Douglas Murray on Brexit, Marine Le Pen, Israel and Donald Trump

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first I want to talk about about Europe so just a general question what are the biggest challenges in your opinion that are facing me right now and the use unity and solidity going forward it's easier to think of the other way around is there a single thing that isn't challenging your friend our continent I'll have so many problems in the years ahead and Britain in my view I'm vegetarian skeptic but I don't believe that every problem we face is solved by breakfast every problem still before us after that but therefore the remaining parts of the eurozone obviously this could be an ongoing crisis beyond a financial crisis we're going to be tied up with a lot of that that you're not more than a lot of things but that's just that's just one of them my own view the Cygnus is interesting be done detained me most amazing as between issues of migration and cohesion within European society which I think are incredibly considerable and under understated we've been sort of getting through them by hoping we'll be okay I mean I'm not sure how long that lasts I'll move toward the French elections for just a moral question for them down to breakfast um the first round of the French elections is growing closer macron has recently jumped first place in a little event by a second of Fiat the third what would be the impact of Le Pen win and why is she drawing so much support right now well he will not overstate her support true that in the recent polls of the poll today comes as we speak though I think it seems being a slight odd rider putting my heart on your head so but first of all I think the British press was sort of obsessed by this story as if it's only an opinion story my prediction would be that what happens is what happened in 2002 that like how far that she gets through to the second round and then can get no further because everyone will go here against the only scenario I think is our not being possible if there is a disaster in the macro campaign once with part of the first round that the impact may be what happened as I say I'm like yet I think it actually is if it was happening that some that's a real pleasure earthquake and in a period where were much given to overstatement about political stories that really would be it it is very hard to see how the EU continues in aus realizable form in one of the two most in the Central States led by Saudi wants out so we'll go back to break this rivet you think generally that bring me the right choice and leaving to you yes I do that is I think it's coming which is not going to be a clear for a long time to come not only thirty years we're not going to just see the benefits up sometime but my own reason it were that it was a focus of what fundamental mode of the rejection of what was happening but I don't think I don't think anyone should be the too dogmatic either way on this I think I find the whole one so I can say to the whole breakfast around this country and become am so saddening to me know all sorts of challenges which would face perspiration but there Dena's endless desire to reply and replay the referendum of last year animus attempt by both sides or might civil side to avoid any negative any admissions of negative things to do with the case that they've made and indicated back so we have negatives will be things in years ahead just as there was done if we've remained intimately entwined in the EU project that the same and my view that is we were always gonna be better off out and released I think we can all go at the very least we'll have more a meaningful say in our own future and then whatever is on speaking of dogmatism on the campaign trail and the Gration has been a key issue in the breakfast debate on drugs were random do you think the fear of excessive immigration was just or were voters that they led astray by a deceptive we've convicted ancient invalid is that that quite often with I think is my birth of elections in general something you remember them differently from how they actually were the official leave campaign in the run-up to the referenda we thank yous very worried about talking about immigration it's true that I mean partly that is I think the reason sort of these are victories that there was a benefit of competition as it were on that belief scientist among them remain site and spoke of the monolith but actually the official is campaign was very noticeably worried about talking about immigration now you can take some at what you will maybe they thought that that vote was already in the bag or but I don't think it played such a big role as people in thinking in retrospect but his obviously it's under every major conversation in Europe I mean poll after poll comes out shows a political class of all because your strategy is really very very far away from the gia ceilings of European public's and I for one regard that gap as being very dangerous and I think it should be hope but I don't think that that it's eight such a role as a safe people friends and what why is it that London a city with 37 on the copy percent of the population foreign-born voted over felt overwhelmingly to remain do you think there are better conditions for integration in London and one of the ways a government can favor the integration of immigrants those several reasons as well I'm people often focus on a single one of the benefits and for instance as an argument that quite often made that says Londoners vote for remaining me you and vote for and broadly you know two favors immigration parentheses because they had locked integration and I Benjamin they just want more there are other interpretations those deaths for instance people who didn't know that have left that war medal would not take into account and their staff a bit but in general I mean um people who live in cities like London are I think by nature how more internationalist and there are becoming them I was at the Dutch cultural center in London and city event of weeks ago an observer an eye diagram and as you know air every single person in the audience are walking with Dutch people who work in the cities London that when there was a poll reorders you know I'm not lighting three hands went up when somebody said who was actually in favor of breakfast that's inevitable I mean you know the sort of people who are Dutch in finance people working on again Fe you in favor of harmonization and so I mean that's just that's the norm I don't think it's pretty clear I did and there's nothing much you can do about it that's the reality of of living in the cities like London which there aren't very many Albert man I'll transition to the US should it just generally what do you make Dom trance victory and one of the factors that led the country this unexpected result there's several things you can do in London Tory by the way one of them it's always claimed you chicken for okay and I'm not gonna play that game I didn't I didn't expect to achieve presidency I didn't think you'd get the nomination I mean I thought it was the I thought it was going to stop way before the public intervention and I remember exactly where I was sitting in the u.s. the same with friends when the New York Post came out because mr. Trump had insulted John McCain yeah I just meant I remember things that's it he devised I need to Trump the end of him huh so they say I'm not going after the last Yahoo if you take any more pollution objections pretty much but now I didn't see it happening I think it's obviously an enormous middle finger in stalin's with dignity mission Mountain publicly establishment and and sometimes that's necessary I don't think by the way I don't think the endless gloom about about about him is warranted any more than living the excessive and admiration okay is very early in the presidency and I don't think he took to make too many sessions for this stage and I also by the way I did to Porat American politics in general means they don't any time I mean every I remember with the Obama first term you know a couple of weeks then you're saying that maybe the term is going to be impeached in turn for an active kids Kim kicked him on the other way okay it's that I'm don't rumpus a little bit more I journey campaign trail he was very vocal about Hillary Clinton not being able to say the words radical Islamic terrorism why are political leaders so reluctant to use these two words together and what the extent of their connection yet they reluctant sure that I think understandable reason with words do matter in politics and design as you give off matter there are good reasons to worry that you know the general public might think you're saying something you're not and I meant and that was a worry in the Bush years it was a very in the bomb many years I think Obama years they went driving very much too far in that and a sauce indicates by the way that in opposition political parties and political movements can often become very lazy and I think there was a certain laziness in the Republican capturing the Obama years on this a lot of the work for curbing done so it was not done and instead we had the talking points about it and the chief talking point in the Republican side by this was you know the president won't even use his work I arrived you would always well you should use the words but that's not conservative it's not that that's not going to address the issue that is that's a start that's that that's where you'd be starting from how how should the issue being addressed using well my view is it from a much broader understanding than that Roger it's an exceptionally complex subject this because you are traveling not only on domestic Iran on foreign but domestic issue mind here is that via the involvement in of the Americas statement he's already pretty much fine on the on the most visceral can't care a bit of it I the bomb demonstrations cancer with the FBI's yeah there's a domestic counterterrorism something pretty good if we stop major taxes on its the level beneath that that they would ordinarily be a meeting to occupy himself with and I said who is it that is training the police force in there a no religion awareness days who exhibits who Intimus keeps in no teaching is there were law enforcement and and so on the broader picture of a patient if you look to that story that that's a day is quite wiring you really don't want some of the groups who've seen you've been moving into that area but I'd say this is a level below the criminal you know in the Obama administration wasn't allowing anyone to fly planes into towers either you know it is it it but in my view takes the level beneath that is the level beneath the template see it's the societal health education level that's of it that most wanting actually and as I say I disinvite struck for a lot of Republican critics call upon me here fails involve themselves in the detail they should have done doing that top class question about Israel um Israel Israel expansion of settlements into Boston territory has been criticized by many even ruled illegal shall we say by the International Court of Justice do you think Israel is overstepping its bounds in doing so or is this legitimate were your hips will of you revolution in December of course of legal Samuel isn't it seems toughen my view is that a longish Able's expansion settlements they called I think that you have to realize which ones are actually expansion of territory and which ones are on areas which in any final fatal agreement are obviously in the Israeli side in the landfill and that detail is not often covered by the way in the in the press yet my own view is that is not saying it's not it's not it's an issue but it's not the only issue I think my own view is there are many many other issues before you get to that one with the holding out the peace process and by the way the ones are wonders most the month less problematic is is the question the right of return which I extend to millions of people any other country that will be permitted but my view of that is one of this Mulvey biggest storing point but look I mean it's a conflict a land dispute which may well go on to the rest of our lives may well go on for many many more generations there are unsolved conflicts around the world unsolvable conflict arguably I think that those things that both sides in doing so the Palestinian dispute to get towards a peace deal may not do it but you know there are a lot of things that the M Turkish government is not doing to alleviate the involvement Cyprus and we don't spend one cent at the time that we spend on this issue my view by the way very quickly did obvious mine my view is that's because we have a false idea in a nobody believes that for instance the eurozone crisis would be solved if you could unite Cyprus yeah nobody believes a every problems the EU would go away if you could just resolves the Cyprus bottle but there has been for a long time view that you could solve all problems and then at least if you solved is very kind it was one of david miliband things in his fonseca it's the labor thinkin something everybody makes yummy and i think that's fundamentally not the case and but amazingly analysis they did come to it and agreement which I wish they would but I don't think that if they work you know the economy of Yemen with boom the Saudis would be understand the point of women's rights and so on so it's important but them I think is an over overstating its importance okay well Douglas Murray thank you so much for your time
Channel: The Economist's Society
Views: 102,626
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Keywords: douglas murray, islam, spectator, the spectator, magazine, writer, journalist, newspaper, news, fake news, france, french elections, elections, politics, government, donald trump, israel, settlements, palestine, conflict, brexit, uk, england, britain, patriot, immigration, control, sovereignty, netanyahu, trump, religion, radical islamic terrorism, terrorism, terror, attacks, political correctness, PC, UCL, university, education, students, talk, lecture, interview, riccardo doyle, marine le pen, macron
Id: ZSfGb3lOJiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2017
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