Dr Phil Confronts Teen With 0 IQ

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I am the beautiful vegan Messiah what's up guys welcome to plot twist the dr. Phil show has been a very popular program since its inception and it's still going today it started back in 2002 as a talk show about helping people and it's grown into an absolute powerhouse as a matter of fact it gained a lot more popularity in recent years because of YouTube plenty of very popular content creators on the site took it upon themselves to make videos about some of the weirdest guests on the show and spoiler alert we're going to be doing that today these videos were and are still incredibly popular and there's no doubt that some people actually watched the show after watching those videos so to display how far this show has come over the years we have compiled a list of the craziest and stupidest guests he's had on the show these simple-minded people made for some of the best episodes in the history of dr. Phil so let's not be too mean in the comments guys at least these people provided us with some sort of entertainment anyways though here are a few dr. Phil guests who had zero IQ before we get started though leave a comment down below letting us know your favorite dr. Phil guest mine is Danielle broccoli aka bad baby oh and don't forget to subscribe that way you enter in in our monthly shout out giveaway number five we all know him and we all love him and we couldn't make this list without including the one and only sexy vegan this guy is an absolute nutcase and if his poorly done face tattoos didn't clue you into that then the fact that he dances in the street in speedo is for fun would definitely be an indicator before going on the show he also had been arrested 15 times constantly got complaints from his neighbors and was incredibly rude and disrespectful to others his mom actually brought him on to dr. Phil to see if he could be shown that he was in the wrong and that he could maybe change however before he was allowed on-camera he bursts out from backstage shouting his sexy vegan Messiah chant he then brought up all these weird statistics and attempt to make himself look better and followed that up by cursing relentlessly at his mom never swear at your mom guys that's just it's not cool after seeing he was non-compliant dr. Phil asked him to leave now this would have been much higher on the list if he didn't return to the show and apologize come on man apologizing made you lose your whole crazy persona I guess he felt bad for the way he acted and wanted to show everyone that he could change hey at least this moment ended happily here's a clip of the craziness though [Music] when I go out everyone stares at me because I wear a speedo esque outfit and I'm exotic like a Lamborghini as me the beautiful vegan Messiah it's a song I didn't sad was who knows it I don't have to do okay they take him out security get him out of here thank God thank God Oh number four around eight years ago this guy went into a police academy to become an officer it was a very costly decision as the academy was very expensive but he claimed that it was the best schooling he had ever had in his life clearly he didn't learn much there or he wouldn't be on this list one day while messing around with his friend he got a hold of a few guns and wanted to experiment with them first they grabbed a bulletproof vest and put it up against drywall to see how well it could hold up against a shotgun both went through the best but that wasn't enough for him then he tried a different gun and it only went through a little bit this again was not enough for him and he had to take things to the extreme he decided that he wanted to be shot with the kinda his friend put up the pistol he gave the okay and the next thing he knew he had been shot in the chest they were apparently intoxicated at the time and thought it would be fun but that doesn't excuse how stupid this one was here's a clip of him on dr. Phil police academy was the best schooling I ever had so I worked out a lot of money for me to to go to the police academy so I put his bulletproof vest on looked like from the video they'd been drinking quite a bit and let his best friend shoot him number three teenagers do a lot of idiotic things it's the time of your life where you get to experience new things and make some big decisions and that leaves a lot of room for stupidity this girl however reached a new level a 231 thousand dollar Mercedes G wagon was this girl's dream car and she was determined to get it on her 16th birthday but her family wasn't rich and it didn't legitimately have the funds to pay for it however being that she is incredibly spoiled she wanted it anyways and didn't see why she could not have it she wrote in to dr. Phil hoping that he would convince her mom to get her the car once the case was presented to dr. Phil he immediately sided with the mother she claimed that she deserved it that she was a princess and she can't live on the measly $1000 allowance her parents give her every month dude I wish my mother gave me $1,000 every month geez of course dr. Phil and her mother eventually tell her to get a job and collect enough money to buy the car and she begins to cry here's a clip this girl is a spoiled brat you wrote in to me tell me what you wanted me to get straight with your mom understand I can't and I grew up on a certain lifestyle she can't just take that away from me immediately I think it would be great if you volunteered some more at the soup kitchen you can do some great volunteer work down there number two mixed signals are something people deal with all the time and pretty much everyone has trouble properly interpreting all of them however misinterpreting mixed signals becomes stupid when you realize the signals weren't mixed at all this girl named Bailey started messaging a girl named Jasmine on Twitter around eight months before they were on the show at first it was harmless but then Bailey started taking things way too far very quickly if even reached a point where she told Jasmine she was going to go to the city she lived so that they could see each other in person - which Jasmine replied that she didn't know her at all and that she didn't understand why she couldn't comprehend that Bailey for some reason got so obsessive over her that she started interpreting her actions on social media as calls to action no matter how many times Jasmine said that she didn't know her and that she didn't want to talk to her anymore Bailey would see that she deleted an image on her Instagram or something along those lines and she would take that as a sign to start messaging her again this girl is crazy once they had gone through the motions of the show Bailey had apologized to Jasmine and they agreed not to speak to each other anymore this was such an absurd series of events on Bailey's part and it wasn't necessary in the slightest seriously who is stupid enough to think that deleting images off of social media platforms is an invitation to message someone like what hey at least Jasmine can keep living her life now what did you want to say then I'm sorry I never would have done what I did and I not believed in you and I I believed in something crazy and I'm sorry that I hurt you it's hard it's so hard I don't want to look at you and be like it's all an act you're acting and you're acting like stop number one people with a lot of different races in them can often get confused when trying to decide on their racial identity which is completely understandable however when you are very obviously one race and you believe you are a race that you are not it's kind of dominant this girl named treasure is an african-american girl that for whatever reason believes she is white apparently her mother had her with an african-american man before she got married to her stepfather who is a white man one thing led to another and treasure now believes that she is a white woman and nothing else the thing that makes it even stranger is that she openly makes racist statements about other african-americans when she went on the show she acted in a very kind and generous way in order to make herself look better things start to fall apart when she starts explaining the differences between her and everyone on earth who is african-american she says that they are all ghetto fat and ugly and that she doesn't fall under those categories and the slightest then the dr. Phil tries to nicely explain to her that there is a difference between race and ethnicity but she denies this this girl is so crazy that she even refers to herself as a perfect human that God created on earth how can someone be this confused about their own race we could go on and on about why this makes absolutely no sense but we'll just repeat what her brother told her during their time with dr. Phil treasure just look in the mirror and I feel like they would probably steal something so of course they should get after wheat if you disagree with what she's saying stand up all of them are liars all of them are liars and behind closed doors they type the same thing as me they're just quiet about it that's it
Channel: Plot Twist
Views: 800,925
Rating: 3.368639 out of 5
Keywords: dr phil, dr phil show, dr phil episodes, dr phil funny moments, interview, celebrity, comedy, entertainemnt, dr phil guests, dr phil crazy moments, dr phil kids, dr phil interview, parents, kids, doctor phil, the dr phil show
Id: 6YO5wSSx1uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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