Dr Charles Adams (GMWA 2002)

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now let's praise God for the man of God as they come at this time dr. Charles Adams I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise will continually be in my mouth I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ but is the power of God unto salvation to the Jew first and also to the Gentiles to bishop albert jamison to our wonderful and profound powerful lecturer preacher today dr. Baines to all of the officers and members and delegates and messengers of the gospel music workshop of America and to the Jubilee course of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church I took off work or missed some work to offer praise to God the vice-chairman of our I mean our co-chairman of our trustee board system AC Jackson is here representing the official family and we have Miss Agnes Adams my African Queen and Ethiopian icon I'm going to ask her to stand she sweetens my coffee and my personality I'm grateful to be I want to commend the work that you're doing here this week and the work that you have been doing across the years I don't know what whether you have noticed it or not but there's a paradigm shift in human culture today there's a paradigm shift people are no longer looking the popular artists for direction what they're looking to gospel artists or a sense of direction our nation our world is being destroyed certainly our nation is being destroyed not by terrorists on the outside but terrorists on the inside and it's going to take the gospel of Jesus Christ as it is preached and sung and demonstrated to bring about the salvation of humankind and this music workshop has made a shift 10 years ago when you met in Utah Salt Lake City Utah you made a shift the whole world made a shift and they are here from all over the world to hear your singing to learn how to do it themselves as best they can and we thank you for what you have done to lift this whole world to a higher level they are not and at God knows I'm not putting down the other kind of music because I think all music comes from God and I love the other but what the world needs today is to hear the gospel music idiom that black people created to give them hope during hopeless times in Romans the eighth chapter and the 37th verse I believe that there is a word for us today if you please stand and let us read that together some of you know it by heart god bless you others of you must read it and I hope that you will come to know it by heart altogether no have you got it alright no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us this is the word of the Lord you may be seated in these confusing times of moral ambiguity historical anonymity and personal perplexity we need someone to tell us who we are and we are blessed that the word of the Lord speaking through the text has come to do just that God tells us simply that we are more more than we think we are more than the sum total of our deeds more than the complete publication of our thoughts more than the finished publication of all of our works more than the accidents and incidents of our experience more than people think we are more than what has been done to us we are more than conquerors through him that loved us so our subject is only one word and that word is more simply briefly precisely unequivocally unconditionally more we are more than conquerors through him that loved us what a word it defines us and describes us it is a mighty word we are the recipients of an inexhaustible supply of Amazing Grace and therefore we are called of God to be pipelines of an accelerated and unlocking flow of truth and love throughout the world we have received of God what is both a gift and a challenge we have been given more in order to give more we have been blessed more in order that we may bless more we have been forgiven more in order that we may love more we have been saved more in order that we may deliver more a gleaming crown of confidence hangs high above our heads and God is calling us and challenging us to wear that crown and reach that level our president he let mr. Bush I said see let did not eat that because he never got elected but he is increasing military spending and decreasing mercy spending he is chasing Star Wars fantasies reducing humanitarian support for public health and public schools doing less for American works of global compassion mr. Bush says that we should protect only our own military and monetary interests look after number one don't pay any attention to those 23 million Africans who are stricken with AIDS but just build up our military capacity and pick Wars with Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein is not the enemy that will destroy America it's Americans who say under God but they mean under capitalism or under militarism individualism narcissism materialism they not think about God that ceremony and the preacher said today that ceremony will not make us pleasing in the sight of God we can have all the ceremony we want but the Lord requires that we do justice love mercy and walk humbly with our God given the wonderful abundant way that we have been blessed and made to possible here in America at the expense of poorer nations that we have exploited for their raw materials and low prices and cheap labor and open markets we ought to be doing more for people because we have more we ought to empower third world people we ought to build a better society at home and a higher level of life we have enough money in America to uplift life of the whole world and not even miss it and yet we're not doing it because we don't really act like we are more than conquerors God has given us a new name and a new claim and a new character and a new integrity and what we've got to learn how to do is to be who we are we are more than conquerors through him that loved us we ought to stop believing the bell curve stop accepting negative estimations of who you are stop letting folks tell you who you are stop entrusting your miracle mind to the shuffling shifting deceptions of political polls and public opinions driven by an intrusive invasive media Talking Heads own television who do not report the news because they're too busy trying to make the news don't listen to those who are trying to control your thinking do not believe what they tell you do not accept what they call you do not listen to those who pin pejorative labels on you do not be discouraged by those who build oppressive walls of hateful denial around the tender stems of your own ambitions and aspirations do not accept any put-downs from those who do not know you and cannot love you you are not helpless you are not hopeless you are not defeated you are not deficient you are not deleted you are not destroyed you are more than conquerors through him that loved us you know I don't know whether you have it in your jaw but in the church that I serve they bring in the people who do not have the use and activity of their limbs they bring them in in wheelchairs but every now and then I have to tell them just because you're on a wheelchair you're still a child of God just because you have a broken body you do not need to have a broken spirit you are still somebody you are more as long as you're a child of God as long as you can feel the Holy Spirit as long as you know you've been saved by grace as long you know that Jesus has brought you from where you were away are you are more than people think you are you are more than conquerors you are not disabled you are somebody great you have a mind to think with you have a heart to feel with you have hands to work with you got a soul to pray with Maya Angelou says I come from a people who know how to hope well we come from a people to that know how to hope and know how to cope how to manage how to win and then how to deserve to win by reaching back and helping somebody else win we are more than survivors more than conquerors I dare you to take it I dare you to believe that I dare you to trust God I dare you to walk by faith we are not into deficit spending of divine benefits but we are living in a surplus of supernatural blessings we have what we need and more because our God is not cheap God is not stingy God is not ten-inch e and God knows that God is not guilty of non support there are no deficits in God's economy there are no deficiencies in God's Treasury there are no shortages in God supplies there are no insufficiencies in God's love there are no empty shelves in God's storehouse God's grace is sufficient and more God's love is wonderful and more no words can explain it no fury can contain it no rules can restrict it no tyrants can prevent it no adversaries can defeat it no sickness can overwhelm it no enemy can overthrow it no missile can overtake it no death can overcome it no problem can depress it no power can destroy it no bullet can shoot it no fire can burn it no trouble can topple it our more comes from God God wants you to know you are more more than conquerors the world says deficit God says more the world says ain't got it Gus has more the world says can't do it can't see it can't afford it can't make it can't take it God says more more we serve a god of overloaded blessings overflowing fountains over running cups and overwhelming blessings God keeps on doing more we think God has done the best and then there's more we think we can't take anymore but there's more we think God can't do anymore but there's more more truth more Beauty more light more love more life more freedom more grace more power more Holy Ghost more glory more praise more kindness more blessings more peace more honor more knowledge more wisdom more space more years more hope more options more joy more anointing he keeps on blessing us keeps on lifting us keeps on delivering us keeps on healing us keeps on giving us power there's more we are more than conquers now the challenge is what are we going to do with all of this Lord has blessed us what are we going to do with it what are we going to do civil rights values have been etched into the moral consciousness of the world what are we going to do with it there's a beautiful mother in the church that I serve who turned 104 on April 2 13th she can see without glasses walk without a stick talk without stuttering and run and not get out of breath 104 does own cooking on cleaning lives by herself balances her own checkbook takes care of her own business and we had a party for her and she says son turn the music up she said this ain't no funeral is the festival so then I'm 104 and I still got my right mind I'm 104 and I'd still take care of my business I'm 104 that still come to church and get happy and praise God this ain't no funeral this is a festival I'm a hundred and four and I'm still sassy and sexy turn the music up the Lord has been good to me through many dangers toils and snares I have already come it was nothing but God's grace I don't understand folks that are blessed and depressed I don't understand folks that are saved and sad I don't understand people that have been delivered and ain't got nothing to say about it if God has been good to you if God has lifted you if God has brought you from where you were to where you are you ought to give God subpage more do you know that we're in better shape now we've been in a long time we have more black millionaires and they told me the other day by the black billionaire van we got a black billionaire we've got more black elected officials and we've ever had we have more black males and females going into ministry marching into new mega churches than ever before but let me tell you something don't just be content to have a mega church make sure you got a mega mission we got to do more more blacks into professional sports Tiger Woods won another championship yesterday Buick Open we have more blacks than ever sitting as CEOs at the top of our best and richest and strongest corporations and since we have so much more than we've ever had before our challenge is to do more and give more our colleges and universities should not suffer our civil rights and other organizations that work for our deliverance has that people should not have to beg for money we ought to have money for our African relief programs we ought to have money to form scholarship associations for our children we ought to be able to build up our own neighborhoods and clean up our own mess solve our own problems liberate our own prisoners who are unjustly incarcerated for nonviolent offenders offenses more ought to be available to finance our own businesses there's so much more that we can do and I wonder are we going to do more because we have more or are we going to end up doing less than our mothers and fathers and great-grandparents did who did so much more with so much less but you know some of us just ain't got it we had it but we ain't got it because we wanted to be hood rich and get home fabulous a friend of mine dr. bill Picard says that the things in masks that message black folks up are the four C's high price clothes high priced cars high priced cosmetics paid for with credit cards we'd rather pay interest than to make some interest off of a CD not a compact disc but a certificate of deposit so it's as we get messed up on the on the phone before Sears someone wanted how come I put cosmetics in there why'd you put that in there preacher well because many of us are content to have false eyes and false nails and a false personality looking for a real relationship and when we come to church we just st. got it we I got it because we've already squandered it in looking like a million bucks without one book in the bank our people need help all over the world we need help we need affordable housing and viable medication we need available nutrition dependable debt relief we need sustainable development accessible opportunity on our way to becoming a community of all we know that we can save the world because God has given us the power to do it we know that we can overcome poverty because God has made us more than conquerors we know that we can be a better blessing to our people because God has already given us a new name and a new claim we are more than conquerors and we can take up the problems not only of the inner city but of the entire world Martin Luther King jr. said that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere ignorance anywhere decreases truth everywhere war anywhere in dangers peace everywhere God has given us more and we need to stop counting our blessings and start consecrating our blessings too many of us are counting we're just wondering which way to communicate laptop email fax pager walkie talkie radio cell phone text message then we go to the ice-cream parlor that takes us a whole hour to make a decision because they got 61 different flavors and we don't know which one we go eat first and we go home and put on the television but they got 500 different movies playing on a different channel coming out of the same box in the same house and we don't know but you need to know what Jesus said he said to him who has been given more of him much more will be required if God has blessed us more if God has come more closely to us if God has been fully revealed to us in the face of Christ if Jesus died and rose again to save us if we have more supplies than needs and more communication technologies than decent things to say and more special clothes than special occasions and more transportations than destinations if we got more love than hate and more life than death and more joy than sorrow and more pleasure than pain we are required to do more than we have ever done before Jesus said except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven we ought to be more than conquerors over sin because when God delivers you from sin get your head out of the air get your nose out of the sky put your feet on the ground reach down and help somebody else don't act like you so busy and so holy that you ain't got time to help somebody that's in sin if it wasn't for the grace of God you would still be where you came from you have not always been saved you have not always been holy you ought to be able to take them by the hand and say look I know how you feel I've been there done that got the t-shirt and the hat who can help criminals change their behavior better than an ex-offender who can break up that self-delusions of dope addiction better than a recovering addict who can lead folks to heaven better than somebody that's been to hell and back we are more than conquerors through him that loved us we are conquerors over sin we are also covers over trouble sometimes just to make it through trouble is enough and yet God doesn't stop there God will bring you through trouble and then use you to help somebody else through because we don't just just endure trouble we meet God in the midst of trouble and get stronger because we've had trouble we as a people learned a long time ago how to celebrate God in trouble we created spiritual songs and gospel music we sang high praises we preached a powerful gospel of liberation we built three churches we know how to jump off of nowhere and land on somewhere we know how to take nothing and make something we know how to take a negative cross it over with Amazing Grace and make it a plus we know how to take hog guts and turn them into delicious foods we know how to take pot liquor and turn it into vitamins and minerals nutritious food folic acid and antioxidants we know how to take adversity and turn it into advantage to take sorrow and turn it into songs we know that we ought to be more than conquerors we ought to be more than just registered we are a vote we ought to do more than just go to church we ought to take a piece of the rock and have a part in the service we ought to be more than just call to preach we ought to be holy ghost' anointed preachers and prophets of God we ought to do more than just seeing we ought to serve we ought to do more then just be somebody's daddy or mama we ought to be a committed parrot to our children it takes more to raise a baby than just make one we ought to be don't you agree but the text doesn't say that it says more than that it doesn't say that we ought to be going to be can be might be will be as as we are it's already done it's already paid for your victory is not your achievement your if your victory is a gift from God that ain't waiting on you to do it he already created you already saved you already blessed you already empowered you and now he just wants you to know who you are so you can live like you are you are right now you don't have to wait for it is already here you don't have to buy it it's already purchased by the blood of Jesus you don't have to make it happen just let it be you are more than conquerors through him that loved us I don't believe you know it but you are tested you ought to try it you ought to take it put it up on the witness stand ask it is it true can anything separate us from the love of God can anything keep you from singing God's please is there anything that can break up your relationship with God can tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword or sickness or sorrow or pain or death or financial need what is it that can pick up your hold on God and God's hold on you Paul said no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us I am persuaded that neither life nor death nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature can separate us from of God which is in Christ Jesus I need more I have more I am more MORE you may not act like it you may not feel it you may not believe it but you are more more because the Lord is your Shepherd you shall not want more because the Lord is your light and your salvation ah because God is good to all and His mercies over all is what because the one in you is greater than anything in the world because God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of love power and self-control no because I has not seen ear has not heard the great things that God has prepared for those that love God because we are now the children of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know when he appears we shall be like him because jesus said ask and it shall be given because Jesus had dear and it will be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together because my God shall supply all your needs because no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly because I've been young and now I'm never seeing the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread ah because we pick may endure for a night but sure Holy Ghost joy comes in the morning thank you Jesus thank you thank you lord thank you honey knows I wish I have ten thousand tones Plusle say thank you if I were Chinese I'd say oh dear if I were Danish I'd say Ming gataki if our Italian I'd say Grazia if I were Hebrew I would say toda raba if I were Greek I would say you Callisto if I were Japanese I'll tell you domo arigato if I were Portuguese I'd say obbligato the Bella Spanish I'd say muchas gracias with our German I would say danke Schoen if I were Russian I'd say spasiba if I were French I'd say merci beaucoup if I work in Yin I'd say you're Shunta got an Algerian I'd say a shape OOP Oh boat you pay if I work in Yin I'd say I find say men because he might be if I were if I was ooh nice am gear Bunga if I were suit - I was at ke le beau ha if I were deaf I say what I feel I'll just say thank you right here right yeah right yeah right yeah
Channel: Robert Ellis
Views: 16,261
Rating: 4.8014183 out of 5
Id: wNl6EJ-UPgU
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Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 06 2015
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