Dr. Jane Goodall on Living with Chimps, Their Language & the Possibility of Bigfoot

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our next guest is an international treasure she is the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees and has a brand new show about it it's called Jane it premieres tomorrow on Apple TV plus please say hello to Dr Jane Goodall [Applause] what a what a pleasure it is to have you here thank you for coming it's great to be invited yeah you know I know a lot about I feel like I know a lot or at least a little bit about you because my daughter has a book about you she's eight years old and we read it frequently and she has now announced that she wants to take care of animals and help animals I'm trying to get her into crypto but she loves animals you know good for her yes yes just like me how I work yes and one of the things I mean just uh the basics uh about your life is that you when you went to study these primates to watch these chimpanzees and write down what they've done what they're doing you didn't have you weren't an expert you weren't uh Dr Jane Goodall at that time no I wasn't but you know when I was born I popped out of my mother's womb loving animals everything from earthworms birds and squirrels when I was 10 I read Tarzan of the Apes and of course 10 year old girls are very romantic and I felt passionately in love with this glorious lord of the Jungle and what did he do he married the wrong Jane he married to Jane yeah do you think the fact that Tarzan was in a relationship with Jane it made an impression on you just because you have the same name well I thought she was a wimp [Laughter] anyway that was when I mean I knew there wasn't a Tarzan that's when I dreamed I'm going to grow up go to Africa live with wild animals and write books about them because girls weren't scientists like that in those days right everybody laughed at me but then I wanted to make a point of this I had a very supportive mother Jane if you really want to do something like this you'll have to work really hard take advantage of every opportunity and if you don't give up hopefully you find a way when you do all those things and more and um that a particular relationship with one Chimp in particular David graybeard is the name that you gave I think we have a photograph here uh how old are you in this shot I'm 26 26 years old and are you eating bugs off of David no I'm just gently moving through his hair I see okay very soothing and they love it that um are bananas really a chimpanzees favorite or is that a stereotype um it's a suit of stereotype but if those wild chimpanzees hadn't had some kind of banana plantation they wouldn't have eaten the bananas I offered them because they're very conservative oh interesting they won't just eat anything you eat like like a dog will eat anything you throw on the ground so will a baboon but chimps are very fussy and if an infant tries the new food the mother will hit it away is there a chimp language is there do they speak a particular language would you like to demonstrate I would love to come on I just I just want to make one thing really clear a lot of people think I am I'm not actually a chimpanzee wait a minute right now you are a male chimpanzee you're dominant okay I'm a female okay so I'm a female look at that little penguin over there being serious okay sorry because you might be asked about this okay so you're a big male chimpanzee I'm a female so I'm a little bit nervous and I come up and I give a little which is submission oh but you like me so you Pat my head and then no and then do I say anything no oh you just I just I'm quiet yeah and then probably I groom you a little bit oh yeah sure you could groom me too oh all right oh yes there is a knit right there delicious you are chimps happier than human beings some are some others they're just like people really is this the same summer ones subordinate ones are not very happy dominant ones can be pretty you know full of themselves does studying chimps teach you more about human beings it does in a way it teaches us that we have inherited aggressive tendencies but also loving and altruistic ones and we have a brain that can help us to choose are we going to be mean or nice and unfortunately people don't use the brain enough in that respect yeah did you you were the person who first you're the first person to observe chimpanzees using tools the sticks right yes yes they use all kinds of tools they use stems to fish termites from their nests and they use long sticks to fish fishes army ants out of their nest and they crumple leaves to sop up water they can't reach for their lips all sorts of things that was like a big front page story when you discovered that yeah could a chimp drive like a golf cart well they can be taught to they can yeah but I mean we shouldn't have captive chimps so we don't want Jim's driving golf carts okay we could bring some golf carts out there well it still isn't appropriate for a gym okay maybe for you now you're a chimp but this is kind of a terrible question I don't know maybe this is a weird question to ask but when a chimp dies do they have any kind of like us is there a ceremony or is there anything that the chips do a lot of mourning and grief so if a mother dies the children will hang around for days and if a young one dies the mother will carry the body around so there isn't a burial or anything elephants do burials but chimpanzees just mourn and they stop eating and this very sad one young one actually died when he's lost his mother wow wow he died of raising his mother yeah wow you are also you're open to the idea that Bigfoot might exist true well there's so many stories like I I was in the midst of Ecuador with jungle all around and a few little isolated communities and Hunters used to go from Community to community so I asked my translator I said when you meet one of these Hunters all I said have you seen a monkey without a tail and five of them came back and said oh yeah there are monkeys without tails they walk up right now six foot high so take it or leave it but oh and you do you have any idea like or Theory as to what those might be well sort of maybe you know Remnant neanderthals or something oh and no one took any pictures of those tailless monkeys well there are a couple of pictures which people refute and say they don't really they're probably fake those famous pictures that we've seen you believe those might actually be real well they might yeah okay your new series is uh my daughter Jane is going to love your new show it's called Jane it is not about you but it is about a little girl named Jane who um who is who loves animals and goes on adventures and she loves me and she loves you yeah she's got pictures all around her wall of me and David graybeard and Me growing up with my wonderful dog Rusty who taught me that animals do have personalities minds and feelings which scientists told me it wasn't true there were a lot of people have dogs and cats they know of course personalities minds and emotions they feel happy or sad right yeah yeah and are you a Metallica fan by any chance no no okay all right just checking because they're coming out I didn't know if you wanted to introduce them right now well it's so great to have you here I could talk to you for like three hours I I and we could grunt at each other and even understand now but thank you for being with us the show is called Jane it premieres tomorrow on Apple TV plus Dr Jane Goodall everybody I don't know foreign
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 221,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Jane, Apple TV, Dr Jane Goodall, Primatologist, Anthropologist, Chimpanzees, Chimps, Tarzan, Africa, Wild Animals, Motherhood, Stereotype, Bigfoot
Id: _cS3BA0GwWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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