Dr. David Anders Talk 1 of 3: How John Calvin Made Me a Catholic

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[Music] well over the course of the weekend what I really want to do in three talks is the first of three is to give you reasons to want to be Catholic more reasons to want to stay have reasons to be grateful to be Catholic and you know this is something that the scripture tells us to do st. Peters has always pyramidal reason that's a new word the Greek word there is apology de which we did the term apologetics and you know sometimes apologetics it's a bad round in circles because people associate apologetics with the limits and tell them the other guy goes wrong politics does not have to be that way in a lot of ways you just give them a rationale [Music] mr. important thing to do sometimes it's something that attack the other guy like many you really need to like so Deitrick welcome to Gretna Catholic philosopher had no qualms about attacking Nazism a little more typically called a balanced ed it was the philosophy public school system sometimes you don't always go not so much of the politics trying to excessively come to faith okay so we could talk about reasons why I think the faith makes sense but the Catholic faith makes it history it's public or theological philosophical parents in why everybody ought to want to be fast it's an important thing to do because it's how we gain wisdom all right tell me what was the wisdom is about getting perspective getting a bigger picture of things and then you can make better choices to say that they will feel or do our panelists asthma and Teresa of ávila thought that was so important to have a learned head of perception of the faith and learning understanding the bigger perspective the big audiences she actually said she would rather have this or spiritual director alert increased rather than a holy one she had to pay to learn increase the whole increase you know they go with the little increase because a really compassionate person is you've got a lot of trouble to meet well so that's a good reason to be canceled tomorrow to talks and the other one being answering some prominent churches to attach the face that's much better they want radiators most show for call to communion and the tagline show is what's not objections tonight I'll do something that's a little bit narrower in scope all right I want talked about the Reformation Reformation six attention the Protestant reformers were originally granted the growth Casa Kennedy and it seems appropriate because we're getting ready we're approaching the 500th anniversary of the reformation in October and it's going to be in the news a wonder if you're well and I think that knowing the truth about the Reformation honestly can't live as they want to become Catholic I know because that's what motivated me to come against me I grew up in a very fantastic home there are a lot of X Catholics at the church that I grew up in which was the Presbyterian Church and you know we were havin Jellico's that's a large number for Protestants that have the kind of born again really great mission of spirituality and [Music] it's teach people truth of the Christian faith designed to study the guys who ripped the book of the temple tomorrow health in a special account its I spent many many years of reading tens of thousands of pages Reformation theology who tested them against the church fathers Scripture tried to make a little coherent case for the reforms but that's a big word for Presbyterian in touch with the whole traditional church to make a really coherent case for the Reformed Church at the end of that process I know I'm in the wrong Church the Catholic Church so that's a know that knowing the Reformation well and actually the motives with the protein capsule the second reason I think it's appropriate is that the anniversary coming up a lot about the information in today's and honestly it did a lot of what appears meant to be nonsense and I'm thinking that it could create for example you're probably gonna hear that their Reformation would say why do you think those are Reformation I bet you simply shoot the hands up and say eruption Church that's the story that usually why absolutely completely convinced based on decades of study that Reformation was not it's a gross misrepresentation to say that corruptions what motivated the Reformation the sixteenth century not that there was a gross in the sixteenth century but guess what it was approach to the 4th century and the 5th and the 12th and 15th and 17th we still got some today rights that is always production churches not a sufficient explanation of Reformation Lutheran fact at the Reformation was in response to church structure absolutely understood that said no that's that one fomenting this is Reformation Lutheran - conscience was by his desire this was gone his desire assured of that's what motivated Luther in the Reformation you're also happening here perhaps the Reformation is not with the Catholics across was really agreeable poor stuff now no longer matters and distinctions I think that's absolutely manifestly false and if I had believed it's a promise of everyone okay the reason I think I started studying the Church Fathers Sacred Scripture a performer's and I really teach thing out and said this is what we say this is what Catholics say the Catholics are right and I hope if I thought the Catholics have moved over to the Protestant position there's some people think this happened I would said oh they're right you know they're really only to be Catholic to have the grace to happen in the process about some absolute initiatives the Catholic sacrifice system so if the belief problem doesn't we've got no big reason to be a little bit narrow particular talk about how 1509 to 1564 and i want to help you see 16th century just for a minute through the eyes of John Calvin something probably most of us that know of the reason I want to do this is title of the talk is about John Calvin daily account and it was coming to fix the thoughts of John Calvin after that I realized that Calvin's trajectory in the Christian life was very very different very different from the Presbyterians in the Protestantism that I've grown up with but he had cares concerns and issues and problems that were utterly foreign to me and they were much much much alike aspect in other words what I discovered was that for twenty two sixteenth century okay okay between the sixteenth century and today the world of Protestantism education and more visited the focus of the question is do the Protestantism had changed its substantive and essential ways in Calvin of all the witnesses in the world of Catholic Church it was one of her staunchest critics kept John Calvin himself that opened to my eyes to the doctrine of the and I would have we see how much the Protestant world has changed between then and today let you see that the Catholic Church therefore is a much more honorable answer to crisis desire community y'all with me so far so the growth in to death like I told you that went to college went to seminary read the Reformers read my way into the face alright a lot of thats familiar the story who here for me to converse politic really deeply who's diversification the pilot can't really be the really faith since christ number set the boat those little things of the church yes care leaders really did leave all that stuff about the church the sacraments but there's some stuff that really blew my mind now the main lines of her information are pretty familiar to those people Martin Luther 1483 1546 it was a sex a moment troubled conscience objects to sale of indulgences he works out a critique of the church based on a radically new theological principle Authority the viable salvation faith alone Lutheran detective indicated in 15-20 min sparks international actuated the religious Indian Christopher that much I hope is familiar to most people here don't listen flora ticket alright but when I came to these facts I realized that in that the many process today read those in light of their contemporary experience and they have mentioned that the Reformation village was were thinking about the person within the same way they are today and there was some significant differences let me point to my team in the Protestant church that I grew up we understood the church to be an invisible Society of the faith across denominations and by my statements but I found in the writings of reformers that they believe you church was the visible society that ought to be completely completely defined entity governance worship the doctrine that was a significant difference when I grow up I think sure the bottle is a kind of textbook ways or a devotional being that was sufficient for every question and perfectly intelligible to the average reader that's that's a common theme of the market today with proxies but that's not my fountain penalty I saw the bottle as a liturgical document the word preached by Julie when they departed be Christ's old faithful church so Calvin today the process of us say the Bible is little thing for the church but they meant something radically different by that language 1/2 harmonics means no vision of the Bible's use of function one had a much more individualistic all right when I grew up with all the sacraments of simples only of interior graces all right but in the Reformers Lutheran calendar I found that the settlements were seen to be real median of bracelet making price substantially present in brief far more concerned literature the third immunity sentimentality than anything in my contemporary approach to experience and so he erased the question for me as a historian as discover what happened to those password concerns why don't workers take these Catholic things so seriously and they weren't run why couldn't they sustain that why can't those things stay alive within Protestantism so Calvin and Luther persuaded me those Catholic things were important issues have to be taken seriously but that ultimately they could be respectively big result ultimately only in the Catholic Church that's how John Comyn gave me a Catholic right so I'm going to take up the story and unpack some of these concepts or you can see the situation in the 16th century through the eyes of John Calvin and help you understand how Protestantism today there's the world of the sixteenth century you guys still with minute my making sense if I lost any money alright you have a question about my answering Kasana this is a theological stuff and I know I'm raising questions that were making through probably unfamiliar territory because you've heard a different story about the Reformation and a lot of people just lack their understanding in the 16th century they take their experience of products once today they just map that onto the 16th century imagine that it was the same it was not the same process things to process them something that they take the contemporary education they back it back by mystery and imagine that the Reformers felt like they didn't work out there so this is guy John Calvin counselor Calvin was a freshman he was born in Y all in Picardy 1509 that's 26 years after Martin Luther that's what becomes important unlikely sir as a lawyer and feminist he was not trained as a cleric or they literally Luther's earliest works for biblical commentaries they were scholastic miss potations Calvin's first publish workers at redesigned with government a humanist commentary attached by the Roman philosopher Seneca we're talking about very different temperaments in American education Luther was the son of a prosperous peasant Calvin was the son of the cathedral notary mechanism a degree was a big deal to being a walker so they're different social backgrounds implement a very different character to their respective informations was always borrowing it was their motivation he's looking for Sam Calvin was supremely confident in a blue 30 early was confessor the alarm clocks talents that's a frustrated with music Priestley would recognize the first condition is an extreme form of sprinkle on so anybody that really really sweet this person it's a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder to the neurotic condition you know fair it's really talked about his depression the peloton in Germany poetess on my sister this is the worthless cetacean of trial and he personified the right to imagine that this was he was coming to die along with his depression horrible blows problem it was bipolar awesome and then what he did is he allah jalla you took that to your conflict didn't imagine that that's what the spiritual life was supposed to look like and that's why I wrote this think he wrote that into this theology tell us explicitly does this I'm not making this up he says it's not scripture over study it's living and dying and damned makes a village that's how we experience it's just a struggle of the powers oh that's how difficult the guns life was Calvin was nothing like that Calvin was supremely confident in fact I read thousands and thousands of pictures of California letters Jesus's sermons archival documents from the courts I never found one time when Calvin ever apologize to anybody he just always knew he was right there that's the kind of guy my stuff the Reformation the discovery of a gracious code for the Reformation of something different they've been coming to realize that God enlightened happy with the knowledge of true piety and the Deanna vocation to share that with others all right it was about all the words in one of his the autobiographical Texas Calvin says speaking about his conversion to the Protestant faith this is before a year had elapsed all who had any desire for pure doctrine particularly coming to me to learn really have my differences right some accountants friends and relations were then to take issue with government's newfound sense of importance and his Christian mission yet feminine to be Mitchell a question councilman disappointed to the certainty was under conscience into powerful sense of mission the words what motivated me was the sense his strong conviction we had that just God as politic he was a prophet okay and he didn't need affirmation of authority we just knew he was right woman it breaks the Reformation it had already been going for some time to put it into perspective the health and was eight-years-old would look through the only five of these things he was 11 it took another 16 years before Calvin took out the pen in defense of the Reformation pathetic respect over 16 years removed with terrorist attacks the first process of died from his faith in France at 15 to 24 Calvin didn't run 12 so we're really deep into the reparation McHale it's growing that's significant it's a second-generation informant so why does health and embrace their information right I think I was on this sacrament in the Catholic theology lots of information what's a complex question but support to understand count embrace the referential reasons that were very different from losers Luther to find peaceful density Manchester account I was a feminist at renaissance scholar who was concerned for the state of society he wasn't making a lot of effort at the political idea like many Catholic offenders health was always complaining about superstition among the common people about social strife and disorder much brothers to the king of Poland Sigismund II Augustus said to the gross superstition and the fatal labyrinth in which the greater part of the human race is how fast say he wasn't only it also gather people in darkness now so that's godless related their information from the Reformers called macular the scriptures in the Liturgy of the scripture which directly to the people sacred literature I keep in mind that was not the norm in the 16th century Catholics did not go to church regimented Bakula they went to master all the sacrifice of praise to make atonement sense it did hear something to someone so typically outside they were apart during the Sacred Liturgy so the idea of introducing vernacular preaching from the text of the Bible and to the Sacred Liturgy that was an innovation of the reformers that's what that's what really appealed to tell me he believes that such an ideological division social in theological revision was a common complaint at the time even among Catholics in performing the literature thinking of the sacraments of calculating a more informed participation in the Georgian church's worship and that was actually a public concern which one that many of the Catholic reformers also shared that's like Erasmus and Robert or for instance March all shells all killed on their Bernard in New Testament say the same thing so we're common broke with the church death was in his view that the pavement system was beyond repair right he took up the main elements of Luther's ideology in order to justify breaking it with the picnic system but there's no doubt that it wanted to preserve unity with the Church of history in his knee the Catholic Church simply been smothered under a massive superstition and it was his job to blow away all the rubble and start fresh but in his own mind he saw himself as a continuity Catholic Catholic over specific of the 15th century and an articulated catholic concerns they just thought the current regime was it just completely lost it then we need to come start fresh and Luther's theology gave way of doing them all right so what does that tell you about John Calvin like I said it was an intellectual really good history of society now let's see how that shakes out when he actually fits into patterns but y'all still with me chuckle explain what what happens to God who's the bracelet Reformation with these reasons when he actually hits an advancement in fifteen and thirty Seconds calavicci international recognition in the first edition of this very famous book the Institute's of the Christian religion he was on the strength of back attacks that were printed to serve as a reader in Holy Scripture in the new authorities hired all right there's only 27 years old at the time but captain had other ideas in cooperation Farrell Calvin was determined to impose some kind of discipline and order of the new Protestant community remember his powerful since admission in his conviction that he's right - wrong in 1537 Calvin insisted that the city of dr. Kammen confession of faith in cognitive imposes acceptance of all the citizen naturally felt suited to the task of writing that document the arcade first term separation of ecclesial power from temporal control now that was different for many of the mucosal reformers many of the other Swiss reformers wanted the government to take over the church one of the reasons that catholic theologians see Calvin as a war Catholic mind the guy was he recognized the distinction the temple is understandable the pastor's of the church his exercise complete jurisdiction over accident medication and that was a Whateley Tour de Ville to all of the sixteenth century they would have the right to exam individual communicants on their personal morals a theological Orthodox that before they would admit them to the point to the Holy sofa now Calvin wanted weekly community into his church now remember in the 16th century the Catholics got community once a year once a year if you've ever read the sermons of st. John and even much later obviously these 18th centuries nine sixteenth century if you're a regular sermons about Easter convenient you have a sense for how seriously detectives took examination of conscience before their income community right so in Calvin insists that to be in his church riveted weekly and a few gets to personally examine you you realize this is actually an incredibly invasive move into the private spiritual lives that with everybody's thanks pastor so it's a it's seen as a major overreach of pastoral authority potentially all right so the Geneva City Council was muscle but supposedly shot seriously John Calvin's party after a reason for existence capital its colleagues were expelled from the city of Geneva County to with me the favor of Martin Luther in Strasbourg where he spent the next three years during that time to continue to [Music] but again to write more extensively in French up to that time has been almost entirely French's the vernacular take against to write in French okay now poems recap a little bit so we've got this guy in count second-generation performer is greatest among Catholic nobles and higher parts he's educated as a humanist intellectual these supremely confident is in the right because they really love you the state of the Catholic culture but his main new suburbs aren't fully continuous you know with a couple major exceptions fully continues with the existing Catholic different efforts at reform question the see how they do so in mind is really not breaking Church now this is 1540 okay no if I said the name John California if anything elf perfect right what do you associate the name of telephone with predestination everybody goes into it exactly okay what do you think he writes this treatise on first thing was ever been in front well first majors make the same function he runs it on the Eucharist here at San Antonio history well as what has the doctrine of the Eucharist has become the greatest Texas threat to the internal immunity and the credibility of Protestantism all the performers before count at nurture that very confident expectation that emphasis on the Bible would eventually producing doctrinal unity in the church right in 1522 the world or 20/20 wrote a book called the clarity encircled the Word of God and he argued that the doctrine of Sola scriptura would clear up the confusion that had allegedly created death there's no mysticism but the hope for doctrine or unity failure to materialize and the diverse of the problem it was a constant blight on the doctrine of Sola scriptura and on the Protestant movement and it remains a significant challenge for Protestant apologists to the state they have to give an account they would qualify 100,000 different Protestant denominations it was a problem then it remains a problem today of great scandal law in 16th century and Protestantism was disagreement over the nucleus okay in 1522 Luther engage in a bitter one better political against cross leaders that he had identified as quote-unquote false brethren these were process he objected the doctrine the real presence which were affirmed especially with micro sky determinants women yeah in Zurich Luther absolutely released fellowship with these vaults brother he said one side must be name's adamant on the doctrine he once said that Swindon was completely perverted that entirely lost brodster what was either so insistent on the doctrine of real presence she defended in many arguments here's one of my favorites Luther writes and says the witness of the entire holy Christian Church even if we had nothing else should be enough for us to maintain this doctrine there listen to the acceptor Secretariat objections for it is a dangers and Tara's thank to hear or believe anything come true to the common Witness faith in dr. Turner push the entire holy Christian Church has maintained from the beginning until now for more than 1500 years throughout the world here amen would there have been more consistently for saying mystic force today because that's what every Christian was ultimately able to take the tradition down for 1,500 years but ironically it was the you it's the sacrament churches that had created the greatest division within the Protestant movement it was no local conjurer's in the prompted countless treatise it was concern for the International possible Calvin rightly considered that this is threaten the success not only their information as much but everywhere so 1540 writes this book it's called a little treatise on the words I'm gonna read to you a couple of lines around the introduction of John Calvin 1540 running running about the maneuvers he writes he says it's the Holy Sacrament of the supper of our Lord Jesus Christ has long been the subject of several errors in at least ministers has been a new development dumpers opinions and contentious disputes based disputes between Protestants it is no wonder that many others cannot fairly resolve what do they want to take but they remaining and perplexity waiting until all contention being laid aside the servants of God come to some agreement upon it but the servants of God would have talks about here or the Protestant theologians so what does he just said this is looking new Christopher all controverted the Rankin and um they're waiting for theologically consensus among the theologian plugs among the leadership class of information however Elizabeth however as is a very perilous thing to have no certainty but in coordinates the understanding of which is so requisite for our salvation what account I just simply said theological certainty about the doctrine of the Eucharist is necessary for salvation I thought it might be a very useful labor to treat briefly the Netherlands clearly deduce the summary of what is necessary in that moment and they add that I've been requested to do so by supporting persons whom I could not refuse without neglected might do in order to rid ourselves of a difficulty it's expedient to attend people which I follow now to anybody from American evangelical Protestantism today this texture along your mind okay just to put it in context when I was on seminary i watch the Trinity I'm John for Divinity School in Deerfield Chicago and graduated when I was there I had professors of enthusiast racial sentiments right that were Baptist that were Presbyterians that were we had Methodists we had F don't go free Church disagree kinds of things all right and and I know but this is a very independent school in the town that I live in Birmingham Alabama Beeson Divinity School Nina's Timothy George very well known as theologian writes the first day to read first thanked by statute these Divinity School has to have chairs from different Protestant denominations Lutheran's Episcopalians Methodists Baptists Presbyterians it seemed like as a badge of honor that have so many diverse it's president you could not get any farther away from the spirit denominationalism still with me okay so this brings to the serious questions for they come up here I have our graduates to have gotten out of an epidemic that's my environment Erin Brady Calvin in in the original and I'm not just looking at the Institute's I'm going through all this stuff and I raise these questions number one well he is a John Calvin why does he identify property insurance necessary for salvation right now that has to sound like any problem to some I know of today I mean the Lutheran's are gonna find by themselves but you guys have presentations of Baptists around that you know any of those guys think that property Krista couch was necessary to salvage what's necessary for salvation invite Christ into your heart when necessary new Christian doctrine I never had such a to walk induction of disagreement missus me thinking his problem over the church 1540 region he says he says we must confess that and if the representation which God gives us his suffering is true to God represents on the side it's true in the sense of service within the visible signs and as the bread is distributed to us both halves of the body of Christ is communicated to us in order that we may be partakers of it so there should be nothing more we have a good cause to be satisfied when we understand that Jesus Christ gives us in the sucker the proper substance of his body [Music] this is necessary for salvation what do general presidents absolute necessity of the doctrine absolute necessity alarm for conformity it very into the church or its Constitution with the servants of God telling all the lay people what to believe so this is just nothing like the Protestantism I've grown up now everyone to another section for this question you believe you had mentioned it seemed like he was also anti-clerical at the same time did he how did you reconcile sacrifice that is at the pre speaking for Sonic Chris did with this big sacrament is it did that kind of separated you question the question was if count has such a fight with the new first introduction of Real Presence company at the same time to be Nancy clarify how does that reconcile or something Catholic doctrine sacrifice of bats I'm gonna go ahead a little bit later to comments the alligator supper which is very different from the Catholic and in a nutshell first of all the tourists adamantly rejected the doctrine of interest except rifice a firm that actually real presidents they were checked at doctor the sacrifice secondly the cop so he has attacked this is over we can certainly problem of superstition and that's not easy to problems like it raised a following a very concerned with superstitious of shall we thought that the sacraments are all the ways okay irrespective of the faith or piety of the community right he thought that doctrine bred superstition so we invented it this is the hypothesis that he thanked the Calvados is the whole course of the Reformation and Protestantism and eventually resulted in a kind of born again some that we have today Calvin shifts in and he makes the sacraments efficacious but not an except for any Peralta he makes the count the seconds efficacious was a couple of qualifications one of them on the sacraments always work for the elect for the unbuttoned all right and two thing they always work but not just found identification see if you like who thinks and so what that means is it for Calvin baptize it really does the summer really doesn't indicate Christ's body and blood but not terrible but not such a bizarre doctrine and it ends up with this dilemma plank appearance if the question of it baptized us up did it work at me it worked in me and what was born and initially had a concern for insurance creates a really introspective crisis within the mind of pugilism and the whole epidemic empiricism which is different from the sixth century fox's is an attempt to solve the problem how to identify motive they went the Westminster Confession acceptance century reformed confession of faith teaches that the elect they are like but all sentences is possible at the spurious or false faith you can't be deceived about it a friend of mine at this one he said the electro for sure really really really believes in catholicity yeah I want to just illustrate somebody's living world one more text and 1540s Calvin from sentence insisting he comes back to genetic insists that everybody knew things [Music] naturally the porch of evens everyone but what we need them okay and they begin to really take number two counter and they think they feel okay and that there's some hysterical interactions in archival documents the Geneva had a child - its halted its history and we have the records in the consistory we see the records of the conversations with the laypeople in the master in Geneva and some of them are just hysterical like that Calvin said the City Council passed as a department that contradicted the ministers is a so as problem be punished one if they say exit you say Jennifer and so they call it this woman to the consistory English on Pyongyang test we have to believe the preachers if they say that the water in the realm so get this context of keeping it out kind of his fights with the lay people mover with his pastor the clarity Shelton writes another trade assistance in 1549 and it's not a shotgun topic it's on it's on astrology okay and there's a missile logic tip was his winning against judiciary astrology astrology comically scams attention they will everybody in the sixteenth century didn't struggle that's processed everybody was very very very common and this is significant about they suggested that even Columbus was consulting astrological almanacs my husband is from Germany for the new world together suspicious time to do it was one of the motives they have for making the trip it's very common in sex and social practice astrology even though it's one of the references in is a superstition and now happens new of the generation was a well-ordered Church would be one where everybody was an agreement right and they sit at a jinafire the Church of interpreted the Bible okay so additional research is one where everybody's been running off doing their own thing and this is what Calvin says the cytoxan into astrology he says he says look I'm going to buy that the Stars may actually influence the course of human events he grants that that was the science at the time went that way this is what I what I deny is that we can discern those events we know those effects reliably something trying to determine the stars people always disagree and they never come to the same never cast the same astrological sign anything they can't figure out what it means even if it works the sacred such as no value and it leads to all this contention and disagreement right he's just like the state of the Church of Geneva 2 astrology and that makes that explicitly senses essentially but that a church they won't listen to enthusiastic Authority and come to one line on top it's a superstition like astrology and in that context is one oxygen from his tent when I read it I just this is amazing Calvin writes is describing the state of life in Geneva that he's frustrated with he's not happy about and he says every state of life has its own gospel they Forge according to their appetites in such a way that there is as great a diversity between the gospel of the court the gospel of Justices and waters and the gospel of merchants as there is between coins of different denominations now it was not thinking about denominationalism I thought it was supremely a broad uses this term because it has just going to say the theological diversity is a rebellion against the divine world basically we have rendered the same denominationalism denominational projected as a superstition why come to astrology how it all works on the boat makes me chemically the 1550s childhood was clamoring for the full ride for its communication even fighting for health authorities counselor activity today he finally gets the power to communicate 1550s because 15% of the singing get sex to became the native Geneva population was boiling with the conflict over Calvin and the ministry one of the things this is one of the biggest controversies in the 50s there's no names this is the kind of stuff they would fight about Calvin insisted that the lay people not leave their children after Catholic saints insisted so sure people would come to baptize come to that peasant role and the minister would say what he named his child and say Francis and the Pinder for ministers they might baptize me Abraham a lot huge right for some man Calvin that the detractors were making their dogs after Calvin [Music] Tama and it's works okay because because of the dr. predestination Calvin easily destinations very very differently than processed in today for Calvin predestination was a way of explaining why they're sending people in here the disagrees then they are not productive if you agree with me you're one of the elect one of the rebellious reprobate in the Spirit of God is not work that also got under the skin oh when it comes out in history records you see people they're not very much articulate but they know they're being played in that context 1551 as a French musician in the Carmelite monk named Jerome balsa who goes into Geneva he'd become a promised and he heard about the famous John Calvin one we'll check it out Geneva offered these public Bible study classes throughout the week led by members of the local churches both sexes - one led by member of the Geneva - mos def not Calvin and the text their study came from John chapter 8 he is from God hears the words of God see how that plane you hear the words of God you're pulling [Music] the pastor to expand context in keeping with Calvin's doctrine on double protection Bostick got to let his opinions with no he did not have to document your destination and argue that it made go into a territory he urged the other parishioners to guard themselves it's false doctrine and they wanted municipal officers arrested him on the spot took them to jail now he just had never contradicted ministers the affair go into quietly make it even said that guilty of the same offense and walk off like devil finds penances are reprobates but the balls of affair was different for two reasons the first wasn't us it was an educated man he was trained in the his position and its aprtment his position violent prescription father's other Protestant allergens like full of a lifetime and the second was that boasting a good little puppy to support to the side in fact that's going to have something of assemble assistance to the Machine River County had news predestination is a tool to assert its authority so here's a guy from the Bible that there is no such doctrine and it really got the attention of the victims were testing the subjects treatment these get distributed throughout Switzerland his fan base grew many people and his defense as a good reason to believe his life was in danger also was convinced that Calvin would an execution in countless letters at the time said to confirm this especially neighboring Swiss cities crowd into his defense which may have saved his life most of the time at least ultimately returned to the Catholic faith vicious a technicality what makes the most affair so interesting to me is that the question significance what really emerges was a debate about and that the white completely manifest word about the series of ideological questions but welcome to answer Calvin never answer Wilson turned into most of the questions of biblical interpretation most professes his discontent will not confess that all the articles of things in the doctors talk Lord's Church of must be proven from some of manifest and evidence taken to Scripture which cannot be constrained to diverse ways and from the authority of one structure in its entirety all right in other words once it gets out the bottom have a job review of the Bible my appeal description Philadelphia all right when I asked why he didn't submit to the explanations the pastor's pulse it responded that he was always praying without ceasing for great surfers taking the truth we hope the ministers which would likewise and only in this way are good Christians avoid division of the church the illuminating grace of the spirit that says has given to all all right he expressed a willingness any diamond can be demonstrated through Express versus viable outside of the church fathers and so was accused of shaking the faith the simple that is all about was tumultuously around the people innovative scandal in the church minister has complained about the government for support elicited generated his defenders wrote to the council complained the newest ill-treating senator stating his mind he expressed a willingness to her campaign to be convinced by the bible they make Swiss cities refused to contain mostly burned every page right now I offered him sanctuary Calvin thought the death penalty to public outcry getting that gets me then affording themselves so it study the most controversial was sold as I learned destination hysteria interpretation Calvin spell administer lame-o so they put the point nicely said that mincemeat in the name and authority of God was talking about the ministers here the one what receives all the think bringing that name that's not just to believe it very member for competence colleagues there was no right interpretation of the Bible mysticism story John John counting the transfer for did not believe the scripture scripture alone with something very different from an identity promises to you ok so summarizing Calvin believes in characteristically prophecy portraits all right but he needs something very very different from my sisters today the functions scriptures the winter faith of the church in the sense that this is the inspired text that the authoritative Magisterium if you will expound in the context of the public originally that's the best significance of souls will turn its place in the literature that's interpretation of virgin the bottom process is a much more complete seal neck about maintaining a meeting with the church the sacramental the mission of dimensioning of countless colleges very very strongly announcer so let's tell them correctly out of these things right that's the question I have to answer what happened what happened to the sacramental dimension about the Christian faith pallets of at Calvin compellingly so violently right and then they can drop out entirely from from prostitute okay after I began to get into this a little bit is the question on Pierce music the cuts on a box on the first double justification is excellent rock-solid insistence of insurance okay it becomes that question of an absolute assurance absolutely knowing if I'm going to go to heaven becomes very very important for Calvin all right what that means they said for Calvin if a person that you changing that you born again it has the spirit ago that's there that's the basis of their assurance it's necessary for the logical coherence of the doctrine that that person never be to follow it against the Protestant doctrine perseverance okay now it's manifest indicates that not all of the baptized persevere some people are baptized all right Calvin what to do the realism of baptism he wanted would sacrifice every baptism but he also wanted the doctrine of absolute rock so insurance so he had to give one of them up what he gives up is the infallible validity of baptism he admits the duct as it works but not all the time all right so you have his Lutheran's over at the pharmacy his commitment justification by faith insurance comes into conflict with his sacramental ecclesiology one of the past again he never resolved attention it's in Puritanism that the tension against a manifest really really vividly and so the purist we advance the question and the end to smell on all those qualifications all these tests take interior work okay Terry Miller was a great historian of residents of the process safe and through the treadmill the penances and indulgences but they cast upon the entire culture introspection okay and Newman would say the same thing you talk about the problem of self-contemplation now let me tell you it doesn't burn up Protestant tell you what this does to your bunker okay just certain stick we recapitulate loose neuroticism this is approximate right now because we are told that you can adapt some insurance that you're saying and then all of your work so filthy records you can never do anything to merit God's favor so you just believe that you're saying okay it's another 20 people your life is invested airframe and so the process don't deny that we did good works they just deny that once buried anything of evidentiary value some of the parents went this direction that can help them discern that you really are the state of grace Obama member they were filthy records all right and it Protestant doesn't compute the system is a great set that's just insane because you'll never forget their differences so the Protestant always deserts in a smart evidence of corruption all right what happens trying to discern if it really does the seeds of grace so what happens it's in vacillates between a presumption and despair presumption and distracted pants they capitulated Luther's bipolar spirituality it's written into the nature of the dogmatix the psychological condition is riveted on balance and and eventually is a need for assurance oxytocin everything else so that all that matters and the final announces is this insistence on the experience of God's grace and so from Canada sacramentalism but the time you get you get this doctrine get that I took George Whitefield with a great revivalist who said it's best to preach them in vertical that's be born again and the power of God was not to insist a bunch of the form for people who never be brought to my mind as to that nor did Jesus intended which is just crazy as Jesus says they want so 18th century 19th century Protestantism this insistence on being born again and having that that testimony of insurance over the bumps and everything else and obviously a sacramental form of faith it's just it's just rather inconsistent with that so it fades out of the picture so today our understanding in the 20th century say or which tremendous to say but by going with this doctrine justification by faith that ultimately leads to subjectivism radical individualism and destroys defensive ecclesiology which I know that was a bad novel doctrine before they decide which one to go with all right and then of course time to go out all this but then examine a doctor or justification by faith in light of Scripture of a divine of history I realize that it's a complete theological novelty nobody before me forever focused all right it's not it's not inside of custom it's 9:15 time terms of church history he just makes it a whole cloth it's a way of palliating this tremendous psychological anxiety that he feels and and they're so material they're so subjectiveness in there and they're few of religious experiences that are focused oh so far as to destroy even the principle of the rationality of the things they become fides and nowhere is this clearer than in Sicily don't look up wasn't thinking reasons for faith is just as immediate guarantee no places as my manifest in the doctrine of the Bible so the Calvinists appeal to probably cut on both models that were gone this is not problem for Catholic Catholic mission Authority or Church in the Catholic witnesses provinces of priceless prophecy that behind the fest objector some churches witnesses the government calvin can't acknowledge all that stuff so he says that the final denounces the way I have know the candidates that were God's because the Spirit of God witnesses to be immediately in deteriorated barber witnesses parent okay such as though I were in Florida a little bit and then I'm suggesting that the critical analysis was that's just Lancashire subjectivism and there can never be any objective survey and anybody can claim to know anything and can't be contradictory right that works for the Mormons they work for any tradition I just know that I know that I've ever it would destroy my rationality so when it came to drive under the chin community goodness historical witness logical coherence the full foundation includes gallons of Catholicism order I want the ranks objectives of Protestantism tolerate criticism on everything we accept interior experience which can never be validated I bench the first became catheter so that's part
Channel: theupcatholic
Views: 7,698
Rating: 4.8865247 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Catholic Diocese of Marquette, Roman Catholic Church, Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Id: zEB3h3g3Hus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 9sec (3549 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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