Down To The River To Pray - Alison Krauss
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: David Webb
Views: 21,090,867
Rating: 4.8865013 out of 5
Keywords: Alison Krauss, Down To The River To Pray, Baptism, baptize, water baptism, river baptism, pray, Jesus Christ, old time religion, salvation, redemption, church
Id: zSif77IVQdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2009
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O Brother, Where Art Thou has, in my opinion, the best sound track of all time. I attribute my love for folk/bluegrass/etc. to that album.
We thought you was a toad!
Gopher, Everett?
Try this one: Ghost in this house
No electronic instruments, no autotune - live performance. Purely talented musicians.
Man, we're in a tight spot!
I like this, but I absolutely love the full choir version of this song from the actual movie, and wish it was on the soundtrack as well, if not instead of this one.
I'm not religious at all (anymore) but I love this song
What would you call this kind of music? American hymns/ religious music? It reminds me of bioshock infinite and I want to find more.
If you like this song at all, you owe it to yourself to listen to Alison's album "A Hundred Miles or More." Such an amazing collection of music.