Dr. John Oswalt, Isaiah, Session 10 -- Isaiah 19-21

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[Music] [Applause] this is dr. John Oswalt in his teaching on the Book of Isaiah this is session number 10 Isaiah chapters 19 through 21 [Music] let's begin with there thank you Father for another opportunity to study your word we think again of the freedom that we have to do this a freedom that there are people dying to experience even as we speak we pray for them we pray that you will encourage them we pray that you'll defend them we pray that you'll protect them and grant O Lord that their love for the word might indeed spring up to fruit to 60-fold and a hundredfold around the world help us we pray in that same way O Lord deliver us from being those who look in a mirror and see themselves and then promptly walk away and forget what they saw help us O Lord to look into the mirror of your word to see ourselves where we need encouragement where we need conviction where we need challenge where we need correction help us to look into its depths and to see all that we need there and to receive it and to walk out to live it for the sake of your world and your people help us Lord in your name we pray amen all right we're continuing to look at the lessons in trust chapters 13 through 35 and the first part of that is chapters 13 to 23 don't trust the nations we have seen how we began with Babylon the glory of the nations someone remarked correctly last time that you were not able to see some of the markers so I'll try to remember to use the darkest ones the glory of the nation's 13 and 14 the scheming of the nation's in the latter part of 14 and 16 of Syria the Philistines and Moab in 17 and 18 the uproar of the nations and tonight then we look at chapters 19 20 and 21 two reasons given don't trust the nation's because they are under judgment from your God don't trust the nation's because ultimately many of them are going to turn to worship your God so why would you put your trust in them tonight then we go to first of all Egypt and we begin in verses 1 through 4 talking about one of the reasons why perhaps one ought not one ought to trust Egypt verse one the Lord is writing a swift cloud and comes to Egypt and the idols of Egypt will tremble at his presence and the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them verse three and the spirit of the Egyptians within them will be emptied out and I'll confound their counsel and they will enquire of the idols and the Sorcerer's and the mediums and the necromancers what would be one reason to trust Egypt according to these verses who are the Egyptians turning to in the moment of crisis the idols exactly so one reason to trust in Egypt would be their ancient religion as I comment in the background the Egyptians at this time were easily the most idolatrous people in the whole Near East they had a God for everything and a lot of things you couldn't think about they had gods for they've only been surpassed in modern time by Hinduism Hinduism reputedly has in excess of 10,000 gods but the Egyptians certainly ran them a close second the Egyptians were looked to in the ancient world as sort of the the grandmother she was the one even though the Sumerians in Mesopotamia actually seemed to be the the real parents of civilization the Egyptians were close behind and the Egyptians were looked up to by the rest of the ancient world as sort of they're the ones that have got it together and so this ancient religion would be a reason to trust in them Yahweh well he's sort of a late comer but ray and Horus and Emin and and and and all of these would be reasons to trust but Isaiah says the idols are going to tremble at his presence and the counsel of the Egyptians will be confounded and God will give them over into the hand of a hard master if you look at verse 2 it's pretty clear that Isaiah knows his Egyptian history because as I point out in the background twice in Egyptian history you had a period of absolute monarchy what's known as the Old Kingdom which would be the pyramid age from about 3100 BC until about 2200 BC this is when the pyramids were built I commented on this when we were talking about Abraham Abraham and Sarah probably took tourists camels out to see the pyramids they were already eight hundred years old when Abraham came along sometimes we get the idea that Abraham was an Aborigine who just crawled out of the cave no no two of the world's greatest cultures the Egyptian and the Sumerian had risen and fallen before Abraham came on the scene about two thousand so the Old Kingdom was for nearly a thousand years this absolute monarchy the god king sitting on the throne and then it all fell apart and you had a period of about two hundred years twenty two hundred to two thousand when they broke up into city-states and it's called the first Intermediate and it happened again when the Middle Kingdom established itself from 2000 to about 1750 and once again following 1750 it fell apart again and what's called the second intermediate so Isaiah knows his history I'll stir up the Egyptians against the Egyptians they'll fight each against each other each against his neighbor city against city Kingdom against Kingdom yes and that is pretty much what happened in Egypt during the first millennium BC from 1000 until the time of Christ it was pretty much one city rising and conquering others and then it going under and so why would you trust them there ancient religion is unable to give them the kind of stability they're looking for in verses 5 through 10 we come to a second reason why we might want to trust the Egyptians what is that not in 5 to 10 the Nile River yes yes I've said it before I think but let me say it again the only reason Egypt exists is because of the Nile River for the last 400 miles of its distance there are no tributaries coming in so that means that the flood is absolutely predictable within the same week every year the Nile floods and within the same week a few weeks later the flood goes down absolutely predictable and because of that water it is literally possible to stand with one foot in the desert and the other one in a weak field just as far as that irrigation water goes that's how far Egypt goes in point of fact so it is said that south of the Delta Egypt is ten miles wide and 300 miles long so throughout all the centuries the Nile made it possible for Egypt to feed people far beyond its borders you remember that the passo Paul was on a grain ship going from Egypt to Rome and the reason mark Anthony was interested in Cleopatra was he wanted her grain now she might have been cute too but the reason the Romans are after Egypt is because of that grain that the Nile makes possible so yeah but what does God say what's gonna happen to the Nile be dried up and all the businesses that depend upon it the fishermen verse eight those who make flax verse nine all of it is going to go under now as far as we know this was never literally fulfilled we have no historic example of the Nile actually drying up but what's the point being made here what are we are humans inclined to trust there's always the first time for everything yeah yeah okay can't trust in things like that we're inclined to trust in what nature nature yeah the abundance of the physical world and it's amazing to me how our modern society can be totally discombobulated by a natural disaster it's just astounding it's as though we assume that everything is always going to work just like it should and along comes a super storm and panic strikes because we depend on nature yes yes yes that that aquifer that runs down through the center of the country has been going deeper and deeper and deeper underground for the last 75 years and it's going faster and faster as we irrigate more and more Karen was reading something about the fact that the superstorm striking New York was predicted 30 years ago but it was too expensive to prepare for it so they didn't block off the Battery Tunnel that leads into the subway and but there we are I'll trust in the abundance of nature and everything will be fine I'll trust in the gods no they're confused and confounded they don't know where the world came from they don't know where it's going they have no purpose I'll trust in nature nature will fail you let's go on verse 11 through 15 why do we trust Egypt here well why would we be inclined to trust Egypt here their intelligence their wisdom the courtly advisers and as I again as I mentioned in the background the earliest proverbs we have are from Egypt again about the time of Abraham and perhaps they go back earlier than that and the suggestion is that this kind of proverbial wisdom was necessary or running a complicated Court it's interesting how many of the proverbs have to do with how do you manage yourself in a complex hierarchical system and on that ground then it's easy for us to understand why Solomon would have been the one who propagated proverbial literature in Israel because he was the first one to have a big complex Court and so the issue is your young courtier and you get invited to sit at the king's table what don't you do don't sit down next to the King sit down at the end of the table and if he tells you to move up a chair or two you'll look good but if you sit down next to him and he says who are you get out of here you're gonna look bad also if you come to the king's table don't eat like a pig eat carefully so again the wisdom of the ancient world here is Egypt as I say the grandmother she's the one with the development of pagan religion she's the one with the abundance of wealth she's the one with the ancient wisdom and what happens to them what won't their wisdom be able to tell them verse 12 God's will God's Way God's purpose now I've talked about this before but I its bears repeating paganism cannot imagine any purpose in existence because paganism is deifying the forces of nature and these forces of nature clearly have no purpose except perhaps survival but the idea of a plan and the outworking of that plan toward a worthwhile goal no no of course this is exactly where evolution has taken us there's no purpose in evolution except survival of the fittest in a real way Darwin was simply rationalizing what the ancient pagans knew perfectly well this is the world of chance all you can hope for is continual operation of the cycles as they have always operated what paganism doesn't want is surprises so the idea that Yahweh could possibly have a purpose in what's going on here is simply beyond the possibility of paganism and that's true today in our world the idea that there is purpose in your existence that God has a purpose for your life and that he if you'll let him can achieve it that is absolutely heresy to an atheist despicable heresy it can't be but the word says that's exactly the case God has purpose in all of this now he talks about the leaders the princes verse 11 the counselors the Pharaoh how can you say to Pharaoh I'm a son of the wise the son of ancient kings where then are your wise men so what should be a Christians proper attitude toward our leaders respect them but don't rely on them all right what else honor in terms of the position honor to whom honor is due what shouldn't we do we shouldn't trust them we shouldn't worship them we should not expect them to save us we should pray for them but here it is the Egyptians are expecting these leaders with all of their ancient wisdom to deliver them and it's not going to happen and Isaiah is saying to Judah don't you believe that it's going to happen don't trust them now remember politically what has happened the years of past Assyria has destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel they are campaigning down from your perspective on the Philistine coasts down here Judah is really in the back behind them to some degree but they're not afraid of Judah and the only thing left that Judah could possibly depend on is Egypt which is where Assyria don't trust the Egyptians don't trust them because of their ancient religion don't trust them because of their material abundance don't trust them because of their ancient wisdom and their supposed great leadership now what's the lesson for us in all of this yes yes it's it's it's fascinating to to see the the political process and and what people expect of this leader or that leader and what the Book of Isaiah says is that when you expect them to save you you could bend them to failure they cannot possibly succeed so here's the same lesson for us don't trust religion don't trust material wealth don't trust the wisdom of man as displayed in a political system now then the latter half of the chapter verses 16 to 25 gives us the other side of this picture here's another reason not to trust Egypt now usually mal who sits here has done his homework but maybe someone else has how many times does in that day appear between verse 16 and verse 24 1 2 3 4 5 and it depends on where you what translation you have it might be 6 but there are at least 5 times that in that day appears verse 16 verse 18 verse 19 verse 23 verse 24 yes okay all right good thank you now what's that talking about and why the repetition okay prophecy to get attention when the Judgment Day comes mm-hmm yeah a day is coming a day that won't be like every other day now again Hebrew uses the word day just like we do in English it can refer to a 24-hour period or it can refer to a period of time and it's never easy to figure out exactly which is which but at a minimum this is talking about a period of time that is to come a period that is different from now a period that is not merely a repetition of now so that the pagan understanding of time is circular we come from nothing we go to nothing day follows night night follows day January follows December December follows November but the Bible sees time in a much more linear fashion from the beginning to the end and tomorrow is not merely a repetition of today now the interesting thing from the biblical perspective is we've got a choice about tomorrow will it be an advance on yesterday or will it be a decline from yesterday the thing we know is it's not going to be a repetition of yesterday I hesitate to use better and worse but it's that sense that tomorrow will either build on today or tomorrow will not build on today but it won't be the same so that's the idea that there is a there's a time period out there that is different from now and in that day some things are going to happen now what is going to happen verses 16 and 17 what is the meaning of those events that are going to overtake Egypt verse 17 the very end what does it say the Lord will come against them because of what his plan his purpose here it is again God through Isaiah's trying to drive something home in the Judeans thinking what's going on is not chance what's going on is not simply the biggest battalions win what's going on is the purpose of God is being worked out in human experience and that's so important for us to remember I was thinking about this today Ron Smith had a very unfortunate event over the weekend he was to go to Kenya to preach in there the convention of the Africa gospel church probably 17 or 18 Aster's would be there got to amsterdam and discovered that his passport only had four and a half months left on it and Kenya only gives six months visas and so was forced to stand in line for four and a half hours to rebook then stood in line for three and a half hours being hassled physically by security because obviously he was some sort of a religious nut who had flown from the United States to Amsterdam and was now flying back in order to carry a bomb obviously I thought about that today a couple ways of looking at that one way is to say well it was just an accident and God is in heaven saying gee that's too bad another way of looking at it is well God had some purpose in this and he intended for that to happen but there's another way to look at it and that is nothing is a surprise to God and if he permits something to happen then he's got a way of redeeming it and I propose that it's that way that we can look at those misfortunes that occur to us in life they are not out of God's control we don't have to believe that God caused them either but we do know that God is able to bring his good out of anything if we'll let it so God says to the Hebrew people remember these things are going to happen they're not an accident they're not merely the work of some powerful bully nation God is at work in them using them to accomplish his good purposes I think if we can live with that sense in our own hearts we can live with confidence we can live with a certain degree of excitement boy I wonder what God's going to bring out of this because he can and he does all right let's let's push on verses 18 to 25 are a remarkable remarkable statement 16 and 17 says disaster is going to come on Egypt but what's going to be the outcome of that disaster what are some of the things that are going to happen to Egypt according to these verses they're going to worship the Lord now it's interesting again to wonder has this day in fact occurred Egypt was among the first nations to become Christian of the Egyptian Church was stronger in many ways than the Greek churches we don't know exactly who evangelize them but somebody did and so from one point of view this prophecy has already been fulfilled now maybe it's talking also about a future day hard to say they're going to worship the Lord what's going to be the evidence of their worshipping God what will be the expressions of it they're going to build an altar to the Lord with a memorial pillar on the border what's going to happen when they get in trouble they're going to cry out to the Lord he will will rescue them and what's the outcome going to be in verse 21 the Lord will make himself known and what about the Egyptians they'll know the Lord now again if you want to talk about religion in the Old Testament there is no word for religion in Hebrew because religion suggests a compartment of your life there's your work there's your family there's your leisure there's your religion and the Old Testament doesn't know anything about that either you know God and it's reflected in everything you do or you don't and the parallel is either you fear God and your whole life reflects it or you don't so a remarkable statement the Egyptians are going to know the Lord now verse 23 and 24 once again it's possible to say that that was that has already been fulfilled in the early Christian era when the Byzantine Empire controlled this whole area but it may also refer to the end of time as well I was talking with a friend about prophecy last week and for me a good example of the dangers is here in this passage a well-known Old Testament teacher who is not by any means a wild-eyed prophecy teacher when Egypt alone of all the Arab countries made a peace treaty with Israel he publicly announced that that was the beginning of the fulfillment of Exodus excuse me Isaiah 19 23 there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria and Assyria will come to Egypt and Egypt to the Assyrians and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians well it hasn't happened yet has it let me say again those who've you've been with me will shortly be able to say everything I say that's the idea prophecy has two purposes predictive prophecy has two purposes and remember not all prophecy is predictive prophecy a lot of prophecy is speaking directly to the people and challenging them for the way they're living right now if you want to talk about distinctively predictive prophecy then you're talking about Ezekiel 39 to 48 you're talking about Zechariah 9 through 14 and you're talking about Daniel 7 to 12 and many people believe the book of Revelation chapter 4 through 21 that's essentially it you want to talk about endtime prophecy in the Bible that's it but people have made fortunes out of this I don't know whether you know the name jack van impe or not he is the original Teflon man he has been predicting the end of the world for 70 years and every time he's proven wrong he slips right off and says oh well if what it means is this and people pay him scads of money what is predictive prophecy given for not for making a timetable of the future not for making a timetable of the future the failures of the timetables for the last 2,000 years ought to tell us something why is it given to us number one so that we can live with confidence knowing that God knows the future how's it all going to turn out I have no idea is it going to turn out within the purposes of God you better believe it I think it was Chuck Killian who said I'm not a pre millennialist or a post millennialist or an amillennialism I'm a pan millennialist I think it's all gonna pan out well I don't know that I want to go quite that far but number one the future is known to God it's in his hands there are no surprises number two when fulfilled our confidence is secured we can look at the ways in which the prophecies of Christ have been fulfilled and say yes yes I believe now I've said to many people I'm really glad I wasn't alive when Jesus was born because sure is the world I would have written a book on it and gotten it wrong that's what happened to the Pharisees they'd written books and Jesus didn't fit their books but we can look back and say oh yeah that that's exactly that's exactly what the text was saying so these are the two reasons why we have predictive prophecy so that we can live with confidence knowing the future is in God's hands and so that when that predictive prophecies are fulfilled our confidence is deepened and secured okay so are these prophecies going to be fulfilled in that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria a blessing in the midst of the earth yes yes I can say it with confidence how I haven't the foggiest idea and if I did have an idea I wouldn't share it with you because it would probably be wrong but I am as sure as I'm sure I'm standing here sure that there will be a day maybe in heaven when I will say oh sure that's exactly what I say I said the point of all this is to say that here's your's our two reasons don't trust in Egypt because they're under judgment don't trust in Egypt because they're going to be worshipping your God the God that you are a band to trust them how stupid don't do it all right we've got to rush on here chapter 20 tells us how little we know of Isaiah's life his actual life we know scads about what he thought and the body's relationship with God but how he lived we know next to nothing and what we know from this chapter is pretty shocking it says that for three years he walked around naked and barefoot having previously been wearing sackcloth burlap we know more of Ezekiel Ezekiel got put through some of these same kinds of things Ezekiel is a priest never touched an unclean thing in his life for 30 years now God says okay I want you to cook your barley over a fire of human dung Ezekiel says God God says okay you can use cow dung Wow who would want to be a prophet now what's the point of this walking around now I think he probably had on a loin cloth though I can't prove it I think you would not have been allowed in public if he were stark naked but as I say I don't know that but the point is and it spelled out for us here this is the way God is going to lead away the Egyptians excuse me the way the Assyrians are going to lead away the Egyptians into exile stripped now why do you think God did this to Isaiah and what maybe maybe we first of all I asked why did God do this and second why did he do it to Isaiah why did God do this what do you think absolutely absolutely now again we are we're restricted because we don't know how many people actually got to point but presumably some did or we wouldn't have the Bible but it was important enough to God to get this point across don't trust Egypt that he was willing to use this three-year-long visual aid now why do Isaiah think that's exactly right because he was available and obedient whole bunch of other people weren't available and they would have been obedient if they had been available if you make yourself available to God don't plan on your pride being massaged because God is not very concerned about your pride or mine he's very concerned about getting his message across and whatever it takes now as I say in the background there's an incident going on here that is related to the timing a a Philistine one of the remember the Philistines there were five cities and each one of them had a king and it was sort of a confederation and the king of one of these would typically be sort of the the first among equals and in that case in this case it was Ashdod and Ashdod led a revolt and the Assyrians didn't much like it and when it was clear that Ashdod was going to fall the king of Ashdod escaped to Egypt and asked for asylum and they happily gave it until the Assyrians threatened them at which point the Assyrians turned over the king of Ashdod to the Assyrians and that's what the importance of that last line in verse 6 is this is what has happened to those in whom we hoped and to whom we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria we how shall we escape this is what happens to people who trust Egypt Egypt will sell you out and Isaiah is saying this is what's gonna happen to the Egyptians why would you trust them alright anything you want to comment on there in chapter 20 pushing on rapidly sure yeah yeah I'm not gonna demonstrate but just right yes the buttocks would be uncovered it's like a bikini yes yeah yeah yes yes yes yes it's not blind following it is not only obedience it is trust yes yes yes Isiah is himself a marvel of what will happen to them but also a model of trust in God whose ways he may not precisely understand at this moment but I'll trust him and do what he says all right chapter 21 this is one of the more bizarre chapters I say that at the outset first of all he begins you can see from verse 9 that we're talking about babbling see where it says down there fallen fallen is Babylon but he titles this poem the Oracle or the message or the Burgman concerning the wilderness of the sea now think about that for a minute the wilderness of the sea what is that part of what is that figure of speech and oxymoron wilderness is dry and barren sea is anything but dry and yet the wilderness of the sea you can't drink it yes yes it's it's salt water a good bit of discussion on commentators as to exactly what this means because nobody knows for absolute certain but I think it's sarcastic babbling on the Euphrates River had access to the Persian Gulf and the sea trade to the east was a big part of its wealth as well as around Arabia and up the Red Sea to Egypt and so the riches of the sea the wealth of the sea the abundance of the sea no no not really not really you get below the surface all that abundance is finally just wilderness all that wealth is finally just tinsel so I think it's sarcasm that he's dealing with there he talks about then the verse to that people who are going to destroy Babylon Elam that's Persia and media we've talked about the Medes before who live up in the Zagros Mountains babbling down here the Tigris River running up this way the Zagros Mountains running along the Tigris and the Medes lived up in the Zagros Mountains Persia and the Medes got together to destroy battlin now verse two evidently it's God speaking a stern vision is told to me the traitor betrays the destroyer destroys he's calling Babel and a traitor and a destroyer and that certainty was true they were very good at making covenants with people and then breaking them go up Oh Elam lay siege oh media all the sighing she has caused I presumably this is Yahweh I bring to an end but now look at verses three and four therefore my loins are filled with anguish pangs have seized me like the fangs of a woman in labor I am bowed down so I counted ear I'm dismayed so that I cannot see my heart staggers horror has appalled me the Twilight I longed for has been turned for me into trembling well now that's either Yahweh or Isaiah talking how do you put the two together I have brought to an end all of their betraying all of their traitorous nests all of the sighing that they've caused in the world I'm stricken with grief how do you put those two together in the heart of God or or in the heart of Isaiah I think you're exactly right he wept over Jerusalem yes yes yes I think this is a very important insight into the heart of God we tend to be sort of all or nothing oh if you really love them you won't do anything bad to them or if you just something bad to them you hate them no there are consequences that come and God is not going to prevent those consequences all the time sometimes he does in remarkable ways but not all the time but if he lets it come if he brings it it is still out of a broken heart and I think that's a very important insight verse five I think is a just a little picture on Belshazzar's feast you remember the story Belshazzar is the second in command of Babylon the the real King has gone out into the desert and taken the gods with him and Belshazzar is second in command and Belshazzar's having a feast and they bring out the golden vessels from that Judean temple and they're drinking from those vessels and praising the gods of Babylon and a hand begins to write on the wall talk about the DTS in that night Belshazzar dies and the city has taken it prepare the table spread the rugs eat drink get up princess all these heels now verses 6 to 9 a are an absolute mystery to everybody what is going on thus the Lord said to me go set a watchman let he announces what he sees when he sees riders horsemen in pairs riders on donkeys riders on camels let him listen diligently very diligently then he who saw cried out on a watchtower I stand O Lord continually by day at my post I'm stationed whole nights the old here come horse riders horsemen and Bears and he answered fallen is babbling well we know what that means but what the deal is with horsemen in pairs riders on donkeys riders on camels nobody knows for certain the guess is and then this is where I come down the guess is you're on the Caravan routes coming west out of Babylon and you've got these refugees flooding out along the caravan routes and the watchman is told let us know when you see the refugees coming and that that's what is going on here maybe as I say it's it's the one that makes the most sense to me but again it's it's fun to read the commentaries you can get every interpretation Under the Sun pretty much one per commentary falling this babble and all her carved images are falling to the ground oh my threshed and winnowed one what I have heard from the Lord of hosts the God of Israel I announce to you now i think i think that's talking to the ex isles out there 150 years in the future from isaiah who are in babylon who have been thrashed and winnowed you know how threshing occurred you drove an ox around on the pile of grain separating the kernels from the husks then you took a winnowing fork and threw the whole mess in the air and the wind blew the chaff away and the grains fell back to the ground three or four places in the book the Exile Tsar referred to as the threshed and winnowed ones and i can imagine I can imagine some exile there in battling with perhaps just a scrap of the Isaiah scroll and on that scrap is this fallen fallen is Babylon all the carved images of her gods he has shattered to the ground oh my fresh and winnowed one what I have heard from the Lord of Hosts but God of Israel I announce to you friends friends let's not become assimilated to the Babylon Babylonians let's not sell out to them let's not give up our biblical faith because God says that Babylon is going to fall ZQ gotta be kidding me Babylon is the greatest nation in the world they're all powerful I know but that's in the scroll I'm gonna stand and so when the day came that against all the odds Babel own Babel and foul and Cyrus the Persian said anybody who wants to go home can go home and I'll pay for the rebuilding of their temple there were Judeans ready to go because of words like this ok ah the last verses from 11 to 16 again I think and here again you got commentators all over everywhere I think we're talking about the Caravan route that led across the desert from Babylon to Edom duma probably is a reference to Edom it's an anagram you've you've reorganized the letters so babble in here the mediterranean over there this is way out of proportion let's try that again yeah that's better okay you may not believe it but it just seemed Galilee here Dead Sea here Edom located here and again part of the significance is the connection to Egypt a caravan route went out across this way through a couple of Oasis out here and I think what's going on is here again you have the refugees fleeing from destroyed Babel and and the word is coming and these groups that depended on this trade realize we're in bad trouble here so the Oracle concerning Duma in verse 11 the Oracle concerning Arabia in verse 13 and the other references that are mentioned here all seem to relate somewhere here the the Babylonian king was actually down here somewhere the the Oasis that he was living at so all that then I want to read to you an Advent him based on chapter 19 watchman tell us of the night what its signs of promise are traveler or yon mountains height see that glory beaming star watchman death its beauteous rays aught of joy or hope foretell traveler yes it brings the day promise day of Israel watchman tell us of the night higher yet that star ascends traveler blessedness and light peace and truth its course pretends watchman will its beams alone gild the spot that gave them birth traveler ages are its own see it bursts or all the earth watchman tell us of the night for the morning seems to dawn traveler darkness takes its flight doubt and terror are withdrawn watchman let thy wandering cease high V to thy quiet home traveler lo the Prince of Peace lo the Son of God is gone watchman tell us of the night morning comes and also night if you want to ask ask and come back again John Bowring took those verses and said what are we talking about here in the end what's the watchman looking for he's looking for the light of light let's see oh oh [Laughter] [Music] him born the king of angels Oh adore him oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him Christ the Lord [Music] watch me tell us of the night morning comes thank God morning has done God bless you Ralph was asking if we're gonna meet on Christmas Eve and a no we're not and but we are gonna meet next week so get your Christmas shopping done next week we'll finish up these Oracle's against the nations [Music] [Applause] this is dr. John Oswalt in his teaching on the Book of Isaiah this is session number 10 Isaiah chapters 19 through 21 [Music]
Channel: ted hildebrandt
Views: 1,379
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Isaiah, Isaiah 19-21, John Oswalt, Francis Asbury Society, biblicalelearning.org, Ted Hildebrandt
Id: XBVhmIJ613A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 54sec (3954 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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