Dr. John Oswalt, Isaiah, Session 30 -- Isaiah 60-62

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[Music] this is dr. Janice Walton is teaching on the Book of Isaiah this is session number 30 Isaiah chapters 63 through 66 [Music] let's pray together father how we thank you for your servant our brother Isaiah thank you for this man who was open to your spirit led by your spirit inspired by your spirit thank you that through him you were able to speak to your people not only in that time 2700 years ago but now thank you we pray that once again you will help us that we can understand more clearly what it is that you're saying in your book and then be able to apply it more clearly to our lives so that we indeed may be the people of God that you call us to be in your name we pray amen all right we are looking at the chapters 60 to 62 tonight the middle portion of that final section of the book which we have said is the technical term a chiasm and the middle portion of the book is chapters the middle portion of the chiasm is chapter 62 62 we saw how the beginning and the end focuses upon the goal of it all and that is righteous Gentiles that's God's intention and we saw that all the way back in the beginning in chapter 2 what is this all about it is about the world coming to know as the final chapter says chapter 66 to see his glory and again I've said it many times during our study but the Book of Isaiah is a symphony and the symphony is characterized by these themes which come to the surface and then go back and then here they are again and one of these themes is seen in chapter 6 holy holy holy is the Lord God of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and in this last chapter all the nations are going to come and see the glory of God as again as I've said to you many times Gouri in the Old Testament is not something ephemeral and passing glory is reality it is significance it is solidity and so God's goal is that all people will see his reality they'll see his reality in the world they'll see his reality in the word they'll see his reality in the lives of other people as God sheds his glory upon us then we saw how in fact the people themselves are unrighteous the unrighteous Judeans they fail to be what they were supposed to be for the sake of these folks and so God comes as the divine warrior the one who indeed defeats the enemy and as I've argued the enemy of sin and the result then is what we'll find in these three chapters tonight now let me pull all of this together a bit Before we jump into that and remind you how I think the book is structured now I say I think because in a big complicated work like this there are many many opinions of how this material all fits together but I have suggested to you that chapters 1 to 6 are the call to servanthood and we see there the problem how can this Israel this sinful corrupt Israel ever be the pure holy Israel that is going to be the one to whom all the nations come to learn God's teaching and the solution I suggested to you is when the same experience that the man of unclean lips had is had by the people as a whole then we saw how in chapters 7 to 39 that trust is the basis of servanthood can this God this Holy One of Israel can he be trusted or will we trust humanity the nations of humanity instead and we saw how in those chapters God demonstrates to them that the nations are not to be trusted Humanity is not to be trusted but he is entirely trustworthy and we saw how that theme of trust or what is the common synonym for trust here in Isaiah and throughout the Old Testament Mel got it wait wait on the Lord because in fact we may say we trust him but if we run ahead and try to solve the problem for ourselves we clearly do not trust him it is when we lay aside our own schemes our own understandings our own purposes and allow God to work those out in his way that we do truly trust him by the time you come to the end of 39 it's been proven God can be trusted in the crisis of the Assyrian attack upon Jerusalem Hezekiah trusted God and against all the odds God delivered them at the same time we see that Hezekiah is not the Messiah Hezekiah is fallible this Messiah that was promised especially back here in chapter 11 we're gonna have to look for somebody other than Hezekiah he is not the child who is born upon whose shoulders is the government we have to look for somebody else so in chapters 40 to 48 excuse me 40 to 55 we have grace the motive and the means of servanthood and it is in 42:48 we see that motivation they are chosen servants of God in spite of the fact that they are in exile as a result of their sins nevertheless God has not cast them off they're chosen and he's going to use them in his lawsuit against the gods he's going to use them to prove that he alone is God and there is no other but the question then that emerges and so that's the motive the grace unmerited undeserved he's gonna motivate them to trust God but the question remains how is God simply going to ignore their sin and ours just act as if we've done nothing and I have argued again and again that God can't do that of course he can do anything but if he did simply ignore our sins the world which is built on cause-and-effect would fly apart we have sinned and so something has to be done about the effect of that and the effect of that is that the servant gives his life for the servants and that then is the means the motive 4248 the means in 49 to 55 well by the time you come to the end of 55 they've been delivered nature is rejoicing what's left 11 more chapters are left and we see that righteousness is the expected character of the service and that's what we've been looking at these last days the character of servanthood why are we delivered from our sin in order that we might share the character of God and that is 56 to 66 so that's the way I understand the book to be working other people understand it in different ways and that's ok they can be wrong and I could be too but this is how I see the book operating I should say that the thing that is most commonly said about this proposal is wait a minute oh salt servant the word doesn't appear in 1 to 39 so how in the world can you use that theme well I use it because of where the book goes very clearly in 40 to 66 the servanthood of the people is at the center and I would argue that given that we can see how the previous part of the book is leading up to that ok questions or comments above that I mean if you get done with 30 weeks and you don't have this in your head I've sort of blown it questions comments okay going once all right chapter 60 verses one two three and I want you to compare those verses arise shine for your light has come the glory of the Lord there's glory has risen upon you the old darkness shall cover the earth thick darkness the people's but the Lord has a will arise upon you his glory will be seen upon you there's glory again and nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising now I ask you to compare that to chapter 59 verses 9 10 and 11 therefore justice is far from us righteousness does not overtake us we hope for light and behold darkness for brightness but we walk in gloom we grope for the wall like the blind we grope like those who have no eyes we stumble at noon as in the Twilight among those in full vigor we're like dead men we all growl like bears we grew moan and moan like doves we hope for justice but there is none for salvation but it's far from us would you say there's a contrast between those what accounts for the change what comes in between those two the redeemer the divine warrior that whole section 59 15b 221 is what comes in between and explains how you get from 59 9 10 and 11 to 61 1 2 3 how is it possible for us to be the lantern through which the light of God shines on the world only one way if the divine Warrior comes and defeats the sin and unrighteousness which has indeed held them and us captive now again there are many commentators who will not accept that they will not accept that there is an intentional connection between the failure of 59 and previous and what we have in Chapter 60 they'll just say well it's accidental that's one thing this is another thing I do not buy that for a minute 59 15 B 221 is in there on purpose he came he saw that there was no man there was no one who could do this who could translate his people from unrighteousness to righteousness he wondered that there was no one to intercede so his own arm brought him salvation and his righteousness of held him he put on righteousness as a breastplate yes yeah it's just there's no intended connection it's you you've got 59 that says one thing you've got 59 B 15 B 221 that says another thing and you've got 61 and following that says another thing and they're unrelated it's just a collection of speeches that various people made at various times that's why I say to students if you can do something else than academic Bible study do it if you can't then for God's sake don't do something else the church needs you but academic biblical study today is a minefield largely dominated by people who began as believers and lost their faith at the University and don't have anything else to do with their lives so it's it's it's serious business okay now where does the light and the glory come from does it come from within them no it does not does it the glory of the lord has risen upon you the Lord will arise upon you and his glory will be seen in you yes it's not saying that they were unrighteous and they really really worked and really really did what they were supposed to do and they became righteous it's not saying that for a minute it's saying this light that now shines out of them is a gift a gift which has been received now what is the light for verse 3 the nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising what's the danger in seeking God's fullness for ourselves we're quick to think it came from us yeah what else it doesn't go any further it's about me and my relationship to God and what God is doing for me back to original sin with pride yes yes the devil really doesn't care how he gets us to focus on ourselves the world's way is fine but so is the self-righteousness way okay now verses 4 to 14 what is it that the nations will bring to Jerusalem there are two or three things they're gonna bring what are what are what is one riches yeah your sons and daughters those are the two primary things they're going to come with their wealth and they're going to bring your sons and daughters and if you remember all the way through particularly from chapter 40 on the question is doesn't the Exile mean we're done we're wiped out as a people we're absorbed into these great empires and it's over that's why they thought the exile couldn't happen because if it did happen we're gone but he says no the nations the nations that once oppressed you are going to come and they're going to bring your children Maryjo you're trying to have something seeking God it's it's not like we're just seeking him in some random way because he had the mission for our life I think that's very luckily and again I think that's you you heard my message yesterday God is willing to start with us with very very inadequate understandings of what his ultimate program is but as long as we stay with him as long as we're responsive to his Holy Spirit he's going to open up what that program is no that's typically not it's typically yeah we're we're fairly slow learners but probably it wouldn't be nice if he would tell us all at once be exactly we'd get scared and run away yeah we wouldn't get it yes yes so yes yes good yes now why do they bring these things verse 9 to honor the Lord the coastlands will do what wait for me back in chapter 41 that was said the ends of the earth wait for me they don't know it they think they're doing just fine but in fact he being the only God whether they know it or not they're waiting for him so they're doing it in response to the revelation of his character and of his nature but look at the very last cause why are they doing this last Clause of verse 9 yes he has made you beautiful he has glorified you now the question is how does he do that and we'll talk more about this but there's that theme they see something in redeemed Israel that attracts them and let's skip to question three there what is that wealth going to be used for look at verses verse 13 especially adorn the sanctuary yes yes they want to come and join in glorifying God they want to come and express something of the wonder of who God is that they see in the lamp and the light that is shining from the lamb they want to be part of that back in chapter 2 and I keep drawing you back there because I think it is so programmatic they want to come to the mountain of the house of the Lord to learn his ways those two go together they want to come to the place of worship they want to come to the sanctuary but they want to come there because they believe that in the sanctuary they can learn the ways of God that they so desperately need okay now let's look at number two these are the last two occurrences of the phrase of the Holy One of Israel in verse 9 and in verse 14 now I've said it before we've talked about it before but what two things does this phrase the Holy One of Israel can note there are two ideas in here the intertwined what are they alright separation but more than separation ok relationship and and those so there's the one side it is relationship it's the Holy One of Israel the other side he is utterly transcendent he is not this world he's not any part of this world but that not only relates to a separate essence he's a separate kind of being from the creation what else how else is he separate good good character again I think I've said this before the the most influential book on holiness written in the 20th century was the idea of the holy by german scholar named Rudolf Otto and in that book he basically defined holiness as this kind of separation he used Latin terms you always use Latin when you want to impress people he spoke about the mysterium tremendum I don't know why he couldn't say the tremendous mystery but that which produces ah that which we when we're in the presence of it we're terrified used in other word the numinous but there's one thing he did not talk about because you see it's only in the Bible that there is a distinctly holy character you cannot separate his transcendent essence from his transcendent character and the amazing thing is he wants to share that character when he says you must be holy as I am holy he doesn't mean we have to become God but he does mean I want you to share my character and that phrase the Holy One of Israel occurring 25 times in the book and then there's also the Holy One of Jacob which occurs once and only here the only place in the whole Bible so for my money it's 26 times whatever that means out of the 31 occurrences in the whole Bible 26 of them are here in Isaiah now let's look at a few of these and try to understand what's going on first of all before we do that look at how they're used here in verse 9 the coastlands will hope will wait for me the ships of tarshish first to bring your children from afar their silver and gold with them for the name of the Lord your God and for the Holy One of Israel because he has made you beautiful now verse 14 the sons of those who afflict you will come bending load to you and all who despised you will bow down at your feet they will call you the city of the Lord the city of Yahweh the Zion of the Holy One of Israel in other words they're going to recognize that you are a distinct people because of this distinct relationship now let's go back chapter 1 verse 4 see where we've come from somebody read please chapter 1 verse 4 they have provoked the anger of the Holy One of Israel the Virgin I have says they have despised the Holy One of Israel Wow that's where we started that's where we started it's picked up again in Chapter five we won't take the time to look at that but the same thing you have treated the Holy One of Israel with contempt now then to chapter 30 verse 11 and you really have to start with verse 10 they say to the seers don't see to the prophets don't prophesy to us what is right speak to us smooth things prophesy illusions leave the way turn aside from the path let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel then I love verse 12 therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel you want me to shut up well let me tell you something contempt provoked him to anger time to get him to shut up verse 15 of chapter 30 what is the Holy One of Israel's word to us in repentance and rest you'll be saved in quietness and Trust will be your strength grace would you just stop rushing around trying to get your illusions to come true and rest rest in me that's the Holy One who's saying that chapter 37 verse 23 this is addressed to Sennacherib somebody read that one yes yes my friend you don't know whom you have chosen to take on here you think that you have mocked hezekiah you think that you have mocked the local god of judah oh he's the God of Judah all right but he's the holy one you have gotten yourself into a lot bigger mess than you bargained for chapter 41 verse 14 fear not you worm Jacob you men of Israel I am the one who helps you declares Yahweh your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel so we've moved through from where the people are mocking the Lord to where the people are trying to get the Holy One to shut up to Assyria mocking the Holy One and getting himself in a lot of hot water for it to the Holy One of Israel proclaiming himself in grace as their Redeemer and in this whole last section of the book the Holy One your Redeemer occurs over and over and over again because he's the Holy One he's able to redeem you because he's given himself to you in love he wants to redeem you and he's going to redeem you and the nations will come to glorify the sanctuary of the Holy One of Israel okay moving on verses 15 to 22 what will be the evidence that the people are truly redeemed verses 15 and 16 yes when the oppressors will come and then what will happen in the end of verse 16 yes yes you'll recognize finally when these things occur you'll know I am the Lord our time is flying away here 26:1 talks about you have a strong city whose walls are salvation and 6018 says you will call your walls salvation and your gate praise what's the point of imagery like that what's he what's he saying all right they're closed in with him good good what else all right the helmet of salvation its salvation becomes your protection and its gates praise what's the point of that imagery all right the entry to praise pardon all right it phases out mm-hmm those who come through the gates come through with praise lift up your heads you mighty gates that the king of glory may come in yes yes so there's a sense in which salvation is is if you will static in the sense that it provides our protection it encloses us but praise is the entrance and exit of our lives in relation to him that kind of imagery is is worth your thinking about when you're reading the Bible devotionally it's easy for us to just sort of our eyes sort of skitter across the surface and we don't really think now what's that about your walls their salvation yep okay what's the next verse say so it's it's worth your time in poetry especially to try to think what is this imagery what's the author seeking to convey by using that kind of imagery now verse 21 your people shall all be righteous go back to 58 verses 6 through 8 and I want to ask the question is this when it says your people will all be righteous I want to ask you is that a real condition or is it just a declaration of a position okay that you're right Candace we're talking about behavior there in 58 aren't wages we're talking about a lifestyle yes yes exactly and so again there are many people who will say in regard to this whole passage no no this is the righteousness that is by faith God declares that we are righteous even though we're not I don't think so now to be sure to be sure in justification we are given the righteousness of Christ we are put in the place of Christ that's that is a theological truth but I want to insist we cannot stop there he gives us that position in order that we might manifest that character exactly yes yes so in in Philippians Paul says I want the righteousness that comes by faith and many people will say that's a position God looks at you through Jesus colored glasses he sees you as righteous even though we all know you're not righteous but it's righteousness by faith not by works that misses the point can I be good enough for God in my strength absolutely not how can you and I live the life of God in our relationships in our behavior in our lifestyle only one way by faith you see my point character changes by faith it's not a question of character change oh that's works and position that's faith no it's both we come into a new position no longer enemies but sons and daughters by faith thank God and by faith we are enabled to live God's life all right your people shall all be righteous the branch of my planting now I want you to keep your eye on that phrase the branch of my planting way back in Chapter 1 the people were compared to a dried-up forest that is tinder for the fire that's going to sweep through this language of trees that runs through the book trees can be arrogant they can be upstanding they can be proud or they can be a blessed gift from God okay keep your eye on that now then chapter 61 one two three and I ask you to look at chapter 11 verses one two three and the key thing I would hoping you would see there is the same emphasis on the spirit chapter 11 in its discussion of the Messiah speaks about how the Spirit is going to live his life through the Messiah and so here it is again the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me why because the Lord has anointed me now I'm perfectly confident and I could be perfectly wrong but I'm perfectly confident this is what's going on in Jesus baptism again I hope there are instant replays on these things I want to see John's face you know he's baptizing these people in the name of God in the name of God in the name of God in the Jesus what are you doing here you ought to be baptizing me and Jesus says let us fulfill all righteousness John let's do the right thing here what's the right thing to demonstrate as the Spirit of God comes down on this man he really is the Messiah why is the spirit upon me because the Lord has anointed me so no Jesus didn't need to receive the Holy Spirit one of the heresies of the church is that Jesus became the Son of God when he got anointed by the spirit to which I say reverent like hogwash he was the second person of the Trinity from the beginning of the beginnings he didn't become anything here but this was a symbolic action which confirmed this one really is the Messiah he is in fact fulfilling isaiah 61:1 now what is the anointed one going to do can we list it here all right he's going to preach he's going to bring good news to whom the poor blessed are the poor luke says and I don't think that Matthew is wrong when he says to the poor in spirit sometimes we who are rich use that as a kind of an excuse but typically it is the poor who are contrite that's what we're talking about here we've seen that note running all the way through the book those people who can stand in themselves and in their own righteousness they have nothing to hear from God again Jesus confirmed that you don't send the doctor to somebody who's well you send the doctor to somebody who knows they need help all right what else is he gonna do you he's going to heal the brokenhearted what else freedom for the captives what else release the prisoners pardon the prisoners mm-hmm he will announce the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance for our God and I hope by this time I don't need to talk to you about vengeance in this context this is good news and not bad news and to comfort those who mourn now again I think if you know this passage and you hear the Beatitudes you know what this guy is claiming blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted yeah and all those people standing there on that hillside are saying wait a minute who is this but wait a minute I'm from Nazareth I knew him when he was a runny nose kid running up and down the streets what's he saying the oil of gladness instead of mourning the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit now here's where I'm coming to the latter statement at verse three why is he going to do all this that they may be called oaks of righteousness the planting of the Lord remember that the branches planted the planting of the Lord that he may be glorified he's gonna turn us into trees he's going to start his own plantation not not the southern plantation where we're all slaves but a tree plantation rooted fruitful productive a blessing that's his goal those who are contrite those who are brokenhearted over their sin those who are captive to their self those who mourn the Lord God has anointed me yes yes beauty for Ashes uh-huh and again you you remember back at the end of chapter 3 where the beautiful women of Zion with every kind of accoutrement that you can imagine walking along with ankle bracelets that were linked together of course so they couldn't schrock's tried like they're walking through a plowed field but they have to take little bit Singh steps then God says yeah in place of that beautiful embroidered sash it's going to be a rope in place of that beautiful coiffure it's gonna be baldness which I take personally but anyway but here we've turned on its head beauty for Ashes the ashes of our unrighteousness the ashes of our brokenness the ashes of our failure his beauty the question is is the brokenhearted for sin or for grief and sorrow and my answer is yes I think I think if it's inclusive all of the things that break our hearts and to a significant degree broken heartedness is in the world because of sin so all of the grieving that comes to us as humans Christ has come to deal with and that I'm confident that's why you do have that interesting language in Isaiah 53 he has taken our pains and our illnesses is what it literally says now I don't think the King James is wrong when it translates it our griefs and our sorrows I think those who would totally limited to sickness and pain are wrong but if we were only to say it's it's that spiritual kind of stuff I think that's wrong too in the cross he has taken all [Applause] the pain the grief the illness the sorrow of this world and has taken it into himself and I always I never get away from this in meditating on Good Friday think of it in those three or four hours all the pain all the grief all the horror all the tragedy of this world came upon him it's no wonder that he sweat drops of blood didn't get cemani and asked God if there was another way many people have gone to martyrdom singing so what's the matter what did Jesus fella a wimp oh no no no because of what was going to come to him and he was able to proclaim freedom as a result all right our time is gone and we've got a ways to go here yet let me just quickly point out some things now we're starting down the other side of the hill we've come to the apex here in 61 1 2 3 and in a real way what's the goal of the whole thing that they may be called Oaks of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he may be glorified in a real sense that's the apex of it all right there now we start down the other side they shall build up the ancient ruins they shall raise up the former devastations they shall repair the ruined cities the devastations of many generations strangers will stand and tend your flocks foreigners will be your Plowman and your vine dressers these people that oppressed you are going to be your slaves they're going to do your menial work for you why verse 6 so that you can be called the priests of God they will speak of you as the ministers of our God you will eat the wealth of the nation's in their glory you will boast ah remember what God said back in Exodus 19 in that chapter that's preparing them for the covenant if you accept my covenant you will be a kingdom of priests a royal priesthood a holy nation they thought that to have the kingdom of God was to have a Davidic monarchy on the throne that they would be an independent nation state whose independence was guaranteed by a standing army and that would be what it meant to be the kingdom of God they came back from exile and none of that is possible there's no Davidic monarch they are not rich they are not the center of the world they have no army they have no independent state so it's over now folks you have a chance to become what you were meant to be the priests of the world for God's sake and in a real sense that was when they began to recover their sense of identity when they said ah we can become a nation of priests now I don't think they still understood that that priesthood was really for others they saw it as simply okay we're gonna serve God but what's a priest a priest is a mediator who stands between God and the world so if the oppressors the former oppressors become your menial servants it becomes the opportunity for you to finally become what you were called to be in the outset all right push on a bit farther I'll rejoice in the Lord for him and my soul will exult in my god this is verse 10 for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation he has covered me with the robe of righteousness as the bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress as a bride adorns herself with her jewels for as the earth springs forth brings forth its sprouts as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations now if you have the RSV or the NRSV or even the NIV in some cases in a lot of these places where the word righteousness appears you'll find vindication particularly here in this verse 11 he will cause vindication and praise to sprout up before all the nations know not so the NLT NLT guy right do you see the difference between vindication and righteousness now what they're doing is they're saying well that's God's righteousness displayed in you that is your vindication again there's the theological reading there the text says he will make righteousness it doesn't say God's righteousness righteousness will spring up before the nation's for Zions sake I'll not keep silent for Jerusalem's sake I'll not be quiet until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and her salvation as a burning torch now notice and I am going to let you go before midnight notice that pairing not PA are ing but PA I are ing remember what I've said about Hebrew poetry at the same point is made twice but using synonyms so righteousness is paired with salvation now each one of them offers something to the other they're not just plain synonyms so what is it to be saved it is to be enabled to display the righteousness of God in your life but by the same token the only way you can ever display the righteousness of God in your in your life is as a result of God's divine salvation I'm a good man I'm righteous the way God calls people to be righteous and a few people would work a little harder you could be as good as I'll never never never oh well I'm saved so it doesn't matter how I live no each one informs the other to be saved is to live the righteousness of God but you cannot possibly live the righteousness of God without gracious salvation they're interlinked God works in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure yes yes work out your own salvation with trembling because God is doing it wonderful wonderful mix there okay let me just point out a couple of more things and we'll stop in these remaining verses here it is again the nations will see your righteousness all the kings your glory here righteousness and glory are paired you'll be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will give you will be a crown of beauty again here's another one of those themes you go all the way back to chapter 28 and Samaria is the crown on the head of the drunks at the head of the verdant Valley you will be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord no more forsaken there's another term that has appeared before you'll be called hepzibah we don't name our daughters that anymore but that literally means my delight is in her it's a beautiful name yeah or hep-c when we were trying to decide if we would use a nickname for our daughter Elizabeth Karen proposed Betsy and I said no we had a cow named Betsy at work [Laughter] so he speaks about her as his bride and finally verse 10 go through go through the gates prepare the way for the people build up build up the highway use a concordance and look up highway in the Book of Isaiah and you'll find it very interesting lift up a signal some versions and I've really kind of liked it better say a banner a signal flag look that one up say to the daughter of Zion behold your salvation comes behold his reward is with him his recompense before him and they shall be called the holy people the redeemed of the Lord you shall be called sought out a city not forsaken yes God enables his people to be righteous the divine warrior whose blood stains his garments he is the one who is anointed of the Lord to preach good news that one and the result is you'll be the bride of God in whom he takes pride and all the nations will come to your God because of you amen let me pray father thank you for these days together around your word thank you for these dear friends and I pray O God that some of the things that we have talked about will find lodging in their hearts that you will indeed convince them how precious they are to you and you will indeed display your beauty in their lives in ways that will draw men and women to you thank you Jesus in your name amen god bless you all [Music] this is dr. Janice Walton is teaching on the Book of Isaiah this is session number 30 Isaiah chapters 63 through 66 [Music]
Channel: ted hildebrandt
Views: 1,403
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Isaiah, Isaiah 63-66, John Oswalt, Francis Asbury Society, biblicalelearning.org, Ted Hildebrandt
Id: myIW5ecJAuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 33sec (4053 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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