Downsides To Full Time Travel

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we are discussing the downsides of full-time travel yeah we often discuss what's amazing about full-time travel about our life but we do get asked from time to time what are the downsides so we did want to share that with you we've got quite a few things listed here we're going to go over with you uh that we see as the major downsides full-time travel so the first one is going to be that your friendships with people are going to be different exactly um when we were in the U.S full-time you see your friends on a regular basis you can meet up and do things and travel to places together nearby it's a lot more difficult and it does require a lot more effort on both sides and sometimes those friendships don't carry through with that effort so you do have to be prepared to not be you know not fully continue some of the friendships that you had when you were there live in person and also just the putting forth of more effort especially when you have big time zone changes um like we're in Thailand right now so there's a 13-hour time difference from our home in Atlanta where we come from in Atlanta Georgia so you know that's that can be a little bit challenging to try to set up calls with people and things like that but you find ways of you know working around that but that is something that does take some work yeah I think the second downside the full-time travel is it does take tons of planning just from Logistics standpoint and I spend a lot of time planning out flights and where we're going to be staying you have to figure that all out every single month and it can be a lot to figure out now once you have done it for a little while it becomes much much easier because you kind of have a go-to system go-to place you're going to go to you know what to look for you're going to pick better places but that first year it can be a little daunting and that's why I would recommend in your first year take it slow don't try to do dirty places because you're gonna have to pick a new place to stay every three days so take your time and don't put so much stress on yourself of having to do all that research yeah that planning is definitely one of the bigger challenges because if you're at home everything's already planned out you know where you're staying you know what you're eating you already have transportation you have your entertainment at home but when you have no permanent home then you have to plan where that will be around the time the next one is that you're going to miss your home and you're going to miss possibly some important moments at home that's unavoidable if you're spending a lot of time traveling now if something is super important you could always come back for it we have done that we've come back for graduations and things like that and haven't missed anything major but from time to time we do find ourselves missing home and by home I mean just the type of home that we had in Georgia but then we always say yeah but after I was back in it for two or three weeks I would want to leave again so it's kind of we literally just said that yesterday kind of just that yeah I miss it but I don't want it I don't want to do it again uh so that that kind of does make it tough yeah and I think adding on to that is the fact that your stuff changes every week or every month however a lot you know whenever you move places your things will change so you got a new TV set up you may get an upgrade or a downgrade depending on where you went uh same thing with like your kitchen sometimes I have a washer and a dryer sometimes I have just a washer sometimes I have neither so we either have to have our take our clothes out to a laundromat or have it laundered or do it by hand all those types of things you know dishwashers last apartment we had a dishwasher this apartment we don't uh you know just different things like that everything's going to change so there's not a set you know kind of standard of things that you have like you would in in a home yeah I think also another thing that is a downside is you will miss a lot of the food that you want and you wouldn't think you would because we're we're mostly in places you can get a lot of International Food but you'd be surprised at how much you want a specific brand a specific way it's cooked and that kind of comes in after a few months and when you're just starting out it's like oh this is great I get all this food and then you want that one specific thing that you used to always get at home and you can't get it and it does kind of eat at you that you can't get as it turns out probably there are two of the fast food places that we eat at from time to time when we're in the U.S which we don't even eat fast food a lot but you know you get the craving when you're out of the country for it and unfortunately for us the two places that we like neither of them are international and that's Chick-fil-A and Zaxby's and this is not an ad yeah but neither of them is overseas so we don't get to have either of those so generally that's one of the first meals that we have when we come back to the US you can get a lot of food but you can get pretty much Pizza Hut McDonald's any of that stuff anywhere even like you can get KFC Wendy's Burger King all those you know American ones if you're looking you know if you're staying overseas for a long time you want like a taste of home and that's usually the places that you gear towards but unfortunately the ones that we're looking for are not here I did see a Krispy Kreme in town the other day they do have that um yeah missing food is is a big one another one is missing spring events for me missing Live Events uh last night was kind of a treat because the uh the NFL game was being played in London so it was 9 30 A.M eastern time back home but here it was 8 30 p.m so I got to watch it like it was a Sunday night football but then you know a lot of the games come on at they come on at midnight here the one o'clock games back home come out at midnight and then the the games that come on at 4pm at home they're on at 3 A.M so we don't get to watch those we're not that hardcore no we miss a lot of yeah miss a lot of that anything that's on at night back home we're gonna miss because it's on early in the morning live but it really depends on where you are this is basically only if you're in Asia if you're in Europe or you're in Latin America Canada that's all fine then you will still have the food issue but but you will not uh have the the event issue so sometimes we plan our we go as far as to plan our travels around that we try to be in North America in the fall because we do like to watch football and the baseball playoffs so keep that in mind because you wouldn't think it'd be a big deal but it can be a big deal depending on what you like to do yeah yeah definitely you want to plan your travels you know geared towards that if that's something that matters to you which it does to us so also like gear them towards being closer to home at Christmas so that people want to come visit you that's why we kind of tend to be in North America in the fall because of all those reasons uh the next one is that it is harder to make money when you're doing full-time travel obviously you should figure that out before you leave but you do spend so much time moving around that even if you're working kind of in a freelancing job if you're at home and you're just kind of in your home that you own in the US you don't really have interruptions if you're doing full-time travel you're going to have a couple of day Interruption every month if you're moving countries moving Apartments it can take you a few days to get a setup and it will cut into your productivity by 20 percent and on top of that again the time zone uh changes is also going to come into consideration if you're still doing some work for a company at home or even freelance work if they want a meeting or anything like that it may end up being like in the middle of the night we've done we've done interviews and meetings with people at like 5 a.m our time where it's like the afternoon to them so there's definitely some some challenges on that yeah I think all these things together are the downsides but I do believe that the upside's far outweigh these and we wouldn't change it but you know we want to be honest with the with you and let you know what some of the bad things are because not everything is always the rosiest but uh this is what you got to look out for I would say if you can kind of navigate these things it's pretty good it's it's pretty good to be doing this and we totally enjoy it and I don't think we would change it yeah absolutely so hopefully this is helpful to you if you're thinking about doing full-time travel definitely some things for you to take into consideration and discuss and just think about guys if you have any other questions please leave those down below in the comments we will be down there answering those questions for you and don't forget to subscribe to the channel share this video and we'll see you next time
Channel: Grounded Life Finances
Views: 3,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what are the downsides of early retirement, what are the downsides of full time travel, full time travel, downsides to full time travel, what to consider before full time travel, nomad downsides
Id: WSiKfDpEWjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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