Doug Batchelor - Invitation, Not Isolation (Bible Answers Live)

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[Music] it is the best-selling book in history no volume ever written has been more loved and quoted and its words sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious should always be studied carefully it is the Bible the Word of God welcome to Bible answers live providing accurate and practical answers to all your Bible questions this broadcast is a previously recorded episode to receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this broadcast call 885 six seven four seven once again that's eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven now here's your host from amazing facts international pastor Doug Batchelor hello listening friends would you like to hear an amazing fact Philip Stapleton was exploring a thrift store in the UK when he came across a painting he likes so much he nearly spent $300 on it even though he and the sellers knew it was just an imitation after studying the unusual picture he was inspired to do a little more research he took the painting to an auction house to be examined by an art expert named Rosie Mae after you very carefully studying the painting and taking it out of the frame she found a message with a very clear signature from Pablo Picasso one he used earlier in his career then with a spyglass he noted that it had been dedicated to his nephew Xavier Philip said that he was stunned when he heard that the painting was probably authentic and could be worth millions no one knows exactly how much but back in May 2015 another Picasso painting fetched more than one hundred and seventy nine million dollars in a Christian whatever the final amount he had made the purchase of a lifetime friends you know the Bible says that sometimes a pricey investment can pay off in a big way stay with us we're going to learn more on this edition of Bible answers live [Music] you're listening to Bible answers live accurate and practical answers to your Bible questions welcome listening friends to Bible answers live and this is just as it sounds a libel answer program if you call in with your questions we will do the best to answer them phone lines are open this is a live program and a lots going on in the world today with everything from the coronavirus to earthquakes and we're gonna be talking about the Word of God phone call if you'd like to call in with your questions eight hundred four six three seven two nine seven not only are we on the satellite radio and a number of land-based stations we're on the internet around the world and we're on Facebook and you can that be the Doug Batchelor Facebook page or the amazing facts Facebook page you can watch what's happening here in the studio as well as calling your question one more time the number eight hundred four six three seven two nine seven and I am Doug Batchelor my name is Jean Ross good evening friends and pastor Doug as we always do let's start the program with prayer dear father we thank you that we do at this time to open up your word and study together and we ask your blessing upon us here in the studio and with those who are listening wherever they might be at home scattered across this country and even around the world Lord that you would guide us into a clear understanding of your word and that we would be encouraged and strengthened as we look at the Bible for we ask this in Jesus name Amen amen Oh pastor Doug we opened the program this evening in rather an interesting situation it's the 22nd of March and for those who are listening we're in California Sacramento the capital of California and Thursday last week I believe it was the governor of California issued a in sort of order that everybody's shouting place or stay home so that's an eight high the house yeah stay away from large crowds and we can we just we're talking before the program the economic impact that this would have on so many small businesses family-run businesses is it's unprecedent that's something like this has ever happened before and of course we keep hearing reports about more and more people getting sick and death toll seems to increase and just an amazing time that we find ourselves in it is yeah and it's you know the the viruses we're watching the news is filled with this unfolding around the world and and we have amazing facts as missionaries in India I was on the phone with him last night and they're basically they're kind of locked down in the city of Hyderabad they took a picture outside the way now you and I have worked in India several times and it's constant honking of horns and the streets are just so loud and she took her phone and put it out the window giving me a live video feed and said listen no horns you can hear birds it is scary we've never heard in the street so during the day the streets are all locked down but the letting people come out to shop in this time of year it's very hot in that part of India but same thing with Africa they're beginning to have cases now in some of these congested countries that don't have the medical resources and the world's on edge they're on edge you know it makes me think of the book of Job how the tests that came to Jobe were tests of wealth and then health and it's like the world is going to be really tested on the health front and the wealth front in the next few years and well you know maybe at least months but I think the falling on me out may it last few jobs challenges came in a very short period of time and just look at how things have changed in the last week yeah exactly exactly but now we're drifting a little bit our fact was talking about finding real riches mm-hmm which is this this man discovered he had bought it was you know he knew it was a Picasso but they call a knockoff some artists said I'm gonna make an imitation Picasso and he's know that looks pretty good almost looks like the real thing so he bought it through store found out on investigation it was someone he had given to a family friend that ended up in a thrift store and it was real and it's worth millions and he paid $300 now you can imagine if you own the thrift store you'd be really kicking yourself there so the family member that donated the work of art exactly exactly but it makes me think of a parable in the Bible where Jesus said in Matthew 13 45 again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls who when he has found a pearl of great price he goes and sells all that he has that he might buy it well this man was thinking well $300 is a lot for a thrift store painting but he recognized some value in it and boy was he thankfully did it but when you find that pearl of great price that's speaking of Christ and eternal life the plan of salvation it's worth selling everything jesus said if you'd come after me need to be willing to forsake all and you'll have treasure in heaven not to mention this life's a lot better too but we have a special offer if people want to know how to receive that treasure especially during the time when they're faced with physical economic challenges it's a classic pastor Doug a book entitled riches of His grace amazing facts that's been carrying this book for a number of years and it's really inspiring it's encouraging to read about the plan of redemption and what God has in store for those who love him if you'd like to receive the book again it's called the riches of His grace and the number to call for that is our resource phone line it's eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven and you can ask for the book called the riches of His grace that's eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven and as long as the the male is still working which it is at this point we're gonna do our very best to get this free offer to you in the mail so just call and ask for that again it's eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven if you're in North America if you're outside of North America we encourage you to go to the website and amazing facts dot o-r-g and you can read the book for free on our library they're amazing facts org we ready to go to the phone lines right we've got dawn listening in Florida dawn welcome to the program hello hi thanks for waiting in your call your question my question is I once heard a pastor on the radio say that Jesus never called his mother mother but woman and that was because he didn't want people mistakenly thinking that she was the mother of God like they do and certain Christians sick they make her out to be a deity what is your thought on that well I would agree that it was never the intention of God or Mary that she should be treated as a deity there's nothing in the scripture that says we should pray to Mary or treat her as that she's a saint above another church member you know she was given a very noble position she was no doubt a godly woman we look forward to seeing her in heaven but nothing in scripture says that she should be exalted on the level that some have put her where you pray to statues or paintings of Mary or he you know go through rituals Bible says we approach God through Christ not through any earthly family member now that woman the word when Jesus says in John chapter 2 in John chapter 19 he refers to his mother his woman that doesn't mean every time he talked to her he said woman and the word woman was not disrespectful you know years ago when the hippie era when I grew up if a motorcycle rider called his his girlfriend woman it was sort of degrading but that original word that you find in John woman it means madam it was a term of respect for a lady and he may have used that in public when addressing his mother but I'm sure it only called her mom and I think also the context the first time you read that is John chapter 2 verse 4 Jesus was approached by his mother and she asked to help out in a situation where at the wedding they had run out of wine and grape juice and I think it was important for Mary to understand that even though Jesus was still her son she also needed to recognize that he wasn't simply for her service up to that point the last thirty years Jesus was home taking care of his mother taking care of the needs of the family but the time had come for him to do a much bigger work and I think it was important for Mary also to recognize that Jesus was not only her son but she needed to be here to understand that he was also a savior and there was a transition that had to occurs right so I think that's part of the reason why Jesus says things the way did hey thank you Dan oh I hope does that make sense it it well it brings to my um a verse in Matthew 1250 I think we're a disciple says hey Jesus your mother and your brothers are outside they want to see you and Jesus turns to his disciples and says my mother brothers and sisters are those who do the will of my father in heaven mm-hmm so it seems like he doesn't give her any special status I mean he's related to her but he loves all women and men I mean he died on the cross for us it just seems like that's the priority he loves them the same yeah absolutely and it's like a pastor Ross was saying a minute ago he's reiterating that even more important than any genetic or earthly tie any biological tie was doing the will of God what really makes us the children of Abraham is when we accept Christ and his teachings and follow them it wasn't anything a person can't say well my dad was a pastor so I'm going to heaven right or even Jesus brothers and sisters couldn't say well you know I get a pass because I've got a genetic tie no you have to be doing the will of God thanks so much that's a great question done next one of the B heavies ginger listening from Nebraska ginger welcome to the program hello Pastor John and Pastor dad good evening evening like my question is Christian pertaining to Isaiah 26 28 21 those verses have anything to do with quarantine well let me read them Isaiah you said chapter 26 verse 20 and 21 come my people and enter into your chambers and shut your doors behind you hide yourself as it were for a little moment until the indignation is passed for behold the Lord comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity for the earth will also disclose her blood and will no more cover her slain well it is talking about taking shelter but it's not talking about fallout shelter it's not talking about sheltering at home this is talking about he who hides in the most high and I forget the exact wording in Psalm 91 but it says the Lord is our habitation and though here we sing a song in our church called the Lord is a shelter in a time of need the Lord our rock and so it's really talking about being sheltered in Christ not inside a bunker per se but it is interesting you know I bet I'll get that question again because it is an interesting verse that makes you think kind of Harkins about what's happening now everyone's kind of hiding at home but most of all I think this verse is talking about when it says enter into the chambers and shut your door it's talking about you know when the the angel of judgment went through the land of Egypt they had to be in a home with the blood over the door and they were protected from the plague in the time of Rahab to survive the destruction of Jericho they needed to be in the house with this red rope that represents the blood of Christ and the best safety for people in our day is to be in Christ and to be under the blood as you say under the blood of the Lamb but good question hey we appreciate that very much thanks so much you know it's also interesting Jesus spoke about entering into your chamber and closing the door when it comes to prayer and I think if ever there's a place of safety for the believer now it is in communion with God it's in prayer that's absolutely right emphasizing that point you know we probably ought to mention something just in case people are wondering if if California's got this shelter law what are we doing here at the amazing fact studios we ought to let people know that we've got a very reduced crew operating here tonight and the governor and the laws of the state do allow for agencies that operate media to continue operation we have a greatly diminished crew but we do operate three TV channels two in Sacramento one national satellite channel and they don't want media to shut down so praise the Lord where at least temporarily exempt we could say we're trying to maintain our six feet telling Karen maintain six feet but she's not listening next caller there is Tommy listening in Alabama Tommy walking with the program thank you Pastor potato yeah I know right now but as Christians we're not to fear anyway but when the body dies I just wondered about the soul of the spirit does it go to heaven or does it go to the grave with the body well first we got to answer what is spirit and the word spirit you've got a course a Greek word and a Hebrew word the word spirit in Greek would be Numa and it simply means breath or wind if you're a man I bet you've used pneumatic tools before those are tools that are driven by wind by air and in the Old Testament the word was Roth and it meant breath and so it's simply saying that when a person dies you can read this in Ecclesiastes 12 is it verse 7 the spirit returns to God and that means the breath returns to God when anyone dies man-animal good bad when someone dies the breath of life returns to God the body returns to the dust as it was until the resurrection and at the resurrection God is going to breathe that breath of life back into these new glorified immortal bodies and we will forever be with the Lord so when a person dies excuse me if it considered so late well it's not really and people call it that but think about it for a second Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord right so if you're a Christian and you die your next conscious thought is the resurrection so for you it's a moment the twinkling of an eye it happens almost instantaneous well god lives outside of time so when our loved ones die the next thing may know is the resurrection but the resurrection hasn't happened yet because the judgment and the resurrection the Bible says is in the last day the Bible say the living no they'll die but the dead know not anything that's Ecclesiastes chapter 9 so would it be okay if we send you we've got a study guide that's got all these verses in it and a lot more than we can give you in two or three minutes that'd be okay Tony yeah just call this resource line we've got a great study called are the dead really did the number to call for that is 808 three five six seven four seven and again you can ask to the study called are the dead really dead and we'll be able to send that to you or anyone calls and assets 883 five six seven four seven as well as a website you got some time on your hands perhaps you at home you can look up the website death truth calm death truth calm and there's a lot of resources available even some video content that you can look at some great sermons great Bible studies on the subject of what happens when a person dies Harold is listening in Sacramento Herald welcome to the program hi good evening a pastor duck pastor Oz evening hi well I'll meet my dad we uh we kind of got into a little debate about it what happens to Christians okay are we being judged right now or will we be judged after we die and as with with the unrighteous with the wicked are they being judged right now also or will they be judged after they die great question so first there are phases of judgment we know that when the Lord comes he's giving out rewards because the Bible tells us judgment must begin at the house of God and it says behold he comes with the clouds his reward is with him so if God is giving rewards when he comes then at least some aspect of the judgment takes place before he comes to distinguish who is saved and who is lost God knows who's saved and who's lost when he comes because the Bible tells us this two separate resurrection so for God to know of course God knows everything but for him to demonstrate if you're in the first resurrection of the second resurrection some judgment has to take place before he comes to determine if you're gonna make it or not then there's a great white throne judgment you can read about in Revelation is a 22 yes thoughts in chapter 20 yeah and you that is of course in the future and then your final the executive judgment where a sentencing happens is at the end of the 1,000 years so we have a study guide Herald we're glad you called with that question because we have a study guide that deals with the judgment that's right the study guide is called case closed the final judgment we'll be able to send this to anyone who calls and asks the number to call is we've given earlier is a resource line that's 800 eight three five six seven four seven and again just ask for the study guide on the judgment it's called the final judgment and we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls an esque we've got Frank listening in Alabama Frank welcome to the program hi yes I was just wondering you know with so many churches not meeting physically right now of course Christians need fellowship and you know Christian education and things like that what would you recommend as far as online churches or maybe even online churches or some types of conference calls maybe even that allow audience participation do you have any ideas about things like that cuz we sure need something right now you know Frank I'm so glad you asked that question it pastor Ross and I were talking just before the we went on the air and we said we need to let people know how much amazing facts is doing to provide on loan online worship services and Bible studies live ones and we're looking at different ways that people can join us even through technology like zoom where you can actually see a little pictures of the participants our pastors divided up the phone numbers of members and I've been making phone calls today and the other pastors just praying with the members so we've got to stay connected but in some ways Frank I think that what's happening now is a blessing because for years a lot of Christians have started thinking that the church was the building and now when we can't gather in the building they're realizing the churches the people and we're needing to stay connected praise God we've got technology you know if this was a hundred years ago it'd be difficult but we've got telephones and we've got cell phones and internet where we should be checking in on each other praying with each other and amazing fax is streaming more and more programs right now to minister to those that are hunkered down in their homes you know we have people that are sitting at home over the weekend maybe you're looking for some Bible study we do have a Bible study that we pastor Doug and the rest of the team here we actually livestream a Bible study every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock which we doing during those crisis and then also a worship service at 11 o'clock so you roughly tuned in and I believe pastor daggits available well on Facebook on YouTube you can go to the Granite Bay Church website and you may see Zach make amazing facts so trying to do everything we can to communicate hope and encouragement and the word even to folks who at at home and I understand have we started this this past weekend and even the weekend before we've had some of a record number of folks tuning in 250,000 people viewed the program two weeks ago now after we broadcast it takes a few days for right around its share and you don't have to wait till Saturday or Sunday to watch a good sermon I think when people are in their homes they ought to be doing all the studies that they can but that's a great question Frank we're really glad you called and asked that amazing facts this is what we do is we provide evangelistic devotional Bible study material and we got an archive also of not only these programs but we've got probably hundreds of sermons and youtubes that are online from different evangelistic program capacity you also released a little facebook video clip about hoarding food there's a lot of people out there lining up with their grocery carts waiting for the stores to open I and the shopping like never before and you had this great little I think it's available still on Facebook yeah it's called hoarding food how to order food for the storm for the store I think we had like 500,000 views at the various sites so a little bit of a twist yeah people think I'm talking about how to hoard food but it's really storing away the Word of God and but yeah we're gonna try and provide got a new study I'd like to put out this week on what we're learning prophetically from this oh yeah pandemic very important all right thanks for your Cola Frank Nicks hold of the behaved is listening from Tennessee do we have later Lidia listening yes Lida hi welcome to the program hi nice to be here my question is the chip consider the mark of the beast and if not what would be great question you know there have been a lot of theories about what is this mark in the hand or in the forehead and for a while I remember when the computer technology I'm old enough to remember when they first started using more computer technology and they had a big computer in Brussels that was a whole building and it's called the beast and it was you know tracking some global financial information and everyone said that was the Beast of course now that whole computer will probably fit in my watch all the other technology that computer and then for a while they said that when the barcodes first came out and they started putting barcodes and all the products my friend said that's the Beast don't buy anything that's got a barcode on it and I think all those friends starve to death years ago and then no more recently they got the is it called the RF D chips yeah that they put you know they've put them for years they've been putting them like under the skin of dogs you can find a stray dog and find his owner and his address and now workers are putting them in different organizations under their skin there and they can actually be scanned in and out of work and it tells what when they get off the clock in it'll clog out and folks are saying that's it so others are doing it when they a medical information so that there can be a paramedic and they could just quickly scan their chip and find out what's their history and what are their needs or what are their medicines and get a little frightening all the information that that's being gathered on every individual they have so much on our phones now if you've got a Google or Facebook account there is so much information they know where you are and what you're buying that is not the mark of the beast now let me tell you the devil I think is going to use that technology in the last days but if you read in Deuteronomy chapter 6 after God gives the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy chapter 5 chapter 6 he says these words I command you today shall be in your heart now we know that's a symbol means in your affections not physically in your heart and you shall bind them for a sign on your hand and they shall be frontlets between your eyes three times in the law of Moses it says on your hand in your forehead on your hand in your forehead on your hand in your forehead where to have the law of God that means in your actions in your thoughts in Revelation at not only that those who worship the Beast will have the mark on their hand or in their forehead those who worship God will have the name of God in their forehead well we don't think that the churches are gonna put a chip under the the eyebrows of people so it's not a computer chip it's talking about in the head in the forehead means in the mind in the hand means in the action it's gonna be seen in the worship and in the behavior in the last days who do they obey do they obey the laws of the Beast or do they obey the laws of God Leah if it's okay we have a study guide that talks about the mark of the beast and we want to send you a free copy anyone that wants to know about this you want to know what is the mark of the beast especially in these days we have a study that will make it clear it's simply called the mark of the beast is one of our amazing facts study guides and we'd be happy to send this to anyone who asks the number to call for that is eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven and again just ask for that study guide it's called the mark of the beast very important subject you know one of the most fearful warnings in all of the Bible pass today is don't worship the Beast don't receive his mark so it's important for Christians to understand this this teaching to know what is the Beast what is the mark how to avoid it yeah please get that free study the mark of the beast now we're not going away you hear the background music this is a live program call in with your Bible questions the best is yet to come we'll be right back stay tuned Bible answers live will return shortly [Music] if you enjoy hearing solid biblical answers on Bible answers live you can have those same insights at your fingertips through the amazing facts prophecy Study Bible the updated hardcover version is available at its lowest price ever and includes the complete set of amazing facts 27 study guides plus a Bible numbers and symbols charts and eight pages of colorful maps this best-ever Bible gives you a biblical cyclope dick index words of Christ in red chronology of the Old Testament along with Doug Bachelors how to study the Bible feature and much more call us at AF bookstore to learn more about it at one eight hundred five thirty eight seventy two seventy five the amazing facts prophecy Study Bible stands apart from other Bibles giving you the same solid answers you hear each week on Bible answers live order your copy today at AF bookstore calm or by calling 1-800 five three eight seventy two seventy five what if you could know the future what would you do [Music] what would you change to see the future you must understand the past Alexander the Great becomes king when he's only 18 but he's a military prodigy a hundred and fifty years in advance Cyrus had been named wrong was violent they were ruthless they were determined the Gospel writers see his death as a fulfillment of salvation this intriguing documentary hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor explores the most striking Bible prophecies that have been dramatically fulfilled throughout history kingdoms in time get your copy today available now on DVD blu-ray or USB for more information visit kingdoms in [Music] you're listening to Bible answers live where every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and his plan to save you so what are you waiting for get practical answers about the good book for a better life today if you have a question about the Bible or living the Christian life call us now at 800-831-6273 your questions no I said that wrong studio phone eight hundred four six three seven two nine seven and for the free offer its eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven I'm Doug Batchelor my name is John Ross we're gonna go back to the phone lines we have Mariano listening Mariana welcome to the program West Virginia I believe yes thank you for and your question comment in 2003 we started visiting the church and a member length of DVDs from your conference in 1999 oh yes well praise the Lord now so going you better answer your question your phone feel it sounds like it's breaking up yes yes Adam and Eve were created and they were giving the in the Garden of Eden with the Tree of Life but they were to live forever but they still had the Tree of Life and I just don't understand why and they were going to fill the earth God was going to put three of lights' recreate or something I don't know yeah so if if they had a gift of everlasting life then did they need the tree the fruit to stay alive is that what you're kind of wondering yes that's my question precisely yeah all right well let's see what we can do evidently you know when God first made Adam and Eve he was given them bodies that have the potential of living for eternity but they were required to continue eating from the tree of life and because once God you know once they sinned God said they were no longer able to eat from the tree of life and now their lives they would eventually age and die but you didn't need to eat from the tree very laufen often evidently because Adam and Eve lived 900 while Adam 930 years so in heaven the tree of life will be there yes we are given the gift of eternal life the Bible tells us that there's a new kind of fruit on the tree every month so I think we're gonna be eating from that tree probably monthly but yeah God gives us a gift of everlasting life but we still have bodies in heaven because it says we're going to eat well plant vineyards we will eat we will still drink when Jesus rose from the dead he had a glorified body but he said to the disciples do you have anything to eat so isn't that interesting that you know people in heaven are not going to commit suicide by starving themselves and so yeah they've got eternal life but they need to cooperate with God's divine laws and one of them is you eat from the tree at least once a month I suppose I don't know mm-hmm and of course they gather in the New Jerusalem to eat of the fruit of the tree once a month because the Bible says there's 12 different kinds of fruit yeah so every month you go get a different kind of fruit from the same tree yeah like baskin-robbins 31 flavors you go except it's got 144 flavors 12 different kinds of flavors 12 times a year I'm not sure I can support that from the Bible but anyway hey thanks so much Mariano and good good to hear the testimony about the net New York meetings next caller the where is Ruth listening from Georgia Ruth welcome to the program hello pastor Doug and Pastor John thank you for taking my call yes I understand the symbolism when a sin brought a lamb for a sin-offering in the Old Testament it was to remind them of Jesus the Lamb of God who would someday come to forgive our sins well it has come but what was the purpose or meaning of multiple sacrifices of both brands and lambs during certain Israelite festivals such as referred to in numbers 29 verses 12 through 35 well I won't be able to read verses 12 through 35 there but you know all of the sacrifices in one way or another talked about God's having mercy on them as a nation and as families and individuals a family might bring if they were poor they might bring a sacrifice of a dove I don't think that's mentioned in this section but in Leviticus it actually talks about bringing turtledoves and then they might bring a sheep or a goat they might bring a a bowl the most expensive sacrifice they could bring was usually a bowl in oxen and when david brought the tabernacle i'm sorry i brought the ark up to jerusalem he'd walk six paces and they'd sacrifice and when solomon dedicated the temple it's almost inconceivable they'd sacrifices the houses to showing their their love and their worship and sacrifice of god and of course those sacrifices also served to feed people during that time and there were a lot of people in the in the kingdom for the dedication so it wasn't you know and it wasn't wasted butchering that was going on but all the blood from the various animals was all pointing to cleansing from sin and atonement now I am NOT a Hebrew scholar and so I'm sure there's much more to this than we do have a book that talks about the feast days and what the meaning is of Christ in the feast days so I think we've got a fairly new book that deals with that that you would probably really appreciate and if you'd like to receive that book I'm just looking for the actual title pass that I gets new you can just ask for the book on the feast days yeah and I will be able to send that to you Ruth or anyone the number to call is eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven and again just ask for the book on the feast days it's a fairly new book that amazing facts has I'll be able to send it to anyone who calls and asks the next one of the behave is listening from Toronto Canada we have Jonathan who's on the line Jonathan can you hear us hi Jonathan how old are you five you're five well bless your heart and what is your question for us tonight my question is why did Jesus die for us oh that's a good question that's one of the most important questions it's because we've done things wrong we disobeyed our Father in heaven and we broke his law and there's a serious punishment for hit breaking his law the Bible says that it's a very dangerous thing to break God's law because it causes death but Jesus loves us and he didn't want us to die he said I will die for you it's kind of like if someone if you do something wrong and your parents have to punish you or spank you and someone says no I want to take it for you because I love you Jesus took our punishment for us because He loves us and that's why he had to die on the cross because he wants us to say but he rose from the dead he's alive in heaven now and he wants us to be with him in heaven too you know Jonathan we have a series of lessons that amazing facts geared for kids you might need to have an older brother or sister help you with it but it's called amazing adventure and one of the lessons that we have pass attack deals with this important question why did Jesus have to die so if you would have your parent go to the amazing facts website and they'd be able to find out how they can get the Amazing Adventures set of lessons and and you get an older brother or sister if you have one or even your parents and you guys go through those lessons I think you'll really be blessed thanks for your call Jonathan thanks for listening all the way up there in Toronto I might be one of our youngest that's right we've got dawn listening in Branson Florida hey Brandon dawn welcome to the program Edgar is that you are you there yeah yeah yeah yeah and fell over call your your question okay um thank you for answering my question is the following I believe I noticed a very important prophecy in the Bible which can be helpful to many people but I'm not actually sure whether I can share that information with others are not and the reason of my hesitation is 2nd Peter 1 verse 20 which says knowing this first that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation could you please interpret this first yeah we'll do our best Thank You Edgar um you know if you feel like God is giving you some understanding on a prophecy that maybe he's been neglect or some new light then you should go and visit with people that you think are well grounded in the Bible when it says no private interpretation you know we're we're a strengthened by studying together and the Bible tells us that the Berean Christians were noble because they searched the word and they did it together to see if these things were so in the multitude of counselors there is safety if one person comes up and they said I've got new light nobody else recognizes that it makes sense biblically it may not be from the Lord usually there'll be the mouth of two or three witnesses that will say that is sensible it's biblically supported and so I'd start by going to respected pastors or elders in your church family and saying the Lord has put this on my heart that it may be some new light what do you think I should do before I share that does it make sense and I'd begin there Edgar hey thank you for your call to your question makes fun of a be have is Kimberly listening from Louisville Kentucky Kimberly welcome to the program hi thank you both pastors yes I was just wondering um with all the things that are happen in the world right now it just reminds me possibly could we be entering the little time of trouble great question I heard someone else asked that question and just for our friends out there that are wondering what is Kimberly talking about everyone knows all Christians agree there's a great time of trouble it's called the tribulation revelation calls it the seven last plagues and I love and respect Christians on both sides of this you know some believe that that's in the past some believe that that Time of Troubles in the future some believe that great time of trouble is gonna happen after the second coming of Jesus or the rapture some believe it happens rapture happens in the middle of this time of trouble and that there's a small time of trouble before and then the great time of trouble after I'm in the group that believes that the time of trouble happens before the second coming and they're called the pre-trib do we believe that the or rather we're post-trib sorry we believe that the Second Coming happens after the tribulation yeah and that before the Great Tribulation when the death decree says people should be killed everyone knows it says that in Revelation those who do not worship the image of the Beast should be killed it's very plain no one can misunderstand that but before that it says there's a time period when they can't buy or sell and there'll be some persecution and some pressure for people to comply and some Christians may have to head for the hills and and make some pretty radical changes during that time are we in that time now that's hard to say but I don't think so because we are going through a time of trouble keep in mind there have been there was a great time of trouble in the world world war one world war two there was a pandemic in the 1400s that took millions of lives and Spanish flu shortly after World War one so we are definitely in a time of trouble are we in the small time of trouble I don't think so because during the small time of trouble there's going to be religious persecution I know churches are being told not gather during this time but it's not churches they're telling casinos not to gather they're telling everybody doesn't matter what denomination doesn't matter if you're meeting Friday with the Muslims Sabbath or Sunday people are being told don't gather so I don't think that this is the religious persecution but I do think it is a time of trouble there's definitely some economic and medical fallout that's gonna happen in connection with this pandemic you know we do have a study guide that specifically addresses some of the things relating to the second coming of Christ it's called the ultimate deliverance it's one of our more popular amazing vac study guides what happens just before Jesus comes what all the second coming of Christ be like and the Bible has answers for that and we'll be happy to send you that study guide it's called the ultimate deliverance and the number to call is 883 five six seven four seven as for the study guide on the second coming of Christ called the ultimate deliverance thank you for your call Kimberly next caller to be heavies isaac listening in missouri isaac welcome to the program oh thank you yeah thanks for calling my question is about the rich young ruler in Matthew 19 verses 16 and 17 it said now behold one came and said to him good teacher what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life so he said to him why do you call me good no one is good but one that is God but if you want to enter into life keep the commandments and so I'm I was kind of confused why like Jesus said why do you call me good no one is good the one that is God and you know Jesus was Jesus saying he isn't good yeah yeah that's a good question um this is what I would I would call a rhetorical question sometimes you ask a question when you already know the answer and you're trying to get someone to think you know God says the Adam where are you well it wasn't cuz God had misplaced him God sees everything you cannot flee from his presence Jesus asked the disciples what were you arguing about on the road well he knew what they were arguing about and now he's asking the shirring ruler why do you call me good there's no one really good but God do you understand he's saying kind of in a rhetorical way do you understand who you're talking to if only God is good I am the Messiah God the Son and so Christ is kind of coming at the truth from a different angle with him he's not denying his goodness he's claiming his godness see what we're saying okay yeah okay so yeah and then you know Jesus said if you would enter into life here's what you need to do follow me well if he wasn't good why would he say follow him so he was acknowledging his goodness but he was trying to get the young man to see he wasn't just a rabbi he came to him and said master rabbi that's the term I think used in mark now he said I'm not just the rabbi I want you to know who I am so a good question I appreciate that next color that we have is Payton listening in Arizona Peyton welcome to the program Arizona my question my question is was there and crowded Jesus baptism good question Peyton thank you I think there was a crowd there watching Jesus baptism usually baptisms were done publicly kind of like a wedding and when Jesus was baptized John the Baptist said behold now you would not invite people to look at something if there's nobody there to look and so John the Baptist said behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world and I think in the Gospel of John it tells us that was it Andrew and I don't know if Angela Peter but Andrew and John a couple of the disciples were there and they saw that and they went to Jesus after John the Baptist said it so yes Jesus was baptized publicly now maybe you're afraid are you thinking of baptism and you're worried about a crowd Peyton are you are you wondering if there's going to be a crowd at your baptism I'm baptized oh you are okay well good for you and bless your heart all right well did that answer your question yes okay a appreciate that you'd also you'll enjoy the amazing adventure study that pastor Oz was talking about it's kids it's made for kids from eight which is how old you are to twelve perfect for you let's go to the amazing facts website maybe your parents can look it up for you and search for the amazing adventure set of lessons there's actually a DVD set that goes along with it and I think you'd really enjoy that next caller that we have is Schuyler listening from looks like Kentucky Schuyler welcome to the program hello thank you so much both of you for answering my question my question is if I know of some people that are in fear of what's going on right now and but I also know that there is the beginning of knowledge and I know that both of you speak so much on that is the curfew in lockdown implemented on on last Sabbath to new jersey inside of their statement of being at war with an invisible enemy a foreshadow of the abomination of desolation because the reason I asked is because they said that the curfew was set at 9:00 p.m. in respect to the Sabbath meaning the Sunday Sabbath yeah well that's interesting the and you know there are so many Jewish people in New Jersey in New York I think some of the highest concentrations of Jewish citizens I grew up in New York City and my mom was Jewish is you know New York New Jersey Brooklyn Miami and of course Israel and so I'm surprised that they said that but you know no I don't think that this is specifically targeting like I said any denomination they were probably trying to respect the majority of people in that community that do go to church there's a very large Catholic community in Christian community and I think they're just trying to respect their time but you know I do think we are learning look how quickly civil power can be increased when there's a crisis and Freedoms can be restricted and where you go and when you go can be restricted now fortunately we don't have I don't have insane it in the news where there's like sorry soldiers marching up and down the streets ordering people under their houses California's got one of the strongest declarations and you know people are still freely going to the store and doing what they need to do so it does it does kind of harken pictures from Revelation and Daniel when you see what's happening in the news it almost seems apocalyptic you know pastor Doug is so interesting you see pictures even here in downtown Sacramento typically a busy bustling place and the streets are deserted it's a strange yeah strange feeling yeah and that's not something we see a Karen and I were in China a couple times in and when it first hit one an in different cities people living there sent out some pictures and we've got some friends at work full-time in China and and yeah whenever you're on the street in China is just solid mass of humanity and to see those big wide streets empty and that was it was like there's like a Hollywood movie you think it is this for real so something is going on friends old world is very worried about a high death toll connected with this pandemic and there's gonna be an economic toll connected with it to Mexico LA that we have is angry listening from Colorado Andrew welcome to the program hi guys hi thank you so thanks thanks for taking my call I wanted to just quickly ask I know we don't have much time but what is the difference between Seraphim and cherubim well you've got the Seraphim that are by the throne of God when you look in Isaiah chapter 6 or is that that's right those were the serifs and the cherubim were on the ark that's rawson looking it up you know as I get older he's gonna have to look it up more often but and when you say Serafim it is plural so a cherub would be one cherub een is plural meaning more than one I know that they they said you've got cherubim on the ark and when it talks about the creatures in Isaiah chapter six by the throne of God what is it is that the Seraphim says they were Seraphim yes yes that's Isaiah chapter six I'm not losing my mind yeah six wings - wings they cover their face - they cover their feet and - they fly and there are other references in Scripture but that's at least one of them but yeah their God has got different orders of creatures you you read where it talks about there are different principalities and powers and even in the Angels good and evil there are different levels of angels with different responsibilities so and some of that is a little mysterious I think on the on the curtains of the sanctuary the veil they also were embroidering cherubim so these are the ministering spirits it speaks of in Hebrews around the throne of God well thank you hope that helped a little bit and we do you know we got a lesson called message angel messages from space talks about angels that's right it's one of our study guides and we'll be happy to send to anyone it's called three angels messages actually angel messages from space is the actual name of the study guide the number to call is eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven and you can ask for that study guide maybe time for one more pastor that we've got there Marlin listening from North Hollywood California okay I get just a moment a minute what can we do yes I have a question my question is that during the time of Samson when when he was going to war with the Philistines maybe when he got his eyes cut out who was king during that era all right very good question that is a trick question as that was not during the era of the kings it was during the era of the judges and at the time when Solomon Samson rather had his eyes plucked out he was the judge it says he was the judge of Israel he judged Israel for 20 years and so you know what's interesting there was Sampson probably also lived during the time of Ruth approximately so but he was from one of the only judges I think from the tribal but of Dan which was a little further to the south and he evidently lived too close to the Philistines Thank You Marlon sorry to be so short with you answer I hope it helped a little bit and the listening friend we want to remind you that we are in extraordinary times as the founder of amazing facts used to say we are marching off the map right now that's what they call uncharted waters but God is not surprised by any of this I think in his word and in the prophecies he for say he foresees what's happening and this is a time for us to especially be close to the Lord I think it's a great time for us to all follow the words of Jesus seek first the kingdom of god in his righteousness make that the priority coming to the Lord and then going for the Lord we want to be fully surrendered to Jesus and then during that same time we want to be witnesses for Christ we go and we share now you may not be able to gather in big groups in your church but that's why amazing facts provides online worship services every week we record these services on Sabbath morning Saturday and then many people use them again not only through that day around the world but then also on Sunday they're watching our our Bible study and our worship services we have a Tuesday evening Bible study that streams from our location or even the Granite Bay church website Granite Bay Facebook page we want to stay in touch with you just go to the amazing facts page you'll find a lot more information and archives or lessons things to watch online while you're at home amazing facts not orgy thank you for listening to today's broadcast we hope you understand your Bible even better than before Bible answers live is produced by amazing facts International a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay California terror attacks natural disasters political instability and global economic meltdown these are the images people generally associate with the tribulation and the day of the Lord but did you know the Bible speaks about another day of the Lord just before the great Judgment Day amazingly imprinted on the very fabric of time itself is a 24-hour period called the Sabbath that was meant to forever be a time of restoration for every human being a day the entire world is largely forgotten you'll be surprised to learn how this special day of the Lord factors in the last day prophecies such as the mark of the beast the seal of God and the great final tribulation it's all contained in this new eye-opening DVD series called the last day of prophecy to order call 800 538 7 to 75 or visit AF bookstore com can't get enough amazing facts Bible study you don't have to wait until next week to enjoy more truth filled programming visit the amazing facts media library at aft vor G at aft vor G you can enjoy video and audio presentations as well as printed material all free of charge 24 hours a day seven days a week right from your computer or mobile device visit aft vo RG DT no amazing backs has a free 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Channel: SDA Burgas
Views: 3,471
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Keywords: doug, batchelor, invitation, not, isolation, bible, anwers, live, sda, burgas, seventh, day, adventist, amazing, facts
Id: 1x4eoqN4IbQ
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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