Dr. Seuss Best Valedictorian Speech

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and at this time would you please welcome mecklen regan the valedictorian of Mary Carroll High School's fiftieth graduating class mecklen thank you dr. Templeton at this time I'd also like to thank the board of trustees mr. Ellis dr. Templeton mr. sorry and the rest of the Carroll faculty and staff for all you have done for us these past four years I am truly humbled to have a few minutes to share ideas with my friends and peers last week at a luncheon mr. Ellis and mrs. Scott shared some of their wisdom with a few students and surprisingly the advice they gave us came from a dr. Seuss book at first I thought it was silly but as I listened and I thought about it I realized that some of the most important lessons we ever learned we learned from dr. Seuss for example a person's a person no matter how small who but dr. Seuss could pack the important idea that we should respect one another and care for each other into one silly little phrase or you have brains in your head you have feet in your shoes you can steer yourself in any direction you choose in one nonsensical statement he captures the idea that here we are today graduating Penn from here on out we will make our own choices and control our own destinies so with that said in the spirit of dr. Seuss I offer the following valedictory address though I'm here before you as your number one as life rolls by we are all number none for it isn't the number of speeches you give but the quality and spirit of life that you live eight other people who are in the top 10 Ashley drew Shivani Mason Pranjal mace ara Kumar and Adlai let's all raise our voice and give them one big hooray but all of us students deserve a pat on the back for graduating from Carroll is not for slack we all helped each other move ahead to our best and that's why Carroll High School beats all the rest one thing about Tigers they always compete and push one another to much higher fees because of each other we all are much better we've each made a pledge to be a go getter but each of us has their own family to think without them I'm sure we'd be ranked be it mother or father or grandparents - we are who we are because of things that they do as for me I have parents Gloria and Jim and a brother named James look right there that's him he inspires me to work hard and look for the answer by living life to the fullest in spite of his cancer I've also got grandparents uncles aunts and cousins I'm sorry uncles cousins and aunts who helped me through life when my parents just can't and where would we be without help from our kin the idea is so shocking I couldn't begin now it's also important on the students behalf that we thank our administrators teachers and staff they've been our big deal throughout these past four years the thought of us leaving must drive them to tears there's poor mr. qualia I'm sure he will miss us why when we're all gone whole fish for his fishes and mrs. George's anatomy class is so well respected that cats would come help us by being dissected and then there's our principals while there so many Steve's Bob's and Eddie's I'm surprised there's no Benny but they all gave us wisdom and knowledge to spare to face off against a future that gives quite a scare it appears that the world we inherit has trouble from pollution too nooks that could turn us to rubble to diseases like cancer and terrorists and warming the problems we face are truly mind-numbing but when we came to Carroll we were fish that first day but now we are Tigers and the futures are prey and if there's an animal that can fix up this mess I'm sure it's us Tigers because we are the best so soon off we'll go to the world's farthest reaches to learn the right stuff that more teachers can teach us we'll put away all our old high school antics to learn science or art or maybe quantum mechanics and although we all share in that rich tiger spirit a different voice calls each of us just listen you'll hear it why from right here in this room will come mayors and preachers and governors scientists even some teachers so let's go make the most of our post tiger training it will help us reach goals that we think worth attaining be it homes for the homeless or a world that's at peace good nutrition and health care for children at least and always remember that the problems we take on are not yours and not mine or some guys out in Oman we are all in this together and your problems are mine and mine are some others and so on down the line so let all of us always through life as we labor remember to always look after our neighbor remember the Grinch how his life was so hallowed he began to help others and good things I'll follow one other thing while we're out on our way let us use our time wisely that we have everyday they say we're all equal but that just can't be fact some are rich some are athletes some are actors who act how many ways are we equal I think it's just one it's the time we are given each day Sun to Sun we choose how to spend them the minutes and hours either throw them away or cultivate them like flowers so as we Tigers march forth with our banners unfurled let us use our time wisely to improve on this world the problems we face whether diseases or genocides can never be fixed sitting down on our backsides now sometimes we're afraid to get up and take action it's risky we could fail we could wind up in traction but it's better to do something and fail trying to succeed than it is to do nothing and to have failure guaranteed but since we are all Tigers that won't be a concern for us Tigers are fearless with courage to burn we'll walk toward this future with swagger bravado whether we choose to live here somewhere out in Colorado so how do we deal with untying these knots well it starts with young people we'll need lots and lots unless someone like you cares bunches and bunches these problems we're facing will eat all of our lunches even with lots of people we'll have to set goals if not we'll be digging in the dark just like moles but with all of us working and planning together our tasks will be fun and light as a feather and what goals should we set that we'll strive to achieve we'll set them as high as our brains can believe we'll set them so high that even if we flop the things we'll accomplish will make your eyes pop and yes we face troubles of more than one kind some come from a head and some come from behind but we all are Tigers and we're not a wuss from now on these troubles will have trouble with us on and on we will hike and I know we'll hike far and face up to our problems whatever they are we'll all get mixed up just as everyone does but we'll learn from our mix-ups and be better because so be sure when you step step with great care and great tact and remember that life's a great balancing act just never forget to be dexterous and deft and never mix up your right foot with your left and will we succeed oh yes yes indeed it's 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed so be your name amantha or Steven or Stephanie or Tony or Megan or Ryan or Bethenny you're off to great places have fun on your way tomorrow's tomorrow but today is your day and I'm sure we'll have problems that's always for certain I'm sure there'll be times when us Tigers are hurtin but if we all pull together I know the world will be fine in the hands of Carroll Tigers from the class of 2009 good job mecklen
Channel: elygdesigns
Views: 105,801
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Keywords: Dr. Seuss, Best Speech, Mecklin, Dr Seuss Speech, Mary Carroll High School, CHS Speech, Valedictorian Speech
Id: vQUbmLWj20M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2011
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