DR. NO | 007 Meets DR. NO

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i escaped to america with 10 million other dollars in gold that's how you financed this operation it was a good idea to use atomic power i'm glad to see you can handle it properly i'd hate to think your decontamination chamber wasn't effective my work has given me a unique knowledge of radioactivity but not without costs as you see yes your power source had our organization puzzled for some time they are still puzzled mr bond not any longer i sent a complete report luck mr bond you've not contacted your headquarters since you requested a geiger counter but there are so many files open on you already doctor now our own the cias the one from the tong society that you robbed when trouble comes you'll find this is a very small and naked little island an expendable little island mr bond when my mission here in crab key is accomplished i destroy it and move on but the habit of enquiry is persistent i see you're wondering why where when i only gratify your curiosity because you're the one man i met capable of appreciating what i've done and keeping it to himself just a minute there's no point in involving the girl at this stage she has nothing to do with us let her go free you promise not at all no i won't i'm staying with you i don't want you here i agree this is no place for the girl take her away no no i'm sure the guards will amuse her no it's a dom period 55 it'd be a pity to break it i'd prefer the 53 myself clumsy effort mr bond you disappoint me i'm not a fool so please do not treat me as one and that table knife please put it back well we can't all be geniuses can we tell me does the topping of american missiles really compensate for having no hands missiles are only the first step to prove our power our power with your disregard for human life you must be working for the east east west just points of the compass each as stupid as the other i'm a member of spectre specter specter special executive for counter intelligence terrorism revenge extortion the four great cornerstones of power headed by the greatest brains in the world correction criminal brains the successful criminal brain is always superior it has to be why become criminal i'm sure the west would welcome a scientist of your caliber the americans are fools i offered my services they refused said at the east now they can both pay for their mistake world domination same old dream our asylums are full of people who think they're napoleon or god you persist in trying to provoke me mr bond i could have had you killed in the swamp and why didn't you i thought you less stupid usually when a man gets in my way but you were different you cost me time money effort you damaged my organization and my pride i was curious to see what kind of a man you were i thought there might even be a place for you with spectre and i'm flattered i prefer the revenge department of course my first job would be finding the man who killed strangways and quarrel unfortunately i misjudged you you are just a stupid policeman whose luck is drawn out they're waiting for you in the control room doctor no no hurry they won't have started their countdown check yet you won't get away with it this time doctor no the americans are prepared for any trouble i never fail mr bond what do we do with him soften him up i haven't finished with him yet uh you
Channel: James Bond 007
Views: 532,405
Rating: 4.9098144 out of 5
Id: -bpvvOBV-q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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