I BROKE Our Bulldozer...

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[Music] when we bought our property a year and a half ago we knew the road was going to be our biggest challenge our recent purchase of a 1965 cat d8 bulldozer seemed crazy but it should make the work go a lot quicker maybe with an emphasis on the should oh man guys Dozer down [Music] [Music] that one's leaning the wrong way I need to go grab my wedges time to try again there it goes damn I work with a view today though it's awesome up here right now it is hot though I probably could have pushed these trees over with the bulldozer but the reality is it's not very controlled when you do that I'm an inexperienced operator it's probably a lot better that I do it the safe way plus now I can go get the excavator and I can move these trees out of my way and stack them up and turn them into firewood or something for the future a few more trees to cut down and then we'll keep dozing as small business owners we've had so many books recommended throughout the years but we never really seem to find the time to finish them and that's where blinkist comes in they've converted over 5 000 non-fiction titles into 15-minute text and audio explainers called blinks and now we find ourselves listening to Blanks on our drive to town while cooking dinner walking the dogs and anytime we've got 15 minutes to kill I just dropped my mom off at the airport and on the drive home I listen to Atomic Habits by James clear and after just 15 minutes I had so many helpful tips for how to add some more healthy habits into my life like cooking at home more and less eating out Riley has always been somewhat of an early riser but he was recently inspired by the 5 a.m club by Robin Sharma he may need to leverage some of those atomic habits to make it happen but he's been inspired now to own his morning and get more out of his day by following some tips from that blink I'm not gonna lie at first I was worried that the blanks were going to be cheesy but honestly we leave every blink feeling inspired with new ideas and so much valuable knowledge so now's your chance to dive into to that book or podcast that you've been told about and right now blinkist has a special offer just for you click the link in the description below to start your seven day free trial of blinkist and you'll get 25 off a premium membership and a huge thanks to blinkist for not only sponsoring this video but also encouraging us to learn something new so proud of all the Slash and stuff right along here on this bank and the idea is that as I fill from above we do this road the the slash is going to help keep the dirt from eroding and it's also going to help act as mulch to get some plants to start growing on that bank and hold it together the actual there isn't going to be any organic material under the actual Road surface this is just on the edge of the road okay I'm gonna start trying to cut my very first road right through here wish me luck I also somehow lost my sunglasses during all of that I had them when I was chain sawing and now they're gone if any of you saw where I put my sunglasses down drop it in the comments below no way I found them they're my precious Flex Seal ones [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign oh man guys Dozer down I have been editing all morning and I just looked at my watch and it was noon and which meant that Riley was probably hungry and thirsty so I've got supplies and I'm gonna go check on him I think he's been bulldozering all morning and I'm kind of equally nervous and excited to see how much work he's gotten done well there's a tree in the road it's a good sign or a bad sign oh my gosh you guys this is oh gosh coming around the corner it's just idling hopefully everything's okay I thought for a second that I blew up a final drive and I was like well I guess this is where this Dozer lives now but I didn't I detract it so at least it's fixable and now I get to learn just how difficult to fix it is a lot of you had warned me like hey Riley you really need to tighten up those tracks I did a lot of reading I talked to some friends and they're like well a loose track is going to last a lot longer but you're on the risk of detracting it a tight track it's going to wear faster and uh now I pay the consequences I suppose it could have happened in a worse spot but it's not a very good spot [Music] I just got off the phone with Dozer Dave and he seemed to think that a guy that knew what they were doing could get this done in about 20 minutes so I'm giving us a couple hours maybe before it's dark all right step one is to loosen the grease fitting on the track tensioner and then pull the slack out of the track up over the top using the excavator just like that bada bing bada boom the chip Drive tooth is probably more of a concern when did that happen when probably when the track skipped oh that's very stuck that is stuck stuck I'm gonna try removing it instead oh yeah [Music] I'm letting the grease out we're going to leave the grease fitting loose and try to pull the slack up and over the excavator now see it's pretty bound up right here I think if we hook a chain here in here and pull back hopefully it'll break free okay Courtney try pulling a little bit yep it's moving keep falling I'm gonna stand a little further away [Music] yeah we got it free so now we just need to get the tension out of the track it's a good idea King keep going [Music] okay hold on it's working a little more yeah yeah more [Music] oh yeah it's working keep pulling pull keep pulling [Music] all right oh standby foreign popping off then I realized if I crossed it it would stop popping off we're going to give this a shot we're getting closer we need more slack in the track and I know that there's a bunch of slack in the bottom so I'm gonna try lifting the front of the Dozer up using the blade so we can pull all the lower slack up and around and hopefully we can get enough out of this thing foreign oh yeah there we go keep going for the record I am very nervous about this plan but I also don't know that there are any other plans so you're gonna be trying to pull the bucket backwards at the same rate that I'm backing the Dozer up [Music] I've got to keep this tight at the same speed that he's moving [Music] thank you I take back what's been stolen from Me little by little piece by piece until I'm complete man today was one of those days that started really good where we were really starting to feel like this project was going to happen and work and then it this was like the gut punch that maybe we needed I don't know that we were working as the best team possible the last couple hours we both were just getting increasingly more frustrated we took a little reset Riley's headed back to the shop to get a few more tools and some snacks and we're gonna remember it it doesn't have to be fun but it is supposed to be fun so we're gonna do a little we're gonna do a little mindset reset and try to have fun with this because it's a problem that I think we can solve okay guys I got snacks let's do this this is why Courtney gets paid the big bucks and by the big bucks she's first in line for a shower okay push the whole thing over how could we do that we're moving it oh my God we're moving it I moved it a lot yeah you did how did you do that leverage you could use the high left handle as a bigger pry bar oh yeah that's a good idea well guys basically the ax excavator is pulling the slack out so that we have as much slack back here as possible because we don't want slack in the front right now oh my gosh that moved a lot close are you okay yeah [Music] oh it's going and see now I think maybe there's some more slack back here oh gosh if we could just get that one tooth got one tooth Riley loves sweets so if you guys ever want to send him stuff he would love it so much but don't tell him I said that because then he'll be surprised when it shows up especially John Courtney's hairbrained idea version two Courtney's ideas are getting us further than my afternoon of brute force and frustration that's working that is totally working I just watched it move oh my gosh it's really close now oh my gosh huh it is so close I think the bottle jack is now holding all of the slack out of the track which means we can use the excavator to help pull in other directions so we're gonna try letting the excavator out and see what happens cool that's awesome now we can use the excavator to help us try to pull the grousers Out The Chain over the sprocket mom might be time to close your eyes oh my gosh oh yeah keep doing that keep doing that definitely something moved keep doing that it's moving it so much oh my gosh Riley [Music] the track just jumped over the tooth and in a position oh Courtney just ran down the hill to go get us some water and some flashlights I'm using my phone light but I think we're getting there we're getting somewhere guys check this out okay Bottle Jack thank you very much neighbor Greg for Lending it to us push the track onto the sprocket check it out do you think you can drive it now ah I don't think we're I don't know it's I mean that is fully on okay guys the mosquitoes are out in full force they're being eaten alive even covered in bug spray but we're feeling a lot more optimistic that we're gonna get this on tomorrow so we are going to call this good for tonight and we will be back at it tomorrow because Riley's got some bills running to do tomorrow we got a road to build we don't have time for this we got a road to build oh good morning guys I'm tired I'm getting some editing in this morning before we go work on the Dozer again but I keep hearing a suspicious noise from the fireplace and I'm pretty sure that there might be a bird or a bat inside of it so I volunteered Riley to open the door and I'll hold the camera oh yeah I'm just gonna catch it in his mouth and take it outside for us what maybe there's a bird stuck somewhere else but there's no bird here okay well thank you for investigating what's your plan wish me luck I'm headed to town to get some bigger tools I want to give a huge shout out to Courtney I mean yesterday was rough hard work frustrating situation bad spot it's hot it's dirty and uh she just jumped right in and helped me all day long I feel so fortunate to have somebody by my side that's willing to just get it done with me so thank you Courtney [Music] thank you you made it yep I got everything we need hopefully oh [Music] Hands in the Sky I can feel the Winds of Change [Music] you live and you learned now it's parked biggest bottle jack I could find in town and we're gonna try to lift the Dozer with this thing so that we can get the track more straightened out underneath it and get more slack in it [Music] foreign are you in a safe place I am it can't follow me because you can't fall on me okay presently we are pushing the log into the dirt [Music] don't be anywhere you shouldn't be when you set that down okay and see what that does in that log now okay that worked a little bit didn't it oh yeah well the Jack's all the way down and it is four inches the thing exposed [Music] I don't know maybe we're getting somewhere this is frustrating the track this way because you guys can see it does this and then this and that bend means we're losing slack and if we can get that straight we'll have more slack to help slide it on okay guys we're gonna pull the excavator up and we're gonna see now with this weight up if we can pull the track the slack that's down here out to get us some more oh yeah Paul [Music] probably not a good time that I've gone off to go rock hunting but you guys look how sparkly this rock is oh no wow foreign running out of tricks up our sleeves this might be our last trick it's working I'm hiding because maybe I'm just jinxed no it's Courtney's idea is to push here she usually has the good ideas it seems to be just all about finding the right place to push foreign [Music] hopes up so many times but I think this is gonna work oh my gosh it's getting easier like traffic like easy to pump now are you okay I'm good it went [Music] [Applause] that scared the heck out of me my first thought was that Riley wasn't gonna have any fingers anymore my second thought is that we just got it back on oh my gosh now that we've got that on we really don't want it coming off again we're going to tighten the track up a little bit with the grease gun um and then try to reverse out and see if we can get it all fully on again moving right okay guys so we've got the track all seated up here and it's seated the upper portion to right here but it's not seated all underneath so what we need to happen is Riley's hoping that as he drives backwards it'll keep seating itself and pull the track all the way on if that doesn't work it might pop off and then we'll have to start completely over [Music] why won't the pony motor start it might be out of gas [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this might take the cake for the new biggest emotional roller coaster of something we've ever owned within five minutes of the time when I called Courtney in Triumph that I had made it to the spot I was trying to get the Dozer to I threw the track and it's been a roller coaster ever since from the highs to the lows and finally the success for now I have a feeling that we are in for a wild ride this summer but I'm really proud of us we worked together we didn't kill each other and we got it back on all right you guys we're gonna call that good for today and celebrate this win thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Ambition Strikes
Views: 361,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off-grid barndominium, diy pole barn, diy truck camper, couple builds rv, diy snow tracks, husband and wife build, off grid home build, couple builds dream home, building our off grid home, heavy equipment, bulldozer
Id: eOxBnweU-LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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