DOWNFALL - Rust (Part 2/3)

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] she i don't really know what to do next i don't know what the play is you know i mean don't get me wrong of course we're happy that we're still alive and that our base is still standing but we're also angry and frustrated we don't fully know who the perpetrators are we don't know if they're gonna strike again soon so yeah any advice you can give would be great i suppose that's why i'm here an objective assessment of this situation all right all right slow down you gotta remember that that video came out a month ago so you're gonna have to give me a little bit more of a recap so i know what's going on here true true good point um i guess i'll take you back to where the story started to where and how everyone in rust begins as naked on the beach i loaded into a server with my pal brocky he was my duo for the wipe the server had just reset so there were a bunch of people all competing for resources trying to get a base down now we wanted to build right here luckily we got to the area super quick and got a base down super quick which isn't normal on a fresh wipe anyways the beginning of our adventure was very successful we were farming efficiently we were killing people getting gear sets building up a bunch of loot in our boxes we had some neighbors that we feared might turn into roof campers because of some of their repeating actions and after a couple of hours into wipe they were shooting off of their roof with an ak but the roof wasn't secure so brocky and i went over with some ladders and built up now the ak guy wasn't on the roof at the time but we did manage to go pretty much full deep on the base we got the ak in a bunch of components and other resources and i think they rage quit from the server but while we were ecorating deeper into the base a group ran past outside and i stupidly with almost no ammo in my gun decided to take the fight now there were about four or five of them and we ended up dying of course we ran back to try to get our gear sets back but we only lost more so we just lost four smg gear sets to this mysterious group which this early on into the wipe was a big deal for us as a duo that misfortune aside we continued on with our adventure and it continued to be pretty successful but we didn't stop running into this group that in my last video i named the ttv group because one of their members was named ttv rust lieutenant dan and in every single encounter we had with them we died with a bunch of farm with gear sets trying to counter fights they were taking everything from us and we were trying to avoid them we were trying to steer clear from the base that we thought was theirs but it just kept happening again and again and again it was so frustrating it was now friday night the second night of wipe and while i was eating dinner i looked through all of the footage that i'd gathered so far i was trying to piece things together and eventually i did we could confirm four members in the ttv group so far these four and we knew that they lived in this base but this is all we knew we knew that there were more of them we just didn't know their names at the time then right after i had finished my dinner and i was finishing the show that i was watching we started getting raided now it wasn't even a close call brock and i shut down the raid attempt super fast but we did recognize one of the names in the breach kyra one of the ttv group members on our list so at the time obviously because we were frustrated with the ttv group we assumed that it was them that had raided us but this is what i was so confused about we knew so little about that raid attempt during the raid there were four names that we had never seen before coverts muddy eclipse and jumanji now this is where our last video came to a close this is where our story paused but of course i didn't go to sleep at this time we had just been raided someone tried to offline us who's to say they wouldn't try again in the coming hours so i stayed up late to make sure they didn't come back again that's why i'm still awake now and after a while after brocky had gone to sleep i heard rockets nearby but it wasn't us that was getting raided it sounded like it was the ttv group of course i ran over this was the perfect opportunity to try to figure some things out indeed they were getting raided i was let into the ttv group's compound by a guy named hippy the hipster boom another name to add to the list now if you're wondering why he would let me into his compound it's because he was getting raided in his mind letting any extra geared players that weren't part of the raiding party into his compound would mean more people to help defend his base it's a common thing to do in rust when you're getting raided and you're seemingly losing the raid i crept around in the compound trying not to be detected trying to figure out what was going on now let's pause it right here note the color of these two raiders face mask it was a bright green it's not a common skin to wear it's an important thing to note because it will come into play later in our story anyways i killed one and then died to another that was coming out of the breach of the base the name of the guy i died to though jumanji but this just got me even more confused did jumanji live in this base and therefore was he one of the ttv group members him coming out of the base's breach could indicate that but he was also wearing a green face mask that was the face mask that the raiding party was using so was he part of the raiding party and therefore not a member of the ttv group so many questions in my head i couldn't piece it all together like what is the move what do brocky and i even do next what can we do what do you do i mean it doesn't make any sense what are you trying to say you're trying to give me the explanation on to why this ttv group is killing you and yada yada what does it even matter i mean you based here first right yeah okay there you go i mean they came in after you and they've been causing hell when you've just been kind of trying to avoid them right pretty much yeah okay and it's just you and brocky know so this ttv group obviously outnumbers you right yeah i suppose okay that's all you really need to know then you don't need to know every answer to every question right off the bat i think you're confusing yourself trying to find them the answers will come in time all that you really need to think of is that regardless of where jumanji lives what group he's a part of regardless of the ttp group was even the guys that tried to offline you they've been parading around the server for the past two days straight doing as they pleased at your expense you can't just be working hard for every single kid that you get just to eventually hand it over to them because they outnumber you no your plan of attack your next move go at these guys get them back revenge that's your thing right who cares if they outnumber you you can outplay them all that being outnumbered means is that when you do win a fight versus these guys it's gonna feel so much more rewarding so that's my take there's my advice to you okay you make it sound so simple when you say it like that i suppose brocky and i will give it a whirl give it a whirl have some confidence in yourself stevie show these guys who's boss but whatever you do just don't mess up so terribly that it makes my advice look bad we won't we won't i promise uh but this has been very insightful thank you for the advice frost i'll let you know how it all turns out so no more needs to be said after this conversation rocky and i now had a goal for this saturday get back at the ttv group in any way possible my name is stevie sit back relax and enjoy the video [Music] really quick before we get into the action if you care to know go to the tweet that is linked in the description if you want to see who won the pc giveaway that i announced in my last video oh my god right so messed up oh my god i'm actually getting followed i think yep oh my god yo please let me form i just want to form leave me alone [Music] there's at least [Music] i two i just run kind of have a lot i just need to make it past these rocks without getting hit i should be able to get away [Music] okay [Music] oh no no no leave me alone dude i don't want to die i don't know i just have to try to run i think ah that's frustrating i thought i thought that maybe he had a lot of farm too because after i killed his teammate he didn't push me right away i should have just stayed close range at off angle and try to melt him like i did the first guy that was bad they came from up the hill though for certain i'll just run and farm in that direction and now i actually have barricades and meds so if i run into them again i think i can 2v1 them [Music] i think they live in that base or this base because this is kind of where they were coming from this one has twig on it so it's probably this little one hmm wait that's gotta be them right yeah they're running to that base i might act like i don't see them well they see me they see me they're coming there's no way they think that i saw them i think if i just sit here they're just gonna run right by oh he's got a horse [Music] that's in the open hummer repeat [Music] if i lost that okay that's a lot that's actually a lot of silver i got from both of them i don't know if these are the same two that killed me earlier but i i can assume that they are two has you guys farming in the morning interrupting my netflix show this is karma now i will just yeet away on this horse oh [ __ ] he's got l96 on the roof they do live there oh no no but i actually might die i really hope they don't peak think um out of render i don't think i should have jumped off my horse there my thinking was if the horse like glitched or got caught on a ledge um then i would just get one shot head shot by the l96 so it was better to get off and make sure i was always moving but i didn't realize how much open space there was like if they if they had come down from their roof even with my barricades i think i just die i just eventually run out of meds or get tagged by the l96 and just die but they didn't push so it doesn't matter i don't know why they didn't i mean they had like 5k suffer on them alone i had farmed a bunch too not complaining though not complaining there's something peaceful about farming in the morning when not many people are on it's just rewarding you know soothing there's a heli coming in i think oh yeah there it is slide to the right you see it 240. [Music] take your little geez like at the dome road he just landed on the road all right space isn't decaying which leads me to believe that they successfully defended yeah 100 looks like not a dent and their turrets are on well they did get raided from the opposite side but their turns their turrets are on then yeah because they were off last night when they were getting raided i think our goal needs to be making moves on these guys today oh my god ellie they're coming this way wait no no no no no they're landing on the roof let me get this overnight i can't resist so this conversation was a bit jumbled but pretty much i told brachi everything that he had missed i told him about the ttv group getting raided the previous night and about me seeing jumanji in the raid and not knowing if he was one of the raiders or one of the base owners and i told him about the two farmers that i had killed that were from this base on the hill now at this point we were kind of concerned that maybe the ttv group or another large group would come try to rate us again of course we could always beefing up our main base to make a ray defense situation easier on ourselves but a really really strong way to defend against a raid is to have plenty of fobs small flank bases in the area of your main base that have gear sets in them ahead of time and if you start getting raided you can spawn in these flank bases grab a gear set and flank the raiders to usually guarantee a successful raid defense so that's what i was doing at the moment with some of the stone i'd farmed from earlier in the morning i was making two flank bases on either side of our main base just in case we started getting raided again okay i got one of the flank bases down two by one with an air lock and three large boxes inside i'm gonna put plenty of upkeep i'm gonna go make a flank base on the other side that's perfect that should be just out of range of actually maybe in range of the bag inside this airlock i think if someone does come to raid us i'm trying to think where someone would put um a raid base and it would be like on this hill here so i'm just gonna put this here so when putting this flank base here no one will be able to really make a a raid base in between here this hill and our base because tc privilege should cover a lot of it and even if they do um we'll just have a flank base right behind their raid base it'll be perfect i'm getting pushed oh i see him [ __ ] see him dude dude if you die in the middle of the open and go to the roof they will push to your body and i'm at this two by one and we'll like literally cross fire them oh i'm pushed i'm dead he was at my body did you hit him at all no i hit him three times i'm getting lord i'm dead from the back another team no just a solo lr guy i'm pushing up to two by one i'm dead i just got triple headshot he's dead in that bush i think yeah lr nope he's roof camping no he's on the ground the guy that just shot at me he's on the ground yeah he's just in the comments um where is this guy he's inside the oh he's running out to lose eller's hit four times we're gonna get flanked soon dude i have no bandages i'm dead full killed ak at our two by one [Music] oh my god that was stressful that was good that was worth we profited i mean we almost thought the ak but we didn't this base right here wasn't there the previous day or at least it wasn't as big so we had some new neighbors in our area now unfortunately we didn't really profit much off of them for the next 30 minutes or so there was a lot of back and forth fighting between us but most of it was right outside their compound walls which really just isn't that fun of a place to fight at doing so meant we were at an extreme respawn disadvantage so after we'd killed him a couple times we decided that we weren't going to go back after we banked some of the loot that we just profited from them we heard footsteps and gunshots right outside our compound you're not bulky i assume no [Music] right to the right yeah i know they're outside this compound gate literally he's running around i need your help with this skate [Music] this guy's loaded i need your help thanking yourselves [Music] [Music] there's so many people all right i'm coming there's a bunch that's fine did you die no no i'm getting good okay i know i know but there's another group here it's fun we right here okay these are our neighbors i really hope they don't start camping us he's on this roof okay guide our two by one two by one two by one the back side twice three times he's dead just leave [Music] oh this guy's looted i need help just stay behind your barrier if he pushes any other way towards me he's dead killed one look behind us checking yeah let's go [Music] there's still guns outside right there probably i just got scared [Music] dude you hear that rocket just hit it with the minicopter on it look let's go to that let's bank i am banked thanked for aks let me take this one that's been repaired three times sure she's got a spaz and a db our neighbors are camping us all right let's go okay whatever wait let's both take horses you're really gonna take the one i've found and leave me the slow one cool oh i'm gonna play just pick me up really roof camping now when i have to use my meds because of it that's so annoying like [ __ ] off actually just rats to me i don't like that they're doing what we do and fighting outside their base and we're dying because of it let's get on our roof little weasels but imagine running on foot up this hill imagine imagining oh [ __ ] i can see them chill i'm [ __ ] scaling the base oh i see them oh they see me i'm hiding i'm gonna die my horse is looking at me all sorry and [ __ ] it's okay buddy i'll be back hmm all right what now all right i'm about to turn the [ __ ] burners on they have the ladders going to the top meaning i think they've reached the side i see this guy i just don't think my spray is good enough to kill him i wouldn't oh he's trying to come let me put my food down okay yeah it has to be ground breach i think it's on the other side of the compound on the left side is that ui here running no it's not i thought that was you i'm dead oh my god i'm dead too there's people here yeah there's counters there right now shopping bags i think they jumped over nope i'm in the breach okay wait wait i'm i'm like almost near you i'm i'm just walking i got to walk around this massive rock yeah i'm literally at the breach like i can jump up the ladder right now but i'm not going to just i'll go up first i think there's three or four they're placing doors they have control i think i kind of need to go i mean i'm like two seconds from here if you wanna give it one what is that you yes [Music] what are you shooting at hit it hit one of them four times but he's inside now i'm dead no way he kills me there what yeah yeah i killed him i don't know how to get on the roof though twitch tv yeah twitch tv get an ak set in a tommy yep oh dude i know how to get up here that's me yo i'm getting baited i actually can't climb the slider holy [ __ ] you have anything for me he yes everything i don't know why you guys should be sitting out there oh my god do you want an mp5 jp5 oh yes please hit him twice they're gonna circle around no way they got that angle hit him again he's really weak up there you want to jump up the ladders i'm already up should i jump [Music] oh my god i just got a ton of rockets in c4 i'm here oh my god there's a body right down here okay i'm going to loop i'm gonna i'm gonna can get out of here dog okay hold on more rockets more rockets can you wait for me get up here just get the rockets and come in i'm trying to okay come on oh my god hold on [Music] put everything in here okay how about that holy [ __ ] three six nine twelve fifteen eighteen eighteen rockets two stacks and c4 as well oh my god i actually slapped him up yeah that was [ __ ] nuts i don't even know what happened all right we should go back we should go back quite clearly rocky and i had just profited a ton but notice the guy i died to right here on the outside of the base was named ttv voxi we hadn't seen that name yet so far this white but we could only assume that he was in the same group as ttv rust lieutenant dan i mean it would make sense and one of the other guys that was raiding was jumunji who was also the guy that we had killed right here for all of this loot and of course the guy who had killed me while i was defending the raid at the previous night this only further pointed to him being a member of the ttv group but we still didn't have the proof we needed but that was about to change we were running back to the raid when we heard shots off near the ttv group's base so we decided we would go they're leaving that's so hard that's fine they're going to come back certainly okay let's go left what if wait that's coming from their base yes i'm running straight west let's try to get high well if we think they're the raiders they're going to come straight to the space hill let's try to cut them off no i think i know what's going on here oh this that's on the roof but who are they shooting at that's outside they're fighting people outside what i see dead bodies outside i think we should go back right i think we should go i don't know one of them is right there there's a gear guy right there yeah fighting another a cake guy over there by the rock and there's a dead ak guy right there let's push them i hope they don't run to oh look i see him i see him spawning inside one's inside he's running to the roof damn it this is the base maybe maybe we should pull out if they have this because they have m2 true but all we have to do is kill him once he'll be on a big timer beds it's only 90 seconds so we'll have a minute it's plenty of time man where are you i'm still on the same side that wasn't you that got shot out right all right there are two aka kids that are being held down by them too one's on the rock straight south of me the other one's on a rock 210 of me i don't know what to do if they kill it they're gonna watch with him too we wait one spawn on the ground here the m2 may have killed somebody and i see someone looting at this gate [Music] what killed one i'm hit but i'm alive can you try to swing to cover this ak as i loot this body like that ak guy that's on this rock i'm getting [Music] [Music] and she's looking at you he's full dead i killed him the guy that killed you there's a naked on the ground i think there's a hazy kid on this side i might die to him so there's no more ak guys outside right there are he's shooting him two shooting at him right now any way you can cover that hazy kid that you just heard shooting um not really give me a sec i can do this metal kit in a sec okay because there's a metal kit over here at this wall i got ak okay watch out m2 is looking there right at me if you remember where i was i need to back up oh there's another akkit behind that wall yeah i killed an ak kid at this woodwall stonewall attached i'm gonna try and kill him too mind you dead no i can probably kill him too all right i headshot him too scott you good too again this guy is over if we kill him too we get away on that hilly body shot headshot him too he's dead he's dead run to the walls all right walls or should i get this guy's loot the compound uh you can try to get his loot it's really risky i'm circling around to the heli you good yeah kill two [Music] holy [ __ ] dog kill me i gotta go okay i can pick you up no no i'm running to you i'm gonna do quick quick quick i'm just sitting here come on come on go go go dude when i went to loot that body yeah it had three aks four aks l9 lr metal kit i got actually set for that as well all right let's let's bank in here i got more armor he's a clown dude that was so perfect that was jumanji by the way the guy that i killed that came out in the ak set like a thousand percent i watched him open the gate and i killed him so he won million trillion percent lives with them that was so bad of me to die how i did trying to loot that ak set it was just too tempting but it all worked out success but now we know that pretty much everything we hear is going to be them in the area wait what there's just an mp5 here lying on the ground but there are a lot of them they're like what six at least that we know of so i can't believe those guys fumbled the bag like that so hard with those rockets true true rocky and i had just secured two huge victories over the ttv group of course countering their raid here and getting a bunch of explosives but also then going to their base where a fight had broken out and managing to somehow get away with a bunch of gear sets despite one of them being on their roof with an m2 but while extremely profitable and impactful for our wipe neither of these two plays were that impressive we were just at the right place at the right time but our interactions with the ttv group were just getting started for the day however for the next little while we really didn't interact with them we were fighting other groups making plays around the map away from our area but after about two hours we were sitting in our base when we heard explosions nearby a raid in our area it had to be them and so of course we went to counter you ready on my way i'm gonna be on the roof if you want to pick me up there and watch see these roxy there's a duo on these rock to our left oh i see the miss their ak kit their counter rating and this is the raid under me right here what straight in front to the left but look at the shore there's a guy on the shore with an l9 he's the he's like one of the only defenders and i'm thinking we land over here way over here are you sure well what if i can just dive on them from right here i don't think that's necessary i think you can just land like right here and we can just we can just run up the shore behind him yeah you have walls yeah i have one you should probably start full crouching just in case i hear him jumping yeah it's going to be a guy on the top of the face as well you could just get coming i'm going to take the element watch though ah ttv my friend where's there crouch up he's he's on top of the base i'll just stay here you want me to push to you i got a full kit right here another one [Music] don't go they're holding the breach with the launcher yep i have a bag right next to you though so yeah just well i'm already pushed up i'm nearly beside your body i'm not gonna peek it though yeah i wouldn't peek i wonder if i can if i can escape screen see him looks like he's coming he put a bag inside put a bag out oh are you near no i have oh i have another bag in here actually i'm gonna spot on that you can probably complete your body i'm at the base where we that just got raided earlier i can leave my body okay they placed multiple bags inside he just bagged his teammate if we go we need to go now one of us needs to bait a rock and the other needs to rush that's the only way we're gonna do this you wanna rock paper scissors no wait i think he's coming to loot you counter writers are still over here being idiots he's looking down he knows there's two so he expects you yeah he's just looking down with a flashlight just fold that one of them is he might just panic rock it don't worry about loot okay i'm here to loot i'm here at the base not looting it you're here i'm behind it you need to use supply plate outside yeah but he's inside looking down the thing with a flashlight all right then go go go go go i got him nice i gotta say okay this is the drop down right here i got a heal amen no one's inside they have an armored door covering the very exit we don't have tc i don't think they have any kits in here dude i i think you should go back with i'll give you all my good loot you go back on the mini copper grab 2c4 and i'll wait and hold this door down yeah we got to do it right now because i'm full just yeah i'm just giving you the best stuff all right now go quick before one of them comes from the outside i'm going to watch i think someone's outside yep he is doing me to push out with you i'll trade i'll loot this i'll do this all right do you have walls should i take this scrappy um yeah i have a wall you want to just both go back or you want me to stay i'm full on metal gear right now let's just go let's go we'll just bring should we bring this launcher with the rocket as well we could just open that oh that was sick that'll be them so like i said we flew back to our base to grab two c4 terrain deeper into the base that we were countering and to depot all of the loot that we had just profited which was a lot of gear sets now you might recognize the two names of the guys that we had just countered zoot and shaggy the same two guys that had interrupted my farm run this morning anyways we grabbed two c4 depot the loot and back we flew there's three guys just sitting outside like three full metal kits land on the shore land on the shore look let them shoot at us let them waste all their ammo watch this all right do you think we'll get hit actually just close your eyes and spin as they learn okay my eyes are closed because i'll get dizzy otherwise i don't think it's i think it's those are the counter raiders by the way not the actual raiders oh one's all the way on the roof hold on hold on oh they're four they're four they're four total maybe it is the raiders yeah it must be yeah yeah it must be they're shooting at someone on the ground behind us oh do they live in the greens yeah i mean if it's ttv dan then yeah damn it that really foils i'm not necessarily a lot of people turn around other people at the top of the hill they do live here it is them we should try to fight this dude land land land so you wanna just anywhere over here it works behind this rock like you want did you so they can't see us from the roof like tucked away you know what i'm saying come up here i still have two c4 that's fine [Music] we just have to pray that they come in this gate to do this one or the other one ah but this one's further away i'm gonna go to the other side yeah see if i can get an angle on it i think they are going oh i see them at the top of the hill still i don't really have an angle on this gate like the tc is like perfectly blocking my view okay oh okay he's all the way up there they see me yeah let's get the top of the hill yeah okay well they know our plan all right relax i think there are a few up there yeah i see them all there are four of them therefore they're running duty's got a long trout like he's gonna hv me angry fellas we haven't even shot at them oh my god 20 hp oh they're close better than once hit him once behind cc hit that far guy body shot headshot nice nice nice no need to peek no need to peek they're gonna wanna they're gonna put one flanking behind us yeah yeah [Music] it's one running in i'm hit i'm low hit him three times nice he's getting down the back he's full that he's nice nice just wait just wait wait i i got a med i can't peak for a while um i'm out of meds okay they can't lo this close body without us seeing them we'll just hold that where the rest of them should go up the hill do you want do you want my meds do you want some meds i have extra yeah oh wait just just wait is he close still here take take take [Music] let's just speak about me yeah yeah he's at the gate he's at the gate okay there's a guy that's not has the ak shooter it's probably his teammate you want to spray that guy you want to spray that guy three three two oh okay uh he's going to be annoying i'm gonna push it up to this gate okay there's a guy there's a guy at the gate though like i'm looking just be careful i know and m2 is gonna try and sneak up and kill him okay m2 is gonna be on roof soon i'll try to hold this right guy down yep okay just got a lot more scary he he's going to loot one's going he's dead he's dead for that another full metal body you you can probably loot him now i'm going to hold that four guy down i'm sneaking slow okay yeah i'm trying not to draw attention yeah you're fine to myself so i want to get this loot and run i'm spraying to pull his attention uh yeah he's peeking [Music] four times i think he's dead he had that far guy twice that m2 has to be dead unless he was like full hp yeah he's down he's down he's down you're safe from the roof for for a little bit probably another one's running up there though okay i got everything okay okay let's get to the heli and leave got the wall set twice it's probably healing okay someone's coming out the gate no one's on roof okay okay i'm holding i'm holding you're good i think he just opened it someone just no he's inside [Music] are you with the heli i'm about to be okay i'm gonna hold the gate for a bit longer just get the hell he started i'm turning the burners on i think i got twice again he's got to be out of meds yeah he's full dead with launcher let's just get out of here i don't know what their plan was just running at us when we were on the rock like what here uh i'm gonna ping bass they just donated us kits easy homeschwitz home all righty then more meds and ammo do a quick depot what they have just ak sets three aks take this one silencer on the ground by the way i never gave it to you on top of the two from earlier in the day we just secured two more big victories versus the ttv group now we thought that they were raiding here but it turns out that they weren't after re-watching the footage several times here's what i think played out the group that killed me earlier in the day when i was farming was raiding a random base in the desert and the ttv guys went to counter the two or three guys that were on these rocks were the ttv group members and the guy on the shore with the l96 was also one of them we had flanked around the guy on the shore and killed him that was russ lieutenant dan so we knew that the ttv group was there but because we'd killed russ lieutenant dan on the shore his group no longer had the base that was being rated surrounded so the guys that were in the rocks here couldn't justify pushing up to the base instead we did and we managed to kill the raiders that were inside now we didn't get any explosives or any loot from the base it looked like the base had just been built anyways but we did get all of the metal gear sets and make it home safe and sound once we were turned on a mini copter the ttv group was on top of the base that had been raided now at the time we didn't know it was them regardless we taunted them by spinning in circles having them shoot at us while we were on the minicopter and eventually we flew back over the ridge and just hovered in the air to try to figure out who that group was and where they were going to run once we saw them at the top of the ridge we figured it was the ttb group and we landed the minicopter behind the large rock that looked over their compound and took positions now they knew that there were only two of us because they saw us land on the minicopter and they saw us beside the rock so they had all the confidence in the world to run back towards their base and try to fight us but they most certainly underestimated us or overestimated their abilities because our shots were on point our communication on when and who to peak was top notch and eventually we wiped the whole group except for one guy that made it inside brocky ran two and looted all of the kits while i held down the ak guy that was on the far right and we managed to get away on the helicopter after killing the m2 guy that was trying to hold us down from their roof so that's what it just played out and because of it we were now about 4-0 on the day versus the ttv group it had been a stomping despite us being heavily outnumbered this was the complete opposite of what it played out over the first two days of wipe and it felt great so another hour or two passed and nothing much happened but then the patrol helicopter was taken down on the opposite side of dome on the opposite side of the ttv group's face after a few minutes we heard shots getting closer and closer to their base so we figured they had countered heli and might have a lot of loot so of course we put on metal kits and went out to counter the fight all right where are we gonna go i'm running straight to third place i'm i'm see where i am uh on the mini map yeah yeah okay the sun is going to be absolutely terrible yeah i'm just gonna get i'm just trying to enter something to their gates i think they're loaded loaded but they're on their way back now can you see them yeah they're running back right now okay where exactly like from what direction they're like right almost at their place i'm gonna like barely intercept them at their gates yeah like they're their own base like they're shooting at me i hear him oh yeah i see him i see him they're going to run through the open do you want to take shots do you want to spray him down yeah body shot dump one's really lit shot him he's dead nice nice nice that guy should be dead too wait he's he's really lit can you push him can you flank him okay okay see on the roof with it [Music] at this hey still behind it make it dead i'm just don't die i'm i'm gonna kill him if you don't die okay he's hit three more times he's really lit i'm just gonna stay alive wait for you [Music] shoot him shoot him shoot him okay i'm swinging i'm swinging give me a second nice nice nice good stuff good stuff i'm gonna try my best to hold the roof okay okay i have a pretty good vision on it i'm getting got it i'm getting silent yeah i see i see his flashlight he's in the rocks twice twice he's down he's down i'm down okay i'm pushing to your body were you at their bodies yeah like you're looting them yeah i'm downed like i'm down but you were at the barricades yes like i'm behind the walls i got [ __ ] so but you might just want to play your life i'm gonna spray on the roof i'm gonna die oh my god all right i'm making a run for it don't worry about the loot it's just some gear comes comes i made it i made it i made it i made it you're up in three two one i hear a couple guys to my right oh yeah he's dead he's dead the guy stood up in the rocks he's dead he's dead he's dead oh my god brock we have to leave we have to leave can you can you come to these rocks get out of here i'm pushing through the rock too dude he's behind it it's behind us it's fine it's the swords on the dm2 guy yeah something it's like it's in the rocks okay go naked i thought i saw it where can we run okay okay okay we need to leave dude like he's like he's outside over here you know i see him i see him i see him i see him yeah yeah i see my team i see my team the guy i'm spraying it yeah yeah hit him once nice dude i don't really know what we can do okay we gotta okay what we're gonna oh little once i'm dead down or dead i'm dead okay he's right on you i don't wants oh this is scuffed [Music] he's full dead okay they're running out do you have a bag close yeah i'm on the mountain i'm on the mountain if you want to wrap around the way i was going we'll still kill him i can't i can't i can't i can't i'm really low i'm kind of trapped and i have people there's another m2 guys out there too i know i'm just hiding that's all i can do okay i'm gonna try and you don't have don't cover like don't worry about my body stay alive if you die we lose it all i know i mean i'm probably dead no you're not i'm trapped dude they're dead too dead i think there's another i i know unless you have a flashlight on my nose why don't you head shot he might be dead i'm really low i'm running over okay i'm gonna try to loot and leave if you want to get a better position yeah i i have to i can't do this forever i'm just gonna get trapped i'm just gonna keep coming out [Music] okay uh there's a light on in this space i'm running in the dome direction i hear somebody i'm dead no no way all right we'll run back i don't think we'll be back soon enough i hear so many people inside dude they they definitely looted everything all the bodies are empty i'm just gonna take their horse and leave oh that's so sad man at the time and even still in looking over the footage in slow motion i'm confused on how only three out of the 20 shots that i fired connected to me it looked like this guy should have been dead for sure but he wasn't and the ttv group got all of their loot back inside it was certainly frustrating to be on the brink of profiting so much to have played the situation so perfectly up until that point just to die to the last guy and lose everything but we had to keep our heads up we had to think that while we had just lost two gear sets on the day we were probably still up eight to ten sets over the ttv guys not to mention all of the explosives that we had gotten from counter-rating them i mean we never should have gotten that close to winning that fight in the first place but we had gotten super close we were probably just that one last guy away from securing all of that loot it didn't happen though so it's time to move on but there might have been something that you noticed during and after the fight there was a little base in the middle of that open field with a solar panel on top that was our base earlier on in the day we had made two bases outside of the ttv group's compound just two tiny little shacks but each equipped with a solar panel a battery and a cctv camera they were surveillance stations after we'd wiped the ttv group here we were concerned that they may come and try to raid us expecting that it may happen soon we thought about how clans tend to operate usually when clans are about to go do a raid each crew member will get a rocket launcher rockets meds ammo everything they need and then they'll go stand and wait in their compound once every group member is in the compound and ready to go they will leave together so that's exactly why the camera stations were made if we ever saw them grouping up in their compound with rocket launchers on their back we would know way ahead of time that they were about to go do a raid and then the other camera station the one that was watching their gate could see if they were running in our bases direction i mean we wouldn't be using it while we were on and playing but often times throughout a long rust day we would take breaks whether that be eating food watching netflix watching youtube videos the setup allowed us to have vision of them up on our second monitor when we were taking these breaks which like i said could give us an early raid warning so that's why we had originally made the camera stations that's the purpose that we thought they would surf but we really hadn't gotten the opportunity to use them yet because shortly after we'd built them this fight broke out so after that big fight and after i'd stolen their horse we took a short break once we both got back i showed brocky the camera stations for the first time no i don't know how to use it oh is it not added yet hold on let me check yours oh there you go just look through the one i just did you see him it actually makes the noise yeah yeah the ground one can see if they like whenever they leave unless they go like in the opposite direction of this base we'll see them so when they leave we know and we can see which direction they're running and then we have that top down view and we can see literally any direction they run anywhere around the base so i'ma chill and watch my [ __ ] while uh night time passes oh yeah he's he's little eyes jumping on the bed everybody [Music] none of them are in their compound right now did they leave it or something uh i didn't see them leave it but i wasn't fully in it so there's a chance they did they're probably waiting for us to get offline because i think we [ __ ] these guys over a lot yeah they got to be pretty mad after they came back from that raid and we wiped them yeah see your stupid little station can you see me to the left on these rocks uh no not yet i hear you good you look down yeah i see you hello hello dude they're running excavator are they i think so i hear i was wondering what this goddamn noise has been sound like a [ __ ] tank has been slowly crawling towards me [Music] king excavator god this is the loudest monument i can run over we can try to counter excavator too late i'm already countering it we got to take this high ridge no and keep the silencer i was on i was [ __ ] ruining he's above me yeah coming down they're coming down they're coming down right here yeah right here see him three three two one i'm looking at him yeah go quick he's gonna get right to the roof watch up watch the head [Music] trying to watch the hill i don't see anyone on it he just had one kid dude okay get up the hill quick he's going to his roof he's one of them he's probably that one guy we saw in their compound from backwards they're down there oh they ran down where they look straight 260. [Music] oh i see them they're running to it yeah ah it's too far to really justify waiting get him close oh he sees i can't use this too much straw no no on me he's full heavy metal [Music] i hit him a bunch i hit him like twice what was he using like a heavy horse he's in the compound oh yeah yes guys pushing us the armored guy oh i hit him a bunch i hit him a bunch back where we were he's running away he's med spamming i hit him two more times is it 77 there's no point in even shooting that guy i see the heavy metal horse guy to the right yeah he's he's you see that two by two yeah he just passed it you should see him now running towards the road [Music] horse guy coming back do you want to come to me we can wipe this guy once and for all oh yes i got a kit dude an akk that i killed nice do you need me to run to you right now are you an immediate danger no he's passing me i don't know if he's faking not seeing me or he doesn't see me he's going back up to the top where he first ran by us now he's coming down the hill he's beelining you i wish you [ __ ] would no he's beelining me he's gonna die i need your help what is this i'm running to you i'm probably dead i don't know what to do stay behind the tree he's slower than you okay i mean that's not true i don't even have to peek him he's right on the island i hit him in the head like six oh he's so hurt he's so hurt in three four five i peeked around the corner and i swear i had him sick shot somehow headshot and he just contained that dude i was literally watching you crouch and a shoot at something i was like what are you doing oh look at him oh he's got freaking he's got health potions that's why he lives so long ah we got to get into this he's got armored horse wait let me see what each shot was doing oh yeah he started at 120 hp dude this horse is only 200 health dude he's got potatoes in it health potions in it too look at and he's got armor and high quality horseshoes holy [ __ ] let me see potatoes health potions wait what do these do wait healing plus 30 drink health potions real quick oh my god your health is good it didn't do anything i'm 113 to health wait you drank one wait you don't you're one of those see this is i think i drink feeling over time this is a different kind of health potion it's a healing team let me get that can i shoot you a bunch um i mean yeah i guess i'm at 66. let me see how do i oh and i just drink two of those and i'm healing over time don't shoot me again i'm passive healing nice all right well let's go back to base i'll guard you this is what we need to do is just roll up if we both did this yeah that would be broken absolutely we made it back to our base with two extra gear sets which was nice and all the stuff that the horse guy had on him including his horse then for the next little while we just relaxed stayed in our base did some bass stuff waited for a raid to come it was getting pretty late that saturday night it was almost two in the morning at this point and after not too long we heard rockets there were just two rockets at two guys base three four five they're getting that's a real rage they're getting [ __ ] pummeled sounds like they're about to get taken out so i don't think we'll have a problem with them anymore yeah but it's not them that gets to take them out it should be us there's four full metal kids standing on it how shall we begin this there is shooting the only way we're gonna do this is if those guys get off the rocks holy [ __ ] they're just chilling we might have to yolo run at them we can't kill them from this far holy [ __ ] i'm getting pushed by like five dog [Music] that was a bad idea it was a bad idea take it back don't kill me oh my headshot him i'm dead show caleb they have bags everywhere by the way yep i'm pretty much out of ammo no bandies [Music] damn they're deep huh at two in the morning too it's like 10 plus i think are you down i see you down there i'm stuck in an electrical outpost i'm at like a moral dilemma here this these this rating group rating our neighbors that group is perfect because we'd never be able to because they're too deep for us you know and we've done plenty of them or plenty to them today to feel fulfilled i guess but it's still early into the wipe like i wouldn't mind messing these guys up for a few more days you know weighing both options to either counter raid or leave we eventually decided to just leave now to be clear we never stood a chance if we had kept trying to counter raid we would have just lost kits we knew from experience how strong that rock position was and there were a lot of these guys but our thinking was as follows our first two days of wipe were not ideal because of the ttv group we lost the opportunity to win fights and gain loot because of them we lost gear sets to them we lost farm to them looking back on it we really didn't have a single profitable interaction with them but this video is titled downfall for a reason it started early in the morning on this saturday and at the time the ttv group was on top of the server or at least our area of the server quoted from my last video they were untouchable but the bigger they come the harder they fall throughout the day brock and i had played every single encounter with them as strategically as possible and because of it despite being outnumbered despite their respawn advantage we had profited way more on this day from the ttv group than they had from us so this group that was now offline rating them was doing us a favor we had gotten our revenge we had battered them up bruised them up all day long and now this group was knocking them off the server this was their downfall and so our rivalry would come to a close with us way ahead rocky and i were satisfied we were no longer scared that we were going to get offline rated but we didn't know what would happen moving forwards with the wipe you see with the ttv group gone there was a power void in the area the next day would be extremely hectic i can't even begin to explain all the action that would take place domestic skirmishes fighting across the map counter rates braking i would take every single encounter had on but of course at the time brocky and i knew nothing of what the future would hold late this saturday night we closed up shop tidied our boxes closed all of our doors and logged off for the night headed to sleep satisfied with how our rivalry and the day as a whole had turned out and so our story will pause here and resume in my next video my name's stevie thank you so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Stevie
Views: 1,271,599
Rating: 4.9392667 out of 5
Keywords: rust, stevie rust, stevie, rust survival, survival games, rust 2020, rust console, rust pvp, rust storytelling, stevie storytelling, rust duo, eviction, downfall, vindication, deception, betrayal, rust movie, rust solo, rust revenge, rust raid, rust backstab, rust bradley, rust water treatment, rust duo vs clan, rust online raid, rust raid defense, rust montage, rust bet raid defense, rust jackpot raid, rust counter raid, rust ak spray, rust gameplay, rust movie storytelling
Id: D0H1_xu4Rio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 59sec (4139 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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