DP/30: Never Let Me Go, screenwriter Alex Garland, novelist Kazuo Ishiguro
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Channel: DP/30: The Oral History Of Hollywood
Views: 19,330
Rating: 4.9029126 out of 5
Keywords: Kazuo Ishiguro, alex garland, never let me go, dp/30, entertainment
Id: mb_BmKVFqrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2012
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Thank you very much for this. As soon as I read Never Let Me Go, I made it a career goal to adapt the movie for screen. Garland beat me to it, that hack (jk). I loved the finished movie though, so this video was awesome to watch.
I wish Alex Garland collaborated with Alfonso Cuaron for The Hunger Games....What could have been. Hunger games should have looked at films like Children Of Men or Never Let Me Go, for reference. But nope, instead they decided to throw everything that was thought provoking and emotional and meaningful about the novels straight out the window and go for a mindless turn your brain off action fest popcorn movie; which for some reason it gets credited as being something more than...I guess because it has Jennifer Lawrence (completely miss casted btw) in it and she does art movies so now any movie she is in is an art movie? Yes it has good actors in it but so did the phantom menace which I can't help but compare The Hunger Games movie to. There really isn't one anti war message in he whole bloody movie nor are any of the social satires touched upon. Yep I pretty much lost all hope for the film once I heard Gary Ross was doing it; then around before the first trailer was released it was killed again. They took it and turned it into something marketed toward the twilight type crowd unfortunately.
Nice one, thx!