Dr. Caroline Leaf: Switch on Your Brain (Part 1) (April 25, 2016)

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switch on your brain today how you can use science and scripture to trigger the god-given power of your mind right now on Jewish voice with Jonathan bernis welcome to Jewish voice I'm Jonathan bernis our guest today combines science with Scripture and says that science is actually catching up with the Bible science is now proving that what you think can change your reality for good or for bad here today to help us change the way we think is the author of switch on your brain dr. Caroline leaf well I want to welcome you and all of our audience and everyone watching television to our brand-new set you are actually our first guest I'm so in our brand-new set and we are in Phoenix even if you it looks like we're overlooking the Wailing Wall so it's really a pleasure to have you I love you to be here well I have I've read the book we're going to talk about today it's fantastic I've seen some of your interviews on other programs and I think this is a fascinating topic actually changing the way you think not needing to go back to your past and dig through but actually beginning a new life know that AD adage that today is the first day of the rest of your life I read that book and I thought of that adage right away so guess yourself to to those that don't know you your background well I'm a communication pathologist by profession and are specialized in cognitive neuroscience so what that means it's a whole adebisi logo pedis and what all that means together is that I studied how people communicate what they what they were saying and what they doing and in tracking that back to what's going on inside the brain so basically the science of thinking the science of thought that's really been my the core of what I've spent I've specialized in so that took years and I spent here 25 years running a clinic clinical practice working with people with all kinds of learning disabilities and issues with traumatic brain injuries with emotional issues with autism you name it people suffering from stroke heart attack whatever caused a problem in people's ability to function like they should then I would track back to salt life and help them to work through those issues and basically my research wind all around working on how to show people that the mind changes the brain that the mind is different from the brain so that's really been my field of research and I still do research from still busy be setting up clinical trials with I work with there is different neurosurgeons and neurologists and endocrinologist and there are there are believers and and reading clinical trials showing how the power of the mind can change the brain you don't know what what's unique about you is that for most science and the Bible are in conflict for for many scientists for many that are empirical in their thinking material and their thinking you believe that the Bible and science are connected and that science is actually catching up with the Bible let's talk about that we'll always find it Jonathan always can't understand why people separate science and scripture because if you think of it God made everything we all agree with that so science is simply a description of the everything so that all science is its God God is giving us science to understand the world that he gave us to understand how we function as humans and my branch of science happens to be in the field of mind science and neuroscience but everything is a science how the plants grow how how we do art our literature all of it is understanding human nature and the world around us so science core is it totally intertwined with the Word of God and is not in conflict with the word inaudible its title supports the word of complementary because God made science to show his glory so the Bible's got a lot of things that everything is there and science actually kind of plays out the details your God is showing that he talks about his wonderful creation and in Mississippi as we start understanding about how man functions you look at the human brain and you see how wonderful his creation so science is giving us the detail of how it all works so it's totally intertwined and should never be said raided your science that you your study has led you to believe that there or interpret that there is actually a switch in the brain that we can literally turn on that we can activate that will enable us to change the way we think and the way we think affects everything absolutely well my research showed that when you teach someone to think when you teach someone to use their mind which is your intellect your will and your emotions it causes physical changes inside the brain so the brain is simply a respondent it's part of it we spirits or body your brain is particle physical and your brain can't do anything on its own I mean if I take your brain actually that's not going to do anything I won't do that I promise but I mean it's not going to do anything a brain on a plate out of the person's head a brain cannot do anything if it's not inside a person's head so your brain my brain inside of our heads now it's believed it's working and changing because of the mind dispel the idea that the brain actually controls our thinking and our emotions and everything else okay so the brain is not self emergent which means that a brain can't do anything if it's not in a person who's alive once you did and your brain becomes dust it's no longer interested in matter it's just matter so your brain is mad it's part of your physical body so you what the science it's very fashionable to and it has been four hundred years for a scientist to say the brain is that mind as a result of brain activity so the brain little neurons fire and that produces mind so mind is like this side effect meanwhile if if you only had the brain without in a live without a live person driving the brain there would be no change so the firing of the neurons doesn't produce the mind the mind but makes the fire neurons fire it's that we're aren't so the mind changes the biology so they separate things the mind is what we see is our thinking it's all well it's our intellect our will and our emotions and as we thinking and processing and choosing that your mind in action which generates this activity that we see inside the brain so since the mid-1990s they've sorted and it was agreed universally globally that neuroplasticity exists which means neuro means brain plastic means to change so your brain can change as a result of mind action let me just summarize the the brain is simply matter it's it's it's part of our physiology and the mind can actually actually shapes and can reshape the way the brain your brain works perfectly that's exactly you see you control your biology your biology doesn't control you so you're not victims of our biology we Victor's over and above our biology I think this is this really should be people need to be listening very closely because you're saying that you can actually change everything you can change you can change your whole life you're not a victim this this this the implication of this is that it does away with the victim mentality technically I'm I'm the result of my DNA and my programming and my upbringing and I just have to do the best I can with that you're saying no that's wrong and that's that's not even correct science I mean it's actually been the very dominant theory it's called genetic determinism so like we determine by our genes so our genes determine everything so in as soon as you hear the word gene we kind of people worship it literally like man is always trying to worship something from wooden idols to not two genes to novelty the brain but you're not a genes are also not self emergent they are waiting to be switched on they have to be switched on so what switches your genes on is your mind your mind is the switch that switches your genes on when your genes express things change inside your brain because the change comes from the expression of the genes so our thinking is changing the biology because it's actually impacting the dean the DNA on which you find your gene code so they're waiting to be act like you have to switch a lot on like you have to switch your computer I love this because it's the adage again we we believe it when we see it exactly when faith is we believe it and then we see it and you're saying you believe it and there's actually a change in the physical way the brain operates or changes what we take exactly what you're saying is correct it's changing as you thinking so right now you're not the same as you were a few moments ago because you're you now having you've got new information added so at speeds of 10 to the 27 you taking my words and you have caused genetic expression and you both little tree like structures in your brain that look like plants inside your brain to hold the work that I'm telling you so you've literally a neck was it because of the expression of your genes so that means that author your choices we direct and recreate and redesign and read how we reconceptualize things we redesign the landscape this is very exciting we have to take a break when we come back we want to talk about how how to apply that how to actually switch on your brain much more with dr. Caroline leaf when we come back dr. Caroline leaf has been mentoring thousands on how to rewire their brain and tap into all that God created them to be from over 30 years of scientific study discover a smarter happier healthier more productive view by learning to switch on your brain in just 21 days for a gift of any amount we want to bless you with doctor Leafs book switch on your brain her revolutionary 21 day detox will show you how to identify and root out the toxic thoughts robbing you of health and peace and then leads you step-by-step to replace them with spiritual truths that propel you into a happier healthier life not only will dr. leach book help you find renewed health and wholeness your support will also help Jewish boys provide health and wholeness through life-saving humanitarian care to Jewish people and their neighbors in desperate need most importantly you will be helping them to hear the life transforming message of God's love and salvation found in Yeshua Jesus these are Jewish people in critical need we've started the work but with your help we can do so much more anything you can do will make a difference and will save lives if you can share a gift of $60 or more we want to blow see you with dr. leafs book and the stunning silver-plated Shema necklace it features hebrew text which says hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one this is the most important of all Jewish prayers remember God has promised to bless those who bless the Jewish people this is your opportunity to be that blessing please call or click right now to help us save and transform lives welcome back my guest is Caroline leaf and we're talking about switching on your brain this is a book that's been out for a while but it's awesome I read it you can see my notes here I was I was really fascinated with it and you're a neurobiologist neuroscientist cognitive neuro scientist you study the how the brain works and have determined that the mind in the brain are completely different right that the mind actually controls the brain helped us again I want to go back to this what is the mind we I understand what the brain is okay so the mind is is also is if you think of us being spirit soul body which is the triune nature of man your spirit is your highest part of you then you've got your soul which is in the middle then you've got your physical body so your soul is your mind your soul your mind and it's your ability to intellectualize your ability to feel and your ability to choose so when we see if you look inside a person who's alive then you'll basically what you will see is when they thinking with various different brain technology you'll see a lot of action in the brains you'll see firing glucose metabolism action in neurons and it's and there's also down to the level of quantum actions so it's very fast because the thought that you're thinking right now is impacting every single one of the cells of your entire body and you have around 75 to 100 trillion cells in your body as we think in every instant that we're thinking we're changing the environment of our cells of our body so our mind is incredibly powerful which goes to the scriptures which says that we have a love power in a sound mind to get a handle on what it is from a scientific point of view the and can be seen inside the brain as when people are thinking we see firing up we see as I mentioned firing of neurons you see so you see electrical activity you see glucose metabolism we now understand with quantum physics that this quantum action which is much faster than then electromagnetics because that's too slow to explain the brain firing so if you look at the vibrations how that how the brain can communicate how in an instant one thought can impact the entire body so that's from a scientific perspective from a spiritual perspective as I mentioned we try and being spiritual body and if you think of like Luke 16 with rich man and the poor man and you know the whole story in the rich man died and the poor man died and they went rich man went to Hades and the poor the poor man went to heaven and then the rich man says father Abraham send Lazarus so in other words he's speaking but he has no physical anything he remembers letters receipts good memories but he's got no brain he recognizes Abraham never discussion he asked for water we know the whole story in other words he's operating as though he's got a fully functioning brain that holds memories that scripture alone proves that the the supremacy of the mind over the brain because all the memories that he had everything that about his life were still there even though you - ever physical on earth in this physical body does the brain house the mind yes it's the substrate through which the mind moves so it's a responder to the mind what controls the mind not the brain you're saying the mind controls if the mind is not if the mind is you see it's the yunus that's the Y it's that the perfectly you it's all its God made you spirits oh no we're going to the spiritual side of yes so see it's the unison he's a connection between because the soul which is the mind isn't has one foot in the door the spirit of man and one foot in the door the physical this is a very important thing the mind is different than the brains actually the mind is spiritual essence what what about the difference between the spirit and them and they in the mind well the spirit is the mind is this I would say with the soul yes the might the mind is saw so the mind is and that's we we do not intellectualizing understand that okay so you got there well so in turn intellect will and emotion so being able to think things through our intellectual ability ability to choose ability to feel that's hands in the soul the spirit man then is our intuition or conscience and or worship or communion with God so basically what we find what the research that I have done is looking at what is mind how does mine work how does it connect into the spiritual part of us how does it impact on the physical and how when your mind where your mind goes your brain follows you see so where your mind goes your brain follows so the mind when God talks about a loved power and a sound mind he didn't give us a spirit of fear he gave us a spirit of love pounce on it sir Timothy scripture basically what we're looking at there is the the fact that the mind can actually see split and broken up into two elements and man conscious and unconscious and the non conscious mind is literally operating 24 hours a day at hugely fast speeds and we all our memories that have been building since conception are stored and we constantly will you're constantly building memories and this is in an unconscious part of you which connects into the spiritual part of man the conscious part of your mind is what's operating in your awake so at the moment now your non conscious is operating and your conscious and as you ask me questions or as you think of things that is stuff from your non conscious mind moving to your conscious mind influencing your conscious cognitive decision so at any one moment like right now you're listening to me so these words coming in there's visual stimulation there's stuff coming that's - this stuff coming in they start coming up from your non conscious mind and it all meets in the in the conscious mind and how you intellectualize and make choices is very much based on what you've implanted to your non conscious mind into the spiritual prodigy let's talk about the practical all of us have a unique set of emotions and thoughts and intellect and some all of us respond to stress differently adversity differently and so on how is that shaped we're the what are we what is the what how did we get to be who we are now okay so if we look at in terms of our mind if we keep around spiritual body and we start with brain being part of body what we see in the brain is the law of diversity so in other words there's nothing even although we all have that you can would have the same basic brain structures and the neurophysiology etc but the way that the neurons actually had the little structures for memory on top of them so and urine looks like a tree it looks literally like this plant and as I said you think as you listening to me now your mind generates a signal that causes genetic expression which makes proteins and the proteins group together and basically build trees and those trees hold the information that you are hearing the signals that we generate with our mind are also influencing all of our other genetic expression so that we are alive so every single you having new kinetic expression going on all day long but it has to be driven so it's driven by your mind so the mind creates this this is this less literal energy now energy is is the source of its it's the source of everything and God is the source of energy so basically the spirit of life is basically manifesting through us in a unique way so God made us all unique we know the Bible says that we says that we are uniquely made unique means stand alone so we see the uniqueness that God created in the spirit man playing out in how we individually each uniquely use our own mind your mind is a result of the way that God created us who we are but it's also been influenced by input from years and years right guys because you your mind is created we creating God's image so it can be created perfect in God's image and then we make decisions that we wire stuff in so every decision you make every reaction as you open your eyes in the morning you reacting to life and all of that becomes wired into your brain and then whatever your wiring becomes these these thoughts there are physical thoughts or physical things so you build thoughts with your mind and then from the thoughts we speak so for example I'm speaking now from information that I have built into my mind over years of training so the thought is that is the route that we build in so mind both thoughts we then speak and do from our thoughts and those thoughts can constantly be changed so let's talk about change we only have a couple minutes left well we have to have you back as we just scratch the surface we really did but what there's everybody watching has things they want to change I'm thinking right now about things I want to change in my thinking how do we begin that process well the awareness of the power of our mind is always huge because when we when we go with the worldview Wade says that you're just a machine the genetic deterministic teas in Newtonian worldview says that we're a machine and you control by genes and you pretty much have no say and you just just plays out you kind of just go with the flow which is terribly depressing because it means that there's just no hope and if something goes wrong you just got to live with that that's not what God says it makes exactly God says he makes all things new weak in your mind and bring our thoughts into captivity and that's literally what I've been telling us that we teach it what I teach people to do you have we go to start with the premise as well that we have a love power and a soundman which I've said a few times so we did not get given a spirit of fear but of love power and soundness so when you start with the premise and understanding that you have a love power power power and sound mind that means that you have the power to change and that you're normally soundness and your normal is love and God is love and we see from research that everything about the human brain is wired for love so there's nothing in us for anything toxic or anything negative so that's the first start point and then then we need to the second thing is to take responsibility so you're going to know who you are which is the love stuff and then you've got to realize that power and power means I have responsibility we got to stop I got to stop you we have to have you back router time next time uh dr. Leif has written a book switch on your brain and has given us a plan in 21 days to actually detox our brain I really want to encourage you to get the book switch on your brain she'll be back tomorrow to share more insight and will tell you how to get the book in just a moment I really encourage you to get it switch on your brain today can be the first day of the rest of your life you don't have to live in bondage any longer God is fearfully and wonderfully created you and you can change by changing your thinking just ahead behind the scenes look at the creation of this brand-new set a new chapter in the history of our broadcast don't go anywhere for gift of any amount we want to bless you with doctor Leafs book switch on your brain her revolutionary 21 day detox will show you how to identify and root out the toxic thoughts robbing you of health and peace and then leads you step-by-step to replace them with spiritual truths that propel you into a happier healthier life if you can share a gift of $60 or more we want to bless you with doctor leaves book and the stunning silver bladed Shema necklace it features Hebrew text which says hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one this is the most important of all Jewish prayers remember God has promised to bless those who bless the Jewish people this is your opportunity to be that blessing please or click right now to help us save and transform lives join Jewish voice ministries as we tour the Holy Land and celebrate Israel 2017 it's time to honor the 50-year anniversary of Jewish voice and the liberation of Jerusalem on this trip you'll stay in five-star accommodations as we tour Mount Carmel Nazareth Jerusalem the Mount of Olives upper room and more you'll see Jonathan bernis commemorate the recapture of Jerusalem right where it happened we'll also visit an Israeli military base and enjoy a Bedouin meal you can renew your marriage vows on the Sea of Galilee and participate in an emergent ceremony at the Jordan River as an added bonus you can even visit a lot the Red Sea and world-famous Petra act now before this once-in-a-lifetime event sells out call and speak with our Events Coordinator to learn more exciting details about celebrate Israel 2017 or visit jvm i.org / Israel it's time to detox your brain the incredibly simple way to strengthen your mind and achieve what God intended for you next time on Jewish voice with me Jonathan bernis welcome back to the program just joined us you may have noticed that we have this amazing new set it was an extraordinary undertaking that never could have been possible without some incredible people and lots of Prayer take a look until next time this is Jonathan bernis saying shallow and god bless you I can't even begin to tire the first time I've seen this the furnitures arrived set is being built his own style you know what eight months ago we started coming up with the idea for all this stuff I can't believe it great ministry that's supported death we got a got that made it all them Doucette is beautiful it's a good thing a lot of great things going right now we got a brand new set coming in renovations just good things happening here let's check it out amazing a brand new studio that we pray over the next months and years will help millions of believers understand the Jewish roots of their faith and a God who has been faithful to Israel and so is faithful to us and I want to thank all of our partners that helped to make this possible well that's all the time we have for today dr. Caroline leaf we'll be back again tomorrow and I hope you'll join us again then before we leave I want to remind you as I always do to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem the Bible says they shall prosper that love thee in Israel and the Middle East needs our prayers now more than ever before until next time I'm Jonathan bernis sang shil ohm and god bless you
Channel: Jewish Voice
Views: 31,350
Rating: 4.8602619 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Caroline Leaf
Id: vm2OdKay2U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2016
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