Dr. Orpheus J Heyward - He Saved Me To Change Me 1 of 2

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three and we'll begin reading in verse 4 Titus 3 verse 4 let me appreciatively thank the hospitality committee of this church I am Not sure all of the names or who is exactly in charge a brother Liza just told me and I forgot just that fast but they gave me a basket basket was in my room already on Sunday or Saturday rather and then they brought another basket today praise time and it had my favorite fruit in there and I need to tell advisor buddies I really don't preach that good if I don't have those and they brought it today I mean they brought me a big old cluster of grapes man when I tell you grapes there's next next to skittles grapes ranks number two I mean my wife told me I can't be fooling too much with the skittles see she's put me on skittle probation but she's not here of course I'm not supposed to before that we're skills for a variety of reasons I do have some health challenges and we're not when my diets not ranked my body starts telling me is now that in fact it did that today and but I'm not right and but part of the reason I got right with their grapes those grapes set me right where I needed to be so thank you to the hospitality committee for bringing me another basket by today with all of my favorite stuff Titus 3 verse 4 but when the kindness of God our Savior and his love for mankind appeared he saved us not on the basis of deeds which we have done this is powerful stuff not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness but according to his mercy by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit whom he poured out upon us richly from Jesus Christ our Savior so that being justified by His grace we will be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life I want to live for subject tonight he saved me to change me he saved me to change me you may have your seats where you are for the last few days beginning commencing on Sunday we have been doing our best to articulate to you the theological concept that we call the brace of God I didn't just call it grace because grace by definition just means favor or to show someone kindness but I am speaking about a specific grace that the Bible calls the grace of God you can't understand grace simply by defining race in a lexicon or a dictionary sometimes we build theology on words rather than on context any word that you find that the Bible has to be contextually defined it means that a word only has meaning when you really put it in a sentence so when we stop talking about the word grace it's not just grace you're trying to understand but the grace of God does that make sense on to them you know that just that your English vernacular you know that in your education that if I told you to define the word Trump TR UNK well I could be talking about your car at the back of your car or I could be talking about luggage or I could be talking about it snows but you don't know what I'm talking about until I put it in a sentence does that make sense just like think with Bible words sometimes when we study the Bible we begin to take positions on words in non context and I follow Toby idea if I took the time to expose where we have had very erroneous interpretations of Scripture because we saw a word in the text we like and we ignored the rest of the context and as a result we mislead people to believe in a position that the bible does not teach not only have we done that but religions have arts all religions are guilty of that very thing the reason some people are not saved is because they don't look at context they look at words and until you understand to take the author's intended meaning without using your meaning you will always miss God's Word in other words sometimes the difference between you getting truth or error is whether or not I am preaching God's Word or my own sometimes I'm preaching my own word and not God's whenever you come to the text with a preconceived notion that you placed in the text what you want in the text it becomes the difference between you preaching your Word or God's Word I have come to a place in my ministry where I prefer whether you like it or not to preach God's Word and not necessarily trying to endorse or be consistent with the traditions of men but be very clear about what God has already revealed is that on that church we start speaking about Grace's brother Elijah Taylor wanted me to come and speak about this and rightfully so when do you understand the grace of God you then need the notion that anything about your salvation had to do with you meriting position with God it's important for you to get in your mind there is nothing absolutely nothing you could have possibly done to earn like standing with God it is only by His grace the grace of God is that Jesus did for you what you could do for yourself you following what I'm saying he didn't get that in your spirit Jesus did for you what you could not do for yourself there it lies the gospel of Jesus Christ is that Jesus not only died was buried and resurrected but those facts accomplished for you righteousness that you yourself could have never earned is that clear so far I want to take it a little further down because I think the other day we had a hallelujah shout time on Grace and rightfully so that grace is the idea that God saved me by favor and not by my merit that that's grace so I know at the end of the day I God does not have an expectation of my perfection but he does have an expectation expectation of a change lifestyle and that's why I want it now time grace to change no I don't think you're going to change or anybody really changes when you cite a bunch of laws just because you tell somebody about shall not fall down shop does not make them change are you that many people are trying to grow churches over bouts out there thou shalt not want me to find out they really don't care about how many long as you pull you have to use the right thing in order to big people experience true change in the sight of God and I believe true change does not happen by teaching people to be sterile God I think true change happens when you teach people how much God loves them now I'm not saying you should not be nervous about God in some context they all said knowing the terror of the Lord I persuade men but when it comes to change it's true behavioral alteration in your life that happens when you fully understand for it are you probably that's what I want to take us on tonight so that you don't leave here thinking that I'm saved by grace but God does not expect change there are three things I want you to get in your spirits at night relative to that the gospel does three things three and basically the gospel does three things three things I want you to get your spirit I wrote this in my dissertation and I use it in my own congregation I pray to be a blessing to you the gospel does three things the first thing that gospel does is it saves you I think you know that but that the second thing it does it's sustains you the gospel saves you but then it does the second thing it sustained I get so angry at people that preachers and Christians who think you need something other than the gospel in order to get deep in your Christian let me help you with something God does not want you to grow away from the gospel he wants you to grow deeper into it and I still maintain that the only thing a church really needs in order to experience true change is a full and comprehensive understanding of the gospel the gospel ain't no oh no I think you need to read to find them the Bible never calls the gospel bill now maybe the way you heard it was bill criminais ting but maybe the way you heard it it was built but in it the Bible calls the dust for the eternal purpose of God it causes the unsearchable riches it calls it the manifold wisdom of God that's the gospel now a lot of people think now here's the problem the reason you think the Gospels built is because we limited the gospel to hear believe repent confess to be manifested be baptized and we talk about that's the gospel you think well I'm ready to go beyond that the problem is we didn't give you the full story and understanding of what is the gospel of Jesus Christ and Paul tells me to be rooted and grounded in the gospel be rooted and grounded in the faith in other words who deeper into the gospel and not away from the gospel and you found the word I'm saying so the gospel saves you and my god it sustains you sustaining means when a crisis hits you when that when that thing happens that you cannot control the thing that will keep you Pinkard is a comprehensive faith and the same thing that same G the same thing that's a Jim is the same thing that goes down [Applause] [Music] you're troubling moment in my life I may get knocked down but give me three days it'll save you but it sustains you they just shalt they're not that same thing that saved you has gotta work in a crisis because everybody see that so now we need a third thing which brings me to the sermon the gospel safety it sustains you but that gospel also shapes it saves you it sustains you and it shapes shaping things it shapes your behavior you've honor that now you're not going to like this I hope I hope you do but you may not if you are a Christian that hasn't been changed now that's not wrong with the gospel so that means you must not have been accessing the gospel in order to experience Trey let me be clear with you you'll never be perfect [Music] but when ou see you they should see the sun change I'm not playing they're not all tripping stuff but you better believe that I may not be where I should be but I'm not where I used to be and you're not hitting me I may not be where I should be but I am NOT I used to be because my god is still shaping me be careful with me because don't judge me in the middle of my movie don't nobody judge the the the value of a movie based on one scene we got too many folk in the church that catch you in a scene but then watch your whole movie and God is saying you might want to give them time because we're only on at 1:00 we've still got some more scenes coming and God is in the business of shape I'm talking from experience Church now I'm talking about understanding how the gospel can save you because they were I was preaching before I let it shake me hold on description before I let it shake and I was teaching people to change before all this change that the same God that changed me also changing can I show you that in the Bible don't have time to and I don't want to bore you with the historical background of the book of Titus except to say that it is part of the corpus of documents that we call best oral epistles and the pastoral epistles that main was given to it at about the eighteen hundred's it's not the name that is given to it in Scripture however it was noted that the pastoral epistles were regarding a preacher who was left to set things in order along with first Timothy second Timothy Titus is number two the pastoral epistles my scripture does not necessarily call a preacher a pastor we do know from looking at the corpus of Scripture that he preached it does pastoral work other words by virtue of his very description by virtue of his work it is absolutely ludicrous for you to believe that a preacher is not passed for time I stay right here because you got some people that split hands over things like they're nothing you got to be careful because I don't know anybody who's more pastoral than the man of God that's laboring at the congregation to be pastoral as but to suggest that he's got the feed sheep and I don't know nobody that's doing more feeding than the man of God that lead us there so well there is no scripture necessarily that specifically calls him a pastor it does if the holistic world nicest oral kind of work Bonnie what I'm saying I am sure that the the first sympathy sentiment the antagonist are approaching the work of an evangelist because he's specifically the person that has an evangelist he also refers to them as a minister he also refers to them as preachers we find these corpus of documents is meant sent to local congregations that they might straighten out behavioral situations now the book of Titus finds his contents and that Titus is left and a place called Crete when he goes to this place called pre Crete is an element that was about 160 miles long in the Mediterranean Sea and was found on the edge of the Aegean Sea right in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea we find where this man is now that Titus is their queen because himmat Paul probably established the congregation's in cream sometime in 80 62 to 64 now these sins tied us back to these churches and he says in verse 5 I want you to set things in order and ordain elders now that's the spot now if you need to understand what is it be my settings and honor some things in order is a term is one word in the Greek text means to set something straight or to set something in its proper place what does the man of God do when he's in a local congregation well what he does is he sits think straight or he sets it in its proper place and then he ordained whose elders the problem is there are a lot of preachers that do ordaining before they do setting I don't want to get into this not belong here a baby before they view setting but we need this from settings so city has to happen because we need the Shepherds to watch over the things say so bees sunsetting going on and then some charity going on are you following what I'm saying so far so now the world set in order is a free term that means the 7 thing in place however is more it is referring more to setting straight the behavioral malignancy of the people to whom be safe setting in order has more to do with straightening out behaviors then it does anything else by the founding I don't have to be true if you read Titus 1 in verse 12 he begins to describe them as gluttons lazy and he said these preachers are always lies yeah not gonna help me longer then when you start here the description of these jokers this wasn't a church you in a platform and this say the chance that you would be ready to relocate and say let me be the minister now this is one of the churches that you run from she went three now she makes strength ha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that ain't easy ain't no easy work playin us I'm trying to get to my son but you see the man of God set to you he loves you but he's gotta set she went on and he's gonna deal with your big pipian are you following what I'm saying okay praise God I've learned that the hard way man because sometimes I was more interested in being people spring you gonna be the will of God sometimes the worst thing you can do is put few Sprint's it with me being your Pritchett oh these three steps sometimes I gotta tell you what you don't want to hear sometimes you never say is gonna make you upset sometimes you gonna walk out and wish you were never here but I understand oh the Lord I've gotta stand on what the script is deep well now said I'll have to say it don't get mad at it laughing when he got telling y'all that's why I said all that don't get mad at him why he preached the net because he's gotta sit let me just be honest because if the gospel does three things and it does he is now watch carefully Titus oh Jesus above Titus is sent to creep to set it or all right now the question becomes how will he do it now I'm about to show you he's going to use the same thing that saved him the same gospel that saved him he will now use it in order to straighten out behaviours in the church I don't know who told for preaching it anything under there because training that had three degrees at the four degrees I got four degrees I did a whole lot of study I'm sat under minute it does some good things but do you know at the end of the day what you really need the people bulletins and if you want to get the church to expand spiritually and expend another you need to use the same thing that's a Jesus Christ you gotta preach a strong Sports Center message and that's more than hear believe repent that's I believe that people don't like when I see it Norma you're right we realize when you get tell you we have limited people because we limited what the gospel is the gospel can do more they just say it can sustain you and then can save you all right now let's get to this thing look at chapter 3 let me show you how the transition works it's a reason art what that uh I said he's got to use the same thing that saved us now watch there's going to be constant references can we go to school for just a minute there's going to be constant references in this context to behavior and I need you to see it before I get the top three look at chapter 2 let me show you something I want you to go to chapter 2 and I want you to look at verse 1 I want you to see that although God you never like this either but as for you speak the things which are fitting for sound option do you see the great sound doctrine now watch this older men are to be temperate dignified sensible sound in faith in love and perseverance do you realize he said teach things that become sound doctrine but everything he mentions has to do a behavior man man and when you see how when you miss it we think sound doctrine is really theology so you are not teaching sound doctrine unless you mentioned one church and every son yes okay you can get quite I've been there I was the poster boy for that I was like raised up to be the poster boy that every servant you preached gotta have one Church in it Great Scott at some point we gotta teach people to beat one church how lucky I'm not here till Friday now to show you every time you see the phrase body of Christ in the Bible it wasn't talking about believers when you see the phrase one body it was not the problem was not spreading it to the full on the outside the folk that really needed to hear that there was one body all the inside because they will divide it they will believe them they were back fighters fighting each other and they will call the church [Applause] help me preached it man see what happened like what we've done is he now says teach false things become sound doctrine and in the content he's dealing with behavior you see all right now now there's a reason I brought that up look I want you to drop down to verse number 10 this is where he begins to company his his argument for the older man younger man all the women young women practicing proper behavior watch on TV what twenty paces in it look at verse 11 for the grace of God has appeared tall you see the word for means is connected to the previous content so he says I need you to teach these older men what to do these younger men it's all the women these younger women I need to teach them to love their husbands I need you to teach them that participating for sound matching well why should they change their behavior for the grace of God brother grace of God has appeared all right I want you to teach them to change on the basis of grace he says well the grace of God has appeared waiting salvation to all men instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires to live sensibly righteously godly in this present age looking for the Blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God who gave himself for must've redeemed us from every lawless deed do you see what he just meant he said I need them to change how they behave but I want them to change on the basis of the theology of great do you respect the dark send Jesus to save you and to redeem you and it's bait your peculiar people when you look at the cross and what Jesus did at the cross somebody ought to be motivated to change are you seeing that the cross teachers Oh God I'm trying to get too much in it behavior that I cannot find in the gospel behavior that I need you to know as a child of God I can find it in the cross conditionally how can I learn something about that is it the cross mother hate what you don't understand this wasn't stabbed me in my back and I'm having a hard time forgiving them because I don't like to forgive boat that don't deserve to be forgiven I'll tell you where you can find it the cross oh I'm so tired of putting up with that system and shaking on my land I'm tired of putting up with hard to put up it you want to learn forbearance you want to know where forbearance is located is in the cross that you need in your life you can find it in what Jesus did at the cross grace teaches not only does Grace save you but it's supposed to shape your behavior did you get all right well that if we got that they now go to chapter 3 I think you got it now in chapter 3 he wants to talk about submitting the government not only must they change but you must learn how to submit to government and powers now watch what he does in verse 3 he says what we also was once foolish Nausicaa disobedient deceived enslaved to various lusts and pleasures spending our life in malice and envy hateful hating one another by the kindness of now Savior his love for mankind appeared he saved us now watch what he's doing I want you to change I want you to learn to be submissive to government I want you to learn how to act in a way that is respectable of the God that's aging well where do I get that motivation from first number but I'm the first one but when the kindness of God Peter I'll say and there's nothing mankind he saved us now watch this now we get into the theology of this ditch he saved us what would have you saved before well he saved me to change me never ever the author wants to inspire change he roots it in the gospel that same do you see that now watch this good theology and anytime you guys are you having trouble changing I want you to look at he saved us that's the leading verb not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness now this brings us right back to what we taught yesterday doesn't matter all right in other words you are not saved because you are so righteous come on deeds of righteousness here would be referring to the Mosaic law
Channel: Tracie Jefferson
Views: 7,743
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Orpheus J Heyward
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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