about what we get doing with this ring in your pocket now let me tell you young fella I don't know what's bothering you but whatever it is we're gonna find it out and get it through your head you're in a bad spot if you're not interested in helping yourself and neither am I now the monkeys on your back you're gonna have to help scratch it off and I get with it what's it all about all right let's have your driver's license come on get it up Gordon John Moore 20:55 Malcolm Emily hello information do you have a phone listening to her 20 55 Malcolm Avenue yes ma'am thank you three two one nine two yeah yes ma'am thanks a lot that's a phone down are you ready to tell us no I won't can you any way you want it good all right take it easy will you hey don't nobody can tell you give me the fan out of that chair you know give us the answers we'll find somebody who will assuming you get it through your head you're not here I'm trying to take it but better you're gonna stay in that chair we get ready to book you I'm sick of treating you like a baby they can't tell you they don't understand they can't tell you there's the Miller residence 20:55 Malcolm Avenue that's where my name's Friday man police department central homicide that's man police department who is this speaking please I said well Miss Moore are you related to a Gordon Miller big brother no no no he's not hurt ma'am nothing's wrong with him ma'am yes he's here we're holding him I wonder if he'd be kind enough to come down here to the City Hall yes ma'am it's important we'd like to talk to you now as soon as possible yeah well you get in through the main street entrance he'll the Main Street MA I am on the main floor yes ask for Friday sergeant Friday yes ma'am all right thank you goodbye your sister Lillian she's on her way down Gordon it's not gonna help she doesn't know none of them know who's them you mean your family you shouldn't have call them they don't know about it they can't tell you why did you have to call you know what a Gordon we gave you a plenty a chance to tell us yourself the answers had to come from somewhere pick one okay I got the 390 enable tonight what's the story now she was chasing some little guy down the street with this what's your name what's your name you've been drinking pretty tough to be on weather like this aren't you what's your address lady say what do you want it's pretty simple Gordon just tell us what happened to lady she's dead isn't she Elizabeth yes that's right there's nothing else to say I killed her why did you kill her sir I'm not sure really I'm not I think I felt sorry for I killed her though I know that much you murdered the woman but you don't know why yes I keep trying to remember I can't doesn't seem real no marks on the body Gordon none we can see anyway how'd you kill her I killed her that's enough isn't it I murdered her please don't talk anymore I'm sorry son that's not even half the story you admit you killed a woman you won't tell us why you won't tell us how they wouldn't let along against hounding her Elizabeth yeah come on son snap out of it that's not gonna help any come on yeah how long have you known this Elizabeth Hoffman How well do you know her son I've known her for ten years she was my music teacher yeah brilliant woman Elizabeth was a real artist we've been taking piano lessons from her for ten years yes sir I started with her when I was 15 I was 25 last month I couldn't have had a more brilliant teacher she was gifted Elizabeth was a prodigy when she was six years old game concerts all over Europe that's your profession now Gordon concert pianist not exactly I had a few recitals I wasn't ready Elizabeth believed in me though always used to say I had a great future she drank quite a bit didn't she Gordon yeah she drank the reason for it though reason for everything it's that way with a lot of brilliant people I'd greet once in a while if she drank more that's she had a reason for it who are you to sit in judgment on her Elizabeth was a brilliant artist a great woman great one of the finest musicians in the country a great woman she was a drunk a bad drug now let's face it son you know it as well as we do you're a liar she wasn't a rotten liar sex drunk arrest in fourteen months that's what her card reads in the record Bureau those are the only times we know oh how many can you add to it she drank she felt it was the only way out for him there wasn't any other way you're talking in circles Gordon I'll get it straightened out William you want to know why Elizabeth drank and asked my family they'll tell you they'll tell you a lot of things if you want to believe it what's the matter don't you get along well with him I just want him to leave me alone that so I'll just let me alone that's very good friend I knew you wouldn't understand I was in love with Elizabeth she was in love with me we were gonna get married you're 25 years old Gordon is that right yes Elizabeth Hoffman was 52 that's what our records show what about it 27 years difference it's a little unusual wouldn't you say whatever everything that's great is unusual that's what makes it great I love their time didn't make any difference a few years what of it I loved her more than any woman in the world she meant everything I didn't care if she drank I didn't care if she was old you don't stop being beautiful just because you grow old Elizabeth it was beautiful the drinking didn't help her much I don't care about that I still said she loved me and I loved her believe me please I loved her yes and I believe you let me ask you this yes all right you say you're respected or she was talented you were grateful to her she was generous she made sacrifices for you I did everything for you she could she loved you and you loved her and you were gonna marry her yes this fall on the way to South America I'd be married what we always wanted Elizabeth what am I so happy and why did you kill her Joe yeah yeah sorry under up do something nice you ought to know yes John and I checked the boardinghouse the hospital only staying at check the rooms clean everything in order thus Miller had the room next to hers which took its place down to anything his bags are packed looked like he was ready to leave something else deal kitchen sink table point [Music] Tuesday January 18 11:55 p.m. my partner Frank Smith and I continued questioning the murder suspect 25-year old Gordon Miller while he freely admitted to the murder of his music teacher and fiancee 52 year-old Elizabeth Hoffman we still were unable to get him to give us a good reason for the murder 12:20 a.m. the interrogation went on remember packing your suitcases before he left the boardinghouse packing yes I think I do Elizabeth and I talked about going away for a few days someplace out of town I think we're gonna go tomorrow they checked both your rooms Gordon euros and Elizabeth Hoffman's they found your bags packed but there was nothing about her room that indicated that she was going away everything was in order can you explain that for us no I don't know I mean maybe she didn't have time hadn't gotten around to it I guess you found the poison too yeah that's right I got it two days ago we thought about it we even wrote a letter explaining why we'd do it yeah we didn't have the courage though neither one of us we talked about it decided to forget it now I've told you everything there isn't anything else to say Friday yeah I don't want to see her I want to see her please keep her on keep her wait do the boys sisters yeah I don't minion middle you sergeant Friday that's traitor step over here thanks a little bit that's my partner Frank Smith miss North how are you doing such a long time have you been cheering miss Bolan Oh what is it Dorothy what's the trouble about honey what is it won't even look at me get out of here let me alone get out please Gordon God I'm here to help you honey they called me tonight they said you're in trouble like what is it let me help me please you can't help she's dead now when you go home Elizabeth it's dead I killed her there's no will you take her out sergeant tell her to go you don't know what you're saying honey well he's not in his right mind sergeant I know he's not please go and you have to let us help you I called there just before I left he's on his way here now we'll get a lawyer don't worry honey it'll be all right everything will be all right she's dead can you bring her back you couldn't have killed it you couldn't have no-good could be what are you crying for what right have you got to cry do you have to love somebody - crying farm you hated Elizabeth it didn't even know her but you hated her you and dad both of you you made a hell out of her life you may want to mine pounding or torturing her why couldn't you let alone why couldn't you let us alone we only did it for you garden we thought it was best for you yeah fool fool how could you know what's best for me you of all people you and your two husbands your boyfriend's the big life I know about you Lillian I know about you say anything you want Gordon I don't care let me help you please Gordon it doesn't count for much just let me my name is Miller who's in charge here what do you want to see I got it Lopez I don't want him in here I don't know him he's not my father all right take it easy Gordon memory mower who's in charge here my name's Friday mr. Miller this my partner Frank Smith what's this thing all about why have you got Gordon here what's the meaning of this sir those handcuffs on my son Gordon who did it who put him on I did it was the other way we could settle down you can quite a bit of authority in your hands aren't you get him off and right now no reason to hand governor I'm sorry can't be done I said take them off I have a little influence in this town I'll see to it the Police Commission hears about this what's my son doing here anyway it's the hot thing in the dead Elizabeth Hoffman what about her she's dead Gordy says he killed her dad we've got to do something don't tell him anything Gordon don't say a thing I'll get a lawyer for you right away I know what your rights are don't tell him anything did you know Elizabeth Hoffman mr. Miller I know her slightly can't see what this fuss is all about anyway woman wasn't any good to begin with no good at all kept trying to get her hooks in the gourd and I tried to break it up half a dozen times imagine 50 year old woman running around with a kid like Gordon well that's all drunken bum no good at all liar you're loud ignorant liar you are be glad I'm handcuffed to this chair I never thought of hitting you before I'd like to do it now there's only one thing I want to tell you then get out some matter with you what are you talking about don't you know the position you've gotten me in I know this much I hate you I hate every bit of you you're go ahead and call me your son there's nothing I can do about that I'll never call you my father never in my life now get out please Gordon don't say those things try and understand get him out of here get him out of my sight Lee you bet he's not well trying understand I hate you I hope you never forget it I hate you dad I'll see you at home Lily it's the maids night out lock the door for you little bit please dad we've got to help don't leave dad all right Gordon just a minute smaller I wonder if we can step into the next office for a minute there's something I'd like to ask yes all right your let me see Gordon again yes ma'am this way well about this Elizabeth Hoffman Miss Moore did you know her at all yes not very well though I only met her twice last time was about three weeks ago what was the occasion miss Miller can you remember well I went to see her at her place I wanted to talk to her about Gordon see if I couldn't make her listen to reason you want her to stop seeing your brother trying to talk to her I even offered her money if she'd met Gordon alone wasn't any news she'd been drinking she wouldn't even listen kept saying she was going to marry good well what's the big attraction would you know I mean between your brother and the woman it's hard to say certain it wasn't a good-looking woman far from it only one way I can figure it out I think she flattered Gordon how do you mean there's only one thing Gordon ever really wanted he wasn't too interested in women things like that all he wanted was to be a musician a great pianist it's all he ever wanted sad part about it is he'll never make it I think down deep he knows there when he was a kid that ten of the finest teachers after about six months it all said the same thing we'll never make it oh we can play well enough but he certainly wasn't exceptional he never improved just stayed the same then you started taking lessons from Elizabeth she convinced him he had a great talent kept telling him she'd make a great pianist out of him that's three she kept promising to take him on a tour in Europe South America never happened I think Gordon you it could never happen I see can you think of any reasons all why I'd want to kill her well there isn't any reason none at all Gordon didn't care he couldn't kill anyone I'm sure of it oh I hope you're right miss mother for your brother's sake would you excuse me for a few minutes please I'm sorry you wait here I'll be right back all set Joe yeah damn it Gordon we're ready to go I'd like to ask you one more question so I'd like to have you tell me the truth yeah what did you have in common with Elizabeth Hoffman she was twice as old as you are you gave up a lot for she didn't have any money she was an alcoholic what was the big attraction son why did I love Elizabeth that would you mean that's right you tell me sergeant why do you love any woman why because you need them you need them you can't be alone nobody can be alone I needed Elizabeth that's why I loved her there's only been two women in the world who understood me one of them was Elizabeth the other one was my mother she died when I was 12 now they're both dead both of them only ones who understood yeah my father didn't understand he never did all he knows his business making money more money that's why he hated Elizabeth he was jealous she understood me she knew what I was like to do all about me when I was with Elizabeth I was safe I was happy close to her it wasn't anything to be afraid of I go to her just like my mother I'd put my head on her shoulder she put her arms around me I wasn't frightened anymore it was safe everything was all right like when I was a little kid Knight I'd call out for my mother she was always there she put her arms around me and everything was safe I wasn't afraid I needed them it was the same way I needed Elizabeth do you understand now you know why I loved her yeah I think I only one question left why did you kill her I really don't maybe I'll remember Gordon well you sure you killed it she died in my arms I must have killed her tomorrow lady maybe I'll remember tomorrow yes William still here my sister yeah she's waiting outside did you hear my father what he said told her to be sure locked the door yeah just like my father they don't have to lock that door it was locked thirteen years ago how do you mean it was like the day my mother died [Music] [Applause] On January 19th an autopsy was performed at the county morgue city and county of los angeles state of california in a moment the results of that examination [Music] the results of the autopsy showed that Elizabeth Hoffman had suffered from a chronic heart condition aggravated by excessive drinking cause of death was listed as myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Classic PD TV Shows
Views: 52,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classicpdtv, dragnet, the big hate, police drama, police, drama, los angeles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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