Dr.Berg's Interview With Biggest Loser Contestant, Rob Kidney – Dr.Berg

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hey everyone welcome back I have a great guest today and his name is Rob kidney and he was one of the contestants on The Biggest Loser and welcome thank you thank you it's good to be here absolutely I appreciate you taking the time I I really want to start out just to kind of hear your story your background first tell us a little bit about you know the struggles with weight and your health even before you went on The Biggest Loser in a ditch III guess I was a chubby little kid and struggled with that when I was a little bit yeah kind of grew out of it when I was a teenager and through high school and college pretty much maintained my weight pretty pretty well got out into the business world as a salesman traveled a lot ate a lot of food in restaurants of course all the time.they eating out and just started to put on a little bit of weight and honestly up until oh I guess about 1996 or 97 I was maybe 30 40 pounds overweight for a long period of time and then I had about a 10-year stretch of uh a whole bunch of events that just put so much stress on me that I just realized that my stress eating got a little bit out of control so so it's a combination of stress and stress eating and then eating the wrong foods right yes yes it's the stress is big stress is a big thing I always have have been an athlete and exerciser through college even when I was in my first I've been married 36 years my first uh years of marriage we exercised a lot together hiked walk ran is in the gym as much as possible but I love to work I've always loved to work I guess you like to work - I see I see so many videos coming out every every day yeah finding time to exercise in that kind of environments like most people we are I call them intermittent exercisers we exercise when we can write what was the peak weight that you hit like what's the most you've ever weighed 326 when I the Biggest Loser Wow so here you are you hit this way did you did it when you walked around or sat what are to feel like on your joints to have that much weight to do to get down to it her it was miserable okay point and and I'll say it over and over again anybody that asked me about the Biggest Loser experience it literally saved my life I really believe that it did I was in a in a bad situation I've gone through to cancer surgeries both prostate and finally got that taken care of that was in maybe in moms who I was about 2009 2010 and hold three at the time I was probably 54 so okay it's pretty early for prostate cancer but but I tracked that we caught it pretty early and and got that taken care of I had a tornado a freak tornado came through I had businesses and destroyed my business and should pay anything so in a matter of seconds I lost them couple hundred thousand dollars and borrowed the rebuild and the economy just went down and you and I had had a drug problem for many years which was probably worse than the cancer and Wow but several other things but it just it just all kept building I had I had a really good friend and best friend and one of my mentors in life I felt fell off of a ladder and and died and I just I just started eating more I would find myself sometimes and in drive throughs at restaurants not knowing how I got there wow wow so you have all these present time problems and it's just stacking up and of course you want to get relief so turn to eating so when you actually got on this this show tell us a little bit experience of how that went it looked pretty intense wait it was intense it was to take a 326 pound body and tell it to go to the gym for 40 hours a week there was there was a lot of hurt a lot of pain but 40 hours a week at the gym 40 that's a full-time job at the gym yes yes it was I mean some of that some of that of course was with trainers as you see on TV but a lot of it's a lot of it's not but you know again the Biggest Loser I just have to tell you for me it was it was a it was a break from life which I greatly needed maybe some intervention I just believe it was a god-sent thing to help me take a sabbatical from life so so so I didn't know that I didn't know how much a person exercised on that program so can you give me just so like a summary like you through the day is it just like okay you're on the treadmill for an hour take a break okay go back on the lift awaits go back like what kind of workout would you do in a given day workouts were it's mostly staying really really busy all day long we get up in the morning and and if if you chose to eat something was you know we've pretty much prepared our own foods we didn't have a chat we learned how to cook they have the best nutritionist in the world and chefs who do teach you some things about cooking but then you're on your own for else you wouldn't be able to make these decisions it is a show it is a contest at the time when it started 12 13 years ago it used the best possible science available at that time that was going on so I will never never fall the biggest loser for anything but give it credit for saving my life but we started with a morning workout was most of the time I fasted workout just like I do now then come back eat a little bit of calories sure we ate we ate frequent times throughout the day but for the intensity of what we were doing it was probably necessary so the the food was the best produce in the world they've made a lot of vegetables which which was new for me one of the things I really learned how to do well there was was a really plant-based me oh I ate a lot of plant-based food it's the the the big thing that changed for me after the show and of course going to Quito it's been carved I've always ate clean since that point really clean so just I want to kind of just get you know because I want to get into that topic but I wanted to find out just as far as the workouts so you basically you would eat eat through the day and then you would work out in the afternoon well we've worked out we would work out on our own in the morning then maybe with a trainer for a couple hours do a couple are if workout or a circuit workout it's not all cardio it's it's some really fun workouts where the best trainers around and each trainer has a little different Flair and a little different style my trainer was Jen waders Drummond and and she would put us through some like circuit training or CrossFit type training and we had a lot of fun but doing it as a group also helped double so so then you would go a period of time and then was it seven days a week or did you have a day off well we were working out the whole time we were there whenever most of the contestants get on there I mean everyone gets on The Biggest Loser I think the biggest motivation is to lose as much weight as fast as possible I don't think money is a big thing it might come into play after if you've lost a lot of weight but everybody goes there to lose as much weight as fast as possible right okay you're working out all the time there is little pusher to and once one person does that more exact everybody starts working out that you work out every couple hours put a little bit of food in your mouth work out again but a little interesting and then I think obviously the food was fairly clean but then you had the the frequency of meals so you had quite a few meals and then you also or allowed snacks and fruit right well yeah yeah I mean it was uh it was like meal little snack meal little snack meal little snack and again they have to leave a lot of that up to you so that you either sink or swim in the show that's but at all times you're totally monitored you log your food it's being checked so that there they're just no problems no one is allowed to go to severe calorie restriction unless they completely didn't tell the truth in all right everything is monitored and say okay and then at the point you lost a total of how much was the total that you lost 116 Wow and that was over a period of how long about three months branch doing the forty hours a week that you compartment and most people have jobs so you go back to work and still try to work twenty twenty for work twenty 24 hours a week x three months and then you have a live finale and then you come home and and crash though Wow okay so you lost all the way and then you completed that program yes and then you were done and then um what happened at that point with your well huh come back home and that when we finished up we were of course the last season that the I guess it was a New York Times that did that published the report the Biggest Loser study that came out and they were aware of that when we got done and and they did their due diligence of warning us that we would have to go home and and the study shows that you know your left and levels are down your metabolism is downgraded and you're gonna have to either exercise for many hours any really really clean to keep this off and then we would have regular calls and group calls for a while after that to just check on us and to see how we were doing and maybe if we needed any any advice they would give us some advice though and then and then you gained some weight back yeah I gained some weight back probably in 18 months I gained 88 90 pounds in a 18 months that was a very very scary time I must mine my eating was Queen kale shake for breakfast salad for lunch and a low-carb dinner of all odd eating eating low carb for many many many years but I did eat some quinoa and some rice and I don't know if there are clean cleaner carbs but hey pretty well sweet potatoes and didn't need a whole lot of junk but in that 18 months it just kept coming on I exercised a few hours a week a lot less than I was told that I had to but but anyway it just kind of just kept crawling and creeping back on I guess my setpoint was so low and my metabolism was so low that it just it was it was a really scary thing until about January of first I had started about in January price of 218 I had been watching your videos from six months slowly making changes as you had suggested you know I looked I watched a lot on Keith that's all I was hearing was key to this keep of that but but it really didn't like some of the things I'm that I was hearing on the Internet that's what against ideas of what clean eating was I mean bacon seven days a week yeah I think I think and let's just bring this up because I think um there's this kind of delusion comment generality that says oh keto is all just pure bacon and red mean fat right that's kind of like that's what I saw it burst right so but there's what's called a healthy version of it which is actually a lot of vegetables high-quality and it's not all just that right are you cleaner than probably anybody I know I eat more vegetables in more kale I liked your approach your approach helped me one as I was looking at Kido I was looking at intermittent fasting as I determined it was probably the key but I was I didn't know that I could really fast and go and and push myself to that limit because I'd been eating four or five times a day even small amounts not big amounts but I didn't know that I could do it but when you started to say okay take your 5 mils turn them into three meals eliminate the snacks then push your breakfast back toward lunchtime until you're eating in an 18-6 window that made a lot of sense to me and the other thing was yes seven eight cups of greens a day sold me because I knew from my experience even on even on the ranch my best weeks were all vegetables and fish weeks that's right my best my best weight loss is healthy fats and greens I love it so for those of you that are watching that are new and I want to mention something because this is like the most important point is the combination of a healthy version of keto and then intermittent fasting when you have to eat so often you're raising insulin despite if you're eating nuts it doesn't matter you're just raising insulin so in a minute fasting forces your body to actually live off your fat between the meals when you do that you actually go into a state of ketosis which is fat burning and you you think that oh I'm gonna struggle with it but no no you actually your hunger goes down your cratons go down you can last longer because you're running off your own fat the way that most people do it if they snack is they never actually get into a true sustained fat burning and the whole key to this thing is lowering your insulin which will prevent the slowing of your metabolism I think what happened to you is that because of the raise of the stress of losing weight and then the raising up of insulin that slowed the metabolism right there so if you have a stubborn metabolism you you have to focus on lowering insulin that is the secret right there and that's what you did yeah and what one thing you said there about about whenever you eat insulin raises I was hearing a lot on the Internet about you can eat all this fat and you can eat I mean you can eat a lot of greens and things but but there are certain foods that won't spike your insulin but I found out that every time I ate a meal starting January 1st of last year my insulin went up my sugar when I was I bought me a keto meter and I was ketones three four or five times a day fasting days I would eat something out idiot eat a certain sweetener just to test it I would eat a kale salad to test it and even on even on a kale salad my insulin spike and we know with someone who is insulin resistant who has maybe some fatty liver and and some other problems that that spike stays up a little bit longer than someone who's maybe 10 20 pounds over overweight but that's that's what I found I tested everything that you were telling me and and it worked I mean I did not want to give away all my healthy eating migraines I'm a big supplement guy I take I take a lot of stuff and I take some of your supplements --n and all the time but it's it's i did not want to give up really good eating and and the other thing that kind of bothered me was you know and and some people don't do it in in the world of keto but i counted my carbs I put everything in I loved every bit of food that I've ever eaten that's one best thing that Biggest Loser ever taught us was to log every bit of food I use my fitness pal but every time I come up with my fitness now it's saying I'm eating 4050 Karp today and I think I'm eating 10 15 carbs a day but a lot of my carbs are good healthy carbs that are coming from the vegetables and the salads and things like that so I'm okay at about 50 I stick I stick 40 50 probably if I'm going to count every car I don't like the idea or they'll count this and don't count that I just I count them all I try to stay 40 to 50 grams a day if I'm eating vegetables and I'm happy with that so interesting and one more point about that the when you eat vegetable carbohydrates you're dealing with a carbohydrate but a lot of that's in the form of a fiber fiber despite being a carbohydrate doesn't have the effects of like other other macronutrients so it eventually indirectly it's fed to the microbes that turns into what's called a butyric acid which then helps you fix instant resistance so indirectly it helps you so not to mention all the potassium and the magnesium and the vegetables in the chlorophyll which basically also help insulin resistance I think a real subtle point that I don't I hope everyone got so far is that we're not even dramatically changing your diet we're actually changing the frequency of when you're eating and probably tweaking it but did you did you also tweak it with with cutting out some of the sweet potato or fruit oh I eat a Mary every once in a while I don't eat a lot of food but I think bioflavonoids and a lot of minerals in but I I don't I eat a sweet potato that's my my cheat day if I have a cheat day it'll be half of a sweet potato something that's really I enjoy conquering net that that's that's sweet craving big for me I guess the best I've been able to identify myself is is a thyroid type if we're talking about body types from you from all the research I did in your health coach classes now I think I'm a thyroid type but that's that sweet craving as well as something that when you get on keto first thing you want to do is find all these sweet alternatives that you can grow in your mouth at eight o'clock at night like you used to do ice cream or cereal or something else and then it seems like you've it to be successful you got to progress beyond that and actually in fact the problem which is the sweet craving and the facts do help that they help a lot but I eat today today I'm over this year let's say I've taken back off another 50 plus pounds I still have about 35 pounds to go till where I got off the Biggest Loser and it's been slow there's been plateau after plateau after Plateau and that's okay I'm eating to be healthy and the weight loss will follow and that limit may be a big thing that you said that it's totally agreed with with my philosophy I want to get healthy I was almost dead yeah I totally believe what they say I was dying and probably didn't have long to go they found another thing I'm very grateful for with all the medical staff that they have they found free heart blockages my current bloodwork that I just had and now after you know I said a year and a half of keto and a good good year of intermittent fasting with keto my all my markers are blood I was back home blood pressure back on thyroid medicine that's all gone well my TSH for the first time and t4 is totally in line calcium's a little low Mykel seems always a little know for some reason maybe because I don't eat dairy I don't know if you can help me I do supplement what do you supplement with no I'm not not not the rocks and other things that not the carbonates and I'm not get it to citrate okay good yeah as long as it's a citrate mineral and it'll be fine as long it's not people those of you they're watching you never want to just take the form of calcium in the calcium carbonate you'd be better off chewing on the cement out there so we want to stick with the citrate but you you have to calcium is one thing that I'm really cautious the only time I would recommend it is if it shows low or you have bone loss because as people age the thing that they have always too much of in the wrong place is calcium and so they have calcium and the arteries of calcium and the joints and so you got to be careful even especially women with with calcium supplements and iron supplements those are two that you got to be careful with question I have about just the differentiation of the food the foods like you you were doing probably a lot of snacking I'm guessing you well just eating frequently and now you're lowering the carbs and you're eating one meal a day right I really found that I have to mix it up a lot I went to total oh man for one meal a day for awhile let's say well we started off the beginning the year push in the in an 18-6 window with two meals then I graduated to one mill a day I really love how I feel on one meal a day I like it a lot but I did plateau after a short while and then the plateau I give a plateaued three or four weeks before I really panic about it but three or four weeks later I said we've got to switch something up so I at the advice of everybody on the internet they say eat more fat you're not eating enough fact you're not enough that one I'm 60 years old another thing that you have taught me is that that as you age maybe you need to look at your fat percentage and keep it more around 60 percent than 70 or eight so I try to keep it around 60 percent and I function really well there when it gets beefed up and especially on snacks nuts will put on weight on me really quick or if I get that fat up there around 7080 percent and you can tell they're real easy on some of them I want to push my fitness pal but I have my fitness penalty the paid-for version that you can track all your macros and keep your percentages and and I love that so Wow yeah that's that's a good for those people that are platt doing and I'll just kind of give you a couple things um you probably already know number one it's not necessarily a matter of increasing the fat we want if you've plateaued we want your body to burn your own fat and not as much of the dietary fat so you want to bring them bring your fat down a little bit not as a low-fat but maybe maybe have the fat not extra but just with your protein like you're out you're getting your fat with the salmon or the other as as compared to adding butter or things like that if you get your fat below 75 grams and I will be sending out a video of what that looks like if you want to see but 75 grams is about 55 to 60 percent of your total calories for an average person if you're doing like 1800 calories for the day but here's the thing there's a couple of things that you can look at and you you hit it run you talked about the nuts there's there's carbs and nuts there's also a vibrant nuts there's things and nuts that are anti nutrients that can irritate your gut they can create a little bit of inflammation the same thing with dairy so knots in dairy are the two things that could put you in a plateau so what you could do is switch the type of nut that you're consuming for example almonds might sound like a healthy nut but I found that their their high unluck tins which actually create a little this is kind of inflammatory thing in your gut so if you did walnuts and you can soak them overnight in water that it pulls out all these anti nutrients and I have a dehydrator you can dry them out for like and then you can eat those you'll find that they bow they digest better they're easier to digest you'll get some good fat and protein from that and omega-3 fatty acids and you can then also maybe as a fat eat olives that would be beneficial so you can see you're not hungry all the time and have your protein and the other thing that I found with people is that you have to be careful about certain people cannot just digest any vegetable that they may be leafy greens or this vegetable but they see if they start bloating and they start getting any type of digestive digestive problem on that you got to switch up your vegetable and sometimes steam ium will help but it's like you can't just put everyone on the exact same program so when you test your ketones I think that's very valuable because you can find out what foods agree with you because that could be why you're not you know progressing the last thing I want to mention is that within a minute fasting you know just like I don't know if they did this on The Biggest Loser muscle confusion they constantly changed the workout I don't know if they did that probably they did but we want to also do that with fasting like maybe you don't eat at the exact same time each day let your body tell you when you should eat like even with some people I find that maybe every third day there they're not eating they're like eating one meal a day and then every third day they skip that meal because they can go longer so it's kind of a mini periodic prolonged fasting every so often but not on a regular basis kind of like you're kind of tricking your body into it doesn't really know what's gonna eat that doesn't necessarily slow the metabolism because you're actually you have your insulin low but it might kind of reset and your and to lose more weight so prolonged fasting periodically but not in a pattern is very powerful to bust through that Plateau wow that's exactly what I found I mean if I look at this week I start off Sunday night is is Sundays my kind of high-fat day and then I'll either go into a and again I worked up to this point so anybody who's listening this is this is something that's worked up over time but I'll do a 48 or 36 hour fast from Sunday night so either Tuesday lunch or Tuesday night I leave my one meal a day that makes Tuesday one meal a day Wednesday is on also one meal a day Thursday might be another fasting day I might eat Friday morning and then eat and then give it another 8 or so hours and maybe eat a little bit Friday night Saturday and Sunday I eat two good meals on Saturday and Sunday and some fat and then I'll switch it up a little bit next week that's good that's good data do you find that are you actually hungry when you eat or you just eat like oh I just have to eat or are you actually hungry right before you have to eat well funny thing about hunger as someone who who never had an off on switch my whole life I've had to really learn this Kido has helped me to really learn this for or into minute fasting has helped me to really learn hunger and I find I'm in a car all the time I exercise at gas stations I exercise when I'm in the Verizon store that was in the Verizon store one day but I am going to get some exercising because it is it is found to me to break any plateau that I have if I do a little bit of exercise now I refuse to do exercise that I can't maintain every week of my life and a few hours of exercise in but I do my squats my push-ups and go up and down stairs or maybe some cardio or some of the things you see behind me bodyweight exercise I don't do a lot of it I just want to keep moving and keep strong I am 60 years old here in a couple months and what the oils in my body now and the good fats keep my bones from cracking and creaking I get out of bed in the morning and I feel alive I feel my breath and I can get through my day without a pain I mean it's it's just really wonderful buzz def I'm gonna pop that I had I'd switch it up all the time now but think back to the Hunger think the hunger does go away it can make it through a 30-minute time period and maybe drink I'd rate some of your minerals in my water so I just hit some more of that if I get hungry when I'm out there but but most of most of my success has been working up here on the things that make me tea and the things that stress me out and just if you don't attack some of the things up here why I'm overeating my portion control has been a big thing for me because I've always had what I call a fat mine I mean he would have sold my plate before I would have had two big pork chops on it or a 16-ounce piece of steak now I have my four ounce piece of meat and ate red meat a lot less frequently than I did before well that I want to just interject because I think that this whole thing with calories Oh calories don't matter listener well if you look at the macros on the healthy version of keto you have moderate protein we're not talking high protein moderate protein three to six ounces depending on your size you may be a little more a little less and then you have a lot of vegetables and then you have a certain amount of fat and that's the wild variable so as you get in the keto you start reducing that so but we're not we're not actually this is not the same as what a lot of other people are preaching like oh you just got to lower your calories globally no that's not about that it's like shifting your calories to manipulate your hormones so if you have a low calorie diet with a little bit of fruit a little bit of the wrong thing and you snack through the day you are gonna have a heck of a time trying to get into fat burning because it's that insulin spike so it's really understanding um how to do this right did you I don't know what what you had the sign what you can say what you can't say with the biggest losers but was there anyone and I'm just curious and you can say nothing but was there anyone like do they recommend any type of pills or anything to enhance your metabolism like caffeine pills or anything like that it was it was probably the most tightest controlled environment I've ever been in my life and and there was never anything like that okay on that show and in fact if I could say everything you did even from weigh-ins they made sure you weren't dehydrated over dehydrated you weighed in three days in a row if that's not a trade secret but the reason of that was to make sure you weren't dehydrating and the matreya didn't have a big weight gain after weigh-in I mean it was it was total control right and then what about did you make some friends and follow up with people did they also gain the weight back I'm on a a had a Facebook group I guess with probably 300 other biggest losers who have shared this unique experience some of course and the ones that are weren't happy with the results that they got but but most people if not all have an immediate weight gain at first but most of the ones I know find a point and come back to like where I am now 30 40 pounds overweight and some are satisfied there some have gone and taken all their weight back off but we still support each other because it's it was an interesting phenomenon that not a lot of people get to go through and yeah I bet you I and I'm sure it'd be interesting to see if they're reaching for keto and just by your story I'd be interesting if they're like oh that's a great I'll have to look into that there there are many there are many who are and and is at least low carb high fat synonymous terms with me I'm you know I'm old enough that I've been around and remember Atkins and I remember how popular it was and I remember being on the Atkins that it started off very healthy too and it and I had the same press that Kido gets now and had a whole lot of people making comments about it without a whole lot of scientific fact and and again you're an expert in the field you make a living doing this Jillian Michaels is an expert she makes a living doing what she's doing she's very good at what she does she has a lot of really good things to say but you're always on the spot for the things that you say that someone could interpret them in a different light or you know again I'm 60 years old I've said too many things with my own mouth that have got me in trouble my whole life then I try you know no matter how hard you try you can't avoid that sometimes but the I guess the whole if I had that Jillian Michaels is fantastic at what she does I would never criticize her for that but some of the statements that she said were just totally not scientific in fact and and that's okay that's okay right let's give her a break you know hopefully with you would you would learn the science and then come back maybe stay maybe this isn't true but that that doesn't happen a lot yeah my only point with that is that you know there's a lot of people struggling just like you were and they're looking at things and there's no denying that the kedo lifestyle helps you lose weight but what happens is what's right now their pudding is just a little bit of doubt that it's an unhealthy way to do it that doubt could be the reason why they might not even do it because they're operating off of some completely false information because they're looking at the ketogenic diet as the diet that's been researched over the last hundred years with children which I believe is not very healthy but it the fact that you're lowering carbs does help epilepsy but you can't just do any type of fat you have to do a healthy version and of course no one's talking about that really important point if you combine healthy version which is basically quality foods with nutrients and the benefit of lowering your carbs it will solve a lot of your health problems without having to even a tackle these symptoms individually so so this is that's the kind of the beef no pun intended that I have with some of the comments out there it's a just to just you you should these people should be able to get the truth the facts about doing it healthily and not have that doubt in their mind because unfortunately I did that video and I read some of the comments and they were there are a lot of people I mean most of the people were like wow this is great but then there was a percentage that like yeah I'm a little scared now I don't think I'm gonna try it like it's too bad because you could probably benefit from it I said I see what you're saying in a good case in point was almost the very second that article came out maybe thirty minutes later I posted a picture of what a high fat meal is it was a piece of fish on a bed of cabbage that was cooked in butter the fish was cooked in olive oil and I had a side of kale salad that had more olive oil on and the first comment that I got back with someone sent me Jillian's comments so you're right people see things and if it keeps them from from make experiencing something that will change their life it doable to maintain the rest of your life there people been on keto for 20 years now or eating low carb rice for 20-30 years and and living just great and uh I'm fact you just gave me a good idea I think I'm gonna do a specific video on what seventy-five percent or 70 percent fat percentage of your calories looks like on your plate I'll give a lot of examples because they're thinking well seventy percent of your calories well you have to realize the calories are more than double other macros so you're dealing with it's it's not seventy five percent volume like in grains yes its calories so when you look at the plate you're only talking a a quarter of your plate is fat but it's mixing with the protein so it's it's not what people think so I think I'm gonna clarify that point and probably the biggest biggest mistake that people are having it by not logging in their food is they don't see that if you log in your food and you're checking it mail by bill sometimes longer then I log it in a lot before I eat it dude just to see where I'm at is Wow I need to make another choice hmm that's a good point I love it it's so easy to get 70% fat in India without without tunning in all kinds of extra fat now you don't have to I have learned some other healthy habits that I do you know a little bit of olive oil on an avocado oh what a snack that is with a little bit of salt but one question I one question I forgot to ask you when you did with their eating plan a low-fat plan what you're taught all kind of really great things about vegetables and how to cook them prepare them in nutrition and and then again you're monitored and if you get if you say I'm gonna eat only protein or I'm gonna eat something you get a phone call or you get a visit and and you have to straighten that out right away but the the meal plan was just to make sure that you could sustain the amount of workout that you were doing the frequency of eating was probably necessary for what we were doing so but but they didn't necessarily specifically tell you you have to go lean protein or low fat proteins okay interests ahead I mean I'm what and you watch people who eat chocolate oatmeal the first few days and then people were eating and don't that eating some lunch meat and processed meats and some I mean most of the foods there is clean but but you could request some some special things if you if you've been eating them for a long time but you know pretty soon every the processed foods disappear all the big grains and some of them will still be eat some grains and some potatoes and things like that but but it gets narrowed down you you know you know most of the people if we were really high on knowledge before we went there we wouldn't be there so we show up they give us as much knowledge as we can and the dynamic of the shows is you figure it out as you go and some figured out a little bit more than others Wow well I couldn't go ahead and I'm just saying when you can sit there though and exercise 35 40 hours a week and and you're eating a healthy amount of calories 16 1700 1800 calories for for a diet is not too extreme if you're going to count the calories but when you're doing that and still only lose one or two pounds a week something hormonal E is happening in your body it's not being addressed and that makes that makes a lot of sense and again I figured it out through keto so Wow yeah and I think because of this this whole experience in your life you're you're gonna even you're gonna decided to start coaching people or maybe you're already doing it now right I'm working you behind me I have a big backyard we do every once in a while just enjoy working with people one because it helps me keep me accountable I have had boot camps in the past we last three or four months and then on to something else I'll take it an individual and work with an individual one on one sometimes I work a lot I'm a sales manager so I traveled a lot and I mean someday I hope to be doing some health coaching full-time or find another alternative I've got a lot of things that I'm that I'm working on now that may come to fruition in the future but uh yeah we get together here and have a lot of fun I think you you took my health coaching course right I did I loved every bit of it again it kept me accountable but it helped me learn so much and get focused and get nerdy and I would recommend that to anybody even if they don't want to be a health coach Wow if they really learned that the amount of information that's put forth I think it took me a little longer than most people with my work I probably got through in about four months but I'm going over and over that information about you know it's a one last point about that it's the way I like to solve problems is through understanding the problem and the more you can understand about it and have the correct knowledge you that's how you solve problems just like you can't if you are an expert in marriage counseling but you've never been married I'm sorry it's not gonna work so if you actually have the full knowledge of insulin and the different hormones and it's gonna be really hard for you to beat poorly it's really hard for me to eat junk food now because I have such a deep understanding of what it does in the body the consequences so on that and then the other thing is that I think one of the therapies for myself is helping others so your you it's a very therapeutic thing to create a difference in someone's life and help them it's like I just love doing and in fact if I don't if I'm not helping people on a constant basis I'm not as happy so it's a it's a good therapy to have a tool that you can really create a difference so from that viewpoint it's awesome I loved it I love to read comments on your Facebook page and I hang around the obesity code website a lot for fasting I love the work they're doing in Canada Jason funk and seeing people doing what you're doing just keeps you on course on that out through the Biggest Loser and we stay in contact all the time I still a trainer from the biggest loaners loser but it's the people who are out there intermittent fasting every day that I'm watching them struggle mm-hmm can comment every once in a while on their comments help me that's that's all I'll work love Thank You Rob so much this has been very enlightening I think people are gonna get a lot out of it and I appreciate your time thank you thank you very much it was an honor to be here with you you are my mentor in this and I thank you for everything that uh that you've done specially through the health coaching class to help keep me centered my pleasure
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 206,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biggest Loser, the biggest loser, biggest loser workouts, biggest loser weigh in, weight loss, the biggest loser weight loss, dr. eric berg interview, dr. berg interview, dr. berg interviews rob kidney, rob kidney, rob kidney and dr. eric berg, biggest loser contestant, rob kidney biggest loser, biggest loser interview, biggest loser weight, dr. berg, rob kidney the biggest loser, the biggest loser rob Kidney interview
Id: lGrFu6xIa5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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