Dr Johnny James "The Walking Bible" Explains Water Baptism

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was coming back from the United Kingdom I've been over there for two weeks and I was tired I was so glad to get back to be coming back home to my wife's good loving and good cooking and I got on the plane up in first class and got me a good comfortable seat by the aisle and I was all ready to come home and just before they closed the door gentleman got on the plane and he took the seat by the window next to me and he introduced himself and he told me that he was a Baptist pastor who had been preaching in England naturally the question went to baptism and we discussed baptism from every angle I'm just seeing what way he gonna go and I was giving him enough rope to hang himself at least a half a dozen times when the flight approached the United States they came to the cabin in the handed out re-entry forms to re-enter into the United States I asked the cabin attendant I want two of them I will pray with one and I'm gonna hand the other one in the immigration on the one I was going to play with where it said give the name of the country state and city in residing where it said the name of the country I put the word country where is that name of the state I put the word state it's that name of the city I put the word city I showed it to my friend he's not told y'all was ignorant crazy said any fool knows the country ain't named country and the state ain't named state and the city is not named City he said look James I used to be a English teacher in Union High School and will give you a quick lesson on proper nouns and common nouns he said you fill out your form wrong where's the name of the country countries are coming down the proper noun will be United States name of the state you said you're from Michigan he said state is a common noun Michigan is the proper noun nameless city cities are common noun and Detroit is a proper noun he said he'll know simple grammar I taught English I was a mystery sir I said mr. English teacher how long have you lived in England he's I've never lived in England well how long have you been an English citizen he said I've never been an English citizen I said then you mean you were an American citizen he said yes as he you're not an English teacher you're an American teacher I said English is an adjective the way you use it modifying the noun teacher I said let me help out the English teacher I said you're not an English teacher you mean you're a teacher of English I said of English is an adjective or prepositional phrase modifying the noun teaser that tells what you teach and the way you use it means you're a citizen of England he said you know I never looked at it grammatically I said they missed the English teacher neither have you looked into a baptism grammatically I said grammatically is just a legitimate to say you live in the country of country as the same father in the name of the Father is just a legitimate to saying state in the name of the state as they make son the name of the son holy is an adjective modifying ghost and he's just as legitimate to call the name of the city City as the call the name of the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost I said my grammar is just as good as yours only your's is in a critical area because it has a do it celebration and for the first time his grandma cooked it kicked in and he saw it and he got angry he snatched up his computer and the rest off the airplane from we landed I said he's so bad you can fry egg on his head so what he rushed off the plane I took my time got my stuff together and got off and when I came for immigration there he was waiting and he said Reverend Johnny I want to ask you to forgive me for the way that I tried to embarrass you for seven hours all the way across the Atlantic Ocean he said I'm going to Rhode Island and on home to Mississippi and I want you to give me the name of an apostolic preacher either in Rhode Island or Mississippi because I'm a Baptist pastor and I'm not going to preach another sermon in my Baptist Church until I get baptized in Jesus name and get the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues
Channel: NuFocusMedia
Views: 109,302
Rating: 4.8343687 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, the walking bible, Eld. Johnny James, Dr. Johnny James, baptism in Jesus Name, Oneness, Born Again, Apostolic, PAW
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2009
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