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I want to think again where the Manders and our online choir for their ministry today in your home can you say Amen today we praise God for their ministry again if you want to be a part of our online choir our online ministry let us know info at OU UCSD a.org today we've come ready to preach a word from the Lord and this is not an easy word but it's a necessary word particularly in the times in which we live and I'd like to invite you at this time to take your Bibles and go with me to the book of Revelation and we're going to Revelation chapter 13 Revelation chapter 13 and we're gonna read the entire chapter today Revelation chapter 13 and I want to read in your hearing from the King James Version of the Bible Revelation chapter 13 the Word of God says and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great Authority verse number three and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast and they worshipped the Dragon which gave power to the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying who is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and the power was given him over all Kindred's and tongues and nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the book of life or the lamb from the foundation of the world if any man have an ear let him hear verse number 10 he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the saints verse number 11 and I beheld another beast coming out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast sang to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beasts which had the wound by a sword and did live and he had power to give life unto the image of the Beast that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their for in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name verse 18 here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six today I want to speak with you on the subject two beasts two nations one disease two beasts two nations one disease let's pray father right now we have sung we have returned our gifts to you we've had children's ministries we've testified of your goodness but now Lord we need the word from you so speak to us today we pray give your people open minds and receptive hearts to your word this day and with the appearance made may individuals respond to your voice and desire to surrender their lives to you in the name of Jesus we pray amen two beasts two nations one disease the world right now is in an uproar our nation is in chaos uncertainty is commonplace fear is everywhere the future is unknown thousands are dying daily from the corona virus hundreds of thousands are contracting the corona virus shelters in place are now in effect schools are closed churches are closed restaurants are closed businesses are closed everywhere is closed you ride down some streets and it looks like a ghost town there aren't enough masks there aren't enough ventilators but today in the name of Jesus I'm still glad today that those who believe in Jesus will still hear his voice during this pandemic and they were here is voice saying it is I be not afraid though the storms of life are raging Jesus says it is I be not afraid don't somebody right now is walking through the valley in the shadow of death Jesus says it is I be not afraid though it seems that we're going to witness deaths of epic proportions Jesus says it is I be not afraid and though it seems that we're headed for economic destruction I'm so glad I can hear Jesus voice saying it is I be not afraid and in the name of Jesus today I'm here to let someone know that I am not afraid and God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power of love and a sound mind and because I am not afraid today I must be honest I can't keep silent as a preacher regarding the eschatological and apocalyptic times in which we live friends of mine God has called me today to warn you of what's ahead of us not from a newspaper not from the evening news not from CNN not from ABC NBC CBS or Fox but God has told me to warn you of what is coming from the unadulterated Word of God now if you think things are bad now you better think again because you haven't seen a thing yet some people say oh this is one of the plagues let's be clear this is one of the pestilences that happens and transpires before the plagues and with that in mind I don't have time to be preaching feel-good sermons I don't have time to be preaching style without substance I don't have time to just be preaching gravy and there is no meat I don't have tried to be preaching home-baked tastes good sound good feel good clap your hands stomp your feet sermons that make you shout on Sabbath's but you live any kind of way during the week the Bible is very clear and Isaiah 58 verse 1 it's time to cry aloud and spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet so today I'm going to tell you about two beasts two nations and one disease now there are two books in the Bible that are what we call farik books in the Old Testament the prophetic book is Daniel and in the New Testament the prophetic book is the revelation and when you read these books when you read Bible prophecy you need to understand that in these books there are certain symbols that have certain meanings for example when you read numbers 14:34 you will discover in Bible prophecy that a day represents a year water according to revelation 17:5 represents people a beast according to Daniel 7:23 represents a kingdom and the dragon represents Satan according to revelation 12 now let's talk first about the first beasts of Revelation 13 because remember there are two beasts two nations and one disease Revelation chapter 13 verse number 1 the Word of God says to us I read again and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power his seat and great Authority now let's stop there and understand what we just read applying biblical symbols to the prophetic books of Daniel and the revelation the Bible says that John says I saw and I stood upon the sin and see a beast rise out of the sea if Abby's means a kingdom then the Bible is clear that a kingdom comes out of the sea sea is water water represents people then John is saying I saw a kingdom rise out of among many people understand verse two lets us know that's a dragon Satan gave the Beast this kingdom its power its seat and it's great Authority let me say that one more time the Bible is clear that the dragon Satan gave this beast a kingdom its power its seats and it's great Authority now you need to know that this dragon representing Satan also represents in this instance people roll and when you study world history it's clear that old pagan Rome gave the Pope the papacy the beasts its power and authority now before I go any further I need you to understand that this message is not an attack on the Pope this message is not an attack on the Roman Catholic Church but I must preach the Word of God so that we all might understand that prophecy must come to pass now we keep reading Revelation chapter 13 let's go to verse number 3 the Word of God says and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast so the Bible is teaching now that the beasts it would suffer a death blow the beasts it would suffer a great wound a wound that would really wound it to death but then later on the wound would heal and all the world would wonder after the beasts when you study world history you discover back in 1798 remember that date in 1798 a gentleman by the name of general birthday he was a French general under Napoleon French general Bertier took the Pope captive in 1798 go read history books took the papacy captive in 1798 and the papacy died in it sound many people thought that this was the end of the papacy that the papacy was done but the prophecy of the word of God must come to fruition the Bible says that the papacy would receive a deathblow he was taken in 1798 prisoner by birth EI and died in exile but the Bible says that this deadly wound would have to heal when you further study history and you study the concordance of 1929 Italian Prime Minister a gentleman by the name of Benito Mussolini restored the power of the papacy in 1929 so just as the Bible had prophesied the papacy would receive a deathblow 1798 but in 1929 the deadly wound would heal and all would wonder after the Beast we know as the world in which we live today that the papacy the Pope is the most influential person on the face of the globe and all the world wonders after him but let's go some more let's go to verse number five in Revelation chapter thirteen verse number five the Word of God says first part and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies so we understand here friends of mine that the papacy this beasts would speak great things and blasphemies now the Bible defines blasphemy as two things number one being a man and you make yourself God according to John chapter 10 verse 33 and then number two declaring to have power to forgive sin Luke 5:21 the papacy does both it claims to be God on earth and it claims they have the power to forgive sin but where I read in my Bible there's only one name under heaven whereby we can be saved and that's the name of Jesus only Jesus can forgive me of my sins the Bible says in first John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness which means I don't have to go pray to another individual in a window but I can boldly go to the three alone of grace God will hear me and he will have mercy but we continue the second part of revelation 13:5 power was given unto the Beast him to continue forty and two months let us understand what we're reading number one the Beast would receive its power from the dragon dragon is Satan dragon his old pagan Rome and it would get power to the beast the papacy the Bible goes on and lets us know that the papacy it would suffer a death blow but it's wound would be healed the Bible lets us know that the papacy would speak blasphemy having the power it says to forgive sins and claiming to be God on earth but then number four revelation 13:5 power was given unto the Beast to continue for forty and two months now remember we earlier that in these books Daniel in the revelation there are different symbols that mean different things remember in Bible prophecy one prophetic day is equal to one literal year one prophetic day is equal to one literal year now the Bible says that the beast or the papacy would be given power for 42 months which by the way is the same as 1260 years according to revelation 7 which is one thousand two hundred and threescore days and a time times and dividing of time in revelation 12:14 and Daniel 7:25 it is also time time dividing a time another way of saying three and a half years it's the same thing 1260 years let me break this down 42 months 42 months times 30 days and we use 30 days because the 30 days is for the Roman calendar of a number of days within a month 42 months time the 30 days give us 1260 days when we say 1260 days in essence we're saying 1260 years because a day is for a year but let's continue on we read one thousand two hundred and threescore days what does that mean well one thousand two hundred threescore a score is represented by the number twenty so we say three score we're saying three times 20 which equals 60 we no score is twenty because we often say the Bible says that God has promised us to live threescore and ten threescore three times 20 plus 10 is 70 in this text the Bible is saying one thousand two hundred and threescore days which is 1260 days which is 1260 years but then the Bible goes on and it says according to revelation 12:14 in Daniel 7:25 a time times and dividing of time now in Bible prophecy one time is one year so in a year we have 12 months remember we must keep our math the same we're saying 30 days in a Roman calendar month so then a time one year is 12 months times 30 days which is 360 days the Bible says a time Venice's at times so if a time is 360 days a times must be two years 360 plus 360 is 720 but then it closes out and says a dividing of time so we say a dividing of time we're saying half a year so we're saying 360 divided by 2 which is 180 so when the Bible in Bible prophecy says a time a times and dividing of time we're saying 360 plus 720 plus 180 which equals 1260 days which is the equivalent day for a year 1260 years which means friends of mine that one thousand two hundred threescore days 42 months and a time times and dividing of time are all the same thing 1260 years now remember the prophecy says that power would be given to the Beast for 1260 years 42 months now in 538 ad the power of the papacy reached its highest point because a gentleman by the name of Justinian Roman Emperor Justinian made the papacy the head of all Christian churches 538 ad but then exactly 1260 years later in 1798 remember we told you that history says that papacy was taken captive by French General Murthy a so then the prophecy is correct the papacy would rule for 1260 years it would begin in 538 ad when it was made head of all Christian churches and exactly 42 months one thousand two hundred threescore days a time time and dividing of times 1260 years later in 1798 his reign would end because birth ei would take him captive next point let's read revelation 13:7 and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given unto him over all Kindred's Nate UNG's and nation's history clearly indicates that the papacy persecuted many Christians during this period of 538 to 1798 which was also referred to during this period as the Middle Ages while many Catholics believed it was doing the right thing eliminating heresy from the church the reality is many people were destroyed during this period revelation 13 verse 7 the second part and power was given over him over all Kindred's and tongues and nations which means the beasts would have global power and influence within number 7 Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 the Word of God says and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world let's look at that first sentence again and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him the beasts then would engage in worship but not true worship but the beasts would engage in false worship but God in this day and age in which we live it's calling his people to true worship revelation 14:6 is clear and I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell in the earth to every nation kindred tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the all of his judgment is come God is calling us to true worship but the beasts wants us to engage in false worship now the first beasts of Revelation 13 is papal Rome and the first beasts of Revelation 13 is synonymous with the fourth beast of Daniel 7 take your Bibles and turn with me to the Book of Daniel and let's go to Daniel chapter 7 take your Bibles and go with me to the Book of Daniel and we're gonna go to Daniel chapter 7 and we're gonna read verse number 25 now remember we're saying that the first piece of Revelation 13 is synonymous with the fourth piece of Revelation of Daniel 7 the Word of God says to us in Daniel chapter 7 verse 25 Daniel chapter 7 verse 25 and he shall speak great words against the Most High so wear out the Saints of the Most High and think to change times and laws and they should be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time God's Word is true that this fourth piece of Daniel 7 which is the same as the first piece of Revelation 13 would seek to change God's times and seek to change God's law and power would be given to this piece for 1260 years a time a times and the dividing of time this piece would have the nerve this piece would have the unmitigated gall to change God's law never remember we told you this is all about worship who we're going to give our worship to so the central issue being worship what's going on here what with the Beast seek to change what law would to be seek to change the beast would seek to change in worship God's day of worship what about talking about the fourth commandment now notice when you read the commandments in Exodus chapter 20 verses 3 through 17 all of the commandments begin with the words thou shalt not but when you read the fourth commandment in verse number eight of Exodus chapter 20 it begins with the word remember which suggests to me God didn't say thou shalt keep the Sabbath God said remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy why God knew that something some power some beasts would seek to change his law so he says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy this act was executed by the Beast the papacy pastor BIR what are you talking about understand friends with me got the current Roman Catholic Church is the extension of the New Testament church that we study about in the Bible they see themselves as the extension of the New Testament church and they base this on the premise of what Matthew 16:18 says when Jesus is speaking to Peter and he says I will build my church on the rock and so because of that Peter's name by definition it's Petrus which means rock and so Roman Catholics believe that with this statement in Matthew 16:18 that Peter is made the first Pope of the church when you study rolling out of history and you ask what and who is the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church they will say Peter because of Matthew 16:18 but they have misinterpreted and misunderstood what Jesus is trying to say Jesus is not saying I'm going to build my church on Peter but Jesus is saying I'm going to build my church on myself Jesus Christ the solid rock on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand but we discover through the Word of God that it's through this the Roman Catholic Church it sees itself as the mother church the church universal an extension of the New Testament church now you need to understand when we talk about changing the sacredness of God's Sabbath from the seventh day to the first day of the week you need to understand friends of mine that the church alone cannot enforce and make you do anything so the church couldn't do it their mother Church the Roman Catholic Church couldn't do it so what took place was in the year 321 AD look it up a Roman Emperor by the name of Constantine says that on the venerable day of the Sun let all the city workers that all the magistrates cease their labors and cease their work in the cities in honor and in celebration of the Sun and so on the first day of the week Sunday in celebration of the Sun God Constantine the governor the general the Emperor says let's stop working and treat the first day of the week as a holy day in honor of the Sun God it's initially just for people who work in the cities later in 336 ad it's extended not just for the people in the cities but people in agriculture and in the fields well by pastor bird was it extended to the agricultural people and people in the fields fifteen years later well it's very true it wasn't done in 321 ad because they didn't want to stop making their money and their money was made in the fields but in 336 ad it's now not just people in the cities but it's people everywhere that on the venerable day of the Sun the first day of the week and I don't other Sun God that you treated as a holy day and slowly we see the sacredness in the solemnity of God's Sabbath day God's day of worship slowly move and go from the seventh day to the first day of the week that should not come as a surprise to anybody because Satan never comes out in your face and tells you anything he's sly he's subtle he's cunning remember that's how he came to Adam and Eve he didn't come saying Here I am I'm Satan I'm the devil no he didn't come like that let me remind you the devil does not have horns coming out of his head the devil is not in a red suit the devil does not have a tail coming out of his caboose the devil is not carrying a pitchfork but some of you you need to know the devil will transform himself into an angel of light some of you live with the devil some of you work with the devil the devil is no respecter of persons but we see the sacredness of God's Sabbath moving from the seventh day to the first day again it's all about worship but then in the year 1517 there comes this great reformer by the name of Martin Luther and Martin Luther says wait a minute wait a minute there are things that the church is saying Mother Church the church is saying that we ought to be doing but they're not rooted in this Word of God they're not rooted in Scripture and so Martin Luther came up with the term entitled Sola scriptura which means the scriptures and the Scriptures alone because of the name in the word it doesn't deserve to be heard to the law and to the testimony I don't care who it is if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Martin Luther says you're making people do things from other church that are not in the Word of God one thing the treasurer of the church a gentleman by the name of your hand Tetzel te tcel he was the treasurer and because they wanted to build a new sanctuary build a new temple understand that they began to tell people that in order to receive forgiveness of sin you had to pay indulgences you had to pay money to receive forgiveness of sin Martin who says wait a minute that's not in the Word of God we don't have to pay money to ask for forgiveness of sin or be granted forgiveness of sin Martin Luther said Jesus already paid it all all to him I owe sin had left a crimson stain but he washed it white as snow why am i paying to receive forgiveness from sin what about purgatory some in the mother church say there's an intermediate state between heaven and hell the Bible doesn't talk about any purgatory revelation 20:2 teachers your holy holy still unholy unholy still what about praying to another man in a window to receive confession I don't have to do that I can boldly go to Jesus Christ state of the Dead well when a person dies they go straight to heaven well the Bible teaches in 1st Thessalonians 4:16 and 17 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which alive remains to be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord if individuals went straight to heaven at their earthly death who would Jesus be coming back to get and his second coming mother church universal church roman catholic church was teaching and making people do things that had nothing to do with the Word of God so Martin Luther says we're gonna protest against this and in 1517 at the church WI T te and BER G in Germany Martin Luther nails 95 theses to the door 95 statements of protests to the door at that church in Wittenberg protesting against the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church and as a result of that we have what we call the Protestant Reformation that makes sense because we have Protestant Reformation and with that Protestant Reformation the Protestant people are protesting against the abuses of the mother church my only wish was I wish that I would have been living in 1517 because I would have said your brother Luther brother Luther I'm with you I agree with you but what about the Sabbath what about God's damn worship that he told us to remember now someone is watching and someone saying well pastor it's just a day what difference does a day make well let me ask you let's ask Adam and Eve what difference does fruit make God said don't eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil if you eat it you will die the fruit look good the fruit I'm sure it tasted good but God said don't touch it don't eat it lest you die God says what he means and he means what he says and this is all about who we're going to give our worship to today I've come not to dog the Pope I am NOT trying to attack the Roman Catholic Church or Roman Catholic Christians many Catholics are kind loving people but I'm talking about a religious system that will oppose God's law and changes law I'm talking about prophecy that must come to pass this sermon is not an attack on the Pope but this sermon is an attack on Satan for the liar that he is don't let Satan deceive you if he can receive a third of the Angels he will deceive you if he would receive Adam and Eve he will deceive you but I'm not gonna let Satan deceive me because true worshipers must worship God in spirit and in truth you see everything God has is true Satan has a counterfeit God has his mark and Satan has his mark too but we're so asleep we don't even see the parallels between the beast and price and the that this enemy power this beast the antithesis it is the antithesis the opposite of Jesus Christ and Jesus is activity what am I talking about just as Jesus began his ministry coming out of the water at baptism the beasts began its ministry coming out of the sea Jesus is described in john 14:9 that's one with the father the beast is described as one with the dragon just as jesus received authority from the father the beast received authority from the dragon both Christ's enemies wear crowns on their heads both Christ's and the beasts have swords both Christ's and the beasts have horns two forty two months where the beasts would have power at the time time dividing of time it is the beasts activities that equate to three and a half years of Jesus ministry both Jesus and the beasts would receive a death blow Jesus would have to go to Calvary the Pope would die in exile and then both of them later would come back to life and rise to even greater authority both Christ and the Beast our worship after their wound is healed both have followers with inscriptions upon their foreheads the exclamation who is like the Beast brings to mind the name of Michael the Archangel which means who is like God both Christ and the Beast exercise global authority or return every tribe tongue and nation and they both want our worship who are you gonna give your worship to God or Satan choose you this day whom are you gonna serve but as for me and my house we're gonna serve the Lord now remember the church can't force you to do anything but the government can the Roman Catholic Church could not force and enforce worship on the first day of the week back in the day but the government under Constantine the Emperor did and just like there was a union of church and state in 321 in 336 ad there is so coming a union of church and state in the last days what am I talking about revelation 3rd speaks of two beasts the first beast is revelation 13:1 through ten the second beast is revelation 13:11 through 17 the Bible says that the second beast comes out of the earth with two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon remember now a beast represents a kingdom the earth is not water water represents people the second beast the Bible says does not come out of the water the second beast does not come out of people but the second beast comes out of the earth and the earth represents a sparsely populated area with a small number of people now let me ask you this what nation with super power rose up out of the earth on a sparsely populated area after the division of Western Europe and the papacy had to go into exile remember in 1798 what Kingdom was rising at that time what nation was rising at that time think about it it was the United States the United States declared its independence in 1776 the United States voted it's Constitution in 1787 the United States adopted the Bill of Rights in 1791 and the United States was clearly recognized as a world power in 1798 the same time the first beep suppose were Pope was going into exile all of this timing fits America no other power or nation could possibly qualify as this lamb like these but there some more the Bible says that this second beast this kingdom has two horns horns according to Daniel 7 24th means Kings but according to revelation 13:11 these horns have no crowns no crown means no king notice the United States has no king but rather a democratic form of government the two horns mean this government is rooted in two things republicanism and Protestantism a republic is a kingdom without a king Protestantism is a church without a pope the United States has no king and no Pope the is lamb-like because it appears docile it promotes peace it appears peaceful but yet speaks like a dragon who is the most powerful country in the world that promotes peace and when it speaks everybody listens the United States who is the most influential country in the world the United States when the United States speaks like it or not everybody listens but look at what the second beast does verse number 12 of Revelation 13 and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed now remember the church can't enforce the day of worship but government can so the first beast can't enforce anything but the second beast can now this whole thing remember is about worship the second beast forces people to worship the first beast if the first piece promotes worship on the first day of the week the Bible is telling us that there is coming a day very soon that the second beast the United States will force us into worship on the first day of the week paying homage to the first Beach now presently you need to understand that first day observance is not being enforced by law it's only going to happen where the issues are clearly drawn between the commandments of God and the declarations of men America will become a persecuting power that will force people by law to obey God's commands just like papal Rome again the church cannot force you to do anything but the government can the Church of all can do it but the government of Constantine could today who are the most influential powers on the earth the president of the United States and the papacy and when there is a union of the two look out as the moral fiber of our country continues to fall as wars and rumors of wars grow stronger as civil unrest continues with crime on every hand as pestilence is like hurricanes and tornadoes earthquakes Corona and other viruses steadily increased as our economic system is decimated right before our eyes the state or government will believe that there is a need for greater spirituality and this may not necessarily come from the politicians themselves but the catalyst for this outcry may very well be the people the voters because at the end of the day politicians just want to be elected so they will do whatever they have to do to please the people the voters that's why our friends of mine i'ma say this you better be careful of the religious right you've got to be careful of the moral majority can I get real today and transparent you got to be careful of these groups because how can 80% of evangelical Christians vote for a man to be President of the United States who has five children from three different wives all three of which are still living and the first two were replaced by their successor who was having an inappropriate relationship with the man while he was still married to the previous two somebody should have told him how you win him is how you lose them now you can vote for who you want to vote for I'm not telling you to vote for that's your business because the truth is many of these politicians today have all skeletons in their closets but today I'm speaking to the inconsistencies of people in general who will push their own self-serving agenda to get what they want and because of the moral decline in our country the United States will make an image to the Beast by legislating religious practices it will pass laws regarding worship and it will force people to obey them or face death not now but in the future and although the motives of these actions like you can't buy certain things on Sunday mornings before a certain time or prayer in public school although these things may seem positive anything forced with regard to worship it's always bad now don't misunderstand me because somebody will run out of here and say well we have forced shelter and place restrictions right now but don't get it twisted shelter in place is about your health that's one thing your worship to God is another thing in our worship God never forces us to do anything he always gives us the power of choice but the chapter closes with verses 60 17 and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark verse 18 or the name of the beast or the number of his name individuals will not be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark of the beast but pastor bird how can that be you had me till you got there notice my friends how we're moving to a cashless society today people rarely carry cash everybody has a debit card everybody has a credit card you purchase your gas your food your clothes you even go to McDonald's and you purchase your your Big Mac your fries with a card but not only that we now have GPS Global Positioning Systems everywhere we have GPS monitoring in our cars our phones everywhere I even have it on my phone now with my family I know where my wife is where my daughters are every minute of the day you can track down anyone anywhere at any time and the ability of the government to identify individuals through use of cars numbers gives them immediate access to your personal records bank accounts on location which means they can stop any desire you have for purchases when the religious issues become clear people are forced and will be forced to choose whom they're going to worship here the image of the mark of the beast or God's law and his seven day Sabbath then those who choose man's way over God's Way will not be worshipping God but worshiping the Beast America looks like a lamb but it will soon speak like a dragon it will soon make people worship the first beast we have two beasts the first beast is papal Rome and Rome is in Italy the second beast is the United States two beasts curations and I don't know today if it's coincidental or not I don't know if it's happenstance or not but isn't it interesting that although kovat 19 although the coronavirus began in China the country with the greatest number of cases two weeks ago and still the highest number of deaths today is Italy and in the country with the greatest number of cases and on pace to have the highest number of deaths is the United States isn't it interesting friends of mine that the first piece of Revelation 13 is papal Rome Rome is in Italy and the second beast of Revelation 13 is the United States two beasts two nations one disease but today the disease I'm talking about it's not covet 19 this disease is not coronavirus the disease is not Ebola it's not SARS here is ease it's not the swine flu the disease is not the Spanish flu but the disease my friends is sin and Satan is the author and the starter of sin sin separates us from God sin is the disease that all of us have but I'm so glad today that Romans 6:23 says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord we have two beasts we have two nations we have one disease the disease of sin but unlike coronavirus there is a cure there is a vaccine there is an antibody but this cure is different scientists didn't create it labs didn't design it inventors couldn't patent it billionaire's couldn't buy it politicians couldn't legislate it 2,000 years ago Jesus went to Calvary he bled in his mouth for my evil talk he bled in his feet for my evil walk he bled in his head for my evil thoughts he bled in his hands for my evil touch but his blood is our cure today what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus I know our title is two beasts two nations one disease but don't so much focus on the beasts that you forget about the lamb behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world Jesus the Lamb of God Jesus the bearer of my sins Jesus Jesus the sustainer of my soul and through his shed blood we have a cure for the disease through his shed blood we have a cure for sin we have the cure for lying we are the cure for stealing we have the cure for cheating we are the cure for gossiping we have a cure for bad habits we have a cure for addictions his blood is the cure and his blood will never lose its power it will never lose its potency it will never lose its effectiveness it will never lose its strength let me tell you something as I close the Romans made one critical mistake when they crucified Jesus they shed his blood they should have hung him they should have made him drink poison they should have stone and they should have knocked him out but they made the mistake that they shed his blood his blood flowed down it had a revival over death hell and the grave and when you think about the mistakes that you have made when you think about the sins that you have committed and the fact that you're still here it ought to make you soaks that there's still power in the blood would you be free from the burden of sin there's power in the blood without the blood there is no cure from sin without the blood there is no forgiveness from sin it wasn't Jesus broken body that brought about my salvation it wasn't the stripes that he received in pilot's judgment Hall it wasn't even the cross itself if a cross could save me anybody could have died on it his stripes could save me any prisoner could have endured them if a broken body could save me I could claim any accident victim as my savior any of these things save me I could save myself take glory in my own sacrifice the friends of mine it wasn't any of these things it was the blood the blood of the perfect sacrifice the blood of the Lamb of God it was the blood of Jesus that saves me and nothing else we've got two nice we've got two nations we've got one disease we're living in perilous times things aren't gonna get better they're gonna get worse but I'm so glad today that we have a cure and the cure is the blood of Jesus Christ I've plead the blood of every man every woman every boy every girl that's watching right now playtime is over playing Church is over playing spirituality is over playing religion is over Jesus Christ is soon to come I don't fight for victory I fight brought victory I fight from the cross and his blood is the cure for you and his blood it's power 20s we sing this course the blood that Jesus shed that she's [Music] way back on Calgary [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hi [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] two beasts two nations the second beasts one day soon is gonna force you force me to pay homage to the first beasts while we yet have the opportunity to make a decision God is granting us the privilege and the opportunity to not choose the first piece not choose the second piece but to choose Jesus today and by choosing Jesus today we're saying Lord we have a disease and our disease is sin but we thank you that there's a cure there's a vaccine there's an antibody and it's the blood the blood of Jesus to those who are watching I don't care what you did last week I plead the blood on your life I don't care what you did last night I believe in blood on your life and so today before we close this phase of our worship I'm gonna invite you to accept Jesus and to say I want the cure I want the blood over my life good hold me you're watching so I would invite you if you want the blood if you want the blood of Jesus to cover your life today you made one special prayer you may want baptism you may want to read baptism you may want to unite with your University Church I invite you to go to our website at www.uvu.edu/library where God is speaking to you right now and you said if you want my blood if you want to cure for this disease I want you to click that commitment you're saying I want baptism I want three baptism I want special prayer in my life I want the blood I want you to click on right now indicate your name let us know how we can contact you and today we're gonna contact you I'm so grateful last week we made the same appeal and there was a person right here in Huntsville Alabama that Clinton said I won baptism I've been to one of the revivals at the Open University Church before and now during this time God is speaking to me and God has spoken me today and they said I want baptism and we communicate with them we're planning the baptism for that individual there was another person in another city Birmingham Alabama they said I've been baptized before but I need Jesus I need him in my life they click that button they desire a baptism we're gonna schedule that after them and today we would do the same for you invite you to choose Jesus choose the cure chooses blood because it will never lose its power Father in heaven right now we thank you for what you've done this day to these two nations one disease but we're grateful that there is a cure there is a vaccine there is an antibody it's the blood of Jesus so washes plaintiffs make us over again your blood covering cleanness and purifies soothe the decisions of those who online right now I'm making decisions for me making decisions for cure making decisions for the blood clean him up wash them out and when you are soon seen coming in the clouds of glory save us
Channel: murahomesa -CHANNEL OF BLESSINGS
Views: 79,021
Rating: 4.7601156 out of 5
Keywords: evangelism, prophecy, preaching, hermeneutics
Id: ii8Khc_GsSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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