Dr Ben Carson's 8 Secrets of Success with Pr Gary Kent

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we all want to be successful in life it's an actual human trait the challenge of course is finding the golden formula last week we made the remarkable Dr Ben Carson the most celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon in the world in the first of a two-part series he shared his amazing life story with us telling how he transformed himself from an upbringing amid abject poverty in a tough inner-city ghetto once seen as the dumbest kid in his class at school subjected to constant bullying and turns handicapped by a violent and uncontrollable temper and raised by a single mother who could barely read and write yourself Dr Ben Carson story of ultimate success and triumph is amazing and inspirational it surely one of the most remarkable stories ever other life of failure transformed to overwhelming success today we're again honored to have dr. Ben Carson on average is written program to share the second part of his remarkable story with us I know you're going to be inspired as he spells out his philosophies for living and shares the secrets of his success has stood the test of time good book The Bible still relevant in today's complex world it is written cheering hope around the block last week in part one of the Ben Carson story we learned that he was born in Detroit Michigan his parents were divorced when he was only eight years old and he and his older brother were raised by his mother Sonia a remarkable woman with a limited education has self who work too and sometimes three jobs to raise her two young sons she never felt sorry for herself and that was a good thing she never felt so for us either that was a bad but you know she would never accept excuses she was also a person who who felt that you can always change something if you didn't like it and and really there's something to be taken out their story I think for a lot of parents recognizing sometimes you you have to lay down the law you know the reason that you're the parent is because supposedly usually fly for ready and you have some wisdom and you know a little bit about how things work so kids can express themselves up to a certain degree but they need real gains ben Carson early school days we're not promising always at the bottom of his class he was subjected to humiliation and bullying no one had the worry in my class about getting the lowest mark test as long as I was there so it gave them some relief but you know my classmates called me dummy they make fun of me the teachers really didn't expect much of me and quite honestly I didn't expect much of myself baines life was gradually turned around by a tough love approach from his mother the key was learning tool and books and reading once I started reading the books and I started knowing things that no one else and I began to form a completely different picture myself and i got to the place where I couldn't wait to get home to read my books and my mother who is always after me the real shame Benjamin put up or down with the knowledge and confidence been gained from books is likely going to change his school grades improved and bit by bit been climbed from the bottom of his class to become an outstanding student through dedication and hard work then eventually won a scholarship to the prestigious Yale University where he initially earned a psychology degree before switching to neurosurgery I thought that I was going to be a psychiatrist and I believe that God gives everybody special gifts and talents and I realized I had a lot of my hand coordination the ability to think and three dimensions I was very careful person I never knock things over and said it which is a great characters a brain surgeon by the way and I can't put all that together with my love of the brain and I said you would be a terrific brain surgeon today Dr Ben Carson is considered to be the world's leading pediatric neurosurgeon what are the keys to the amazing turnaround in this man's life one of the secrets of his incredible success through his years of struggling to succeed he develops strong principles and methods that he followed in reply to achieve these goals these other secrets of his success these other principles in the methods Dr Carson build his unsuccessful life and career on and I can work for anyone I can work for you but stay tuned because I'm now going to share with you a summary of these secrets from Dr Carson's bestselling book titled think big unleashing your potential for excellence you discovered that these secrets aren't really secrets at all they are common sense advice and guides that are easy to understand and very simple to apply to your own situation in fact they're so easy to follow you can start using them immediately listen carefully as we go through these principles one-by-one what you're about to learn could change your life forever can you summarize the secrets of your own success for us I can really quite easily with across the think big each one of those letters mean something special the teams for talent which God gave to every single person and when I talk about how and I'm not just talking about singing and dancing and throwing a ball but intellectual town we were made in the image of God we had these gigantic frontal lobes and we need to begin to use of such things and we see young people we need to encourage them and we need to challenge them . the custom tells us that T equals talent he tells us that to achieve success we must first recognize what we are truly good at in line to identify our own god-given talents and to focus and concentrate our efforts in that direction to help you identify your talents he suggests you spend several sessions in peaceful quiet surroundings concentrating on finding the answers to questions like what ever done well in my life in what school subjects did i do well what do I like doing that other people have complimented me on and what I enjoy doing that other people think is boring also talked to friends were tonight's family ask others what they think you're good at doing everyone is good at doing at least one thing very well the first secret of success is to identify what it is that you do well and enjoy doing the second secret of success begins with the letter age for honesty when we act dishonestly we checked our selves most people have an uncanny ability to detect dishonesty and others maybe it's because dishonest people often display an usual body language or settle the odd behavior that others pick up on whatever it is dishonest people get found out they're not trusted they're not like they're avoided Dr Carson stresses the importance of being honest in all things to always tell the truth honesty is the magic key to success in life if we're honest people will be honest in return and if we are honest with ourselves and accept their problems and i own shortcomings we can achieve much more leader cleaner honest life he won't put skeletons in the closet because if you put them there they will come out at the most inopportune time and if you always tell the truth you don't have to try to remember what you said three months ago you can concentrate on the task at hand and make secret to success begins with the letter I this time the letter I equals in size another word for inside his understanding Dr Carson emphasizes the importance of thinking things through clearly he urges us to listen to people who were successful to learn new and positive things from everywhere and everyone we should learn from the mistakes of others as well as from their achievements you'll find that the majority of successful people will share their experiences good and bad with you you can learn so much by gaining insights through the eyes of others Dr Carson tells us we must observe and reflect on what good people do then commit ourselves to giving our best if we do we'll come out on top insight which comes from listening to people who've already gone where you tryna go you can learn from their triumph you can learn from their mistakes if you don't have to make the same mistake ship here it's me or your aunts and uncles are you teachers or other people can think how much faster and if you can look at the good things they did an innovative those you're going to be on the right track now the lettering which Dr Carson tells us equals nice he tells us that we must avoid prejudice that we must not judge books by their covers he stresses that we must go through our lives treating others with respect and consideration because when we face the world with the positive and friendly disposition it influences everyone we come in contact with in positive ways that's because people like and admire people who are friendly happy and just play nice the fact is that when we are nice to others that are almost always respond to us in the same way to always be prepared to share a smile and shown interest be known as someone who cares about others be sincere be interested be genuine treat everyone as equals do not bound to important people and ignore the less fortunate you'll be amazed at how much the world lacks in Syria cheerful and thoughtful people in surprised at how success comes so much faster and more readily to those who are truly nice to others be nice to people because once they get over their suspicion of why you being nice to be nice to you you get so much more done they can get so much more done your life becomes so much more pleasant and really you know that's what a Christian likes that calls for treating other people the way you want to be treated and not being selfish and thinking about others first and it's actually kind of fun it doesn't sound like fun at the beginning but just give it a try and you'll see it is a wonderful thing the last secret from the word think starts with the letter K it stands for knowledge the human brain contains 14 billion cells if used to its maximum this divinely created human computer inside our heads could contain all the knowledge of humanity from the beginning of the world to the present and still have room left over the fact is we cannot overload the human brain dr. Carson tells us that all knowledge is important he urges Estes seek knowledge because knowledge overcomes the past it changes their own situations it helps us overcome new obstacles and allows us to make better decisions remember knowledge is power and if we make every attempt to increase our knowledge in order to use that knowledge for human good it'll make a real difference in US and in our world to have a big house yes to have a lot of cars yes but I think that robin Leach ablation out of the rich and famous things important course I did are they important though they mean nothing if they all disappeared tomorrow I don't care they get them all right back almost immediately but what's up here which is what solomon the wisest man who ever lived meant when he said gold silver and will be sure nice but we treasure far above us things knowledge wisdom and understanding because with those things you get all the girls who love movies you want more importantly you can understand it on the amount to a hill of beans that the most important thing is developing your intellect so you become valuable to the people around you that's lasting value now we move on to the acrostic from the word big first the later be four books books have been a major factor in Dr Carson's on success from the time as a youngster when his mother Limited is television viewing to only two favorite programs a week and sitting the task of reading two books and writing a report on both every week books were that true turning point in his life books became his way out of the ghetto his escape from poverty his ticket to gaining self-esteem confidence and a brilliant future when dr. Carson speaks of books he echoes the words of William Ellery Channing in the best books great mean talk to us give us the most precious thoughts and pour their soul in two hours god be thanked for books they are the voices of the distant and the day and make us is of the spiritual life of past ages books that True levelers they give to all who will faithfully use them the society the spiritual presence of the best and greatest of our race Dr Carson firmly believes that even in this age of the Internet and powerful search engines books are still the best source of acquiring knowledge reading activates and exercises the mind reading forces the mind to discriminate from the beginning readers has to recognize letters printed on the page made them into words the words into sentences and the sentences into concepts reading pushes us to use their imagination makes us more creative when we commit ourselves to books in increasing our knowledge it seems there are few limits to how far we will go in this world never too late my mother did teach yourself to read get a GED her graduate equivalency diploma went on to college honorary doctorate degree in 1994 she's Dr crisis next the second later I this time from the word big this time Dr Carson tells us that I equals in-depth knowledge we can never learn more now too much we must never stop gaining knowledge but more importantly we must gain deep knowledge it's not enough to have superficial and shallow knowledge we must dig deeply to gain substantial understanding and insights when we search for knowledge we develop an inquiring mind we can gain knowledge through formal education through reading widely on a given subject and through observation we must learn from others we must ask more questions we must never stop questioning we must apply ourselves to continue learning and inquiring knowledge throughout our lives indeed the knowledge allows us to give our best to others and make a better world official as a people who crammed a lot of stuff in before a test sometimes do okay and three weeks later nothing I don't think that's really paying the appropriate respect to are created and intellect he gave it to us so that we can just take a test he gave it to us so that we could become in depth learners and use that knowledge to advance ourselves and to advance Dr Carson the letter G gives us the perfect final word when it comes to achieving success in life 4G equals god you know we live in a politically correct society that has changed to get got out people don't even when I say Merry Christmas my because somebody might be offended just crazy stuff and you know the fact of the matter is you know when you look at a lot of incredibly town that intellectual people like albert Einstein who was a believer in God because when he looked at the university said this could just come about you look at Francis Collins the human genome project was an atheist when he started his graduate work in as he began to understand the complexity of the human genome he said so I just can't be an accident but also looking at the principles of loving your fellow man caring about your neighbor developing your talents to the message you become valuable to others having values and principles that govern your life and if you incorporate those into your life you gonna be high success Dr Carson has committed his life to God he acknowledges gone is the most significant key to his success in life just like Solomon did in Bible times not is what it says here in Proverbs chapter 3 vs five and six trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths throughout his life in Korea goddess help doctor cars and true many crises by acknowledging god as both a powerful and loving force in the world we become more considerate of others we understand that we must treat other human beings the way we want to be treated from this we learned humility humility isn't groveling and telling others how worthless we r humility is knowing who we are and what God is doing and has done in our lives and this basic understanding of who we are in a relationship with God enables us to keep everything in perspective it keeps our feet on the ground it is the solid foundation on which is successful life can be built and unless we are humbled in the sight of God unless we are grateful for any success that comes our way we will not achieve true and lasting success in anything listen to what the Bible says in James check the four and six God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble Dr Carson advocates relationship with God by a simple philosophy do your best and let God do the rest a good friend of mine a man who is very successful in business once told me that it doesn't matter where we start in life the only thing that counts is where we finish I cherish those words in there thought beginnings each and every one of us has the chance the opportunity the possibility of turning a life around and becoming a success and it doesn't matter at what point in our life we set out to become more successful God wants us to be successful God wants us to be the best we can be please join me now as we pray dear father thank you for giving us much wisdom on how to find happiness and success from people such as dr. Carson thank you also for the Bible which was the source of Dr Carson secrets please help us put these secrets into practice in our own lives and my they bring blessings and happiness to others as we seek the success they joined us to have in Jesus name Amen until next week remember it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that precedes out of the mouth of God
Channel: Hope Channel South Pacific
Views: 154,021
Rating: 4.8963184 out of 5
Keywords: Ben Carson (Organization Leader), Success, Gary Kent, It Is Written (Award-Winning Work), The Bible (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Christian (Adherents), Coach, Religion (TV Genre), ben carson success, ben carson inspiration, dr ben carson, ben carson, it is written, Bullying, Anger, Temper, School, Reading, Books, Neurosurgery, Neurosurgeon, Think Big, Talents, Honesty, Insight, Understanding, Experience, Prejudice, Knowledge, Solomon, God, Albert Einstein, Learning
Id: PGj8elIKcGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2015
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