Dr. Eric Thomas Drops Gems of Inspiration with 'Average Skill, Phenomenal Will' | Sway's Universe

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this sway sway sway sway in the morning in the morning in the morning shake weight you're [ __ ] us up territory this is where we rise like this this is where we show up this is where we show out like we weren't born with silver spoons in our mouth we are acquainted with sorrow we are acquainted with greed but we ride we rise my mother got pregnant with me at 17 years old my grandma had 14 kids and like a two three-bedroom house on the south side of Chicago like I didn't become a PhD because my father got a PhD and my grandfather got a PhD I'm the first one in my family with a PhD like this was birthed from struggle you hear those odds we talked about a man who dropped out of high school and lived homeless for years I don't know how you live homeless for years I don't know what you think about when you wake up homeless and you've been that way for months that would motivate you to get to the next day something did with him he met a preacher he went back to school he took all kinds of jobs from the Olive Garden probably was picking up dog poop I don't know you gotta ask him personally but he did what he had to do met his lovely wife they became a tandem got married he became a man of the cloth got into the church and through those inspirational teachings and surrounding himself with inspirational people went to Michigan State University he also obtained his PhD ladies and gentlemen became a motivational speaker has written a slew of books all of which if you read these books would be equivalent to eating your first meal of the day which is the most important meal of the day there's nothing special about him that's different from anyone any of you average skill but he has phenomenal will fast four years later I don't want to get into his bank account but he's no longer homeless let me say that I don't want to do that he's been a inspiration to Tracy Jie absolutely sure heaven Kelly uh and me and when I saw him in East Detroit a few weeks back who came out and lent his likeness and his words and his story to these people in this disenfranchised neighborhood it could it could have brought tears to your eyes to hear him tell him his story because I saw it bring tears to Joel Osteen's eyes when he watched you speak and I'm not even sure if he knew who you were prior to that probably and you guys got to meet for the first time and we took a really powerful picture I got a frame that one welcome him to the show dr. Eric Thomas ladies and gentlemen et News way this EDA uvt my own me too you know man you know we always go back to the homey thing um average scale phenomenal will is just so perfect OnPoint timely um brings a lot of clarity who-who is this book for and this book is for every you know individual that feels like you know I didn't come from you know that environment that just sets me up for success you know if you want to build a business with a quarter you know if you were homeless if you lost your child you lost your marriage like if you you just feel like you are at ground zero you have absolutely nothing this is the book that tells you you have everything you need to have and to be and do everything you want sometimes do you feel like we we have these tools and these resources around us but it's oblivious to us yeah yeah cuz I think we focus so much we talked we focus so much on what we don't have yeah we focus on what everybody else has that we always want to focus on the disadvantage and I'm not saying we not disadvantage but but if you make that to focus where your focus goes your energy flows so I'm just gonna focus on a couple of things I do have life I got a brain I know how to read I know how to speak so so what my father wasn't there so what you know I didn't go to the best school district so what I got kicked out so what I got kicked out of college so what I'm gonna focus on what I can do what I do ad and what I can become and that's what I think the problem is talk about that I was gonna say how do you feel like that's affected the mentality that we grow up with in our neighborhoods and we chasing this Joan you be chasing the Joneses and we we want to have a car like solar so so that because we don't have it how's that affected us something what kind of damage has been done chasing that mentality I just feel like your gifts will make room for you and when you're trying to be somebody else you you you block your gifts you block your opportunity so I'm not you don't see me trying throw a football you don't see me trying to you know put a basketball in the hoop you see me speaking you know you see me serving helping kids get their GED I blew up with don't teach in a GED class that's how I became famous and people always ask me why did you start there cuz somebody help me to get my GED so that's the one thing I had knowledge or I to get a GED I didn't know how to do anything else but I just gotten a GED so I got a GED if I can't do nothing else I can psychologically tell you how to get prepared for a GED and then the GED went to can you help kids stay in college so I did that in college and before you know it I'm going off on a group of kids and they call it the secret to success video I admit the peer video I'm just going off because here you are with an opportunity to get a four-year degree and you plan and you you know you doing partying and doing stuff that maybe other kids have and opportunity to do because they got a net to fall back on you don't have a net so man I went off so for me my gift has made room for me every time I talk every time I speak every time I ate door is open so man stop looking at the judges might be good at what they doing or the grass might be greener on the other side but it means somebody's keeping up with a warden they cutting it it didn't get green like that on his own Eric Thomas ladies and gentlemen the book is called average skill phenomenal will pay 75 hmm want to say chapter 10 bear with me congregation if you will airing the 120 mindset : uou quote from Thomas a Edison opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work what does that mean to you what doesn't mean that means we could man listen to me I know somebody might a couple minutes a fairy tale no you know my story you can get anywhere you want from grinding I had a conversation with a young man this morning we were going over our schedule and based on the schedule it didn't start till about 8:30 and they asked me why you up in four o'clock in the morning why you up so earlier we don't get started to 8:30 what you doing it before I'm getting up at 4:00 because I don't have the resources that other guy has I don't have a connection nobody you know I'm saying my parents didn't know anybody weren't part of any clubs right so so so I can be T know if I get up at 3:00 because he's not getting up to standing up a he not getting up at City he's not getting up at 3:00 so I may not have his resources his opportunities I mean I have his network but if I grind I can beat him if I if I put in the work I can catch up everything I didn't have I can catch up with work and that's what it means to me every advantage that I want the currency to get it is cry whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might and if I could do it all my might I can catch the dude that's got ten years that look there people who graduated I graduated in 12 years woulda for you to be degree people used to laugh at me when they got their four-year degree in four years yeah I passed him not on slate yeah I didn't get him this way yeah but I kept grinding and kept working sway and I caught the rabbit and I'm not quicker than the rabbit but I got the rabbit order because I didn't stop grinding so for me that means if you willing to grind you can have it you could be it you could do whatever you want to do and nobody can stop you if you had that grind let that moment breathe y'all let that moment breathe I'm opening up the phone lines eight eight eight seven four two three three four five dr. Eric Thomas yes sir et is here et et is here average skill phenomenal Will's the name of the book you could get that now how can you find it et inspires calm real simple et inspires calm we're gonna inspire you when you go to that website shave for five suena morning safe for five I got burn dr. Eric Thomas aka et is here let's give out to social media real quick because I want the citizens to be able to reach you directly all right so on Instagram Eric Thomas Beatie see snapchat dr. Thomas and then I guess Facebook of Eric Thomas it is okay not so minty right there just walking oh I wish that's also Charlie hey Charlie mm NCAA champion Michigan State Spartans what's up man get on the mic walk in the rule and I say just walk away are you going man how you doing I can't complain good to see you good to meet you bro me too I know you was in Flint a little while back from Opie's game and I missed him ever and glad you came s absolutely and share thank you absolutely man I support flint hard body Plus Kelly Jackson my business partners from Flint see all in stone so you know we're sorry stone Eric Thomas is here I want to open up these phone lines so you could so you can actually talk to folks and you know you come a long way man and I'm extremely impressed in it and you have a lot of let's talk about the books too so because it's more than one book greatness is upon you how to seize and sustained greatness Eric Thomas the secrets the secret to success average scale phenomenal will I am I missing something that's it right there okay um and since the average man has taken what was with him and made greatness out of it ET I consider myself somewhat similar in that regard you know growing up in East Oakland absolutely dealt with a lot of adversity don't talk about a lot of the details of my versity would probably scare some of the listeners because that's not the impression about me but often tell folks everything would you say to look to your point everything you need is right there it's funny you just got to be able to recognize it this culture of hip-hop you know one of the things you say is um about you the lessons you learn when you reach ground zero absolutely you know um this culture of hip-hop was kind of born out of that right absolutely and this whole mentality you know that you share in this book is kind of what we did in hip-hop culture absolutely same thing we gonna it you know it's the story you know it's the story of you know the underground it's the story of the disadvantaged the story to underdog and all we did was writing I do want to say this to the listeners there those of you who have what we have you just need to write it mm-hm and to encourage you it took me ten years for the first ones way that first one started stopping and questioning myself should I put this in should I not put this in CH and I say this and I not say this you know am i worthy to write a book I'm a high school dropout and I got kicked out of college what right do I have to write and then one day I just sat down and said don't do this for you II there's some kids out there who need to know it don't be selfish they need to know your story so for those of you out there you picked it up you put it back down get your book out we need it what do you say to those who what I'm saying now is folks um some people get it faster than others but like you said you know you you beat the rabbit now you outlasted the rabbit a lot of folks I want to instead want instant gratification that they can't get it they start to resort to all kind of dark means to get what they think they want rather this you killing selling poison whatever the thing you feel like is I have to do what I had to do salutely so I got a tear somebody else down to get to where I want to salute Lee but you don't up you don't talk about that yes so here's what here's what it's had an opportunity to do some work for on the rookies of MBA yesterday and what I said to them is is one thing to get it but can you keep it mmm you know Sam said so for me sway is not about I grew up in Detroit so a is not about can you lit his life for six months can you lit his life for three years can you let his life for the long haul right and there's certain things you have to do to sustain it anybody can get it but can you keep it you know so for me if you're not doing the right thing if you're not going through the struggle a lot of people don't realize wait it's the struggle that keeps me where I am why because I've worked so hard for what I have accomplished that I can't do certain things just to lose it in the night or do not work too hard way and so so a part of my hard work is why I'm so disciplined I'm not discipline just because I'm a disciplined person but I don't want it like you talked about being homeless I'm blessed to own two homes now I don't want to lose two homes over no foolishness way it took me 30 years to get it and I'm losing in 30 minute you like it don't even make sense so I mean I'm just not the quick guy I'm the guy you know the grandma used to and no disrespect I don't really do fried chicken because people don't know how to cook it but my grandma used to put it in the buttermilk for three days let it soak put the seasons on it oh and so you got you gotta let you gotta let success soak you know it takes time you can make quick chicken but it ain't seasoned you know so I just said everybody out there you got to go through the struggle because once you get on the other side of it then you become certified and once you certify you just don't have it but you have it for the rest I want it for I want this lifestyle I want everything I have right now I want this for the rest of my life and one just happiness tell it to ya hey man just quick sidenote buttermilk soaking on chicken for three days could create a lot of bacteria I don't know grandma robot never got a signal sway all right just tell your boys to jump in the refrigerator this way my grandma my great auntie used to make corn bread and put butter milk in a bowl and chop the cornbread up and I used to eat you know eat that in it but there is spoiled a lot ok the arts in sports but I don't know answer you had a bad experience wet kitematic sorry my bad that's nothing to do it without my present Eric two things that I'm curious about um the first one real quick is for a lot of people your words are like a reset button you know when their mind is feeling really just cluttered you are a source of decluttering so for you I'm curious like who are your personal mentors I don't have any really you know not not on that level actually this is where but my mentors are my are my listeners my family like I read the information the comments and get a feel for where they are like it's literally I watch a video I'll do a video and I'll read their comments or people will text me and then it kind of gives me okay this is what they're going through so they really feed me without knowing it like their comments their you know whatever they put on Instagram Twitter whatever Facebook like they feed me so I really feed off my you know my what we call not followers but my family right and then the other thing I thought about when you're saying how you know you wake up at 4:00 because you know that's going to give you an edge over the other person who may have more different resources and in the world of personal development there's so many different titans you have a Tony Rob and on the younger and you have like a Louis how do you see these people as competitors or is there more of a camaraderie because they're in the same vein of work there when you're professional you'll have competitors say I'm a professional I don't said nobody nobody does what et does hey hey no I'm saying everybody does was talking Robin stars hey no I'm saying nobody you know so yeah when I when I look at Tony Robbins and those guys they're not reaching the hip-hop generation I did not speak into the 97 percentage that's speaking to maybe three percent of the world you know they're not they're not talking to Tyrone they're not they're not talking to my guys on the block I'm talking to the guy on the block about getting his GED and going to college and having a family and taking care of business so for me I don't and if they're young people who are doing what I'm doing I salute them because that's what the game is I did this to like Harriet Tubman you know I'm opening up a door for you guys I'm showing you that you can make money being you that you don't you I do corporate work in the baseball hat you know is this hip hop that hip hop is real it's not I mean we notice in his room but hip hop is not just music it's a way of life it's a culture and which hip-hop self you can be as successful as you want to be so if it's younger people trying to do what I'm doing the people who follow me then I definitely want you to compete because if you're a real guru you don't you want your students at some point to be better than you you want each generation to be better than what you were so no competition whatsoever nah man I'm we gonna make that into a sweeper and that's something this is how I feel about my morning you know thank you appreciate that man how do you feel that competition sway play Eric clam down play this is how I feel all right we're gonna go to the phone lines you spell you some of the people you've counseled like you talked about the NBA the rookie season and what will some of the like LeBron James or some of the you know bigger names that you had a chance to talk to what you know I'll be on of course I work with the Detroit Lions and working with the Cleveland Browns now but I think for me the most impressive person I've ever been in a room with to speak with is Kyrie Irving Kyrie it's probably I probably been most impressed with Kyrie because I remember the two times I had an opportunity to present two under calves Kyrie just something his eyes it's like you can see the other dudes listening but they might be staring off Kyrie was like locked in from the very beginning like yo like I had a tiger light whatever you saying I'm so great at what I do but I need that that that competitive advantage so you might say some et that's gonna just spark me and take me to a so I think for me you know being in the room with Kyrie Irving was probably just as an experience it's probably one of the better experience that I've had working with professors but sometimes you know professionals can be you know professional so yeah Tyree from Jersey Jersey I just I'm still mad at him for that shot you made what do you eat the Warriors but throughout the whole time I always say people sleep on that man Tyree is a great guy I met him at a Chris Brown concert we chilled out didn't really talk but I stood next to him that caught the Cron's baby's got to stand next to break I took the crumb tire we don't even know I was sleeping up his crumbs we got Martin on the line from San Diego without Martin say what's up what's up what's up et what's up sway what up everybody would like to say man I just want to thank et man so much so about a year ago was in the same spot that you speak from as far as just going nowhere with my grandparents give me everything there's kind of just like being dumb about my [ __ ] and then turning it around after I heard one of your speeches and then I met my mother like 29 years later and I found out that she wanted nothing to do with us which was still cool because it pushed me to like want so much now I'm a manager at a optometrist in San Diego you know what I mean and it's [ __ ] it's definitely definitely helped me out man appreciate you man yeah Martin congratulations finish and see now you an example Martin now people don't hear your story you're gonna inspire now max yeah we got now you got now right got now okay keep telling your story Martin okay yeah thank you thank you guys man your citizen Bruce Wayne in mourning yeah we got Chris on Virginia on the line Chris well man yo um what I'm a radio I just want to say uh I never heard of any titles before imma beat out of a set honest with you is the first time I heard it I heard of him but I went to the website while I was talking about it and I trusted you know I trust which I was saying because of swag so um good morning everybody but I just want to say man it was like I mean I was like a rough spot right now with my job and everything but I'm inspired everything he was saying that I was listening to him just for that short period of time it definitely put a foot in my ass even more so to do what I needed to do that's the point and uh it was just like you know I'm had a good job and I'm Virginia by way of New York my whole crime concept is way different I'm a grown man got kids and everything but it was just like the the field that I'm then I worked in public safety I hope in the fire department but the feel that I'm in is so different for us is black men you know it's the struggle is real so everything you saying definitely put a fire under me so I'm gonna check out all the stuff that you a separation choice you're citizen sway in the morning give out to a platform again he went to the site okay he went to et inspires con man make sure you go Instagram Eric I'm sorry Twitter Eric Thomas BTC Instagram the hip hop preacher et the hip hop preacher PT let's do this right man et inspires calm go to the site now you can see all his workings you know you see his moves the whole thing yeah this Instagram is et the hip hop preacher CET a really you know social media savvy he's out doing work I was like my work man okay now the Twitter is Eric Thomas BTC follow this man get this game and supported books people you had a question yeah I just wanted to ask because everybody's bottom isn't the same some people might have addiction issues some people are just lazy and want to make excuses all the time some people are just you know unmotivated what would you say would be the common denominator to get everybody out of that spot to you know one inspire to do more and do better for themselves you know like is it religion is it just desire to want to do more for yourself and get out of that rut I think it's two things you had to pass one many of us change when we have a wide you know some of us you know hit rock bottom because we so sell you hurt my man's pant you know whoever it was gave him everything you know so he had a sense of entitlement you know but for him it was like yo my mom wasn't there I got to do this or this didn't happen I got to do this so some of us we find the white moms was my son I'm just gonna be honest my father wasn't there for him my grandfather wasn't there for my father so my son was born I'm in the hospital room my man come out I'm like somebody gotta somebody got to take care of him nobody took care of me I'm gonna take care of him so for me that was my wife for other people you know it is something happens they lose everything you know and once they lose everything and realize man I had an opportunity of a lifetime and I didn't take advantage of that opportunity so when I get my second shot I'm gonna murder this opportunity so it's different for everybody but I think it has to be either you lose and realize what I like I wake up like yo I'm in the mirror like I it's a lot going on but I have opportunity like look I'm on suede I'm on I'm in sways universe brother like you know many people would like really want to be here right now and I'm here from what grinding he didn't know me 20 years ago but I'm here because of an opportunity and number two my sons in the building so I'm very cautious of what I'm saying my passion is different like I'm not just on the show I'm trying to speak in his life so if I die next year or two year whatever my son will always remember that I was in this room and he was in his room with me and this would be an example for him so it's my opportunity and my wife that drives me hmm okay we go we're gonna take one more caller dr. Eric Thomas is here average scale phenomenal will is the name of his most recent book uh we got Chris from Georgia Chris what you want to say hello Chris hi hi all good morning everyone good morning I just want to say on Eric Thomas I've watched all his YouTube videos from the man talking to the group showing up at the beach walking out what he says is true you got wanted more you wanna breathe thank you for the message dr. Thomas god bless you god bless everybody our studio right now you know just god bless everybody donal my voice that's what thank you for you do thank you Thank You Man thank you call all the citizens that call it in yeah Eric now I want to thank you for coming through this I see this has to be a real current situation no no don't be a current situation we only gonna hit it out the park but man you give me chills and it is great to hear cuz still sharp and still and we got to support each other on this Miller net all right done them and I appreciate you we got more work to do right dr. Eric Thomas ladies and gentlemen average scale phenomenal we'll make sure you pick up that book all right ah doesn't yep okay Wow okay oh great Marty boy I don't know I know right okay we want to thank our guests Lucy Walters for coming by this morning nor as Holly from power tomorrow we're gonna have Jordan gr getting game artist he did really well man yeah he did really well tomorrow static selectors coming by no no that's not it no okay great great great great the cast of the gun to get down or coming by okay the Casa to get down new um series that's coming out supposed to be pretty incredible okay who else now static link is going to be our guest DJ sadly I know it was a static somewhere I saw static static okay static link is coming by DJ friction okay um DB how can I reach you Twitter Instagram it's really DB mic news hung out with the political you go ahead my first time you have a question haha I am Mike Muse mus is a me Mike what college you went to Michigan Oh we'll talk afterwards Charlie looki sorry just winning oh yeah no I'm watching it cuz I saw the Michigan yeah that's why okay okay okay Tracy how can I reach you Oh Twitter Instagram you can find me on both platforms at your Tracy giti start AC yg and make sure that you follow she's beauty in the Beast comm HB hit me up I'm at the happy hour WH be on Instagram and Twitter citizens we had a great show all week so far you missed any of it go to Sirius XM comm slash on-demand right and then up on give out your social media again I reason why I keep having you do this because I want people to follow you but he keeps looking over there so somebody we want to just say yeah you can follow us on instagram at et the hip-hop preacher that's et the hip-hop preacher on twitter eric thomas Beatie see jump on the YouTube page ET the hip-hop preacher you catch this all over men but the main thing is go to et inspires calm you can find a website with all the show dates where will be all the information on the the gigs the books everything you need right there et inspires Dachau boy is anointed man also we got a great conversation with consequence from good music yesterday that is officially up live on a sways universe on the YouTube channel the freestyle the game he was given on the insight about the music business consequences a teacher so make sure you check that out and thank you to the new million subscribers that uh that uh have come on board to the sways universe platform at real sway you can find me everywhere at real sway or sway Callaway one or two of them you'll get to me until tomorrow we have nothing sway in the morning only for shake 45
Views: 140,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sway, sways universe, sway in the morning, heather b, dj wonder, tracy g, interview, news, music, film, hip-hop, rap, shade45, siriusxm, dr. eric thomas, phd, eric thomas, 5 fingers of death, sway in the morning freestyle, tyler the creator freestyle, childish gambino freestyle, tory lanez freestyle, lil dicky freestyle, logic freestyle, damian lillard rap, megan thee stallion, riff raff freestyle, shia labeouf freestyle, kevin gates interview
Id: ldquHF2r4cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2016
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