Dr D G S Dhinakaran Gift of Word of Wisdom & Knowledge English

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never to leave me never to be me never No he means never to me to leave me one more time no never No brah never to me never to leave me No No he promised never to me to leave me loving Heavenly Father who are destined play but Lord the great mercy and love who are short is that you will be with us made of mud and clay we humble ourselves behold you the trees were holy faith the faith that was wounded on the cross married to the cross for faith attendee or plain agony necessary for us on the cross continue to be with us Lord continue to be with us thank you for being without precious brother nonwoven bath we described only 1/100 of his agony that he went through Master thank you who sustained him and made him your witness for your love and compassion now sweet Jesus come speak to us in all your majesty love mercy concern and compassion Mabel listen Plus each one of these loved ones encouraged them cheer them up above all welcome to our growing capacity the mighty Holy Spirit and make them very happy and very strong in God in Jesus mighty name I pray army we shall turn to the book of first Corinthians chapter 8 I'm sorry chapter 12 verse 8 to another the word of knowledge my dear brothers and sisters yesterday we saw in Colossians chapter 2 and verse 3 that the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ Jesus God alone is wise he alone has all the knowledge in the whole world so this will be meditated on the wisdom of God and how the wisdom of God and understanding helps us yesterday we meditated on another thing also why the gifts are given as I said in Psalm 68 in verse 18 the Lord God Almighty may dwell amongst us the Lord God Almighty may dwell in you he said lo I am with you but through the gifts of the Holy Spirit mutually enjoy his presence and the marvel at his supernatural power which is released and manifested every time the gift operates no matter what gift it is every time a gift operates you see the mighty power of God and the presence of God and it encourages you when you have the gift of discerning of spirits when he prayed a mass prayer in the Massachusetts and when the demon screamed and listen to the scream you are happy where God is alive it he who commands him to leave and the demons are tortured and tormented and they scream so every time a particular gift begins to operate you know that the king is there the Almighty God is there the king of all Kings is there and they're nothing to worry so that's why you must have the gifts of the Holy Spirit well we saw about the gift of the word of wisdom today they will launch out into the meditation of the word of knowledge God's knowledge has two parts one is the for knowledge of God yesterday be read as 1580 which says known are the works of God known are the works of God before eternity before eternity God knew what will happen if you read Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 5 when God made man he knew that he would fall and finally to redeem him he will have to go in flesh and blood hebrews chapter 2 verses 14 and 15 tells us so as the children are in flesh and blood he said I must go in flesh and blood to carry away the sins of the world that's why in John 1:29 the Bible says John said before the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world but how the Lamb of God came as we read in Hebrews 10 by the body was prepared for God God prepared a body for himself if at all he go to Hyderabad and go to a place called Golconda Louise there you will find a beautiful palace the summer palace who is the king lived or the Kings lived in succession but then you will see small small mosque like thing here and there little little mosque for Assam what are these domes what are these little little mosque they said said every time the king his coronation other takes his coronation as the King immediately he chooses to build his own tree what kind of true he would like to have he designs the truth he has some day he has to be buried there in the same way when God created the mankind human man would follow she would sin and he would fall that is why in genesis 3:15 in the garden of eden he told Adam and Eve you will fall you know fallen and the devil has taken over but I will come in the form of a man I will come in your form and I will bruise the head of this wicked serpent who cheated you I will come and then he prepared a body he said prepare a body for me as the Mughal kings prepared a tomb for themselves God prepared a body he said in this body some day I will go I live like a man and go through whatever every human being goes through in soul in mind and in body and I will give my body as a ransom for the remission of the sins of the whole world I want to redeem them so my precious brothers that is before knowledge of God Jesus knew what he will have to go through and God arranged everything according to the happenings that would come in the world into the world many people would ask when God knew that man would fall why not he prevent Satan from enticing Eve why should he put the tree to know the good and evil we can go on asking you'll never find an answer but he has made a remedy so he knew in succession what would happen and in his great knowledge and wisdom yes he has given a counsel the remedy for every problem that is why in Isaiah 11 verse 2 Jesus Christ was filled with a spirit of counsel and might God knew what would happen that is called the full knowledge of God just one words we will read and shall be upon cells chapter 2 verse 23 I can critically one more time when Peter was talking about the crucifixion of Jesus he said he have crucified Him according to the foreknowledge for the Almighty God let's say when the Lord Jesus came into the world he said in John by Fretilin John 6:38 and in Hebrews 10 7 and 9 he said I have come to do the will of my father God has in his foreknowledge as said I must come in this body and I must be crucified Philippians chapter 2 and verse 8 says up to the death on the cross was obedient he humbled himself because he knew it is the for knowledge of the Almighty God the foreknowledge of the Almighty God is given another name the will of God the will of God God has said these things should happen nobody can change it the pre determination of God he knew what will happen and what should happen and what should be the antidote nobody can change it the so called it's called the will of God the foreknowledge of God if you need Colossians chapter 1 and verse 9 st. Paul says you must know how to know the will of God shall we read we also today please and you knowledge of his will are his foreknowledge Jesus Christ knows when a man should be born when he shall die a class yes just jump to three verses one and two there is a time for everything there is a time to be born there is a time to die job chapter 14 and verse five says God is determined the month the months a number of months of every human being should live and he says I will never allow him to cross this boundary for knowledge for knowledge so as you pray for someone at times you must know that foreknowledge of God the will of God when somebody falls sick immediately a chain of Prayer is formed they will start fasting very good very good all these things are good but there should be at least one man one woman who should be able to know the will of God whether it is his will to raise him up or not in a 1973 for the first time as addressing a meeting in a city called velu and that evening before going the Lord Jesus said this evening you will see a man with a safer and drop upon him this is his life story and you call him and tell you what's going to happen to him I went to the evening meeting and lo and behold there was a man with a safe room cloths standing there and at the end of my preaching when the prayer time came just two the fate of the people I call the gentlemen and they said sir this is your life story I saw you when I was playing in the room I said am i right he put his hand up and he said yes he said he put both his hands up and said yes it's hundred-person right the night came at 11:30 this gentleman came to my room I was staying in the CMC Hospital in one of the rooms there and he came and he said in chest jaffna tamil beautiful tamil he said Tom be Tom be means my younger brother can you come to salon and from salon my name is rubber and silver at noon and I am having an ashram there can you come well I never gone out of India that time I went they received me with great love I went to the big team and we had a good time one month he arranged for us meetings all over the small island and I came back who came back to Jaffna and I thought I'll take leave of him but the people who receive me at the station what was he very sad I asked it where is onion where is my other brother where is it Reverend silver at night they said he is very sick he's in a coma in the hospital to both my heart if I remember correct it was the 25th February 1973 so I knelt down and one full day I fasted I said he must get up 100% alive as I was praying in the little chapel in the arson Jesus came he asked me son what are you trying to do past him I want my brother together my elder brother everybody called him as elder brother because of affection they want him to get up jesus said this man has worked so hard for me for 38 years he's gone through the valley of weeping valley of loneliness valley of sacrifice you want me to still allow him to go through that no I want him to come to heaven day with me and be happy then I told him Lord you can do so but I don't want to see his dead body let me reach Madras then you can take him he said alright I will not do take him away before that and he went away and I knew that he will die so I called the people in the Austin he will not recover but he would not die also until I'm here we stayed back for two more days 28th February the tears in both my eyes I cried over his dead his body in coma enter the plane and came the moment my feet touched the sense of Channing he breathed his last for knowledge of God you can never go against it in your healing ministry people expect everyone for whom you pray to get healed people for whom you pray in the dead bed to come up alive but it may not it may not happen so don't be upset don't be worried it is the will of God nobody can change this happened in the city of Bangalore one day my pastor asked me to come and pray for a man who was the elder of a church and who was in that bed so I went there and the man told me all the people who prophesied that I am going to get up and I'm going to shake this city for God I listened so I told the pastor I have come straight from the bank so can you give me some carnot to pray and talk to the Lord about him so I went into a room and asked Jesus I came back the man asks me what if Jesus says that if he had say that he is going to raise me up did he say that he is going to use me for the endtime as a great and mighty prophet and so on I smiled and I said I only prayed for your good sleep sir no that is okay but what did Jesus say then I asked my pastor to say something to him the tears in his eyes my pastor said you will die he got very upset then she got more upset when I said through my pastor you have strangled your first wife and killed her in the same house and are pretending to be a holy man cheating but they bring your church you may cheat God in a cheap man but not God you will die we got up rather you chased off at that place was so angry as we came out the man screamed and said this wicked pastor must have told everything to that Bank of self otherwise how will he know that I strangled my wife and children hypocrites get to the word of knowledge brings the foreknowledge of God so God was determining to take him away nothing could stop it unified faster therefore 120 days still the man would of diet it is the for nourished the will of God that is Ray look at my master the master said in mark 14 36 father all things are possible with you nevertheless not my will that I will be done little B according to the four knowledge of you Father I am NOT going to cross swords with you I am NOT going to say that you should go against it I'm not just going to say that you should change it no no dad I will be done let it be according to your knowledge what time will bring well to my father's and clink a song no trust my soul can sing for step by step he will live me step by step to beg my savior guys with allowing and I vote well with the breath was banned and step by step he will be me hallelujah we need not ask but I will bring my father has foreknowledge of all that would happen to me and he will be with me shall we see it one more time step by step to the glow my savior guys with allowing people to wear with the blood was burned and stepped by his tip he will be the more knowledge of God the gift or the word of knowledge gives you the foreknowledge of God Donna Karan you are wasting your time in praying for this man he will tell you that's why this gift is important Deborah gift is important we will come to the gift of the word of knowledge for knowledge and knowledge there is nothing that God in this world does not know everything is naked before him shall we read hebrews hebrews for words thirteen with things on all things are naked before him nothing can be hidden in Jeremiah chapter 23 verses 20 and 23 and 24 however they're marvelous verses I will quote them again and again shall we read I should not be safe I mean he fills the entire Evelyn debt nobody can hide himself or herself from him the Bible says in Genesis 16 13 when Hagar was running away from Abraham when he appeared to her in the form of an angel of God what did he say he is a God who sees me the God who sees me and nothing can be hidden you may hide your tears from me when I shook hands in the evening you are so full of smiles but you cannot hide your tears from him is a God who sees the Bible says in Revelation 1:40 revelation 2:18 his eyes are like eyes of flaming fire it can penetrate anywhere and it can see so my dear brothers and sisters the gift of the word of knowledge gives you the foreknowledge of God you can easily find out through your prayer when the gift comes into operation we'll show you that this going to be profitable to pray for somebody or not are and also they give to the word of knowledge still sure but the knowledge of God on a particular thing what God's eyes would see he makes your spiritual eye to see you become like God the Bible says in Psalm 82 and verse 6 John 10:30 for the Bible says you are God's that is the mind of God she says he's God there's no no other person like him he says in isaiah 44:6 i am the first to god and the last to god but when you look when he looks at you and me he said oh these are more these are gods these are gods these are my children there are also gods princes there are Prince guards him he says so loving that's the heart of the Father the new and I should be something more than him what a loving father we have what a loving father we have he calls you and me as gods and in second Corinthians 3:18 he says he's giving us glory after glory to be made like him shall be read that second Corinthians 3:18 in the minute the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as we are being transformed into his own image he sends the Holy Spirit to see that you and they are transformed into his own image what love first John 4:17 he says we are as he is in heaven that is the level to which he wants to take us look at the great Lord Jesus the Bible says in John 20:30 in John 21 and verse 25 if you put all the miracles signs and wonders my precious Lord Jesus performed in this world all the books written about those miracles cannot be accommodated in any part of the world so much in the wreck will see us perform if you see mark which is the first book written Matthew and Luke the miracles which are being which which had been performed with Jesus had been record in all the three look at John John said I am NOT going to repeat any of this thing this was written between Gary 80 and 90 that is 80 years 90 years after Jesus Christ so he said I am NOT going to write toward these three chaps of Richard let me write something new oh the marvelous miracle of racing Lazarus after four days it was not found anywhere changing water into wine amazing miraculous but the Bible says the miracles performed by Jesus Christ or four four four four four in number because job chapter 9 and verse 10 Joe chapter 5 and verse 9 God does things which is which are beyond him comprehension and wonders without number wonders without number he performed such mighty miracles just such mighty miracles oh the whole thing could not be recorded my dear brothers and sisters but what is he saying now we John 14:12 John 14:12 what luck whatever never close signs and wonders I have been doing my children you would live but greater things than these you will do that's the love of the father my son Paul began to preach the gospel when he was just 18 years poor that was in the year 1980 but every time he would preach in the mass campaigns from 1980 to five days campaigns we'll have three days I'll preach two days L gave him I was to encourage him quite a lot but I'll sit at the back and keep on praying Lord Jesus he should never be discouraged he should not be discouraged whatever grace you've given me give it to him and double measure give it to him and double measure he should never be discouraged 12 years rather 14 years I prayed near 1994 in October 94 before we go for a campaign we always have the time of fasting and prayer and humbling ourselves before God nearly 200 to 300 our prayer warriors like Jabba Rajaraja of brother Kingsley Kings a very faithful he will come all these loud ones will come and cry for us if at all God uses me and my son is because of the tears of this mighty man of God around us not because of me not because of my son's prayers no because they cry God has to listen to their cry so in October 1994 we had a fasting and prayer and the Holy Spirit came powerfully upon one brother and he spoke in tongues and interpretation came it's a truth day and taking the gifts in the lives of my servant Dhinakaran and I'm giving the gifts every gift in double mission and I am putting it upon Paul clear crystal clear and the mighty power of God came upon him and God began to use him with a double portion of the Holy Spirit not the very same day not from the very first campaign no as a day is practiced more and more gifts of miracles gifts of healings began to take place when the gifts of the word of knowledge and wisdom came well brother that's the heart of the father the father prayed for nearly 14 years but look at the Lord Jesus that moment he knew is going away from this world according the foreknowledge let us be wary let me be very specific now read John 13:1 and 3 John 13 1 and 3 we choose new from this world kind of cool in the world he loved them to the me she's moving the time to go back to God has come according to the timetable given to him suddenly the Holy Spirit reminded him the time has come for you to go back before knowledge of God has set this time for you to go back he knew the timetable of God and he knew he is ready Judas is ready let me read John 6 64 and 670 Jesus knew all about Judas and now his new the time has come for Judas to betray him shall we from the beginning he knew who would betray so every day when he would see Judas oh this is a fellow is going to be trimming but now if you read John 13 21 onwards he spoke clearly to Judas Judas according to my father's foreknowledge the timetable of my father the time for me to go has gone and the time for you to betray me also has come betray me now go and do whatever you want to do quickly and turn to his disciples I want you to do the things which I do and more than this that's the heart of the father to the heart of the father he wants you to have the foreknowledge and also the knowledge sometimes you have the knowledge we have the mighty faith we have the anointing of the gifts of them gifts of healings the gift of working miracles but a loss we do not have the foreknowledge of God therefore Garces let me give that gift to the word of knowledge tips for that they will not waste their time on a man who is going to die on a matter which I'm not going to interfere oh my brother we need the full knowledge of God and God Jesus Christ wants to give you both the knowledge and full knowledge of God be of good cheer for the marvelous knowledge of God the third thing which you must know is the gift of the word of knowledge gives you an authority over the forces of nature yesterday also I spoke about it because it is God who created this world is he who created with his supernatural knowledge the wonderful way he created Genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 says God created in the beginning in the beginning God created different Romans 4:17 out of nothing he created the world there is no precedence if you go to a gong on Taavi they will always say is there a precedent sir and we can easily say yes the guard had no precedence we wanted to bring light the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 6:14 what communion has light with darkness in his supernatural wisdom and knowledge in 2nd Corinthians 4:6 he called light to come out of darkness mighty power supernatural power job chapter 38 4 & 6 says the foundation of the years nobody knows where these foundation is nobody knows where these foundation is if you read job chapter 38 verses 8 to 11 and find out there how he brought the seas into existence the series came with roaring waves same thing you'll find in Jeremiah chapter 5 in verse 22 and he said stop I am putting the sands of the sea as a boundary for you not beyond that you see the marina beach have been there for more than 30 years it has never crossed its boundary never it cannot the Almighty God has that supernatural power the Bible says in Hebrews 1:3 he upholds the entire universe by the word of his power so when you deal with nature we were mass Crusades the Holy Spirit will come the gift of the word of knowledge will come and he will tell you how to deal with that in mark chapter 4 verse 39 when the waves were roaring and they're about to capsize the very boat in which Jesus Christ was sleeping he got out looked at the waves and he said peace be still I am your maker after all it's because of me you are the head I only created you get quiet be still there was peace that is the Almighty God that is Jesus Christ when he had to go and rescue his people if you read the 14th chapter how he came walking over the sea oh it's marvelous amazing the Bible says in job chapter 9 and verse 8 job chapter 9 and verse they shall believe it's a marvelous worse read it again he was under waves of the sea the channel is very sweet it says only he can Walker nobody else in disciples were in great danger Jesus raised us on the mountain on the top of a mountain praying having performed a mighty miracle of the multiplication of laws who are sitting there meditating talking to his Heavenly Father and he saw that these people are in great danger and the Bible says he came he asked the whales had to reach my people quickly bear my feet there my feet and he walked my dear brothers and sisters when you have the mighty a 90 of the Holy Spirit and a gift of the word of knowledge will come he will give you the same Authority the first time I had to face this problem was in a place called Krishna Gary it is an another district in the same state it was long long ago first time and I had to start preaching it was evening and as I had to preach suddenly a dark cloud came from nowhere and it came and spread and very very funny be the soul funny to look at this dark road it was only on the just above the place where I had to preach nothing else I had to preach and you know what to do it was a new experience for me and I asked the person who was leading the prayer please brother go on sing some more songs and I will pray and as you're singing I prayed and Jesus came that is the marvelous thing about the Holy Spirit then you have the Holy Spirit and how the gift of the word of knowledge and wisdom here always calmly conceived when you want to see him but they don't want to receive the Holy Spirit they don't want to speak in tongues they don't want her the gift of interpretation of tongues but they would like to see and Jesus came he just told me only one thing not a drop will fall on the people not a drop will fall on the people no answer not drop shall fall that's all not even on the people not a drop shall fall open my eyes ask the brother was leading the singing I said brother has it stopped he said yes he just stopped I stood up like a lion hallelujah every time the gift of God works you become a lion till then you are like your lamb shivering in your shoes shivering in your heart how the meeting will be how it's going to happen what will happen this that and sometimes the very people who invite you sitting at the back will be full of unbelief full of unbelief there was a great man of God by name William Brennan he came to Bombay one day he stood up to preach then he turned back he pointed his finger at the minister of the gospel he said sir you have sinned you have sinned last night you are a great impediment for the Holy Spirit to work here the man jumped up and screamed yes and he ran away then he began to preach it will happen the very people who invite you will sit around in the stage at your back the full of unbelief some will be hating you from the bottom of their hearts because people think rather than the current president agura algebra Raja brother Jabbar writes brother guru brother God oh the spirit of jealousy fills them like the heart of Judas and the free thing for me all the time fuming fretting and fuming the spiritually full of anger fury yell be if we die understood the bill appears to people it will come and hit you then Jesus comes hallelujah when this great Lord Jesus comes when he comes and stands everything changes everything changes what am i not a drop shall fall and I stood up and I preached discerned the gifts operated those days are used to demonstrate the power of God they called the poor people the Peter the life story of every person and the whole crowd trembled and the people who were full of unbelief sitting at my back they trembled everything was fine and I had to those days I will pray after the meeting and pray till 2 a.m. in the morning what was the comparison I had today I don't have the strength today absolutely no strength they've only by the grace of God and pray lay my hands on everyone pray till early morning 3:00 a.m. jump into the car drive to the nearest airport take the first flight out come to the therapies in Madras and go to the office exactly at 9:00 a.m. I'll be there though physically weren't out still I would sit there to make this job has never said there are sponsored in the bank that is why God raised me up to the great heights you should be like that you should never shut your responsibilities in the world sometimes you look at the people believers they say they always wear a badge here Jesus says this if you speak they say you are going to the office to do the office work not evangelical work gospel work the government or your office or your factory or your private company pays for that and then certainly they will hit you then don't cry because I am a Christian and being ill-treated it is there it is that once it's not that but why did you invite it next year I'll be there so I did everything and God held back the Train and when I finished for the last person got into the car went to the missionaries bungalow where I stayed it for like help the everything is under control when Jesus Christ is with you the gift of the word of knowledge natural obey Nets Ruby I can go on telling you many many things but notice the love of Christ is as strong as that itself oh he will not let you down like um ITC comes the love of Jesus rollin over me over the sea whoa they see Jesus a good pilots me over the sea oh well they see the jobs fancy like um ITC comes the love of Jesus ruling war me oh well the see forward the see Jesus Ava pirates be over the sea well they see the Jaspers see the gift of the word of knowledge will give you the knowledge that you need to control the forces of nature then the Bible says in 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse 7 man looks at the face but God looks into the heart he can look deep into the heart of any person nobody can hide she saw her heart let us read what the Bible says about a person's heart Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 now 1790 they could cover more things and desperately wicked this is your heart and God looks in the heart of every person one day a man called Nathaniel came to Jesus full of doubts but that this man is a real prophet but the Lord Jesus looked in his heart What did he say John 147 there is no Kaiser nothing that I can call as the negative factor in thence this man's life the same thing is said in John and sorry Joe 1:8 about about choke a man who fears God and his shoes are shuns evil perfect person looked in the heart of Netanya but in mark chapter 8 and verse 12 he looked into the hearts of some Israelites who questioned him and the Bible says you are said to see the hardness of their heart the stony heart no compassion their questioning him show us special miracle then we will believe the hard heart look at the great mighty upon Sir Simon Peter he looked into the heart of another man called Simon was once a mighty witchcraft person a sorcerer what did he see Acts chapter page 23 at 8:23 - shall you read it her heart is pison by the troubles bound by iniquity the bible says others thought is a great man great believer has taken water baptism that is a full of the terminus full of iniquity the gift of the word of knowledge can penetrate into anybody's soul who can know who he is the Bible says in Revelation chapter 3 if you read verses 2 to 4 about a particular church he said your name is to mean that you are alive but you are dead you are a dead person Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 says we were dead in our iniquities and trespasses outwardly yes wonderful marvelous so many shall come before you like that to get prey far and the Holy Spirit will show you what kind of person you are dealing with First Samuel chapter one and verse 15 when the chief priests le was looking at Hana who was crying in great agony he said Hana how long are you going to be drunk with wine we didn't understand that this woman was pouring a heart to God here he never had that experience though he was the chief priest and he never had the gift or the word of knowledge he never needed loss the statutes and my Commandments nothing else but she said sir a moment of sorrow for spirit a woman of sorrowful spirit cannot drunk with wine but are drunk with sorrow and grief and according to Psalm 62 8 according to Psalm 142 1 and 2 I am pouring out my heart before God and pouring out my heart before God my dear brothers and sisters when people can be pushy you should be able to know what kind of heart that person possesses what kind of heart that person possesses you must know the whole life story will come before you if you have the gift of the word of knowledge years ago I was in a city called the Coptic of Bali in Kerala small village now staying with a wonderful person and in his compound there he arranged the meeting so I spoke at the end of the meeting her spraying the great compassion for the people the man came and showed his fingers the fingers were bent he could not open his hands it broke my heart my god what will this man do with this close two fingers then two fingers they cried out and the gift of the word of knowledge came and it said the Lord Jesus said look I looked in this fast this man has murdered at least fifty people who take money to kill anyone and kill that man her woman no matter who he or she is and God's punishment and judgment was upon him first Peter four five says God is a judge God is a judge for the living and the dead even now he will send his judgment if he chooses first Timothy chapter 5 verse 24 for some the judgment comes now for some the judgment follows them to the other world jesus said it is my judgment I told him brother were killed so many people go ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you first then he may heal you openly he screamed cried lamented and waved on the other side near 1993 I had a big crusade in the city for him but one night as I was playing the final prayer the Lord Jesus showed me there is a broken-hearted woman her name is sana sana means gold she was planning to commit suicide she's on her way to suicide and when she saw these crouches come inside our heart is greatly touched call her I want to bless her let her not commit suicide so I called her and she came with her husband and she told her story how business failed how they left their children at home going to commit suicide not knowing who will take care of their children embrace them kiss them and pray for them I had a hundred rupees in my pocket and I told them take this and build something let it be a seed money buddy they came back to see me sometime here after so many years full of joy full of happiness the children are young partners today my brother my sister there's no limit to which the gift of the word of knowledge can take you the mighty gift it can unravel later the agony are the sins of a impediment in the lives of the people just like that because his eyes are so bright and everything is naked before everything is naked before the sight of God same power he'll give you your spiritual eyes will become eyes of flaming fire and then you can help them what about your body the bodies of the people will come if you read the Bible in Psalm 139 in verse 14 shall we read 139 verse 15 he says I was made in a wonderful way once I was talking to a doctor I asked him doctor how do you are you able to say which part of my body is affected it's our only we see only the skin the bone is not visible the nerves are not visible then he told me brother when we study in the college you see the whole dissected body of a man shown there in a picture and every part is being studied by us it's so wonderful the way in which God has made a human bodies so wonderful he gets just like that structural hood embedded in your heart does it so marvelous you can never never forget it how true job said in job job ten eight nine and eleven the same thing the Sam is says the same thing psalm 119 verse 73 he says it's marvelous the way in which God has made human bodies marvelous look at the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke chapter 13 11 to 16 the Lord Jesus I a woman went twice than to try shall we read verse 11 so what did Jesus say you are loosed from your infirmity ladies hands and said that loosed from your infirmity compassion she never pray but Jesus saw the agony she went through if it is Luke chapter 8 43 and 44 you'll find over there how a woman who had issue of blood for 12 years first torment and not only by the disease but also by the physicians probably all the physicians tried every medicine upon her all kinds of therapy family some people tried to pull her up by all kinds of fools and then straighten up Savage was feigning she was in great agony and the gift of the word of knowledge came upon Jesus who has the treasure of he had the treasure of wisdom and knowledge he looked at her this is beyond the human treatment we cannot be stressed she cannot be lifted up and she looked into him and all the spirit of infirmity verse 16 says it was there for 18 years just went and cast it out just laid hands upon her he never even spoke to the demon power he laid his hands and said woman you are released and according to Psalm 117 verse 20 he sent His Word and healed his word came and hit the devil and it ran for its life ran away for his life when my father was a teacher when I was young he is to go out and take tuition for the rich people for those one mr. Rajat Satya my father is to go and teach them I mean mr. Chetty our children sometime they will come home and study suddenly mrs. Rajat Satya became very ill she's all the time lying flat on a bed and one day an inspector of police come servant of God came to our place we told him about her she went to straight to her what was the matter as an inspector of police he asked and they said said the doctors say that the backbone is completely worn out and I cannot sit I cannot do I cannot walk and I'm just like like this they say no remedy he said no hope no hope he went very near had many years she whispered Jesus Jesus Jesus before that man woman could realize what he was saying he just lifted and lifted a rock made us sit he said he said is it paining now she said no then walk and she walked 100% that spirit of infirmity lipton the name Jesus hallelujah oh we have a marvelous Jesus the gift of the word of knowledge this man had the gift of the word of knowledge and he said it is not that the listen but supra has become or run into a trophy or the bones have been totally eaten up according to the doctors x-rays and MRIs and everything but it is the temporal and spirit of infirmity and he said Jesus that's the best antidote Jesus Jesus Jesus and she rose up the spirit of infirmity is ran bundling bundling of all the vestiges which is created in the bone and ran away my brother the gift of the word of knowledge will tell you what exactly is wrong look at my master in the pool of the destra in John 5 and verse 6 when he saw this man who was there for 38 years the bible says jesus knew in his heart that this man has been lying there for a long time for a long time for a long time the gift of the word of knowledge shows you what is exactly wrong with a person and how long it is wrong between how long 38 days it is wrong and in one stroke what do you like to be healed he said yes then come on get up one second Tommy he commanded that evil spirit a spirit of infirmity that was tormenting him but 38 years to go that is one thing marvelous you must know in the presence of Jesus no demon can stand don't try to spot out the devil and cast it up no absolutely not not necessary if you are so filled with the Holy Spirit if you are so filled with the Lord Jesus they will know you are coming into that house they will run away for their lives hallelujah which is better which is better the problem today is we are not filled with the mighty Holy Spirit or the presence of Jesus as we should have been many people come and tell me so also pray he said two demons are chasing me huh - demons are chasing me some will say look at this brother but the couch and I came and prayed but a Goomba dog came and prayed and both confirmed my own sister has done witchcraft I always ask them good they found out your sisters done witchcraft but what did they do to remove that witchcraft that I am interested in that not in telling some fantasy story a servant of God is there to destroy the witchcraft every evil power must symbology sunberg tremble one day I was going to the office in my old car black car there has been a very very decently highly educated highly placed in life waiting for the prayer warrior to pray for her she said everything is wrong with me nothing goes wrong nothing goes right brother I am terribly ambition sorrow just do not know what to do do not know what to do in the affair what is worth counseling her sudden she jumped up and he said he has come he has come and she ran out of the room my car was going fast she came right like an arrow before the car fortunately my driver stopped she came running open the car I jumped out and she fell at my feet and the demons left the demon should be scared of you the life should be so full of Jesus don't go and tell the and bull stories somebody has done which grab some 200 years ago What nonsense is this are we here to tell sorcery to the people astrology to the people guess what to the people why you do that because you do not know the magnificence of the Lord Jesus hallelujah hallelujah we have a great God the Bible says in Philippians chapter 2 10 and 11 at his name every knee shall bow hallelujah he is Lord he is Lord he has reason from the dead and he is Lord every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is the law his Lord he Islam he has risen from the dead and he is law Gary tongue shall can human sorry Jesus Christ is the Lord every mission bow every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord usually the sons are meant to be sung in the worship service for dancing not so we see the real meaning of the song let it be in your life and not against worshiping the Lord of singing and worry because in heavens the angels worship Him but not from your tongue not physically manifesting by jumping and dancing it should be from your heart yes he is my lord I must worship Him my brother my sister be filled with Jesus be filled with Jesus the Bible says in ephesians 6:10 be filled with the might of jesus by Jesus and his might hallelujah hallelujah in Colossians 1:29 Saint Paul says oh the mighty power that works within me the mighty power that works within me of course when you see the demon power as you pray for the people of the gift of discerning of the spirits come and you see the demonic power of Rita you have to cast it out but don't use it as a mantra all the time as a routine so-and-so has done witchcraft if there is also done which club term for it under the name of under your feet in the name of Jesus once I was sitting in a church service the service was worn and the pastor brought to me a man who was chase you being chased by an evil power he would jump from the Train jump from the bus get up from his office table and run he says look at the devil that is chasing sorry I asked the young man what is wrong with you suddenly jumped up who is chasing chasing a helding by my hand and the gift of the word of knowledge and the discerning of spirits came I looked I saw an evil cover real it was very frightening five heads this inside fighters this side and asked that evil power why you are chasing him he said sir it's not my fault look at my back I looked I saw the magician doing some mantras and all kinds of things in a burning gut I commanded the table spirit but now in the name of Jesus Christ go and destroy that which he is performing a site running away from that place and the fierce way it was going that magician saw he jumped up running for his life hallelujah and the name name of this person was Wilson Wilson was 100% free that is the gift of discerning of Evil's very discerning of spirits and the gift of the knowledge can show you for something it is not the disease it is the devil cast him out jesus said in mark 16 19 in my name he shall cast of the demons but in most of the Bibles which are carried by the servants of God and our evangelism it is written in my name the devil's will cast you out that is what our people strongly believe in the name of Jesus the devil's will cost us out so would Olivia miss what she paid every sir please don't cast me out I had to preach the gospel before children at my back please don't cuss me out what a shame we'll come back to the gift of the word of knowledge what as you come across a person he gives you supernatural authority to look into the soul of that person his very life how a person has lived he knows it the Bible says in Psalm 147 and verse 4 shall be read it's a marvelous person he calls them by their names millions of stars the same God what he does to you and me the human race let us read Luke chapter tread before that the classiest chapter 6 and verse 10 before a person is born his name is written in heaven science is going to be born this is going to be his or her name when they enter details the Bible says in Psalm 147 for he gives a name to each and every individual star like that he knows your name where he will live once I was very sick and Elif wished that I died I run through so much of sickness in life I thank God from 1993 but it's 9 years Jesus Christ has kept me out of hospitals and in His mercy he is taking care of me protecting me though my legs are weak for which only I'm praying I thank God for that I love him I fear him I humble him has kept me away from hospitals in his mercy sickness is terrible well the Holy Spirit came and lifted me up into heaven and there I saw an angel of God writing a scroll I was standing before him and I looked into the scroll what he was writing he'd mentioned the name of a person where and when he will be born where he will live every detail about and when he will die when she will die and when she was writing suddenly he looked up he stood up and he asked me what do you want in great agony I told him sir looking to my records please see when I will die when I will come here and suffering so much he left everything came and embraced me and said go back where time has not come but God it gives you mightily to bring him they lead to millions of people around the world go back and I came back and jesus healed me everybody's written over there the Bible says in Luke 12 and verse 7 bearing hairs on our head are numbered job 31 and verse 4 our steps are numbered or steps are numbered and counted counted by Jesus how many steps we have wanted to get a job to get business burn money how many buses you have to change how many trains your pitch change how much you're to walk how much I'd walk to reach your field he counts your steps Psalm 56 8 says he comes your wanderings aimless wanderings why should I live why should I do why not I commit suicide why not I kill myself shameless wanderings he comes same verse says he count to a tears first sermon is the bottom week homes your tears every tear that your said is in his button Oh hallelujah he counts them therefore when somebody comes to you a prayer within one second he can reveal everything to you this man has cried so much this woman has wandered so much oh it's marvelous it's wonderful and you know what word of comfort you have to give the one was counted the Stars he counts everything about his saints nothing is a waste nothing is a waste he counts he combs people come in search of me servants of God totally broken eateth agony so much every real servant of God will pass through the valley of weeping no other way no other way but God comes once a man came to see businessman lost everything his partner has cheated him and their support case and the previous day a day before judgment he came to see the friend of mine brought him and asked Jesus my father the Lord God of heaven and death can I help him can you help him jesus said I have nothing to do pity I have nothing to do which I didn't know what to do I went all cried and cried my best friend is rocky and the Holy Spirit came the Holy Spirit showed me something that has done in the past work into the past I looked into the past my precious brothers and sisters the victor the word of knowledge will enable you to look into the past also you must never forget that the varied Galatians chapter 1 and verse 12 shall we read some Ponce's like these relations 1:12 gee totally naked he says whatever I have learned it came to me by the revelation of Jesus Christ let us read one more verse first Corinthians 11:23 24 and 25 I received it from the Lord the gift of the word of knowledge will show you what happened said Paul come he took into the third heavens according to second Corinthians 12:1 2 4 and explained to him what happened on the night when he observed the last supper now so he could write it so clearly as if he sighed and who was there that's the Marvel of a gift of the word of knowledge it is this gift which will explain to you the Bible if you do not know any scriptures ask him he will show you what happened when I was thinking about what happened in Gethsemane and Jesus said come and he showed me the whole thing I saw the Lord Jesus coming to pray into the Garden of Gethsemane though he was so weak his legs were faltering and trembling and when he came to a particular place he simply fell not very sweetly kneeling down near a rock no he fell flat and the other say they sauce it with a smile sarcastic smile today I will have him I'll make him deny God and he listened but all the three times he said that I will be done when he said that I will be done the third time Satan broke down and he said I am lost I am lost and he was lost so the gift of the word of knowledge will make you look into the past into the Bible into the Bible incidents and he will know it that that is why it is given gift of the word of knowledge and the Holy Spirit said look back I looked back what I saw the young girl watching in a lonely road and for young people jumped upon her to outrage had modesty and I saw this man jumping in between and saving her and all the four fellows ran away and he scattered her for house left her there and went and the Holy Spirit said son the Almighty Jesus has not rewarded him for that tell him that so I spoke to the Lord Jesus Heavenly Father we have not rewarded this man for this he smiled yes I have not rewarded him I will help him next day came of course before that I had to speak sternly to him about several things he repented he cried next day came and the judge said to the other partner I am putting you behind the bars you have cheated this man give everything back to him and I'm finding you so many thousands of rupees as a compensation for the mental agony he went through fade but I am putting within the bars and this man became the Warner again hallelujah thank God for the gift of the word of knowledge amen give a better clap when some well slippers oh now I know the reason my heart is moved with compassion for you is 820 it is chapada time now and I know what Kirk is burning and from here something is coming to me hallelujah it can make you look back and you can know the sufferings of the people to make you play to play agony and remember your halves are numbered every one of you here is precious to Jesus precious to Allah Lord Jesus precious tour Heavenly Father because you are his servants some 130 pi in verse 14 says he'll be moved with compassion for his servants in the moment with compassion for his servants you will take care of you for he will protect you he will take care of you let me sing a few one song in many languages it says it will take care of you God Oh God the dirty water me porn in the pool of Carlo oh maybe later - uh Carlo the team main Oh God dr. Navarro me poor Don and love for God quarter giggling - papa whether killing be latina kahramana sort of ninja window where they're poor kala kala mai ana me page in our evil demented soda more even young solo yunso Oh empty Marty do no more me Willie NT Marty Jerome or yeah God Ching main Oh God the Jerry Guajardo Nepal Danella food of car Carlo Oh biggleland - ah ba ba Lu ah pardon ah pardon Amen hallelujah love in Hindi but today by China darn our home is a full day but I Oh good hello Johnny jeez Natuna are called a bola Tour de caca ah miss Mayton are all for Ebola yeah Walter they got cow what Sean said could you go bring your Shashank opinion our begin again give the women are beaten for me I'll be human but I but hey by charging hamish told him by chai for him but I for jebediah for him by cha hallelujah we'll never leave you not forsake you in mullerian God may God come on Garden Inn Jamie may look odd think oh man your daddy mana called a rumor god thing Minmei god the one car Queen in an email party lumen here daddy mana me five single men Biron hair to comb in me their nature they even of anti-radar they've eaten perinatal Tornai we're in today even oven paint with our dear Akane I'm bigger though Nina Covington RCS over yet Rio you throw your oh here throw your yet I know man my bacon or none God in a god Arthur and garden in any mail party lumen you're the rowdy one of me follow me or even take care of you we will take care of you don't lose your heart now we'll sing it in Canada oh they're so happy in gu then God only - sorry Oh - day one a song I mean daddy Khyber then guy wearing remember Cairo in volume then the Carolinian for a tune P - E under dear under karna low-caliber oh hi Benson cable Derulo Kaoru Kaoru may be seen in Khyber Barna Luca Rivero babies in Kaiba drool Veronica McGovern eita but I gotta flick tomorrow Prabhu water whoa younggu me like a morrow oh sorry yeah Eleanor Khyber when guy remember Kai were in boolean then the Carolinian forty-two big - a is I mean daddy I mean daddy and finally in Tamil hallelujah we'll make God god the work of God in a me mail talking to our colin god the Mon Ami Dilawar buh-bingo turned only I return kurama's a bar I will say with our dear Okara loony party fellas but Elmer they fought Albert they made our little car on day they don't wanna cover anything I'll see early journey for your knee bar any bar when NEPA random are they sending far random are they Wendy Baja when they God ah the word God in any male of God Dingle Island the monami car Piru god you know I have a reason to allow this song one day the preacher went to the pastor went to visit the temple in a village so hungry in the afternoon he never had anything to eat in the morning without some people give him something to eat no particular humanity the note time came so hungry and he remembered one particular house those people used to be so loving every time he would go they would give him something to eat so it confidence he went there but it shocked to find so many people in the house and there was weeping and wailing and mourning and crying and the lady of the house came pastor he's so happy you came we came at the right time my husband is dead one said he was moved with compassion on the side and a lot what am I going to do my head is reeling no strength in me my head is breaking with a headache what shall I do anyway he went in they know what to do just sat down took the head of the dead man put it on his lap the solitude and he cried and he sang this song walk up early in Birken on early care will survey Lincoln Walker party in bagging on arnica villa here for the work early me Mohan say we're then dumping them here and Gavin mayor yay you know you know - carbon core level layer - table 11 the bar when they gaga dr. Agard bought in-game email party ha ha ha the monami god as he sent that suddenly the dead Munro said hallelujah hallelujah and and he began to sing he began to see my parlor under the foreign are they here car diluting our paper nice ad the tiny wooden ah very car Rita Rita Adelita party super till our anchor Rica party super then allenbury god ha ha ha when they buy hahahaha part in the Daily Mail party Guha calendar the monoamine God Peter oh he would do the same thing for you he will take care of your tears and needs and he will use you to raise the dead heal the lepers hallelujah hallelujah cheer up today that is why you need the gift of the word of knowledge it makes you look into the friend looking to the heart of the people bodies of the people look at look back into their lives look back into the Bible days anything you can do anyway mr. Garrick is very upset I'll finish quickly let us turn to what else he can do my dear brothers and sisters God can look a far off let us read Matthew chapter 21 and verse 2 Jesus Christ is to be decided but he says they're going to the village you will see the donkey and his fault tight supernatural power the gift to the world of knowledge you must have it today I was happy today recently we opened the prayer tower in the city of Hyderabad how many have you have seen that when you put up your hand a man and so happy but it's so cramped so they were looking for underplays and the gentleman offered his place my son asked me that please pray about it and let me know I told him nice to Monty son it's a beautiful house on the left side of the house there is a big compound with a small pulse and it will come to you for sale once you purchase it that also then he can have a comfortable office but man on the right side he's having a big house beautifully built house he will not sell it but he's a terrible fellow she'll be a terrible man because I see a dark cloud in between this woman that home so my son went before that our chief it suit your servant or rather Paul Thomas in charge of his apartment the foundry takes a tree like that and they were thrilled hallelujah it happened just last month I'm not telling you all the cock-and-bull stories when you have the gift of the word of knowledge wherever you may be we can look into the past into the far country whether America Russia or anywhere and people are in agony that's the most important thing but all should be sincere and full of compassion and thirdly it does another marvelous thing let us read second Kings chapter 5 in verse 26 effectively did my heart go with you we haven't done that and did not my heart go with you courtesy the great and mighty prophet Felicia for saying this together see servant without his knowledge yes I ran after name and was healed marvelously of his leprosy chased his chariot and begged for money silver and prophethood it and came before Elijah Elijah asked him where has he where were you said sir I didn't go anywhere no when you ran through that chariot when that man jumped out of his chariot and ran toward she was not my heart there was not my spirit there mighty mighty gift or the word of knowledge that's chapter 5 1 to 10 Peter was sitting Romania's and subpoena came and Aniyah came this is the money with which they got by selling our land did he get only means he said yes no they kept a portion for you why you lied he died his wife came he said why you people were so United and one minor in cheating the Holy Spirit the people were saying people who took you dead the dead body of your husband shall take you also take he was dead she was dead yet to the word of knowledge nothing can be hidden if you want look at a great Apostle Paul 1st Corinthians 5 3 shall we listen to it first Cora means by three this is my spirit is with you my spirit is with you shall we the Colossians 2 5 Corrections to fight I am with you in spirit and unseen them harder in which were conducting your services and the steadfastness of your faith which is in your heart your spiritual condition marvelous kept mighty gift you did not see only the worship service they also looked into their hearts and see how grown-up they are in faith he says it is steadfast faith what a marvelous gift this is what you need this is what you need and then people will know Jesus Christ is alive our great God is alive you need this gift and if you want to really help the people most how they stick to the word of knowledge the Holy Spirit will take you make you see things and decide or give a decision for a word of counsel word of knowledge or wisdom for those people make this gift some time ago command from United States of America where is an old man wrote to me an offer has come for my TV station and so on then I wrote back to him don't accept this offer there is city and I see this symbol here for me you are shocked because that symbol belonged to that organization just offering to purchase a radio station details about everything just stunned how could you know that how could you see that when were you here no my premises that is the gift of the word of knowledge but another offer came was more than 1000 times better and I sold it you need to guide the people the Holy Spirit is willing to take you another funny thing is if you have the gift of the word of knowledge in the Lord Jesus things when the people see you they will believe what you say what he says without your knowledge he will take your spirit as I told you yesterday the woman was dying in Australia and Sydney and in corner for so many weeks three weeks and the doctors have taken the machine to operate on her behalf stop the heart to give rest to the heart and one day Jesus came oh she in the coma she touched him when she saw me by her side so happy I heard so much about brother Danica she's come to me to my room what a marvel she touched me physically touched my body so happy so true lo and behold the mighty power of God to heal came down and heal her after three weeks of coma she opened her eyes she is alive today hallelujah it's amazing everything about the script is super give a good plug to Jesus he's a God of miracles people expect you to fill up the place of the Old Testament prophets for anything and everything you should be able to help the people she'll be able to have the confidence of Jesus Christ to take your spirit and show it to the people I can go on citing examples not because I'm a saintly man but because the gift of the word of knowledge operates in me and again the Bible says in job 23 verses 3 & 4 the great man of God drove Christ's heart if only somebody can tell me where I can find him I will lay my case before him and I will argue my case before him yes everybody wants to see Jesus Christ everybody wants to see the good Lord anybody would love to place his or her arguments before you had to take that place ask the servant of the Most High God they're a gift to the word of knowledge he expects you to take up that place as I said again and again John was an island of Patmos and revelation 4:1 and to says the mighty Holy Spirit came upon her the wise of God John come here I have to talk to you I had to show you great and mighty things and you have taken to heaven there are times when the Lord Jesus Christ would take you to heaven or take you to heaven to talk to you face-to-face to heaven we say the Apostles on one side in mighty prophets of God on the other side those who died as a martyr in one place and so on no it's a wonderful place and he would walk amongst them who talk to them especially when he would be said important things concern this world he would consult them and at such times he would take me and have me by his side and then he will tell me what he proposes to do it's marvelous as he is seated in his heavenly throne see the whole planet going in this place every star every planet and at one stage or other they will come before him bow and go Oh marvelous Jesus everything is in his hands Matthew 28:18 says all power in heaven and in earth is in my hand when you pray and pray and pray when you find that unless you meet him nothing will happen the Holy Spirit will come and take you Apostle Paul was having a thorn in his flesh and while he was in heaven third heaven he prayed for it three times the same reply was given here in 2nd Corinthians 12:9 my grace is sufficient for you there is a sufficient working in your weakness my strength shall be perfect how nice it would be there are times when we will have to be taken by the Holy Spirit to heaven to pray for some people in person in person it will be marvelous then you throw your arguments before him we'll carefully listen and then you say Lord you must help me when you say you must help me he will say yes when he says yes it is and yes oh it is marvelous you must have that compassion that compassion for the people then she will take you I have so many many examples but not none like this in Bangalow there is a place called the gospel prayer hall 51 station drove one day after the service the pastor took me to his residence adjoining and his brother-in-law was in that bed and I went knelt down and the pastor told me no hope his I so become blue Nile's become glowing I looked back I saw his dear wife the toe sweet children my heart went further and I began to cry and the Holy Spirit came bring me to offering capacity and he began to cry and cry and the Lord Jesus came what are you trying to do I said lord I want this man to be raised he smiled but disappeared as desperate and Holy Spirit came and he said come we will go where I was in heaven I saw the Lord Jesus walking I ran after him he sat down on his kingdom on his throne and he asked me what do you want now they won the life of that man he smiled and told me certain very personal things about him and he said when you tell his wife yes I will tell her right go back he lives and next minute I found myself under that probably one hour 15 minutes of God and I realized it one lower fifteen minutes have gone from the caller to the bottom of my pants fully drenched like water fully drenched and I turned and looked at the cart where this man was lying dead low and behold he said he asked for something to drink hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody has to pay a price she was the servant of God will have to pay a price if you want to see a miracle Jesus Christ has done the miracle he has paid all the price on La Crosse everything is free but a servant of God will have to pay a price if he or she has to bring miracles they think the drums are good is good being very angry with the guitar and beating it hardened cutting down every wire still better jumping until your knee it's good very good dancing until you trample upon some people sitting next to you still still better but to be filled with the Holy Spirit and a love and compassion of Jesus Christ is matchless no equivalent you must be a person holding the Spirit of God 24 hours in a day not when the worship service goes on not as the so called carry meeting goes on not as a when the youth fellowship goes on a torpedo meeting goes on all kinds of meetings because you should be filled in your room in your personal life there is no substitute for hard work there is no substitute for sacrifice there is no substitute for it your personal sacrifice no man can take that place no group pray no corporate worship can never take that place there you only worship God to humble yourself to the dust and say I'm worthy Lord thank you for helping me thank you for protecting me thank you for giving me food he worshiped him and tell him and thank him from the bottom of my heart there it stops nothing more than that it is your personal walk with God which will help the people 24 hours a day 365 days in a year which do you prefer which do you prefer is in your hands don't follow the conventional method followed by the people know you'll be different if you want your ministry to be different you have to be different you have to pay a price you are personal like personal walk with God more important my brother my sister I can go on telling you about the gift of the word of knowledge the whole night I can say but I think it's enough tomorrow when I explain text in answer to your questions and I take time to answer your questions probably may be able to tell you more and more secrets about that nine lives so the Holy Spirit finally let us read Isaiah 11 and verse two and three and she's not that well thank you my daughter the gift of the word of knowledge goes with one more tea the fear of the Lord the gift of the word of wisdom grows with understanding but here the gift of the word of God goes with fear of God fear of God and verse three says now the Lord Jesus Christ fear of God was a delight what was not a load some load something heatedly was a delight delighted in fearing God if he can be delighted how much more we should be delighted then we fear God two things happen happy very big don't be worried Isaiah 66 verse two I will look upon a man who has a humble and contrite heart and trembles at me would you please read the last portion again for this one I would look upon a man who is he's a poor and contrite spirit the humble spirit and one who trembles at my word check this in mind for an humble and sorry contrite spirit who trembles at my word now I'll saya 5715 with this I'm going to close isaiah 57:15 in France eternity whose pain is full I joined in the height and with me who has a contract and constants ability to divide the spirit right this portion only you read I dwell with him who has a say it aloud in the little louder little come near to the mic and say who has a contrite and humble spirit when leave it's such a man this gift will operate not with every tongue be can help little chilly little casting out demons little appreciation for the sermon cables head begin to swell so big hackers you cannot control them the pastor's will have no control over such people so are Ragland so pride full of pride God says don't come near me James chapter 4 and verse 6 says God opposes people who are proud he gives grace to the poor but God his sister problem the sister brown never become from some people oh my god rich well but the way in which they behaved so arrogant and they get down from the platform totally different kinds of people hypocrites I said I never speak negatively about anyone our preach any negative things this is an endowed in-camera meeting but I want to warn you because the Holy Spirit tells me to warn you never become proud the Lord Jesus said having done everything he just said Lord and unprofitable servants have an useless fellow thank you for doing so many things but personally I am a useless person as I said yesterday I always every time in people say thank you brother for praying for me I got this child thank you for praying for me I got this wonderful job thank you for praying for me I prayed all of this two and a half course loan wonderful but in my heart I will say a lot of Jesus what a joy what a privilege for this world rabid dog stray dog Street dog old dog stray dog that makes me alright I feel so good God can bless and honor wouldn't stray dog Street dogs rabid dogs yes we were worried like that let us be humble humble and contrite heart only such a man are such a woman with the see that gift the word of knowledge nobody yes the moment somebody becomes proud God says I didn't have nothing to do with you nothing to do with you they always remember and tremble at first samuel 1840 the spirit of god left to solve and an evil spirit came and began to torment him over let it not happen to us judges 16:20 samson became very proud cases as usual i will just shake this up and go not knowing that God has left god will never have anything to do with the proud to people if you see a proud preacher they proudly past the proud of person the proud prophet the crowd Evangel is the proud teacher you can know that he is going to be buried very shortly for spiritual he may live physically for 101 years what's the use yet Li use no spirit no power of the spirit no gift sort of the spiritual operate in his life and in other hand look at the Lord Jesus Christ the fear of the Lord was a delight to him so happy the rival says in proverbs 18:14 I'm sorry 28:14 it is good to be a reverend at all times good to be reverent at all times Norman to think of God be reverent moment to think of the Lord Jesus be reverent the moment you think of the Holy Spirit be is evident especially in the place of worship whether it's a church whether it is an assembly hall or a hall like this the moment the first prayer is said TDC that's it God comes down the great Son of God Lord Jesus comes down and mighty third person in Trinity comes down sometimes people ask me why you are going to a dead church but the church is dead or not they always say my God is alive hallelujah hallelujah my God is alive and the Bible says in Psalm 11 for the Lord is in his holy temple a man the Lord God Almighty is in his holy temple some time ago I was in Bangalore one day the priest of a Catholic Church called me in the phone brethren we re on the city I heard tomorrow are going to my soul I said yes but I'm sorry tomorrow is a Sunday well then we come to the chest I was shocked there is a Roman Catholic priest calling me for a Sunday service and then he said before going to church come home I want to give you a nice breakfast then the book will go so he was shivering in my shoes my lord this has never happened before what am I going to do that and I went my son and myself went had a very heavy breakfast I felt I should go to sleep immediately such are no Church I'll sleep immediately then he/she took me and they thought will sit in the back the last row it took us right into the altar made us sit there and then he said now our choir will sing you know what song they sang yes yes yes why he died when I heard that though I began to cry and the settlement time came he introduced me and said today whether Denikin will preach I preached and the communion time came we thought we both will go down he said no he first gave us the communion then two others whatever acted this should be equally comfortable in the early church some time ago a man from the seventh-day Adventists applied for this insert the power ministry so everybody who's scooting I said is a seventh-day Adventist not an atheist so it wasn't no no no no I read it there is that story I put yes and he came received the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit today the entire seven the church is shivering before him because of the Hara where he goes the Holy Spirit comes seven their eighth day the Holy Spirit comes you can never stop the Holy Spirit give him a better Club hallelujah hallelujah we are in the last day a man we are in the last day the Lord Jesus said in acts 2:17 in the last days in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 to 6 in the last days man shall have no natural love no love for their parents pressures evil pleasures and riches and as I said in the last days God's counsel God's foreknowledge he knew these things will happen is it in the last days I will pour my holy spirit upon all flesh all fresh all that is necessary is the man should have bones and flesh that salt he must have flesh otherwise he cannot receive the Holy Spirit as a phony condition condition last days let us be humble humble and humble oh he's a mighty God his plans are divine his plans are for reaching out hallelujah shall we say one story and close there was a great saint of God by name sadhus in the sea Vauban in Punjab in a family which she never knew anything about Christ and God blessed him Jesus appeared to him and he became a mighty and powerful vessel of God when he visited Sri Lanka in Jaffna your father and mother can't decision they said said for only one son 17 year old son his type vomiting blood both his lungs of an eternal with tuberculosis those days there was no medicine for tuberculosis please come lower hoary hands upon him Saba so the Simba she looked at his hands he said these are cursor plants these are cursor hands these hands have burnt the Bible God's Word why don't you take someone who has holy hands and pray they begged him to come and he went he has woken the dictionary I have no gifts of healing I can only preach the gospel of Christ we openly declared nevertheless people would flock to him and every one of his prayers for the sick was answered he went there hallelujah give him a better clap the Lord Jesus even there I saw the young man ladies hands and prayed and cried Lord Jesus give him under set up new lungs let him live and cried lo and behold God gives him brand new lungs and wasting hallelujah hallelujah he that humbles himself shall be exalted was no second opinion on that look 14:11 look 1814 he that humbles himself shall be exalted he said these are cursed hands openly openly these are her servants if he can say that we'll have to say I have a courser body from head to foot I have sinned Kirstin man and Ackerson man let us humble ourselves be boring the Lord's have raised us up he'll give the gift of knowledge word of knowledge oh he will give it to you he will give it to you if you decide it will be said is in your hands tell him Lord I am unworthy but I want the gift loud I want to be used by thee and I want to glorify your name in every way shall we pray hallelujah hallelujah whoa what a great lord we have thank you Jesus glory glory glory to Jesus hallelujah hallelujah let us all look to him with a contrite spirit thank you lord Harry's the Lord Jesus Christ the giver of all gifts is here the great and mighty Holy Spirit is here for Heavenly Father from whom all gives flow is here shall we look to him I know physically you are tired basically we are very tired physically were hungry they've been so patient so humble full of sacrifice he will not send you without blessing you know for every sacrifice he has a reward amen you left your family left your shop left your business left here a factory left your teaching left here College left really cool left here office left your angry boss money to the feet of the king of all Kings and to receive His blessings and from the morning onwards you have been showing restraint humility constrained and sacrifice tonight will expect a reward from Jesus Christ hallelujah if you can believe all things are possible let us believe let us believe let us believe but he's here he's here to bless us let us say Lord I want all the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit I want the gift of the word of knowledge follow those who argue let them argue those who debate let them be better but we even said lord I need all the name gives to the Holy Spirit that rain doubled measured not just a one gift not the nine gifts but nine gifts should operate in double Missha BB got double strength double power hallelujah the Lord is really askin it shall be given anyone who asks receives anyone who asks receives anyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone hallelujah some of you say I have received the touch of the Holy Spirit but I have not received the ability to speak in tongues that does not matter hallelujah when the gifts come here you will speak in tongues come on raise up your faith change your faith linear pain release your faith and shalt not give me the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are I dying right now don't look to yourself only humble humble humble yourself humble is the Lord I'm nothing but I need it I am nothing I need it I'm a big zero but I'll merely I'm an empty vessel but I am earrings I am unworthy I thought I needed I'm an illiterate person I need it I'm an incompetent person but I need I'm a weak person but I need it I'm a frail person but I need it I want to glorify your name I want to call him for your name I want to grow me well your name I want to grow me for your name I want to grow me by the name of award Jesus the one who died for us the one who died as an orphan on the cross I want to glorify His name give me the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit I promise you I'll bring glory to him hallelujah he has to give he has to give ask and it shall be given ask and it shall be given ask and it shall be given surely given surely given surely given surely given surely given surely given surely given surely given surely given he has to God has to give knock the doors of heaven tonight Lord I'm hungry I am tired still I am hungry for the name gives her the Holy Spirit give me Lord I promised your glory for your name I will bring glory to your I mean not steal your granny hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah shall your race upon crying let us rise up and cry with one Accord one a car and a hundred and twenty people are crying in one Accord the Holy Ghost came and tons of roman tons of fire came throwing tons of fire again why not it come now 120 people in one Accord 1,100 people in one Accord give me the nine gates of the Holy Spirit throwing tons of fire will come nine gifts of the Holy Spirit shall come power will come anointing will come fulness shall come fruits will come blessings will come hallelujah his coming blessings shall come one Accord we will cry he was the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit all right I don't be worried about your family background where unbelieving husband unbelieving wife unbelieving children unbelieving parents unbelieving Church unbelieving bastard the only worry don't be worried you look to the Almighty God let him baptize you where the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit he will take care of everything else he will take care of everything else he will take care of everything else hallelujah hallelujah for the glory of the Lord Jesus Jesus fill me fill me Lord Jesus fill me for Eagles fall upon me when he goes fall upon me horny girls fall upon me when he goes fill me to the breathe fill me to overflowing capacity when he worst coming heavenly fire comes Roman tongues of fire Koong Koong Koong Koong Koong hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus will pray with one Accord 1,100 people ten times powerful than the prayers of the apostles of God our prayer is ten times powerful tonight ten times for whole Roman tongues of fire will have to come God's fire will have to come 9 Gibson had to come nine powerful Gibson had to come hallelujah hallelujah we will have to give glory we will promise him all the glory hallelujah hallelujah none of you should be discouraged none of you should be discouraged God has no partiality God has no partiality he tested that for everyone everyone everyone he poured his blood before God and prayed for the everyone he he loves you you are precious in the sight of God you are precious in the sight of God you are precious in the sight of God you are precious in the sight of God you are precious in the sight of God you're precious in the sight of God you are a vessel of Honor you are a vessel of gold hallelujah hallelujah Sarah Jenna cherub cherub cherub every gift is for you every give this for you every gift is for you all the nine gifts are for you for you for you for you for you for you hallelujah the power is funny God's power is funny mighty Holy Spirit is funny God's fire heavenly fire is falling I see the heavenly fire falling hallelujah open your mouth now and thank you let us thank you in faith let us thank you in faith thank him in faith young man Lord Jesus will everybody father he'll everybody Lord Jesus he'll everybody Phyllis everybody nobody should boy empty-handed nobody should boy empty-handed father Wilden Lord Jesus wilden's Heavenly Father buildin buildin Lord Jehovah Kingdom triune God Hilden mighty Holy Spirit pendants will filter point capacity thank you lord thank you Jesus mighty Jesus mighty Jesus mighty Jesus mighty Jesus hallelujah hallelujah all the marvelous diese marvelous Issa thank you know her pitiful everybody me give you all the glory power forward power forward build on me power taller former cover pull on me on the day of Pentecost power build on me on the day of Pentecost power well done yes father is falling upon how he's falling upon you power is falling upon God's mighty power is falling upon a loving Heavenly Father I pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ your precious son Lord Jesus you said if you ask anything in my name I will do it anything anything anything anything you can ask in my name I will surely do that lord I come I promise we were promised when I promised Lord Jesus I am asking in the name of Lord Jesus everyone come shall fulfill every one shall we see the baptism of fire baptism of fire that is my fire and power know without exception without exception whatever be the stumbling block between them and me be removed in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus let every stumbling block drop every obstacle go let your people be filled without exception everyone everyone everyone will see the third person in Trinity the mighty Holy Spirit nor hello everybody hello everybody hello everybody every brother every sister he fell he fell he fell to offering capacity with a mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit and Fire heavenly fire now father I pray in the same blessed name the name of a Lord Jesus that everyone shall receive the mighty gift saw the Holy Spirit Lord whatever gives you one to give you them those who want all the nine gifts give them if they want a particular gift give them one today one this moment from this split-second let it begin to operate in your life let it begin to operate in their life let it begin to operate in their ministry that it being operate in their church that will begin to operate in their prayer group in their fellowship in the administering or Lord let it begin to operate from this split second hallelujah I know you are going to do that I give you all the glory I give you all the glory I give you all the glory I give you all the glory oh let us believe let us believe let us believe let him give us all give him all the glory hallelujah only believe only believe shall we all praise him and glorify Him let us modify him Noorie glory hah glory glory hallelujah yeah glory glory hallelujah smarty horn his truth is marching on something has happened to you something has happened to you Jesus Christ the Lord has done something for you therefore let us close our eyes and praise Him let us think of him on the cross and praise Him
Channel: Issac Pandianadan
Views: 75,809
Rating: 4.8516688 out of 5
Id: _fnVW5aPsuo
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Length: 167min 58sec (10078 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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